Slowly Drifting Away

By the time the four of them finished, they were already standing near a black car, Hinari purposely pushed Davi towards Sei. And as expected, the man quickly caught her as she fell into his embrace.

That moment, looking at the man carefully holding Davi like she was the most fragile and most precious porcelain in the universe just made Hinari giggle over them.

However, the next second, disappointment flashed across her face when the kiss she was waiting for didn't happen. The man just quietly stepped into the car after making sure Davi was alright, causing Hinari eyes to narrow.

Thus, she immediately gestured Davi like a strict teacher to go and do something before he leaves. Realizing what she's trying to say, Davi just smiled, as though telling her that there's no need for her to be told what needed to be done.

So, the next second, Davi suddenly stopped the car's door that was about to be closed and then she immediately entered half of her body in the car.