282 - 288

Chapter 282 - Manuals

"Ha! Take that!" Little Mei called out after smashing the head of a training puppet, her hands still having some lingering Qi which she used in her Fist Art.

Since the moment Xuefeng started cultivating with elements, it was rare for him to see or use Spirit Arts. The only one he was using quite often was his clone art, so he was quite surprised to see Little Mei's Art being this powerful. Knowing that the level of the puppet was comparable to the average Spirit King Beast in power, he could only be impressed.

With the head of the puppet smashed, one would think that the opponent was defeated but not for Little Mei. Her right leg shone brightly as she focused on the corpse of the puppet and made a sudden kick with a rotation for additional power while crying loudly, "Haaa yaaaa!"


The body of the puppet also collapsed, exploding upon contact with Little Mei's kick. The wreckage of the puppet was also knocked back, dropping to the ground a few dozen meters away from her. Xuefeng was definitely shocked seeing such power presented by just a thirteen-year-old girl and couldn't help but clap, thinking the showcase was over.

Who would have thought that Little Mei would not lose her focus at all and rush towards the puppet remains, jumping halfway only to start rotating midair before finally crashing against the puppet with her leg?


The ground of private training grounds surrounding the puppet cracked in all directions and only then did Little Mei stop, cleaning the dust from her clothes and finally started running back towards Xuefeng. Her expression also changed completely, from a ferocious tiger during her attacks to a cute and lovely little bunny.

'So strong and graceful…' Wu Kong watched the whole scene from the side and praised in a daze, looking at how gently her body moved during each step. He wanted to congratulate her, but Little Mei wasn't especially waiting for his words.

"Big Brother, aren't I strong? I can already destroy level 3 puppets with just my fists." Little Mei asked as she reached Xuefeng's side and leaned over, holding onto his jacket. She was awaiting his praises and pats which she loved so much.

Xuefeng knew what she wanted so he satisfied her demands, gently patting her head before praising, genuinely impressed, "Yes, my Little Mei is super strong. I'm actually really dazzled by your performance. I didn't expect you to fight so well. You must have worked really hard those last few months?"

Hearing his praises and especially the way he called her, Little Mei blushed right away, giggling cutely, "Hehe, of course. I was practising under Auntie's guidance for more than three months. Not only is Auntie amazing, but I also worked hard! I didn't miss even one day without practice. Big Brother promised to take me on an adventure if I'm strong enough after all."

Looking at Xuefeng with eyes full of hope, Little Mei added, "You didn't forget, right?" Xuefeng's impact on her life was huge, which could be seen by the number of hours she put into training just because of one promise he made jokingly back when he first met her.

Xuefeng didn't expect that this was actually the reason she worked so hard, but seeing her putting so much work into her training, he actually felt good, knowing that he could influence someone like this. He definitely didn't want to ruin that, thinking it was a good way to motivate her and nodded, "Of course, I didn't forget. But you know there is definitely a lot more you need to improve on for that to happen so continue working hard, okay?"

Knowing that Xuefeng still remembered his promise caused a deep smile to appear on her face and Little Mei hugged Xuefeng, assuring him, "Yes! I will definitely put a lot of effort into training."

"Mhmm, I believe you." Xuefeng smiled kindly while patting her again and while she was still holding only him, Xuefeng suddenly thought of an idea, calling out in his mind right after, 'Ling, Ming, can I transfer the Elemental Cultivation arts to someone? Like sending knowledge or something?'

Before Ling could reply, Ming already went ahead and advised, 'Hmm, you can, but that will only include your understanding of the subject, which may not work on someone else. After all, you are no longer a human anymore. Your methods will always have a little difference in them. What you can do is write the copy of what Yiren taught you and pass it onto someone so they can learn from it, understanding it themselves on their own. Just find me a Spirit Manual where I can paste the Cultivation Technique and you are set.'

Knowing it would take too much time by heading to the Spirit Tower, Xuefeng turned to the only person who might have such goods and asked without explaining, "Mom, do you have any Spirit Manuals on you?"

Mu Lan didn't understand the sudden question but nodded, pulling out a few manuals from her Storage Ring and presented them to him, asking curiously, "Why do you need those? I only have five of them."

"Perfect. I needed exactly this much. Little Mei, wait a second." Xuefeng pulled Little Mei away for a moment and took all five manuals from his mother's hands. That was his entire job, as everything else was handled by both Ling and Ming. The content of those manuals was quickly disappearing from them and it was quickly replaced by all five Cultivation Techniques for all five elements he knew.

Obviously, Mu Lan realised what he was doing and quickly tried to stop him, not expecting her son to destroy the manuals, "Xuefeng! Stop!" Unfortunately, Xuefeng seemed to not care much and continued, filling one manual after another. To calm his mother a bit, Xuefeng threw one of the finished manuals to her, now titled, "Water Element Cultivation Technique."

When she saw one technique after another landing in her hands, she finally recalled that Xuefeng knew the Elements. Why didn't they think of that earlier?! Such cultivation Techniques were priceless! Unfortunately, before Mu Lan could enjoy this moment to the fullest, Xuefeng reminded her after finishing the last manual about Air Element, "I am not gifting them to the clan so only those close to our family can study them. Don't let anyone else access them."

"I understand. We will only share them with trusted people." His mother quickly understood the value of those Cultivation Techniques and even forgot that Xuefeng erased five other Spirit Arts, knowing those five were enough to pay back for her loss.

Taking the Air Element manual, Xuefeng gave it to Little Mei and explained, "I want you to start studying this technique in your free time. If you master it, you will be able to fly in the sky just like me."

