261 - 267

Chapter 261 - Anything

Xuefeng already started getting angry at the lady, no matter who she was and continued, "And what do you mean by, stay away from this? You are literally inside of my Spirit, trying to break the connection between me and Ling. Do you think I will allow this?!" Even if she was the same Little Ming, it didn't matter to him. As long as she hurts anyone he cared about, she wouldn't find a way to his heart in the future.

Hearing no further responses from her, Xuefeng got even more annoyed as her silence confirmed his thoughts. He quickly walked up to Little Ming, trying to stop her from continuing, but just as he was a step away from her, his body froze.

He heard a sigh from her as she finally stopped what she was doing and turned around, facing him. Just as Xuefeng thought, it was Little Ming but in a more mature version. Her white hair was much longer now, reaching down to her waist and her facial features matured as well. With her curvy body and full chest, she was no longer a cute little sister but rather a successful elder sister.

Little Ming caressed Xuefeng's cheek and went straight to the point, shooting bullets towards Ling, "She didn't connect with you when there was time. Obviously, she didn't want to be with you and planned to run away. Don't you understand that? You were just a tool which she was planning to use to save her Thunder Goddess and reunite with her later."

"It doesn't matter now. She knows her mistake and we both reached an agreement already. We will still connect with each other so no one can separate us anymore." Xuefeng stared at Little Ming's eyes trying to find something, but there was nothing he could use.

Little Ming looked at him surprised, but then suddenly smirked, questioning him, "Oh, really? Does she want to connect half of your Spirits together? Did she tell you what will happen to you as well if you do it? It's true that it will work similarly to the previous connection, but it will also constrict you as well. Just as you will be able to use her abilities, she would be able to use yours too. It wouldn't be a surprise if she tried to take control over you as well."

"She wouldn't do anything to hurt me. There is something called trust and there is no way two people can be in a relationship without it." Xuefeng quickly shook his head, not believing that Ling would do so for even a second.

"You are a huge optimist. Wake up. People are selfish. They will do anything to achieve their goals and Ling is such a person—" Little Ming smiled as she looked at him with pity and tried to make him understand the truth when Xuefeng interrupted her with a shout, "Shut up! The only selfish person here is you! Earlier I thought you were someone I could trust, but I guess I was wrong."

Xuefeng continued to glare at Little Ming but she didn't react as he anticipated this to happen and instead did the exact opposite. Her smooth hand grasped Xuefeng's cheeks and she pulled him closer to her, saying while continuing to gently smile at him, "I'm sorry boy but such speech won't work on me. I'm too old for you to be able to influence me like that. Maybe if it was my little sister then maybe you would sway her, but she also understands that we need to have you sooner or later. The moment you appeared in our space, you already became our target. Your body is too perfect to be wasted to a small Fate Fragment."

Xuefeng wanted to bash her more but when he heard her, he quickly squinted his eyes and said, "You are not Little Ming!" Xuefeng was confused earlier, finding the current Little Ming quite different even though her body matured, but now he understood why. It wasn't her in the first place!

The mature Ming let go of his face and flipped her hand as if it was nothing, admitting the truth, "Well, technically, I am her and she is me. We are two sides of a single coin. Of course, I'm more powerful than her. She was only out because I was sleeping. I let her play around a bit and I am still surprised she actually found such a nice boy for me."

With the way she said it, Xuefeng suddenly felt like a snack instead of a human and couldn't help but ask, "...What do you plan to do with me…?"

If what she said was true, he wouldn't have much chance to fight back against her as she was a completely different person. He tried to convince her based on the fact that they were friends before, but that obviously wouldn't work on her now.

"Oh, well, as long as you behave nicely, I can tell you." The mature Ming said as she finally released him from the bindings so he could still move and asked while patting Xuefeng on the head, "Are you going to be a good boy?"

Knowing that he doesn't have another choice other than listening to learn more of her plans, Xuefeng nodded, but it was clear that he wasn't happy with the current situation as a smile wasn't seen on his face since the moment he entered into his spirit.

Unfortunately, the mature Ming didn't mind that as she obviously didn't care about Xuefeng's feelings and said while pointing at the bracelet on Xuefeng's wrist which followed him everywhere, "The bracelet you have on your arm, it's mine. You shouldn't have gotten it, but I guess I didn't explain it to her properly so that can be counted as my bad. The bracelet is too strong to control without a holder and this is the reason I hid it within the Wisdom Tree."

Glancing at Xuefeng's wrist with a sigh, she added, "After I felt that my other self couldn't handle it anymore, I woke up and tried to take the bracelet away, but it was too late already. It already rooted itself within your body and unless I kill you, there is no way I can get it back. That was my original plan but my younger sister didn't let me, begging me to leave you alive. It's still my other self so I had to respect her request. It only cost her some time of confinement, but she was happy with that deal."

The mature lady brushed her white hair gently as she shrugged, actually happy with such an outcome. She was able to leave, forcing her little sister to be closed inside of her and now she was the only one deciding what to do.

"Little Ming…" Xuefeng muttered, deep inside happy that he wasn't mistaken about her character. It wasn't Little Ming who was trying to hurt them but the lady in front of him.

With that said, mature Ming smiled as she grazed her fingers on Xuefeng's cheeks and neck while continuing by answering his worries, "She is alright. When I am bored, I might let her out a bit so I can sleep, but I doubt that will happen in the near future.

"She made a mess that I need to clean afterwards so she deserves punishment. My only choice now is to connect with you and become your Fate Spirit. If I don't do that, your body will soon be consumed by the bracelet, so you should rather be thanking me for saving you instead of bashing me."

After understanding the turns on events, Xuefeng calmed down a bit, but that still didn't change the fact that the mature Ming didn't talk with him before she decided everything by herself. Another issue was losing Ling which wasn't even in question if he agreed or not as he already expressed his opinion about this and it didn't change.

Catching her hands, Xuefeng looked sharply at her and asked, "What about Ling?" Xuefeng definitely didn't plan to let go of that issue.

"Hoho, you still have some temper left in you." Mature Ming laughed a bit at his reaction and asked him with a playful smile, "What about her? Didn't we already discuss her fate? I will cancel your bond and replace her. She is not needed. After that, I will probably absorb her abilities and make them mine. Do you have anything you want to tell me before I continue?"

Knowing that Xuefeng couldn't convince her with kindness or threats, there was one more strategy he didn't try yet. He quickly nodded his head and decided to play on her ego, "Yes, I disagree. If you are so powerful, how come you can't just make it so that you two co-exist with each other? Is that too much for you? I thought you were the mother to all Fate Fragments, but it seems like you can't do anything."

Xuefeng's attempt caused him to receive a quick glare from the mature Ming, but he didn't mind that as he knew it was at least working. After staring at him for a while she called out, trying to act indifferent, "It's not that I can't. I just don't want to bother and bring more trouble. Why would I choose the hardest solution instead of the easiest one?"

"Because I ask you to. You said you wanted to be my Fate Spirit but how are we going to cooperate if I start hating you? That's going to happen if you hurt Ling. How about you treat it as a welcome gift to me?" Xuefeng proposed, hoping to make her give in, but she quickly shook her head, saying it with a flat rejection, "No. Why would I do something that brings me no benefit? Even if you hate me, I don't mind. Pleasing you is not my goal."

"What do you want for leaving Ling alone?" Xuefeng asked seriously, which actually caused the white-haired lady to let out a grin, already knowing what she wanted but still said, "What can you give me?"

