296 - 302

Chapter 296 - Extreme Pains

"Aaaghh!" The moment Tianshi's head reached the surface, a loud cry of pain resounded in the Queen of Forest Elves' bathroom. She barely had the strength to grab the edges of the well as pain was almost paralyzing her body.

Earlier, during her escape from Tang Family's cultivators, when she was hit with a raging fireball, she could bear the pain from the flames that burned her back as it lasted only a few seconds before being extinguished by falling in the water. Even the pain from her broken legs wasn't that overbearing at that time so she wasn't super worried about it but unfortunately, she was painfully wrong.

Because of the adrenaline during her escape, she didn't feel the full scopes of her pain and only after she appeared in this new place, the whole dose finally hit her. Even with the flames gone, she felt like her whole back was still burning, covered with hot flames. The cold water from the well didn't help at all in easing the pain and even worsened it, adding the power to the flames.

Tianshi couldn't cope with it, forcing her to scream to let out the frustration, "Aaagh! It hurts so much!" With great difficulty, she tried to get out of the well but her body kept shaking with each move and only after using all of her strength left, she finally pulled herself up, falling to the wooden floor.


She hit the floor like a wooden plank which caused her another wave of pain to spread throughout her body but this time she kept it in, gritting her teeth to stop herself from screaming.

During falling, she turned herself around in the air to avoid hitting the floor with her back but that still didn't help much as she still felt it. There was a strong desire in her mind to scratch her whole back, getting rid of the burning skin but Tianshi knew it would only make it worse.

With her mind which was all in crumbles due to the pain, Tianshi pulled out all the best healing pills she had on her and swallowed them without hesitation. She didn't need to look in the mirror to know that the skin on her back was completely burned down and even if she took the best healing pills, it would be hard for her to magically heal without leaving any scars.

Just as she thought about it, one person appeared in her mind, someone she wanted to meet really badly since a long time and now she needed him even more. She knew about his power and only he could help her.

Unfortunately, Xuefeng wasn't here with her and she doubted he would magically appear here just when she needed him. With the help of the pills, Tianshi's pain lessened by more than half which allowed her to think clearer and she immediately woke herself up while crying out in her mind, 'Xuefeng won't help me if I die before he comes here! I need to take care of this quickly…'

The pills her father gave her were really high quality and Tianshi could already feel the effects, feeling like her tissue was repairing but she knew it wasn't the end. The burning flames burned her dress before touching the skin but before it all burned, she extinguished it with water, causing some of her dress to stick to the burned skin.

Now that the pills were working on repairing the tissue, she had to get rid of her dress and allow it to healthily grow back. It would be best if she could get rid of the dress before taking the pills but she was too weak for that at the time.

Before the pills took the full effect, Tianshi lay down on her belly and reached out towards her back before trying to pull out one piece of the dress. She knew that it would be tens of times more painful than what she experienced before but she didn't expect for it to be this intense.

"Ah!" With just one small pull, her eyes opened wide and she choked on pain, immediately wanting to scream. She didn't have good access to her back but she still had to try to get rid of the dress only to find out how ridiculous it was. Unless she pulled it all at one go, she would have to torture herself to her rid of it completely.

Even painkillers were not enough to tame the pains she was going through. Her dress was already sticking to her burned skin and the only way to get it off was by ripping the skin together with the dress.

'Ugh, you have to do it!' Tianshi cheered herself up in her mind and knowing she had no other choice at that time, she had to do it. She was in an unknown space and she didn't know if there was anyone who could help her. Her first instinct told her to find the solution herself first, leaving the desperate searching for help as the second plan.

Taking a deep breath, Tianshi ripped a part of her skirt away, rolling and folding it a bit before putting it between her teeth. With that done, she didn't hesitate to finally pull on a piece of the dress as strongly as she could.

"Ughh!" Tears fell from Tianshi's eyes when a bit chunk of her dead skin got torn away from her body together with her dress before blood started oozing out of the wound. It slowly gathered on top of the wound before streaming down onto her side and dripping onto the floor. If Tianshi watched her back, she would see that her wound was quickly healing up, creating new skin on top of the injury but even if this was the right way, Tianshi didn't have the will to repeat it.

When she wanted to reach out of check out the healed spot, her hand shook as if her body was scared of her pulling another piece which could cause her similar pains. Naturally, the idea of using her second plan quickly became very appealing to her. It didn't involve the same pains and there was hope a doctor was in this place which could help her.

Tianshi was now a bit upset at her stupidity as she didn't choose this option from the start just like any normal human being would do and rather chose to experience this much pain. She spat the cloth to the floor and wiped her tears away, bracing herself with the new resolution.

Tianshi wasn't a masochist who liked pain and she never went through similar pains before in her life so her decision to avoid the pain could be easily justified. She stopped looking at her previous mistake and focused on crawling towards the doors, planning on checking out where was she. All she knew was that Nuwa came from here but she is supposed to be on their side.

Tianshi couldn't walk so if she wanted to find help, she could only crawl outside, dragging her broken legs on the floor and hope someone was around there. Each of her movements felt like being hit by a large sledgehammer over and over again as the burned skin on her back moved around, giving her no mercy.

There were only five metres she needed to cross but that caused a lot of beads of sweat to appear on her forehead. There was this thought at the back of her head that kept repeating which caused a strange determination to appear in her eyes. What would Xuefeng say if he saw her this weak? Did she deserve to be by his side if she couldn't even handle this much?

Finally pushing the doors open, Tianshi saw a nice palace room, breathing a sigh in relief. If she was somewhere in the basement and had to climb the stairs to reach the people, she would cry.

Just as Tianshi crawled to the middle of the room, she heard someone talking outside which made her look at the doors in hope. With her current status of a wounded person, even if she tried, she wouldn't be able to beat anyone so she was at the mercy of the people leaving here. She believed that Xuefeng only becomes friends with nice people so they would reach out their helping hand.

The doors finally opened and Tianshi saw a pretty middle-aged woman of golden hair enter the room but then her movements froze when she saw Tianshi laying there, her face tired and stained with tears together with her back filled with burns.

Tianshi didn't have anything to lose so she decided to reach out for help first when the middle-aged lady suddenly rushed up to her and called out in worry, "Ah! Sweetie, what happened? Don't move, auntie will help you."