"Really?! I will study!" Hearing that she could fly with those beautiful wings like Xuefeng, Little Mei couldn't help but get excited, not planning to wait any longer before she starts.

Knowing that Little Mei was settled, Xuefeng pulled the brother and sister to his side as well, calling out to them, "You guys can also join her in studying too. I have high hopes for you."

"Yes, Big Brother. I will make sure both of us study well." Wu Lan nodded, promising for the both of them which made Xuefeng nod in satisfaction. His lovers were still waiting for him so he finally decided to leave.

"I will be going back today but we will see each other tomorrow, okay?" Xuefeng called out to everyone and this time no one complained, only nodding in return. Even Little Mei was engrossed with studying the manual, letting him go after one short hug.

With Xuefeng gone, Mu Lan busied herself with reading her own manual for Lightning Element manual while giving out Fire and Water Element to the Wu siblings. Wu Lan finally took the lead and could start her teachings.

"why are you standing here like a pole? Take your manual and go up to her, proposing to study together." Wu Lan whispered to her silly brother, waking him from his trance.

"But… Won't I disturb her?" Wu Kong asked back worriedly. He didn't plan on ruining his chances from the start, so he was extremely careful.

Wu Lan could only roll her eyes and push her brother towards Little Mei after reminding him, "If you don't take initiative, you won't be able to get what you want. Do you want her to be taken by Big Brother Xuefeng? If you can't even get closer to her, how are you going to win against him? Go and sit beside her. You don't need to talk to her too much, just the presence alone is enough for now."

Wu Kong could only gulp, bracing himself and just went for it. If only she talked with him for a moment, he would be content with that. Walking up to Little Mei, Wu Kong sat down next to her and without saying anything, he just started reading the manual, his mind too cloudy to ask a solid question.

Knowing that Little Mei didn't even think about her brother, Wu Lan could only sigh. Little Mei was too engrossed with the book because it was a present from Xuefeng. After accepting his request, there was nothing else in her mind other than that.

I guess it will be much harder than I thought… One was dense while the other is obsessed with someone else. I guess only time will tell…' Wu Lan thought as she watched the two sitting next to each other and smiled helplessly.

Chapter 283 - Upgrade

Oblivious to the struggles of the young, Xuefeng left the private training grounds, he created a pair of Air Qi Wings on his back, deciding to use the quickest method of transportation as he didn't have anyone following him this time. Just as he launched into the air like usual, Xuefeng noticed his reflection in the small fountain on the street which made him see just how exactly his wings looked on him.

He looked like a handsome angel who just descended from the heavens and Xuefeng kind of liked it, but for some reason, something was lacking for him. Maybe it sounds narcissistic, but it lacked the glamour and some originality. Everyone could make white wings if they figured out the correct structure and positioning, but they were all white, looking almost the same.

"How about I add a little bit of Spirit Qi to change their colour? Will the structure collapse or not? I don't think I can mix the different Qi this easily…" Xuefeng asked himself quietly, planning to actually test it out and that's what he did, infusing his Black Spirit Qi into his wings without waiting for Ling's or Ming's confirmation.

'I think Black would look nice… It can match my jacket.' Xuefeng thought as he saw his white wings turning into black the more Qi he infused inside. Surprisingly, after some effort, the wings turned completely black and they didn't feel any different from the actual wings. Even after a few swings, they were still working just as fine.

Xuefeng thought for a second that it worked, getting somewhat happy but then he heard Ling ruin the happiness in his mind, 'It won't last for long. Spirit Qi is also an element. Elements can't mix for too long.'

Just as she finished speaking, Xuefeng noticed that something was wrong. His wings started getting surprisingly light and moving his wings to the front, he realised why. There were already many holes spread around them and they only increased in size with each second. He couldn't do anything other than absorbing the leftover Qi back into his body before separating it.

Sighing, Xuefeng asked Ling as that was his only solution, 'Sigh, it didn't work as I thought. Is there a way to make it work?'

'It didn't work because chaos is never an answer. Unless you use something to catalyse both Qi, it will only disintegrate upon mixing and you would be wasting your Qi unnecessarily.' Ling explained where he made a mistake, which made him hope that Ling actually had the solution.

Ling only paused for a moment, contemplating if she should tell him this, but knowing they didn't need to be stingy based on their current stock, she revealed unwillingly, 'I don't have the catalyst you are looking for, but what you can do on the other hand, is use Fate Qi as a supplement. Not only will it make your wings stronger but you can also change the colour to your cosmetic preferences.'

'Wait, aren't the Qi not supposed to mix together?' Xuefeng got confused for a moment and only understood it as he spoke, correcting his question, 'Is it because Fate Qi is made from all elements so it can connect with Air Qi?'

Ling was glad he guessed it quickly and she explained further happily, 'Yes, exactly. You just need to make sure to not lose your wings else a lot of Fate Qi will be lost. Now, create it the same way you did before but now instead of Spirit Qi, use Fate Qi. The strength of your wings should be much more explosive as well.'

Xuefeng didn't have much to talk about anymore and simply tried it out just as she proposed. Instead of creating new wings entirely from Air Qi only to modify them later, Xuefeng decided to modify them from the start, using both Fate Qi and Air Qi together.

It wasn't hard for him to do, as the end product was the same. Only the materials were different. In the place of his old wings, a new pair appeared, but when Xuefeng saw the result, he couldn't help but cringe not expecting this. How come they shine like a lantern!?

As he looked at his shiny golden wings, he quickly decided to tone it down, not expecting them to give out a blinding hue like that. Only after some adjustments did the flash effect on them lower a bit, at least to the point that it didn't bother him as much. He would still look like a first target to kill if he ever happened to fight in the battlefield with those two on his back.

