One night in years ago (The First Fire-Part 3)

"Lub-DUB, lub-DUB, lub-DUB"

Everything is dark, she cannot sense anything. Except for the sound. The echoes sound getting louder until she notices it comes inside from her small chest. The louder it sounds, the more uneasy she feels.

"Mommy? Erin scared."

"Mommy? Daddy?"

"Where are you? Don't leave Erin. Erin scared"

"Daddy? Mommy?"

Erin keeps screaming calling out her parents. But no matter how loud she screaming, she can't find them. The blood that keeps pumping her heart now transmitted a burning sensation and it spread in her whole body. The burning now feels multiple and the dull pain from her scrapped knees getting intense and in no time becoming excruciating. And her chest feel much worse!

"It me....its hooootttt.." Shrieked Erin as she clutched her chest.

"Lub-DUB, lub-DUB, lub-DUB"

The sound that she heard now going strong as it reverberates through the whole house. Everything is still dark, except the sound and the painful burning as she struggles inside her mind...

The unconscious Erin didn't realize at the floor where a pool of her red blood spilled from her scraped knees slowly became orange-red like a fire in liquid form. The floor became tinged with black but eventually within a couple of seconds, they began to burn as if the very flames of hell had manifested in their surroundings.

Some of the orange-red liquid changing its form and become a beautiful sparkling light dust and spreading into the air. And anything that beautiful sparkling light dust touch immediately catches the fire. The house caught fire in no time. The smell of smoke eventually what make Erin aware of her surrounding.

Despite the pain, she was feeling relief. Her mother didn't abandon her as she fears. Because right now she is in her mother lap and was been embraced tightly by her mother. Still, it didn't ease the uneasy feeling. Unlike before her mother standing in moving and not looking at her but now her mother was hugging her too tight however her mother still unmoving even she keeps calling her.

The smoke making it harder for her to breath. She coughs a few times and even with that, she struggling and try to ease from her mother embraces. Sophie was in deep concentration to heal her daughter, but her weak body makes the healing go slower then she anticipated. Even though she didn't open her eyes she knew the ominous feeling already appear. She can hear the sound of burning around her and the intense burning heat. She opened her eyes slowly and watch Erin inside her arms struggling.

"Erin? Are you okay?"

Erin round eyes brimming full of tears. The trace of tears combined with smoke stain mar on her smooth baby cheeks. Erin nodded and return her mother's embrace.

"Erin scared Mommy!"

"I want Daddy!"

"Me too darling."


The sound like a big wood cracking coming from the ceiling above of her head. The mother's instinct in her knew she won't make it on time to move both of them from incoming danger. She quickly shoved Erin as far she can before the beam fall on both of them. The crash of the beam that falls on her enough to knock her out.

Erin was disoriented when she was been thrown by her mother and she inhales too much smoke.

With teary eyes, she crawled back to her mother. Her house is currently battling the raging fire. Even in her four-year-old mind, she knew she must take her mother out of the house soon or she will lose her mother too. Erin tries to drag her mom who already fainted. But her strength is not enough, one by one wood from ceiling fall, the fire keeps burning mad.

Soon enough Erin drained all her energy and collapse on top of her mother. She can see blackness is coming again surrounding with bottomless despair.