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The Hunt Begins

The revelation stunned even Lanterk.

"The Lost Primordial's body? Impossible!"

"I've made numerous preparations and hid it with extreme preparations! No techs can find it! The proof of it is that it hasn't been attacked even now! So pick a side! Both Guinevere and the Lost Primordial will be shared with you!" Andronze demanded.

"I am not betraying you! This was their plan to scare us into infighting! I have already sent my men here and will appear just as you requested. Open a portal here!"

"And let you in my defenses! No way! Get here yourself and fight your way through!" Andronze demanded.

"Fine! I'll be on my way. You can check Greece if you don't believe me!"

At that moment, many Presiders also detected the fluctuations in Greece as a towering metal giant had emerged from the city and brought numerous buildings with it.