'Are you going to complain now? We went through all that because you wanted some glamour and now you understood it was stupid?' The Bracelet's Spirit asked as he suddenly woke up, seeing how complicated the situation Xuefeng created for no reason was.

'I didn't say anything. I like them. At least they are different than everyone else's. If I find them boring, I can always change them back to normal. Let's go back.' Xuefeng didn't plan on admitting that he was wrong so he embraced them, not changing anything anymore and launched into the air.


With one strong swing of his upgraded wings, Xuefeng ejected into the air with a strong bang as if a modern gun was fired. The explosive power he used raised him high into the air, tens of meters above the city as if it was nothing. He definitely didn't expect that at all, using the same strength as he used before but this time he was launched much higher.

"Not bad!" Xuefeng couldn't help but praise out loud, now totally liking his upgrade. Even if he was shining like a lightbulb, at least he received some power in exchange for that. "I only need to adjust my strength to it and it should be alright. I bet even Nuwa's wings are not as strong as mine now, hehe."

With another swing of his golden wings, Xuefeng rushed towards his own courtyard with a speed almost twice as fast as his previous maximum velocity. Because the distance wasn't that big, he went past his destination like an arrow. He somehow felt like playing around for a bit, flying above the clan at maximum speed for a few minutes before finally landing inside of his garden with a quiet thud.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Nuwa asked quietly as she walked up to him, quite interested in Xuefeng's wings herself. She watched him fly for a while and the speed was much higher than her own, which made her wonder what he did.

Xuefeng spread his wings to show their full glamour before folding them in his back as he pulled Nuwa into his arms and nodded with a playful smile, "Yup. It was fun. I made an upgrade to them so I wanted to test it out a little bit. What do you think?"

"I like them. They are definitely stronger than mine." Nuwa commented as she reached out and felt their softness before asking curiously while caressing his lips with her finger, "I wonder, did you use Fate Qi for that?"

"Hah, nothing can escape your eyes. I indeed used a bit of it in creating them." Xuefeng only smirked, not even surprised she guessed it and tried to bite her finger playfully, but she pulled it away in time. He wanted to play more with her but seeing Yiren, Wuying and Princess Shan sitting cross-legged on the ground, Xuefeng could help but ask, "Are they all cultivating? What made you girls so diligent?"

Hearing his question, Nuwa smiled mysteriously and suddenly kissed him deeply, making use of the short time they were alone before replying vaguely, not going into many details, "We had a short talk with each other and they all understood that knowing your cultivation speed, they would be quickly left behind if they didn't work hard. They decided to use every moment possible to improve."

"Oh…" Realising the truth actually made him warm in the heart, but he knew this was the reality right now.

Xuefeng was indeed improving much faster than everyone else thanks to being a Fate Holder. He was sure that he wouldn't leave anyone behind and believed he would rather force them all to train harder with him. The current situation worked quite well for him so he quickly approved it.

Looking at Nuwa, who was the only one not training, Xuefeng asked while gently rubbing her butt, getting ready to smack it as punishment, "Then what about you? Why are you not training?" He even gave her a mischievous smile which quickly gave his plans away.

Nuwa smirked at him and informed, "Hah, I think you will be disappointed. I've already reached this world's limit in cultivation. If I were to cultivate a bit more, I would be forced to leave to Heaven's Realm. I don't want you to miss me this much so I decided to wait for you. We will be able to go there together. Aren't I a merciful queen?"


Xuefeng still smacked her butt lightly without any warning, not able to resist himself and asked as he leaned over for another kiss, "Do you think that can save you?" Nuwa's body was just too hot, making him want to touch it all the time if he had such an opportunity.

Nuwa also couldn't resist herself so she gave him one last kiss before pulling her lips away, saying right after to calm his desire down, "We can't anymore. If you don't stop, I will be forced to eat you up…"

Xuefeng found it weird as Nuwa would never reject any naughty play and asked confused, "Is that a bad thing?" Nuwa only smiled helplessly and said while pointing at Xuefeng's room, "I would love to do everything with you right now, but there is someone else waiting for you. I'm trying to be fair for once. Sigh. I don't know what happened to me."

"Someone else?" Xuefeng muttered as he looked at the direction she was pointing and finally recalled what he wanted to ask earlier, "Where is Xiao Wen?"

Chapter 284 - New Experience - Part 1 (*)

'What did they eat to actually behave so nicely?' Xuefeng asked himself as he opened the door to his room. He just couldn't believe that they actually didn't argue at all and talked it all out.

They could make a lot of problems for him this night and give him lots of headaches but everything ended up just right. So far they were all peaceful, but Xuefeng wondered if that will stay that way after Tianshi also joins them, making it five of them altogether. The sheer number of them made Xuefeng wonder how he even did it.

'There is still Shan… What do I do with her?' Xuefeng wondered about another issue, recalling their complicated relationship. He was not an idiot. He knew how she felt, but were they on that stage already?

They did kiss back when Xuefeng was still new to dating and they still had this promise between each other, which he still planned to fulfil. Even if Princess Shan was safe already as she was under Jiao's protection, he still wanted to get rid of this thorn for her.

'I guess I will just wait and see how it goes…' Xuefeng thought as he breathed a mouthful of air in a sigh.

Looking around the room, he spotted no one inside, but he could feel and smell that someone was inside the bathroom. He already promised Xiao Wen and the time has finally come for their special moment. Throwing off his jacket on the bed, Xuefeng approached the bathroom and didn't hesitate to open the doors. He was sure Xiao Wen already sensed him coming inside the room and seeing no reaction from her side, she wanted him to go inside.

