338 - 344

Chapter 338 - Biggest Achievement

Thank you Mitspier for two Ko-fi! <3 Also thank you to the second person who bought me a Ko-fi but didn't sign herself. I love you too <3 Enjoy the Chapter! It took a while as I was adjusting the future plot to give you all a really exciting ride. Hope you like it.


A parent-child conversation in one of the households in the Phoenix City the next morning looked somewhat rushed.

Knock, knock!

"Honey! Are you awake yet?! There is only one hour until the beginning of the selection! Don't let such an opportunity pass next to your nos—" A concerned mother banged against the doors of her daughter's room but before she finished talking, her daughter already opened the doors and showed herself wearing her best dress, fully prepared.

With a smile planted on her face, the teen ran past her mom and walked down the stairs while yelling some words behind, "Mom! I'm going out! Wish me luck!"

"Alright! Take care! Go kick their asses!" The Mom cheered but her kid was already outside the house, running towards the main plaza.

Inside another household, the scene looked very similar to the previous one. A young teenage female was running around the house to get ready.

"Mom! Did you take my earings? I think I lend them to you a few days ago. I can't find them now!" She called out panickily but her mom quickly came up to her and helped to search for them, calling out anxiously, "I already gave them back! Check the drawer next to the bed!"

The teen quickly found them before shouting excitedly as she ran out of the room, "Okay! I got it! I'm going out! If I don't come back its cause I was selected!"

"Don't worry, we will watch you!" The Mom called out as the girl was already out.

Everyone who wanted to take part in the selection jumped from excitement and happiness but there was one group of girls that didn't necessarily think too much of it and would rather sleep more, not going anywhere. This group of girls consisted of Nuwa, Yiren, Wuying and naturally Princess Shan who joined them in a sleepover.

Last night they all played around with each other inside the bed, tickling and talking with gossips about her favourite subject, Xuefeng. Unfortunately, that made them sleep very late. They thought it was because of playing but it turned out that none of them was comfortable to sleep without Xuefeng with them.

For some reason, they felt the bed was really empty. All they could do is hug into each other, mostly using their new human pillow in the shape of Princess Shan. She was forced to sleep in the middle of the bed, stripped of her clothes and put into a thin nightgown only to get hugged by both Wuying and Yiren from both sides.

It was also Princess Shan who woke up first due to her schedule that she got used over the few months but unfortunately, she was stuck in the middle and it didn't seem like she would be released any time soon. She could only pat their heads gently, trying to wake them up, "Everyone… It's already morning… We should slowly wake up…"

Yiren felt the pats on her head and opened her eyes even so slightly to see who it was but then closed them, realising it wasn't the person she has been waiting for before saying, "Mhmm… Mom… Five more minutes…" Wuying wasn't different and also hugged onto Princess Shan, trying to fill the emptiness that they felt without Xuefeng around them.

'Sigh… I guess we still have some time before the selection starts… Hopefully, Xuefeng will come back and join us…' Princess Shan sighed in her mind, knowing exactly how they were feeling and also closed her eyes, imagining how the scene would look like when Xuefeng returns, Should I hug him as well with everyone...? Is that too soon…?'


At the same time, Xuefeng that was so high in demand was currently holding two beauties, Xiao Wen and Tianshi inside of his arms. After the song Tianshi sang for him, Xuefeng couldn't help but give her all the love she was waiting for, entering and filling her with his passion. He was already after a long session with Xiao Wen but that didn't stop him from giving the same to Tianshi as well.

After one satisfying round under the shower, Xuefeng helped her wash before carrying her out towards the bedroom. Her body was pressed against his which covered her just in case but Xuefeng actually relaxed too much, forgetting about Yi that never saw him naked and created quite an interesting scene in between them.

She blushed immensely, staring at the raging fire that wasn't covered by him at all without break. He could only enter the bedroom where they would sleep tonight and leave Tianshi on the bed for a moment, planning to calm down Yi. She naturally wouldn't be sleeping with them as he didn't have any romantic feelings towards her.

As Yi already saw him naked, he didn't bother to cover himself. Such moments would happen a lot in the future if she were to travel with them so she needed to understand it. Unfortunately, just as he left the bathroom, another guest arrived in the throne room. It was the Auntie who came to Tianshi for a visit.

She couldn't help herself but look at his erection and comment with a smile, "Oh, I see that I interrupted something. You are so lively after just coming back, hehe."

All that Xuefeng could do was hugging Xiao Wen from behind and say while acting naturally as if he wasn't bothered by any of theirs glances, "Mhmm, we are just about to retire to sleep. Auntie, will you do me a favour and find a nice room for Yi? The blond beauty behind you is our friend."

"Oh, naturally." The Auntie nodded happily and looked at Yi, checking her out. It didn't take her long to like the shy girl and embrace her, caressing her golden hair.

"Another cute girl. You really have some hidden luck inside of you." Auntie said to Xuefeng before taking Yi away, "Come sweetie, I will show you the room that's the closest to this one." She understood that Yi was just a friend of his but seeing the way Yi looked at Xuefeng, it wasn't hard to understand her feelings.

With them gone, Xiao Wen leaned on his body and asked seductively, "Will you carry me too…?" She didn't need to ask twice for that as his arms were already picking her up and carrying back to the bedroom.

Too bad that their night fun got cut at that as Xuefeng hugged them both into his chest instead, saying sternly, "Sleep." With that one word, all of their imagination and planning got ruined but they took what they had, his warm and cosy embrace.

For that night, Xuefeng already had something planned, wanting to visit Little Ming and finally have a heart to heart talk with her, learning about everything, future and the past. He made sure that both Xiao Wen and Tianshi are soundly asleep before closing his eyes, wanting to move his consciousness into Ling's space but then he felt something soft on his lips which forced his eyes open.

What he saw or rather who he saw was surprisingly Little Ming, appearing in front of him with her physical form. She looked exactly like a human being aside from the golden glow on her skin. He wanted to say something but her lips covered his mouth and she explained herself in his mind, 'Don't say anything or you will wake the girls… I came out so I could see you… But also to tell you that I will be switching back with my sister for a day or two according to our earlier agreement. Don't listen to whatever she says… She is a pretty scheming lady... Hope we can meet again like this and talk… Or maybe do something else too…'

When she said that last sentence, her cheeks blushed and she suddenly vanished, no longer outside of his body. This was her demonstration that she already had a physical body on her own. Xuefeng only needed to call for her and she would appear for him.

Knowing Little Ming was gone, he didn't go back to bother Big Ming and instead hugged the two beauties in his arms, falling asleep. He didn't expect that the moment Big Ming would appear, she would immediately make moves, trying to improve her position in the group.