Thinking about Ling, imagining her sweet smile inside of her mind, Xuefeng didn't hesitate to make a decision, "Anything."

Chapter 262 - Fate Nemesis

"Xuefeng! What happened? Did you talk to her— You…" Just when Xuefeng left the space hidden in his Spirit, he got hugged by Ling who was waiting for him anxiously outside and she quickly started her questioning but choked on her words when another person appeared right behind him.

Ming flipped her hair to the side as she approached them and introduced herself with a smile, "Hey, I'm Ming. You don't need to be so scared of me as I won't do anything to you. Hope we can work well together in the future." Ming's attitude changed completely from how she was just a moment ago, but Xuefeng paid a huge price for it so it was only expected.

Instead of reaching out her own hand to greet Ming, Ling turned to Xuefeng and asked confused, "Xuefeng… What is going on?" She didn't see him upset but he wasn't happy either, so there had to be something hidden.

Xuefeng showed her the smile that was missing and explained directly, "I convinced Ming to become my second Spirit instead of breaking the contract between us. This way I can still be with you and basically, nothing will change."

"Mhmm, now we can be like sisters, fighting for Xuefeng like two knights." Ming confirmed Xuefeng words as she smiled gently, asking afterwards while patting Ling's shoulder, "What do you think?"

Ignoring Ming once again, Ling suddenly disappeared together with Xuefeng which caused Ming to laugh as she smirked to herself. She wasn't sad as the situation happened to proceed just as she expected. Ling wouldn't easily forgive her for what she planned to do, but she was fine with it.

Appearing inside Ling's space, one would expect Xuefeng's smile to disappear but it was actually the opposite. His smile only deepened as he hugged Ling tightly and kissed her lips in a happy mood, which made her ultimately confused. Someone was blackmailing them a moment ago but Xuefeng was full of smiles instead of trying to figure out the solution.

"Xuefeng…" Ling called out to him to bring him back from the clouds so they could talk of what happened and only then did Xuefeng say with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, I'm just happy right now. I accidentally found a solution to our problem."

Hearing this, Ling's eyes also brightened as she asked excitedly, "What is it? Can we get rid of that Ming with it? I really don't like her..." Ling was really quick in expressing her desires to eliminate Ming as she knew it wouldn't bring them anything good and will only create troubles.

"No, we won't be able to get rid of her…" Xuefeng shook his head which made Ling's smile falter but then Xuefeng continued which made her smile recover, "...but we will definitely be able to control her."

"Really?! How?" Ling quickly asked, not patient enough to wait anymore. She would be satisfied as long as they didn't have to be the ones on Ming's mercy.

Instead of replying directly, Xuefeng reached out with his right hand which had a golden bracelet on his wrist and asked mysteriously, "Can you tell me why this bracelet is following me into your space? It's an artefact. It shouldn't follow together with my mind and materialize here."

Hearing his weird question, she actually recalled what she planned to ask earlier and reported while gently touching the bracelet, "Actually I wanted to talk to you about it before. It directly blocks my powers and I can't do anything to it. I can't stop it from following you even if I try, as if it's immune to Fate Qi…"

Finishing her sentence, she realised something and looked in shock at Xuefeng, "Don't tell me—" Xuefeng only nodded, confirming her guess and thinking it would be best to show her the bracelet proves directly, he suddenly called out, "Activate!"


Just when the word came out of his mouth, the bracelet started vibrating and an immense power started leaking out of it, immediately pushing Ling back and causing her to pale a bit. Just as Ling thought, the bracelet definitely had power which worked as a great counter against Fate Qi or Fate Spirits in general.

Within seconds, the bracelet turned into liquid and covered Xuefeng's arm like slime, shining with a golden hue. Trying to show off its powers, Xuefeng approached the castle wall and gently touched it. Just as he expected, his hand went directly through the wall as if it was nothing there. He didn't feel anything against his hand as if the wall disappeared before he could even touch it.

"It seems like it really is just like he said. He is a nemesis to Fate…" Xuefeng muttered in wonder as he retracted the bracelet powers and turned back to Ling. He could see that she had a really scared look on her face, which confirmed his thoughts.

"It's okay, don't worry. I would never use it on you…" Xuefeng approached Ling and hugged her tightly, trying to calm her down. When his right hand touched her, Ling shivered a bit out of her survival instinct but she quickly relaxed under Xuefeng's assurance.

"What is that? How come you can control it?" Ling asked as she watched the bracelet with curiosity, having no idea such object even existed. She didn't reach out to touch it this time, keeping a safe distance from it just in case. Ling also guessed that it had to be a great secret, else she would definitely know that a Fate Nemesis like this was ever created.

"I honestly know little as well, because the Spirit inside of it didn't tell me much. All I know is that it feeds off Fate Qi. Earlier I was really frustrated from being controlled by Ming and from the things she asked for letting you live. Out of desperation, I reached out with my mind towards the bracelet after knowing that it was the main reason why we ended up in that situation and surprisingly, the Spirit inside of it answered." Xuefeng reported, describing his meeting that deepened their connection.

"It agreed to help me after I proposed to feed it properly and promised to help to find all of its Elemental Crystals. He was kind enough to give me a year to find the first stone." Xuefeng explained further, watching the bracelet with a grin. He knew that this decision added more responsibilities on his back, but the trade was fair.

"I'm so glad…" Hearing the whole story, Ling couldn't help but sigh in relief. She didn't want to share Xuefeng with any other Fate Spirit, but knowing Xuefeng, she knew that he would care for her the same.

Pulling away from her, Xuefeng decided to return, beginning the second phase of his plan, "Ming is still waiting there for us. She wants to cooperate with you to create a connection with my Spirit. Both of you are supposed to trade one-fourth of your Spirit with mine leaving me with the other half. This is the deal I made with her. The Bracelet Spirit told me to accept all of her demands and connect with her normally. We planned to connect anyway and she can help us with it."

Ling couldn't help but get excited knowing they would be tied together and called out happily, "Alright! I want to finally combine with you. Tell me what to do and I will follow your plan." Ling was glad she could finally repair her mistake from before which she still regrets to this day.

Chapter 263 - Impossible!

Just as Xuefeng's consciousness returned to his dantian with Ling in his arms, Ming commented while smirking, "Hah, you guys are finally back. It took you quite a while."

Without wasting any time on a useless talk, Ling called out while glaring at Ming, "Are you ready? Let's be over it fast." This was how she would act normally even if they didn't decide anything earlier with Xuefeng so she didn't need to pretend to trick Ming.

Seeing Ling glaring at her like that, Ming couldn't help but laugh and relax a bit, already expecting that Xuefeng would tell Ling everything. Thinking that everything was under her control, Ming called out while giggling, "Haha, yeah, I'm ready. You both come here." She didn't suspect anything as for her, it was impossible that the bracelet's Spirit would lower himself to work with Xuefeng.

"What is the process? I want to know which method you plan to use." Ling asked just to make sure they knew what they were doing. If she saw anything incorrect in it, even if that could help then, she wouldn't risk Xuefeng's life. Spirit was a very delicate object that could be easily hurt if one handled it incorrectly.

Ming only smiled at her investigation tries and pointed at Xuefeng's spirit, saying relaxed, "We have to start with Xuefeng taking over his own Spirit's body and controlling it first. After that, we will be able to connect our souls through direct contact and a contract spell. A kiss and an embrace should be enough I think."