Upon opening the doors, the steam gushed out from the bathroom, but even with that, he could barely see anything inside. Fortunately, with his Spirit Awareness, it would be hard for him to get lost. She didn't block it so he could easily navigate through the steam.

Just as he reached her, his shirt dropped to the floor and he leaned over while crouching down to her while she was chilling in the bathtub, before kissing her on the neck. His hands gently slid along her arms as he whispered while tickling her ear with his lips, "I'm sorry I kept you waiting…"

She was already his woman so Xuefeng wasn't restricting himself from anything with her, continuing to kiss her smooth neck while massaging her arms and shoulders. After practising on Yiren many times, he was quite good at it so just after a few moves, Xiao Wen let out a relaxed moan, greeting him, "Mhmmm… Welcome back..."

As Xuefeng worked his way with her tense muscles, he asked, hoping to get some answers which he did not get from Nuwa, "How was the meeting with others? You guys didn't argue or anything?" As he said so, he began applying more pressure, heading towards her deep muscles which started finally releasing the stress rooting her from the inside.

"It was alright… I don't think we will have any problems while hanging around together. Only Nuwa— Mhmm... Might have a personality that clashes with mine… Ahh… But we should be alright after some work..." Xiao Wen explained the situation as she left herself in his hands, letting out satisfied groans with each of his deeper movements.

Finding it quite uncomfortable to crouch like that, Xuefeng finally stood up rubbing her cheek with his thumb before moving away and slowly taking off his pants. This bold move made Xiao Wen blush as she immediately thought he would tell her to do something naughty right away, but Xuefeng walked up to the opposite end of the bathtub instead, entering it with his back facing her.

The bathtub was quite spacious so only the tips of their feet were touching each other. Xiao Wen didn't exactly know what to expect from him as it was her first experience like that, so she simply followed his pace, trying to figure out what their next move is supposed to be.

They stared at their bodies which were completely exposed in front of each other and silently waited for one another to make a move. In the end, it was Xuefeng who didn't wait anymore as he couldn't get enough of Xiao Wen's body and reached out with his foot, rubbing it against hers while looking playfully at her.

He knew she might be a little nervous right now so he had to make her feel relaxed a bit. Playing around a bit while ticking each other with their toes definitely didn't belong to the best way, but as long as it did the job, Xuefeng wouldn't complain.

Seeing her smiling more after their playful game, Xuefeng finally stopped and asked with an inviting smile, "When are you going to come to my side? I'm waiting for you." Seeing her panic for a second, Xuefeng reached out towards her feet and slowly pulled her towards himself.

Just as she thought that he would pull her into his arms and their experience would start, Xuefeng stopped pulling when her legs were laying on his lap. They both looked at each other and Xuefeng said with a gentle smile, "Wen, just relax. I wouldn't do anything you are not comfortable with."

At the same time, he grabbed her left foot with both of his hands and began massaging it as well. Feeling the pain that came together with the sudden release, Xiao Wen relaxed, laying on the surface of the water and agreed softly, "Alright…"

"I know that you waited a long time for this day so I will make sure you feel great. Don't worry about anything. Just let me do everything until you are comfortable enough with me." Xuefeng assured her sweetly, watching her perky breasts peek out of the water while continuing his foot massage. He used a lot of strength but Xiao Wen was bravely handling it all.

Looking at his gentle expression as he continued to give her funny pains on her sole, she tried to correct him but couldn't help but get distracted in this situation, "I am comfortable with you— Ahh… Right there, that spot…"

Finishing with the first one, Xuefeng grabbed the second one and repeated the same procedure, letting her whine in pleasing pain. It was the pain which would appear as quickly as it disappeared only to be replaced by relief.

Xiao Wen didn't feel exactly right being the only one to receive pleasure so she pulled away right after she had enough to satisfy her and moved towards him like a panther asking unfairly, "Why is it only you who has to work…? I also want to do something for you…"

Xuefeng found her really alluring with how she crawled up to his face with a willing expression which ignited his internal fire. He reached out, holding onto her chin and pulled her a bit closer until their lips almost touched and asked her quietly while looking deep into her eyes, "What can you do for me…?"

"What do you want me to do…?" She whispered back as she grazed her lips against his, rubbing their roses together and without waiting for his answer, she closed the distance between them.

Kissing deeply onto Xuefeng's bottom lip, her hands landed on top of his broad shoulders before falling on his chest as she tried squeezing it. She only felt rock hard muscles which she couldn't help but touch all around, feeling the explosive power that could be generated by them.

Pulling away from their deep kiss, she whispered seductively, "I can do this…" Without backing away too much, she closed the distance again but this time it was Xuefeng who led the kiss, not letting her go to tease him just as she planned and continued to kiss her, pulling her tongue out for another battle which she had been craving for since their first kiss.

With one hand brushing through her wet crimson hair and another one holding onto her face, he didn't let go of her for a long time, dancing with her tongue until hurried breathing could be heard from Xiao Wen, not expecting such intense action. It was then that he gently pulled away from her, not letting her follow him and whispered playfully, "I can do this too… Do you want me to show you what else I can do?"

Chapter 285 - New Experience - part 2 (*)

Hearing the question right after leaving the playful battlefield, Xiao Wen didn't even think of rejecting him and nodded, already desiring to get more of him. It was the first time that she received this much attention from him so she was totally intoxicated by the emotions brewing in her mind.

Xiao Wen was already sitting on his legs but Xuefeng suddenly lifted her up and pulled her into his arms with her back facing him. His hands wrapped around her smooth belly as his lips found their way onto her neck, sucking on it greedily. It quickly caused Xiao Wen to let out a sweet moan as she leaned her head over his shoulder, allowing him to do anything he wanted to her. She was ready as long as it was with him.