She smiled as she aimed her words at Xuefeng's bracelet and said, "Drakos from the Dragon Race. The Legendary Dragon, the Fate Nemesis, one of the strongest of his kind, the only one who happened to be successful in cultivating with Draconic Sculpture, getting the Sacred Cultivation Technique inside of it. Thanks to it, he reached the Legendary stage in just one hundred years old, becoming the youngest Dragon who reached such status, becoming the first Dragon who can also turn into a humanoid form."

She knew that Drakos will respond and she wasn't wrong as she heard his cold words coming from the bracelet, "You seem to know a lot about me, woman."

"I know a lot more. Seeing his success, His father, the Ruler of Dragons asked him to gift the Technique to the Race, planning on making their Dragon Race into the most powerful powerhouse in all Realms but for some reason, Drakos refused. His father naturally couldn't let go of such an opportunity due to his son stubbornness and attacked his son, wanting to forcefully take it away but he didn't expect that his son was already equal in strength to him.

He successfully defended himself and killed many of his brothers as he ran away from the Dragon Race Palace, taking the Sacred Technique with him. Since that time, he was expelled from the Dragon Race and determined by them as their mortal enemy. Because of that, many learnt about this technique and wanted it for themselves joining in the hunt after poor Drakos. At some point, he was caught and tortured for hundreds of years before being locked in the Prison after being unsuccessful in getting the Technique out of him."

Contrary to her expectations, Drakos didn't get mad at her, having his temper already sharpened for so many years and replied, "You act as if I didn't know my own life. What do you want?" There was no other reason for her to mention all of this if she didn't want anything from him.

Big Ming didn't reply to his question yet and continued with his story, "The kidnappers wanted to continue their torture until he gives up but one day, he vanished, escaping from the prison and no one saw him ever again since then. To think that he would actually destroy his physical body and escape with his Spirit into the Earth Realm, catching my little sister's attention."

"You know so much about me yet I know nothing about you. How about you introduce yourself?" Drakos asked as he finally dropped what he was doing, focusing on this scheming lady. He knew it was a completely different person than the one he knew, only sharing the same body.

Big Ming smiled to herself and introduced herself, having no need to hide anymore, "I'm the Mother of Fate, the First Queen of Fate Kingdom but my biggest achievement that I am the proudest of is being… Ling's Mother."

Chapter 339 - Ming's Problem

When Drakos heard such an introduction, he naturally got shocked, asking right away, "W-what? Don't tell me you are the same Queen of the Fate Kingdom that was the first to rule without her king?" He was not especially shocked by the last part of her being Ling's mother but actually the middle part. Now that he looked at her, she actually did look like the current Queen of the Fate Kingdom but it was closed for so long that he actually didn't pay attention to it.

Ming smiled and nodded, admitting, "That's me. Who needs a King when I can do everything myself. Also, if I wasn't, how would I know your real story? Only those who don't know Dragon Race would believe in such a story you previously made up."

"So you knew about me from the moment we met?" Drakos asked just to confirm, not denying that his previous story was fake but Ming didn't say any more, proposing instead, "How about you let me inside the bracelet so we can talk? I would like to work with you on something."

Drakos didn't have a reason to reject her, knowing her real identity so he agreed, "Sure. I was working on fusing that Draconic Lizard within the sword but I guess I will take a break."

It was naturally safer for them to talk inside the bracelet compared to a distance like that. If Ling wanted to overhear what they talked about, it wouldn't be hard for her to do but fortunately, she wasn't this nosy. She naturally understood that the only way to coexist with each other was through mutual respect.

Ming who was still inside of Ling's Realm at that moment opened her eyes and noticed that Ling was observing her defensively. Ling could naturally feel that she was sending some signals outside of her space but she didn't pry why and what she sent.

Ming smiled at her and explained without being asked, "I was contacted by Drakos. He wants me to help him to handle the Draconic Longsword we received. I will move to the space inside the bracelet for a moment."

Unfortunately, Ling didn't look like she was bothered by that as she replied coldly, not showing the same affection which she did for Little Ming, "I was only letting you stay cause of Little Ming. If you want to go, I obviously won't stop you."

"Sigh, I'm not your enemy. Didn't my little sister tell you already? Trust me, I would never hurt you." Ming let out a sigh and tried to explain but Ling didn't want any explanation.

Waving with her hand, she stopped Ming from talking any further and stated, "I wouldn't trust someone who tried to separate me from Xuefeng no matter what they say. You can leave."

Ming could do nothing but leave, knowing that she would get such a result from the very beginning and left the space. If she was on Ling's place, she would have done the same.

Being out, she tried entering the Bracelet's space and didn't find any obstructions. What she saw after entering was the usual plain ground, spreading around until the horizon. She already visited the space within the bracelet so this didn't surprise her.

"So what is it that you want to talk about?" Ming heard a voice behind her and she found a familiar-looking middle-aged man with Dragon scales mixed with skin on his body. His hair was like fire, brush upwards but instead of being red, it was dark as coal, looking fresh. Ming already saw this handsome man a few times so she didn't mind his strange appearance.

Ming stopped in front of Drakos who was leaning on the Draconic Longsword before asking with a casual smile, "You probably wonder why didn't I admit the truth to Ling already or why I'm hiding it from her?"

"Well, that too but I'm more interested in knowing why is the Queen of Fate Kingdom not in the Fate Kingdom? Was it not closed hundreds of years ago? Is no one ruling it right now?" Drakos questioned curiously, seeing some mysteries.

Ming only shrugged and replied, "I would tell you if I knew myself. I went out cause I wanted to find my daughter and bring her home but the moment I left, the Kingdom closed. I didn't think I would be outside the Fate Kingdom for so long so I had to find a place with Fate Qi else I would simply run out of juice pretty quickly. The rest you know."

Drakos wasn't that surprised as he had a feeling it was this simple and returned to the previous topic, "So that's what happened. What about your daughter? I guess your request is connected with her. You two finally reunited. It must have been tough letting go of your firstborn so she could become Fate Holder's Fate Spirit instead of ruling together with you."

Ming glared at him for putting it like that and explained the crux of the problem, "I was forced to offend my daughter when I tried to test Xuefeng's personality and feelings for her so both of them doesn't really like me that much anymore. If I were to introduce myself to any of them, they wouldn't believe me so I can only ask for your support. Now that I know he would be a great candidate to be Ling's husband, I only need to regain my good name."

"So what do you want me to do again?" Drakos asked after finally understanding what happened.

"All you need to do is arrange a meeting between my little sister and Xuefeng. I will handle the rest with her. If it's my sis, Xuefeng will be more willing to listen. I can only reach Ling by using Xuefeng's influence." Ming presented a simple plan before pointing at the sword and adding, "As a reward, I will handle that sword. You wanted to give it to Xuefeng, right? I can fuse that Spirit into the Sword itself right away."