Hearing there was a spell involved, Ling squinted her eyes and asked sharply, "What contract spell?"

Ming smirked and explained further, "You don't trust me? Don't worry, I can go first and show you if you want. It doesn't matter if we go separately as the contract only trade one-fourth of your Spirit. It is also completely safe. Well, for us at least. Xuefeng might feel some pain but he is a big boy and can handle it, right?"

Knowing that she couldn't let that happen, Ling called back right away, "No, I will go first. Tell me the spell." Xuefeng's safety was always Ling's first priority. She knew that there was little chance that she wanted to hurt him as she already had a chance to do it but didn't. It was always better to be safe than sorry later.

"Alright, I don't mind." Ming could only shrug and pass the technique to Ling through touch which Ling quickly checked. Only after she found no problems with the skill, Ling turned to Xuefeng and nodded her head.

Xuefeng approached his own Spirit and asked confused, acting genuinely, "What should I do then? I never tried to connect with my own Spirit so I have no idea where to start."

"Just touch its forehead and wish you could connect. You are one after all. You are both the same." Ming quickly explained to which Xuefeng nodded and tried right away.

Just as Ming said, when he touched the Spirit's forehead with the intention of entering and controlling it, the vision of his own consciousness materialisation disappeared. The next thing he saw was the view from the Spirit's eyes which didn't feel different from the previous one.

Moving around with his fingers to feel the body of the Spirit, Xuefeng asked curiously, "Are there any other uses of this move?" The only difference was the feeling of the fleshy body as he didn't have it while travelling with the help of his consciousness.

Before Ming could answer, it was Ling who approached him and replied, "You can cultivate faster if you connect with your spirit, but it is not necesarry when you have me. I can do that for you."

"Alright, thank you." Xuefeng kissed her on the forehead as he thanked her before asking, "Are you ready?"

Seeing the care Xuefeng was giving to Ling somehow triggered Ming as deep emotions started getting out on the outside as if Little Ming was trying to express herself, but the mature Ming quickly muffled them, locking her little sister tighter. They had quite a nice relationship but right now Little Ming was undergoing a punishment.

'Sis! Don't do anything bad to him! I care about him! You promised to leave them alone!' Little Ming was shouting inside her sis mind but no matter what she said, there was no response sent to her. Little Ming knew she shouldn't have given the bracelet to Xuefeng but she still didn't regret it after it happened and could only hope that Xuefeng learns how to use it before it's too late.

Hearing her little sister muttering, Ming only sighed internally, not bothering to explain it to her anymore and called out to Xuefeng, "I'm ready as well. You guys can start and I will supervise." In this world, selfish beings survive the most and that was exactly her plan. Her other self was too soft sometimes and no matter what she said, it didn't work on her.

"Alright, come here milady." Xuefeng was still happy he could connect with Ling so the first part of his plan was just enjoyment. He grabbed Ling into his arms with his Spirit body and hugged her tightly. He could already feel a strange vibe between them just as he touched her, which confirmed that this method worked.

Without waiting for Ling to say anything, Xuefeng muttered while rubbing his nose against his, kissing her right after, "You won't be able to leave me after this…" Xuefeng didn't go crazy this time knowing the situation was serious but still used countless deep kisses, hoping to make their bond even stronger.

Their lips moved but Xuefeng didn't feel anything special happening. He decided to pull away from Ling to check what was going on but then suddenly, his body felt as if it was struck by lightning. He felt a horrible pain as if his body was being ripped apart by some strange force.

He expected some pain just as Ming mentioned it, but he didn't think it would be this bad. Fortunately, the sweet kiss with Ling continued and she even began using more force in seizing his lips which distracted him a bit from the pain.

Just when Xuefeng wondered how long it will last, he felt a soothing sensation filling the spot of his pain, neutralizing it quickly. He didn't need an explanation anymore to understand what happened.

Ling didn't feel the pain as she received one-fourth of his Spirit first and only then did she exchange her own for that. Knowing this, he didn't feel bad about the pain anymore. Xuefeng would rather hold onto most of the pain himself as long as he can spare Ling from going through such trouble.

After finally pulling away from him when the connection was finalized, Ling asked right away with worry, "Are you alright…?" Ling could feel the shivers of Xuefeng's Spirit after having part of it tore apart and she immediately felt guilty.

"I'm alright… Your Spirit smoothed the pain quickly so I didn't feel it for long…" Xuefeng lied to her so she wouldn't feel bad but she could somehow feel he was lying. She wanted to scold him, but in the end, she stopped herself, kissing him once again as payment for resisting it bravely.

"We are connected now… I'm glad." Hugging him tightly she expressed her happiness, feeling a bit relieved that it finally happened. Now, hopefully, nothing could separate them.

Unfortunately, before they could enjoy themselves to the fullest, Ming called out to them, breaking their moment apart, "Alright lovebirds, that's enough. If we prolong it too long, Xuefeng's Spirit will heal and he will feel even more pain the next time he trades his Spirit. It's my turn now and this is the best time."

Ling didn't want to leave Xuefeng's arms but the argument of causing more pain to Xuefeng convinced her as she finally pulled away from him, saying from the side, "Alright, take care."

Ling didn't plan to leave their side just in case anything bad happened, but Ming didn't mind that and boldly wrapped her arms around Xuefeng's neck, staring at him curiously. As they stood together, their white hair matched in colour, creating quite a nice picture.

Of course, Ming also noticed it and teased Xuefeng as she glided with her nails on his cheek, saying playfully, "Don't you think we look good together? Hehe, we will have a lot of fun together…" Just as Ming said so, she leaned over and covered his lips with a sweet kiss.


Xuefeng expected a small buffer of time before the pain would come just like in Ling's case, but not much time passed after their lips touched when he heard a flat ripping sound in his mind. When comparing the current pain to the earlier one, the one cause by Ming was definitely more than ten times extra painful.

It was caused by the fact that his Spirit still didn't integrate properly with one-fourth of Link's Spirit and right now, he was ripping another part, basically leaving him with only half left which was barely enough for the Spirit to function properly.

Fortunately, Ming didn't take pleasure in torturing him and quickly sent her part as well, patching the missing piece. Even after that, Xuefeng could still feel the lingering pain inside of him. Ling was trying to be gentle with him and smoothed the whole feeling with gentle kisses but Ming didn't beat around the bush, going straight into it without hesitation.

Finishing her job, Ming pulled out her tongue which she slipped into his mouth in the process to provide better connection and said with satisfaction, "I guess we are done. Now both me and Ling are connected with your Spirit, making you a Dual Spirit Fate Holder. Aren't you happy? Having two Spirit beauties who serve you every day, no matter if its a day or night?"

Xuefeng held his stomach as he muttered to her, "Yeah, as long as they behave nicely, I don't mind that." He knew she wasn't a good girl so there were bound to be problems with her in their connection stayed like that.

"Haha, don't worry. I wouldn't mistreat my Fate Holder. As long as you behave, I would also stay nice. We are after all bound together already." Ming laughed as she patted Xuefeng on the head, only to be lightly pushed away by Ling who hugged Xuefeng in worry, but she didn't mind, leaving those stuff to her.

Knowing there was nothing left for her to do, Ming glanced at Xuefeng's bracelet and called out, "I will return to my place then. If you need something, then call me. I will handle the bracelet problems." Mind didn't wait for his answer and simply reached out to Xuefeng's right hand.

