Patient File NPD

Zunnie had been getting better day after day and she was becoming tired of the white hospital walls and the scent. She desperately wanted to return to the outside world.

So much that every day Dr. Sean came for her usual examination, she whined and pestered him about discharging her like a little child begging their parents for a puppy. Even though she had agreed when Alex told her to not be stubborn and listen to Dr. Sean, she had to try her luck. Maybe one day he would get tired of her asking and just let her go home.

"Dr. Sean are you not tired of having me here. I think its time I return to civilization. You know, my job, the fresh air. I'm feeling fine today. When am I going to be discharged?"

His response was always the same... "Mrs. Zi, we have to keep you until you're fully recovered. It's not safe to send you out to civilization yet. Don't worry you be going home soon."

But it was two weeks after she had woken up, and yet still, she spent every day in that same white room, surrounded by beeping machines.

Zunnie frowned as she flipped through the updated patient files her secretary had dropped off earlier in the week. She had been busy reading through them when she heard a soft knock on the door. Fearing it was Alex, she hurriedly hid the files beneath her pillow and picked up the book next to her, pretending to be engrossed in reading it.

Seeing that the person did not immediately enter, she shouted out;

"Come in..."

The last person she had anticipated walked in holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers. She had a bright smile on her face as she walked into the room.

"My, you have gotten better. Sorry, it took me a while to visit, I was shooting in Italy. How are you Mrs bai?" Her tone sent chills down Zunnie's spine. Her hand holding the book tightened as she forced a smile to reply.

"Natalia it sure has been long since I last set my eye on you. You really did not have to come to see me, to look like a million bucks to others. I know how conniving you are. Also, please don't patronize me, we're not that close."

"Tut-tut, don't be so harsh. Too bad whoever did this was not successful. I could have the one standing beside Alex grieving your unfortunate and tragic death." Natalia replied coldly.

"You're still hung up on Alex? The time you spent away I really thought you taken that time to move on and accept reality. Who would have guessed you were missing in action because you were plotting my death."

"You have no right to accuse me. I had nothing to do with your accident. You know if I wanted you dead you would be. Plus, I would never hurt my darling Alex. Putting the man, I'm fond of in danger because I want you out of the picture is quite absurd; don't you think?" Talia sneered.

"Oh, pardon my imprudence. I could have sworn you were the one who hated me the most. I guess I'm more hated then I imagined." Zunnie's sarcasm was as clear as a summer day.

"What can I say, you've pissed off a lot of women. Stealing and marrying Una City's most eligible bachelor placed a target right on your back. Anyway, don't mind me, I only came because I want Alex to think the best of me. I will take my leave now. Get well soon...or don't. Either way, I will always love Alex." Talia left a bewildered Zunnie staring at the spot she had been standing.

Even though she was mindful of Natalia, there was no telling what she was capable of doing. Zunnie pulled the files in her hand scan browsed through the one she had read earlier.

She wondered if Talia's file had been sent to her by accident. She really wanted to get in touch with Dr. Pouh but Alex had seized her phone after he caught her making work-related calls.

Zunnie sat on the bed stupefied as she read the file word for word.

"That explains everything…" Zunnie mumbled as she hungrily took in every word on the document as if it were a grape flavored popsicle. The expressions on her face changing with every section. She furrowed her brow in amusement, then frowned. Her eyes grew wide, then she shook her head and frowned once again. As she read Talia's patient file, these facial expressions recurring.

When she finished reading every detail, word for word, she reached for her phone to call Dr. Pouh but it was gone. She had forgotten that Alex had hidden her. She sighed got out of bed and hid the files in her bag.

Standing before the glass gazing into the night sky, she got excited at thought of treating Talia. But truthfully Zunnie was certain that Talia would flip if she ever found out she was cognizant of her personality disorder, let alone have Zunnie be her psychologist. Talia seemed too proud, to let her rival treat her.

Although her case was complicated, this challenge was one Zunnie did not mind undertaking.

She sighed again as she considered different methods she could employ to treat Talia, but immediately push the thought out her mind when she felt a pair of strong arms around her waist and a familiar scent filling her air around her.

"What's causing you to sigh this worryingly?" His husky voice whispered into her ear.

"Darling, you're back…can we go home? Please bribe Dr. Sean with the money you've been making. Maybe then he will discharge me." She looked like a little child about to cry.

"Remember I said just be patient."

"Alright, Alright. I give up."