247 - 253

Chapter 247 - Extortion

"How much bounty did we get from that?" Xuefeng asked seeing that Xiao Wen came back to the apartment they rented for the night. There were barely any rooms left in any inns, so they had to go with the most expensive apartment, the City Centre Restaurant, located right in the middle of the city.

"Haha, that stingy City Lord planned to give me only ten thousand high-tiered Spirit Stones, but we worked too hard to only get this much. In the end, after some persuasion, I managed to get ten times that. Are you proud of me?" Xiao Wen sat next to him on the sofa and hugged him, while low-key pleading for some praise from him.

"Mhmm, you did well—" Xuefeng reached out to pat her on the head on instinct, but then realised how much more she got and asked in shock, "Wait, ten times? How did you get that much?" Normally, ten thousand for such a mission was already an excessive amount, as missions were mostly low rewarding, knowing everyone could take them.

"Haha, of course, I used my good looks and power to get what I want." Xiao Wen laughed sweetly, declaring her charm and strength proudly before kissing him on the cheek, teasing him a little bit, "Didn't I do the same with you?"

She waited to hear his confirmation, but Xuefeng only teased her back the same way, "Oh, are we already official? I didn't know about that. I thought you were just kissing me as a friend."

It would be a surprise if Xiao Wen or any woman in this situation didn't get mad at such a tease and that's exactly what happened. Xiao Wen pouted right away as she hit his arm lightly and Xuefeng had to save the situation, saying while caressing her cheek, "Alright, I was joking, of course, you are someone much closer to me than just a friend."

"Mhmm, I forgive you…" Xiao Wen wanted to push him to say more, that she was his girlfriend already, but she was satisfied for now, not wanting to push it too much. She already held onto all of his money as insurance, so even if he wanted her gone, he would have to keep her around for that.

"I hope that you didn't beat the City Lord up to get so much money…" Xuefeng asked, knowing that one hundred thousand would be a lot of money for such a medium-sized city.

"Of course not… Why do you think I'm some kind of brute or something…" Xiao Wen denied innocently, pretending to be hurt by his words, but deep down she felt anxious, worried that he will investigate her actions.


A few moments ago in the City Lord Mansion.

"The fuck did you just say?! Ten thousand?! Did I hear wrong or are you just pulling my leg?!" Xiao Wen cried out angrily as she lifted the City Lord up by his shirt and pinned him to the wall. One of her hands carried a burning fireball while the other easily held the man's weight without problems.

The City Lord stuttered the moment he saw the raging fireball in Xiao Wen's hand and tried to explain, knowing he couldn't fight back against her, "M-miss… That was the reward determined based on the skill level and the mission difficulty. I think ten thousand is already an extravagant reward…"

Hearing his reply, Xiao Wen suddenly released her pressure of the Sage and argued more, "Oh based on the skill you say?! We were facing a fucking Sage Cultivator! Do you know how much money one needs to pay to hire a Sage? I don't even bother to look at the mission if it's not above one hundred thousand!"

Feeling the pressure emanating from her, the City Lord shuddered, realising that he wasn't dealing with a nobody. She was a Sage Cultivator! As a City Lord of a border town, he did have knowledge about all secret stuff in the cultivation world.

Before he could defend himself, Xiao Wen added coldly, staring daggers at the City Lord's eyes, "Not only that, my sister got hurt because of your incompetence! She was the one taking this mission and If I didn't respond to her distress call in time, she would be dead! How are you going to pay back for your sins?!"

"I'm deeply sorry for Miss's sister… I can increase the reward to fifty thousand as compensation for your losses—" The City Lord decided to give in after hearing the whole situation, but then Xiao Wen called out, "Double that or this city will be in flames in a moment. We killed all the bandits in the area. The money that will flow into your city is much more than this little amount."

Realising she was right about that, the City Lord didn't object anymore, "Alright… Can Miss give me a moment to gather the money…? I don't have this much on me right now."

Xiao Wen finally released the poor City Lord back onto the floor and called out, ending the conversation with him, "You have five minutes."


Without realising what Xiao Wen had done, Xuefeng asked her casually as they waited for food, "Oh, by the way, will you give me at least one million that we got from Thousand Blades tomorrow? I need it for something." With so much Spirit Stones, he wouldn't have to worry about running out of supply with Nuwa. He also doubted there were more than one million high-tiered Fate Stones inside the Holy Land so it will last for a while.

"I don't mind… But why do you need so much?" Hearing him asking for so much, the happiness from keeping Xuefeng's money and from the trust he had with her was slowly dissipating.

Finding no problems with telling, Xuefeng explained part of his business while dodging the part about Fate Stones trading, "I plan to pass it to Nuwa in the Holy Land I was talking about. They are learning Spirit Cultivation there, but they need Spirit Stones for that as Spirit Qi is non-existent there. I am supplying it for her from here."

"Oh, that's nice of you. But you know how big of a sum a million high-tiered Spirit Stones is? And who is Nuwa…?" Xiao Wen asked, finding it quite suspicious. She still had not met with Nuwa so she didn't know much about her.

"She is Yiren's mother, but also the Elf Queen there. If you didn't know, Yiren is an Elf Princess." Xuefeng introduced them and pulled Yiren's hair away from her ears to show how different they were. When he touched it, a blush appeared on Yiren's cheeks, which meant that she could still sense that Xuefeng was touching her ears, even though she was sleeping.

"That's so cool…" Xiao Wen patted Yiren gently now knowing her complete origin and asked curiously, making sure she learnt all the details, "So… What connects you with Yiren's mother...? Are you two…?" She didn't finish the last question as it got stuck in her throat.

Xuefeng didn't hesitate much before he admitted the truth, "Are we lovers? Yes. We did it a few times already and I consider her as such." He believed that honesty in a relationship was important and also, he didn't consider this information a secret. He could hide such things as the origin of his Fate Stone supply, but he wouldn't cover any of his relationships.

"I didn't know you like older women like that…" Hearing his reply, Xiao Wen couldn't help but mutter under her breath, but then she realised what she just said, but it was too late for her to cancel her words. Xuefeng already stared at her sternly, clearly not liking her saying such comments towards him and Nuwa.

Xiao Wen quickly understood it was her bad this time and apologized sincerely, "Xuefeng, I'm sorry… I didn't mean it like that… I just don't want to share you with so many women… I'm still not used to it, so please don't be mad at me…" Only her feelings for him were holding her in place and preventing her from revolting against such policies.

Xuefeng sighed, not being blind about that and clearly explained his stance to her, "I know you are not used to it, but I'm not going to let go of anyone because of someone else. You need to get along with the others. Even if there is a conflict between any of you, I hope we can always resolve it peacefully. You need to understand that you are not the only person I care about."

"I know… I'm sorry…" Xiao Wen kissed him on the lips and apologised once again while promising at the same time, "As long as you care about me, I will try to be nice to everyone…" She knew it will take her some time for that to happen, but she would try her best to overcome it.

When she showed such pitiful expression, Xuefeng could only stop being so harsh on her, kissing her as well as a mark of peace, saying gently, "Mhmm, as long as you understand it." He never liked arguing and it was hard for him to stay mad for long, no matter what Xiao Wen would do.