The lady was, of course, Nuwa's Mother which took control over the palace while Nuwa was away. She quickly infused Tianshi body with her Spirit Qi, trying to check what else could be wrong with Tianshi aside from the obvious reasons like her broken legs or burned back and thankfully confirmed that Tianshi was alright.

Seeing the painful expression on Tianshi's face, Auntie rubbed Tianshi's cheeks and pulled out a cup filled with a golden liquid while saying softly, "Poor child, you must be in a lot of pain. Drink this honey and the pain will go away. You must be Xuefeng's friend, right?"

Hearing the gentle and soothing voice of the lady, Tianshi could feel the motherly care from her and felt relaxed, knowing she would be safe with her. Hearing her saying Xuefeng's name assured her even more, making her nod at the question and reach out for the cup. She was already vulnerable so if Auntie wanted to do anything with her, she didn't need to try tricking her.

Finally feeling safe, a small smile appeared on Tianshi face and she replied while taking the cup of honey, "Thank you…"

Chapter 297 - Camera, Action! (*)

Back in Xuefeng's room in the Liu Clan, after their special moment, Xuefeng picked both Xiao Wen and Yiren into his arms and brought them back to the bathroom to properly clean them from all the sweat on their bodies. If it was only one girl, it would have been an easy task but with the two sisters, one more naughty than the other, it took him a lot of time to properly tame them.

Before they finally could return to bed, it was already late in the evening. Xuefeng naturally felt bad for leaving his other wifies still outside so he quickly decided to bring them in. Of course, firstly, he had to take care of the two little monkeys which clung to his body and didn't want to let go. The worst thing was that their bodies were so soft and comfy that he didn't want to let go of them either.

The two sisters were completely different and he appreciated both of them in a different way. Yiren was more of a quiet and patient one but usually, after she gets the attention she needs, she would shower him with the love and care of a doting wife.

Yiren was a little bit shorter than Xiao Wen but she was making it up with the size of her breasts and hips which she inherited from her mother. They were planted on Xuefeng's chest, fighting for the space with Xiao Wen but it was clear Yiren could win if she wanted.

She was the one who offered Xiao Wen more space out of kindness and love for her. Even with that, they would keep touching with their breasts but at this point, the two of them were like real sisters, sharing everything and caring for one another.

At first, Xuefeng was feeling both Yiren's bottom and smooth back but then his hand travelled towards her head, entangling itself with her already dry, golden hair and rubbed the back of her head as he savoured kisses from her. Yiren was always the best one to kiss as their connection was only multiplying their pleasure, doubling the sensation of their lips and tongues.

His hand then caught onto her pointy ear which she stopped hiding under her hair since her mother, Nuwa, came out from the holy land and Xuefeng knew they didn't need to worry about others knowing their race. It would also be hard to convince Nuwa so he didn't even try.

Upon touching it, Yiren felt the immediate pleasure which signalled her love was still as strong as ever. Only when two lovers had feelings for each other would touching their ears feel amazing and in all other cases, the elves would only feel irritation.

Xiao Wen, on the other hand, was much different compared to her gentle and cute sister. Both of her breasts were round and soft to the touch while her bottom all juicy and tender, ready for some passionate rubbing. Xuefeng's hand was always gently laying down on her butt, squeezing and grasping the soft flesh while switching from one buttcheek to another.

Since the moment Xiao Wen confessed her love to Xuefeng, she didn't mind his touch at all, letting him enjoy her great body as he wished. After all, he was part of the reason she kept herself in shape, making sure he would find her attractive and always happy to pluck, savouring the unique feeling every day.

She was the type who would always try to find a way to provide him with some enjoyment and seeing he wasn't pushing her away, Xiao Wen was only getting bolder and bolder, teasing him with her movements. Her breasts would rub around his nipples, making them both erect before connecting in a quiet battle while her hands kept roaming around his bountiful muscles, squeezing where she could and wanted.

Her lips would be on Xuefeng's neck, then shoulder as she sucked on his collarbone before fighting for his lips with her older sister, Yiren. They both tried to distract him and gather as much of his attention as possible. It somehow began a friendly competition between them and for some reason, Yiren was winning with more kisses gathered.

Because of that, even though Xuefeng battled with her so hard not too long ago, making her completely exhausted, after some time in the bath, Xiao Wen regained her stamina and began teasing Xuefeng's member for another action, wanting some more of it before they had to return. Unfortunately for her, Xuefeng knew where to cross the line and stopped her hand, moving it onto his body instead, causing her to sulk a bit.

Xiao Wen wasn't a sore loser but today was her night and she wanted to get as much as she could before they would return back to sharing Xuefeng with everyone. Xiao Wen embraced her smoking hot sister with one hand across her waist while using the other to hug Xuefeng's shoulder and leaned over towards their kiss, first giving her notice by sucking on his neck before rubbing her nose on Xuefeng's cheek.

It would be strange if Xuefeng didn't notice her, especially when Xiao Wen started playfully tickling his cheek with the tip of her tongue and he finally let go of Yiren's tongue, wanting to give some attention to Xiao Wen. To his surprise, before he could lean over with his lips and catch another pair, Yiren leapt forward, suddenly kissing Xiao Wen in his stead.

Xuefeng's eyes opened wide as a smile appeared on his face, cheering for Yiren in his heart. He didn't know why he was excited to see such action and Yiren could feel his enjoyment, continuing to push forward without hesitation. What was even funnier was Xiao Wen who closed her eyes the moment she saw Xuefeng leaning over and she accepted Yiren's lips as if they belonged to Xuefeng.

Their lips exchanged soft kisses and before Xiao Wen had time to realise that something was wrong, their tongues connected, dancing around each other with passion. Xiao Wen kissed Xuefeng enough times to realise the lips that tried to eat her up completely were different, much softer than the ones of Xuefeng.

Although she found the sensation somewhat different, Xiao Wen liked the soft touches on her lips and the small tongue that was cuter compared to the one she was used to already. The smaller tongue fitted in her mouth perfectly, giving them more space for their small battles and playful rubbing.

