Am I a monster, Grandma?

At my place, The Folklore of the Thorn Tribe is the most popular among people at Wiba Country. The festival of Thorn Night will be held to celebrate the love of Palvis and Pearl. It will be the most participated of young people in the Wiba Country, and the government has gazetted that 28 January every year will be a national holiday to hold the Festival.

So when the big event coming nearer, my grandmother will start busy doing flower hair wreath to sell at the festival. it was one of the most sought items during the festival. For any girl who wears it are considered taken. So all the single man will definitely buy one will do their best to place it on the girl they like. The more beautiful and complicated to make the more expensive it will be.

My grandmother is the best maker for flower hair wreath. watching her since I was a kid, I also inherited those skill. but I'm more proficient making Spiral Macrame Bracelet. People who already a couple before the festival will buy the set couple bracelet.

There is a reason why I don't use my skill and helping grandma making the flower hair wreath.

One fine evening, near the festival, without my grandma knowledge since she busy at the kitchen preparing dinner, i make a few flower wreath. I was so adamantly tried hard to make it beautiful using some dried flowers and twigs. I manage to make a few and my fingers got cut a few times making it. I hide my works inside among her finishing product.

During dinner, she notices I put two bandages on my right fingers. Looking at her grimace expression, I said it was from papercut when doing my school homework. She said nothing and we resume having dinner in silence.

After dinner, I will accompany her doing flower hair wreath. She has forbidden me to touch her sharp equipment but she doesn't mind me watching her doing her work. I truly cannot hide my excitement anymore. So, I blurt it out.

"Grandma, don't you notice any different from all those flower hair wreaths?"

I pinpoint the area where her finished product is been placed. She looks at my direction, and I gleefully watched her checking one by one of it. She pulls out three of them that she doesn't recognize.

She looks tense. Does this not please her even a bit? I was very confused about her reaction.

Then she looks sharply on my bandaged fingers.

"Do you injure your fingers doing this?"

I nodded, I don't want to lie anymore.

Her face becomes white pale. Like all blood drained from her face. I was so scared. I thought she will faint but she took an unexpected reaction. She grabs all the finished flower hair wreath and throws it at the burning fireplace. The fire suddenly becomes big eating all those flowers. My grandmother doesn't stop there. She took all her equipment, the unused flower, and even the table clothes at her works station and throw it on the fire too.

I was so shocked by her action.

"Am I a monster, Grandma?!!"

I run to my room, the tears won't stop flowing. Why grandma? Do you hate me that much? Is my blood THAT dirty?

Later at night, with tears soaking my pillow, I vaguely hear my grandma soft words, tinted with regret.

"Your flower hair wreaths are the most beautiful I ever seen. But it was tainted with your blood. Even it wasn't tainted, i still will never sell those. If not because we need extra money, I will never sell my works at that despicable festival. Palval and his descendant can rot to hell for all I care!"