Knock, knock.

Just then, someone knocked on the doors to their apartment and it happened to be the manager of the restaurant, who brought them the dishes that they ordered together with other servants from downstairs earlier on.

At the same time, Ling called out as the servants started placing the dishes on the table, 'I will wake up Yiren. Try to feed her something before she continues to sleep. I'm already halfway there in healing her, but I also need a break.'

Before Xuefeng could respond, Yiren moved in his arms and opened her eyes, asking confused, "Xuefeng… wh-where are we…?" She looked at the various dishes and the place they were in, while stretching herself before returning back to hugging Xuefeng as that was her favourite position.

"Thank you, you can leave." Seeing all dishes placed, Xuefeng thanked the manager before turning to Yiren after they left, "We are in the Border City inside a restaurant. I want you to eat something so you can regain your energy. Are you hungry?"

"Mhmm, I am…" Yiren nodded cutely as she turned around, not leaving his lap and asked while leaning weakly on his chest, "Can you feed me? I still feel a bit weak…"

"Of course." Xuefeng teased her on the nose before realising that space next to him was still empty and called out towards the bathroom, "Wuying, are you there? What are you doing for so long in the bathroom? Dinner is ready."

Inside the bathroom, Wuying was rubbing her eyes while splashing herself with cold water. Looking in the mirror at her red eyes, which she slowly forced to turn back to her original colour, she muttered to herself, "Stay calm. You got this. Nothing bad will happen."

With that said, Wuying left the bathroom and called out, "I'm sorry, I'm back." Instead of looking at Xuefeng, she was staring at the food behind him which made it look like she stared at him. Wu Lan sighed when she saw that, contemplating if she should inform Xuefeng about that issue on the side.

Xuefeng smiled seeing her happy expression and patted the place next to him, saying warmly, "Oh, no problem. Come, I want you to sit next to me." When Wuying heard it, her eyes constricted, but she still nodded and approached him.

Chapter 248 - Honesty Is The Key

Xuefeng smiled seeing her happy expression and patted the place next to him, saying warmly, "Oh, no problem. Come, I want you to sit next to me." When Wuying heard it, her eyes constricted, but she still nodded and approached him.

"Is everything alright?" Xuefeng asked the moment Wuying sat down next to him, again making sure that nothing was happening. It was obvious that Xuefeng cared a lot about all of them, without avoiding anyone.

"I don't know, maybe I am still feeling bad from the skill I used in the battle. It was the first time so I am still not used to it…" Wuying replied casually as she reached out with her fork towards the dishes on the table. After she said it, she turned to Xuefeng and looked at him with a smile while her eyes were cutely closed.

"Mhmm, we will rest earlier today after we eat dinner. You all worked hard today so you deserve a good night of rest." Xuefeng nodded finding her really cute and patted her head before pulling her closer and kissed her on the cheek. He aimed for her lips but Wuying somehow shifted in the last second, which made him miss.

With Xuefeng's kiss, all the time Wuying spent on calming down in the bathroom, went to waste as her eyes once again changed into crimson red, and her mind began filling with thoughts of eating Xuefeng up. She wanted to start by kissing his lips before biting on them, so they would shed some blood onto her thirsty tongue.

To distract herself, she focused on eating food, but that didn't help with stopping her urges at all. Wuying thought that it would be easier as the time went on, thinking that she would get used to it but it was only getting worse with each minute.

"Yiren, what do you want to eat? How about this chopstick looking snack wrapped in a leaf?" Xuefeng asked Yiren who sat sideways on his lap with her head supported on his chest and shoulder.

"I want to eat something light and vegetarian…" Without looking at the dishes Yiren said what she wanted, wanting him to choose. She enjoyed acting spoiled and especially when Xuefeng was serving her like this, giving her much more care than he used to in the last few days.

"Mhmm, let me test it… Yes, just as I thought, it's fish and rice wrapped in a leaf." Xuefeng tasted it after picking it up with a fork and immediately tasted nice fish meat which melted in his mouth. He put in front of Yiren after blowing on it for a bit and said, "Here, it's not hot anymore. You can try it now."

Seeing such care in Xuefeng's eyes, even if the dish was awful, she would still eat it as long as he could feed her like that. Fortunately, it wasn't bad and rather quite yummy so she received double satisfaction.

They were talking together while eating, knowing that even if they didn't finish it all, Wu Kong who didn't stop eating could end everything. This is why they ate some from each dish, feeding each other playfully. Halfway through the feast, Xuefeng noticed that Wuying didn't join their playful fights as often as she used to so he asked, patting her out of worry, "You look down. What happened? Are you still feeling unwell? You don't need to force yourself to be here if you need to rest."

Wuying felt the warmth of Xuefeng's hand and answered with her eyes shaking ever so slightly, "No, I'm feeling alright… It's just that I'm thinking about something and I can't stop..." She couldn't hold back anymore, slowly deciding to tell him the truth before she goes crazy.

"Oh, what is it? Do you want me to feed you too? You didn't eat much earlier." Xuefeng asked attentively, knowing that Yiren was already full, and picked up the last roll of fish with his fork, pulling her gently by the hand so that she looks at him before saying, "Do you want to try it? It's really good."

Up till this point, Xuefeng had no idea if there was anything serious with her and only when she looked at him did Xuefeng notice her crimson pupils, realising there was an issue. He didn't need to figure out what caused it as she said right away, "I want to try something different… That's what I have been thinking about this whole time…"

"Oh…" Xuefeng muttered, finally realising what the problem was. 'The skill must have increased her urge for my blood…' Xuefeng thought and decided to react on the spot, asking the blond cutie in his arms, "Yiren, can you stay here alone with Wen for a moment? I need to talk alone with Wuying."

"Mhmm, I can. Don't worry, I'm feeling much better now compared to before." Yiren nodded, as she stood up from Xuefeng's lap and kissed him while giving him a gentle smile to show that she was alright.

"Alright, we will be back in a bit. Give us a moment…" Xuefeng patted her on the head for being so understanding but then before he could finish, Wuying pulled his hand and they disappeared together. She was too impatient and couldn't wait anymore.

They reappeared inside the bathroom with their lips and tongue entangled with each other. Wuying didn't waste more time and suddenly bit on Xuefeng's lips just as she planned, beginning to suck blood from it. While under the effects of her urges, Wuying pinned Xuefeng to the wall, immobilizing him and continued to suck more blood from him until his wound healed.

Thinking she was done, he grabbed her hand and pulled her away. She didn't resist so he held her cheek and caressed it but then her eyes opened. Her eyes looked at him with desire and she muttered, "I want more… Just a bit more please…" Wuying even tried to hug him and sneaked her way towards Xuefeng's neck but he didn't let her.

Xuefeng caught her, hugging her from behind and asked while holding both of her arms, "Tell me, what is going on? You don't seem like the Wuying I know. You are being controlled by desire. We said we will work on it. This much should be enough, okay?"

