205 - 211

"Big sister, don't worry. He already likes you. You just need to push him a little bit further, and he will be yours." Wu Lan said after Xuefeng walked away from them. She grabbed Xiao Wen's hand to cheer her up while giving her encouraging smile.

"How do you know that?" Xiao Wen asked interestedly, while also releasing her Spirit Awareness around them, so others won't hear their conversation.

"I can feel other people's intentions, feelings or weaknesses. Basically anything other than thoughts. Didn't you all stop us because of my gift? I know you guys didn't have any intentions to hurt me or else I wouldn't follow you." Wu Lan told the truth. She knew that they will ask her that sooner or later anyway.

"You are a smart girl. Yes, that was the reason. If you really have such gift can you tell me if he… has any feelings for me?" Xiao Wen patted Wu Lan on the head and asked while glancing at Xuefeng's back. She didn't know what reply she expected, but she wanted to know where she stands.

Wu Lan was a frank girl and didn't hesitate to tell her the truth, "He thinks of you as a good friend. There is no love for you in his heart..."

Hearing the painful truth, Xiao Wen breathed a mouthful of air, feeling very heavy. She expected such answer but she still hoped to have a higher starting position than this. Just before she overthought too much about the situation, Wu Lan added, "...But he finds you really attractive. He didn't lie when he said that he would love to see you in such an outfit as that lady. That's why I said that sister still has a chance."

Xiao Wen's hope returned into her eyes as she asked, "Really?"

"I believe so. His first intentions of putting on such dress on someone was towards you. He finds your body the most alluring. I think the best way to seduce him is through it. When he looks at you, he has intentions of doing some dirty stuff with you, but he always pushes them away knowing that he already has other lovers." The small adult diagnosed Xuefeng behaviour.

"Mhmm, how about my personality? Should I change anything?" Hearing some valuable information, Xiao Wen couldn't help but ask more. She was confident with her body, so she wasn't surprised about Xuefeng's indecent thoughts towards her.

Before she could hear the answer, Xuefeng noticed that Xiao Wen wasn't following them and called out to her, "Wen! What are you girls waiting there for?" With her Spirit Awareness activated, he could never find her with his own so it wasn't surprising he didn't notice her absence.

"Don't worry about him, I want to hear your answer." Xiao Wen was too curious to wait for the next time they were alone.

"Big brother doesn't like when you get jealous for him. He knows what he is doing and gets dissatisfied when people don't trust him, especially his close friends. Did you see the other sister bash him for looking at other women? I didn't.

"It's because they trust him and know that he won't betray them. Just like he doesn't fall for you, it's the same with others. I don't believe he would just randomly manifest feelings for someone without any trigger. You should already be happy that he already likes you as a friend." Wu Lan answered in full detail before she smiled towards Xuefeng, who had started approaching them, seeing that they ignored his call.

Xiao Wen wanted to ask more, but Xuefeng already reached them and scolded, "Everyone is waiting for you two. You can talk later," before grabbing them by the hands and pulling them with him.

As they walked, Xiao Wen analyzed everything Wu Lan just told her and glanced with the corner of her eye at Red Rose's dress, imaging herself in it. She then imagined Xuefeng eating her with his gaze, before reaching out to touch her body all around.

This image broke inside of her mind when Xuefeng asked her, "Wen, are you okay? You are spacing out."

"Mhmm, I'm fine. I was just thinking about something." Xiao Wen smiled warmly towards him to which he nodded and continued to walk.

Xiao Wen finished her thoughts with a final decision, 'I guess, I need such a dress…'


The whole lobby was almost empty, with only a few pairs of customer and manager talking business in private, so no one saw them entering into the second floor private rooms. They quickly reached the last doors of the corridor and Red Rose finally halted.

"How can I address you guys?" Red Rose asked after turning around and looking at Xuefeng. She believed Xuefeng was the leader of the group as he was the only male there.

"No need for names. You can call me young master if you wish. We will be leaving the city right after we finish this transaction and dinner." Xuefeng replied, not exposing too much. He wasn't interested in the so-called yearly auction this night as he didn't think he would find any treasures in the Aurora Country.

"Young Master then. Here, we reached my room. Young Master, I invite you to my office where we will talk about your business." Red Rose opened the doors, showing the luxurious interior and invited Xuefeng inside with a smile.

"Mhmm, let's go." Xuefeng nodded and wanted to lead everyone inside when Red Rose added, "By the way, we are only doing transactions one on one. Is that alright if everyone waits for Young Master outside? We have a waiting room prepared for our guests right next to my room."

"Oh, is that alright for you guys?" Xuefeng didn't mind that but asked the ladies for their opinion. They all nodded their heads, not minding it either, even Xiao Wen didn't have any problems with that, which quite surprised him.

"Okay, I will make it quick. Wait for me here." Xuefeng said before entering into the room. He didn't have any experience with trading but he didn't think it would be too hard.

After she closed the doors behind her, Wu Lan poked Xiao Wen and informed, "This lady doesnt have good intentions. She plans to seduce big brother and earn money off him."

"Well, let's believe in Xuefeng's power. You told me to trust him, so I will do just that." Xiao Wen said calmly as she rubbed both Lulu's and Wu Lan heads. She still had the urge to barge in and say no, but following Wu Lan advice, she stopped herself.

Inside the room, the barrier which suppressed the sounds activated and before she could even sit down on the sofa, Xuefeng threw a sack filled with various types of Pills towards her, saying, "Here, they are Rank 5 pills of different types. Propose a price."

"Wow, Young Master. You are fast. Going straight into the business. Don't you want to drink anything first?" Red Rose commented warmly before she winked at him as she passed by him, with her hand touching his shoulder in a friendly manner.

