You really are a tsundere

By the time fairy Xia completed her 'analysis', sect master Xie's face had already alternated between red and green many times.

His anger and frustration had reached to the point where he wanted to call the pill master to check Xia Junling's head. What sort of a pit must have appeared in her brain to be infected with such a crazy delusion.

Even if the pill master couldn't cure her, he would make the pill master create some anti-depression pills for himself. He didn't feel like he could handle the stress any longer. (T_T)

While sect master Xie was contemplating his life, fairy Xia was also standing before him. When she saw her sect master's rapidly changing face which rivaled grand chameleons, she felt like she had touched his sore spot and misunderstood the situation.

She softly consoled him. "Don't worry sect master, it is not your fault. Love is blind. Although you guys may be enemies but that is no reason to feel so depressed."

"…" Depressed? The reason for my depression is you.

"No matter what, I will always stand beside you."

My god! That's a scary suggestion you have there. Even going alone to fight the demonic sects seems like a better option than having you beside me.

"So, never give up."

"…" Just let me go. (T_T)

*sigh* the sigh master, or rather the sect master sighed again.

He could neither punish her and neither could he win her in an argument. All he wanted now was for her to move far away from him for a few days.

Far away? Yeah, there was that option left.

It seemed like a switch inside him had been flipped over. Sect master Xie immediately regained his bearing.

"We detected some weird spiritual fluctuation in the Qing Shan Empire. Although Qing Shan is nothing more than a secular empire, the flux we detected was like here in the cultivation world. I want you to go and investigate this matter." Of course, he conveniently left out the most likely possibility of it being a teleportation transit point for some rookie cultivator who needed to travel elsewhere.

"Remember, you must find out the reason before you get back here." Yes, just keep strolling in the mortal realm for a few years.

"Eh! Why should I be the one to visit there?" Fairy Xia felt wronged to be sent away for no reason. Weren't there dozens of cultivators relaxing out there.

Having had anticipated her question, sect master Xie showed a dazzling smile. "Don't worry, you will get paid."

"Don't worry sect master, you can leave all these minor tasks to this elder. As a role model for future cultivators and for the safety of our sect, I shall cross ice and fire to give back satisfactory results." Xia Junling puffed her chest and began her inspirational speech. ($_$)

"…" Role model? Sect master Xie's eyebrows twitched for a moment. "Whatever, take this long distance communication crystal with you. Inform the sect if you fall in any difficulty."

"Elder Xia Junling shall keep it in mind." After saying that, fairy Xia made her way to the exit.

Sect master Xie nodded in satisfaction after seeing her serious conduct.

However, that satisfaction was destined to be short-lived because he ended up listening to her mumbles which came thereafter.

"Poor sect master is still being tsundere about Qie Xing. We have already heard his 'Old Qie, wait for me' dialogues during his closed cultivation from the immortal cave. There is no need for him to be suppress his feelings."



After ascertaining that Xia Junling had walked out from the hall, sect master Xie turned his attention to the left corner of the room. "You can come out now, she is already gone."

A ripple appeared from the empty seat in the left side of the hall.

"To be able to ascertain my position, it seems like you have crossed your bottleneck. Congratulations, I guess. At any rate, rumors can't be trusted in the martial world."

A young cultivator with graceful bearing but contrasting snow-white hair said as he made his way towards the center of the hall.

Sect master Xie looked at him with a bitter smile. "You can't blame me for hiding it. There are far too many spies in the sect. Forget about the new disciples, even among my own generation, I have no idea how many of them are truly loyal to the sect."

When he thought about the fact that some of his martial brothers and sisters with whom he shared multiple life-death battles together could be spies, sect master Xie could not help but make a melancholic smile.

The white-haired cultivator nodded. "Indeed, it is always better to hide some trump cards. Especially now that multiple righteous and demonic sects have started to make their move."

Sect master Xie frowned. "Is it related to the prophecy made by the divinity sect."

The white-haired cultivator did not make any comment but simply nodded once to show his answer.

"When the ruler descends, the world shall face upheaval. The heavens shall change, and new dynasties will be created. The old debt shall be repaid, and the ancient blood will dominate again."

"The prophecy extends beyond our realm till the heavens. It does feel foolish trying to control such a thing if it truly exists."

"Well, it is not like they have a choice. They are just a branch of their main sects from immortal realm. We will also be forced to make a move if the higher-ups order us." The white-haired cultivator commented indifferently.

Unlike lower sects, strong sects like their Profound Sect had connections with the upper realms. These connections were formed after their cultivators ascended to the upper realm. Conversely, some sects were created by the guidance of sects in upper realm. The divinity sect was an example. These sects were created to have a certain level of influence in the lower realm.

"Well, I suppose that is true."

"Rather than these distant matters, I am more surprised that you let Xia'er go so easily."

Sect master Xie simply shrugged at the white-haired cultivator's question. "Despite her actions, Junling is actually quite intelligent. She was most likely trying to divert my attention because she thought I would feel sad after failing my breakthrough. If she was as stupid as she depicts herself to be, she could not have influenced the entire sect to change in her whims."

Sect master sect felt conflicted and lightly shivered when he remembered how unrecognizable the sect was when he walked out of closed cultivation.

"Of course, she is a sentimental and caring child." Unlike sect master Xie, the white-haired cultivator had a proud and doting expression in his face.

Sect master Xie lamented with a tired expression. "Why does your image always crumble before my eyes whenever she is mentioned."

"She is my one and only disciple after all. Isn't it natural for a father to be proud of his daughter."

"Yeah, yeah. As you say, martial uncle."

"Besides, didn't you also create a bunch of reasons to send her to secular empire because you wanted her to not be embroiled in the turbulent situation of the cultivation world."

"Don't group us in the same category. The sect transformation aside, she went a bit too far by spreading those rumors."

"Look at your lame excuses. Geez, she was right. You really are a tsundere."