"Nooo, it wasn't enough, please Xuefeng, just a bit more…" Wuying pleaded but seeing no reaction from him, she explained quietly, "I can't stop thinking about it… Each time I look at you, I can't stop thinking about drinking your blood. In the beginning, it was tasty, but now nothing I eat taste good other than your blood…"

"How is that possible? Is it because of the skill you used? How come it is so extreme…?" Hearing the begging tone in her words and the anxiousness that she transferred through her body, Xuefeng couldn't believe the situation would turn this serious so fast.

"I don't know… I can somehow control myself when I don't look at you, but then I get really hungry and the food from dinner didn't help at all to satisfy my hunger… On the other hand, when I look at you, I get the urge to drink your blood… I don't get the same kind of feeling from other people." Wuying shook her head desperately, only fine for a moment with the help of what little blood she got from his lips, but now she was feeling that the urge was coming back.

Each time the urge appeared in her mind, it would try to control her body to satisfy its needs. At those moments, nothing else mattered other than fulfilling her desire for blood.

"Does this urge try to take control over you?" Xuefeng asked as he hugged her tighter. He needed to know every detail before he could think of a solution for that unusual situation. At this point, Wuying reminded him of those vampires he used to see on TV on earth. The symptoms were exactly the same as the person turning into a vampire.

Unfortunately, this wasn't a reality drama but a real world and vampires were not a thing here. He didn't know if she would calm down after getting more blood from him or if her urges will increase in power instead.

"It does… I want to bite on your hand right now… I can still control it, but it's getting harder each minute the longer you are holding me" Wuying admitted honestly, staring at his arm that was right in front of her.

"Then make a cut with your dagger and drink until you are satisfied. If you feel like you don't need to anymore, stop. I don't think we have any other choice. We need to somehow overcome your urges and my blood seems to be the only solution to this. We can also ask Xiao Wen for help." Xuefeng let go of her arms and placed his wrist right next to her mouth.

Xuefeng didn't need to ask Wuying's twice as she did exactly as she was told without delay. She pulled out her dagger and slashed his wrist gently, before putting it up to her lips, sucking greedily. It was much different compared to a small cut, as the blood was flowing out much faster than before. He could feel that his strength started diminishing as the blood was leaving his body.

Even with Ling quickly replenishing the lost blood, it was still spilling out faster than Ling could make it. He dropped to the ground with her in his arms and she continued to suck his blood away while leaning on his chest. Only after Xuefeng's face became pale did she stop, with a pleased smile on her face.

It only disappeared when she saw Xuefeng's pale face and Wuying suddenly felt like crying. She was hurting him with what she was doing. She could see golden lines running on Xuefeng's skin, returning his skin to the rosy colour, but that didn't change the fact that it was all her fault.

Xuefeng looked at her sad face and called out, pulling her closer to him, "If you blame yourself for all of this, I will spank your butt."

"But—" Wuying tried to explain, but then Xuefeng suddenly kissed her, saying warmly right after, "I love you. Even an idiot like me can see that you plan to blame yourself for that. It will hurt me more if you leave my side, so I hope you don't intend to do anything stupid. We will get through this together. Do you understand me?"

Hearing Xuefeng's confession while looking at his genuine gaze, Wuying didn't know when but her eyes trembled and tears fell from her eyes. She reached out and hugged him as tight as she could, promising with a gentle nod, "Mhmm…"

Chapter 249 - First Kiss

"You are saying that because of this new skill, Wuying has a great urge to drink your blood?" Xiao Wen asked to confirm after listening to Xuefeng's explanation. She could see that something was wrong between the two of them and Xuefeng explained the situation to her after being asked about it.

Xuefeng nodded and asked while hugging Wuying into his arms, "Yes. Do you know why that could be happening?" She didn't want to let go of him until she sees him being better. Xuefeng lost too much blood because of her, an amount which would kill a normal person at that and it was hard for her not to blame herself for that.

"I have no idea, but I heard from my father that there are forbidden skills that can change your personality the more you use them, or simply have bad side effects that will hurt you. I think that the skills Wuying received in the Blood Inheritance Grounds were such skills." Xiao Wen explained what she knew.

"Is there any way to stop it? Will Wuying get better if she stops using them?" Xuefeng asked in hope, thinking it would be easier if they asked Xiao Wen about it earlier.

Xiao Wen replied as she shook her head, "I don't think so. Once someone starts, I think there is no going back. The best way would be to overcome it or embrace it. Let's see how long she can go on without taking any blood. If it's a few days, I think you can sacrifice yourself a bit if that means increasing her powers. I can feel that her aura has increased by a lot just now."

Hearing her, Wuying confirmed it with a nod when Xuefeng glanced at her, which made him sigh, accepting the sad reality of him being her personal blood bag. He wanted what was best, so they will have to experiment with what method is the most viable and use it to help her.

"Wuying, you will be fine. Xuefeng will take care of us, hehe." Yiren also commented happily as she stood up and reached out with her hands so Xuefeng could pick her up. Her eyes were slowly closing from tiredness but she was in a good mood.

"I think we should all go to sleep early today. There are two beds in the bedroom this time so we can split between them. Yiren, how are you feeling?" Xuefeng decided, knowing that all of them had a rough day. He was still drained of energy after Wuying's bloodsucking, so he really wanted to sleep right now.

"I'm sleepy… Can I sleep with you?" Yiren asked as Xuefeng picked her up. She knew the answer but still wanted to confirm it before her eyes would close.

"Mhmm, I think we can all fit in the same bed and leave the second one to kids." Xuefeng nodded as he patted Yiren's head and asked while looking at Xiao Wen, "What do you think?"

Xiao Wen blushed as she imagined herself naked in Xuefeng embrace but after realising that nothing would happen between them today due to everyone being tired, she calmed down a bit and replied confidently, "I don't mind."


"Dummy… You almost forgot about your promise…" Ling called out to Xuefeng as she knocked him onto the grass and hugged onto his belly.

"I'm sorry… Too much stuff happened today…" Xuefeng apologized, still in confusion after having his consciousness suddenly pulled into Ling's space. He was just hugging both Wuying and Xiao Wen in their sexy nightgowns with Yiren laying on top of his chest when his mind was suddenly sucked away.

"I know, that's why I will forgive you this time." Ling realised she had to be more shameless with him, else with so many ladies around him, he would quickly forget about meeting with her.

"You have been working overtime this whole time because of me and Wuying. Thank you." Knowing that he wouldn't go back any time soon, the girls will think that he already had fallen asleep so he didn't worry, focusing his attention on the lady in his embrace.

"Mhmm, it's quite hard to keep up with your bleeding. If she sucked any more of it, you would probably lose consciousness for a while until I fix you. By the way, the supply of Fate Stones that we gathered is slimming down pretty fast because of that. We barely have one thousand left and that's without me even absorbing them for myself. You need to visit Nuwa and get another batch soon." Ling sat down on his waist and conversed with him while looking at him with an unusual smiling expression.

"I will do so tomorrow. We are not in a hurry. I doubt we would be involved in any fights by tomorrow," Xuefeng replied, already having such plans and reached out towards Ling's legs out of instinct, rubbing the smooth skin on her thighs. He didn't expect her to suddenly catch his hands, which started moving upwards under her dress and ask with a defensive glance, "What are you doing?"