Drakos thought for a second but didn't see any hidden catches and agreed, throwing the sword towards Ming, "Alright, Deal." He already saw that one of the Xuefeng's women used Blood Element so this sword would work perfectly for her.

If they left the Spirit inside the sword, the situation would repeat itself and she would most likely also got schemed by it. Only by destroying the evil Spirit and fusing it into the sword would they improve its strength while keeping its abilities intact.

Ming caught the sword and smiled while saying, "Let's see what you are made off." She didn't wait for any second and immediately released her Fate Qi, launching an attack at the Spirit inside of it which caused it to scream in pain, "Aaagh!"


"Good Morning… It's time to wake up." Upon waking up, Xuefeng gave each of the girls a morning kiss, greeting them both but it seemed like they didn't wish to stop sleeping, only purring as if they were a pair of cats.

Xuefeng knew their schedule was quite packed today so they couldn't laze around in bed. Fortunately, Xuefeng was prepared for such event and called out, "It seems like there will be two girls who won't get any cuddles or kisses in the next week as they don't seem to listen to their husband."

Both Tianshi and Xiao Wen opened their eyes pulling themselves up, fully awake as if they were not sleepy at all, making Xuefeng giggle, "Haha, so you are not sleeping?"

Both girls hit him on the chest in sync and scolded him, "Ah, don't joke like this…" Luckily he only needed to give them another kiss and he was easily forgiven. As the selection was about to start and he was still yet to give Tangwei some good for sell, Xuefeng pulled both of them up, giving them no chance to snuggling into his arms anymore.

Xuefeng quickly put on his clothes and left the room as he ordered, "Go prepare yourselves and find Yi. I will be back in a second and we will leave."

Chapter 340 - Selection Starts

The moment Xuefeng left the room to find Tangwei, the sisters turned towards each other and suddenly Tianshi jumped on Xiao Wen, pinning her to the bed and questioned, "Sister, can you explain to me how are you Xuefeng's woman now? Didn't you hate him before? Hmmm? What is your explanation?"

Xiao Wen couldn't help but chuckle at her and asked, "Hah, can't I be one? To think that you were hiding such a nice guy. Didn't you think of introducing him to your older sister?"

She didn't wait for Tianshi's reply and rolled on the bed with her, naturally being stronger than her sister. Their roles changed and now Tianshi was the one being at the bottom.

Xiao Wen felt like it was a really long time since the two played together and decided to tease Tianshi, declaring playfully as her hands quickly landed on two peaks under in front of her, "Let this older sister punish you for hiding hubby from me!"

"Ah! Wen!" Tianshi immediately exclaimed, scolding her sister and seeing her sister was just playing around, she counterattacked, reaching towards Xiao Wen's chest as well while teasing her, "Sister, you seem to have gotten much bigger than before."

Too bad that Xiao Wen was already an experienced master in the art of teasing and quickly replied, tightening her grip on Tianshi's breasts while giving them a massage, "Of course! I let Xuefeng massage them plenty which made them so big and firm. How about I let you experience the same?"

Tianshi shut her mouth by pressing her lips together to avoid letting out any unwanted sounds but just as she was about to prepare a comeback, the doors to the bedroom opened and they both heard Xuefeng voice coming from behind, "Hey, I forgot to tell—"

"Xuefeng!" The moment the two of them turned around and saw him watching with a smile, they quickly called out to him so he wouldn't misunderstand but unfortunately, it was too late. He gave them an approving nod before saying, "Sorry for interrupting you girls. I will leave you two alone. You can have fun until I come back."


The doors closed after him and Tianshi couldn't help but scold while pushing her to the side, "Ahh! See what you did here! Xuefeng will think that we are perverts now…" She pouted and ran after Xuefeng but he was already gone from the throne room.

"Hah..." Xiao Wen chuckled and also went out, following Tianshi into the bathroom. Now that Tianshi would be together with them, the power struggle would be shifted which quite intrigued Xiao Wen. Tianshi was after all Xuefeng's first woman and even if he wanted to treat them all equal, it was bound to be impossible.


The moment Xuefeng came back from meeting Tangwei, he saw the girls already patiently sitting on the sofa while chatting and Xuefeng couldn't help but tease them, "I'm back! Did you enjoy plenty?"

He visited Tangwei inside the auction house as she moved in there after being assigned to taking care of it and praised her for the good work. As he gave her the goods with the explanation crafted by Ling that was included inside of it, he noticed her gaze at him that was filled with desire and he had to ask her about it.

Naturally, he received an answer that he was expecting as she said, "Can't I look at our handsome Young Master like that? You are like a dream man for us. It's only natural." Xuefeng didn't have a response to that and quickly evacuated in case anything escalated forward.

Hearing Xuefeng question, Xiao Wen hugged Tianshi's arm and called out playfully, "Yes, we did. If you don't take special care of us, I will steal her from you."

Xuefeng found that funny and reached out to Tianshi, offering her a hug, "Oh, really? Tianshi, how about a hug?" He didn't need to wait for her to shrug Xiao Wen from her arm and ran into his own, squeezing his chest tightly.

Looking up at him, Tianshi asked softly, trying not to act jealous, "Since when you two are together...?" She didn't mind that but she at least wanted some reason to understand the situation.

Xuefeng actually recalled not too long ago about this and knew she would ask so he explained prepared, "Hmm, for some time already... I was too natural with the three of us and forgot to tell you... We just happened to get along and after she confessed to me, some feelings started to be born between us... I love all of you, will you forgive me?"

Tianshi looked at his eyes and knew he wasn't lying, making her want to squeeze him tighter which she did while saying lovingly, "I love you too dummy... Just don't leave me again like that..."

"I told you I won't. We will be all together now." Xuefeng promised.

"Mhmm..." Tianshi nodded and as revenge for teasing her earlier, she glanced at Xiao Wen and said with a smile, "Xiao Wen was naughty earlier. You need to punish her."

"Tsk, betrayed by my own sister." Xiao Wen only snickered and also followed her sister's footsteps, diving into Xuefeng's arms as well before fighting back, "Don't believe her. She was the one who started talking about breast enlarging massages."

"Huh?! It was—" Tianshi's eyes widened when she heard that and she immediately tried to deny but Xuefeng stopped their banter by smacking their butts before rotating them, making them both lean on his chest with their backs.

He pulled out two packages and gave one each for them as he said, "Alright you two. You seem hungry. Eat those snacks. I passed by the kitchen and saw Auntie doing breakfast so she gave me some for you two."

They quickly sensed the great smell of the rice rolls in front of them and didn't hesitate to grab them, saying warmly, "Oh! So nice of her. She is such a kind woman." Taking a bite, they both said at the same time as they presented the roll for him, "Have a bite too."