"Activate!" Just as she was about to touch it, Ming heard Xuefeng's shout and suddenly familiar energy forced her hand away, causing her face to pale at the same time.

Ming stared in shock at Xuefeng as she took a few steps back and seeing the smirk on his face she finally realised what happened. Even while understanding what is going on, she couldn't help but cry in confusion, "Impossible!"

Chapter 264 - Five Minutes

The bracelet turned into liquid and covered Xuefeng's arm as he started walking towards Ming. Seeing her panicked expression, he knew that the bracelet's power was just as the Spirit inside of it told him. No matter how strong the Fate Spirit is, they didn't stand a chance against his power.

"How did you—" Ming's face turned ugly when she realised that the situation didn't look good for her and decided to ask how he did it, but the words got stuck in her throat. She had a really hard time even forcing the Spirit to talk to her and even harder when she wanted to convince him to stay with her.

"Didn't think I would learn about it, huh? The Bracelet is already connected to me so some day I would realise its powers anyway. Do you still think that you can blackmail me?" Xuefeng asked as he finally stopped in front of Ming, looking her straight in the eyes with a grin. He didn't like the mature Ming's attitude from the start so he wasn't even a bit sad for threatening her.

Knowing she was already pushed to the wall without any escape routes, Ming quickly gave in without even fighting, "Fine… You win. I surrender." She understood the bracelet's powers much better than Xuefeng did, so she knew there was no way for her to resist it even with her vast knowledge.

"Haha," Xuefeng found that quite funny as he laughed and asked sarcastically, "Do you think that the problem is solved just because you yielded?" Xuefeng didn't think she would be shameless enough to not even apologize for her behaviour.

"Alright, what else do you what? I'm already your Fate Spirit. I can't leave you anymore and you can't hurt me either. If you hurt me, your Spirit will suffer as well so it's not like I'm scared of you even if you control the bracelet." Ming rolled her eyes when she heard Xuefeng's question and glared back at him, showing her previous temperament.

Only then did Xuefeng realise that he still didn't have a plan of what to do with her. Killing her definitely wasn't an option as the complications from doing that would be too much to handle. Not even taking their connection into account, her hidden aces alone were dangerous enough to change this idea. He didn't worry that she might hurt him, but she could still hurt others which he certainly didn't want to see.

Thinking of a quick solution, Xuefeng shook his head and replied, "I'm not going to hurt you, but you are going to bring back your younger sister. I want to talk to her first before I decide what to do with you."

Ming looked at Xuefeng for a few seconds and showed him five fingers as she called out, "Five minutes. I'm not giving her more. She deserves punishment and she knows it too."

Xuefeng frowned seeing that her attitude didn't change at all and said sharply, "I don't think you are in a position where you can bargain with me. There are many ways to regenerate a hurt Spirit and I believe Ling can help me as well. If you really want to test my patience then go ahead."

"Five minutes." Unfortunately, Ming only repeated her first two words, ignoring him and started the transformation, suddenly getting shorter in height while having her face becoming younger. In literally no time, mature Ming turned into the familiar Little Ming who Xuefeng spent a ton of time with in this world.

Her dress looked really baggy on her but she quickly changed to her usual pink hoodie instead, and looked at Xuefeng with her cute round eyes. One could see a regretful expression on her face, but other than that, there was also the happiness of being able to meet with Xuefeng again.

Having only five minutes, Little Ming didn't waste any time and quickly walked up to Xuefeng, saying apologetically, "Xuefeng, I'm really sorry… I know that it will take some time for you to forgive me, but I will try my best to repay you…"

Before Xuefeng could reply, Little Ming suddenly stepped forward and hugged him tightly as she continued, "I know that it was all my fault as I could definitely talk to you about it first. We would find the solution ourselves without dragging your Ling's connection with you into this. I'm really sorry once again."

"It's not me you should be apologizing to, but Ling. You tried to separate us while hurting her in the process. Instead of doing exactly what we just did, you wanted to take everything for yourself, selfishly taking her place. And you are right, it will take some time before I trust you the same as before." Xuefeng pulled Little Ming away from him and turned her towards Ling who stood on the side, watching the ongoing situation.

"Mhmm, I understand." Little Ming wasn't mad at Xuefeng for saying those words as it was her fault to begin with. She already expected such a reaction from Xuefeng so she wasn't surprised either.

Walking away from him, Little Ming walked up to Ling and apologized sincerely in a similar fashion as before, to which Ling could only sigh, not having the heart to scold a little teen. It was different when it was mature Ming controlling her body as she felt equal with her at least.

"I know you must have a lot of questions, but I can only answer them after my punishment. I know I did wrong so I should suffer for it first. What I can say now is that even though my second personality might be quite annoying, she is still fundamentally a good person. I will try to talk to her so that we can work together as a team instead of fighting each other." Little Ming explained quickly, knowing that the time was ticking.

"Why can't you stay instead? I find her quite irritating. I would rather have you by my side if I had a choice." Xuefeng asked as he didn't like that idea of having mature Ming back this soon, but Little Ming only shrugged, saying warmly, "She is me and I'm her. We are inseparable and there is nothing I can do about it. She—"

Unfortunately, just as she wanted to finish her speech, Ming transformed once again, turning back into mature Ling once again before calling out indifferently, "Time's up."

Chapter 265 - Fate Kingdom Secrets?

"That definitely wasn't five minutes…" Xuefeng rolled his eyes when he saw mature Ming cutting her younger self's speech in just a minute, but Ming only shrugged and called out, "Oh, really? I thought it was. Maybe I just count too fast. Too bad. You can talk to her next time."

"Are you joking with me? This is not funny." Seeing her attitude returning, Xuefeng got annoyed once again. He wanted to know more about the situation but Ming was blocking Little Ming from speaking up.

Just as they were about to banter once again, a deep male voice escaped from the bracelet and bellowed towards Ming, "Behave!" Both Ling and Ming shuddered after hearing the voice and Ming shut up immediately.

"I let you live only because you know the location of the ruins. I planned to torture you to get the information but Xuefeng who is my partner now decided to spare you. You should be thanking him instead, not banter like an idiot." The bracelet's Spirit called out to Ming, leaking something that Xuefeng wanted to hide for now before bashing at Xuefeng as well, "And you, stop being so soft on them and rule them. Be a man and get a hold of them all."

"You didn't have to mention it… I was just about to get a hold of her." Xuefeng rolled his eyes at the Spirit's scolding as he already knew what he had to fix. Looking towards Ling, Xuefeng reached out to her, inviting her into his embrace, "Ling?" He wanted to show her that he was still the same.

Ling was a bit scared of the bracelet but she believed him and entered into his arms, laying her head on Xuefeng's shoulder. The look he was giving her was much different than before, as if Xuefeng finally matured and understood something, which kind of made him even more attractive.

Having Ling in his arms, Xuefeng glanced at Ming who was staring at him confused and finally she gave in, realising it wasn't just Xuefeng she was facing. With the bracelet's Spirit advising him from the side, it would be hard for her to sway Xuefeng.

"I'm sorry... I will behave from now on…" Taking a deep breath, Ming finally apologized sincerely, planning on being nice for a while.

There were not many options before her right there and she wasn't a fool. She knew that they only kept her because she was useful to them. She was after all a fountain of knowledge which could help Xuefeng a lot in the future.

If they didn't connect with her, she would have to stay back in the Holy Land's Wisdom Tree or stay inside of the bracelet space, which wasn't quite comfortable for the bracelet's Spirit. A Spirit couldn't survive in the outside world without a host that could carry them, which is why they either needed a Spirit Artefact or a human as a carrier.