As a professional merchant, she quickly calculated the number of pills in the sack and smiled seeing how many types of pills Xuefeng brought for her. She already could see the money she would get from selling them.

Ignoring her question, Xuefeng schemed, "I have more of them too but first, let's start with the price for each one of them. I want to first see what you can propose to me. I already have the estimate in my mind." Xuefeng only had a minimum price for the pills he learned from Xiao Wen, so as long as he got offered above it, he wouldn't mind.

Red Rose agreed right away and sat down, patting the spot next to her for Xuefeng to sit, saying, "Alright. Young Master, sit down for a second. I will check them out and give you a satisfactory proposal."

Xuefeng was quite surprised that there were only one large sofa and a small table next to it inside the whole room. From his knowledge, there should be at least two chairs, one for a guest and one for the host. Having no other options, he sat next to her leaving a bit of a distance between them.

Red Rose didn't mind that as she was more focused on the sack of pills in her hands. She had a small plate on the table and didn't hesitate to gently spill them out. There were about twelve pills of different colours, sizes and aromas.

Xuefeng looked at them and recalled that he actually didn't ask Xiao Wen about the pills descriptions at all. He only knew that they could be bought for one high tiered Spirit Stone in the Central Region and nothing about their usage.

'I guess that will be a problem if she doesn't know what those pills are...' Xuefeng thought, partly blaming himself for not asking earlier as he watched Red Rose test the pills. She picked up each pill one by one and smelled it first, before scrapping tiny amounts with a small knife to taste them. He guessed that it was the best method to learn about the properties of the pill.

Red Rose put down her tools after testing all twelve of them and said, "Excellent pills. All rank 5 of perfect quality. That's quite rare in the Eastern Region," before turning towards Xuefeng, placing one leg onto another and asked, "They didn't come from here, right?"

"No, they didn't," Xuefeng replied with a smile. He wasn't intimidated by her appeal and could look in her eyes without worry.

Red Rose looked at Xuefeng interestedly and asked a question unrelated to the business, "May I ask what relations does Young Master have with the Tang Family?"

Hearing the name of Tang Family, Xuefeng quickly got alerted, but Red Rose reacted right away, correcting herself, "Don't worry Young Master, I have no relations with them. I just happened to visit the Central Region a while ago with my master and met a few Tang Family alchemists. The pills you have here are very similar to the ones I worked on back then."

Xuefeng couldn't trust her in such a sensitive topic, so he decided to just quickly get this business done and leave, "Well, Let's not speak about anything else. I have the pills you want to buy it. Let's leave it at that."

Seeing him like that, Red Rose was filled with regret and quickly bowed, apologizing "I apologize, Young Master, I made the conversation uncomfortable for you."

Seeing her almost touching the sofa with her forehead, Xuefeng quickly grabbed her shoulder and helped her up, saying, "It's okay, you don't need to apologize... I didn't mind it that much. Let's proceed with the transaction."

"Mhmm, thank you, Young Master. So handsome yet understanding. It's such a shame Young Master already has few lovers else I would certainly chase after you." Red Rose raised her head, looking at him apologetically and held onto his hand which he used to help her, before placing it above her chest, saying, "My heart is already pounding. Here, can you feel it?"

'Can she be more desperate than this? She is trying to seduce you…' Ling called out in his mind with a reminder but he already knew it himself. It just would be too awkward later if he just pulled his hand away and rejected her. She wasn't a threat for him anyway and if she tried anything, he was already prepared.

"Yes, I can feel it very clearly," Xuefeng replied calmly, not showing any signs of enjoyment as if it was normal for him.

'What's up with him… Isn't he a pervert who likes pretty girls? Do I lack anything compared to them?' Red Rose said in her mind, thinking it was weird for Xuefeng to have no reaction whatsoever.

Feeling like her skills were becoming faulty, she came even closer to him with her waist touching his and slipped his hand under her dress, letting him embrace her full breast, before asking with a coaxing voice, "How about now? Can you feel it better now?"

"Miss Rose." Xuefeng looked at her with pity, pulling his hand away and patted her on the head, saying softly, "I don't think this is appropriate for you to do. Don't you think a lady as beautiful as you need to respect herself more? You don't need to use your body to entrance me. Your voice alone is enough to make many fall for you."

Hearing his advice and the way he spoke, Red Rose actually felt her stomach contort inside her. To top it off, Xuefeng added, "If you respect yourself, others will also respect you. I know this is not who you actually are. You found that it is an easy way to convince men into doing what you want, but you actually hate it, right? Think about it. With your skills as an alchemist, you can have a high status anywhere you want. Why throw it away like this?"

Sniff, sniff. Xuefeng's words hit her deeply. She didn't know when, but she started crying. Red Rose looked at Xuefeng knowing that all the things he said were actually true, and it made her cry even more. Tears fell, streaming down on her chin before dropping onto Xuefeng's pants.

"It's okay. Don't cry… Everyone makes mistakes, but it's never too late to change yourself for the better." Xuefeng quickly felt bad for her and cheered her up, wiping her tears away. It only made her cry even more and hide her face in his chest.

'Sigh, I'm too kind. I can't stand women crying…' Xuefeng just wanted to help, but it ended up backfiring at him. It took Red Rose a moment to collect herself and pull away from him.

"Young Master, you are right. I hate it very much. I will stop such behaviour. Thank you for opening my eyes." Red Rose bowed and turned back into her professional self and said, "I really want to buy those pills. How many do you have?"

"How many can you afford to buy?" Xuefeng replied, satisfied that he could help.

"We can buy as many as you have. We don't have a shortage of funds." Red Rose replied calmly. Her eyes were still red from crying earlier and she was still trying to collect herself.