She liked it so much that for one moment she forgot herself in pleasure only to finally realise what was going on when it was too late. Other than Xuefeng, there was only Yiren in their embrace so the answer was obvious. Xiao Wen's eyes momentarily opened and she confirmed her guess, seeing the golden hair and the familiar face of Yiren.

Even though Xiao Wen liked the kiss, she couldn't help but exclaim while trying to pull away from her, not feeling like it was right, "Mhmm!" It was their second kiss tonight and her mind was already conflicted about it.

To Xiao Wen's surprise, Yiren didn't let go off her and closed the distance instead, embracing Xiao Wen around her neck while letting go of Xuefeng completely. He didn't mind that and simply hugged both of them, enjoying the action from up close. Even though he wasn't involved, he was having a lot of fun, just watching and keeping their embrace together.

Their breasts were rubbing against one another as an extra series of kissing sounds filled the bathroom. Xiao Wen couldn't escape and decided to give in, forgetting about her prejudice thoughts for a moment. Her hands embraced Yiren's back, finding her sister's body extremely soft, wanting to touch it more with every second.

At the start, they roamed on Yiren's back but as time went on, Xiao Wen became bolder and the desire to feel Yiren's body increased, planning on testing it while comparing it with her own. Every girl wanted to look better than the other and she unknowingly created competition between her own sister.

Unfortunately, wherever Xiao Wen touched, she couldn't find a spot where her body was dominantly superior. Yiren skin was porcelain smooth and even her bottom was much firmer, feeling as if she was grabbing a perfect example of how a butt should feel like.

Xiao Wen couldn't help but think of one possibility, 'Is this the cause of Xuefeng's…'

Chapter 298 - Slap! Slap!

Slap! Slap!

"Ahh!" Feeling that it was enough for them, Xuefeng suddenly gave both of them light but juicy slaps on the butts, causing them to exclaim at the same time, separating from their kiss. He used that window to slip in closer and stole both Xiao Wen and Yiren's lips one by one, slowly severing their embrace, making them switch to hugging him instead.

As Xuefeng finally let go of their lips, Xiao Wen got a chance and asked Yiren, her cheeks still flushed, "Yiren, why did you kiss me…? We can't kiss like that."

Yiren showed her small tongue and said playfully while placing her head on Xuefeng's chest, "It was a punishment for trying to steal Xuefeng. You shouldn't disturb someone else's kiss."

Xiao Wen wanted to argue more but then Yiren suddenly leaned over, planting a quick peck on her lips before teasing her younger sister once again, "And don't say you didn't like it. I could feel your tongue moving on its own."

Xiao Wen could only pout, having no comeback to that, but then Yiren continued, "If you want to repeat it one day, you can just tell me…" This sentence together with Yiren's smirk made both Xiao Wen and Xuefeng shocked, not expecting Yiren to get so bold out of nowhere.

Xiao Wen naturally rejected as she called back, "Ha! You wish! This is definitely not happening again!" She somehow felt as if Yiren was the lewdest of them all but she is just hiding and pretends to be innocent.

Seeing Xiao Wen blushing once again, Yiren giggled as she covered her face with her hand and commented, continuing to tease her sister, "Hehe, little sister is embarrassed… So cute…"

Xuefeng couldn't hold it in anymore and also chuckled. Seeing that Xiao Wen was about to explode, he distracted her by kissing her lips, forcing her to swallow her words.

Without saying anything, for now, Xuefeng picked them both up from the floor and walked back into his room before placing them in front of the bed. The whole bed was still messy after their previous action so they couldn't sleep in it unless they changed it all. As a punishment for fighting, Xuefeng decided to make the girls do it.

"I need to go bring the others in but we need to change the bedsheets first. Because you two were fighting just now, you will be the ones to do it. The second set is inside the wardrobe. Xuefeng ordered as he pointed towards the wardrobe in the corner and asked, confirming that they know how to do it, "Do you have a problem with that? You know how to change bedsheets, right?"

The two sisters were natural-born princesses so it wouldn't be a surprise for him if they didn't know how to do it as everything was done by servants for them. Yiren was the first one to nod happily and Xiao Wen followed, not finding it a hard task.

Only then did Xuefeng realise that Xiao Wen has been travelling a lot all the time so she, of course, required such skills. Yiren was generally diligent so he knew she would be knowledgeable.

Having their confirmation, Xuefeng pulled them once again into his arms, savouring one more kiss from each of them, not forgetting to feel up their butts in the process before recommending, "You can also wear your sexy nightgowns. There might be Princess Shan joining us as well… I honestly have no idea what to do with her yet but I can't leave her to sleep alone…"

Yiren was the first to agree, speaking for the two of them, "We don't mind, the bed is big enough to fit us all." As Yiren already agreed, Xiao Wen could only confirm it else she would look selfish.

She didn't mind sharing Xuefeng with his current wives but Xiao Wen was still against adding other wives, further decreasing her time with Xuefeng. After some deeper thoughts, she realised she was a little bit selfish, thinking it was alright as long as she was the one closest to Xuefeng, always sleeping directly in his arms. There was only this little space around him so whoever was the closest, was the most superior in her opinion.

Knowing they didn't mind, Xuefeng went with this plan, still quite confused himself, "Alright, we will do that." He did like Princess Shan, but if Xuefeng was to be fully honest, his feelings for her were not as strong compared to the other wives he had. It could be because they didn't spend enough time together for them to form fully.

Letting go of them, Xuefeng wore a towel on his hips, tying it loosely, just so it can cover him a bit. He saw the girls still sitting in the same positions, both Wuying and Princess Shan were training or at least looked to be absorbing the Qi. He could see Water Qi flowing into Princess Shan's body as her toes were submerged in the pond.

Xuefeng believed that Wuying was more or less training her strong will, trying to resist her desire for his blood but he could see she was struggling, her eyelids shivering ever so slightly. Nuwa, on the other hand, wasn't doing anything, sitting on the grass while holding her legs up to her chest. She was looking at the fish swimming in the pond while looking at the moon that was mirrored on the water surface.

Even though Wuying was the closest, Xuefeng decided to leave her for last, knowing that he had to provide her with some relief before she would join them for the night sleep. His first option was Nuwa who he approached first.

