Growing Pains

"Oi!! You there! No skills allowed here in the guild! You didn't even try to hide the changes in your mana! Are you picking a fight!" Within a few seconds after activating his skill, Sebastian was surrounded by the guild guardsmen.

"No skills or spells in the guild! Didn't you learn that? Do you want your status to be changed to a Wanted person?" The guards weren't letting up as they kept their weapons raised and aimed towards Sebastian.

"Now now guys, please don't be too rash. If I'm not mistaken, it was only a reinforcement skill. He couldn't possibly harm 2 or 3 adventurers with that, much less a group of guild guardsmen. Please lower your weapons down, and we'll ask him why he did that okay?" Jin stepped forward to defend his party member after witnessing the situation between Sebastian and Melissa earlier. "Sebastian, why did you use [Augment]? Is everything okay?"

"I'm sorry for the mess. I was flustered since Melissa here wanted to join our party. I thought that I might misunderstand the situation, so I wanted to calm my mind while I analysed the situation. Since I was overwhelmed to begin with, I forgot that skills or spells were not allowed in the guild. I honestly meant no harm." Sebastian restricted the coursing mana throughout his body, stopping the [Augment] skill at once.

"Are you bloody serious..." The guards couldn't believe what they heard. "Because you were shocked after a woman wanted to join your party."

"This might be a good time to remind everyone that Sebastian here came from the countryside, so there are a lot of experiences that are foreign for him." Jin used their ready-made excuse to hide Sebastian's true identity as a Forgotten One.

"Country hicks I tell you. They will end up having themselves killed, or their party killed. If you are responsible for him Jin, then we'll leave him in your hands. You three might want to take this conversation outside." With an indignant sigh, one of the guardsmen finally sheathed his sword as he went back to his post. The others either smiled sheepishly or sighed as they went back to their posts.

"Sebastian and Melissa, let's go outside while they still allow us to. You don't want to be on their bad side. The both of you also should avoid having a Wanted status on your tags - it will make your lives as adventurers difficult." Jin slowly lead them outside the guild and in front of a street stall. He promptly ordered meat skewers as he sat down with them. When the food arrived, Jin opened the topic again. "Sebastian, why were you so shocked that Melissa wanted to join us?"

"It's not that I was shocked. I didn't know why she wanted to join us since her party looked capable enough. You also look like you're a decent adventurer Melissa." Sebastian took a skewer and started nibbling on it. It was almost an act of formality to Jin since Sebastian had no appetite whatsoever.

"You can call me Mel for short. My party disbanded after the C quest. We were caught unprepared facing against the mutated wolves. Morgan and Ravi have said they want a more peaceful vocation while Ellie has gone to assist the monastery. I've now gone up to a rank D with this quest by the way." Mel proudly held her tag in front of them to see, but it was useless because only the owner and guild employees could see the information window.

"That's all well and good, however you said you're changing your class from a swordswoman to an archer. That means that you'll have to learn the basics in using a bow and the skills that come with it. These two usually consider their adventuring as training, having another lighthearted idiot will be disastrous." Becky came out of the guild to find them in the food stall. She sat down with the group as she voiced her always sharp opinion. She refused to sit down and waved off Jin's offer of meat skewers as she crossed her arms and continued to gaze at Mel intently.

"I know about that. I've been practising the bow since I started training in the monastery, so I won't have any problems with transitioning my class. If my long range attacks fail, then I will be well-versed with the sword to defend myself or even use it for offense. I saw your members when you helped my party. Three close range attackers without a long range attacker is quite an offset."

Her words clearly stung Becky as she flinched when she heard the last part. "You are still considered as a newbie archer in the face of monsters or beasts. We are not a training group just so you know. You can further hone your archery skills in the monastery before you head out on adventures. The last thing we need is a wayward arrow in our backs."

"That's why I said that I have been practising bow beforehand! Did you just practise with a single weapon style all your adventuring days? That learning style leaves a lot to be desired. I can't believe you're a rank D."

"I've almost broken through to a rank C! This wench. Hold your tongue before I rip it out for you." Becky placed her hand on her dagger as she spat out her threats to Mel.

"Stop it you two. We're in a public place. Aside from the guards punishing us, there will be imprisonment involved. You do not want that on your tag." Jin suddenly stood up to stand in between Mel and Becky as he attempted to pacify them.

Sebastian also stood up as he offered his opinion in the matter. He found it fun when Mel was rebuking Becky, but he didn't want it to lead to violence. "Let's do what I would call as a 'temporary contract'. Mel will be with our party for a given amount of time before we decide if Mel stays, and she can also decide if she wants to stay with us. Everyone will be able to decide for the long term then."

"That sounds good to me. However I stand by my choice to use a bow as my main weapon. I still have my skills with the sword so I can be flexible as well." Mel almost looked like she was about to add a sharp remark while looking at Becky however she held it in.

"Fine with me as well. How long will she stay? Let's go with a season. It's nearing the end of spring, so after summer then right?" Becky sat down as she grabbed a meat skewer in front of her. She gulped it down with such tenacity one would think she starved for days.

"Let's make it that way then. We don't have a means to formalise the contract, but the terms will be that Mel adventures with us through the summer and everyone decides whether to keep adventuring as a group when autumn comes. However if you feel that you want to leave beforehand, you can always do so Mel. It's not like we are forcing you to stay with us through the season." Sebastian also sat down as he motioned for everyone to sit down.

"I agree to these terms. It's actually a good idea, well done." Jin patted Sebastian's back as he beamed his smile.