Xuefeng decided to go with the number he thought of earlier, "Let's go with a hundred of each type. What about the price?"

Red Rose stood up from the sofa and looked through the window, saying out loud, "I would propose Young Master the same price as in the Central Region, but I won't. I have a different proposal."

"Let me hear it," Xuefeng said, glancing at her interestedly.

While the ladies waited for Xuefeng in the waiting room, Xiao Wen was the most impatient one of them all. It had already been ten minutes since Xuefeng entered the room with another lady and even after she told herself that its nothing, she still couldn't stop thinking about it.

Xiao Wen wasn't even with him yet but she already couldn't stop being jealous each time he interacted with another woman. She was fine with Yiren or Wuying but if it was someone she didn't know, she couldn't stand it.

"Why is it taking him so long…" Xiao Wen asked the ladies, irritated that they didn't worry at all.

"It naturally takes time to negotiate business deals. He should be done soon." Wuying replied, taking another snack from the table that was prepared for them by the servant no long ago.

"Sister, just sit down and relax. We will visit a nice restaurant soon. Lan says that the food there is amazing. I wonder if it can beat my auntie's snacks…" Yiren gave another snack to the kids who ate them slowly. She scolded them for eating too fast as there was supposed to be dinner later.

Staring at the doors to Red Rose's cabinet, she finally couldn't wait anymore and approached it while giving an excuse, "I will just go in and see if he needs help or something…"

Just as she wanted to reach towards the handle, the doors opened which forced her back. Xuefeng was the first to leave, all safe and sound. He looked at the surprised Xiao Wen and asked, "Did anything happened?"

"No, no…" Xiao Wen shook her head and quickly asked, showing him a gentle smile, "How was it?

"Well, the transaction was successful, but I am worried that we will have to stay in the city for the night? I decided that we will attend today's auction." Xuefeng informed them about his decision, which shocked Xiao Wen.

"Didn't you say that we will leave the city today after dinner?" Xiao Wen asked with a frown and looked at the Red Rose who walked towards the exit as well. They both glanced at each other and Red Rose nodded at her with a smile.

"Miss Rose proposed to pay for our stay and food at her restaurant while the auction is sure to bring us a lot of money. I thought we could enjoy ourselves today and finish the mission tomorrow." Xuefeng explained his decision and asked while poking her nose playfully, "What do you think?"

"If it's what you want, I don't mind…" Xiao Wen looked at his gentle smile and couldn't get angry at him, causing her to accept it indifferently. She didn't want to spend more time here than necessary, but he couldn't say no to him.

Seeing her not convinced, Xuefeng leaned over and whispered into her ear, "Don't worry, there will be a present for you later," before walking towards the others while asking, "Are you guys ready to eat something?

"Big brother, you should try these! Those snacks are good!" Wu Kong was the first one to answer, rubbing his belly. It was his first meal of the day and he couldn't say bad things about it.

"Oh, don't worry, we will eat much more delicious things now." Xuefeng patted the boy on the head and asked, "Do you think you can manage to eat more?"

"Of course! I'm a man after all!" Wu Kong replied with confidence.

"Haha, alright, you will be able to eat as many as you like. Yiren, Wuying, sorry for the wait." Xuefeng laughed at the boy's reaction before he embraced his women and rewarded them with a kiss.

During that time, Red Rose already approached Xiao Wen, who was looking at Xuefeng's back and spoke quietly, "He cares about you guys a lot. About you too, he just doesn't know about it completely yet. I only managed to convince him to stay thanks to you."

"Yeah…" Xiao Wen agreeing completely, but then realised what Red Rose said and asked curiously, "Wait, me? What I have to do with his decision?"

Red Rose didn't answer her question and instead complained about the unfairness of the world, "I'm jealous. It's so unfair. If only I met him before. To think that he only needed to say a few words to change the way I live. Watch out or I will steal him from you girls."

Knowing that he was approaching, Red Rose didn't speak anymore and instead continued to smile at him.

"Miss Rose you can lead the way," Xuefeng said as he nodded at her, bringing the others with him into the corridor.

As Red Rose started leading the way and everyone followed, Xiao Wen stole Wu Lan from the group and walked with her behind the others. Xiao Wen couldn't get an answer from Red Rose, so she decided to ask her little agent instead.

Unfortunately, just as she suppressed the sounds around them, Wu Lan said sweetly, "Big sister, I can't tell you anything. I don't want to ruin the surprise for you."

"Did he actually prepare something for me?" Xiao Wen didn't completely believe his words earlier but hearing Wu Lan's words made her wonder what it might be.

"I don't know if you will like it, but he for sure will. Big Brother is shameless. You will have to wait till later to find out the truth." Wu Lan didn't say anything, deciding to hide the truth, which made Xiao Wen extremely curious the whole way to the restaurant.

They didn't need to walk too far from the auction house as the red tower was really close to them. On their way, they learned that Red Rose was the owner of both the auction house and the Red Rose restaurant, but that was obvious just from the name itself.

There were barely any cultivators on the streets and only as they walked past restaurants, would they see crowds of people waiting for their turn to enter. In the inner city, there were barely any poor people and most were rich merchants who could afford to eat in expensive restaurants every day.

"Hey, it's boss Rose! Make a way!" When they finally approached the Red Rose Tower, the servants from the entrance quickly made way for them, pushing away the crowd.

Everyone wondered who the guests following the famous Red Rose were, skipping all the queue when finally someone called out, "Those people are the ones who broke through the gate without paying and beat up dozens of guards!"

It didn't take long for everyone to pass that message to each other until everyone knew about it. The status of being friends with boss Red Rose was enough to give them high status, but now they had the label of experts as well.

