Buying Time

After their delightful lunch, Davi dragged the three male species to watch a movie with her.

"Okay, it's time to watch! This time let's watch this new adventure movie!" she exclaimed as she held Sei-er's arm.

And as soon as the movie started, Davi instantly turned into her usual watching mode. Her attention started to be focused mainly in the movie and everything around her immediately turned into pillows and punching bags, including the obedient motionless beast beside her.

That moment, Haru slowly executed his escape plan as he quietly signaled Yijin to follow him. He knows more than anyone else how savage his sister was whenever she was watching. He didn't know why but his usual soft big sister just suddenly turns into an unknown spirited being the moment she immersed herself into the world of the movie she's watching. That was why, he's been trying to get away every time she invites him to watch.