Being Closed to each other

When I go outside he smiled at me then he said

"karyl I'll let you borrow my other bike let's go to school together"

then I take his other bike then go, while biking going to school

professor Nico is laughing at me "karyl! you're so slow!! let's have a race!! until to the library of the school! who will be the loser will have a consequence!"

he wants a race! so I'll take that challenge! [after a few minutes] I won the challenge I'm the first one who arrived to the library! "prof. you lose ha!"

then he replied "so what will be the consequence?"

I was thinking at all then...

"prof.! the consequence is... treat me a coffee! It's a very long time since the last time I went to the coffee shop because I don't have time and I don't have a friend to go with" I said then

he replied "Oh so that's what you want! when later? are you available later after the class? Oh there's an Ice-cream do you want some? "

he gave me an ice-cream and

I said "Oh thanks, I'm available later after the class"

[during the discussion]

It's very quiet..! But professor Nico is very good at discussing we really understand it!

"so class any questions?" no one wants to ask a question until..

Faye ask "Sir honestly I can't understand can you discuss slowly?"

(faye is really rude at me and she is really mean,she always judge what I'm doing and also what I'm wearing..., in short she is one of the campus mean girls)

Professor Nico dicussed again, He gave us seatwork... while answering the book,I can't understand what should I do to test 2 then I raised my hand then professor Nico came to me and guide me what to do but I didn't listen at all because I kept on looking at him after then he looked at me, he stared at me for about 5 seconds?

then the bell rings it's time to dismiss

I still don't know what to do at test 2!! I've been distructed of his face! but he already considered it as an assignment.

After the class, only me and professor left inside the classroom then he looked at me and said

"karyl do want to go home? "

I replied "Uhmm yes but I need to wait you you're still busy doing that paperwork"

professor Nico looked at me then laugh

"Karyl I can bring this home and you already forgot? the conse....."

then I quickly tell him that I will never forgot that! the consequence?

[we already get our bike then go]

Faye and her friends are looking to us I think this will be an issue! I need to take a move! I whisper to Professor Nico and said

"prof. I think this will be an issue! they saw us going to school together and going home together what if I'll go to other way?"

[after that plan we arrived at the coffee shop]

"okay we're here prof.!! " we sat down and relax then I get my assignment ask him how to do it

"prof. sorry but I forgot how to this with test 2" then he guide me again how to do it after we already order a coffee while relaxing he get his paperworks to and began doing it and me I'm doing my assignment....."prof. thanks for the treat! " he replied "oh it's a consequence remember? but I like your consequence for me it's not hard to do it and makes me relax!"

Professor Nico's POV:

This day is very stressful to many paperworks and I need to finish this tonight! Hmmmmm? what if I ask a favor to karyl to help me check all of the test papers of my students...,I open my window and yelled "karyl!!! karyl!! " Then she open her window too and said why? "Karyl I need your help! come here!! "

- knock knock -

"hey professor Nico! why did you call me go to your house? " she said

"help me to check some test papers of my students because I need to finish this tonight because I'm going to pass this to all of you..." I said

then she get inside my house and began we're here in my living room I gave the answers to her then began checking, after I also help her to her assignment and that's all for today....

[next day]

My paperworks is all done thanks to karyl for helping me now I'm excited to go to school...., but wait I need to go at karyl's house because we're going to school together....."good morning mom is karyl still there? " I asked

her mom replied to my question "oh karyl already go at school early she borrowed you're bike"

"okay mom thank you! " I was thinking why she goes early but I remember what she said yesterday

"prof. I think this will be an issue to the campus because we're going to school together and going home together what should we do? " ohh well I think that's the reason why she go first.