"I'm touching your legs. Do you want me to sit and do nothing while we talk?" Xuefeng asked as if it was natural for them to do, moving his thumbs around, feeling up her porcelain skin.

Ling blushed a bit, recalling a certain act, thinking that Xuefeng wanted to do exactly that after she mentioned it to him the last time he was here and said while looking to the side, "We are not going to cultivate now…" But then Xuefeng pulled her by the knees so she would be closer to him and looked at her with a playful smile, which made her overthink once again as she muttered quietly, "I just wanted to casually talk with you today… Let's leave that for another time, okay?"

"Hah," Xuefeng laughed as he lifted himself up and leaned over, holding his face just a few centimetres away from her face and asked with a gentle smile, "Do you know you are cute when you are shy like this?" His hands embraced her back and he didn't loosen his gaze from her eyes, which made her even more anxious than before.

Ling didn't know exactly what she wanted as her mind only planned a nice talk, involving a few hugs here and there. She blushed even further feeling his warm hands roaming around her body but fortunately, Xuefeng didn't push her too far yet as he pulled a bit away from her to allow her some space and said, "Don't worry, we can't cultivate as I'm currently sleeping in real life."

His statement definitely calmed her down for a moment a bit, but his next sentence made her anxious again. "But we will see about that tomorrow. I really want to try this method." This time Xuefeng's hands swiftly slipped under her dress before she could stop him and he gently grasped her butt, leaning over to whisper into her ear, "Don't you want to try it too?"

Xuefeng was sure Ling would kick him out of her space right away for being so bold, but to his surprise, she didn't and instead slowly whispered back, "If it can help you grow faster… I-It's my responsibility to help you…"

"Dinner for the body then supper for the mind. Only tasty dishes around me… Gods are probably cursing at me for my luck." Xuefeng muttered under his breath as he glided with his hands from her upper thighs up to her delicate feet, secretly surprised how flexible her body was.

Placing her hands around Xuefeng's neck, Xuefeng suddenly started leaning towards her face and said seriously, "I really want to kiss you right now." Ling didn't know how to respond to that, so she looked to the side and asked, "What happened with our talks and hugs…?"

"One hug…" Xuefeng said as he kissed her on the right cheek before turning her face to the other side by her chin, kissing the other cheek, saying sweetly, "This is the second hug. I'm sorry, my hugs are a little different." Holding her chin as she faced him, he asked while looking at her cheery lips, "Can we talk now?"

Ling somehow knew that his so-called talking would also be different than the normal talking, but still let him be, silently muttering in agreement, "Mhmm—" Xuefeng didn't even wait until she finished it though, and closed the distance separating them.

Xuefeng knew he couldn't prolong their kiss any more, else he would scare her but still made sure she would never forget her first kiss with him, staying gentle till the end, thinking of leaving her with a desire for more.

He didn't say anything after he pulled away and instead only hugged her, placing her head on his chest before laying on the grass with her. For the next moment, everything she thought of was his soft lips that she still felt on her own for a while.

"Can we stay like this for the night?" Ling suddenly asked as she touched her lips with her fingers, secretly thinking of repeating the motion from before a few more times.

Before he replied, Xuefeng asked the important question first, "Can you heal my real body and provide treatment for Yiren while being busy with me like this?"

"Of course, I can multitask without problems. Your body is already completely healed. I should be done with Yiren by tomorrow morning. So… Do you want to stay? I won't force you if you do not want to…" Ling explained before looking at his eyes, expecting to hear her answer for the first question.

With her finger aimed at the sky, the sun began setting and the sky darkened. It was obvious that she wanted to spend that night with him, so he couldn't say no to her, "It depends on how you will entertain me during that time, but yes, I can stay."

Just as Xuefeng agreed, the sky darkened completely, but he could still feel Ling's face appearing in front of his own and he gave her what they both wanted.

Chapter 250 - New Bodyguard

"What is it, Elder Yang? Are there any updates on the Tang Family's movements? Any good news?" Xiao Feng asked calmly as he stopped conversing with his wife when Elder Yang entered his office. After Xiao Feng faced his old lover once again and got rejected, he began to really cherish his wife. Since then he was letting her decide many things along with him.

"I have no updates on Tang Family, but an interesting person arrived today in front of our Xiao Family's main gate. He offered to work for us as a bodyguard." Elder Yang told them the reason for his arrival before saying, "This boy is very strong despite his young age. I would like if the Leader checks him out as he looks interesting. I also thought it would be good to provide an additional bodyguard for Young Princess."

"Oh, if you think that someone is interesting, then I'm intrigued to meet him. It's hard to find talented cultivators nowadays. You looked into his background, right? I won't let anyone near my daughter without confirming they are clear. Just as we are having a war with Tang Family, a strong cultivator appears to be a bodyguard. Isn't that a red flag right away?" Xiao Feng asked as she analyzed the situation.

He also knew it was necessary to get another bodyguard for Tianshi as Yi and Yu already became much softer on his daughter. He needed someone who wouldn't hesitate to keep her grounded when he needed her to be.

The situation outside was pretty heated so as her father, he had to keep her locked up because she was the reason that the war started in the first place. Once she is caught by the enemy, the whole war will end with their loss.

"Yes Leader, his background was personally checked by myself and I can say it with one hundred percent certainty that he never met any Tang Family members. He only recently came to the Central Region and kept a really low profile. He admitted that he needs money for cultivation and heard that Xiao Family is the strongest Family out there, so he came straight to our doors." Elder Yang nodded with a smile, explaining further.

Seeing that Xiao Feng was still not convinced, he added, "We also used the Eye Of Truth on him and he passed all the tests. At the very least, he brings no harm to anyone related with Xiao Family and he actually never heard about Young Princess."

"Oh, you even used the Eye Of Truth? It seems this kid is really worth it. Bring him in, I also want to meet such an individual." Hearing all the information, it was Lady Xiao who agreed to screen it, finding the kid intriguing.

The Eye Of Truth was a crystal that was very precious, as it would change colours if the person holding it was lying. If even such a tool was used to test him, he was bound to be extraordinary, knowing that there were only a few such crystals in the Xiao Family and they wore off quickly, so it was advised to use them with mindfulness.

"My wife has decided. We can have a break to check him out." Xiao Feng confirmed, respecting his wife's decision. She thanked him by tightening her grip on his hand as she rubbed it warmly with her thumb. Lady Xiao also really wanted to thank Nuwa for unlocking the knot that was on her husband's heart this whole time, which allowed her to fill that spot completely.

"Alright, I will call him here." Elder Yang nodded happily and left, bringing the guy in question to the office a moment later.

Both Xiao Feng and his wife were surprised that they couldn't even discern at what stage the silver-hair man was. He was also not a little boy in any way but rather a healthy young teen, already reaching the gates of adulthood.

"Leader, Milady, this is Pio." Elder Yang introduced the teen to them before standing behind him. Pio didn't mind being put on the spot and just looked at the two people behind the desk, nodding naturally to greet them.

"So you are the one who would like to work for my Xiao Family, correct?" Lady Xiao started, already satisfied with how calm and collected the teen was. She didn't mind his silent greeting much, as strong cultivators usually are like that.