On his way, he leaned over to Wuying and whispered to calm her down while rubbing her cheek, "I will come back to you in a second. Will you wait a bit more?" When Wuying felt his touch, she opened her eyes and nodded, her shaking subsiding with such a promise. She knew they couldn't just perform such actions in front of everyone and she could only wait for him in this situation.

Going up to Nuwa, there was no way she still didn't notice his presence so he knew she chose to ignore him until he went to her side as she didn't move at all. Xuefeng could only fulfil her wish, crouching behind her and kissed her on the hair while embracing her, wrapping his fingers together with hers.

Leaning over, Xuefeng kissed her on the ear and whispered, "The Queen is being invited for the rest…" Nuwa couldn't ignore him anymore with him aiming at her weak spot and she turned her head around, catching his mischievous lips.

Even though he tried to please her from the start, Nuwa didn't let go of this opportunity and reacted sarcastically, "Did you finally recall that you have other wives? Did you enjoy yourself properly?" She was the one who proposed such a chain of events so she was fine with it, but Xuefeng definitely prolonged his fun too much.

Xuefeng already felt bad for leaving them outside while playing together with Yiren and Xiao Wen so hearing Nuwa's words did not make him less guilty. Xuefeng could only hug her tighter and simply apologise, saying softly, "I'm sorry it took so long. Next time I expect you to join, okay? I don't want you to be left apart from the rest."

He could feel that she was getting relaxed the more time she spent inside of his embrace so he asked, "Will you come on your own and sleep with me or do you want me to carry you with me?" He knew she would be a bit moody right now so the least he could do is pamper her a bit.

Instead of agreeing, Nuwa, of course, bantered with him, asking, "You think this is enough to convince me?" For him, Nuwa was the hardest to handle but after spending so much time with her, Xuefeng already knew some things about her.

Xuefeng suddenly picked her up like a princess and carried her without asking anymore. Before she could complain, he added some kisses to the mix, calming her down as if she received the food she was hungry for. As they neared his room, he stopped and asked playfully, "Is it enough with the kisses? You are not complaining."

"Nope, I want more tonight. Others already got their share." Nuwa shamelessly shook her head and reminded him of her words, "I told you, I will only let you meet with others if you satisfy me properly. If not, I will kidnap you and make you only mine."

"Is this how a Queen should behave? Don't be naughty." Xuefeng naturally had to reprimand her but deep down he knew his words would pass through her without much of an impact. Just as he expected, Nuwa grinned, wrapping her hands around his neck and commented, "I don't care. You are mine."

Opening the doors, Xuefeng smirked and said as he smiled mischievously, "We will see what you say after I'm done with you tonight…" Thinking how he should punish her, Xuefeng looked at the bed and was surprised to find Xiao Wen slowly wearing her clothes while Yiren was finishing making the bed. There was a serious look in Xiao Wen's eyes, signalling that something happened.

Xuefeng could only place Nuwa on the ground and asked as he approached Xiao Wen, "What happened? Where are you going?" Just a moment ago she couldn't wait to sleep with him and now Xiao Wen looked like there would be no sleep tonight.

Xiao Wen buttoned her fighting outfit and called out to him while throwing a Red Signal Crystal to him, "Tang Family raided my Family's Palace. They tried to catch Tianshi to blackmail my father. After running away, she disappeared and father suspects she entered the space Nuwa and Yiren came from."

Walking up to him, all ready to go, Xiao Wen asked seriously, "Will you take me there with you?"

Chapter 299 - Xiao Feng's Message

Seeing him still confused, Xiao Wen grabbed his hands and pointed at the Red Signal Crystal that she threw at him a moment ago and explained, "You can listen to the message my father left for you after our talk. Use your Spirit Qi to activate the message. I'm not joking, this might be serious. She is definitely lost somewhere." Only then did Xuefeng understand the severity of the situation and quickly nodded, running his Qi through the crystal, having a message passed to his mind right away.

'Tianshi escaped from pursuers and I suspect she is inside the Holy Land. You must have given her a way to enter it right? I know it was you who saved her back then in the lake. Go there and bring her back home safe.' The message was passed in a very domineering manner, Xiao Feng voice sounding as if it was Xuefeng fault and sounded more like an order than a plea.

It wasn't a surprise that Xuefeng got mad and his hand squeezed the red crystal, almost crushing it with just his grip. It was only saved by Xiao Wen as she grabbed his hand and hugged it into his chest, calming him, "Calm down Xuefeng. This is not the time to be angry. I'm also pissed off by the news but right now we need to act and check if Tianshi is alright."

Xuefeng still exploded as he was angry at something else as well, cursing under his breath, "I can't calm down when your father is this irritating. What does he mean by bringing her back home safe?! She is obviously not safe in the Xiao Family and that's why she had to run away! I'm not giving her back anymore. The safest place for her would be near us. This is ridiculous."

If Xiao Family was raided and Tianshi had to run away, they obviously didn't do a good job in protecting her. He didn't plan to make the same mistake of letting Xiao Feng take her away from him after hearing such news. He already missed her a lot and now this was happening which ignited him even more.

"Don't tell that to me. Tell it to my father when you meet him. First, let's go to that Holy Land and check if Tianshi is there." Xiao Wen reached out and held Xuefeng face with both hands, trying to calm him down by making him look at her gentle smile before turning to Nuwa who was behind them and asked curiously, "Is that okay with you?"

Xiao Wen knew that Nuwa was the Queen from Yiren's tales so she decided to ask for permission first. As Nuwa was also one of them, they all had to respect the other's decisions and thoughts.

Instead of replying to Xiao Wen's question, Nuwa turned to Xuefeng and asked with a frown, "Since when can humans enter the Holy Land? Did you decide that with Goddess Mingshu?"

Nuwa didn't mind friends entering the Holy Land but if some other greedy humans gained access, it would be catastrophic for her people. Right now, if Tianshi really did successfully enter inside with the token, it only meant that she could also have her token stolen, leading to tragedy. Tianshi was almost caught after all.

Xuefeng scratched his head hearing Nuwa's question as he actually forgot to mention it to her before and turned to her, admitting, "Yes… I did talk about it with her, deciding to drop the barrier so we could all enter there. It's a good way of transportation after all. I wanted to take everyone together with me… I'm sorry I didn't tell you, it somehow flew out of my head."