"I let you stay with me because I don't believe Little Ming deserves such a fate just because you are annoying. As long as you are a nice girl, I wouldn't mind you staying here. Your knowledge and ability will be useful to me as well. So, do you plan to argue more in the future, or work together with me for better results?" Xuefeng informed her, speaking the honest truth, forgetting about being soft as that didn't work with her.

Knowing she had no other choice, Ming nodded right away, agreeing with a small smile, "Let's work well together then. I will try my best to be of help to you." Xuefeng felt suspicious with her agreeing so fast, but he couldn't do anything else in this situation.

"Tell me, why did you even need to try cancelling my connection with Ling and take control? Is there a problem somewhere?" Xuefeng asked the main thing he wanted to learn from her that kept bothering him.

"Well, you should better ask your bracelet friend. He said that if we don't connect with you, he will consume your body. I promised him a Fate Holder who would find Elemental Stones for him so if I didn't connect with you, he wouldn't waste time on you. The moment my little sis gave you the bracelet, we could either let you die or connect with you. We, of course, choose the latter. In the end, you were the one who struck a deal with him, fixing the situation." Ming explained the situation which left Xuefeng speechless, but at the same time relieved.

He kind of expected that the bracelet's Spirit wasn't a saint so he merely confirmed that, but he was relieved to confirm that Little Ming wasn't at fault in this matter, and only cared for his well-being. It was the mature Ming and bracelet's Spirit who didn't care about Ling at all and only changed that after they saw how much he cared about her.

"I want you to let Little Ming out, exchanging your place with her every day. She was only following your orders so she doesn't deserve any punishment." Xuefeng demanded one more thing after hearing Ming's explanation.

"Sure, but constant swapping is tiring so she needs to rest now anyway. We can change once a day then…" Ming didn't like that at all but compromised in the end.

Having everything somehow sorted for now, Xuefeng decided to return back to the real world in case Nuwa was worried about him, thinking of asking more questions after that, "Alright, give me a moment now. I will talk to you in a bit."


When Xuefeng returned with his consciousness to his mind and opened his eyes, he realised that he was no longer in the Wisdom Tree cave. Nuwa already dragged him back towards the palace and he was currently laying on the sofa with his head on Nuwa's soft lap.

"Honey, is everything alright? You were out for quite a while. I didn't want you to sit down in a hard cave floor so I brought you back." Nuwa asked with a gentle smile as she rubbed Xuefeng's cheek with her thumb.

"Mhmm, I think everything is settled now. All I have left is to talk a bit more to learn some information and I should be ready to leave with you." Xuefeng replied with the same smile as he grasped her free hand in thanks for her care.

"No need to hurry. Take your time. I just want to stay with you so I don't really care where we are. You can talk while laying on my lap if you like it." Nuwa proposed as she booped his nose playfully. She was suddenly behaving too lovely and cute, very different compared to her usual self, but Xuefeng liked that she changed from time to time.

"Alright. Don't mind me if I do." Xuefeng couldn't reject her if she presented it like this and got comfy on her lap right away, closing his eyes in relaxation. It was a great difference from all the arguments he had recently and quite a refreshment.

Enjoying Nuwa's gentle brushes on his hair, Xuefeng called out in his mind, 'Ming, I wanted to ask about this Holy Land. Was it created by you?' Xuefeng has been thinking of asking this for a while as it looked like it was Ming who controlled everything here.

'Yes and no. Only the Wisdom Tree was brought by me which I used as my base and it allowed me to control the space to some extent. Years ago I also let some Forest Elves live here and they happen to grow up to this point. If you are planning to ask about the Fate Stones then I can only tell you how they are appearing out of nowhere, not why. This Holy Land is connected with some other special space which is very mysterious even for me. You probably heard of it already.'' Ming replied from the inside of his Spirit, using it as her home now.

'Fate Kingdom?' Xuefeng asked curiously, recalling some previous conversations with Ling to which Ming confirmed, 'Yes. Unfortunately, this connection could only be used to transfer Qi, not people. I can sense the Fate Kingdom's Fate Qi in here and I suspect this space was created by the leaking Qi, not someone specific. I'm lucky that I discovered it before anyone else and managed to cover it, else the complications would be enormous. Also, the Qi that is leaking out of this connection is the source which creates Fate Stones.'

'Have you been there? In that Fate Kingdom.' Xuefeng found it quite interesting and delved deeper for more information.

Trying to win back his favour, Ming didn't hesitate to reply anymore, 'Of course. I was born there. Unfortunately, after I went out to play around in this world, the Fate Kingdom suddenly closed and I haven't had any contact with anyone from there in quite a while. There are more of us who can't go back, but they are managing this world right now. They are also from the Fate Kingdom just like me.'

Hearing up to this point, Xuefeng suddenly thought that all the Fate Spirits were from there so he asked Ling to confirm, 'So Ling, you are also from the Fate Kingdom?'

Sadly, Ling didn't verify his theory as she said, 'I don't remember actually. In my first memory I was already connected with a Fate Holder.'

Before Xuefeng could reply, Ming preceded him and explained it, proving her worth, 'There are two types of Fate Spirits. One that lives in the Fate Kingdom and regulates how worlds work and another that search for the candidate. Xuefeng you are still too weak to bother yourself with all of this, but with me here, I will tell you everything when the time is right.'

Xuefeng didn't actually argue with that. Nuwa was still waiting for him so he didn't plan to prolong this talk with stuff that wasn't currently important. He already asked about the Fate Kingdom because of his curiosity.

Thinking of the stuff that he still wanted to know urgently, Xuefeng asked, "How about this Holy Land. Is it possible that it was you who made that restriction on humans there? Can you revert it so that others can also enter there?"

Ming caught up his plan right away and giggled, investigating, "Haha, do you plan to have all your girlfriends move into my Holy Land? I can do that for you, but will there be a reward?"

'Ming…' Xuefeng was rendered speechless, thinking that she had already started to change, but she returned to her old personality this fast.

Noticing his change Ming quickly corrected herself, sighing, 'I'm joking… Gosh, it's a habit. You can bring them without any problems now. This space is a great means of transportation so we can use it to its fullest. The only downside is that you have to know where you are going, so you have to travel there by yourself first to imagine the space…' Thinking that Xuefeng would be mad again, Ming added, 'I'm your Fate Spirit, okay? I wouldn't mistreat you.'

Knowing that Xuefeng could now move everyone together with him, his mood improved noticeably and he didn't even mind Ming's behaviour as he asked the last question, 'What's your ability then?' Being someone from the mysterious Fate Kingdom, she was bound to have an amazing ability so he couldn't help but be curious.

Seeing that he wasn't angry at her, Ming confidence returned and she replied while laughing playfully, 'Hehe, I will show you when we leave. We will need a target for that.' When it came to abilities, Ming was definitely proud of her own.

Getting everything he wanted, Xuefeng opened his eyes and called out softly as he looked up at Nuwa, "I'm done." Just a moment ago she was still brushing his head, gently patting him, but now Nuwa also had her eyes closed as if she was sleeping which made Xuefeng smile.

Xuefeng realised what she wanted and leaned over, kissing her on the lips as a reward for her patience before calling out warmly, "Wake up my Queen."