"Is the top floor private room free?" Red Rose asked the manager after they smoothly entered into the restaurant's lobby.

The handsome manager smiled seeing his beautiful boss and checked the registry he reported, "Boss Rose, the top floor is currently occupied by the Sir—" but before he could end the sentence, Red Rose cut him off saying, "Kick them out. Let him have one of the lower rooms."

Pointing towers Xuefeng's group, she commanded, "Bring them to the best private room on the top floor and provide them with the highest service you can. I will visit them in a bit after I settle some matters."

When they finally reached the top of the tower, which had the height of ten levels or more, the manager who led them in front of the room, bowed and knocked on the room, saying to Xuefeng, "Sir, excuse me, I will clear the room right away."

"No problem, we can wait." Xuefeng nodded as he didn't mind the wait. As they walked up the stairs, reaching the top levels, he noticed that there were a lot of rooms all around the levels.

He knew that the top rooms should be one of the best and he didn't wish to lose it, even if he had to kick someone else out. His women deserved the best out of the best. Xuefeng could see only one door at the top, meaning the whole floor would be just for them.

The first knock from the manager was clearly ignored. Xuefeng glanced indifferently at him, without meaning anything but the manager thought he was annoying and quickly banged the doors once again.

Only then did they hear an irritated shout from the inside of the room, "Hey! I told you guys to not disturb me while I'm enjoying myself! You already brought the food!"

The door opened abruptly and they saw an old guy with grey hair and wrinkles, wearing only a towel around his private area. Behind him, they could see a few young partially naked ladies laying on the sofa, with an ugly expression on their faces. Even if they were paid a lot of money to stay with him, they couldn't pretend they liked an old man.

"Lord, we are sorry—" Seeing the situation, the manager quickly apologized, trying to explain the situation, but was quickly cut off by the old man as his eyes fell onto three ladies that came together with him.

The old man laughed lewdly as he patted the manager on the shoulder and called out to him, "Hehe, don't worry, I forgive you. To think that you brought such fine beauties for me. I will make sure to repay you later."

Thinking Xiao Wen and the rest were also the workers of the tower, the old man walked towards Xiao Wen and reached out his wrinkled hand, saying with a laugh, "Haha, so beautiful, I will start playing with you and the other two, you can follow us..."

Obviously, Xiao Wen was already disgusted with the man and the moment he started approaching her, she already had the plan to take out her sword, cutting his head off. Just as she was about to kill him, seeing his hand was getting closer, a sword whooshed from the side, straight towards the old man's arm.

The hand fell to the ground after one clean cut and the flames from Black Flames Slayer burned the wound, causing the old man to shriek horribly, "Aaaaargh, motherfucker!"

The manager quickly paled seeing the situation, but he was actually satisfied with such development. Many women were ruined by the old man every week he was in the city, being abused as he used them sexually, which quite disgusted him, but he couldn't say it out loud.

"Ahhh, my arm! Fucking bastar—" The old man cried out in pain but before he could say anything else, Xuefeng put the sword up to his throat, shutting him down.

"If you say one more word, I will kill you. This is my last warning," Xuefeng said coldly, which finally made the old man quiet.

"Sir…" The manager called out quietly not knowing how to handle the situation.

"You can take him away and call someone to clean the room for us," Xuefeng ordered and entered the room without looking back at the old man. He approached the sofa the ladies were sitting at, picking up the blanket which was on the side before covering each of them with one.

There were only three of them, so he had to take one cloak from his ring and use it instead. The girls didn't know what to say seeing how the old man lost a hand to this man and just let Xuefeng do as he wished. He was a handsome man, so they were quite interested in him.

Xuefeng smiled gently towards them and said, "You are safe now, you can pick up your clothes and go on your way." They weren't completely naked, wearing their underwear, but the dresses of two of them were already taken off by the old man earlier.

"Sir… If you let him go… He will for sure get his revenge on us later… We can't go back like that…" One of the four girls who received the cloak from him called out softly, having a pained expression on her face. It wasn't a secret as they knew such a thing will happen. It wasn't the first time the customers vented their daily life frustration on them.

"Are you employed by anyone?" Xuefeng asked the girl, trying to understand the situation. He didn't like prostitution but he understood that the world there was much crueller compared to what he was used to. Some girls just don't have a choice and are forced into such jobs, out of desperation.

"Mhmm, we are employed by Boss Rose to entertain the guests in the private rooms…" The girl nodded embarrassedly, before explained, knowing he would overthink their jobs, "We are supposed to only keep them company, but… not everyone is as gentle as Sir…"

"Oh, then you don't have to worry about anything. I am acquainted with Lady Rose. I will mention this to—" Hearing that they were just escorts, Xuefeng assured them, thinking that he can tell what happened to Red Rose when suddenly, the old man started cursing once again behind his back.

When the manager tried to lift the old man from the floor, he cried out, "Don't touch me! I will tell everything to the City Lord! You are all done!" Before pointing at Xuefeng and shouted angrily, "And you fucker especially!"

Slash. Slash. Slash.

Just as he finished threatening Xuefeng, three attacks reached his body from three different directions. First, it was Xiao Wen who was the closest to him, slicing off his head with one clean horizontal cut, spraying his blood around. The second attack hit the old man's heart as Wuying threw a bloody red dagger which quickly started to suck all the blood from him.

Yiren was the last one to react, but she aimed her attack on the old man's second arm instead. She was angry at the old man for shouting at Xuefeng and her hand moved unconsciously, sending an air slash, which cut his arm.

