The Ambitious People of Xichon and Kefei

The Chen Family:

Lord Chen Xi: "the man who doubted anyone would believe he was NOT a conspirator."

Lady Chen Guang: "the woman whose private name 'Dew-on-a-Petal' is almost certainly a joke."

(Chen) Tien Lyn: "the pretty girl who learned to say 'Maybe'."

The Mages' Coven:

Uncle Zhu Zhao: "the War Mage with a selectively lousy memory"

Senior Apprentice Finch (aka Rustam the Unsworn): "The man who wishes to be remembered as the author of the epic poem about mucking the pigsty."

Junior Apprentices: Darting Swallow (aka Aynu); Sparrowhawk; Falling Feather, and Duckling "the talented bunch"

Celebrated Emperor Wo Jia: "The glorious despot with a lot of unhappy memories"

Han Zheng aka Zha Yao: "the son of the most skilled concubine that had ever lived."

Won aka Zha Yao the Pretender: "the kind of Outlaw the poets sing about or as close to it as he could manage."

Deserving Du: "the woman who was named after the Wanton Empress Du, only to grew up to be her exact opposite in terms of looks and standards."

Shan Jiang the Honest: "the storyteller who wrote one decent song."

Zha Yao's Five Sworn Companions: Zhenshi the Old and his grandson Zhenshi the Younger, Ma the Smiley, and Wu twins, "great warriors all, but more importantly, the Emperor Wo Jia is crossed with all of them"