"Don't worry, I already had some." Xuefeng shook his head as he sat down with the both of them, placing them both on his lap, he embraced their breasts as if it was natural and said, "You should eat and meanwhile, I will help you with that massage you wanted."

Seeing how Xiao Wen didn't mind it at all, enjoying Xuefeng's touch, Tianshi also kept quiet, knowing she will have to get used to such situations from now on if she wanted to be with him. For her, there was no life without Xuefeng in this world so she could adapt to such life. As long as Xuefeng wouldn't leave her, she didn't think it would be hard.

Just then, when Xiao Wen already ate half of her breakfast, she asked curiously, "We are not going to the White Lotus Sect in the Easter Region, right?"

Xuefeng wasn't actually surprised that she figured his plan already and nodded, "Yes, we will attend the main sect in the Central Region instead. As I plan to move my whole clan to the Capital anyway, it will be quite pointless to still attend the Sect there. We are not afraid of the Fate Organization anymore. They need us but we don't."

"So we will be able to live all together in the capital without moving anywhere?" Tianshi asked after hearing his explanation and Xuefeng asked back, confirming at the same time, "Are you happy? I told you I won't leave you anymore. We will stay with each other forever now."

"Yes! I'm happy and I'm really fortunate I decided to jump after you…" Tianshi admitted as she leaned over and kissed him deeply, not even willing to imagine what would her life look like without Xuefeng on Earth. Jumping after him was the best decision she has taken. Pulling away, she said with a gentle smile, "At last, we are together. This is all that matters."

Hearing them talking about an unfamiliar topic, Xiao Wen joined and asked confused, "What jump? Am I not aware of something?"

Unfortunately, Tianshi only booped her nose while saying happily, "Hehe, this is mine and Xuefeng's secret. We will tell you in the future if you stop being naughty."

Xuefeng smiled, seeing the two bickering again and kissed both of their heads as he said, "It's okay. I like the naughty Wen and gentle Tianshi. You can stay like that," before finally standing up with them, seeing they almost finished eating and said, "We should be going. With the girls taking part in the selection, they are bound to win but that will ruin the chances of others to joining the Sect."

"Alright!" They both nodded, Xiao Wen still curious about the secret but didn't pursue the subject, knowing she will learn one day or another.


At the same time back in the Phoenix City, the selection was already delayed for some reason and all the girls on the plaza were still waiting. It was already noon when the selection was supposed to start at nine but naturally, no one complained, knowing the reason had to be serious.

They would be mad if they learnt that they were actually just waiting for the girls who were sleeping and didn't want to wake up without Xuefeng being the one to do it.

"Damn Xuefeng. Where is he? Where is Shan and the girls too? They are all three hours late. How are we going to start a selection made for them without them in the first place." Jiao muttered to herself, waiting for them for so long, already losing temper.

Fortunately, just as she thought about it, she heard a familiar voice coming from the sky, "Sect Master! We are here. Sorry for being late." It was Princess Shan with the other three girls, landing on the centre of the plaza where the initial test would be taken place.

Princess Shan gave her master an apologetic smile but didn't explain, knowing that there was nothing to say. Not only they held her hostage in bed, Nuwa wanted to have her revenge on Jiao and stalled even more which resulted in this situation.

"It doesn't matter." Jiao waved her hand, showing she doesn't want to hear any excuses and didn't extend it any longer, crying out to the crown, "Let the selection for joining White Lotus Sect start!"

Chapter 341 - What?!

Right after the selection started, on the other side of the city, one guy in a hood came out of the forest and walked through the gates of the city with amazement in his eyes. For some reason, he raised his hand upward and called out proudly, "After so much time, I am finally came back! This time nothing will stop m—"

Unfortunately, he couldn't end his heroic comeback words as just as he was at the end of his speech, he was pushed to the side after being cursed at, "Get lost! Stop blocking the road!" He fell on the ground and looked at the culprits, wanting to scold them only to see the backs of two petite girls who were hurriedly running towards the Central Plaza.

His anger quickly disappeared, knowing the offenders were both female and he couldn't help but take a second look at them while signing from happiness, "Gosh… I met two beauties right off the bat! I knew this was my paradise—"


Who would have thought that just as he was admiring the scenery, someone else would suddenly step on him from behind causing a golden armour to appear on his chest underneath his clothes?

"Idiot! Stop laying on the road!" He was cursed for the second time by a cute and feminine voice. This time the lady was in her teens but he couldn't look at her for too long as she also disappeared in the crowd, running towards the Central Plaza.

The man finally stood up but he wasn't mad, instead of laughing to himself, "Haha! I hit a jackpot today! I met three beauties! Today is my lucky day!" The man also took off his hood to show off his handsome face and his eyes quickly started looking for new beauties around him. If Xuefeng was there, he would recognize the man as the one he spared earlier, Murong!

Seeing that everyone was running towards the Central Plaza, he also went there and what he saw almost froze his blood. There were thousands of beauties all across the plaza, taking part in some kind of event.

Murong couldn't help but laugh while calling out in his mind, 'Ahaha! This is the best day of my life!'

Murong went on the roof to watch the beauties from the higher place and seeing the sheer amount of them, he couldn't help but mutter under his nose, "I think I'm dreaming… Heavens finally have mercy on me and gave me so many beauties… I think I will cry…"

He saw a few great beauties in the middle with quite a powerful cultivation who were interviewing the group of ladies on the plaza, moving a few to stand to the side while the rest was sent off to the crowd. They didn't seem happy with the result so he guessed they got rejected.

This couldn't be more perfect for Murong as sad girls were the easiest targets for him. A scene immediately appeared in his mind where the sad beauties dive into his embrace and he cheers them up while providing warm comfort.

"Stop blocking the view!" Unfortunately, his dreams got quickly destroyed as he was again cursed at and suddenly blasted away from the roof with a powerful kick. Even if it was meant to be just a normal kick to push him off the roof, because of Murongs ability, the power behind the kick was blocked and all the energy was focused on sending him flying.


He landed right in the middle of the plaza where the qualified participants were standing. He shook his head to clear his mind and looked forward. What he saw were two perfect feet that immediately shook his core. He didn't want to lift his gaze up but noticing that everyone quietened down, he suddenly had a bad feeling about it.

The moment he looked up and saw the beautiful face of Jiao sitting on a fancy chair, he couldn't help but tear up and mutter to himself with a blissful smile on his face, "I finally found my Goddess… Is this a dream…?"

Jiao only glanced at him and cursed as she looked in the direction from where Murong flew, "Who threw him beneath my feet? Do you want to die?" Naturally, the guy who kicked him paled and looked down, not admitting it was him.

