129 - 135

Tianshi was getting irritated seeing Xuefeng become friendly with Yi as she kept giving him corrections which turned out to be spot on. She wasn't sure from the start if the twins were doing it intentionally but now she could confirm that they were definitely up to something.

Xuefeng didn't mind the correction that much and he was actually glad someone did say what he was doing wrong. If he can perfect each move then why should he care who gives him a piece of advice? He didn't suspect Tianshi would be annoyed by it as there was no alternative motive for him other than learning more.

"Master Xuefeng~! Try tilting your chest more to the left while swinging with this cut. Adding more rotation will give additional power to your attack." Yi suggested calling out sweetly.

"Oh, I should try it then… Nice, it's actually better this way. Thanks, Lady Yi." Xuefeng did as one of the twins suggested and it turned out to be true advice once again.

"No problem." Yi smiled softly and continued to watch.

Tianshi didn't want to sound like a jealous girlfriend but that's how it would turn out if she told Xuefeng to not socialize with her fake servants. She knew he wouldn't go as far as making them his lovers but she was still annoyed. Tianshi tried to change them for different servants when she figured out it was them who rat her out, but her father didn't agree.

"Xuefeng, how about we stop practising the sword techniques and you teach me some of your Air Arts in private? I'm getting tired already." The tip of Tianshi's training sword dropped to the ground and she finally called out while wiping her sweat.

"I thought we just finished our warmup. Those were just the basics." Xuefeng grinned, teasing her which caused Tianshi's cheeks to redden. It literally meant for her, 'What? You can't even handle basic training?'

"... I just want some diversity from time to time… I'm more skilled at spells than actual fighting." Tianshi admitted hesitantly.

"Well, why no…" "Master Xuefeng~! How about before you start studying arts, we can have a sparring session? It would be a nice finish to spar with a skilled swordsman. I can be your sparring partner today. How about it?" Before Xuefeng could agree to Tianshi's request, Aquamarine eyed twin called out, challenging Xuefeng for a spar. She pulled out a thin sword from her Storage Ring and created a swift circle in the air, leaving a white strip of Qi behind her blade.

"Well, I'm here for Tianshi, so you will have to ask her if she allows me. I'm only hers for the next few days." Tianshi thought Xuefeng would instantly agree to Yi proposal but to her pleasant surprise, he approached her, caressing her rosy cheek with his free hand and left the decision for her.

'He is so nice to me and I was being jealous over two twin servants…' Tianshi thought, blaming herself for her previous behaviour.

"Why not. I will have a break and maybe I can learn something from your fight. But it would be boring without any stakes, right? I will provide the reward for Xuefeng if he wins but you as a challenger should be punished after losing. Don't you think?" Thinking about it for a moment, Tianshi agreed and turned towards Yi, proposing the upgrade for this spar.

"What Young Princess suggest?" Yi asked not too bothered as she was confident in her skills.

"If you lose, you will leave us alone for the rest of the evening and if Xuefeng wins, I will… allow you to join me in the bath after training…" Tianshi explained to Yi and then paused before whispering into Xuefeng's ear. With enough motivation, he would win for sure.

"I agree!" Indeed, when Xuefeng heard Tianshi statement, his eyes instantly lit up and he didn't think before agreeing.

"What can I get if I win?" Little Yi smiled confidently as she asked.

"It was you who challenged Xuefeng, but I guess we can agree to one thing. What do you want?" Tianshi didn't want to give her anything at the start but after Yi asked she decided to give her something.

"...I want to spar with Young Master at least once a day." Yi looked at her twin Yu who nodded her head only to shake it after she heard Yi's condition. Yi decided to be selfish and choose the thing she actually wanted for herself.

"Great, I'm down." Xuefeng agreed before Tianshi could confirm it, but she also nodded not expecting Yi's condition to be this simple.

"So how are we sparring? What are the rules?" Xuefeng asked.

"The first one getting hit on the body loses. You can only use your swordsmanship without any arts. That would be pointless otherwise. Any suggestions?" Yi explained, asking after she was done.

"Yes. We will use the same swords and only after three hits on the body one will win. I don't want to win too fast." Xuefeng nodded, adding the changes before picking the second practice sword from Tianshi's hand and throwing it towards Yi.

"Why not. I will not hold back then. I hope you will not lose your confidence after your defeat." Yi caught the sword by the handle and played with it skillfully for a moment, before agreeing.

"Haha, same to you. Tianshi... you should prepare yourself for later, hehe… Let's get started." Xuefeng laughed and kissed Tianshi on the lips before teasing her. She accepted it, before shyly walking to the side. She wanted Xuefeng to win but now Tianshi realised that she will have to take a bath with this pervert and everything can happen. She thought she was ready, but after thinking about it deeper, she couldn't tell if she was.

Xuefeng relaxed his body and prepared his stance aiming his sword at Yi. He held it upright in front of him with both of his hands on the handle and with the blade being perpendicular to the ground.

Xuefeng already had a plan for the first point and he only needed to wait for her strike to execute it. He didn't know Yi's fighting style so he couldn't go straight away for attacking. He decided on the three hits rule to leave some leeway for himself if something went wrong. Xuefeng couldn't lose the great bathing experience with Tianshi.

Xuefeng also released his Spirit Awareness to his surrounding scanning everything that could help him gain an advantage, but they were in the garden with nothing but a short grass in the diameter of ten meters. He left it spread around even after checking everything as it would act as his second pair of eyes.

It turned out Yi wasn't as careful as Xuefeng and decided to show Xuefeng who is the boss by attacking first. She quickly lunged, cutting diagonally down to the right only to sidestep by the end of her attack, aiming for Xuefeng's right shoulder. Just as Yi said that she would not hold back, she stayed true to her words.

The attack was extremely swift and if Xuefeng wasn't already prepared in the defensive stance he wouldn't be able to counter it. Xuefeng retreated, keeping the safe distance which would allow him to defend with the full strength of his arms. Hitting Yi's sword at the right angle, he redirected the attack, causing it to dive downwards, missing the target.

He wanted to sidestep, attacking her while she was still pulling her sword away, but Yi wasn't affected by the strength of his block and acted ahead of him. Dragging her sword back with a quick move of her wrist, she struck once again without losing her momentum.

Xuefeng blocked her attacks each time, trying to use his physical strength as his advantage but she kept using his energy to increase the force of her next attack, continuing to bombard him with unpredictable moves. She aimed from every direction, cutting, slashing and thrusting at him one by one without leaving him a chance to counter-attack.