The body dropped to the ground first, it was followed by the old man's head and the arm. After their deed, they all looked at each other, not even surprised by the other's actions. They would kill anyone, trying to threaten their loved one. It was also expected by Xiao Wen who, even if she wasn't Xuefeng's lover yet, killed for less annoying things.

"Well, I guess you girls don't need to worry about that old man anymore…" Xuefeng said to the escort girls after witnessing the scene, not expecting for all three of them to attack him at the same time in his defence. It was wrong but It made him quite happy to have them support him like this.

The only one who was freaking out was the manager who will have to explain everything to the City Lord, as he was a witness to this crime. He didn't care about the old man, but about his upcoming problems later on.

Seeing the dead body, Yiren couldn't help but cover her eyes, crying out, "Aaah, he made me so mad! He cursed Xuefeng so hard... I couldn't help but want to shut him…"

Xiao Wen hugged her sister into her chest, praising her while patting her head, "There, there. You did what you felt like and that's good. If someone threatens your lover, don't hesitate to attack them."

"Mhmm, I will…" Yiren hugged her and nodded sweetly. She didn't feel bad for hurting the old man which made her feelings complicated.

The red eyes of Wuying were shining brightly as she started absorbing the Blood Qi from the old man's dead body. She followed Xuefeng's advice and decided to embrace this power, overcoming the side effects.

After Wuying sucked him dry, a sudden thirst for more filled her mind and instantly her eyes started searching for other prey. When she spotted the manager standing alone in the corner, a thought of throwing her dagger at him tried to break through in her mind.

Just as she was about to move, something stopped her and a familiar calm voice entered into her ear, "It's okay, I'm here. You don't need to do it. You are stronger than that."

Hearing it, her body started filling with calmness, with his voice crushing all negative thoughts. Wuying turned around, with her eyes back to normal and kissed Xuefeng before giving him a tight hug. His voice alone was enough to break her mind, forcing her into a calm state once again.

"I'm fine now," Wuying said softly and only then did Xuefeng let go of her, saying to the three of them, "Thank you." Yiren also walked up to him, taking a hug from him. She wouldn't miss a free hug like that. Only Xiao Wen was left without one, but she was determined to receive on sooner or later.

Giving last pats on the head, Xuefeng approached the old man's body and picked up his hand, pulling out the Storage Ring he had on his forefinger before throwing it to the manager, commanding, "Share the wealth from the ring with the five of you and clean everything, including the room he used. You can bring food to the side room where we will be waiting."

"Thank you, Sir!" Hearing about Xuefeng's generosity, the escort ladies who listened to him exclaimed happily, thanking right away. The manager was also elated, memorising everything he said.

"You don't need to work like this. Use this money to find yourself a more suiting job, maybe even a caring husband." Xuefeng gave one advice to the escort girls, thinking that with their looks, they didn't need to work like this.

"Yes, Sir! We will," The girl in the cloak bowed with gratitude, even having a small tear in the corner of her eye. It wasn't her dream job to work like this, being groped by men every day, so she was really thankful.

"Mhmm," Xuefeng nodded, feeling it wasn't much. It was rather hush money instead, but he let them think what they wanted.

'I wonder what will Rose say when she learns that I made four of her employees run away.' Xuefeng thought before inviting his group inside.

The manager actually did a good job, fixing everything in the quickest time possible. By the time they got their food prepared and they started to eat, the best room in the Red Rose tower was prepared for their usage. The whole apartment, if one could call it one, had four rooms which were all cleaned, getting rid of the old man's existence.

One was a dining room with a giant wooden table, capable of fitting tens of people and throwing a feast. The second one was a living room where the deceased old man was hanging out most of his time. The third one was a giant bedroom room with a bed that could fit almost five or six people with ease and the last one was, of course, a spacious bathroom.

There weren't any additional bedrooms in this apartment which made Xiao Wen quite unfortunate. It wasn't big enough to house a whole family but was ideal for a couple and a man with a few lovers.

"How do you like the food?" Xuefeng asked everyone after tasting each dish himself as well. The whole table was filled with food and they could all taste different stuff if they wanted. They wouldn't be surprised if there was still a lot of leftovers after they were done.

"It's good, but it can't compare to auntie's snacks," Yiren commented as she put another snack into her mouth. Even if it was only decent, she would eat it as she was a foodie.

"Big Brother, this food is so good. Can we really eat as much as we can?" Wu Kong asked while putting everything he wanted to try onto his plate. It already created a small mountain right in front of him.

"Yes. Just don't eat too much. We will also eat later, you don't need to worry." Xuefeng assured the boy, which made him burst with happiness and start eating right away with big bites.

Just as Xuefeng looked towards the little Wu Lan who only took a few nibbles of food, she reached to him and said, "Big brother, here."

"I didn't say anything yet…" Xuefeng didn't know how to react to her action, but Xiao Wen was there to help him as she explained, "She has a gift which allows her to read other people's intentions, strengths and weaknesses. Basically, she can sense anything from you, other than your thoughts."

Xuefeng glanced at the innocent looking Wu Lan before turning to Xiao Wen and asked, "Do you think it is what we are looking for?"

"I don't know, but that is very possible. I didn't check it myself… If it turns out to be true, I don't want it." Xiao Wen quickly made her judgement based on the information she had in front of her. She already had a problem handling the people who said stuff that she didn't like and if she was to automatically know their intentions as well, she would have too much killing to do.

Xiao Wen admired Wu Lan greatly for being able to handle so much knowledge about other people. If one had bad intention towards someone, should she inform them about it or just ignore it? Such cases would happen all the time and she would never get rid of that.

"When did you learn about it?" Xuefeng asked confused, thinking he had the right to know about it as that was actually important. She didn't tell him about that earlier.