Chapter 266 - Selection

"Mhmm… You always know what I want." Nuwa said sweetly as she smiled while opening her eyes. Before Xuefeng could pull away after his kiss she leaned over for much more, tasting his lips as she wished. She didn't mind exchanging kisses for waiting like that.

"So is everything ready? Can we leave right now?" Xuefeng asked as he stood up and pulled her up with him. They both had Storage Rings so there was no problem with luggage management.

"Yup. When you were away I talked to Tangwei for a bit and she left, already knowing what she needs to do. We can go on an adventure whenever we want." Nuwa nodded as she showed him the ring on her finger. She was already ready, as she had packed a few days ago, which was when she first thought about leaving.

Knowing there was nothing else for her to do here, Xuefeng pulled her towards the throne which had a portal beneath it and said, "Let's go then. The others are very interested in meeting you. Yiren is also missing you."

"Alright. I also want to see what your taste in women is like. I hope they are as great as I think they are. Tianshi was somewhat okay." Nuwa said with a curious look on her face as she pushed the throne away and asked while reaching out to him, "Hubby, are you ready?"

Xuefeng didn't comment on that, but grabbed Nuwa into his arms and jumped into the portal while holding the token. The throne moved, returning to its place right after they dropped and soon they reached the end, sinking into the water.

Nuwa also felt much different today, compared to when she does it alone. She didn't pick a destination and instead left it all in Xuefeng's hands. She felt a sweet sense of assurance, having the sureness that she would be well if she stays inside of his arms. Nuwa wasn't worried at all to leave her safety in his embrace, which felt like one of her small goals in life was achieved.


Getting out of the lake this time got complicated as they happened to be unlucky and meet some people camping nearby. He wanted to swim towards another shore to get out of the water, but Nuwa apparently didn't realise that her outfit would be even more provocative than normal if she got wet, and headed straight towards the closest shore.

"Look! Someone is swimming in the lake!" Before they even reached the shore, Xuefeng heard the cultivators on the beach cry out and he saw them pulling out their weapons. Xuefeng only cursed as Air Qi wings spread from his back and flapped once, lifting him out of the water.

Xuefeng quickly reached Nuwa who had separated from him and caught her like an eagle, pulling her into his embrace before flying into the sky under shocked gazes of the cultivators.

"Dummy, why did you separate from me?! Can't you see you are all wet and they can ogle on your body like that? All your clothes are sticking onto your skin…" Xuefeng scolded right away when they rose high above the forest, but when he saw her smile and felt her gentle hug, his anger slowly began to dissipate.

He quickly ran Fire Qi through their clothes to make them dry but that wasn't enough. The way she was dressed would bring too much attention to them and people would stare at Nuwa, which he definitely couldn't allow. It was the same situation with Yiren who wore similar clothes to her mother.

"I just wanted to see your reaction, hehe. You look so cute when you get worried about me. Can you scold me more? You can punish me too. I love when you get angry." Nuwa wrapped her arms around his neck and giggled, happily asking for him to show more emotions, but that only extinguished his enthusiasm to scold her anymore.

"We need to get you changed. You can't be flying and walking in the city like that. I don't want others to look at you in such revealing outfits." Xuefeng grabbed her skirt and pulled it down a bit, before holding it tightly so it wouldn't show her undergarments. From the side view, Xuefeng was just holding Nuwa's butt yet in reality, he was protecting her.

"Now I want to see a jealous Xuefeng…" Nuwa thought out loud, even planning something evil, but then Xuefeng slapped her butt with some power, showing his dissatisfaction with her idea.

Xuefeng was following the bracelet Spirit's advice and didn't let Nuwa get in his head, saying sternly, "Don't even think about it. If you misbehave, I will send you back to the Holy Land right away." This sentence quickly forced her to cease her plans, sensing that he wasn't joking at all from the tone in his voice.

"I was just joking… I wouldn't do anything like that. You are the only man I will ever touch. Are you happy?" Nuwa rubbed her nose against his face and quickly began pleasing him, countering her previous behaviour.

With her like that, it was hard to continue being mad at her, but Xuefeng didn't plan on allowing any more of similar teasing anymore and slapped her butt again as an answer to her question before saying while changing the topic, "Let's just fly straight towards the city. We will quickly visit the tailor before anything else and get you a nice dress."

Seeing Xuefeng so cool and manly, Nuwa suddenly got excited and decided to let him spoil her more, saying sweetly with a kiss on his cheek, "Carry me then. I like being in your arms… You should protect your Queen, okay?"

"Alright, hang onto me tightly then." Xuefeng didn't mind that as this way, he would be sure she doesn't do anything stupid and flew straight towards the city.


Just as they arrived above the city, heading toward the young tailor shop, Nuwa noticed there were a lot of people standing on the street in a nicely ordered line and asked curiously, "Why are those people queuing there? What are those ladies waiting for?"

Xuefeng couldn't reply right away as he was also in quite a shock seeing how the tailoring business grew in a span of a few days and muttered quietly, "To think they already have this many clients…"

Seeing that Xuefeng was heading towards the crown, Nuwa realised that it was their destination as well, which made her wonder, "Those clothes must have some good quality. It seems a lot of ladies are going crazy for them."

"Mhmm, they are some of the best. After all, your hubby was the one who designed some of them. I'm actually the co-owner of this shop." Seeing that Nuwa got interested, Xuefeng couldn't help but brag a bit.

Nuwa glanced at the smug look on his face, but she didn't give him this satisfaction and decided to postpone praising him to after she actually sees the product itself. Xuefeng didn't mind that as he knew she would for sure like the lingerie that he designed.

As they got closer to the ground, Xuefeng noticed that the tailor shop was much bigger than a few days ago. The neighbouring shops were now part of the tailor shop and even Shadow Guards were assigned to protect the business while keeping the order.

"It looks like my father decided to invest in the business when he saw how many ladies are interested in new clothes and lingerie. The production probably increased as new personnel was hired." Xuefeng commented, already waiting to hear from his father's praise of how good of a business he created.

Just as Nuwa wanted to reply, some ladies from the queue looked upwards towards him and started screaming. Of course, they were not scared but rather excited, shouting with happiness, "Everyone, look! It's Young Master Liu! He came back!"

With one cry, another one followed and soon all ladies on the street were crying out while reaching out to him, "Young Master! I love you!" Hearing such cries, Xuefeng felt dumbfounded, not knowing how to react. He never expected he would get so many fans out of nowhere.

Feeling that suddenly the hands wrapped around his neck were tightening, Xuefeng paled as he finally glanced at Nuwa and saw a chilly smile on her lips. When his women were smiling while they obviously should behave differently, Xuefeng knew that his time would be really rough in the next moment.

"You seem to be famous here. So many ladies are willing to throw themselves in your arms… You must be smiling even during your sleep, huh?" Nuwa asked as her smile turned into a sweet one instead, no longer looking that threatening, but for him, it was much worse when he couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

"Nuwa… You know that I don't even know them, right? I haven't been in the city for the last few days, so I also don't know what's going on. I don't even recognize any of them. They probably know I was the one behind the clothes so they want to please me now… They were not like that before." Xuefeng didn't need to, but he still explained himself, proving himself innocent and Nuwa's expression changed noticeably.

Unfortunately, before Nuwa said anything, an emerald-eyed lady walked up from the crowd and called out to them as they hovered above the crowd, "Young Master Xuefeng! Welcome back!"

When Xuefeng saw her face, he recognized the lady right away as the young tailor's sister, Miss Riu. He didn't hesitate to call out to her with a wave, "Lady Riu! Long time no see!"