"Me too. I agree to those conditions, and thank you for having me in your party. However we have to go on quests though. You can't tell me that you are going to wait out the entire season just to spite me." Mel added her condition for the temporary contract while continuing to gaze at Becky. It seemed she was expecting further resistances from Becky's end.

"We will definitely be going on quests. These two can't just sit around doing nothing. I assure you their skills and knowledge will waste away easily." Becky massaged her temples as she let out a long sigh as she continued. "Speaking of which, I have contacted a healer via the adventurer guild's messaging system to act as the support for our party as well. I'm still waiting for her response yet though."

"You mean to say that you are actually on good terms with someone?" Jin genuinely looked surprised as he looked at Becky. Sebastian and Mel stifled their laughter while pretending to eat the now-cold meat skewers.

"Are you testing my patience today? I will not hesitate to stab you in public, even if I have to use these skewers you know."

"I was just shocked, that's all. *ehem* When do you think we will know if she will join us or not?" Jin immediately tried to keep the conversation flowing. He definitely took Becky's threat seriously.

"It'll be tomorrow morning at the latest. If anyone has someone else in mind then let's hear it."

"Nobody else aside from Mel responded to our postings unfortunately." Jin bowed out, looking dejected.

"None from me as well. The only capable spellcasters I know are Rivie and Leo so they are both out. Also Ellie from Mel's party has chosen to work for the monastery it seems." Sebastian realised again how limited his personal social circle was. It made him look forward to adventuring with Mel and Becky's friend.

'Does that mean that they know each other before? I wonder why they didn't adventure together before she joined us?' Sebastian entranced himself with questions again as they spent the rest of the informal meal together.


Sebastian snuffed the [Light] spell he was holding out in his hand as he went into the main street. He was going around dodgy alleyways as he tried to reach his destination using the shadows. After checking out their new equipment and having it adjusted that afternoon, everyone went their separate ways. Sebastian immediately prepared for his plans that night.

He fixed the scarf around his neck which he fashioned into a hood as he entered into an unmarked building. He had spent a few months wandering in Wildecross City, so he knew his way around the city - this included the red light district.

"Welcome dear patron. Please enter into one of the private rooms before you remove your cover." A burly dwarf welcomed Sebastian as he promptly led him to a well furnished room. There were no names exchanged, displaying their vow of confidentiality. There were lots of guards around them from the entrance to the private room. 'They value safety and anonymity, however if you make a wrong move it could end bad.' Sebastian reminded himself as he followed the dwarf, who seemed to be the concierge in this establishment.

He motioned for Sebastian to sit down in a chair as he sat opposite him. Tea and fruits were served in front of them, although Sebastian didn't touch anything. He didn't have any appetite, and he didn't trust the other party that much to begin with.

"So what does dear patron fancy today? How can we be of assistance?" Seeing as Sebastian wasn't touching the refreshments placed before him, the dwarf immediately went to business.

"I would like to see the girls you offer. I need to relieve my - needs." Sebastian felt his cheeks flush when he declared his yearning for physical intimacy, however he pointed out to himself that his last intimate contact with a woman was when he was on Earth. With everything that happened here in Kalonia, it was impressive that he didn't break down from the pent up stress. His incident with Rivie in his room and the elf employee in the guild reminded him of it. He had [Augment], but he couldn't rely on it for each time he was flustered.

"I understand that you have your 'needs' as you call it. However we value the safety of the women in this establishment as well. Please know dear patron that if you harm them or coerce them into doing something they are against then we will not hesitate to draw our hand."

"Yes, I fully understand. I was just trying to be coy about it. My needs are mainly for physical intimacy. It has been a while you see."

"Then you've come to the right place. Our sex slaves here are willing to please if it's within their range. We even have spellcasters that can cast light offensive spells and then heal you afterwards if that takes your fancy - though that service will be expensive."

"None of that sort please. It is just mainly physical intimacy almost vanilla, er bland if you will." Sebastian had to correct himself, as he wasn't sure if vanilla existed in this world or not.

"Very well then dear patron. Do you have a preference for race? We have women of every race, and you can bed multiple women at the same time if your stamina and purse are capable enough." The dwarf smirked at the end of his sentence. Sebastian knew that he was trying to touch his pride so he would be worked up and go for multiple women to show off.

"I'm only keen for one partner at the moment, though if I see another one I like I might push it up to two, maybe even three. Coin is of no issue with me." With this, Sebastian knew that the dwarf would now attempt to show the more appealing women aside from the regular ones.

"You have a sensible mind dear patron. I will send for the women now. Please wait here, the women will line up and you can choose then. Let me know if you have decided." The dwarf motioned with his hand, signaling a worker to open a side door and usher a few women in.

Sebastian truly felt that he was in a fantasy world as he was able to peruse the line up in front of him which included the elf and beastkin races. He was extremely fascinated as well as to how the female dwarves looked like teenagers no matter how old they were. It was almost as if they innately had the secret to everlasting youth. Pushing his fascinations aside, he finally decided in choosing a voluptuous human and a slender elf as his partners for the night.

"Good choices. Like I said before, dear patron has a very sensible mind. They will be heading up to your room as they prepare for you. The fee for them both will be 90 silver coins. This includes a complimentary spell of [Cleanse] and [Detoxify] when you finish. Of course, I can attest that the women are clean. It is just to ease your mind dear patron."

Sebastian didn't say anything else as he paid the dwarf in full before he headed up into one of the rooms with the guidance of an employee.

Throughout the night Sebastian used his [Augment] skill in ways he didn't know was possible.