WebNovelRe: Union60.87%


Seeing a dense smoke trail out in the horizon means something suspicious is over there, either be an old wreckage disturbed by wildlife then just went up in flames or something crash landed over there from orbit but the latter would have a much higher chance since trash planets exists for one reason, a place to dump unneeded scrap and scrap technically involves wreckages of weapons and other stuff but never includes parts that can be highly explosive since one explosion can lead to another explosion that's why trash planets are there to become an anonymous graveyards and not some field weaponry test sites thus concluding it is something that fell from orbit.

Why is there a much higher chance of the latter? The space orbitting the planet is littered with both light and dense wreckages of trash, balls of space trash acting like a huge orbitting spiked plates to defend the planet and it isn't common for something from space to crash land to a nearby planet since space accidents aren't that uncommon either with space bandits littered throughout [The Known Space] waiting for unguarded and undefended merchant and commercial ships then civilian ships for extras, space anomalies like unsuspected gravity wells, interdimensional cracks, black holes and or even an ongoing war of two nations vying for resources of one another or an undiscovered motherlode of highly sought out exotics then just being taken out since you we're seen just passing by.

For context it is happening due to a ship going by for who knows where then suprised by unsuspecting bandots demandong to handover whatever you have on hold then just leave out in space with just your mustard suit or escape/fight the bandits that did it in the first place but for this case it just escaped yet suffered minor damage and just caused scratches to the ship but little did they know that because of their panicking, they didn't realize that the space before then isn't safe either but is much more dangerous than bandits but a littered spacefield you need to dodge clear of your ship.

Then after a excruciating battle of control beyond the sea of wreckage the mere scratch you considered evolved to become a scratch of your overused engines and with highly-dense fuel leaking out and also meets by both air and fire? Boom goes the dynamite, you got yourselfs a hot chicken dinner with you (the captain) and his/her crewmates in the vacuum's of space. But the explosion surprisingly keeps most of the frame and hull of your ship intact but with most of the controls gone, with the force of the explosion sends the rest of your ship tumbling to the nearby space and gravitation field of a nearby planets but seeing your situation and the situation of the nearby planet you're fucked either way since without the space shielding to shield yourselves from incoming fragments from disposed litter and the upcoming orbit re-entry leaves you for your last best case scenario, pray and stay inside your emergency capsula and just hope for the best.

But Rene thinks in a different way, the smoke in the far out horizon isn't caused by the either stories and theories aforementioned above but was caused by a panic input of spacial coordinates to jump towards a nearby safezone but was meeted by a litter of trash then send tumbling down to an unexpected orbit re-entry then landing towards the trash mounds below thus causing a dense smoke trail above it.

Rene prepares for his upcoming travel in-search for ways to escape and also meet some sentient life-forms for him to make conversation with since his dialogues with the administrators ain't cutting it anymore and he won't stay sane much longer anymore.

" " Rene mutters beneath his breath.


• Weapon : Rak'Thalos Primal Blade (Main Hand) Energistics Plasma Blade Set (Sub Hand) Tek Energon Heat Blaster MK6 x3 (Back Slot)

• Armor : K12 "Heavy" ExoFrame (External) Teknov B12 Hydrogen Armor (Internal F.Body)

• Accesories : Explosive Combat 3D Printer, Amalgamated Portable FTL Module

"Well looks like everything here is good. Damn I forgot I had that module which could help solve my predicament with that calamity beast, welp what's done is done can't reverse what just happened."

As Rene set off to the far distance he says something only he can hear.

(Only her can do it...)