"I am telling you now as I also learnt not long ago. Talk to Lan, not me." Xiao Wen shrugged before pointing with her eyes towards Wu Lan who just listened to their conversation from the side.

Just as Xuefeng turned towards Wu Lan, the girl said with hope, "I don't mind if you take it away from me. It is extremely straining to know everything about people around you. When I was younger, I couldn't go out of the house or I would feel a headache from the amount of information I received."

'Can you find out if she has a fate fragment inside of her?' Xuefeng asked in his mind, feeling the need to take a bit of advice.

'I can if she doesn't resist, else it would be painful. But I'm just saying, I don't want this ability. All passive abilities are tricky and a bit annoying. It would force me to always be active, which I don't want.' Ling expressed her opinion honestly. This was why Fate Fragment holders with passive abilities were the safest of them all as not many people wanted them.

Just as he planned to reach out to Wu Lan, she already knew what to do and held her hand steady, saying, "You can test, I won't resist."

'Wow, that's scary... If I were to know everyone's intentions like that…' Xuefeng thought, glancing at his girls before looking towards Xiao Wen who quickly figured out what he pondered about and said sternly, "Don't even think about it. You are also not taking it." If Xuefeng suddenly learnt all about her, she wouldn't know where to hide.

"I didn't think about it at all… Wu Lan, pass me your hand." Xuefeng rolled his eyes at Xiao Wen and held Wu Lan's small hand, who wasn't nervous about the situation at all.

Ling got into action right away, pouring her Qi into the small teenage body and they soon found out the truth. It turned out that Wu Lan really did have a Fate Fragment in her, but it was still dormant, waiting for Wu Lan to reach maturity before awakening.

"So I do have something inside of me… Can it be taken out?" Wu Lan asked with hope after she heard Xuefeng's explanation. It was quite tiring for her to live like this and she would rather exchange that for a normal life.

"Yeah, but we would have to kill you, which we don't want to do." Xuefeng believed Wu Lan was mature enough to understand the situation she was in so he told her the truth.

"No, I need to take care of my brother. I'm the only one he has left." Wu Lan shook her head immediately while patting Wu Kong on the head as he ate happily, ignoring everything around him.

"Don't worry. We will figure something out. We won't leave you alone." Xuefeng assured them. It would be a waste to lose such a talent, so he definitely had to find them a nice and safe space to grow up.

"How about taking them back to the Clan? Your father would definitely take her under his wing, knowing her abilities." Wuying suddenly proposed after she understood the situation by listening from the side.

"Oh, that's not a bad idea actually. Do you guys mind following us back?" Xuefeng imagined such a situation and he knew his father would love Wu Lan's skills. She would be safe and have time to develop, which was just want they wanted.

"Mhmm, we can. We have nowhere to go anyway. As long as a big brother can provide us with a place to sleep and food, I can work for your father." Wu Lan nodded, not hesitating to agree. She knew they didn't have bad intentions towards them.

Knock, knock.

Just as they reached the conclusion of their conversation, someone knocked on the doors of the kitchen, which were opened soon after, revealing Red Rose in the doorstep. She was followed by an old skinny woman who looked like a tailor with a measuring tape on her shoulders and a pack of needles on her waist.

"Are you guys done eating? Time to prepare for the banquet." Red Rose asked cheerfully, glancing and winking at Xiao Wen as they looked at each other.

"Banquet?!" Yiren asked excitedly. She knew the concept of this word, but she had never actually been to one. There were parties in the Holy Land where they would gather and celebrate some events like her birthday, but nothing besides that.

"Yeah, there is a private party organized by me, before the auction will take place. There will be dances, more food and basically a chance to meet other influential figures. Knowing your strength, I doubt there would be anyone there you would be interested in, but you can still have some fun." Red Rose explained the plans, before introducing the old lady behind her, "This is my personal tailor. She will prepare nice dresses for your girls. You can come with us to the bedroom."

"Dummy… Is this your surprise?" Xiao Wen muttered to herself, recalling Red Rose's previous words.

Glancing at Xuefeng with the corner of her eye she thought, 'Did he really want to see me in that dress so badly that he even changed our plans... Just for that?'

"But, I already have a dress bought by Xuefeng… I don't need to wear anything else. I am fine like this." Yiren looked at her new dress and hugged Xuefeng's arm, not willing to make any changes.

Xuefeng booped her nose and said with a smile, "Silly, no one is forcing you. I also prefer you like this. It should be perfect for dancing."

"But… I don't know how to dance…" Yiren looked embarrassed about that fact and asked with hope, "Will you teach me?"

"Of course. Wuying, Wen, how about you two?" Xuefeng agreed immediately, having such plans from the start before glancing towards the other two women in question.

"Dresses like that restrain movements. What if something happens and we end up fighting?" Wuying wasn't quite in favour of changing as well, but her reasoning was rather practical. Indeed, long dresses were not that great when it came to battles as they provided some restrictions.

Xuefeng didn't want to force anyone, so he nodded with understanding, knowing that she could be uncomfortable like that. With Wuying out, there was only Xiao Wen left and Xuefeng didn't wish to see her decline. If she also didn't accept it, the whole reason for staying overnight would be gone.

Fortunately, just as he glanced at Xiao Wen, she already stood up and said cooly, "I'm fine with that. If you really want to see me this badly, I guess I can't say no."

"Okay, then follow us girls." Red Rose nodded, expecting such a result. A woman in love wouldn't lose such an opportunity to get a reaction from her man.

"Can I really go too?" Wu Lan asked even before Xuefeng spoke to her, knowing they had the intention of taking them as well.

