WebNovelRe: Union52.17%


Rene woke up the beast in the middle of its rehabilitation period spanning between hundreds of years to eons of rest before it can wreck and administrate havoc between civilization.

With the beast waking up slowly from its disturbed rest, Rene hurriedly scans his target giving him the details and comments the administrators gave him as somewhat of an anchor between sanity and insanity.

(Gravely Injured)

* Tier : IV (VIII)

* Level : ???

* Description : A creature birthed by various cataclysm and calamities. A creature born to erase remnants of civilization and leave out hallowed ground and barren wastelands. This creature is entitled of a unique race of "Calamity Beast" and is covered by unbreakable scales and impenetrable skin with muscles full of vitality and at its core, the heart supplying the beast with inexhaustable energy as it devours suns and stars converted to basic energy in its stomach. Beware as some beasts are developed both its mind is capable of speech and language thus more cunning than any others.

* Description : As the beast still severely injured from the injuries it was inflicted with by a heaven-defying weapon capable of piercing its carapace and skin down to its very core, forcing it to induce a forced-rehabilitation period. The beast still poses a threat with its terrifying regeneration but a calculated strike at its weakpoint may end it.

* Description : "Wouldn't pose a threat even at its prime, if you yourself the only man in this place still at its prime can kill it in a single swipe but well you're back to square one so have fun with that." -Admin

"Well even if I was back in my prime, that wouldn't be a problem but here I am back to my humble beginnings. But...To hell with it man, executing decapitation strategy." Rene charged into the fight as early as possible to avoid and prepare for an attack by most beasts after being disturbed on their slumber, a howl.

With its eyes slowly opening from the thick eyelid to the sticky second epidermis and then the triple-layered eye that induces hallucinations caused by its acuumulated intent after killing millions upon millions of warriors in its prime. It felt a prickling sensation since it hasn't recovered from the damage it took from an archaic structure that resembles a hollow spear that spouted a huge blast of light upon the side of its torso that even its impenetrable scales and carapace couldn't even stop it from reaching damaging its heart that it tries to recover and focusing all its energy reserves unto repairing damage that even its body started to weaken due to lack of energy coursing through its meridians.

With the obvious fault in the creature's defense and the showy weakness it is portraying, the creature starts to cover the paramount end of its seemingly end. Rene quickly aim his rifle unto the target while leaving his exoframe's controls to he shoots out blasts upon blasts of heat upon the cracks dealing nothing but prickish pain to the beast until the frame's turrets locked upon on it, and seconds later in 1.5 second intervals it fired piercing bolts tipped with highly explosive and the rails acts as a starter as it contacts with the tip after slightly debting the already weakened carapace of the beast, it explodes in a grandious fashion leaving scorch marks and small holes onto the target.

The beast howls in an exasperated manner as Rene's efforts is being rewarded as his attacks are truly damaging the creature but with the intent-filled howl reaches upon his ears, his mindspace seemingly shakes as cracks shows upon its weak mental cover and the chains that holds his soul in place trembles. This irks Rene's consciousness to finish the fight as soon as possible or else he won't leave this place undamaged beyond relief.

Rene turns serious as he puts all his resources unto his primal blade, covering it with dense amounts of ether making it way sharper than before, mana making its structure to become more dense and compact increasing durability and energy to make his blade vibrate thousands of times in a second to increase its penetrative ability. He then charges and dodges waves upon waves of materialized blades of ether that one contact can shred a military-grade armored core to pieces which will require 10 shots of a secondary cannon of a Cruiser-Class ship or 3 shots of the primary cannon of a Frigate-Class ship.

With objective in mind he swiftly approached the beast's weakpoint and the beast seemingly understands his intention of breaking into its last defense and lash out a strike that may or may not end its life. Its focused energy on repairing damage alters its course into increasing the energg flowed into moving its joints, and now filled with vigor in final combat in a speed breaking the sound barrier a pair of set claws of tens comes upfront near Rene's body dealing amassive impact thag breaks the contriction of air around them and bypassing Rene's multilayer defense and breaking most of it into pieces, he was sent flying and landing upon a mountain of scrap that caused additional damage of getiing stabbed in multiple places with sharp ends of the scraps and hazards and some of it falling down burying him beneath it after most of it blown to even smaller pieces by the shockwave induced by the impact.

Alarms floored Rene's cracked and glitching visor with his body limping down almost lifeless and notifications ringing out the state of his condition.

--< In...ted 7890016 poi...of dam... >--

--< D...ge surpas... de...se thre...old by 890..%, 3 Ite.. are.... des...yed >--

--< Con..ion : Hea...hy > Grav...y Inj..red >--

--< Bo... requir... im....iate hea....care >--

--< Act...ting Em....ency Sti...ack >--

--< Cond....n re...ns un...anged >--

--< Act....ing Inn..e Skill : Se...d Wi.. >--

--< Us.. is now dee.... uncon...ous >--

--< Body ada... and evol....s base.... current predica...., activa...g unta..... po..tial a...blo...ine >--

--< Swi...ing to [Ber...k Status] >--

--< Dar...Mat...Bod...Engaging Combat>--

With ominous smoke and shadow converging on Rene's body as point of circumference, it now materializes into existence as a solid covering his whole body. Rene or now "It" opens its mouth in a impossible 90* degree manner with no visible eyes and transformed with metamorphosized claws and razor teeth, it rushes towards the beast in seething rage breaking what most humans deem as limits as it speeds faster than lightning strikes upon the heavens towards the earth. Now appears at the face of beast with claws and blades drawn it slashes upon its body meeting close to nothing amount of resistance and with swift strikes now littered its body with lacerations and deep cuts.

The beast thinking capability couldn't comprehend what is happening on its body and the being that it smacked and defeated towards the innumerable mounds of trash in the viscinity now came back as a full black creature with intent that gives it the thrill as being stared uon the abyss itself. Drawing upon the latter reserves of energy and pasuing its regeneration completely, it understands that it wasn't just a prey anymore but an apex predator that is out there to hunt it down for sustenance.

With its last stand effort of retaliation and with greater vigor than before, each strikes it gives trembles the earth and every hit pounds the heavens itself. The mortal combat between the apex predator and the dying cataclysm went on for a whole night and day until the cataclysm beast runs out of lifeforce to burn anymore and with its dying breath shoots out the most powerful attack it could ever muster, as it charges that converges the space around the area into a vortex similar to a black hole into a concentrated laser of energy, after seconds of charging it fires upon the creature that made it like into this current condition that is worser than it was ever experienced.

The pure black bodied creature seemingly uninterested to its coming doom that can destroy a whole row of gigantic planets into ashes and contemporal holes that suck every matter to another dimension in the cracks of space, seeing the threat before him opens up a giant rift in the space before him absorbing the laser of death and destruction then after the laser ended closed the rift nonchalantly and went towards the cataclysm beast with a facial expression as if looking down on such petty mortal being.

The cataclysm beast scared out of existence that there's such bane to its unique race of harbingers out there that can bring its race to extinction lets out its last breath before its movements cease.

Now this black abyssal creature now done with its mission now phases out of existence before becoming a liquid that uncovers an unconscious body of a person before being re-absorbed back into the shadows of that man.

--< Congratulations you have unlocked the evolution tree of your body's untapped potential and its variations. Acquired from combining existing records. >--

A notification appeared before the unconscious man laid on the ground beside a gigantic behemoth before him.