Murong smiled happily, hearing a heavenly voice mentioning him and said as he kneeled in front of her, "Goddess, your beauty is unmatched! This lowly one is lucky to be so close to the Goddess herself. Allow me to kiss your feet as a sign of my admiration."

Jiao saw him nearing to her feet and her face got filled with disgust. She immediately stood up, knocking the chair behind her as she cried out confused, "What the heck?! Get lost pervert!" Her legs charged at him without hesitation, carrying a devastating power behind it and struck him on the side of the belly.


Murong turned golden right when her foot was about to land on his body and the outcome was pretty similar to the last time. Unfortunately for him, Jiao did not reduce the power behind her strike, attacking with the intention to give him a good lesson and sent him into the sky like a rocket.

All they heard was Murong's cry as he flew into the sky like a golden star, "Nooooooo! My Goddess!!!"

"Sect Master, are you okay?" One of Jiao disciples asked worriedly as she pulled the chair back on its place, not expecting her Sect Master would be assaulted like that.

Jiao had a frown on her face, seeing how Murong didn't even get hurt from her attack but he was already too far from them for her to investigate. Knowing that she couldn't leave as Xuefeng and the girls were much more important for the Sect, she replied as she sat back down, "Yes, continue with the selection!"


"I will be baaaaaaaaaaaack! Wait for me, Goddess!!" Murong cry not only resounded in the city but also outside of it, right above the Moon Lake as well just when Xuefeng and the girls finished drying their clothes.

"Huh? I somehow recognise this voice but I can't seem to remember from where…" Xuefeng thought out loud as he looked in the sky but quickly put that behind him, knowing they were already super late.

He pulled Tianshi into his arms as it would be faster if she flew together with him and launched into the sky. Naturally, Tianshi didn't mind that, wrapping her arms around his neck with a smile.

It didn't take them long to arrive in the city, appearing above the plaza with hundreds of ladies taking part in the selection. Xuefeng was surprised at first, not knowing there were so many teens in the Phoenix City but he understood right after that many came from surrounding cities after learning the news about the selection.

"Won't the Sect Master you talked about earlier stop the selection the moment she learns that we are not joining her sect?" Tianshi asked as she looked down at the many excited ladies that hoped to get the chance to change their future.

"I don't think she will do so. It would ruin the White Lotus Sect reputation. If she does, I will ask her to continue. It would be unfair to all the ladies gathered. Let's go down." Xuefeng replied, already having a plan of what to say to decrease backlash and flew down towards the platform on the plaza.

There were little people who would not recognize Xuefeng even from far away so the moment he showed up, he immediately heard cries from the many ladies, announcing his arrival, "It's Young Master Xuefeng! He came to watch the selection!"

Some were even more excited, jumping up while waving their hands to gather his attention, "Ahhhh! Young Master, look here!"

"Hah, it seems you got quite the following since the last time I was here…" Tianshi teased as they landed on the main platform where Jiao was sitting but Xuefeng was currently out of focus as he glared at all the men gathered around the plaza who watched the newly arrived beauties. They quickly turned their gazes away under his glare, stopping ogling them.

Jiao smiled the moment she saw him and stood up to greet him, no longer mad that he wasn't here, "Xuefeng, you came at last. I was asking where did you go but your women didn't want to tell me anything."

Unfortunately, she didn't receive an answer as Xuefeng was quickly swarmed by the other four ladies that have been waiting for him. Yiren was the first to jump onto the platform without hesitation and hug into his chest as she called out happily, "Welcome back Xuefeng! We all missed you."

Xuefeng smiled, hugging her tightly as he asked, "Wasn't I gone for only one night?"

Yiren only buried her head in his chest as she lamented, "Ahh, one night is like an eternity."

When Yiren finally let go of him, his body was suddenly pulled by his shirt as Nuwa gave him a forceful kiss, locking his lips, "Mhmm…" Drawing away, she looked into his eyes and declared, "Next time we will all go with you. We won't care what you say."

Seeing the stubbornness in her eyes and hearing everyone signing under that petition, he could only give in, agreeing. Wuying also got her kiss afterwards and Princess Shan who was the only one left who didn't receive a hug yet. She took the first opportunity when she saw Xuefeng's arms were free and embraced him for a moment, saying sweetly, "Welcome back."

Xuefeng didn't mind that and patted her head in return, not saying anything. For Princess Shan that was enough for now as she at least showed that she wouldn't back down from fighting for him. She wasn't resigned to only being his friend so she could only act.

Tianshi and Yi were a pair of new faces to Princess Shan as they never saw each other but none said anything yet, knowing Xuefeng will introduce them to each other when it's time.

With all of them having such mini-reunion right in the middle of the platform, it naturally gathered the attention of everyone and the selection basically halted with everyone watching the show.

Jiao was already annoyed for being ignored but what inflamed her, even more, was Xuefeng's next question, "What's the status of the selection? It seems like it's still in its early stages."

She couldn't help but comment, "Well, if you didn't create such a scene, everything would end already…"

"Hah, my bad. We won't disturb you guys anymore." Xuefeng laughed wryly, not giving any excuses and said to his wives, "Let's return to the clan then."

Just as he expected, he heard Jiao's shout right after, "What?!"

Chapter 342 - Xuefeng's Decision

Thank you iidako for three coffees! Thank you Mitspier for another coffee on top of the others. That really made me more energetic! Finished this one chapter real quick today. I will try to write one for Chameleon and hopefully have time for another SC! Enjoy the chapter <3


"Tell me that you are joking…" Jiao approached Xuefeng and grabbed him on the sleeve, afraid that he will once again disappear. Didn't she come to this city especially for him? If he wanted to leave right after coming back, it could only mean that he decided not to enter their Sect which would be a tragedy for her.

Xuefeng only smiled gently as he took Jiao's hand off his arm and explained, "I never joke around. I received an offer to move to the Central Region. I would naturally prefer to stay there where the Spirit Essence concentration is so much stronger. A small valley can't handle this Dragon."

The moment his words sunk into everyone's brains, they quickly erupted with euphoria, shock and disbelief, "What?! Did Young Master just say Central Region?!" At first, everyone thought that Xuefeng was joking but seeing him so calm and collected, they understood that with Young Master status, joking like that was impossible.

Many people still remembered the giant Warship that visited the Liu Clan a while ago and everyone knew that Liu Clan has a connection with Xiao Family from the Central Region.

It didn't long for someone from the Liu Clan to suddenly cry out with bliss on his face, "Oh. My. God! Heavens didn't leave us! With Young Master becoming a member of one of the forces in the Central Region, our Liu Clan will flourish! Love live Young Master Xuefeng!"

When one person chanted his name, many followed and cheered after him, "Long Live Young Master Xuefeng!" This change would bring enormous benefits to everyone in Phoenix City so naturally, they would be happy for him.

