You Will Never Know Unless You Try

I want to catch your cold…

I want to catch your cold…

I want to catch your cold…

Sei's voice rang over and over again within Davi's brain. She was literally dumbstruck that she struggled to find a word to say. All she could do that moment was cough while her face just turned red like ripe tomato. Well, shameless Sei is attacking again and Davi wasn't used to him being like that at all.

However, as soon as Davi raised her face and looked at him, the reddened color of her face began to fade. It was because as she looks at him, she realized that Sei's shameless words didn't match his expressions at all. There was no trace of malice or even like lust reflecting in his eyes. His breathtakingly gorgeous eyes were just filled with worry and pure concern. He said those words not so he could kiss her, instead, he was just saying it because he wanted her colds to be transmitted to him so she does not have to suffer anymore.