Chapter 17 - Help us

"Quick, quick!" shouted Emma's grandpa as the crawled through the hole, "Emma are you okay?" Emma's father asked, "yes dad... I am okay" Emma answered. It took them a minute to get through the hole and the debris until they ended up in a broken-down hallway. "This is one if the main hallways in this hospital... it's also one if the furthest from the exit" Emma's grandpa said to them, "there has to be some closer exits, like emergency exits... right? Tell me that there are..." Emma asked her grandpa, Emma knew the answer straight away as her grandpa looked at his feet, "no Emma, sadly" Emma's grandpa answered, "but don't worry, I know this whole building inside out!" he adds, "soooo.... can we get a move in now?" Emma's father asked, "yes okay, come on follow me" Emma's grandpa said as the began to walk down the hallways, from time to time they can hear planes flying low past the building and bombs exploding close by. "*sniff* W... what's that smell?" Emma asks, "it's the smell of burning, I know smells pretty bad, but you will get used to it sooner or later" Emma's dad answers. "What now Grandpa?" Emma asks worried as they come to a dead end, the path is covered by a lot of debris. "I.... we need to find an alternative way then...." Emma's grandpa said as he began to look around for another way to get to the other side of the debris, suddenly... "there!" shouted Emma's grandpa as he pointed toward a big open vent, "are you sure grandpa.... that looks kinda dangerous..." Emma said getting concerned,"it's gonna be fine Emma, don't worry" Emma's grandpa reassured Emma as he pulls a table out, above the open vent, and one by one, the climbed on the table and into the vent, they all began to crawl, following the grandpa.

"Get ready to jump down, okay?" the grandpa told Emma and her dad, "okay.... let's try this vent" added the grandpa as he was about to bash open the closed vent, "move back Emma" her dad whispered to Emma as they began to crawl back a bit, "okay.... 3, 2, 1..." the grandpa whispers to himself as he charged for the closed vent, *bang!* the grandpa managed to make a dent in the closed vent but did not open the vent, "oh crap!" he said to himself in pain, "grandpa? Are you okay?" Emma asked concerned, "shit.." her father added, Emma went to her grandpa, "I'm fine I guess..." said the grandpa as the sleeve if the white lab coat began to go red, "oh crap Grandpa, you are bleeding!" Emma shouted getting scared, "wait, move a bit" Emma's dad said as he was about to attempt to break the vent, *loud bang* the big vent broke and fell to the floor, "come on!" Emma's father added. "Okay, grandpa we need to find you a bandage, come on" Emma said as they began to run steadily down another long hallway and dark hallway, the only light source is from Emma's fathers touch and some sparks coming from the broken lights, "ugh, all the rooms so far are blocked by debris!" Emma's father said furiously, but then they stumble across a unblocked dark room, "Let's go in here..." Emma said, feeling a bit tense, and right by the door they find a first aid kit, the quickly grab it and come back out. Emma opens the kit, she sees a lot of things in the kit, but no bandages can be found, "crap!" Emma said angrily, "what?" asked Emma's dad, "there are no bandages" Emma answered, "nothing then... we have to keep in looking!" Emma's father said to Emma and the grandpa, "I'll be fine... don't worry about me, I'm old anyways" Emma's grandpa reassure them, as he chuckled, "no dad, I can't let you suffer like that, it will get a bad infection, we need to find bandages" Emma's dad told the grandpa, "actually, I just remembered, there is a 'special room' that the hospital uses to store the bandages only" Emma's grandpa told Emma and her dad, "but... I doubt that there will be any bandages left" Emma's grandpa adds, "well we would not know if we don't see it, right?" Emma tells her grandpa trying to be optimistic, "yeah Emma is right, come on, do you know the way to that room?" Emma's father said.

They begin they way, following the grandpa, they pass room by room, and obstacle by obstacle, "are we almost there grandpa?" Emma asked, "not yet, but we are more than half way through, there is not that much left actually" Emma's grandpa answered as he scratched his head, "oh shit, look at that" Emma's dad said as they see a wall of debris blocking the way, "we have to find another alternative way then... ahh" Emma's grandpa added. They all begin to look around them to see if there is any way that they can use to get past the debris, Emma looks up, and something catches her eye, "look!" she said as she pointed towards the ceiling, "we can get through that hole, right?" Emma asks, "I mean.... that can be a bit too dangerous, but it could be our only way" Emma's father said. "I... I don't know, seems a bit too small, I will be scared to death if I get stuck there" Emma's grandpa said, "no you won't dad, we will help you if you actually get stuck, okay?" Emma's dad said to grandpa, "oh okay, but you better help me!" Emma's grandpa said getting angry. Emma's grandpa stood on the table above the hole in the wall and jumped a bit, gripping the wall as he, head first began to go through the hole, "ugh, I... I don't really pay this out well, did I?" Emma's grandpa said, scared, "dad you will be fine, just grab on to the nearest and the mist stable thing to get your legs through the hole and you'll be fine" Emma's dad comforted the grandpa. After a few minutes the can see the legs disappearing into the hole, "did you make it grandpa?" Emma asked her grandpa, "yes, yes I did, thankfully" Emma's grandpa answered. Next was Emma, her dad supported her until she got a good grip in the wall, and her grandpa told her where to grab on to to get there legs down, "a... are you sure that this is safe grandpa?" Emma asked worried, "yes, listen, if I made it, than you can make it too, now come on you can do it" Emma's grandpa said to her. Emma grabbed onto the pole, she was ready to get her legs through the hole, first her left leg, she raised it up and got it through the hole, "halfway there Emma, come on!" Emma's grandpa reassure Emma, "is everything okay Emma" Emma's dad asked her, "y... yes dad, I'm just a tiny bit s... scared" Emma answered, "okay now your right leg Emma, okay?" her dad told her as he began to lift her right leg slowly to aid her, "I... I can to this dad, thanks for the help" Emma told her dad as she began to raise her right leg and as she was about the get it through the hole, she lost her balance and fell, hitting her head off the floor, becoming unconscious, "oh shit! Emma!?" her dad shouted as he quickly climbed through the hole, "Emma!?" he called out again.