Seeing her not replying, Xuefeng approached her and held Nuwa's hand, saying apologetically while looking into her eyes from up close, "Don't be mad… I was planning to bring that up, but too many things happened in between."

Nuwa finally responded as she blinked a few times, returning from her dreamland, "I was thinking. I'm not mad. I'm just a bit surprised the goddess listened to you like this. Anyway, we can't let so many tokens stay outside then. If someone evil enters the Holy Land if Tianshi loses it, will you be the one responsible for all the possible damage? It was different when humans couldn't enter even with the token but now, I can't let my people be at risk."

Looking into Nuwa's eyes, Xuefeng knew that there was no discussion to her decision as she looked sternly at him so he could only agree, finding it a fair trade, "Alright, I will take it from her when we meet. I also don't want anything to happen."

Just then, Yiren who finished setting the bedsheets walked up to Xuefeng and hanged herself on his neck, pleading cutely, "Xuefeng, can we also go?" She already wore her light nightgown, but hearing the circumstances, she would have to change once again.

"Of course, we are going." Before Xuefeng could reply, Nuwa nodded in reply to her question, which made Yiren smile happily, saying excitedly, "Great! I didn't see auntie for a while already. I still miss her snacks."

Unfortunately, before Yiren could get enough happiness, Xuefeng caught her and moved her body to the front, rejecting her softly, "No, you both should stay here."

Both Nuwa and Yiren didn't like that with Yiren naturally asking, "Why…?" She showed her classic begging puppy eyes, but Xuefeng didn't fall for it this time, explaining, "Our plans didn't change. There is still the selection for tomorrow prepared by the White Lotus Sect. How are we going to join it if we are all gone? We can't go all together. I wanted to go alone with Xiao Wen and bring Tianshi back here before tomorrow."

Nuwa countered his argument pretty fast, calling out, "Why bother with the mere branch sect if we can join the main one with our skills? We can take Princess Shan with us if that's what you are worried about. With just one word from Xiao Wen or me, they would beg to take us in." She didn't yet fully approve of Xiao Wen but she had to admit her influence was big and they could use it to her advantage.

Just as she thought that Xiao Wen would concur, the red-haired beauty shook her head and said calmly, knowing much more about the dangers of a Fate Holder being in the Central Region, "I agree with Xuefeng. You might not know but there is an organisation for all Fate Holders which gathers all of them from the Central Region. I don't want Xuefeng to join it yet, or even joining it at all. If we stay in the main Sect, they will definitely bother us, forcing Xuefeng to join it."

The reason Xiao Wen was telling it to them was not only to inform Nuwa but also to remind Xuefeng of dangers which he kept forgetting. Once he joined, there was no going back. He could only hide for now or fight them directly. Xiao Wen still believed they were too weak to defy the whole organisation.

After listening to the whole explanation, Nuwa looked frustrated, being forced to give in like that and replied unhappily, "Fine, we will do as you say…" Even though she said that Nuwa leaned over and stole a kiss from him as a payment for listening to him. She was used to doing what she wanted and only when Nuwa got Xuefeng, she started to take Xuefeng's opinions into consideration.

Just as Nuwa let go of him, Xiao Wen asked impatiently as she rubbed his shoulder, "Can we go? I am worried about Tianshi." They had no information about her what so ever and there was also a possibility she wasn't there so Xiao Wen didn't want to wait anymore.

Naturally, Xuefeng also knew it as he let go of Yiren as Xiao Wen was still talking and started wearing his clothes, putting his black leather jacket into his ring. It didn't take him too much time to get ready and reminded Nuwa when he finished, "Keep everyone safe while I'm gone." Nuwa felt it was unnecessary to say but still nodded with a smile. As the strongest from the group, she naturally felt the responsibility to protect everyone.

Before they departed, Xuefeng still had one thing that couldn't be skipped and he rushed outside, calling out to Xiao Wen, "Wait for a second, I still need to do something."

Chapter 300 - Nuwa's New Target

Even though the situation was serious with Tianshi being lost, Xuefeng couldn't just leave Wuying, letting her suffer because of her desire for his blood. She was already having trouble right now and if he left her like this for the next day, he didn't want to know what would happen. The problem was still not resolved so he couldn't just leave. Xuefeng cared for all of his women equally or at least tried to.

It wouldn't be in his nature to just disregard Wuying. If he left, leaving her hurt, he would only blame himself more if anything happened. It still hasn't been more than two minutes since they received the call from Tianshi's father so their reaction was already quick.

Opening the doors to his room, Xuefeng planned to rush outside, quickly explaining it to both Wuying and Princess Shan but to his surprise, they were both standing right there in front of his room, looking at him worried.

Wuying was the first one to run up to him and asked worriedly while placing her hands on his chest, "Xuefeng is something the matter? We heard you screaming…" Princess Shan also finished her cultivation, regenerating some of her Water Qi she used in her battle when she heard the commotion, making her follow Wuying.

"Yes, I am afraid I won't be able to accompany you to bed tonight. There is an issue with Tianshi and we need to go check it out. Hopefully, we will come back by tomorrow if it's nothing serious and we can bring her back here." Xuefeng explained it vaguely, knowing that Princess Shan was next to them and she wasn't aware of all the secrets. She still wasn't his woman so until then, he didn't want to share all of them with her.

Naturally, Wuying figured out where Xuefeng was going and quickly followed up with a question, "Can I go with you guys…?" If Xuefeng didn't mention taking her, it could only mean that she wasn't counted in this journey and either Xuefeng went alone or she was just left out, which she didn't want for sure.

Hearing her delicate lips asking this softly, Xuefeng could only brace himself and explain, "You guys need to get a good night sleep so you can be in full strength for tomorrow's selection. You travelled a lot today and I bet you are all tired. I will only take Xiao Wen, while you will stay together with the rest. Can you do that for me?"

Wuying didn't like such a solution but knowing the rest were also staying, she could only agree helplessly, "Mhmm… Alright…" She was excited to receive Xuefeng's reward but now she lost all of her moods, knowing Xuefeng was leaving them.

Patting Wuying on the head, Xuefeng turned to Princess Shan who was still standing silently on the side, pondering what to do now and he found the answer for her, "Shan, you can also go inside the room and sleep with the girls tonight. You will be able to catch up with Wuying, they are probably very curious about your travels."

