Chapter 1.0 Xiu Ying Death


"Shit! I can't believe it" Xiu Ying choked out as the light faded from his sight. Truth be told that Xiu Ying should not have died so early but because of the god of system that was helping the god of death to rearrange some of file he had accidentally mess up Xiu Ying file and when he went to fix it instead of writing December 28, 2078 at 2: 30 pm he wrote December 28, 2018 at 2: 30pm instead.

Unfortunately that was today, so Xiu Ying died choking on a cookie that he had finally got after threatening a 10 year old kid to kill his parents if he didn't give him the cookie. What do they say karma is bitch but Xiu Ying is also a bigger bitch so it worked out quite well.

The last thought that went through Xiu Ying head was that he did not even get to finish eating half of that cookie.


Up some where in the heavens is a god getting spanked by another God.

"Ahhh I'm s-sorry I d-didn't mean to" cried out the god of system as he was in pain because the god of death was spanking him for messing up his file after he begged him to help him work. If the god of death also called GD knew that GS which is the god of system would have cause him so much work he would not have let GS his cute lover puppy dog eyed him into helping him work because he felt bored just monitoring his system work because now he has to go to the god of fate GF, to ensure that the death of Xiu Ying does not cause the world to destruct.

Yes fate has everyone connected in some way. Xiu Ying sudden death can lead to someone dying and that someone can lead to someone else dying and the list goes on...

" P-please GD I will fix this. I will make a more advanced system just for him. Please don't be mad. I love you" GS said looking like he had been bullied with his long silky hair falling in front of his face and lips red from biting and his face pink and flushed red from crying and his eye shining with tears. The sight made his lover slightly less mad but more horny. GD sighed because he knew that his lover is a airhead sometimes so he decided to forgive him this time but he would still claim his compensation.

"Ok you better do that but your body will be my compensation for the extra work " said GD with a evil spine chilling smirk. GS gulp knowing he would not be sleeping tonight and next night.


Coughing was heard in a empty room echoing about. Everything in the room was white, the room was very large and everything appeared to be blank, there was no door just a bed and a bed table with a lamb on it. On the bed laid a beautiful man with jade like skin, pink lips that would turns red from his nervous habits of biting and the constant licking of his lip. His abnormal white blonde hair that does not match his heritage and his silver eyes that was flickering open.

" Where my cookies!!!" Xiu Ying shouted waking up looking around the room wildly realizing that he was not walking down street but instead in a very very white room. Sudden realization hit him and he realized that he was dead.

A red ball appeared in the room but Xiu Ying does not see it because his head was down crying because of realization.

The red ball was sad because he thought that he got a wimp as his very first host. When his master GS created him he had made him very advance and he had a lot of points to give his host but he felts that his host did not deserve it because he could of gave it to someone that was strong, cool and O.P like the other systems hosts were. The red ball was suddenly interrupted from his thought by

"I didn't even eat half of that cookie. God why, WHY!!!" Xiu Ying sobbed out. Xiu Ying was not crying because he was dead, he was crying because now that he was dead he did not know if he could get any more cookie plus when he was eating the cookie he had start to eat the side with the less cholocate so he did not get to eat the good part. He wiped his eyes and glance at the sudden colour in the room. Why is there a red ball floating around in the air he thought to his self. The red ball was creep out by his host weird behaviour. The host was just staring at him with a weird glint in his eyes.

"uh host, hi I am better your fate system, you can call me system 987,578,654,587,544,466,754,368,530 or you can call me Bf for short. You are dead host so stop the crying. It's no use crying over spilled milk." the host said to Xiu Ying.

"Do you have a cookie?" that was all Xiu Ying replied, he did not even ask if he was dead neither did he even freaked out about a red talking and floating ball. That crept out the system because the host had even started to reach out his hand to him and than he suddenly felt his self been drag down to his host mouth.


Xiu Ying spited out the ball out of his mouth, all he wanted was a cookie and that red ball does not even taste like one. He wanted to cry again. When Xiu Ying father and mother died he did not even cry or feel anything but here is this normally emotionless boy eyes tearing up over not getting a cookie.

"What do you want " said Xiu Ying glaring at the red ball that is shivering in what appeared to be a corner feeling violated after been used and spited out by his host. Mr. Bf was now scared of his host and started to talk to his host at a very far distance to prevent a repeat.

"Because your death was an accident of the God of Systems and you were not due to die until 70 more year, you have been given another chance to live by traveling to different worlds to gain points and skills which can be used to reconstruct your body to live again if you want or you can use it to remain in a world that you like. I will be your guide along the way and I am not like the other systems, I am more advanced than the other systems meaning that you host will have more point to begin with than any other host had ever gotten before and the host beginner kit have some skills that are at a mastery level which would have normally have to be paid for with alot of points." the system said to Xiu Ying expecting him to be happy or overwhelmed or to even ask more questions but instead...

"let's begin then little red" said Xiu Ying looking at the system boredly.



1306 words

This is my first ever story. Please tell me if there is any mistakes I will make sure it is fixed. Constructive criticism please and thank you.

Please vote because it will motive me to write two more chapter and it will prevent writer block 😁 your vote is my cure. 😘😙

Hope you enjoy

Anyways I will try to write a chapter everyday but the most days that will pass and don't write anything is three.