Dog food in the market

Sei was wonderstruck. Even though what flashed across Davi's face could hardly be considered as smile, Sei still felt extremely gratified. The corner of her lips lifted for just a fraction of a second but it was enough for Sei's spirit to be exalted. Finally, there was change. No matter how little it was, to him, it was a huge sign.

That moment, Sei was way too happy that he reacted late when Davi quickly walked towards the other stall. His grip on her hand also loosened so as soon as Davi stepped away, their hands parted. Davi immediately halted and looked behind her. However, the crowd had separated them.

Davi's heart started beating wild. Well, she knew that Sei was never used to this place. This was even his first time and knowing that Sei didn't allow his body guards to follow them, she can't help but be anxious.