Each time he parried her sword, bouncing it off its track and trying to create an opportunity for himself, she managed to turn it into her favour. With his Spirit Awareness as the main help, Xuefeng could keep up with defending in time, but there was no option for him to get the hit he wanted.

'This is going to be much harder than I thought…' Both of them thought at the same time, not expecting the other to be this skilled.

Xuefeng might not have all moves mastered but he definitely had the swordsman's intuition and experience after a hardcore training inside the Wisdom Tree's space.

Feeling that there was no point continuing wasting her strength, Yi's suddenly retreated with a long leap, returning to her starting short guard stance.

"Not bad for a Young Master," Yi commented with a warm smile. There wasn't any tiredness or sweat visible on her face, proving how well trained she was.

"Not bad for my girlfriend's servant... Unfortunately... our current tie in points ends now!" Xuefeng returned the same, changing into a Window Guard. They walked in the circle observing each other before Xuefeng finally decided to strike.

He already knew her fighting style and wasn't worried to be the one to start. She was good at using the opponent's strength to her advantage, but it would not happen anymore when Xuefeng held the lead.

Xuefeng advanced forward with the ready strategy in his mind.

He didn't want to repeat the same scenario that happened a moment ago where Yi would continue to attack, allowing him to only defend. Xuefeng wanted to end it swiftly, without prolonging it too much, so he didn't aim for that strategy.

Lunging forward he decided to thrust towards the open space around her waist, where her hands were holding the hilt of the sword. First, it would be hard to block and parry such an attack, but it was also his tactic to confuse her.

It's because this attack is too easy to counter with different methods like dodging to the side and cutting towards his open body. He wanted to bait her into thinking that he left an opening before striking her unsuspectedly.

He executed his plan just as he imagined. Diving with his sword towards Yi's waist, he pretended to shift the balance into his front leg which would not allow him to fall back if necessary and successfully baited Yi into stepping in his trap.

She sidestepped in the last moment while pushing Xuefeng's sword with the bottom of her blade only to add a rotation to her sidestep, making her counter-attack stronger caused by the combined momentum. Who would have thought that in the split second after she pushed Xuefeng's sword away, turning by three hundred and sixty degrees to strike, Xuefeng would suddenly bend his knees and leaned back towards the ground?

What her sword met wasn't the flesh and muscles around Xuefeng's abdomen but nothing other than air. Her strike was also a few centimetres away from Xuefeng's face when he folded his body as if he was playing Limbo at a party.

Feeling that her attack didn't connect, Yi wanted to continue with another but then felt a gentle hit from Xuefeng's wooden sword on her calf which caused her actions to halt.

"One point for me." Xuefeng grinned at Yi as she looked down to see what happened.

Xuefeng executed everything just as he planned. By leaving an opening in his attack, he forced her to do exactly what he wanted. Of course, she could have thought differently which would cause him to lose one point but with the rule of three strikes for a win, he was able to take that risk.

"Sneaky… Well done Young Master. I won't make the same mistake again." Yi complained under her nose before she smiled and reached her hand to help Xuefeng stand up. Her tone was also getting more serious now.

"Nice, Xuefeng! Gogogo!" Tianshi cheered from the side with vigour while Yu watched Xuefeng with an interested expression. She also trained swordsmanship but she could never match Yi and here she saw Xuefeng defeat her.

"Let's keep going. Maybe you still have a chance to win." Xuefeng grinned teasing her after he stood up with her help and prepared his stance.

"Sure!" Yi called out and instantly leapt towards Xuefeng, not wasting any time. If her standard strategy didn't work, she decided to use her speed instead. You can get a point as long as you touch the opponent body. She didn't need to use her whole strength in each attack.

The first attack was easily blocked by Xuefeng but before he could think of a counter-attack, her blade which was pushed away started to fall once again. Each time she knew her strike will be blocked, she changed the position and attacked from a different side, causing him to turn every second.

The tactic was similar to her first attacking style but this time she was moving all around trying to find his blind spot.

Xuefeng was having a hard time trying to figure out Yi's attack pattern as to find a way to counter it and in the end, it was Ling who helped him. They were already at the seventh exchange and Yi was still increasing her momentum when Ling instructed, "In the third strike from now, don't block! Move forward, dodging by tilting your body to the right and catch her by the arm."

She didn't finish the message as he didn't need to know more to figure out the rest. Before she even finished her advice, Xuefeng barely blocked the first attack and Yi continued with another. Even if he trusted Ling enough to follow her advice, he had to survive the second one to execute her tactic.

Suddenly, he noticed something. When Yi followed with another attack it wasn't the typical cut, but a preparation for the next one. It was much slower than the earlier ones but much more precise.

'That's it!' After also seeing through the move, Xuefeng blocked it with his usual block without alarming blue-eyed Yi about his hidden ideas and finally executed Ling's strategy.

Yi's previous passive attack was swiftly followed by a carefully planned pierce towards his right shoulder. If he wasn't prepared earlier, Xuefeng didn't think he would be able to avoid it.

Without hesitation, Xuefeng tilted his body to the right while stepping diagonally to the left, causing Yi's sword to miss the target by less than one centimetre. At the same time, Xuefeng let go of his sword, holding it only with a left hand and grabbed Yi's arm, pulling it forward. He made her lose balance as he sneaked behind her and placed his sword by her neck.

"The second point goes to me as well," Xuefeng said cheekily into Yi's ear before letting her go.

Yi walked a few steps away from Xuefeng while touching herself on the neck and looked at him with a complicated gaze. She never lost a fight in pure swordsmanship before and looking at the current situation, she couldn't help but feel something brewing inside her heart. For some reason, it wasn't hatred or anger but rather a warm kind of feeling like admiration, respect or even something else…

Emerald-eyed Yu couldn't watch her sister losing for the third time and she decided to act before that happened.

"How about two versus one? It seems like you are better than Yi thought you were. It might be unfair, so only if you…" "Sure, why not. It will be actually easier for me this way." Yu approached them with a proposal and before she could even finish persuading him, Xuefeng gladly accepted.

He was much more used to fighting versus multiple opponents at the same time and he actually felt weird if there was only one. When Yu heard Xuefeng's confidence, it caused her nerves to pulsate. Even if they had the rank of servants, they were the servants of the Young Princess from the greatest family in this world. It wouldn't be hard to at least show some respect.

Xuefeng grew up in a small country and they had the best teachers in the world. It would really be shameful to lose two versus one against him. In the end, she hid those emotions skillfully.

"We will see about that," Yu said, pulling out her own practise sword which was basically the same but had a lot of elegant carving designs on its blade. It looked more like a piece of art than a sword.