The only ones not smiling right then were White Lotus Sect members as well as their Sect Master Jiao who asked confused, trying to understand, "When did that happen?? You were only away for one night… You couldn't arrive in the Central Region and returned in just one day." Her face didn't have any traces of joy but only annoyance and coldness.

Xuefeng did not want to hurt her but he already planned earlier to announce everything to the public so he explained further out loud, "Of course not. I naturally left the city to receive the messenger in secret. I received an invitation from the Xiao Family, the strongest family in the whole Central Region to take over the Palace and territories of Tang Family which they defeated just today."

Looking at the crowd gathered, he raised his fist to the sky and called out, "I and part of our Clan will move to the Central Region to become one of the two strongest families in the whole world!"

The crowd didn't exactly know about the Tang Family but the moment they heard that Liu Clan will also be moving with their Young Master Xuefeng, everyone erupted with shock, talks and cheers filling the whole plaza with their voices. On the other hand, Jiao didn't care about that but rather focused on the crazy news which was the eradication of the Tang Family. Such news was enough to shake the whole world, making the power struggle totally one-sided.

For some reason, Jiao turned completely pale, white as a sheet of paper and called out to Xuefeng with deep worry on her face while holding onto his arm, "Xuefeng, please, tell me what exactly happened! Did you kill the alchemists as well?! Are they safe?!"

Xuefeng got surprised by Jiao panic behaviour and tried to get to her, "Calm down... Why would we kill the alchemists? They are under Xiao Family control now. They will just work for someone else now. Only those who lived in the Tang Family Palace were killed."

Jiao glared sharply at him, trying to make sure that her little sister was alright and asked unhappily, "Are you sure?! My little sister worked as an alchemist for the Tang Family! If she got hurt, White Lotus Sect will never forgive you." The threat she uttered was much softer as she knew that Xiao Family was a hard nut to crack.

"I'm sure. If she wasn't in the Palace at the time of the attack, she should be alright." Xuefeng nodded firmly before pointing at Xiao Wen and Xiao Tianshi who stood next to him, admitting, "You already know Xiao Wen. This is Xiao Tianshi, her sister. Both of them are Princesses of the Xiao Family. Tianshi was the one who acted as a messenger this time, using a special teleportation array to transport herself to the Aurora Country. I left with Xiao Wen to receive her and she was the one who passed us the news."

"I'm Xiao Tianshi, the youngest daughter of Xiao Feng, the leader of Xiao Family. I can confirm that everything Xuefeng says is the truth. It's not in Xiao Family's interest to kill any Alchemists." Tianshi quickly nodded and introduced herself, confirming what Xuefeng was saying. As Xiao Wen knew more about politics, she added, "Of course, this applies to those that don't revolt. If your little sister willingly joined the Xiao Family, she should be safe."

Xiao Wen didn't want to promise anything like Xuefeng did, knowing that everything could happen. Fortunately, that was enough to calm Jiao down as she muttered, "My little sister is an alchemy freak… She doesn't leave her workshop so she should be alright…"

Seeing her so worried, Xuefeng suddenly thought of an idea, combining her current worry with his previous plan and proposed, "How about you follow us to the Central Region after the selection so you can meet with your sister? We will be setting off tomorrow at the latest."

Instead of replying to his question, he asked a new one, questioning him for more info, "How are you going to transport your whole Clan to the capital? Won't that take months?"

Xuefeng only chuckled and assured her, "Haha, you don't need to worry about that. With Xiao Family's Warship, we can arrive there in a week."

Jiao was quick to decide after seeing his confident smile, knowing that it was extremely hard to enter the Central Region even for her and called out, "Fine! We will move together with you. As for the selection, we will limit it to three places. The first seven were reserved by you anyway."

"Alright. No problem." Xuefeng didn't mind that, knowing his girls would definitely take all six spots available. Turning to the crowd, Xuefeng spotted a lot of Liu Clan members within both girls on the plaza and the men gathered around them. He didn't hesitate to call out as his golden wings spread widely from his back, "Liu Clan members! If you wish to become the first members of the Central Region Liu Clan, I welcome you to return back to the clan and gather everyone on the Training Grounds!"

He didn't wait to see everyone's reaction, grabbing both Tianshi and Wuying into his arms before telling the rest, "Follow me. Wen, take Shan with you." Nuwa, Yiren and Yi didn't hesitate to follow after him but when Princess Shan was about to set off with Xiao Wen, Jiao asked her, "Shan, where are you going? You won't help us with the selection?"

Princess Shan stopped for a moment, giving Xiao Wen a look that told her to wait for a moment and bowed to Jiao while clasping her fists, saying softly, "Master, I can't thank you enough for taking care of me this whole time, but I wish to be selfish this time and follow after Young master Xuefeng. My place is by his side. Please accept this bow as my apology."

Seeing her actions, Jiao knew that love won this time and agreed hesitantly, "... Fine, you can go."

"Thank you, Master." Princess Shan thanked happily and they finally followed after Xuefeng who was waiting in the sky for them.

Jiao was silent for a moment but then looked at the silent crowd and cried out, venting her anger on the crowd, "Where are you all staring at? Those who don't take part in the selection, get out! Those who want to join the White Lotus Sect, stay!"

Seeing the angry Sect Master, the Liu Clan members paled, but the happiness in their hearts couldn't be suppressed. For them, having an opportunity to relocate to the Central Region which they only heard from the stories was like a God's gift.

Both females, their parents and the males of the Liu Clan suddenly began running towards the Liu Clan territory. Of course, there were also some smart girls without any relation to the Liu Clan who quickly acted, rushing towards the many males that Liu Clan had to offer.

Blocking their path, the most beautiful and confident girls would wrap their arms around their necks before asking, "Handsome… Are you maybe looking for a girlfriend?"

Naturally, the boys were not that dumb and it was easy to figure out their motive. One even laughed and called the girl out, "Haha, so you only look at me when you have something to gain? What an opportunist!"

Unfortunately, he underestimated the motivation of a woman that was hungry for success. The girl pulled his head towards her own and kissed the boy deeply, catching him off guard. For a young man like him who never held the girl's hand, this was quite the experience. What's more, she led his arm with her free hand, placing it on her firm and juicy butt before covering it so he would let go.

Having such a new and great feeling in his palm, the youth couldn't just let go of it and let her lead him unconsciously. Too bad that the girl suddenly pulled his hand away before he could get satisfied and placed it on her back instead. Their lips also separated and the girl struck while the iron was hot, whispering seductively into his ear, "If you take me with you, I will let you do such stuff whenever you want… We can also 'do it' every day after your training… Don't you want a beauty you can mess around with whenever you want…?"