"Of course. We wouldn't leave you guys behind," Xuefeng assured her, not surprised that she knew, before turning to the boy who was still devouring food like a monster and called out, "Wu Kong, you can also go. The food will not run away from you."

"But, I'm still hungry…" Wu Kong complained as he left a bite on a piece of meat.

"Kong! Come!" Hearing her brother's reaction, Wu Lan quickly shouted at him with a glare and pulled him out of the table by his ear which made him cry out in pain, "Au, au, au! I'm sorry, I'm going already!"

Everyone in the room laughed and especially Xuefeng who imagined himself being scolded like that by his women. It was strange at first, but he imagined it being done by Xiao Wen as she was the only one violent like that.

As the others left, there were only three of them left in the dining room. Being full, they decided to move to the living room with a few bottles of wine that they received with the food. Xuefeng never drank on earth, but as he wasn't there anymore and the rules of the game changed, he could do it now as much as he wished.

The girls sat down on both his sides, Xuefeng uncorked the wine bottles and filled the glasses with a red liquid, asking them curiously, "Wuying, Yiren, have you girls ever tried drinking wine?"

"I tried, but I didn't like how clouded my mind became, so I never touched it since then." Wuying replied honestly as she received a glass from Xuefeng and smelled it like a wine connoisseur, complementing, "Good aroma."

Giving another glass to Yiren, who obviously was a noob at drinking and encouraging them, "Here you go Yiren, let's all taste it all together." They couldn't say no to Xuefeng, so they both raised their glasses and took a sip of the red Liquid.

There were three different reactions to the taste of the wine with Xuefeng's being a slight cough, "Cough, it's strong, but not bad at all. I could be seeing myself drinking such wine."

"Mhmm, it is strong. I like the sweetness that stays on the tongue after a finished sip." Wuying also complimented the wine and she took the strength of the wine just fine with a smile on her face.

Yiren's reaction was even weirder. She, out of all three of them, turned out to be toughest as just after her first sip, she called out happily, "Mhmm, so yummy!" Before gulping the rest of the glass as if it was a juice.

"Xuefeng~, can I have more?" Yiren pleaded cutely as she rubbed her cheek against his shoulder. Xuefeng looked at her confused, thinking how such a cutie could be such a drinker.

After checking that she was alright, Xuefeng didn't find a reason to say no and poured her another glass while warning, "You can drink more, but drink it slowly this time, okay?"

"Mhmm…" Yiren nodded and started sipping slowly this time, but even when Xuefeng was just half done with his glass, Yiren once again finished her own and pleaded for another one.

"How about you just take the whole bottle and pour yourself how much you want?" Xuefeng asked as he rolled his eyes, seeing how unmoved she was when drinking. Even if she got drunk, he could always heal her, so he didn't worry much about her wellbeing.

Yiren of course happily took the bottle and poured herself a glass of wine to the brim before drinking happily while cuddling into Xuefeng's chest. Wuying and Xuefeng watched her from the side curiously, wanting to know how much she would need to drink to finally feel something.

They thought it wouldn't happen before the rest returned from the fitting, but luckily for them, they didn't need to wait too long for that. After drinking four glasses of wine, Yiren's face finally shows some signs of reddening.

Yiren put down the glass and wrapped her arms around Xuefeng's neck, muttering softly, "Xuefeng… I feel hot…"

"Dummy… I told you not to drink so fast." Xuefeng rubbed her gently on the cheeks, not having the heart to scold her. Even he could feel something after drinking just two glasses. It was understandable for Yiren to get drunk after four.

Yiren felt all cuddly all of a sudden, wanting to squeeze Xuefeng and said happily with a giggle, "I like when you call me dummy…" She then proceeded to hug him before kissing him on the cheek and saying deeply, "I am so grateful I met you…"

"Mhmm, me too." Xuefeng nodded and kissed them both while embracing them tighter. Having them both comfortable laying on his chest, he added warmly, "You girls are my everyday light that illuminates the road of my life. I don't know what I would do without having you by my side."

Xuefeng didn't lie when he said it, telling it from his heart. Without them distracting him every day with their presence, he would be thinking and recalling his old life on Earth. Missing his friends and family. With them by his side, he had a new life and people he cared for. Without them, he would definitely end up depressed within the first week of arriving in this world.

"Mhmm…" Yiren and Wuying nodded, feeling the same way as him. They sat like that for a moment until Xuefeng decided to clear them all from the intoxication. Even after Ling cured the girls, they still didn't move, enjoying his embrace.

Just as she was about to start treating Xuefeng, they heard footsteps from the bedroom. They all turned their heads to the side at the same time and saw a familiar beauty approaching them. All of their eyes widened and smiles appeared on their faces, seeing the new look of Xiao Wen.

"How do I look?" Xiao Wen asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice as she reached the sofa, looking straight at Xuefeng's face. It was all for him after all and only his opinion mattered for her.

"Wow… Sister, you are so pretty…" Yiren was the first one to react as she let go of Xuefeng and quickly run up to Xiao Wen excitedly. She especially liked pretty things and the dress Xiao Wen was wearing definitely classified to be called pretty.

It was similar to Red Rose's dress, but with a few details changed. The cut in the middle of her chest was no longer to be seen and the dress was shorter, showing more of her smooth legs. Fortunately, the cut on the side was still there, which Xuefeng found to be the sexier part of the outfit.

Wuying also couldn't resist the temptation and jumped across the sofa to see the dress from up close. Even if she didn't want to wear a dress like that cause of safety reasons, it didn't mean that she didn't like pretty dresses.

"Honestly, anything Wen wears, she will look great in it. I like the connection between black and red." Wuying walked around Xiao Wen checking every angle and sighed, having no other choice but to compliment her. The other detail that changed was the colour of the dress which was entirely black with a few red elements, like a subtle red line on the edges or red flowers sewed on the collar.

