
Months went by and after taking Davi's formula, Kyuu's lifespan was lengthened, without any serious side effects. Hope bloomed within everyone and they all believed that with a little bit more time and experimentation, they would no doubt find a cure.

Because of that huge breakthrough, Davi decided to keep working on this until she was just about due to give birth. Her days were spent tirelessly on improving the formula and the constant experiments that had to be conducted for each one.

Three weeks before her due date, Davi finally went back home. Sei was excited for her to finally be back home where he could see her and hold her everyday. But at the same time, he was also worried, to the point that he didn't want to go back to work anymore. Each day that passed was getting them closer and closer towards that day when they would finally get to meet the new addition to their family.