"Come at me together." Xuefeng smiled and invited them into a fight as he picked a short guard stance.

Green-eyed Yu glanced at her sister who nodded and they launched towards Xuefeng from two different directions. They looked like they had practised this move together many times as it had a complete synergy and Xuefeng would have to face two attacks at the same time. He certainly couldn't block two simultaneously.

Xuefeng grinned seeing them approaching him like this. This was exactly what he wanted.

He suspected that it was Yi who was more skilled of the sisters as she was the only one giving him bits of advice when he was practising with Tianshi earlier. Having that in mind, He waited for the best moment and quickly turned towards Yu.

Moving two steps towards her, he met her incoming blade which he pushed away skillfully before repeating the previous tactic he used on Yi. Holding the sword with one hand, he grabbed her by the hand and this time used more energy, throwing her towards her sister.

There was no way Yi would dodge her sister's flying body, so she only made sure her blade wouldn't hit her. They both hit each other and fell to the ground entangled in each other.

"Slap, slap. I win." Xuefeng walked towards her and slapped their butts with the side of his blade and declared his win. He approached Tianshi who was jumping excitedly on the side and picked her up.

"You know what time is it?" He asked with a lewd smile.

"What time is it?" Tianshi asked without thinking, still happy from Xuefeng's victory.

"It is bath time!" Xuefeng exclaimed happily, before walking towards his room.

"Xuefeng, wait…" Tianshi finally realised what he meant and blushed, trying to stop him but there was nothing that could stop him from claiming his reward.

Before leaving, Xuefeng stopped near the Twins who already stood up and said while still holding Tianshi in his hands, "Don't worry about the loss, we can still spar again tomorrow. It's good to have someone skilled to compare your skills with."

He saw that the Twins had a weird expression on their faces so he had to smooth their moods a bit. Yu was still in disbelief that they lost so easily two versus one, and even worse because it was her mistake. Yi was in a much better mood but still sad that she wouldn't be able to train with Xuefeng anymore.

When she heard Xuefeng's words and saw his gentle smile, her heart couldn't help but beat faster. In her vision, there was only him, without her Young Princess in the scope. After a moment of happiness, some pain appeared when her brain finally analyzed her situation. There was no way she could be with Xuefeng as he was with her master's daughter…

"Thank you, Young Master, for the lesson and for allowing me to learn from you. We will leave you alone for the evening as per our agreement," Yi sighed and bowed towards Xuefeng, changing her tone back to a polite one.

'What happened to her?' Xuefeng thought, surprised by her change.

"Alright, see you later. I have some business to take care of right now." In the end, Xuefeng nodded, before patting Tianshi's bottom with a grin.

"Xuefeng~!" Tianshi hit Xuefeng on the back while shouting embarrassedly. He totally reacted as if he didn't know that there was someone else next to them.

"Hehe," Xuefeng giggled before turning around and walking towards his room.

Seeing Xuefeng this happy, Yu suddenly thought of something and a devilish smile appeared on her face.

"Young Master, one more thing!" She called out pulling out a letter from her storage ring.

"What?" Xuefeng asked impatiently. He was only a few meters from his promised land and didn't want to delay any further.

Emerald-eyed twin skipped towards them and passed Xuefeng a letter holding it with both hands before explaining. "We received a letter which was addressed for Young Master while we were staying in your courtyard and I decided to keep it until Young Master comes back."

"Tianshi can you take it? I'm not letting you go. You will not run away from me." Xuefeng looked at the letter but only hugged Tianshi's waist tighter.

Tianshi rolled her eyes, leaned over and picked up the letter asking her servant unhappily, "Why you didn't you tell me about that earlier?" Wasn't the standard that servants should listen to their masters?

"It's because I have suspected that the letter is from another woman and we didn't want to distract Young Princess from training. You would be tempted to open it and your mind wouldn't be clear anymore." Yu smiled and told Tianshi their reasons.

"It's okay. We can open the letter together afterwards. When did you receive it?" Xuefeng calmed Tianshi down before asking Yu one last question.

"About two months ago," Yu said.

"Well, nothing will happen if it waits for another few hours then," Xuefeng replied and didn't waste any more time before heading towards his room. He opened the door with a kick and disappeared inside with a beauty in his arms.

"This man is weird…" Yu commented after she walked back to her sister with a doubtful expression. She didn't understand why anyone would like him.

"Yi? Yi…" Seeing that her sister didn't reply, she looked at Yi's face and noticed that she was gazing at Xuefeng's room doors. Even after calling out to her she didn't react.

"What?" Yi finally responded after her sister shook her shoulder.

"What happened to you? I was calling for you," Yu complained.

"Ah, I was just thinking about something. Don't worry. How about you report to the master and I will train some more? I want to analyze my loss," Yi replied with a smile and picked her training sword.

Even if they said they will leave them alone for the evening, they couldn't actually leave Tianshi without any protection. They did it earlier and they were scolded by their master.

"Alright," Yi nodded and left.


After Xuefeng entered the bathroom opening the doors with his foot, he finally placed Tianshi on the ground next to a big jacuzzi. He was surprised to see his usual small bathtub being replaced with a one which can be used by at least four people.

"You didn't tell me, you brought a new bathtub… How do you want me to eat you?" Xuefeng glanced at the bathtub before taking Tianshi into his arms and asking with a lewd smile.

"... I only agreed to take a bath with you… You better tell me what's up with this letter, why does it smell so nice and it's written on a pink paper? Is it a love letter or something?" Tianshi said shyly before recalling the issue of the letter that kept bugging her. She smelled it earlier and it definitely wasn't sent from a man.

"Tianshi… If you don't kiss me in the next five seconds, I will read this letter in private and keep it a secret from you." Xuefeng rolled his eyes hearing her and took the pink letter from her before putting it into his ring.

"But… Mhmmm…" Tianshi tried to complain but Xuefeng silenced her effectively by covering her lips with his. It turned out he couldn't wait those five seconds himself.

Running with his fingers on her back, he started by softly kissing her top lip before slowly switching to her bottom one, leaving a tender feeling on both sides. He was leading the whole operation by slowly opening her mouth with light but subtle touches.

After switching for the third time and kissing the top of her lips he started to add his tongue into the mix. Grazing it in between of her lips, Xuefeng began pulling her into another world. He didn't need to hold her in his embrace anymore as she was feeling her own need to be closer to him.