Having permission and seeing that Xuefeng still wanted to talk to Wuying as he didn't let go of her, she nodded softly, doing exactly as he advised, "Alright. Hope everything goes well for you." She didn't know Tianshi but if she was Xuefeng's wife, she had to be amazing so she didn't mind. As she passed them, Princess Shan reached out her hand and grazed it on his arm, giving him a sample of a gentle touch she could offer.

Xuefeng did notice that and normally he would react, but at the time, he didn't have time for any more flirting. Just as Princess Shan entered the room, Xuefeng closed the door behind her and pulled Wuying to the side, leaning over the wall with her in his arms. Flipping her around, he pushed Wuying's back against his chest and held her so she wouldn't move.

Wuying already figured out what he wanted to do when a small dagger appeared in his hands and called out to stop him, "Xuefeng… It's okay. I will try my best to resist… It doesn't hurt this much…" Before she could say anything more, Xuefeng slashed the dagger across his wrist, causing the blood to drip out of the wound.

Xuefeng would never leave any of his women in suffering if he saw them so he didn't even take Wuying's words into consideration. Holding her with one hand, he brought the second one to her lips and simply ordered, "Drink."

When the blood first flowed, Wuying's eyes turned red, but there would still be some sanity visible in her eyes. Compared to the last time, she resisted a few more seconds before she couldn't anymore, holding his hand up to her mouth and began sucking the blood. Xuefeng did notice the small pause which caused him to smile. It could only mean she was improving and that was a good sign.

Xuefeng knew she already had some in the morning so he didn't plan on giving her too much, but her small tongue which constantly licked the wound made him give her a little extra.

Inside the room, when Nuwa saw what Xuefeng and Wuying were doing, she couldn't help but frown, looking at both Xiao Wen and Yiren, asking right after, "Did you know about it? Drinking human blood is not normal." Nuwa already noticed something was off with Wuying but she didn't expect this to be the reason.

Yiren was the first to respond, happy to reply, "Mom, Wuying practises a powerful blood art but the side effects of it made her hungry for blood. Because of love for Xuefeng, she can no longer drink anyone else's blood but his. We are trying to help her fight back her desire and make her control those arts. They are super powerful!"

Hearing the explanation, Nuwa nodded, patting her daughter as a reward, "I get it now… We should definitely help her. Don't worry, mommy will figure out a way to help her." Nuwa was wondering which girl should she test next and finally found the perfect target.

Seeing that Xuefeng didn't plan to end it any time soon, Nuwa advised to Xiao Wen who was already ready to leave, "You should go now. Take him with you before he spoils her too much." For Nuwa, Xuefeng was never a good trainer for Wuying as he was too soft on his women. If he let her give in to her desire, she would never learn.

"I know. I was about to leave. See you all soon." Xiao Wen wasn't fine with Nuwa commanding her but she shrugged it off as she also had such an idea, going out right after.

When Wuying saw Xiao Wen leaving and walking to the garden with the corner of her eyes, she suddenly let go of Xuefeng's hand. Her desire was forcing her to drink more, but she fought against it, pulling Xuefeng's hand away.

As she already drank some of his blood, she wasn't completely out of control now, making her decisions much easier to carry out. If Xiao Wen came out a little bit earlier, Wuying didn't think she would stop.

Seeing the wound on his wrist closing, she called out to Xuefeng calmly, "You should go already… I'm fine." Her eyes were closed as she tried to further calm down her desire and she succeeded before Xuefeng turned her around and commanded, "Look me in the eyes."

"I'm fine," Wuying assured him again as she opened her eyes showing her beautiful blue pupils while gathering the blood from the corner of her mouth with her finger and putting it into her mouth.

Seeing her eyes looking all clean and stable, Xuefeng sigh in relief and finally let go of her, Golden Air Qi Wings forming on his back as he said, "I should be back tomorrow. Take care of Shan, she knows you the most here so try to help her become friends with everyone."

"I will." Wuying agreed without hesitating and gave Xuefeng last peck before he swung with his wings, rising into the air. Xiao Wen was already waiting for him in the sky so Xuefeng couldn't afford any more words, but she understood it well.

The speed of golden wings was amazing but just as he expected, during the night, he was like a lightbulb flying in the air. He quickly caught up with Xiao Wen who was silently flying towards the lake near the Phoenix City and embraced her from behind, taking her away with him.

He was naturally faster than her so even if she didn't like it, Xiao Wen stayed put in his embrace. She didn't complain about Xuefeng's behaviour either as he already knew what she was unhappy with. His only solution was to speed up to make up for the lost time.

Chapter 301 - Just In Time

Seeing Xuefeng fly away, Wuying could only go inside and join the rest of the girls. She was supposed to lead Princess Shan and help her make friends with everyone just as Xuefeng asked her to but just as she entered, Wuying felt the weird atmosphere inside.

Everyone was looking at her as if she did something wrong and even Princess Shan had a helpless expression on her face, having no options to help her. There were only Nuwa, Yiren, Princess Shan and now she joined but she felt it was one versus three instead.

"Is something the matter…?" Wuying asked calmly as she walked up to them and sat on the clean sheets, looking at Nuwa as if she was innocent. She already suspected what problem Nuwa could have with her but still feigned ignorance.

Seeing her trying to act as if nothing happened, Nuwa went straight to the point, questioning what happened while looking at Wuying with a penetrating gaze, "So you are pretending you don't know? What is going on with you depending on Xuefeng's blood? Care to explain?"

Wuying could only sigh, already knowing such a question would be asked by her and explained the issue from her side, "I also don't want this but no matter what I do, after a while, I start feeling the unbearable desire to taste Xuefeng's blood. At the start, from the moment I started practising the two arts, I would thirst for blood and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it."

Falling onto the bed while closing her eyes, Wuying continued, "I was doing fine with just that, only longing for blood when I saw it but since the moment I tasted Xuefeng's blood, I couldn't stop thinking about it. All other kinds felt disgusting compared to his and I would vomit it in private, away from everyone as I couldn't stand its taste. Up till this point, I was still feeling alright but when I used the second blood ability during the fight with the bandits, the situation changed completely."