The youth swallowed his saliva and feeling the soft breasts that kept rubbing him on the chest, his initial 'No' was quickly turned into maybe. At that moment, he suddenly remembered Xuefeng's words from before, saying that they would be leaving tomorrow as well as being the first batch of people who would leave for the Central Region.

There was a chance that he wouldn't be chosen but at least he could have a nice fun today with the lady in his arms if he played that right. Looking at the beauty, the youth smiled and thought, 'You want to use me then let's see who will use who, hehe.'

He didn't hesitate any more and said while taking the girl's hand, "Alright, I will go for the Clan meeting now and visit you tonight to tell you the news."

"Alright! Let me tell you my address…" The girl naturally accepted it, knowing she couldn't enter the Liu Clan Territory without a registering as husband and wife within the clan.

Of course, there were not that many brave girls who would throw themselves at all the boys. The Liu Clan youths that were unlucky to not be selected by the beauties quickly felt jealous and rushed towards their crushes, confessing their love instead. It would be strange if the girls rejected them with such circumstances. They only lacked the courage to approach them but when a juicy apple was presented to them, it would be a shame to not take a bite.

Seeing almost half of the ladies disappear from the plaza, Jiao only snickered before calling out, "Tsk… Let's continue!"

Chapter 343 - Regained Fire

As they flew back towards the Clan, Tianshi reached out behind Xuefeng, feeling the wings on his back and whispered into his ear, "Xuefeng, I want to learn how to make such wings… I have Air Qi too. Can you teach me later?"

Xuefeng gave her a peck kiss and assured her, "Don't worry, we will have a lot of time on the Warship. I already had plans to train with all of you."

Tianshi smiled brightly and whispered again, her voice having a double meaning that he quickly detected, "Alright then, I will wait for some private training sessions…"

As Wuying was so close to them, she naturally heard everything, the wind not disturbing her hearing and she also whispered to Xuefeng, "Is there a way for me to get such wings too…?" As Xuefeng carried the two of them, they were not travelling at a fast speed, allowing them to have such a conversation while flying.

"Uhmm…" Unfortunately, in Wuying's case, she didn't have Air Qi like Tianshi so Xuefeng had no idea if the same method would work, making him hesitate. He was just about to contact Ling about it when Dragos suddenly said without being called, 'Tell her it's possible and that you have a special surprise for her which you will give tomorrow after you all depart.'

'Huh? What a special surprise?' Xuefeng asked confused, but Drakos didn't say anything else and replied, 'Just tell her. She won't be disappointed.'

Seeing that Wuying was waiting for his reply, Xuefeng relayed Drakos' message, "Yes, it's possible. I already prepared a special for you and you won't be disappointed. After we leave on the warship tomorrow, I will give it to you."

"You really got me something…?" Wuying was a bit surprised but seeing Xuefeng nod, she burst with happiness and hugged him, not even thinking about the sweet blood flowing through his neck as she placed her head on his shoulder, saying, "Thank you."

It would suck if he promised something but didn't deliver so Xuefeng pried for more info, suddenly recalling the Draconic Longsword that Drakos took earlier and asked, 'Is that about the sword? It was sucking the blood of those Tang Family's members. I can't think of anything else.'

Drakos this time confirmed before explaining, 'Yes. We are working on fusing the Spirit inside of it into the sword. It will take a while as he is resisting but we should be done by tomorrow. We also discovered that some techniques were hidden within the sword and one of them being Blood Wings. Wuying will be able to learn those. They work in a similar way to her existing ones so they should match with each other.'

Xuefeng nodded, not having problem with anything Drakos said but he noticed one detail that he had to ask about, 'We? Someone is helping you? Is it Ling?'

Just as her name was called out, she admitted herself, 'I'm not strong enough for that. It's Ming.'

When Ming was mentioned, Xuefeng felt complicated emotions but seeing that she was trying to help them, he didn't comment on that, simply saying, 'Alright, I won't disturb you guys anymore.' They finally reached Liu Clan so he didn't speak anymore, prepared to land safely.

Ming who was working with her powers on the sword in front of her only smiled to herself but also kept quiet, knowing it was her fault from the very beginning. Things were much more complicated than what Xuefeng imagined. She had no other choice but to make sure that Xuefeng was the right person as Ling wasn't just a normal Fate Spirit. Even Ling didn't know that secret which is why she reacted this drastically the moment she realised the two have feelings for each other.

Just as they gently landed in front of the Clan Leader's mansion, Xuefeng was surrounded by the ladies and Nuwa asked, trying to figure out where they will be going now, "Will you tell us what are your plans?" It was an unusual feeling for her when everything was decided before she could even say anything. Xuefeng made the decision by himself and as he already announced it to the public, they could only listen to him.

"We will be leaving Eastern Region and travelling to the Capital of the Central Region. We destroyed one of the Families that was against us and now I want Liu Clan to move in there." Xuefeng gave her a vague idea before taking her by the waist and saying, "Let's go to my father office. I will explain everything there, okay?"

"Alright… but I want to know… everything." Nuwa agreed, but as she said so, her thumb caressed his cheek, stopping on his lips which together with her intonation made her words feel like a sweet warning.

Xuefeng wasn't worried too much, knowing she wouldn't hurt him and instead pulled her closed to himself, taking control of her by the waist before replying with a smile, "Naturally…"

They stared at each other's eyes but their moment didn't last long as Xuefeng suddenly felt another weight hanging on his second arm and heard a sweet voice calling out to Nuwa, "Mom… Don't take Xuefeng only to yourself…"

She wrapped her hand around his and it didn't seem like she planned on letting go so Xuefeng could only comply with her. Nuwa also shamelessly hugged onto his first arm which made the mother-daughter duo rule in this exchange. They didn't know it was only because Tianshi and Xiao Wen already received their fill last night so they let them win this time.

As they finally arrived in front of his father's office, it seemed like he already knew everything as Liu Xiaobei was already waiting for them in front of their office. He looked confused but at the same time excited for the change.

Xuefeng came up to him and gave him a bear hug while saying, "Father, I guess I owe you some explanation."

Xiaobei nodded, trusting his son that he wouldn't joke like that in public and invited everyone inside, "You all, come to the office." The girls also wanted to hear the whole story so they didn't dilly dally and followed after them.

As they all sat down, Xuefeng started explaining with what happened with Tang Family and how he convinced Xiao Feng to gift him the Palace, trying to not skip any details. He stayed humble, not speaking of his battle abilities but then Xiao Wen exposed him by adding some fire to his story. In the end, Xuefeng presented his father with a Storage Ring that had the Warship and Xiao Feng's list inside of it.