Their tongues finally touched, slowly and gently entangling with each other, creating a special connection. To tease her into wanting more, Xuefeng started pulling away from her after a few seconds, almost severing the link between them, but Tianshi quickly regained the stable connection by following it.

Learning from his games, Tianshi's tongue also started escaping but Xuefeng's chased each time not letting it go. She even started figuring out new tricks like sucking on his tongue or running it on his teeth, which he strangely began to like.

Their hands weren't inactive during their passionate moment but always roamed around their bodies. Xuefeng was exploring her body steadily starting from her bottom and the legs he liked so much. Diving downwards with both of his hands, he grabbed her buttcheeks, squeezing them firmly.

Even by holding them through her clothes, he could feel their perfect structure and texture, which consisted of firm muscles and a layer of fat which created the shape he craved. They weren't overly big as his hands were almost enough to cover each bun in his hands.

"Mhmm…" Tianshi called out in pleasure, feeling his balanced strokes with enough strength to not bring any discomfort but only pleasure and desire for more. With each of their contact, Xuefeng was giving her one surprise after another at how great he was at handling women.

He made her want more and more with each second she was in his embrace. At first, she was only brushing her hand against the back of his hair, but later she started grabbing his hair while pushing his head towards her, to taste a more forceful kiss.

Her second hand slid underneath his shirt revealing the delicate armour he had received from Yiren back in the Holy Land. It was so smooth and fine to the touch that she would have never thought that it was a protective gear. Only after bypassing it, did she reach her goal by seizing his broad back.

Seeing that his operation was this successful and Tianshi was already wishing for more, Xuefeng pulled away from her passionate kisses and took off his shirt with one swift movement, showing his abundant muscles. Tianshi couldn't help but leave her eyes on them for a second but Xuefeng didn't give her more time.

Her dress was quite long, reaching almost down to her ankles but with the right, light material, it wasn't disturbing her movements. Returning back to kissing her, he gently lifted her arms above her head, caressing them up and down. Tianshi didn't know what he was doing but she was entranced with his sensual touches and allowed him to perform his act.

Only a moment later did she realise what he was preparing to do when he slowly moved downwards and reached out towards her legs. Going up, he slid his hands under her dress and started pulling it with him. Her body shivered as his hands reached up to her waist by only gliding on her skin with the tips of his fingers.

Tianshi had an automatic reaction to stop him from going upwards but she stopped herself, giving in to his demands. She knew it would happen sooner or later and they couldn't bath with the clothes on anyway.

"Close your eyes…" Xuefeng said softly when he lifted her dress up to her neck. After she listened, he started to slowly remove the dress through her head, careful not to hurt her which made her touched even more. When the dress passed through her head, he continued to kiss her, not wasting even a moment just to taste her sweet lips.

"Xuefeng…" Tianshi whispered after he let go of her lips. Her cheeks were in a deep shade of red as she stood next to him, feeling the warmth of his body.

"Shhhh… You are beautiful…" Xuefeng placed his finger on her mouth, preventing her from saying anything and told her honestly while looking deep into the blue eyes.

Underneath her dress, there was nothing else other than her soft skin and her delicate underwear. She was extremely shy as it was the first time they broke the last barrier. They could never return to the way they were before. From now on, she could only move forward without looking back.

Her panties were made out of two triangular stripes from a thin material connected to a bunch of strings that she tied into two ribbons on both sides of her waist. Her bra had matching colours to her panties and looked similar to modern nighttime crop tops. She probably searched a lot to get something similar to what she was used to on earth, trying to get a bikini look.

After she heard Xuefeng's confession, she felt warmth in her heart and her brain was pushing her to drop all resistance against him, advising to follow her desires. When Xuefeng kissed her passionately once again without losing his gentleness and sensitive touch, Tianshi sensed that she wouldn't be able to resist his attacks for too long.

His arms held her in his embrace as his hands roamed all around her back and round bottom. There was nothing blocking him anymore from experiencing the complete contact and Xuefeng made sure to take the full advantage of it.

Kneading a bun with each hand, Xuefeng started moving with his fingers closer towards her sensitive spots, trying to arouse her even more. Because of his constant movements, her delicate panties started to untie and soon fell off to the ground.

"Mhmm…!" Tianshi exclaimed, opening her eyes to glare at him, but didn't move away from him and their tongues didn't stop dancing with each other. Seeing that he was enjoying himself she closed them back, allowing him to do as he pleased.

Just as his fingers began approaching her watering crevice, Xuefeng suddenly retracted his hands and lifted her upwards by her butt and placed her on his lap after sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

His hands reached upwards, sliding on her back and he pulled away from her lips, giving her small kisses on the way towards her neck. Just after he passed her neck leaving a trail of warmth and started closing towards her chest, his hands pulled two stings on her back.

"Wait… Mhmm…" Before she could react, her bra top fell off and Xuefeng, already prepared, attacked her nipples without hesitation. He sucked on her left nipple while kneading on the right one with his hand. When he ran his tongue in circles while also poking gently with his fingers, she couldn't help but moan.

"... Haha, you look like a baby right now…" Tianshi held him by the head and pressed it against her chest. She giggled seeing him suck so earnestly.

"I thought we are going to have a bath…" Tianshi asked, feeling hot inside her chest. She was already aroused from his earlier actions but after he got hold on her round sisters, Tianshi started to actually feel pleasure.

"I didn't see any water in the bath, so I had to settle for a delicious cake right in front of me," Xuefeng said lewdly as his mouth pulled away from her chest and arrived in front of her face. Teasing her with the tips of his lips, she yielded to her desire and kissed him.

One of his hands which was gently massaging her breast the whole time suddenly started sliding downwards on her belly by walking with his fingers. The tension was raising the lower his fingers walked and it finally peaked when his pointing finger started to rub on the small bean at the entrance of her sealed cave.

"Mhmm… I can fill the bath with the water for us…" Tianshi's brain was working on the highest gear thinking what was about to happen and finally couldn't handle the pressure, pulling away from Xuefeng. Feeling embarrassed she found an excuse for her behaviour.

'Did I just panic…? Tianshi, pull yourself together… You always wanted this, why are you chickening now…' Tianshi began to blame herself as she pulled a sack with water which she started pouring towards the bath. It had great capacity and was specially made to store thousands of litres of fresh water, for drinking or bathing.

Hiding underneath her onyx-black hair, Tianshi looked towards Xuefeng's pants and seeing the high tent, she recalled her mother's advice which she heard today in the Liu Clan Leader private study.

She said: "Remember, men, are very simple. They only want one thing and that is to satisfy their desires. If you see him aroused and just leave him like this, he won't ask you for help next time. He will look for someone else instead. You can not leave him hanging like that.