Xuefeng was already somewhat aroused with such a sexy body in his arms so when Xiao Wen leaned on his chest, she also met his long member who already stood on attention, becoming harder and harder with each movement of her hips. Nuwa and Xiao Wen were ones who could proudly show off their round but firm bottoms, having much more to love in that scope than the others.

She flinched a bit after feeling a hard and hot object poking her back, but upon realising what it was, Xiao Wen didn't do anything other than blush. She wanted to reach out to feel it a bit but didn't find the necessary boldness go through with it. Xiao Wen was brave and domineering normally, but when she suddenly happened to land inside of his arms, all of that was quickly disappearing.

Before she could decide on what to do, Xuefeng finally moved with his hands, beginning to skim along her body with the tips of his fingers, teasing her with his gentle touch. First, it was her belly which tickled her plenty, but they quickly moved upwards, heading towards her ample chest. She thought he would go straight into rubbing and squeezing it around like he did before, but she became disappointed when he suddenly dodged them and travelled upwards towards her arms.

'Did I become this lewd already…?' Xiao Wen thought, actually wanting him to caress them forcefully, not caring about the rules. Because of his teasing, she wanted to reach out and lead his hands to squeeze her breasts strongly which scared her quite a bit, not expecting herself to feel like that from the start.

Unfortunately, her prayers were not heard by him as he continued to slowly tease her skin endlessly, leaving a burning line with each of his fingers which lingered even after they moved elsewhere. Her breathing was already hurried after their kiss but now she started feeling it much deeper, getting hot all over her body.

When his hands finally moved downwards and grazed on the soft skin of her breasts, she wanted to cry out softly but her lips got sealed, suppressing her cries for more. Xiao Wen didn't know what exactly was going on with her. Was she really so horny to get aroused just from some simple touches?

Xuefeng's fingers didn't mind her troubles as he began using one finger, moving in a circle around both of her breasts, closing into the centre with each round motion. Her own arms were wrapped around his neck but being unable to cry out, she suddenly clenched her hands together with Xuefeng's hair, signalling she was ready for more.

Who would have thought that even after this, Xuefeng would slowly continue with his pace, reaching the centre only after a few more rotations? She was already frustrated but when his fingers finally touched her nipples, Xuefeng changed his approach from a kitten to a wild tiger.

"Aaahh!" Xiao Wen couldn't stay quiet anymore and let out a long moan that left her breathless for a second. After being so gentle from the start, she didn't expect his hands to suddenly grasp strongly just as she wanted him to do from the start. She was totally caught off guard. What's more, she also felt a pleasurable striking current run through her body as if someone struck her with small lightning.

The current didn't stop on just one strike, right after Xuefeng played with her nipples as if they were two small joysticks, she felt another current fill her body, this time much stronger than before, making her bend like a bow on top of him. Xiao Wen's body even raised above the hot water and suddenly a waterfall of juices erupted from her lower body.

Xiao Wen wanted to cry out but couldn't, suddenly having no air in her lungs. Only when she collapsed weakly on him did she finally catch her breath. Her body was still experiencing extreme shivers all around her body, bringing her unusual pleasure.

Xuefeng, as if not bothered by it at all, continued to kiss and hug her while slowly sliding one of his hands downwards on her belly. Xiao Wen could guess what Xuefeng planned to do right now, but she didn't stop him, being in too much pleasure at that moment. She also wanted to scold him for using Lightning Qi on her, but when it came down to it, she only said cutely, "Meanie…"

Xuefeng only smiled at that and reminded her, "You invaded my domain first. You should have been prepared for that before entering into my arms. Don't think that I will stop now."

Without waiting for anything else, Xuefeng didn't waste any more time, planning on pushing further while she was still aroused and his three fingers finally found their way to her bottom lips. His middle finger went right through the middle of her entrance while two side fingers accompanied it, following their brother in arms.

Feeling him going up and down while teasing her crevice with each movement of his fingers, which threatened her with invasion, Xiao Wen pleaded, "Ah… Babe… give me a short break…" She expected that Xuefeng would not listen to her as usual, but this time he surprisingly listened and stopped.

Unfortunately, such a deal couldn't be done selflessly as Xuefeng said right after with a mischievous smile, "You can have a break but not for free."

Xiao Wen literally needed a few minutes to catch her breath so she would accept anything. Having nothing to lose, she nodded in agreement as she asked, "What do you want for five minutes…?", proposing her own idea, "We can kiss..."

"Not enough." Xuefeng didn't hesitate to reject her and suddenly pulled away from her before sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Xiao Wen didn't know what Xuefeng planned so she turned to look at him and only then she quickly realised what he wanted.

She suddenly blushed and tried to look away, but Xuefeng caught her hand and pulled her close to him, placing his raging erection right in front of her face. Before she could say anything, Xuefeng called out dominantly, "Here. Hold it."

Listening to his domineering tone, she found herself listening to him even without thinking about it and only realised doing so after her hand was already grabbing onto his hard member.

'So hard and hot…' Xiao Wen thought in wonder as her eyes opened wide before they glued to the sizeable object in front of her. She didn't know exactly what to do next but hearing no further commands from Xuefeng, the crimson-haired teen decided to start her first adventure without a map, going forward blindly until she finds the right way, just as she always did.

Squeezing it with some force, she found it quite sturdy so she didn't hesitate to use the same power in her approach. Xiao Wen first began to touch his member all around, trying to first find out what she had to deal with and also the correct method to pleasure him. She was smart, so she believed it wouldn't be that hard to figure it out.

As she rubbed it all around, skimming it with her delicate hands from top to bottom, Xiao Wen found out that the top was the most sensitive based on his gentle twitches from time to time when she passed on the tip with her fingers. Knowing it was his weak spot, Xiao Wen focused on that part the most.