"Hmpf!" Only after Nuwa snorted and jumped out of his embrace did Xuefeng realise what mistake he made, quickly facepalming himself. Xuefeng somewhat wondered if someone above was ruining his life, or if it was just him who was this dumb.

He didn't hesitate to chase after Nuwa who descended in front of the shop, walking towards the entrance, without looking at anyone around her.

"Young Master Liu!" Just as Xuefeng landed, the ladies decided to approach him as he had no women around him anymore, which made them much bolder than before but unfortunately for them, Xuefeng wasn't interested at all and just gave a glance as a signal to the Shadow Guards standing by the entrance to fix it.

They quickly understood him and quickly moved, appearing in front of him and the crowd and one of them shouted, "Those who leave the queue will have to go back to the end!" This one sentence stopped the heated ladies from rushing up to him and returned to their spots. After all, they spent too much time waiting for their turn.

That still didn't stop them from calling out to Xuefeng, hoping that he would glance at them for a moment, but Xuefeng didn't plan on stopping, entering the shop second later.

"Sigh… This is over for us… Young Master already won the heart of all the ladies… If only we had just a bit of his fortune, we would die happy." The young men who stood on the other side of the street couldn't help but sigh in envy when they saw Xuefeng having such fortune with women while not even wanting it. Xuefeng already claimed the best beauties based even on the one he just had in his arms.

"Young Master, can you see how many clients we have?! It's all thanks to you. I'm sorry for not believing you before." Lady Riu said happily as she walked into the store behind Xuefeng. She was really excited seeing her business blooming in just two days after striking the deal with the Liu Clan. There was nothing else that could make her happier right now.

"I'm happy for you. I will try to help you design some new clothes for women later. Do you know where my partner could have went? She entered before us but I can't find her." Xuefeng smiled at Lady Riu, knowing she should be ecstatic right now, but he was more focused on searching for Nuwa, who suddenly disappeared inside the giant shop.

The small tailor shop from before wasn't that small anymore after all. They listened to Xuefeng's suggestion and made ready dresses which they hang around in the shop for the clients to look through. He knew that in this world, all the clothes were handmade and each piece was unique. Xuefeng, however, wanted to change this and make it in a similar fashion like on Earth.

Even if the clothes were not unique, they would be cheaper than traditional ones but also prettier than them so the old customs wouldn't matter anymore. Having multiple sizes of the same dress ready to buy right away was their advantage. At that moment, there were many ladies looking through the various dresses on the hangers to the point they had to limit the entry as it would be too crowded.

Some of them noticed Xuefeng right away, but seeing that he was talking to Lady Riu, they didn't want to disturb them, only throwing some flirtatious glances instead.

"That's great! My brother made many designs himself based on the ones that Miss Tianshi drew before, but they were not as good." Lady Riu smiled happily, knowing they would have more great designs before looking around the shop to help with searching and muttered after not spotting Nuwa anywhere, "Maybe she is on the second floor? We placed the lingerie on the second floor to make a separate section for it."

With that suggestion, they both went upstairs and Xuefeng finally noticed her, walking around while touching different underwear. Knowing she was fine, Xuefeng turned to Lady Riu and asked, "How is the lingerie selling? I see some nice new designs so your brother must have worked on that."

"Ugh… Don't mention it. He spends so much time on them that I sometimes think he is a pervert. Anyway, they are selling well. Much better than dresses. Because of that, we decided to assign more people into making those instead. Liu Clan provided us with many talented tailors from different cities, which helped us a lot with the production speed." Lady Riu explained with a wry smile.

"Excuse me," Xuefeng wanted to talk more, but then he spotted Nuwa looking towards him, giving him the "glance" and he quickly changed his plan, walking up to her instead.

Just as he neared Nuwa, Xuefeng happened to hear a part of the conversation when walking next to the changing rooms, which made him slow down for a second to hear some more.

"Gosh, you look so pretty in those. They should bring you a lot of luck when you take part in the selection tomorrow. I will cheer for you from the side too."

"You should also come with me, I bet you will have some chance too. Who knows what they are looking for. Maybe our talents are not the best, but we might win them over with some other qualities. I hear it is a Sect Master who came herself this time. To think that they would create a special enrolment time and even pass by our small city. The Heavens are helping us."

"Alright! I will go as well. They were in our city since yesterday, staying inside the Liu Clan but no one knows how long they plan to stay there, so we need to grab this chance. I guess if not for Liu Clan, we wouldn't be this lucky. Did you see the Liu Clan Young Master? I heard he is a hottie. Maybe we will be able to meet him—"

When Xuefeng heard they were talking about him, he continued walking forward as if he didn't hear anything. After overhearing this, Xuefeng couldn't help but think to himself, 'Did the Sect Master from the academy come to recruit me?'

Chapter 267 - Surprise

"Did you design these?" Nuwa asked as she sensed Xuefeng approaching her from behind. She was holding a white sexy bra, feeling the texture with her fingers. Nuwa picked it as it matched with her dress, but she wondered why one would even wear one of these when they would only restrain her breasts.

"Yup, I did. Well, I just told the young tailor here about the concept and he came up with them. Honestly, he did a nice job here if I were to judge." Xuefeng answered her as he also picked one piece from the hanger and found the job really well done. Recalling the previous issue, he didn't forget to explain that as well, "Nuwa, Lady Riu is the owner of the shop. She is my partner in business. Nothing else."

"I know. I'm not that silly. I sensed that she was coming earlier when she saw you so I knew she must've known you. She was working in the shop before that, so it's not hard to explain it. I just left earlier so that you have some time to talk." Nuwa revealed her thought process, making Xuefeng smile proudly. She was indeed a mature lady with experienced thinking, which is why he should use a different approach to subdue her.

"Thank you. We did talk a bit about the business. I promised to draw some more designs for them so we will move backstage later." Xuefeng kissed her on the cheek as a thank you for that and asked, while looking at the many designs on the wall, "Did you find anything that you are interested in here? Take whatever you like."

"Can I only take the bottom? I don't think I would like wearing the top. I like them free." Nuwa put away the white bra and picked white panties that matched the bra. She already scanned her butt and chose the right size straight away.

"No problem. Take as many as you want. I will pay for them with my share of the earnings. Do you want some other colours too?" Xuefeng took a few of the same ones so Nuwa would have spare pairs, and looked at the other designs in various other colours, planning to buy her what she wants.

Just when Nuwa wanted to reply, they both heard a conversation between two ladies who were whispering behind her back, thinking that they wouldn't hear just because they were on the other side of the room.

"Young Master Liu is so mature and manly. He is even buying undergarment for his women without even blinking or getting embarrassed. If only I could become his concubine or even a servant, I would be content with my life."

"Don't you have a boyfriend already? What happened to him?"

"Of course he can't compare with Young Master Liu at all. I wouldn't hesitate to break up with him. The young master on the other hand comes from a good background, has good looks and his cultivation is even better. Did you see his wings? He can fly already… I wish I could fly in his arms like that."

Listening to the young teens, Nuwa smirked and commented, "Should I tell them that you are also a big dummy as well?"

"Cough, I'm not a dummy… Okay, maybe sometimes. Quickly pick what you want so we can leave. I don't want to hear any more gossip about me." Xuefeng coughed when he heard her, as he knew what Nuwa was talking about and hurried her so they wouldn't have to listen to more of such conversations.

