WebNovelNew Game+31.91%

Creating Spies

The Clown moved so fast that it would have been impossible for a normal man to have noticed it.

The broad ax hacked through and destroyed the upper torso of the Exoskeleton. 

It took a while before the Clown could stop from its rush. Stanley had appeared almost instantly on his sights and daring not to waste any moment. He rushed with his fastest movements and attacked the enemy.

The Clown frowned. His hands had reverted to human arms once more, but it was without any signs of blood.

He turned around to observe the Exoskeleton's upper torso.

His strike struck the upper chest area and hacked through it. The attack was so strong that the head and part of the right shoulder was chopped off. Yet there were blood-stains on his weapon. 

He turned around and found that there was no pilot in the Exoskeleton.