As Wuying paused, Nuwa glanced at her daughter and Yiren confirmed, nodding with her eyes full of bright light, happy to talk about Wuying's coolness, "Yes! With just one move Wuying killed hundreds of bandits, blood chains flying in the sky. Thanks to her we had quite an easy victory."

Patting her daughter, Nuwa turned back to Wuying who still didn't finish explaining, "Wuying, what happened next? Did your desire increase to the point you can't live without Xuefeng's blood now?"

Wuying opened her eyes and nodded with a smile, "Yes… My head feels like it wants to explode and after some time, it starts hurting. Only after I drink Xuefeng blood, everything turns into rainbows, my surroundings gain more colour and my mood improves, making everything shine."

Hearing up till this point, Nuwa already decided to make this habit stop and called out sternly, "You can't use Xuefeng like that. Is he your husband or food? We have to fix it as soon as possible."

Nuwa thought that Wuying would simply agree, knowing what's best for her but Wuying stood up and shook her head, saying calmly while looking at Nuwa's eyes, "I'm improving. Each time I consume Xuefeng's blood, I feel much better than the last time. I no longer lose control and I'm capable of stopping if that's necessary. Xuefeng is not my food and he will never be. Not only does my strength increase every day but I'm getting more and more control over my abilities as well. I don't think I need Xuefeng's help for long. The side effects are slowly decreasing."

Nuwa stared at Wuying for a moment, trying to feel if she was lying or not and finally decided, "I will observe how you behave for the next few days and then decide. If I don't see the improvement, you will stop." With no Xuefeng next to her, Nuwa emanated her usual Queen's presence, not leaving any room for discussion.

As Wuying didn't have any issue with it, she accepted the deal, not having the powers to stop Nuwa even if she wanted to forcefully spy on them anyway, "Fine. I know myself and can feel I'm doing better."

Feeling the tension between the two of them, Yiren suddenly cried out and focused the girl's gazes on herself, asking cutely, "Aaah, can we all go to bed already? I want everyone to cuddle tonight! No more fighting!"

Seeing Yiren's reaction, they all laughed, even Princess Shan relaxing a bit. Even if she has been friends with Wuying for almost a week before, they were away from each other for a few months already so the old friendship wasn't as strong as before. Right now all she wanted was to become friends with everyone and become accepted into the group. Even if Xuefeng did not develop feelings for her in his mind, she still believed such day would come but, it would be much harder if his most important treasures did not accept her.

Even with the confrontation from Nuwa, Wuying was still cheerful, being in her best mood each time she tasted Xuefeng's blood, Wuying reached out and pulled Yiren into her arms, asking playfully, "Cuddles you say, huh? How about tickles?"

Before Yiren could react, Wuying started tickling her on each side, making Yiren burst out laughing while begging for mercy, "Ahaha, No! I hate— Hahahaha, don't tickle me…" Nuwa was still in her domineering mood but seeing how the situation played out, she stopped herself, watching the three girls playing around instead.


At the same time, in Nuwa's palace room, a black-haired girl was lying down on the sofa, her back all red, covered in golden honey. A Middle-aged woman, similar in appearance to both Nuwa and Yiren was sitting on top of her, pulling a piece of the dress that was stuck to girl's back.

"Ahh!" Tianshi screamed once again, her throat already sore from all the screaming from not long ago.

"I know it still hurts but there is only one last piece left and you will be free from all the pains." The Auntie applied a bit of warm medical honey on Tianshi's back in the spot where she just ripped her skin away which immediately pacified the pain. They have been doing it for some time already and even the painkiller she drank couldn't completely stop the pain she had to go through.

Although the pain was much lighter compared to before, it was still unbearable, her eyes creating a new tear each time Auntie was pulling one piece at a time. After this much crying, there were no more tears left to fall. The only consolation were the gentle pats that Auntie was giving her which made her feel like back at home on Earth when her mom was taking care of her when she was sick. The culture was completely different in this world but here, Auntie only had love filling her heart.

"Sweetheart, can you handle one more now or do you need a break?" Auntie said warmly as she gently rubbed the honey on her back. The wounds were quickly healing thanks to the high ranked pills Tianshi took but it didn't stop scars from forming. The main goal of the healing pills Tianshi took was to heal her wounds and save her life in danger, not to make her skin smooth.

Tianshi let go of the sofa she was squeezing and called out softly, her voice cracking, "I don't want anymore…" She was really done and didn't want to feel any more pain than that.

Auntie felt really bad for Tianshi but there was nothing else she could do. The wounds had to be cleared right away else there would be more complications later. She leaned over and rubbed her nose against Tianshi's cheek and tried to calm her down, "Shhh… It will be okay... Just one more and we are done. I will be gentle like always."

Seeing Tianshi calm down a bit and nod her head, she took a small cloth and placed it in front of her mouth and said, "The last one is the biggest one so please bite on this so that you won't hurt your throat anymore." She didn't want Tianshi to scream anymore and also hurt her teeth. Earlier there were just small parts so it was alright, but now she had to rip off a big part.

"Okay…" Tianshi was already quite absent-minded due to all the pain so she just followed Auntie orders, biting on the small cloth, feeling warm pats that only further relaxed her. After each pain, there was time for relief in the form of medical honey but they had to reach that goal.

Auntie finally went back to her place, sitting on top of Tianshi leg's and firmly grabbed the last piece of the dress left that was still connected to her body. Seeing that Tianshi was already tensed up, ready for the pain to come, Auntie began talking to her as a distraction, "Alright, just listen to my voice and everything will be alright. I know it will be har—"

Just as Auntie was in the middle of the sentence, she ripped off the last part, causing Tianshi to let out a silenced scream, "Mhmmmm!!!" Fortunately for her, Auntie was quick and applied the honey on the wound, relieving her from the burning pain once again.

With her whole dress gone, Tianshi's top was completely bare but that wasn't a problem as there was only Auntie and her in the room. The wounds on Tianshi's back were already healing and the only thing she needed was rest. She could see how tired Tianshi was and up till now, only pain was keeping her awake.

Placing a small pillow under Tianshi's head, Auntie called out to her in a soft voice, "Sleep, my dear. No one will disturb you here. Xuefeng will come soon and help you heal completely… Shhh…"

Hearing Xuefeng's name, Tianshi relaxed and her head leaned on the pillow thinking about her man who will come to save her, falling asleep right after.