"Hehe, alright. I only want these few. I don't need anymore." Nuwa only laughed a bit at him and gave him the last pair before adding, "Let's go meet this tailor then. I didn't like any of the dresses on the base level. I hope he has some special hidden gems in his workshop."

"Mhmm, let's go then. After that, we need to go straight to my clan as something interesting is probably going on there. I overheard a nice piece of news which I need to check." Xuefeng took Nuwa by the hand and led her back towards Lady Riu who was waiting for them at the entrance. Xuefeng promised to help design some new clothes for them so she was obviously excited, waiting to lead them to the workshop.

"Ah! Young Master Liu!" Just as they passed the changing rooms, two girls went out from the same one that Xuefeng eavesdropped from earlier and they quickly cried out when they saw Xuefeng.

They were quite shocked seeing him just after they talked about him and suddenly wondered if Xuefeng heard them, which quickly caused the two teens to blush. At first, Xuefeng didn't plan to say anything, but in the end, he couldn't help himself from calling out with a playful smile, "Good luck at the selection."

Without looking at them anymore, Xuefeng walked away with Nuwa who only shook her head with a smile. She already knew what Xuefeng overheard and didn't mind his teasing towards the two teens, actually finding it funny.


"Young Master! You finally came back! Did you see how quickly we improved the shop? It's all thanks to your father's help. He provided us with everything the moment he visited out shop. I can't thank you both enough." The moment Xuefeng entered the workshop at the back, he was immediately spotted by the young tailor and received a bear hug from him. He was so happy that he treated Xuefeng as a friend, but Xuefeng didn't mind at all, actually preferring it.

Just as Xuefeng expected, there were many workers working backstage, more than thirty actually, creating various dresses and lingerie like machines. Normally this much work would be impossible to do in such a short time, but with the help of their cultivation, they could speed up some steps.

"That's good. I told him to take a look at it and I'm glad he helped." Xuefeng nodded at the young tailor and was about to introduce Nuwa when she let go of his hand, approaching the dress prototypes on the side which she didn't see in the shop earlier.

Turning to look at Nuwa, Xuefeng still introduced her proudly, "This is my girlfriend, Nuwa. We are looking for a dress. Do you have anything special? I will help you with some designs after she chooses something."

"Mhmm! Right away. I would never mistreat Young Master's lover. I will definitely prepare the best dress she has ever seen." The young tailor finally looked at the beautiful lady on the side after being focused only on Xuefeng earlier, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten.

It wasn't because Nuwa was an extreme beauty, but because her body proportions were just perfect for the dress he was just working on. He was a tailor after all, he was looking more at the body of the ladies instead of the face, switching on his tailor mode right away.

Only after a moment did he notice some patterns that have been repeating whenever Xuefeng was coming here and couldn't help but ask while whispering, "On a side note… How does Young Master court so many top grade beauties? Can I know the secret? I'm still single, you know, cough."

Hearing the young tailor's question, Xuefeng couldn't help but laugh lightly and shrugged, saying with a grin, "Hah, I will tell you the secret when I figure it out myself, because honestly, I still have no idea." Probably all of his women were out of his league when they met, but they still somehow fell in love with him.

Hearing the answer, the young tailor couldn't help but sigh, thinking that he would be single forever at this point, but then regained his vigor when they approached Nuwa and called out, "Miss Nuwa, let's move to my private room. I have a special dress that I just started working on this morning and it's almost finished. I think it would be perfect for you."

"Alright." Nuwa nodded calmly, acting like a proper queen in front of them, which made everyone wonder from which big family she was from.

When Nuwa finally saw the dress, trying it on afterwards, she was actually pleasantly surprised, having both the colours and style that she liked. It was a light green dress with a skirt that extended down to the middle of her thighs with a small cut in the middle, exposing her fit belly. Xuefeng would argue that it exposed too much, but she didn't mind that.

Her breasts were supported by a tightened material underneath while being wrapped lightly but a soft material, acting like a bra inside the dress, which she liked much more than the normal bras. Her sides were also covered this time which was quite a disadvantage for her, but the overall look was nice.

What she liked the most were the while petal flowers that were sewn into the actual dress, giving her a fresh look. When she wore the dress, they also opened as if they were still alive, releasing a pleasant smell. It was a surprise for the young tailor as those petals were chosen by him because of their properties.

They would never rot even if the petals were plucked from the flowers, but now they looked like they were alive. He couldn't have known that Forest Elves were blessed by nature and just by being next to the flower, it would bloom as if it was in the best soil in this world.

"I like it." Nuwa announced after looking at herself in the mirror from every direction, deciding on taking it for herself. It was made from natural materials found in nature so she felt even better in it.

"I'm glad. Miss, you can treat this dress as yours from now on. This will be the only copy of it, so Miss doesn't need to worry that someone has the same one. Only unique dresses will be presented to you." The young tailor nodded happily, seeing that his dress was matching Nuwa perfectly, as if she was born for it.

Thinking what else he would add, he suddenly thought of a great idea, calling out excitedly while searching through a bunch of materials for something, "Miss, wait a moment! I have something that would look great with the dress."

What the young tailor pulled out from the pile of clothes was a pair of cute green sandals, made from some type of plant, having two straps connected to them and said, "Miss, please try on those sandals. They will match perfectly with the dress."

Just as he expected, they added a great elegance and alluring feeling to Nuwa's legs. Even Xuefeng nodded, thinking her legs were even sexier than before.

Seeing Xuefeng's glance, Nuwa walked up to him and said while wrapping her arms around his neck, "Well, as long as Xuefeng likes it then I will wear it." She didn't mind the young tailor's presence and allowed Xuefeng to feel the dress from up close, whispering to him, knowing that he would be the one taking it off later, "Will it slide off easily too?"

"I like it as well. We will take it." Xuefeng replied out loud before whispering back to her with a mischievous smirk, "There shouldn't be a problem…"

"Perfect! How about we talk about some designs I have been working on? I would like some opinion on them." The young tailor exclaimed before moving towards the next topic, valuing both of their times.


"I guess no one knows much about the selection happening. We should just check it out ourselves and ask my father first." Xuefeng called out to Nuwa after they finally left the shop, heading towards the clan. He asked Lady Riu and the tailor about what he heard, but he didn't get much information. They had been too busy to listen to the news.

"I wish to meet your sweet girlfriends. Do you think they already arrived?" Nuwa asked as she flew behind him, this time on her own. She didn't want to ruin her dress too much during the flight so she decided to go by herself.

"Maybe. Some time already passed. If nothing stopped them, they should be coming back sometime soon. Let's land in my courtyard first. We will see if they are there and only then visit my father." Xuefeng shrugged, not feeling anything from his connection with Yiren, so he guessed that nothing happened to them.

"Mhmm, but don't expect me will be nice to everyone just because they are your girlfriends. If I don't like someone, I will let you know." Nuwa reminded him before they landed, making him already imagine the headache he would have watching those scenes if that happened.

Flying into the clan grounds, they were not stopped by anyone, probably because the Shadow Guards saw them earlier and already reported that Young Master returned already.

They headed straight towards Xuefeng courtyard and Nuwa called out first, seeing a person standing next to the familiar pond, "Someone is there." She didn't wait for Xuefeng's reply as she dived down right away. Xuefeng could only follow closely behind her, landing a second later with a gentle thud.

At first he didn't recognize the woman in front of him but when he saw her face once she turned around, Xuefeng couldn't help cry out shocked, "Shan?! What are you doing here?"