Looks like it

"Hinari, I can no longer be your invincible superman, but from now on, I will be your normal knight."

As those words left Zaki's mouth, Hinari couldn't help but tear up. She almost couldn't believe what he just said. Everything was still so unbelievably unreal. She couldn't believe that after she woke up today, she was now hearing the kind of words she had been dreaming of for so many years. 

Zaki began walking towards the living room when Hinari surprised him with a kiss on his chin. He then halted and he looked at the lady in his arms. 

"Stop doing that, it's dangerous. I might drop you if you keep squirming around," he warned but she just rolled her eyes and she smiled at him sweetly as she caressed his cheek. He could also see her eyes shining brightly as it glimmered with happiness.