Just then, Auntie heard a splash of water in the bathroom and she smiled, commenting under her breath, "Just in time."

Chapter 302 - I Will Stay With You

Just as Xuefeng broke the surface of the water with Xiao Wen in his arms, he released his Spirit Awareness, filling the whole bathroom before passing the walls and entering the throne room. He was ready to scan the whole palace in the hope to find her but to think he didn't have to, his search ending before it even started.

"I found her!" Xuefeng cried out right away the moment he found Tianshi's body laying on the sofa but then his happiness faltered when he realised she was laying without any movements. He could feel Auntie sitting next to her but that still didn't help him suppress his worries.

"Tianshi!" Xiao Wen shouted the moment her own Spirit Awareness spotted her dear sister and she didn't wait for a second, getting out of Xuefeng's embrace before climbing the well's edge. Even without drying themselves, both of them ran towards the doors, almost crashing on each other.

When they saw Tianshi laying on her back with the yellow substance on her back, they quickly understood what had happened. Tianshi seems to have gotten hurt in her pursuit and Auntie was the one who helped her.

Xuefeng called out from the distance as he quickly rushed to the sofa, looking at the damage done to Tianshi's back, "Auntie! How is she?!" Before he received her reply, Xuefeng already kneeled in front of her and grabbed her hand, Fate Qi being pumped into her body.

Xiao Wen stood next to him, looking worriedly at the horrible looking back, all covered in scars. Naturally, her body began filling with anger, one that even Xuefeng has never seen before. No one could hurt her little sister else they were done for. Tang Family was already on her death list and she couldn't help to kill them all.

Seeing the care in Xuefeng's eyes, Auntie explained her perspective, not hiding anything so Xuefeng could understand what pains did Tianshi go through, "When I came here, I found her lying in the middle of the floor, her back all charred. Despite all pains, she crawled from the bathroom to seek help. Her skin was also burned with her dress sticking to her body. I had to rip it away, one piece after another while she screamed despite the painkiller I gave her."

When Xuefeng heard what state Tianshi was in, his body shivered as his blood boiled inside of him. Anger tried to get the best of him but he suppressed it for the time being, focusing all of his Fate Qi into his healing powers. Normally it was Ling that was controlling the regeneration ability but now Xuefeng took the reigns, not sparing even a bit unused.

For a moment he regretted not coming right after they got a message from Xiao Feng, but then Auntie continued, "Don't blame yourself. Even if you came earlier, she would still have to go through a lot of pain. The only ones you should blame is the one who did it." With that said, she patted Xuefeng on the head with motherly care.

Unfortunately, even with that Xuefeng still felt mad at himself, as he should be. He knew he still wouldn't leave Wuying without giving her blood but at least he wouldn't talk so much, getting angry for nothing when Tianshi could be in danger.

As Tianshi's back began filling with Fate Qi, It quickly shone with golden light, the layer of honey illuminating it in the surroundings. One by one, the scars were being replaced by smooth and rosy skin.

The healing pills Tianshi did a good job but they couldn't clean the scars as Xuefeng's regeneration could. In just a few seconds, her whole back was already as even as ever and Xuefeng only had to peel off the layer of honey to reveal it.

Tianshi fell asleep, tired from all the pains but when a feeling of great relief came as Tianshi's skin could finally breathe the air, her eyelids shivered and her lips parted, letting out a soft moan as she spoke her lover's name, "Aah… Xue… Feng…"

Afraid she would wake up, Xuefeng hugged her and kissed her cheek, rubbing it with his nose as he whispered, "Shh… I'm here… You are all fine now… Just sleep and I will take care of everything…" As if she heard his soothing voice, Tianshi calmed down and her breathing returned to normal, focused on accepting his warmth.

"How is she?" Xiao Wen asked softly as she approached her sister and fixed the hair that was falling onto Tianshi's face. Xuefeng rubbed Tianshi's head and replied while squeezing Xiao Wen's hand, "She is alright… But the people who hurt her won't."

She naturally understood what Xuefeng was planning as she had the same thing in mind. They definitely would not let Tang family live past tomorrow.

Looking at Tianshi's sleeping face and naked back, Xuefeng thanked warmly, "Auntie, thank you for saving her. It really means a lot to me." He knew that if not for Auntie, Tianshi would have been in a much worse condition.

The Auntie only smiled, not accepting his thanks as she said with a soft shrug, "I only did what everyone would do. I couldn't just leave a poor girl like her alone." Xuefeng didn't want to push it too much but he already noted in his heart that he owes Auntie a favour for this.

Finding Tianshi's current position weird, Xuefeng decided to move her, asking for another help, "Auntie, can you aid me in picking Tianshi up? I don't want to wake her up. She needs to rest right now."

Naturally, Auntie didn't have problems with that and her eyes turned white, Tianshi suddenly raising upwards. Xuefeng gently took her into his arms and carried her towards the bedroom at the back where Nuwa sleeps. Xuefeng didn't want to wake her up but as he laid her down, still leaning forward, Tianshi woke up, blinking her eyes as she looked at him from a few centimetres away.

Xuefeng's regeneration already healed her body but also got rid of all her tiredness. She would wake up any time soon even without Xuefeng's interference.

Looking at him gently, Tianshi smiled and suddenly hugged him across the neck as she whispered, "I knew you would come…" Knowing she wouldn't sleep anymore, Xuefeng allowed himself to hug her tightly, pressing her breasts against his chest while running his hands on her smooth back.

Pulling away, Xuefeng rubbed her cheeks with both hands and promised her, "It's my fault you got hurt as I let you leave my side. I will not let you go anymore. Ever." For Tianshi, Xuefeng was the only person linking her with her old life and she didn't want to lose it.

Each day they were away from each other was like a month for her and she was especially glad to hear those words from him. If this much pain was needed to stay with him, Tianshi would gladly do it again and her smile this time wouldn't leave her face despite the pain.

"Mhmm… I will stay with you…" Tianshi naturally agreed to his plans without hesitation but still had some worries back from home, knowing how her parents will react, "But what about my father? He will definitely not agree..."