As Wuying walked behind Xiao Wen, she shamelessly felt up her butt, teasing her, "By the way, how did you fit your butt in here?" The dress was very tight, showing all of Xiao Wen's curves, outlining them perfectly. Her slim waist and wide hips made even Wuying jealous.

"Hey, it's not that big… Let's see who's butt is bigger! Haha." Xiao Wen rolled her eyes at Wuying's comment and quickly counterattacked by appearing behind Wuying, only to give her a solid slap on the butt while laughing playfully.

"Haha," Watching her two sisters play around like this, Yiren couldn't help but laugh cutely, but that only brought her doom. Her own sisters decided to team up and attack her as a group.

"Nooo, hahaha, please don't tickle me, haha..." As two pairs of hands started to tickle her, Yiren knew she was bound to lose so she begged for mercy.

"Yiren also have such a nice body. Xuefeng probably can't resist hugging you all the time…" Xiao Wen commented as she touched Yiren's curves playfully.

"Sister stop… Xuefeng is watching us…" Yiren called out as she blushed, glancing towards the sofa.

"Cough, don't mind me. You can continue…" Xuefeng coughed as he waved with his hand, enjoying the show from the side.

"You still haven't said what you think about the dress…" Xiao Wen squinted her eyes and said unhappily. She did it all for him, but he still didn't show much of a reaction.

Xuefeng smiled at her and stood up, also approaching her. Stopping right in front of her, Xuefeng reached out and said, "Can I have your hand milady?" Xiao Wen looked confused, not knowing what plans he had, but in the end, she listened and placed her hand on his palm.

"I need to see you from all sides to tell you my opinion," Xuefeng said as he raised her hand and asked, "Can you spin for me?" Xiao Wen nodded, slowly rotating and after one full circle, she looked back at him with expectations.

"I'm so good. I knew you would look great in such a dress. Your figure was greatly enhanced with it." Xuefeng nodded, congratulating himself for having the eye of a true expert, before asking the ladies, "Don't you think Wen looks sexier now?"

"Mhmm, I also think so. No man will be able to resist sister's beauty." Yiren confirmed without any hint of jealousy in her voice as she genuinely thought so. Wuying also nodded, having no problems with Xuefeng's statement.

Hearing the compliments from Xuefeng, Xiao Wen actually felt good inside and said with a sweet smile while rubbing her thumb on top of his hand, "Thank you." Xuefeng instantly felt as if he got electrocuted, staring stunned at her fair face. It was the first time Xuefeng saw Xiao Wen smile like this.

The two exchanged stares, looking at each other's eyes for a short moment until they heard footsteps and Red Rose broke their moment as she asked, "Are you guys ready?"

"Yes." Xiao Wen was the first one to reply as she let go of Xuefeng's hand and walked towards Red Rose and the kids. When Xuefeng watched her go away without looking back, he glanced towards the hand she had been holding, suddenly having a feeling of emptiness.

New thoughts began to form in his mind, but before it got any serious, two of his arms got hugged by something soft and squishy. It was both Yiren and Wuying, taking their rightful place, who started pushing him with them happily.

'I must be overthinking…' Xuefeng thought, quickly dismissing his thoughts as he focused on the two beauties next to him.

"The banquet is being held in the Auction House, so we will have to walk there. The banquet lounge is directly connected to the hall where the action will take place. You won't need to move anywhere and can just watch others fight for your pills there." As they left the room, Red Rose introduced her current plans.

"Sure. We don't mind." Xuefeng nodded, before calling out to Xiao Wen who walked down the stairs ahead of him, "By the way, Wen, where is Lulu?" He just realised that the white tigress got lost in the action somewhere, as he didn't see her since he finished negotiations with Red Rose.

Hearing her name called, Xiao Wen turned around, flipping her hair to the side and once again gave Xuefeng the same smile like before, explaining, "She is sleeping in my beast token. She doesn't like crowds so she decided to hide on her own."

"Oh, okay..." Xuefeng said as he once again fell into a daze, watching Xiao Wen turn around as if nothing happened.

'Damn… Why is she so sweet today… That combination of sexy and sweet is too deadly. I need to hold myself in check.' Xuefeng thought as he abruptly shook his head, trying to throw away his naughty thoughts. Having Xiao Wen right in front of him with a sexy dress didn't help him at all.

As they walked towards the Auction House, many men ogled Xiao Wen's body, which Xuefeng found quite annoying. After all, she was in his group. He couldn't allow anyone to bully her. She was also surprisingly calm today, not scaring the other men with her glare, but instead, there was a gentle smile on her face.

'Doesn't she know that even more men will look at her if she behaves like that...?' Xuefeng thought speechlessly, wondering if he should inform Xiao Wen about it.

On the other hand, Xiao Wen was also anxious and frustrated deep inside as she couldn't stand the gazes of men, other than Xuefeng. This whole time Xiao Wen pretended she didn't see anything because of one person's advice.

"Will that really work? Is he thinking about me right now?" Xiao Wen asked Wu Lan who walked beside her, feeling worried about the whole operation. She didn't think it would be this hard for her.

"Big sister, don't worry, it will work. He is already freaking out, thinking about how to stop others from ogling your body. Big brother is already beginning to understand how much you mean to him. If my plan doesn't work, you can always make him jealous and he will fall into your trap just the same." Wu Lan assured her, analyzing Xuefeng's behaviour.

"Mhmm, I trust you." Xiao Wen nodded, resisting her urge to look at Xuefeng and continued to walk forward, imagined herself in Xuefeng's embrace, causing her to smile gently.