"Correct." Pio nodded calmly, looking at Lady Xiao's face with his double-coloured set of eyes. He already went through a lot in his life, so such a meeting wasn't stressful for him at all.

"I won't bother asking the same question as Elder Yang and ask something else instead. If you are met with the situation when you have to sacrifice your life for the person you are protecting, would you do it?" Lady Xiao asked a tricky question to learn how his mind worked.

She thought that he will think about it for a moment, but he didn't, replying right away, "I wouldn't." Just as Lady Xiao frowned together with Xiao Feng, Pio added, "I would rather kill all the threats and if I can't, I will run together with the person I'm protecting. There are few things in this realm that can stop me."

"You are quite confident about your skills. Do you mind if we test it further? I suspect that you passed Elder Yang's initial tests." Lady Xiao asked with a gentle smile to which Pio could only nod his head, already expecting that such a scenario would take place.

Xiao Feng flicked with his finger and suddenly a translucent barrier appeared around Pio. The moment he tried to touch it, his arm was suddenly stopped by an invisible force, holding it in place.

"I call it Space Wrap. If you can get out of it without using Ether Qi, we will hire you." Xiao Feng called out with a smug smile on his face. Wanting to chasten Pio's cocky behaviour, he used his most powerful trap skill which only cultivators with high mastery of Ether Qi could fight against.

"No problem." Pio agreed right away, not bothered by it at all, and reached out towards his forehead, touching the star-shaped mark. It lit up with bright light and Pio walked forward, passing the barrier just like that without much effort.

Maybe others couldn't see what happened, but Xiao Feng saw everything clearly. How Pio's body turned into small particles, which then passed through his barrier before reconnecting on the other side as if his body was not a whole.

"Honey, what do you think?" Lady Xiao asked, having no idea how he did it, but looking at her husband's surprised expression, he should know about it.

Instead of replying to her, Xiao Feng asked Pio directly, "Is that one of those skills that are one of a kind and no one can replicate them?" He somehow got a feeling that this teen was connected with the same business that his oldest daughter was, and seeing the sudden smile on Pio's face, he confirmed it.

"I don't think I can say anything about this subject." Pio simply said, not agreeing and not denying, but Xiao Feng knew his intuition was right.

"I know. It's okay. I would like to welcome you to the Xiao Family. Do you mind if you start working right away?" Xiao Feng stood up and asked as he slowly approached Pio. His wife was confused that he agreed so fast, but also followed him, trusting in her husband's judgement.

"I don't mind." Pio shook his head to which Xiao Feng called out to Elder Yang before disappearing with Pio and his wife, "You did well Elder Yang. I will proceed and introduce him to my daughter. If she likes him, I will let him protect her under your watch for now."

At that moment, Tianshi was in her training grounds, practising her sword techniques with Yi and stopped once three people suddenly appeared next to them out of nowhere. She had been annoyed for the last few days, after being grounded by her father for sneaking out of the palace area in the time of war and happened to be releasing her stress through hard training.

"How are you doing sweetie? Is the training going well?" Xiao Feng asked his daughter gently, but Tianshi only looked back towards Yi and continued to train, not replying to them at all.

It was Yi who somehow felt there was a need to stop as she called out, "Young Princess, let's take a break." Sir Xiao was already mad at her to helping Tianshi sneak out so she had to play it defensively.

Knowing that she couldn't ignore them anymore, Tianshi put down her sword and called out frustrated, "What do you want? You took away my love from me and now you are even locking me up inside here, placing a stupid barrier around me. Am I your pet or what?" The day when she was supposed to meet Xuefeng was nearing, but she was still locked up with no way of sneaking away.

"Sigh, we are doing it for your safety. If the Tang Family catches you, they will blackmail us with your life, destroying our whole family. Don't you understand that? We wouldn't mind trading everything for you, but you can't be so selfish. Many people's lives depend on your decisions." Xiao Feng sighed, seeing his daughter still mad at him and tried to explain, but she didn't look like she wanted to communicate calmly with him.

"How about I take mom away from you and then lock you up in your courtyard then?" Tianshi bantered to which Xiao Feng replied right away, fighting back, "I gave Xuefeng a chance. He only needs to get into the Central Region and I will let you two meet again. It shouldn't be too hard, right? If he puts the same effort in which he courts women into training, I bet he would be the strongest cultivator out there."

Just as Tianshi wanted to argue more, Pio suddenly asked, stopping the two from continuing, "Sir, can I say something?" Xiao Feng nodded, knowing that no matter what he says, his daughter will still be hooked up on getting back with Xuefeng.

"If you can touch the corner of my clothes, I will convince your father to let you go and meet with your lover," Pio said in an honest tone as he approached the stand with the swords and picked a training wooden one, before walking to stand in front of Tianshi.

Tianshi planned to ignore the unknown teen, but when she heard what he said, Tianshi couldn't help but ask, "What if he doesn't agree?"

"I will take you away myself. Such a barrier can't stop me." Pio said confidently, not bothered that Xiao Feng was present. Hearing no comments from her father, Tianshi thought it might be true and asked curiously, taking a moment to look at him from head to toe, "Who are you?"

Pio only raised his wooden sword and replied coolly, "I'm your new bodyguard."

Chapter 251 - Missed Opportunity (*)

"Mhmm… Xuefeng, we can't do this anymore… It's already morning outside…Mhmm..." Ling muttered as she tried to break away from Xuefeng's constant kisses, but each time they separated which allowed her to speak, Xuefeng would pull her back into his embrace and seal her lips once again.

Over the course of the whole time she spent with Xuefeng, Ling learnt a lot of techniques from him. She only needed to turn them into reality and she realised that it wasn't that hard in the end. After the few initial tries, testing every skill in her arsenal, she made even Xuefeng intrigued.

With the light gone, cutting off their main sense of sight, they could only use the rest which only made their act even more sensual. For the whole night, they were making out passionately, forgetting about their initial plan to talk and hug.

The whole space here was controlled by Ling, but inside of Xuefeng's embrace and their tongues engaged in a continuous battle, she forgot her ability to control everything. She never had the opportunity to let go of her Spirit Body's restrains, but now Ling knew that she could also take a bigger part in Xuefeng's life, becoming something more than just a helping spirit.

Xuefeng stretched her bottom lip as he added playfulness to his kiss, sucking on it passionately and asked while breathing hurriedly, their pace never slowing down, "Do you really want to…? Just a few more kisses please…"

Ling said she wanted to stop, but when he pleaded for more, her tongue wrapped around his own which was already waiting for her. Every once in a while she would slow down, throwing a sentence out there before returning even stronger, kissing, licking, sucking, "I want to but we don't have much time anymore… Your girlfriends are slowly waking up... Also, your hands have started becoming increasingly naughty for a while now…"

"I'm still surprised that your dress is still on you after a whole night…" Xuefeng teased her as his hand grasped her buttcheek firmly, but it was suddenly relocated onto her back out of nowhere.

Each time he decided to take more advances on her, she would switch his body position as the master of this world. Of course, that didn't stop him from trying over and over again. Xuefeng thought that she would give up after a while and fully accept him, but that didn't happen. The situation continued back and forth just like that for the whole night, with Ling not giving him any chance.

