The Ring Leader

The moment his hand touched hers she raised her teary eyes to gaze at him. She gave him and warm smile as the other hand took a tissue from the ones on the table and handed it to her.

"Thank you…" She replied in almost a mumble.

Talia dried her tears, cleared her throat then took a sip from the wine he had ordered for her.

"I guess I have truly lost and there is no way I can ever win a place in your heart... other than that brother-sister love or that childhood friendship. Ah, I'm heartbroken. Why couldn't it be me? I knew you first. I always came to your university and checked on you. I guess I should have told you sooner; maybe then I would have had a chance."

"I'm sorry it turned out this way Talia..."

"It was Victoria…" Talia said cutting him off as if she did not want to hear what he had to say.

"When Victoria found out you and Zunnie had gotten married, she came up with the plan. Yes, I knew about it and did nothing because I was hoping that maybe if Victoria succeeded, then me and you could have what I have wanted all along. A loving relationship where you would look at me; not as a sister but as someone you truly love. I know not saying anything was selfish of me, but Victoria had no idea you would be in that vehicle. When she tried to call Tami to tell her to call off the driver, it was too late. Tami was already on a plane to Italy to see me."

Alex listened, not uttering a word. He let go of the hand that was holding Talia's and clenched his fist. His amber eyes that had been sympathetic towards her wee now cold as if the light in them had been put out. He knew there was more, so he waited for her to continue.

"We all met at a party Tami's older brother had planned. Tami told us of her crush on Carson Maule and we urged her to confess to him. However, a few days after the party Carson rejected Tami and stated there was already someone whom he loved. I don't know what happened between Tami and Victoria after this because work started getting busy and I had to get ready for the movie shot in Italy. I later found out that Victoria began pursuing Tami's brother, so she could use him if anyone thought she was the culprit. I don't think she told Tami about that, but I knew. She got close to Tami and took advantage of her anger. It was all her idea to teach Zunnie Bai a lesson. I knew for a fact she was planning something, but I only found out what had happened when Tami came to visit me in Italy. I'm really sorry Alex."

The moment she finished speaking Alex kicked back the chair and strode out the restaurant living her alone. He got in his car and drove to a secluded park nearby. There were not many people there. He sat on one of the benches replaying everything Talia just told him. Deep down he was certain that it was Victoria given her history, but Carson had convinced him that she had nothing to do with the accident.

Alex was brought back to reality when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. The caller ID read, 'Honey Bunny.'

He stared at the screen for a while before answering.

"Honey are you home? I'll be there in a few hours."

"Yes, I just got home. Darling come straightaway home, I'm cooking us dinner don't take long."

"Mhm… See you in a few hours." He ended the call.

After making a few calls, Alex found Victoria's address. He had his men go pick her up and take her to his security base.

A few moments later, he arrived at the security base. His men met him outside and informed him of the details the had discovered, and that they had placed her in one of the interview rooms.

He poured himself a drink before going into the room Victoria was in.

"You have no right to hold me here Alex." She exclaimed the moment he entered.

Alex ignored her, pulled one of the chairs in the room and sat a few feet away from her. He creased his brow as he stared at her. She had not changed at all. Her spiteful characteristics were still there. Her sadistic mouth still spewed lies and hate.

"You already know the reason why you're here, save yourself the trouble. No-one is going to come to save you. Don't try to play the victim because we both know that you are a conniving bitch. Save your phony cries for someone who cares because no one here is going to help you. Don't think about screaming at the top of your lungs, we're in the middle of nowhere. You won't get rescued. When I'm done with you, you're going to regret ever walking into my life. I'm going to have my men beat you so bad that when they're through you can only use a wheelchair to get around."

Alex was so cold that if were a superhero, he would be the villain, Mr. freeze from the Tv series 'Gotham'. He stood up from the chair ignoring the terrified look in her eyes walked to the door then paused;

"Cassie, show her no mercy, I'll be back tomorrow…"

Before exiting the room, he turned to Vitoria and said;

"I'll come tomorrow to get my hands dirty. My wife you almost killed is cooking me dinner and she asked me not to be late. Plus, I would hate to upset her."


When he got home, he smiled the moment he smiled the delicious aroma from the kitchen. Zunnie had her back him so he sneakily strolled over to her and hugged her waist.

"Ahh, Darling you scared me." She turned to face him.

"Dinner smells delicious and so do you." He whispered into her ear while inhaling the sweet shampoo scent from her hair.

She smiled up at him, making him forget all that had transpired throughout the day.

"Then you should go shower and come eat." She blushed and pushing him away.

Alex chuckled then headed up the stairs to their bedroom for a quick shower. Seeing her always lightened his mood. He smirked on his way up the stairs as he thought about what he was going to do to her after they had eaten dinner.