"If you don't want to lose your virginity too early, you can always use other methods to serve him. You can use your hands, legs and even your mouth. Only your imagination can limit you. Let your mother give you a tip…"

When it reached to that point, Tianshi wasn't listening anymore as her thoughts started roaming elsewhere, imagining her future life with Xuefeng.

'Are we going to… do it today…?' Tianshi thought deeply.

"Tianshi, it is going to overflow soon." Suddenly, she heard Xuefeng's voice calling her and she finally returned to reality. She checked the bathtub which was almost filled to the brim with water and closed the cap. After putting a few red stones into the bath, it started steaming, turning into a hot bath.

"It's ready…" Tianshi called out quietly before turning towards Xuefeng. She saw that he still sat in the same spot, watching her with an interested expression.

"Why are you staring at me…?" She asked shyly.

"Can't I? You are really cute right now. It is hard not to watch you." Xuefeng replied smiling.

"Sweet talker… Come join me in the bath… Just how I promised." Tianshi smirked but still felt better hearing his compliments and entered the bath, inviting him to follow.

'Haha, do you think that I will let you go if you act as if nothing happened?' Xuefeng laughed in his mind and jumped into the bath after dropping his pants to the ground. Tianshi was still facing him with her back when she felt fully naked male body pressing against her. She could feel a hard sword poking her above her tailbone.

"Can you feel it…? You made me like this…" Xuefeng whispered into her ear as she fell into his embrace. She was holding her chest, trying to calm down her ringing heart when he caught her hands, worsening the situation. He bit her ear lightly before beginning to launch an attack on her neck.

"What do you want me to do…" Tianshi called out weakly as she leaned her back against his chest, allowing him to kiss her neck freely.

"Take responsibility…" Xuefeng whispered temptingly and pulled her right hand away from her chest, placing it on his raging staff. She wanted to pretend she didn't know how, but she knew that he wouldn't believe her. Even if she didn't come in contact with one before, she had common knowledge of sex education classes from back on Earth.

"It's hot…" Tianshi commented, blushing all the way down to her neck after feeling its warmth. Following his leading up and down movements, she started playing with it on her own.

They slid down to the water and Tianshi continued to rub the head behind her back while Xuefeng, with his free hands, started tamper with her female parts. Blocking her escape routes with his legs, he continued to massage her bosom and began loosening her crevice with his skilful fingers.

To his surprise, she was the first one to change the rules of the game as she suddenly turned around, looking at his strong weapon and said, "Can I lick it?"

Tianshi didn't need to ask him twice before he sat on the edge of the bath, evening out the levels of his waist and her head. She was the one who proposed it but when it was right in front of her face, it was much harder to start than she thought. Taking a deep breath she gave the tip a small, probing lick.

He gathered her hair so they wouldn't hinder her and proceed to watch as she slowly got better. She had a small amount of theory in her mind which she tried to apply in practice. She was startled that she actually didn't hate servicing him like this as it wasn't as disgusting as she thought it would be.

It was clean, hard and not smelly at all as she read from the adult blog she once read. It actually had a pleasant fragrance and taste which induced her to continue. After licking the head and running her tongue in circles a few times, she started sucking on the tip before gradually reaching deeper.

"Ahh…" Just as she swallowed up the whole head while adding a few hand twists on the shaft, Xuefeng moaned and shot a slimy liquid right into her mouth. She wasn't prepared at all and almost choked on it but in the end, she managed to swallow the whole loud.

"I'm sorry… You are just too beautiful… I was waiting for this day for too long and couldn't hold any longer…" Xuefeng slid back into the bath, apologized breathing deeply and experiencing the moment of ecstasy. If he didn't force himself to last longer, he would already burst after she stroked it gently with her soft hand.

"It's okay. As long as you are happy." Tianshi smiled sweetly, hugging him.

"There is still some left on your cheek…" Xuefeng informed her with a lewd smile seeing something on her face.

"Xuefeng~!" Tianshi exclaimed, hitting him on the chest.

"Haha, I'm not lying, here. Wasn't it tasty?" Xuefeng laughed and picked it with his finger before placing it in front of her. She pouted at first, but still grabbed his hand and sucked on his finger to taste it once again. Tianshi couldn't help It as it was indeed delicious just as he said.

While Xuefeng and Tianshi had their intimate moment, it was a night at a different place and a woman who was very close to Xuefeng recently was having a hard time while lying under her quilt.

"Aaah… Mhmm… What is going on…" An elf with long golden hair spread randomly in every direction, moaned consciously with her hand in between her thighs. She didn't know what was going on with her body.

At first, she was only hot all over and she felt very excited for no reason, which forced her awake, but later when she thought that this feeling will lessen, it intensified even more.

She felt hot in the region between her legs and couldn't help but rub it with her fingers just like Xuefeng showed her. Her breath quickly became irregular and her brain blank. Her love juices were flowing out constantly and she couldn't stop it.

"Aaaaah…" It only took her a few minutes to reach her limits and finally, she came, crying out in pleasure. She also covered her mouth with a pillow so her moans wouldn't be heard by anyone in the palace.

She had many questions she wanted answers for, but the most important was 'What just happened?'. All those emotions came crashing at her without any warning or reason. Even with Xuefeng, she never came this fast and needed his gentle attention for at least triple of that time.

'Is it cause I'm missing Xuefeng's touch? Am I addicted to his love?' Yiren thought, looking at the mess she created, as she finally started to breathe normally. The whole bed sheets were wet from her love juices and she had to change them if she wanted to fall asleep once again.

Just as she changed her bedsheets and lied down under her quilt, ready for sleep, she felt the same feeling once again.

"Mhmm… Not again… Ahhh…" She moaned instantly as the fire returned, burning her body from the inside. She was already done with the previous wave and another one hit her, paralyzing her body.

"Xuefeng... I miss you…" She called out before she was overwhelmed by pleasure.


Xuefeng sat behind Tianshi, with her in his arms and enjoyed the moment of finally being in the process of fulfilling his dream. He always imagined how would their intimate moment look like and he certainly missed the mark by a lot.

"Look, your hair is so nice, but you have to take care of them. Remember to always wash them every day." Thinking that their bathtub games were over, Tianshi turned into an exemplary girlfriend and started washing his hair, teaching him how to take care of himself.

"Why? I have you. Won't you take care of your boyfriend?" Xuefeng shook his head to get rid of the water on his face and smiled, teasing her.

