(L pov)

"I'm sorry... I had to kill him. He took my virginity. My own brother.... He ruined other girls life too. I had to kill him. . " sobs

She has been crying like that for a while now.

"You should have report it to police."

"I wanted to. But... But my mom stopped me. sobs She didnt want to anger her bf or ruin the reputation. "

"Now tell me.. How did u kill him? "



(Rachel pov)

It's been a months since I had been raped by my own brother. I couldn't even report him. So I decided to forget about it and move on. It's been a while since I last met with my frnd too. So I decided to go visit her dorm. I'm currently standing in the lobby or hall room.

"Hey.!" I heard my frnd yelling from quite a distance. She came and hugged me.

"So how have u been doing? " my frnd asks me worried because she knew about IT.

"I'm okay. I'm fine now. weak smile"

"I'm gla--" she got interrupted by the sudden noise through the hall.

U asshole! How dare u come to our dorm!!

My frnd and I both are shocked.

"Isn't that your brothe--"

I slammed my hand on top of her mouth and dragged her out of there. We hid for a while.

"Shhh..." As I hushed her.. I peeked a little.... 

don't ever put ur disgusting hands on her. Or else I will pull out those slutty eyes and torture u to death. Leave!!!! "

" I will see u... "  

Looks like my brother is leaving.

I sighed. We came to the hallway.. I hear people gossiping.

"Wasn't that her bf? "

"No.. I heard.. They broke up. "

"Why do u think he got threatened by her? "

"I heard he wanted to have sex with her."

"Really? "


I couldn't believe what I was hearing.. Looks like he has been having sex with other girls. This needs to be stopped. But I can't even report him. My thought were interrupted by my frnd.

"Hey.. Do you hear that.. "

"I'm sorry. I think I need to go. "

"Really? "

"Yeah.. Sorry.. "

Like that. I left.


next day

I hv to do something... I have to... Or more girls will be his victim. I need to do something. How could that jerk live like that.. He doesn't deserve to live. Wait.. Maybe he should die... Yes... He must die.. Kekekeke....

I began to plan about what I should do.

So as planned... I decided to go to his house.

At his house..

Ding dong...

He opens the door.

"O my... Hey. Never thought u would come to see me after that. Did u finally miss me?"

Even tho I was grossed cuz of him... I decided to play along.

"Maybe... smiles thought we could hang out. Ya know.. "

"Oh baby.. I'm ready to hang whenever u want. So what do u wanna do..? "

We are sitting on his couch.

"Let's watch some movies. "

As we were watching movie.. Someone unexpectedly comes here. I can hear them talk.

  I cant believe this disgusting jerk... Wow.. Even tho i said i'll be here.. He flirts with her. I guess seducing him and killing him wont work since im in no mood now. I better leave. After that... I left the house and went to the back ground to go up through the escape stairs.

Time skips~~~

Looks like someone came to visit. He ran outside. Good.

I hid by the door holding a heavy vas. As he came through the door...



I smacked his head with that vas. Now now the fun part. I tied him with chair .


He began to wake up.

"What the... Sis..., what r u doing with that knife?"

"Oh this? waving it in his face this is for the return gift.. U did give me the 'best' gift of my life months ago... Right? How can I not give u in return..." evil smile

"Hahahha.. Do really think u can do that... Throw the knife away, love."

"Says the one tied to the chair. I need to return for the 'favor' u did By raping me"

"Wait what.. Rape? Oh ho.. No no no.. I think u have mistaken. Cuz last time I checked u enjoyed it. U moaned for me like craz... UGGGHH! "

I stabbed him on his thigh.

"Damn you bit---.. "

I taped his mouth.

"Oh.. I don't want anyone hear to scream now. I can't let anyone interrupt. "

and then tortured him just the way he was threatened.

"Bye bye.. Brother. "

Then I left him there to die. He will probably die of blood loss.

------flashback ends------

"That's how I did"


(L pov)

After that I left... Called my assistant to bring her so that we can go back to my previous office. 

Time skip~~

After hours of driving.. My office comes to the view. I can see my frnd waving.

"Hey man.. " he hugs me..

"Hey... Here is the recorder and there's the killer. " I say... As my assistant brings her out of the car..

"So u finally did it. smiles"

"Yea.. Finally" smile

"Why don't u give her the good news yourself? "

" her? "

"You know who I mean. She will be happy. "

"Hehe.. Why would there be any difference between your telling and I.. It's not like she likes me or anything. "

"Who knows she might... smirk"

I look at my frnd doubtfully..

"No.. No... Not possible. She probably hates me. "

"Well... If u say so.. "

After that.. I walked back to my car. Glancing back for the last time... What if she liked me? Naahhh... Probably not. I smiled and drove away.