Hi my name is Karyl Mendoza,Second year in senior high in Crowford University I suddenly fell inlove to my professor he is Prof. Nico .
This day is one of the best day in my life....!
Prof. Nico put me in the top of the top on the otherhand top 1 of the class I felt like all of my hard working studying some lessons for our exam is worth it but my feelings for my professor is on going.
[ next day]
I saw Prof. Nico walking I think he's in the good good mood let me talk about yesterday
"Good morning professor! I can't believe that I became the top 1 of the class thanks for commuting our grades without any cheat and favoritism"
then he replies "Oh Good morning too karyl,well you did your best you really deserve it! "
then my heart is beating fast! I can't undetstand this feeling,this must not be! I'm inlove with my professor? his eyes is shinning like the stars in night time! *talking in my mind* then I replied prof. Nico your words is very overwhelming!
[moment while in the class]
While professor Nico is discussing he keeps on looking at me like omg what is the meaning of this!
after the class I go to the science room to check some informations for my assignment one thing gets my attention the respiratory system.
[End of the Point of View]
While Karyl is looking at the respiratory system exhibition and reading some statements of it, Professor Nico came to the Science room to get the Periodic Table of Elements Poster while he's searching for it he saw Karyl and because of he's curiosity he went closer to karyl and he saw the respiratory system exhibition that one of his student made so he also take a look of it Karyl feels that someone is on her back and she look at the back and she saw Professor Nico she's very shock that's why she can't move and she just stare at Professor Nico's eyes .
Karyl's Point of View:
There's a spark in his eyes my heart is beating fast
Why is he starring at me! he's so handsome his beautiful eyes are focused on me but I remember he's my professor so I stop starring at him so I blink and vow down, After that starring moment it turned to awkward moment I don't know what to say! he's face keeps on rewinding in my mind.
when I vow down no one is talking and it's still quite and awkward but-
"Karyl do you love Science?" Professor Nico asked
"Uhm ye--s a lit-tle bi-" I can't talked properly because it was very awkward.
*my imagination
Look at his eyes starring at me his eyes are shinning shinnin-
"Hello? Karyl are you okay?" Professor Nico asked
"Oh! uhm hehe yes I'm okay sorry there's alot of things in my mind what did you said awhile ago?" I said
He laugh and I said "Uhm Prof. I need to go see you tomorrow bye" then I ran through out from the science room.
[next day]
Professor Nico's Point of View:
Karyl is always in my mind am I inlove with my student?
*enter the class*
good morning class! they answered "good morning prof.!! " I saw karyl but she cover her face by a book "hello karyl are you okay? " I think she can't get over what happened yesterday "hello professor Nico! " ohh she answered nice I think she already okay
-after the class-
"karyl don't feel embarrassed of what happened yesterday, I understand that there's alot of things in your mind you can tell some of it to me and I will help you solve it ,as a teacher I want all my student be happy and okay all the time" I said
"oh prof. about yesterday? It's nothing don't mind me Prof." she said
"Ok then goodbye see you tomorrow, oh wait! what you have said yesterday that you love science is that true? if it's true, I have a lot of books in my house there are some books about science: chemistry and biology just tell me if you want and I will give you some of it" I said
I think she's already exhusted, she looks so tired and want to have some rest
"Oh really maybe next time lend me some of it...,See you tomorrow Prof. Nico just leave me you can go now" she answered me with a lower voice
I saw some books beside her and I asked what was that for and she said Ms. Doutchen asked her to bought the books to the library and she started carrying the books I'm just here watching her carrying it all, but when she reached the door of my class room she fell down and the books are now scatered I ran to her and help her get up I lend my right hand to her and she put her right hand on my hand and I pulled her up when she gets up she looked at me eyes to eyes and now I'm melting I stop starring at her and started picking up the books, I carried 10 books and she just carry 4 books.
While walking going to the library Ms. Doutchen saw us and asked Karyl
"Karyl why are you here? you must heading to go home right?" I saw Karyl she can't answer that's why I was the one who answered the question
"Ms. Doutchen I saw Karyl fell down because she carried all of this book as you asked her to bring it all to the library, Maybe it's been awhile before I saw her she can't get up because she's already tired after school" I said
We continue walking until we reached the library then put all the books to the library.
"Thank you for helping me Prof. see you tomorrow!" she said
"Ok take a rest okay? and see you tomorrow be careful goimng to your home!" I said
I wonder where she live I hope it's not far from here.