It didn't take her long to figure out the movements as her one hand started stroking on the base while the other began rubbing gently on the head. Finding water to be not enough as lubrication for smoother movements, she suddenly thought of using her saliva which was much stickier, just what she needed.

The only thing she was worried about was Xuefeng's thoughts. Will he think of her as a lewd girl if he sees her thinking about it this quickly? Xiao Wen looked upwards just before she was about to test it and found him smiling at her, as if he knew what she was thinking.

He reached out to pat her on the head and praised, "You learn pretty fast. I think you are the quickest to learn like that."

"Really…?" Xiao Wen didn't know why but she felt good when he mentioned her being the best in something, but then her enthusiasm faltered, realising that she was the best at something naughty which didn't suit a girl like her and she replied while pouting, "I don't want this title…"

"Haha, too late!" Xuefeng couldn't help but laugh at her cute expression as he brushed her hair away from her face and advised while gently holding her head from behind, "You can try licking it too."

Hearing him say the same thing that she was secretly hiding at the back of her mind, Xiao Wen flushed red and cried out, embarrassed, "I know! I was about to!" Without waiting for his follow-up comment, she suddenly went a step ahead of his advice and put the whole head into her mouth as punishment.

Chapter 286 - New Experience - part 3 (*)

"Ahh…" Feeling a sudden change of environment, Xuefeng couldn't help but let out a soft moan. The moment something appeared in her mouth, Xiao Wen's tongue immediately started wiggling on instinct, rubbing against the tip which made him feel true pleasure.

When she heard his reaction, she actually felt satisfaction from being able to influence him like that and didn't stop doing it. Her tongue ran around the most sensitive parts as she glanced upwards to see his reaction to everything she did. The more pleasure she saw on his face, the more eager she was to continue.

With her saliva spreading evenly on the head, she started applying it to the whole shaft as well, making it easier for her to slide up and down with both of her hands. She didn't push it too deep inside of her mouth, having only the exposed head laying on her tongue, but just this much made Xuefeng feel amazing. He didn't expect that just her tongue could make him reach such heights this quickly.

Xiao Wen suddenly pulled his member out from her mouth, still continuing to tickle it with the tip of her tongue and asked playfully as she started sliding down towards the base, "Am I doing a good job?" Based on his reaction, Xiao Wen knew what the answer would be, but she still wanted to hear it from his mouth.

"Yes… I'm actually surpris— Ahh…" Xuefeng had to give her the credit for such a nice service, but before he could finish, another unexpected moan left his lips, breaking his speech.

Xiao Wen moved with her tongue on his shaft as he spoke, heading downwards towards his balls and without hesitation, she swallowed it whole, sucking on it like a lollipop. At the same time, her hand moved towards the top and gripped it strongly before playing around with her thumb, rubbing it with interest.

"You are the best…" Xuefeng had to admit it, knowing that even Nuwa didn't give him such a nice blowjob like Xiao Wen did right now. There was something weird about her tongue which made him almost go crazy from it.

Xiao Wen only smiled as if she already knew it and asked, returning to the top while slowly moving her tongue around, "Is it the best one you ever had…?" Before he could reply, she kissed the tip a few times and slowly swallowed it, wrapping her lips around it tightly.

Looking at her gentle eyes as she asked the question, he said what she wanted to hear, which was also the truth, "Yes… I love it." Xuefeng didn't know that such a statement really made a difference for her, making her consider new paths she wanted to take right now.

'Uff… I am the best even without using it…' Xiao Wen suddenly thought with relief, happy that she didn't need to use the ability she acquired some time ago. It was one which she never got to use after she learned about its properties.

Unfortunately, because she thought of it already, as she continued to lick him, this thought kept coming back over and over which made her consider it once again.

Xiao Wen felt Xuefeng's hand which applied small pressure at the back of her head and thought, 'Should I try it on him…? If it's just Xuefeng… maybe there shouldn't be a problem, right?'

She recalled the lady who died from her sword at the early stages of her cultivation, and how she used her ability to make men fall onto their knees in front of her by giving them immense pleasure. Xiao Wen didn't think she would do the same, given this wasn't her intention at all. All she wanted right now was to give Xuefeng the best experience he could have.

'I'm not evil like her, so I won't use it against him… I guess I can try it once and stop if it turns out badly…' Having full control over herself, Xiao Wen decided to try it. She already got this power so it was quite a waste not to use it even once.

"Mhmm… I am at my limits already…" Just as she finally decided, Xuefeng informed her of his incoming burst and she also felt his member twitching inside her mouth. She didn't hesitate to pull it out and call out, "Wait!" Now that she thought it through, she really wanted to make him feel even better so cumming this fast wasn't an option for her.

Xuefeng let out a cold breath, feeling quite weird not being able to release when he was this close and asked confused, "Why? Is something wrong? You were doing great."

Instead of replying, she asked as she traced her finger from top to bottom and from bottom to the top again, "Xuefeng, can I try something different that will make you feel even more amazing?"

Xuefeng found that a bit suspicious, but still accepted, not expecting anything too crazy, "Huh? Sure…" After all, she was still a newbie, experiencing everything for the first time. He didn't expect that she had a hidden ace up her sleeve.

Xiao Wen only grinned at that and couldn't wait to surprise him. Her ability allowed her to turn one part of her body into a pleasure spot which could make her partner explode with ecstasy upon even a gentle touch. It was a very lewd ability which made her not use it even if it could get her everything she wanted. She wanted to use her own power to earn that instead of seduction.

