
A new type moved swiftly in the rubble. It had detected a foreign lifeform, different from what it was used to. When their animal instincts kicked in, they only knew two functions: how to mate with the strongest, and devour anything that was foreign. This time it chose the latter.

The new type with the body of a wolf's head and had 8 limbs attached to it saw its target and immediately pounced. With its monstrous speed, it reached its target within a breath's time!

The human male saw the new type and smirked. He simply pointed a finger towards the attacker and unleashed his mana.

Violent mana waves rocked the new type and froze it in place! No matter how much it struggled and used its evolved strength, it couldn't break free from the mana controlled by the human. It could only stare helplessly as it stood a few paces in front of the human.

Maintaining the smirk, the human formed an open hand and slowly balled it into a fist. The mana reciprocated his movement and started to physically constrict the new type.

The new type felt cornered and immediately circulated its own mana. It started glowing brightly to show the amount of mana it was accumulating within itself. It was about to release the pent up mana within when it froze a second time!

This time an elf appeared beside the human. She appeared without any warning, the same as the human male. The elf was holding out her open hands as if she had cast a spell. Only the scale of this spell was extraordinary and affected the entire Kalonia!

Sensing that she had frozen all the new types that now roamed all of Kalonia, she finally turned to the human male. "Victor. You said you merely wanted to observe. You know that our likes cannot interfere physically with this world. That is -"

"One of the tenets for being a god in Kalonia." He finished it off for her.

"You couldn't save the other Forgotten One. Is that why you physically manifested?"

Victor shook his head. "I couldn't save him even if I wanted to. The other Forgotten One tried to artificially induce evolution and ended up destroying Kalonia. I can't save him and terminate the other one. Being impartial is also one of the tenets for gods if I recall correctly?"

The female elf smiled and nodded. "That is correct. We thought that you were upset that nobody worshipped you or offered sacrifices in your name, and the Forgotten Ones after you were causing havoc. We are still in the middle of meetings to decide what we will do with Kalonia. Despite what you think, everyone considers you as one of the gods here. You have earned it."

Victor laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "If Ether, the goddess of fate reassures me, then I don't think I can say anything else after that. As I said, I merely wanted to observe. It's such a shame though, the potential the two Forgotten Ones had if they had only chosen to work together. Oh well." With a turn, he disappeared without a sound like when he arrived. Ether was the only one left in the quiet world of Kalonia. Even a leaf couldn't move under her spell.

With a mysterious smile, she looked at the surrounding ruins, the skeleton corpses, and the new types frozen in their tracks. With a blink, she disappeared without noise as well.