End This War

"Let's give them one more night." Zaki said and Kir immediately turned towards him.

"How are we going to do that?" he asked curiously and Zaki smiled like a devil.

"I have a plan." He said and Kir's forehead creased. It was because he knew that every time Zaki smiles like that, he was thinking about something extremely dangerous.

"What plan?" he asked with a serious gaze and Zaki went silent. He leaned on the window frame and looked intently at Kir.

"I'm going to lure them away." He said and Kir immediately stood up noisily. Even though he was expecting something dangerous, he still couldn't believe what Zaki just said that it made his eyes widened.

"What are you saying? That's too dangerous!" Kir exclaimed and Zaki just smiled again.