Thinking of which part she should choose, Xiao Wen picked her tongue, thinking of testing it first with single licks before switching to something more ambitious later. Focusing her ability, a golden hue suddenly appeared on top of her tongue and she didn't waste time, going straight into it.

Xiao Wen didn't want to overdo it as her knowledge about the effects of this ability was non-existent so she decided to start with the shaft. Leaning over, she got complete control over his staff once again and suddenly gave the head a small lick, barely touching the skin with the tip of her tongue.

She observed Xuefeng's face during that moment and seeing his eyes go wide open, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that her ability actually worked, but then she herself shivered surprised, finding her tongue sent a wave of pleasure all around her body.

'What?! Aah...' Xiao Wen cried out in her mind, not expecting to also have the same feeling transferred to her, causing her to moan loudly in her mind as no words came out of her mouth.

"What did you do…? Your tongue feels amazing…" Xuefeng quickly asked, finding the difference just too big. Just from this single lick, he was able to guess that it wasn't just a simple lick. Something changed with her tongue.

Without waiting for her reply, Xuefeng leaned over and pulled her upwards by her chin, kissing her. He didn't hesitate to open her mouth and reach for her tongue which she was hiding.

"Mhmmm!" Both of them exclaimed right after they tongues touched, wrapping around each other on instinct for more sudden pleasure. Xuefeng felt as if his mind was getting a solid massage, making him momentarily unable to talk only to fill him later with a desire to cry out her name.

Quickly pulling away while still having his rationality intact, Xuefeng asked, interested, "What did you do?!" Unfortunately, he didn't get the reply as Xiao Wen closed the distance while pulling him back into the bath and clashed with his tongue once again.

Chapter 287 - New Experience - part 4 (*)

Splash! The hot steamy water exploded to the sides as they dived under the water, still connected in their passionate kiss. Their tongues rubbed against each other and with each movement, they felt spasms of pleasure, both sharing their shivers with one another.

'How come it feels so good for me too!?' Xiao Wen cried out in her mind as she continued to wrap her arms and legs around Xuefeng's muscular body, feeling amazing all around. She never expected this ability to work both ways and now understood why that woman followed this path. It was too addicting!

The moment her tongue touched Xuefeng's body, she couldn't stop herself from giving another lick or kiss. She wanted to continue forever and her whole body wanted to swallow him. The burning fire was constantly spreading on her skin and Xuefeng was the water she needed to extinguish it. Despite the lack of air, they were rolling in the bathtub with their minds running wild.

Xiao Wen understood she was slowly losing her rationality within the sea of pleasure so she didn't hesitate to halt, for now, crying out in her mind, 'Stop!' Feeling the effect cease, she quickly pulled her head away from Xuefeng and resurfaced together with him, gasping for air. At that moment, she happened to be on top of him, so she sat down on his lap and breathed deeply while leaning on Xuefeng's chest.

"I suddenly felt a burning desire to eat you and it didn't want to fade away… Was it the thing you wanted to use on me?" Xuefeng asked confused as he pulled her chin upwards to look at her flushed face, recalling her previous words.

"Mhmm… I felt great too… My mind was slipping so I had to stop it... " Xiao Wen could only admit with a nod, not knowing what his reaction would be, but Xuefeng didn't look mad at all, proposing softly instead, "I want a bit more… Can you do it one more time?"

"I can…" Xiao Wen found it hard to resist him when he asked her so sincerely and just when she was about to ask what exactly he wanted, Xuefeng picked her up and placed her against the wall while standing up. Without any further words, Xuefeng took her hand and led it onto his member with a gentle smile. She could guess what he wanted from her.

'Should I try it with my mouth instead of tongue…?' Xiao Wen hesitated while stroking it up and down, not knowing what to pick. The effects were really amazing, but that's what she was worried about. She felt too good right from the start and she didn't want to lose herself.

Xuefeng didn't push her too hard and waited as Xiao Wen contemplated on what to do while using the traditional method, licking the tip before sucking on the head while slowly taking it deeper and deeper into her mouth. As she started moving a bit, she realised Xuefeng followed her, pushing it further just as she did, syncing with her movements.

"Ha…" Xuefeng breathed with relief, which surprised her. She thought Xuefeng would complain due to the difference in pleasure, but she didn't see any of that, only soft moans as he moved inside of her mouth, slowly reaching towards her throat.

'Right… I don't need any special abilities to make him feel good… I can do it on my own!' Xiao Wen figured out in her mind and suddenly her moves intensified, pushing against his back, which forced the whole staff into her throat. She felt a bit of discomfort, but it quickly disappeared as she pulled away only to swallow the whole thing once again, repeating the process in a few quick successions.

Even Xuefeng was surprised and tried to slow down, but Xiao Wen didn't let him, following after him towards the other side of the bathtub while still continuing to eat him up.

Xuefeng was already at his limits earlier so when Xiao Wen launched her assault at him, it wasn't a surprise that he couldn't hold it anymore. He didn't want to burst deep inside of her so he tried to pull her away in time, but Xiao Wen was so drummed up that she continued sucking on the tip right after.

"Mhmm!" What welcomed her was a surprise stream of golden seeds which quickly caused her to exclaim. Xiao Wen wanted to pull away on instinct but knowing it was Xuefeng's, she stayed put, gathering the thick liquid in her mouth until Xuefeng was done spurting and pulled away, breathing hurriedly.

She didn't know what to do with the liquid and even thought of spitting it out but then her tongue tasted it, making her halt. She tasted it with her tongue for the second time before thinking, confused, 'Why does it taste so good…?'

Seeing her confused look, Xuefeng gave her a knowing smile and said while rubbing her full cheek, "It's okay. You can drink it. Others say it's good for the skin."