"Phi, this was just a one time reward. You will have to earn it if you want more." Tianshi snickered and folded her arms under her perky breasts, pushing them up.

"Oh, if its a special case then I better make the best out of it. Don't think we are already done." Xuefeng grinned and reached out to grab her again.

"Haha… Ah, noo… Mhmm…" Tianshi laughed playfully, dodging Xuefeng's hand and ran to the other end of the bath, but she couldn't run away from him in such a small bathtub. He caught her swiftly and began leaving multiple kisses on her neck before covering her lips.

"Someone needs to clean you too. I volunteer as tribute!" Xuefeng left a sweet taste of his tongue in her mouth after he separated and picked Tianshi's shampoo. Pouring a decent amount on his hands, he called out with a quote from a famous western movie and attacked.

"You tickle me… I will wash my hair by myself then..." Feeling his warm hands rubbing all around her body, she actually didn't feel that shy anymore. For her, they already broke the final barrier and she could allow him this much. Seeing that he was much more focused on her chest rather than her hair, she rolled her eyes and started washing them herself.

Xuefeng was satisfied with this arrangement and continued stroking her with a grin on his face.

When Tianshi was finally done and tried to stand up, Xuefeng stopped her, launching the second part of the whole operation.

"Can you help me clean here too?" Xuefeng stood up, showing her the familiar manhood which she had the opportunity to touch earlier.

"Wasn't the previous one enough?" Tianshi asked realising what he wanted.

Instead of saying anything, Xuefeng reached out, grabbing Tianshi's right hand and placed it on his growing staff. Tianshi didn't resist as she didn't have a bad impression from her previous experience with it. She could even say that she kind of enjoyed it.

Giving it a few gentle strokes, Xuefeng's soldier quickly returned to duty. Tianshi stared at it, carefully caressing the head and after a small hesitation, she continued from where she left off by swallowing the whole head inside her mouth.

"Ahh… Your tongue is amazing…" Xuefeng praised her, feeling good when she teased him with the tip of her tongue. Trying to help her, Xuefeng started moving with his hips, slowly pushing it deeper but Tianshi moved her head back. He instantly realised that she preferred to play with her tongue instead.

In the end, Xuefeng's goal wasn't to have her pleasure him with her mouth again. He wanted more as the same occasion wouldn't come again in the near future knowing her.

"Stand up for a moment," Xuefeng called out to Tianshi who was still playing around and without pulling away, she looked at him with a questioning gaze. First, he wanted her to do it, then he wants something else.

"Just stand up, it won't run away…" Xuefeng smiled, teasing her.

"Okay…" Tianshi finally let go after giving her plaything the last lick and stood up. She didn't expect that Xuefeng would just hug her from behind while kissing her neck and grabbing onto her breasts to fondle with them. She was quite upset from being pulled away just for that but then realised his overall plan.

"Xuefeng…?" Tianshi shut her thighs together and asked with her voice panicked. While hugging her into his chest, Xuefeng sneakily slid his erected shaft in between of her thighs. Even after she closed them together, her legs were slippery enough for it to break through. She could even see it on the other side as if saying 'Hello, I'm back!' to her.

"Don't worry… I will not put it in unless you want me to…" Xuefeng grazed her earlobe with his lips and whispered seductively. When he started pulling out with his hips, his member adjusted in the spot near her entrance, gliding on it as it moved.

"Ah…" Having the pathway already created, when Xuefeng pushed forward once again, it didn't meet any resistance. The only change was Tianshi's cry when Xuefeng slammed with his waist against her bottom. After the first time, there was a second, the third and each time Tianshi couldn't help but let out a small moan.

Xuefeng was going in and out rhythmically with a steady strength while also rubbing and squeezing her nipples. She was already aroused from his earlier touches, so the combo she received was hard for her to take. It didn't take long for her legs to lose power as they started to shiver from pleasure and she had to support herself by the edge of the bathtub with her arms.

From the viewer's perspective, their act looked like Xuefeng was taking her from behind as he gave her bottom a few gentle slaps, but in reality, he was just teasing her.

"Ah… If you go any further… Ah… I'm losing it already…" Xuefeng brought the situation to the point where Tianshi couldn't hold anymore, calling out to him while moaning excessively. Realising it was the right time, Xuefeng suddenly pulled away and picked her up, walking out of the bath.

Kicking the doors from into his room, he approached the bed, throwing her on top of it, before quickly climbing after her. The water was still dripping from their bodies, wetting the whole bed but he didn't care.

"Should I stop…?" Xuefeng questioned as he played, circling around her cherry with his staff. He knew from her expression that she wanted him but was worried to take the last step.

Xuefeng smiled and decided to continue teasing her. He leaned over, kissing her deeply and asked again after she regained her breath, "Tell me… Do you want me?"

"I want you…" Tianshi finally picked her choice and whispered. She couldn't resist his temptations anymore.

Giving her another kiss as a reward he aimed with his staff, loosening her entrance a bit, before slowly pushing it inside her. She was already very relaxed from his previous foreplay but she still felt a slight pain. It was also much bigger than she expected. She felt like it was reaching up to her belly.

"Is it all in…?" Tianshi asked weakly after Xuefeng stopped distracting her with kisses.

"That's only the tip…" Xuefeng answered with a straight face causing her to panic.

"What? It's not going to fit…! Idiot..." Tianshi exclaimed but realised he was joking from his smile and hit him on the forehead with hers.

"Haha... It doesn't hurt anymore?" Xuefeng laughed and asked caressing her cheek.

"It stopped…" Tianshi finally realised what he was doing. He wanted to distract her so she wouldn't feel too much pain. When she thought about it, she suddenly felt like crying.

"Wait, why are you crying…?" Xuefeng wiped her tears away and asked worriedly.

"I'm just happy… I love you…" Tianshi smiled through her tears of happiness and kissing him after confessing.

"I love you too," Xuefeng replied and started to slowly move with his hips.

"Mhmm…" Tianshi wrapped her legs around Xuefeng's back, helping him with his pushes as they kissed passionately. During his first few thrusts, she felt a bit of pain but with each following one, it was lessening and later disappeared. Tianshi was very grateful for his special care and gentleness.

He took her safety as his priority in all of his actions and that's what she loved about him. Laying on top of her, Xuefeng showered his girlfriend with multiple kissed while holding both of her hands, pinning her down to the bed. He was already experienced and was confident that he can make Tianshi cry for more.

"Mhm… Mhm… Mhm…" Even with Xuefeng's tongue acting like a suppressor, Tianshi's moans could still escape from her mouth as he pounded, sliding deep inside of her. She was much tighter compared to his other companions he has been with, but with her juices continuously flowing out, he didn't have to worry about it.

