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New Body

Rene then carries Synesthesia onto another table that resides beside a machine that looks like it was crafted by a kobold hands with the assertions of goblin technology.

"A new marvel within the new plane of existence I currently reside in. With almost a 100% accuracy without net relapse and a entirely new concepts that the great me has created from scratch."

Synesthesia frowns and asks "Is it safe?"

"Totally safe in my opinion, just needs field-testing and a volunteer." Rene then turns his neck to face her with a grand smile.

"Don't worry about the unnecessary smicks and smacks, as long as we transfer you to a new body then we can progress slowly in restoring your old one to working capacity."

"So what body will I reside in?" She asks.

"Well found a drone by chance in my journey around the place seeming still usable so in my latest fashion, fixed it to its normal capacity then upgraded some of its modules to its maximum then added a bit of gadgets so that when it activates and is targetted by not-so-friendly neighbors. It has a way to defend itself and maybe flee to a relatively safe area."

Rene taps his finger as to point his specifications. The drone measures 1 meter in diameter of a spherical radius, with its cyclops interface laced within some of the most advanced technology for sensoring ordinance which in his opinion still a bit average. Its body plated with and its inner mechanisms made of inner hardware and software of mixed origin, a new technology Rene made up himself by combining the benefits and leaving out the liabilities of Goblin's Masterkey, Kobold's Brass Beast, Dwarven Steam Overlord, Elven Runic Guardin, Humanity's Omniware, Demonic Evron's Eye, Angel's Scriptures, Devil's Ancient Organ etc. and improved it on his own desires.

This amalgamation of other races masterpieces has birthed to a drone with a sensoring capability similar that of an intergalaxial presence that is so accurate it can trace and track both ways of magically and technologically and even in to the microscopic level.

"This is the body you'll be inhabitting in."


• Tier : G10

• Grade : N/A

• Effects : , , , , , ,

• Description : An amalgamation of both technological and magical advancements in the area of sensoring capabilities of many races interlaced within one by a devious master crafter. This marvel is capable to sensing the slightest movement and see the farthest distance with frightening clarity and accuracy. Capable of both close and range combat in modified conditions and has an assortment of gimmicks in both support and offensive measure.

"Might look ragtag and a bit scrappy, but it's the best drone in every planelar existence. Appearance-wise may not be much since I lack the proper hardware and equipment to do so deal with it in the meantime."

"Anyways ready for the operation?" Rene asks her.

"Un..." Synesthesia answers with a doubt hidden deep within.

Rene then starts the machine manning the transfer and with a pull of a lever, it shined with the light of a hundred suns point-blank but since Rene always wears his headpiece dimmed to the colorless and dim world he sees.

He was unaffected to the light but for Synesthesia condition, she felt a mysterious but soothing feeling within her mind seemly pulling her out of her body.

Rene decided to put both technological and magical enhancements to the transferring machine as Synesthesia's body is an entirely new system for him to discover in every nook and cranny.

Without taking his chances that it either work or fail or both at the same time woth side-effects in before and after the procedure.

Rene decided to safely do it without anything but a good feeling to be felt during the operation and afterwards make it so that she can safely relax and adapt to her nrw body.

Synesthesia felt and saw herself travelling down a tunnel where on one end is her damaged body that she cared and fixed for quite some time and now that she sees for herself how tattered its condition now in she wryly smiles that she didn't reinforce it for good measure back in where the bombs has struck.

On the other end of the tunnel is the drone so powerful that she herself that will reside in it couldn't possible control it.

But with her unsatiable curiousity dwelling inside her to explore the vast horizons of space and dimensions. She courageously accepts the challenge that befalled upon her.

In a blink she saw herself laying onto the table where the drone was currently in but in her field of view. Everything is dark and lonely, with bundles of wire strewn over the place.

Rene seeing that the operation was done and it was done perfectly he then proceeds to walk closer to the drone and wryly smiles.

"Looks like I missed to activate its reactor by putting in the required cores it needed to activate."

Rene then activates his spatial inventory to pull out a large tube glimmering in bright light interlaced with various colors of particles.

This was an energy rod made up entirely of a rod affixed with 6 sub-parts that contains bits of , and .

This gives it an overwhelming energy potential that it can sustain overdriving and overloading its body to its maximum without generating anything side-effects like heat or pollutant residue.

He inserts this energy marvel to the capacitor slot in the middle of the drone's body and with the insertion deep and with a twist of a full clockwise, a push below and finally a full counterclockwise turn to lock it in place.

Synesthesia on the other hand saw within her sights a world lighting up but when Rene pushed the energy core and twisting it a few. She felts amazing, within her mind she fwlt her body tingling with sensations she never had felt before.

Rene then dissolves her delusion by breaking her thoughts by asking "You okay there lady?"

She stands with attention and answers embarassingly "Yeshhh..."

"Can you try to move your body now? Slightly so that I can fix whatever problem is causing the discomfort."

"Nothing is out of place sir, just..."

"Just?..." He asks.

"Nothing!" She beeps in her drone body.

(If I did say yes, will I feel it again I wonder?) a dangerous line of thought crosses her mind.

"So let us test it out shall we?" Rene smiles happily.