Gulp. Just as Xuefeng suggested, after savouring the taste one last time, Xiao Wen swallowed the thick liquid in one gulp. She gripped it firmly, trying to squeeze everything before licking the last few drops from the tip while enjoying each of them.

"How come it's so good?" Xiao Wen couldn't help but ask, finding it quite suspicious. If that was a normal occurrence, every man would boast about it but she never heard such facts.

"It's because of my regeneration ability which is also very nutritious for my body other than having healing properties. Each time I use it to heal my wounds, it also regenerates my stamina and improves my body, including my seeds." Xuefeng explained as he entered inside the water and reached out towards her lower belly, gently rubbing it before teasing, "Our babies in the future will be very healthy because of that."

This comment made Xiao Wen flush right away and she quickly stopped his hand, asking sarcastically, "Who wants to have babies with you?!" They still didn't even move past the final stage and Xuefeng already thought about kids which caught her off guard.

Hearing her question, Xuefeng pretended to be sad and asked back, "You don't want to have kids with me in the future…?"

Chapter 288 - New Experience - part 5 (**)

Xuefeng even looked to the side, trying to take his hands away from her, but she stopped him, calling out with a little panic visible in her eyes, "I was kidding! I do want to have kids with you…"

As if nothing happened, Xuefeng sad expression vanished and it was quickly replaced by a smile as he suddenly picked her up, saying smugly, "Oh, perfect. Let's do it then."

Xiao Wen found herself momentarily in the air as Xuefeng left the bathtub and carried her out of the bathroom. She was blinking as if waiting for fresh ideas to enter her brain, but that didn't happen until she was thrown onto the bed and her lips were sealed the moment Xuefeng covered her body with his.

She could feel that Xuefeng's desire to eat her for real this time was burning strongly and she was unable to resist it, or rather, didn't want to resist it. Xiao Wen waited for this moment for quite some time, so even if she wasn't one hundred percent sure of what to do, she was ready to confront it.

As Xuefeng started already getting turned on, kissing her lips, her neck, her nipples before going back to her lips while continuing to rub her breasts, Xiao Wen suddenly proposed, "Xuefeng… Can I be on top?" She knew he was going to take action soon so she acted before that.

He found that a weird request so he stopped kissing her neck, looking back at her face and asked, assuring her with a kind smile, "Why? I will be gentle. You don't need to worry about that."

"I know you will. I just want to be in control over my first time." As she said so, Xiao Wen kissed him and suddenly wrapped her arms around his chest, rolling on the bed. Sitting on top of him, she looked down at his face only to see his smirk and hear his comment, "It's not like I would say no, but do you know what to do?"

Xiao Wen wouldn't be herself if she didn't pout at him for that and she quickly called out while forcefully squeezing his member which was already rock hard once again,

"Of course I do! I just need to put it in…" As Xiao Wen replied back, she realised that every time it's Xuefeng who would bait her into saying such embarrassing stuff, so she hit him on his thigh as punishment, but that only made him laugh, finding her too cute.

Pulling Xiao Wen by the knees, Xuefeng placed her on his hips, fixing his member right in between her legs and called out with a gentle smile, "Should I help you?"

"No, thank you." Xiao Wen only stuck out her tongue at him as she rejected his help and looked down towards the raging erection which already waited to enter her. When she saw it reaching almost up to her belly button, she swallowed her saliva, now realising how big it was. Would that even fit inside of her?

Not wanting him to wait, she took one last breath and raised her bottom, hovering above his hips and aimed his member inside of her, planning on making it enter her slowly. Xiao Wen had at least this much knowledge about it, which gave her more confidence compared with the other naughty things he made her do.

"Ah…" As she hovered about it for some time, she finally let the tip slide inside, finding it hard to believe how smoothly it went. She and Xuefeng were already too wet for there to be any problems with that.

"You don't need to hurry. Slowly move up and down, get more comfortable with the feeling before even reaching deeper. You can take your time." Even if she wanted to do everything herself, Xuefeng didn't stop giving her advice, which she accepted willingly. She knew he had experience in it so there was no reason to reject his knowledge.

It was just the tip inside of her but with each movement, more and more of his member spread her walls apart to venture deeper into the unknown. Xuefeng found it weird that she didn't feel any pain from this, but then, he finally saw some expression change on her face.

It did hurt her, making Xiao Wen stop for a second but compared to the pain she went through after getting cut and hurt countless times, this little bit was nothing for her. She continued to move up and down even though it hurt her, finally reaching the base.

Xiao Wen stayed like that, feeling as if hundreds of ants were crawling inside of her stomach as well as Xuefeng's pulsing member which decided on rubbing against her walls and said quietly, expecting small praise, "I did it…"

Seeing the trace of blood, dripping from her entrance, Xuefeng leaned over as he sat up as well and hugged Xiao Wen tightly, praising her while kissing her, "Good girl..."

At that moment, Xiao Wen's bottom moved, still staying in Xuefeng's embrace, rhythmically shaking with her hips while trying to get used to the pain. She knew that she would feel a lot of pleasure soon, so she didn't mind passing these tough moments to get her sweet dessert.

She thought of using her new ability, but after testing it just once, Xiao Wen realised it wouldn't be the real experience she wanted to have with Xuefeng. Her effort paid off quickly though, finding that she was in less pain the more she moved around. Xuefeng was also helping her with his constant distractions.

As if kissing him to sleep, Xiao Wen slowly lowered him back on the bed, leaving a few sweet cherries on his lips every few centimetres until he was finally laying down once again. Pulling away from him and she sat up completely, only leading his hands onto her chest before muttering back the same words he said to her previously, "Don't worry about anything. I will be gentle." Without waiting for his reply, she began working her hips.