Suddenly, Xuefeng slowed down his advances and even his kisses subsided. Tianshi quickly noticed that something was wrong and opened her eyes. She saw Xuefeng's eyes watering as if something emotional just hit him.

"What's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"I don't know, I was somehow overwhelmed by emotions. It must be because I was finally able to connect with you, for which I have been waiting for so long." Xuefeng smiled at her through his tears, explaining his feelings.

He was having the time of his life when out of nowhere, his brain was flooded with multiple deep emotions. He felt longing, sadness, helplessness and a bunch of other emotions mixed with each other which forced him immobile. Xuefeng didn't actually know why, so he connected it with his current situation.

Seeing him cry with a smile of his face, it affected Tianshi as well and she couldn't help but follow his footsteps.

"It's all your fault… I also wanted to be with you… Don't worry, no one will separate us anymore…" Tianshi blamed him for her tears and kissed him, putting all of her emotions into it.

Xuefeng let go of her hands and held onto her face, looking into her eyes passionately. He gently resumed his hips movements as he kissed her lightly on the lips. Between each kiss, he glanced into her eyes while wiping her tears away. With others, Xuefeng wanted to be rough and make them his, but with Tianshi, she was already in his heart. He preferred to have a slow and memorable experience that they will never forget.

Sliding his hands underneath her, Xuefeng lifted her and placed on his lap. With the help of his hands, he started moving with her bottom up and down while also giving it a few twists to the side. Tianshi wrapped her hands around his neck and assisted him, supporting her weight on him.

Even if they acted in a slow pace, in the end, it was much more rewarding and they felt their connection deepen even more. After Tianshi got a hang of it, she started changing positions to try everything she knew with him. The most popular position she knew was just right for the situation they were in.

She pushed him to the bed taking control over the situation and began to move with her butt on her own. Pulling away from his lips, she left numerous hickeys on his neck while running with her hard nipples in circles on his chest.

"Oh, god~... why it's so big… It reaches so deep, filling me completely…" After she sat down, trying another pose, she suddenly exclaimed, crying into the ceiling when Xuefeng's staff entered inside of her down to the base, touching her womb.

Tianshi allowed it to fill her wholly, approaching the end with each movement before she withdrew it, to the point it almost dropped out of her and teased her entrance. She measured how deep it could reach by sliding her finger on her belly, eventually ending up near her belly button.

"Ahh… Ahh… Let me play…" When Tianshi leaned back and supported herself with her hands, making a bow shape with her body, Xuefeng started to move his waist with sudden thrusts, ruining her harmony. Even if it brought her waves of pleasure, she couldn't help but call out unhappily.

"Then try the reverse position. Let me enjoy your perfect butt." Xuefeng grinned and said shamelessly.

"Like this?" Tianshi got intrigued by his idea and switched to the other side, now sticking her butt towards him with her legs alongside his waist.

Xuefeng smacked her butt, expressing his satisfaction and said with a smile, "Great, I love it! You can move how you want now…"

Tianshi rolled her eyes with a helpless smile, allowing him to do anything he wanted and just focused on pleasuring him. After a couple of movements, Xuefeng started to slowly push her back downwards, making her only work with her round butt.

He was also working on her butt as she moved, squeezing and gently slapping it from time to time. Unfortunately, with her firm muscles, it was tight and he couldn't enjoy the whole experience. Figuring out a simple solution, he lifted Tianshi's legs upwards, allowing him to sneakily appear behind her and thrust on his own.

His actions pushed Tianshi forward and she soon lay prone on the bed as he pounded inside her from behind. Xuefeng had to admit that this was his favourite position as not only could he reach where he wanted, he could also squeeze her buttcheeks which were loose, without any tension in them. Even if the texture didn't change, they looked much plumper than before and he could knead them as he wished.

After Xuefeng started assaulting Tianshi with the new pace, she buried her head into the quilt as to suppress her moans. Xuefeng's teasing side appeared and he couldn't help but play with her even more.

Each time he thrust inside of her, Xuefeng would pull out before sliding on her cleanly shaved crack, while also squeezing his staff with her butt, adding to the pleasure. He made sure to tease her second hole with the tip as he slid back towards her crevice. She wasn't aware of Xuefeng's preparations as she wouldn't even think he would do that.

He already made sure to clean her in the bath earlier but he didn't think about it at that time. After spreading her love juices in between her buttcheeks, Xuefeng returned inside her and started preparing the last element as he increased the frequency of his movements.

"Ah… Ahh… Xuefeng… Ahh, ahh… If you go like this, I will… Ahh…" Feeling the pleasure raising, Tianshi turned her head trying to warn Xuefeng, but the constant moans which escaped from her mouth didn't allow her to finish the sentence. Seeing that she was close to her limits Xuefeng grinned and continued to complete his work.

With Xuefeng's pressure, it didn't take long for her to finally surrender and explode with pleasure. Even if she suppressed all of the moans with the quilt, he could still feel the shivers that ran through her body.

Pulling out he could see some love juices flowing out but he didn't stop, he continued to tease her by pulling out, sliding in between her buttcheeks and played around her second hole.

Tianshi was totally unaware, feeling the moment of ecstasy which Xuefeng took advantage of. With enough love juices, he started slowly loosening her second hole, pushing inside. While she thought he was still entering the same way, he found another place for himself.

"Xuefeng…" Tianshi asked after a moment when she finally noticed that something was off. Normally Xuefeng couldn't fit his whole staff inside of her but now she could feel it was definitely longer than normal.

"Shh, it's okay. I will be done soon." Xuefeng leaned over, whispering sweetly into her ear. With enough lube in the form of her love juices, he could easily slide into her, without her feeling any discomfort. He expected her objections but so far she was taking it bravely. Xuefeng always wanted to try how it would feel even once but if he had to compare he would still choose her delicate garden instead.

'At least I can come inside her without any warning, hehe.' Xuefeng giggled in his mind as he gave Tianshi another thrust.

"Wait… are you in my butt…? Noo, it's dirty there!" Tianshi felt her bottom with her hand and realised what he was doing, causing her to cry out. She tried to stand up, but with Xuefeng lying on top of her, it was impossible.

"There is no place in your body that is dirty… Also, without protection in this world, it is safer this way… What if I forgot to pull out thinking about how beautiful you are?" Xuefeng said gently adding a little lie to convince her and it worked. She stopped struggling and thought through his words.