"I like kissing… No need to mix it with anything else…" Ling said as she suddenly dove down on his body and kissed him on the neck. She was on top of him this whole time as she didn't let him switch positions, but for the last few minutes of their act, Xuefeng tried once more for the last time.

Xuefeng grabbed her tighter and rolled with her on the soft grass, appearing above her. Before she reverted the situation, Xuefeng leaned over and whispered into her ear, "Let me be on top for the last few minutes we have together... "

Surprisingly, Ling listened and stayed put, for now, letting him stare at her face in complete darkness.

"Make it brighter. I want to see you." Xuefeng expressed his desires, imagining how beautiful Ling looked. As she listened once again, the sun started slowly raising from the horizon, illuminating Ling's face further and further.

After the whole night, her hair became messy from all the times he brushed his hands through them, but for Xuefeng, in connection with her blushed cheeks and blue eyes that gave her a shy look, Ling was especially breathtaking.

"Why are you staring at me so much…" Ling asked embarrassed, now regretting making it all bright again. She didn't want Xuefeng to see her like that, all hungry for his kisses.

"You are really beautiful, that's why I'm enjoying my view. To be honest, I also wonder how your whole body looks, but I know you don't want me to see anything..." Xuefeng answered as he touched her slim waist through her white dress, thinking of ripping it apart so he could see it all.

"It's not that I don't want you to see… I didn't want our first night to be like that. Wasn't it nice like this, only having our lips to ourselves, putting the whole focus into one thing to make it more special?" Ling asked quietly as she sat down, making him lie down on her thighs and rubbed his cheeks with her thumbs.

"Yeah… It was great." Xuefeng couldn't help to admit that she was right, even though he wanted to proceed much further with her. Their connection with each other definitely increased in value after tonight.

Ling touched his lips with her forefinger and played with them as she asked softly, "If you liked it so much… How about we repeat it tomorrow...?" They still had a lot of time that they need to spend with each other, as she was currently living in his dantian, so they didn't need to hurry. She knew all of Xuefeng's thoughts when he was inside of her space, so she was fully aware of how much he wanted to do all the naughty stuff to her, even though she didn't show it on her face.

To make him desire her more, she grabbed his hand and pressed it against her chest, whispering with her face heavily blushing, "I will let you touch them like that…" It took her a lot of mental preparation to pull off such a scene as after a moment, even before he could grasp her breast firmly, Ling quickly pulled it away. With how his thoughts got turned into a mess, she knew that her mission was successful.

"Of course we can! You think I would refuse you after tonight?" Xuefeng replied happily, kissing her deeply. In his mind, the softness of her chest was still lingering, making him want to reach out and experience it again.

Ling already knew his answer but she smiled anyway, saying as a goodbye, "I'm glad. See you later then." Ling didn't continue their conversation and suddenly his body disappeared from her embrace.

She already shamelessly prolonged his stay as she didn't want him to leave, and only informed him that it's morning when the girls outside began trying to wake him up. Together with his own persistence to stay longer, they made the girls outside quite worried.

With Xuefeng gone, she reached out towards the spot he was before, already feeling that there was something missing there. Falling onto the grass, Ling sighed deeply, breathing the smell he left behind and smiled satisfied, recalling their whole night together.

At first, Ling thought that it would be awkward between them but it surprisingly went really well. There wasn't much she could do better as even if she let him do much more with her today, his excitement would die down fast. She didn't mind keeping him like that for a while so he would stay as passionate each time as just now.

"I think I'm getting his pervert disease transferred onto me the more I stay with him…" Ling thought as she began thinking of what their future nights would look like, and all she thought of were scenes similar to how Xuefeng did it with others.

"It's for cultivation… It will help him greatly, so I can't delay it anymore… I can't be selfish…" Ling commented out loud after finally bracing her heart for what is bound to happen before suddenly closing her eyes, returning to her everyday job, keeping Xuefeng alive.


Xiao Wen's voice was the first thing he heard after opening his eyes with his real body, "Xuefeng, you are finally awake. Were you inside Ling's space? We couldn't wake you up for so long."

"I'm sorry, I was busy for a moment," Xuefeng muttered as he rubbed his eyes to get used to the light, as this body was different than the one in Ling's space and kissed all three ladies one by one.

Having tasted all of their lips, he hugged them all into his arms, having an urge which Ling created by teasing him for the whole night. This urge was having something soft in his hand and Xuefeng instantly satisfied it by reaching out towards two butts on both sides.

Xiao Wen wanted to ask more, but having her buttcheek squeezed tightly shut her down. She was really anxious about their first night together thinking that Xuefeng would not let her sleep at all, but after him being so quiet the whole night, she relaxed to a certain degree.

"Ah…" Xuefeng couldn't help but let out a breath of relief, finally being free to do what he wanted.

'You didn't need to wait for the whole night to do that…' Xiao Wen muttered in her mind as she snuggled into his arms, allowing his hand to roam as it pleased just a bit more before she pretended to be angry.

Chapter 252 - Demoness

"Wuying, how are you feeling? Is yesterday's dose of blood enough to last you up till now?" Xuefeng called towards Wuying, recalling the pressing issue from yesterday that was still bothering him.

"Mhmm, I am not thirsty at all. I think there won't be a need to repeat it in a while. I feel really great at the moment." Wuying leaned on his shoulder and replied honestly, showing a smile full of energy.

"That's great. I was worried you were gonna drain me like that every day…" Xuefeng breathed in relief, teasing her in the process to which Wuying playfully licked him on the neck while saying, "Well, I don't mind a drink if you were to offer…"

"Haha, very funny…" Xuefeng laughed sarcastically, slapping Wuying's butt as a warning before he turned to Yiren, who laid down directly on top of him like a little kitten and asked, "Yiren, how are you feeling? Are you all healed up?"

"I am. Sister Ling already healed me completely. You need to thank her for me." Yiren leaned over and kissed Xuefeng once again, passing the thanks to Ling but Xuefeng couldn't help but tease Yiren as well with saying, "Alright, I will make sure to kiss her in your place."

"Nooo, that's not what I meant… You can only pass my hug then…" Yiren quickly shook her head but then thought that Ling really deserved something in exchange so she hugged Xuefeng tightly, passing on her hugs instead.

"Haha, alright." Xuefeng agreed, being sure that Ling would be happy with either hugs or kisses before he finally looked towards the last lady in his embrace, but then he noticed that she was glaring at him so he asked, "Wen, why are you making such a face?"

Seeing that Xuefeng finally noticed her, Xiao Wen suddenly sat up, throwing the quilt aside and continued to glare at him while pouting, "Xuefeng, it's my first night sleeping with you and yet we didn't do anything together… How are you going to explain that?"

"Look to the side first." Xuefeng just smiled and pointed with his head towards the second bed next to them while gently hugging Yiren who snuggled onto Xiao Wen's spot when she sat up.

On the bed next to them laid Wu Lan and her brother, still sleeping soundly, slowly moving around under their quilt, waking up from their sleep. When Wen saw them and realised that she actually wanted to do some naughty activities with kids next to them, she blushed, hiding herself under the quilt again.

