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He Who Treads the Ancients Path

"This is truly a marvelous turn of event." Meng stared at Seeker.

"Who would have thought that you would be the one to fight me?"

"Well, facing you could be too much. The best ending would be me, defeating you. But if I can't at least I can stall you until Richie gets here." Seeker gave a confident smile.

"I see. So Richie and Lennox are busy as of this moment… Are you sure your little friends can handle my assassins?"

"Probably not if they stay the way they are. But like me, failing to grow, is tantamount to death."

The thick armor of Meng started giving a reddish glow.

"Then before Richie or Lennox arrives, I should eliminate you."


It happened so fast. An electrical yellow charge glowed around Meng. This electric glow was pointing towards Seeker's direction. Its appearance was barely a tenth of a second. Suddenly, Meng's entire body raced towards Seeker at incredible speed.