What if they suddenly had a kid? Wouldn't that be a huge burden for them right now? They were not even married. Tianshi didn't even want to think about what would happen if her father learned about her having a child.

"Okay… But only this once… It actually doesn't feel as bad as I thought…" Tianshi agreed and helped by spreading her buttcheeks.

"You are the best! I am almost at my limit anyway…" Xuefeng praised and pushed even deeper, pressing on her with his whole body weight.

"If you are at your limit you can still come outs… Aaah, you had to do it, right…?" Hearing him, she tried to remind him, but it was too late as Xuefeng spurted with his load right at that moment.

"Haha, my girlfriend knows me the best!" Xuefeng leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek before pulling away from her.

"Gosh, now we need to clean ourselves again…" Tianshi saw her legs and butt covered with love juices and sighed, but when she saw Xuefeng's grin, she called, "No!", fully knowing his thoughts.

The sky above her was blood red and the ground was coloured crimson by a stinky liquid which flowed from thousands of human and beasts' corpses. They were lying motionless and most of them were lacking a head or had a hole in their chests where a heart was supposed to be.

The only person alive in the whole vicinity was a brown hair lady of blue eyes with a pretty square face. Even if the droplets of blood were dripping from her cheeks, she still preserved her beauty.

It was someone who Xuefeng knew very well, her name was Wuying. She was currently in the Blood Inheritance Grounds, attempting her last try in finally beating it. Just like last time, she repeated her feat of reaching the 8th trial, the Bloody Desert. She started to call it like that as it really was nothing more than endless desert.

"Congratulations challenger, you passed the 8th trial. Enter the portal to move into the next floor." As Wuying walked through the corpses with two shiny, blood daggers in her hands, she heard a voice in her mind.

Wuying pointed with her hand towards the ground and suddenly the blood which was beneath her naked feet started to move. The Blood Essence within the blood was being sucked through the skin until she filled her dantian to the brim once again.

"To think that I would get such a useful art as a bonus. Heavens really want me to get the inheritance. Xuefeng, just you wait… I will get strong enough to stay proudly by your side…" Wuying vowed herself and walked into the portal which appeared not too far away from her.

A moment after her disappearance, a vortex appeared in the sky and two men went out of it, hovering in the sky. One was old and another one looked middle-aged.

"To think that father pulled us out of the middle heaven just so we could spy on those kids." The middle-aged man sighed looking towards the portal.

"Huh? Now you are complaining? Why are you giving this girl other arts then? It's not even from this inheritance. Are you going to give her a whole set of blood arts from Heaven Realm or what?" the old man rolled his eyes at his partner shamelessness and asked.

"Hey! This girl also needs some help. Look how much she loves him. The one you helped is already in a good position. If we don't help this one, it will be over for her." The middle-aged man defended himself recalling the reunion scene they witnessed not long ago at the Liu Clan.

"Okay, okay. Father didn't specify what we need to do. We only have to report to him what they are doing." The old man threw his hands in the air giving up.

"Right! Let's go and see if Wuying can pass the 9th trial." The middle-aged man exclaimed and entered the vortex.

The old man shook his head with a smile and followed after him. At least their days weren't that boring anymore.


At the same time in the Liu Clan, while Wuying was struggling on the next trial, Xuefeng just came out of the bathroom in a towel by his waist and a grin on his face. He was kicked out by Tianshi who was too embarrassed to clean herself in his presence and blamed him for that.

Xuefeng blowdried his hair with the Air Qi while he walked towards the bed when he suddenly heard the sounds from the garden as he passed the doors. He opened the doors after fixing the towel and saw that one of the twins was still training her sword. Xuefeng observed for a moment as she was still unaware of his observation and couldn't help but nod in approval.

"Nice! You improved the mistakes you made during our sparring." Xuefeng called out behind her as he approached. Yi was Tianshi's maid so it wasn't a problem for him if he only had a towel on his body at that time. Hearing his voice, Yi stopped training, putting the sword down and relaxed, turning around.

"Young Master! Why are you naked!" Aquamarine-eyed Yi didn't expect what she saw at all. She instantly turned back into her original position and cried out, blushing. She didn't know why she found it extremely embarrassing when she has already seen many men during training, but when she saw Xuefeng's muscles, her heart exploded.

"Haha, what, I have a towel, isn't that alright?" Xuefeng laughed seeing her unexpected reaction and called out innocently.

"It's not alright… Here, wear this… " Yi denied, as for her, the towel around his waist only intensified her wild imagination. She pulled out a robe from her ring and threw it past his shoulders, covering his chest. Only after that could she turn around and take another look at him.

Xuefeng didn't say anything more but she still felt like she couldn't get a word out of her mouth. Giving him one last look, she bowed and said, "I wasn't supposed to stay here this long, I will go back to my room…", before sneaking away towards the guest room they were staying at.

"And what's up with her?" Xuefeng felt she acted weird, knowing her profession and skills but didn't delve deeper into why. He hid the robe back into his ring, planning to return it to Yi later and walked back towards his room.

'You already had your fun, right? When do you plan to train and hunt for other fate fragments?' Ling suddenly broke his thoughts as she entered into his mind and asked.

'I will spend some time with Tianshi before I start thinking about what I want to do next. I also need to secure a steady supply of Fate Stones and Spirit Stones. It's not like I'm not doing anything.' Xuefeng thought for a moment and said, justifying his slow progress.

'Without other abilities, you are too weak to hold this much Fate Qi. I am yet to absorb them as you would be targeted very soon if I did. The more Fate Qi you have, the easier it is to track you down. Remember, you are not alone in this game. At the moment you are the prey that everyone is looking for and it won't be long until someone catches you. To become a predator, you have to work for it.' Ling explained with her cold voice and Xuefeng almost felt as if she was scolding him.

'I know… I will.' Xuefeng nodded and walked into the room. It was also the time Tianshi left the bathroom.

Their eyes meet and he sent her a smile, but Tianshi was still a little mad at him for tricking her earlier, so she walked towards the bed and started changing the sheets in silence. She didn't want anyone else to clean after her mess.

"Does it hurt? I thought I was gentle." Xuefeng asked and he started to help her.

"It is not, but that doesn't mean that you can act on your own like that... Next time just talk to me first about stuff like this... Okay?" Tianshi blamed him ones again before she finally sighed, giving him a chance for forgiveness.

"Yes!" Xuefeng called out as he jumped onto the bed. He looked at Tianshi while pulling out the letter he stored earlier, asking "How about we read it now?"

"Sure!" Tianshi mood finally improved when she saw the letter as her curiosity won.