"Don't worry. We can do anything together but the time and place have to be right. I didn't forget about you." Xuefeng explained, finding her reaction quite funny. He already slowly started accepting her as his lover, so Xuefeng wouldn't let her wait long before he would finally eat her up.

Xiao Wen laid on Xuefeng's chest on the same spot as Yiren did before, without arguing with her sister and whispered unhappily, "Sorry that I just wanted some cuddles from you…" She didn't understand how Yiren and Wuying were so patient, not claiming more of Xuefeng for themselves right away and just waited for their turn.

"Don't be mad at me." Seeing her like this, Xuefeng pulled her up a bit and planted an apology kiss on her lips to cheer her up. Xuefeng knew that it was his fault for leaving them for the whole night, but once he arrives inside Ling's space, he couldn't do anything about it.

"I want one more…" Getting one short kiss, it was obvious that Xiao Wen would want more, so she pleaded for one right away, but she didn't get it right away as Xuefeng first gave two kisses to Wuying and Yiren before returning to her, saying softly, "I can't favour anyone. My feelings for all of you are equal so I try not to leave anyone behind. Do you understand?"

"Mhmm, I understand. Then counting all the kisses others received up till now, I want you to give me the same amount." Xiao Wen smiled smugly as she nodded and followed his rules just as she wanted.

"Oh, you want everything? But you know you have to give the same as well?" Xuefeng looked surprised at her as he listened to her claims, but he didn't mind that as he actually liked the idea. Patting two butts on both sides, Xuefeng asked with a playful smile, "You know, Wuying and Yiren were quite active girlfriends, am I right?"

"Of course, I would give you the same as well…" Xiao Wen agreed right away, feeling that it was only natural for her to do so, but then she looked at Wuying and Yiren finding their faces embarrassed under her look. They quickly hid in Xuefeng's arms to avoid her gaze which made Xiao Wen a bit worried, thinking, 'How many times they have done it…'

"Alright, the deal is sealed. Don't regret it later." Xuefeng smiled and pulled himself up making all of them sit down, before sealing the deal with a kiss.

Thinking it was already late, Xuefeng didn't prolong their bantering and hurried everyone, "Wake Wu Lan up and go take a bath. We boys will enter after you girls. I have many things I need to do today, so we can't cuddle anymore."

"Alright." Wuying and Yiren listened properly, walking up to Wu Lan's bed but Xiao Wen stayed put on top of him, sitting on his thighs. Seeing that the others didn't see, she suddenly kissed Xuefeng deeply once again, whispering afterwards, "Don't regret it later as well. I'm not letting you go…"

After those words, she boldly took off her nightgown right in front of him and dodged his hands which tried to pull her back when she jumped off the bed. Xiao Wen glanced at Xuefeng playfully as she threw her nightgown at him and slowly walked away, showing him exactly what he was losing by postponing their intimate moments.

'Gosh… That demoness…' Xuefeng thought as he felt the arousal just from looking at her naked body. Knowing her personality, he couldn't wait to see how crazy she would be when he finally decides to take her in completely.


"So you want me to defend against your attacks?" Xiao Wen asked, confirming Xuefeng's plan after they finally left the Border City, arriving outside of it in the forest area.

They didn't take much time bathing and eating as without Xuefeng inside the bath with them, the girls didn't play around too much. If Xuefeng decided to take a bath with them, the whole morning would be lost on their games and possibly something else as well.

"Yeah, I want to test this new ability. I can't use it in battle in the future if I don't learn how it works. It shouldn't take too much time. It didn't seem to be too complicated based on Thousand Blades' attacks and Ling's description of the ability." Xuefeng nodded as he pulled prepared himself to attack her with some long ranged attacks.

"I don't mind. Shoot at me, but if I can easily defend against all of your attacks, you owe me one wish afterwards. If you manage to push me back, I will give you one wish." Xiao Wen agreed, pulling out her golden sword and used a bet to motivate Xuefeng to work harder.

Hearing her proposal, Xuefeng couldn't help but get serious, motivation filling his veins. He knew that Xiao Wen wouldn't reject no matter what he asks her to do.

Pulling his Black Flames slayer, Xuefeng called out happily, "I'm coming, watch out!"

Just as Ling explained, the moment Xuefeng swung his sword to send a black flames ray at her, the attacks were already filled with a portion of Ling's Fate Qi. When they were mid-air, Ling suddenly used her Fate Qi to replicate the rays, creating more than twenty of them.

They all headed towards Xiao Wen but Xuefeng somehow expected that his attacks wouldn't have any impact on her. She wasn't a person that would bet on something without knowing the outcome beforehand, but that wasn't Xuefeng's goal.

Xuefeng only wanted to learn and see for himself how the whole ability worked. If he only needed to give Xiao Wen one wish then it was a worthy trade for him.

After the first trial, it turned out that his new ability only worked on the spells that were already launched towards the enemy. He couldn't replicate melee attacks as the Fate Qi didn't have time to work before the strike landed. Recalling Thousand Blades' daggers which flew around him as if a living shield, Xuefeng wished to repeat the same feat.


At the moment, Xiao Wen used her own attack to counter all the black flame' rays and they all collapsed with an explosion, spreading the flames all around her. Xuefeng could, fortunately, extinguish the black flames with using just his thoughts and that was also the reason he didn't use Fire Qi as they were inside of a forest. He didn't plan to burn and destroy the entire forest, only to test his new ability.

"Is that all you have? I don't see how you can beat me like that." Xiao Wen taunted him as she raised her sword with a smile. She didn't know that Xuefeng would be fine even if he lost, knowing that she would probably only use her wish to spend more time with him.

"How do I control so many blades as Thousand Blades did? I don't think I saw the method anywhere to make my sword fly." Xuefeng put down his sword and asked, knowing that attacking Xiao Wen would only waste his Fate Qi.

"You can't control anything unless you obtain Metal Qi and connect it with your Air Qi." Xiao Wen explained but then asked confused, seeing that Xuefeng wasn't trying to continue his assault, "Why are you putting down your sword, don't you want to win?"

"Well, I already realised how my ability works. I thought I needed more tries. If I use more Fate Qi just to beat you, it will be just a waste. Also, you seem to want to win a lot so I will give it to you, hehe." Xuefeng knew that he couldn't win but the way he admitted defeat sounded as if he was doing Xiao Wen favour which made her unhappy, but Xuefeng quickly approached her and patted her head, pacifying it right away.

"Alright, I win then." Xiao Wen called out happily and already deciding what she wanted before the fight, she whispered into his ear, "I want to do it with you tonight…"

Chapter 253 - The Dilemma

Seeing that Xuefeng didn't reply at all as if he was contemplating it, Xiao Wen frowned and asked with a pout, "What? You don't want to? A wish is a wish. I thought I can get anything I want..."

"No no, I want to. It's just that I don't know if we can find time tonight… I'm planning to visit the Holy Land today as I need to pass the Spirit Stones to Nuwa and we also need to travel back to the Clan. I wanted to leave Wu Lan and Wu Kong with my parents as it is too dangerous for them to stay with us." Xuefeng quickly shook his head, explaining himself while pulling Xiao Wen into his arms.

He already knew that it would be hard to find time for all of his women, but now he realised how hard of a challenge it was. He already promised to spend this night with Ling, and now Xiao Wen also wanted to be with him at the same time. It wasn't easy to reject any of them.

"We only need half a day to arrive back in the Liu Clan if we travel at full speed. Can't you meet us there after you are done with your business? It shouldn't take you this long. Anyway, I already decided what I want. You can comply with it or not. It all depends on you." Xiao Wen didn't understand where the problem was and gave him the choice to accept her wish or not. Obviously, she wouldn't be very happy if he didn't follow it.

After Xiao Wen said it, she pulled away from him and walked away towards the girls who played with Lulu's fur on the side, waiting for them to finish. Xuefeng didn't run after her right away but tried to figure out how to fix the situation instead.

If he were to agree to Xiao Wen's wish, he was sure that they would go wild for the whole night, even though it was her first time. He would have to tire himself out to satisfy her completely for the whole time as knowing her, she wouldn't let him sleep so he can sneak into Ling's space.

Knowing he had no other choice, he decided to talk with Ling to maybe resolve it somehow, but then he heard her reply even before he asked the question, 'You promised me that you are spending tonight with me… Are you going to break it?'

'Of course, I wouldn't do that… But how about I spend the evening with Wen and the night with you?' Xuefeng tried to reach the compromise but Ling followed Xiao Wen's example, saying sadly, 'I'm not the one who can decide what you want to do… If you don't want to meet with me tonight, I will understand it…'

'Ling… Don't be mad at me… I'm trying to resolve it somehow.' Xuefeng could feel the sadness in her voice which crushed his heart as much as usual. He didn't want to hurt anyone, but at the same time, it was impossible to satisfy everyone at the same time.

'I'm not mad at you… I will only be a little disappointed if you don't come. Don't worry, I'm already used to being alone…' Ling said weakly, making Xuefeng imagine a lonely Ling sitting on the throne alone while hugging her legs into her chest. He immediately felt bad for her and recalled the main reason he wanted to be there for her, to make her less lonely.

Xuefeng couldn't help but give in to her pleas and say with assurance, 'Ling, I will make sure to spend some time with you tonight. I will figure out something, okay?'

'Mhmm, thank you. I will wait for you tonight then.' Ling quickly cheered up with his promise but Xuefeng still sighed, knowing that his problem wasn't resolved at all.

Xuefeng walked up to the girls, planning to hug Xiao Wen from behind to calm her a bit, but Xiao Wen turned around before he could sneak behind her and passed him a ring, saying softly, "Those are the Spirit Stones you wanted…" She wasn't mad at him, as she was sure that he will come back before tonight to be with her.

"Xuefeng! Is it true that you are not going back with us? Sis mentioned it just now..." Yiren asked as she threw herself into Xuefeng arms before he could even say anything.

"Mhmm, I need to return and give your mother some of the Spirit Stones that we earned. I will take care of everything there and we can meet back in the clan." Xuefeng explained while hugging the blond beauty.

He thought that she'd be sad because they were separating, but Yiren surprisingly took it very well and after a long kiss, she called out happily, "Sis Wen promised to teach me some fighting skills. I will learn theory from her while flying back then. Tell mom that I miss her and I will meet with her next time."

"Alright, I will pass your kiss onto her… When we meet back in the clan, I will train your special ability with you." Xuefeng nodded as he picked her up, placing her on Lulu's back. He somehow felt proud that Yiren was slowly maturing, wanting to learn more to be of help to him, and he wouldn't mind helping her to achieve that.

"Mhmm! I will be waiting." Yiren agreed full of positivity, making Xuefeng glad that at least one of his girlfriends didn't bring him too much trouble.

Patting Wu Lan and Wu Kong's heads, Xuefeng turned to Wuying, asking warmly, "Will you take care of them alone? If I'm not there before you guys arrive, you can bring them to my parents yourself, but I should be on time."

"Mhmm, I will." Wuying nodded and hugged Xuefeng deeply as well, before whispering in his embrace, "What do I do if I suddenly feel thirsty on our way...?" As his answer, Xuefeng bit himself on his palm and put it up to Wuying's lips. He didn't mind the pain much as he was doing it for someone he loved, so it was easier to bare than normal.

The moment Wuying felt his blood, she immediately started sucking on his palm, even though she wasn't thirsty yet. For her, it was the best delicacy she could get, so she wouldn't let such an opportunity go.

With Xuefeng's palm healed, Wuying closed her eyes, savouring the last bits of the sweet taste she had in her mouth before, calling out while hugging him tightly, "Xuefeng, I love you…"

"Are you loving me or my blood?" Xuefeng teased her as he used some Water Qi at the end of his finger to clean up his blood from Wuying's face and finally kissed her, saying warmly afterwards, "I love you too. We will see each other in the evening."

"Mhmm." Wuying nodded happily, satisfied after receiving a nice meal. She let out her double-winged eagle from her token and started putting both kids on its back. Even if Xuefeng had to sacrifice some of his blood, Wuying was also quite easy to deal with, which made him relax with those two.

He was only left with the three which were much more demanding. One of them was Xiao Wen who was watching everything from the side, waiting for her moment.

"Aren't you going to hug me? We won't be seeing each other for a while today." Xuefeng reached out with his arms to her and she couldn't resist anymore, running into his embrace as well.

Without looking at him, Xiao Wen muttered while laying her cheek on his shoulder, "Are you going to come back to the clan tonight...?" Xuefeng could hear in her voice how much she wanted that to happen, which made him sigh internally. He didn't want to say no when she was asking him like that.

"I will try to be earlier and spend the whole evening with you. I'm not sure about the night as we are probably going to sleep altogether." Xuefeng hugged her tightly and explained his stance. He thought that she would understand, but the next works she whispered made him mute once again, "Can't I have at least one night with you alone? It's my first time… I want it to be just you and me… I want it to be special… Wuying had her first time alone with you…"

Before he could find some words for a reply, Xiao Wen added, "I don't want to wait anymore… The more I wait, the harder it is to resist and I think about it all the time... Why can't we do it tonight? I think the girls will understand if I ask them..."

The same feeling he had when talking with Ling happened again. He just couldn't reject her right when she said so much. Beating himself in his mind for being like that, Xuefeng called out quietly, "Alright… Tonight it is then..."

"Really...?" Xiao Wen quickly replied as she looked at him with a bright smile which finally appeared on her face. As long as she had his word then she didn't need to worry.

"Mhmm, I will figure something out. I can't say no when you are like this…" Xuefeng nodded, trying to smile but inside of his mind, he was panicking. He already knew that Ling would comment in a moment. She could see everything that was happening so there was no way to hide it from her even if he wanted.

"Alright! See you later today then!" Xiao Wen called out happily and kissed him deeply, before hopping onto Lulu's back, right behind Yiren.

"Yeah, take care." Xuefeng waved towards them with a light smile and reminded her, "Wen, protect them while I'm not with you girls."

"Don't worry." Xiao Wen assured him and with a light pat on Lulu side, she jumped to the sky followed by the eagle together with Wuying. In a moment he was left alone with one problem he had to fix.

Walking towards the lake which was nearby, Xuefeng called out in his mind, 'Ling...?'