"So you want to make Liu Clan the second-best Family in the World, huh?" Xiaobei asked his son after he finished reading the letter and heard Xuefeng's claim. It was naturally really easy to say but hard to accomplish. With Xiao Family support, it wouldn't be hard to establish themselves in the capital but if they didn't do anything special, they would always live behind the Xiao Family's shadow.

Xuefeng smiled and nodded, putting the responsibility on his father's back, "Yes and I want you to continue leading our Clan."

"If you are doing such a good job, why don't you become the Clan Leader instead and I will retire?" Xiaobei asked with a teasing smile but Xuefeng naturally couldn't accept it and coughed, replying, "Cough, I still have a lot of training to do… Father has naturally more experience—"

Unfortunately, before he finished his excuses, Wu Lan who was sitting next to his father suddenly exposed his plans, "Big brother wants to spend more time with big sisters and focus on 'training' with them. He also wants to join the White Lotus Sect for more 'training'." As she said the word training, she put more emphasis on them which gave it a double meaning that Xiaobei quickly caught up and looked at Xuefeng with a knowing smile.

Xuefeng opened his mouth wide and glared at Wu Lan as he exclaimed, "Ah! Traitor!"

Wu Lan only shrugged to that and said with an innocent smile, "Big brother left me here to work for uncle Xiaobei. I can only do my work properly…" This was her revenge for leaving her like that. It wasn't like she didn't like to be here as both Mu Lan and Xiaobei treated her like a real daughter but she still preferred to stay around big brother.

Xuefeng really didn't have time to act like a leader, listing all the things he wanted to do in just a year, "Well, I plan to learn how to control Ice from Shan in the White Lotus Main Sect, how to create Artefacts from Xiao Feng and Alchemy as well but I still didn't mind someone who can teach me. I also need to increase everyone's cultivation as well. On top of that, there are some dangerous adventures that are only waiting for me and I can't give up on them. All that in less than one year. Where do I find time to lead the Clan?"

Hearing Xuefeng list out all the things that alone could take tens of years to master and claiming he wants to do it in one year, Xiaobei couldn't help but laugh, and praised his son, "Hahaha, ambitious! Just like father." Having the fire inside of him awakened after hearing Xuefeng's bold claims, Xiaobei assured him, "Don't worry, Father will make Liu Clan great again, I can promise you that."

Xuefeng knew his father wasn't resigned to staying in the Eastern Region and always wanted to return back to his homeland so he didn't worry about that. He already thought of a few things they had to figure out and asked, "Great, then there is the first issue we have to consider. Who will we take with us in the first back to form Liu Clan in the Capital?"

Chapter 344 - Biggest Business

"How many people can we carry inside the warship?" Xuefeng asked Xiao Wen before his father replied, planning to include the girls in the conversation.

She was happy to help him as she explained, "Although it's the biggest warship that our Xiao Family owns, it can only fit five hundred people inside of it without feeling crowded. Of course, if those were all singles, wanting their own room, we wouldn't be able to fit everyone, but if each family can share only one room, we would be able to take more. Naturally, that would make the Warship more crowded. We can cover the distance in a week's time but that means six nights spent on the ship."

"So it basically means we can't relocate the whole Clan at the same time. We would need a few tens of trips back and forth to bring every member of the Clan with us…" Xiaobei quickly calculated and didn't like that number. He knew that such migration would be difficult but didn't expect they would need this much time.

Naturally, if they decided to travel by land, it would bring them even bigger pain than the Warship. They could take everyone with them on a single trip but they would meet many bandits or Spirit Beasts on the way that would cost them time and energy.

Knowing that Xiao Wen presented them with some advantages of using a Warship, "Even though travelling on a Warship is costly, it's the safest and efficient method from all of the choices. Unless someone of a Spirit Monarch stage attacks us, it would be hard to break through the Warhip's defences. It is also much more comfortable than the normal caravan."

"How much does one-way travel cost?" Xuefeng asked curiously, wondering if they should actually even bother with that, knowing he still had a lot of money with him.

He only gave one billion high-tiered Spirit Stones to Tangwei so he still had a couple billion for his personal use. He also received a bunch of Fate Stones as well but it was much less than he expected. He believed that only after the elves see the usage of Spirit Qi would they actually be willing to trade all their Fate Stones for Spirit Stones.

Having so much Spirit Stones, he told her to exchange one Fate Stone for two or even three Spirit Stones before auctioning all the Storage Rings with the rate of few rings per day. This would make the rings more valuable but the product would advertise itself to other buyers by the word of mouth.

Doesn't matter if its a human or an elf, bragging was everywhere. After buying one ring, many would bug the winner to show the usage or at least explain it further. It was always better to ask the user for his review instead of a biased seller after all.

Xiao Wen smiled hearing his question and raised a single finger, saying, "Don't worry, only one." This made Xiaobei pleasantly surprised as he asked back in relief, "Oof, only one hundred thousand high-tiered Spirit Stones I presume? That's indeed a lot but we should be able to afford it."

"Cough, it's one million." Xiao Wen quickly corrected him which made Xiaobei embarrassed. He quickly controlled himself though and explained, "What? There is no way I can know that. I never had a Warship. Anyway, one million is indeed a lot. If we were to spend a few tens of millions, our Liu Clan will go bankrupt…"

With Liu Clan earned only a few millions each month while spending almost all of it, saving a few tens of million was naturally hard. Fortunately, Xuefeng currently had the wealth of one of the top clans out there so it wasn't the issue for them anymore. He laughed and assured his father as he threw Storage Ring at him, "Haha, don't worry father. I already figured out the money issue."

Tang Family earned hundreds of millions each month but they had similarly big expenses which made saving really hard. For them to actually save a few billion Spirit Stones was actually impressive. Those were not assets but pure money that they could use however they wished.

His father felt a bit sceptical but the moment he saw a mountain of Spirit Stones inside the Storage Ring, he couldn't help but be shocked. He immediately questioned, "Son? Did you rob Tang Family's treasury or something?"

Xuefeng laughed even stronger this time and replied with a smug, "Hahaha, and what if I did? I earned it fairly. The rule was to keep all the loot for anyone you kill. Who would have thought that I would kill Tang Family's Young Master who took most of the loot from the treasury?"

"Hah, definitely my son. If you got Tang Family treasures then I will shamelessly keep this ring. Thank you, son." Xiaobei laughed as he wore the ring, not bothered at all but Xuefeng didn't mind, already considering it a gift to his family.

Recalling the initial question Xuefeng asked, Xiaobei replied while already having something planned, "It shouldn't be hard to pick participants for the first travel. We should naturally all take everyone from our family including Wu Lan, her brother and Little Mei. About the rest spots, we can maybe decide them by using the Training Rooms."

"Huh? Since when do we have a Training Rooms?" Xuefeng asked confused, first time hearing about such news.

Xiaobei smiled and explained, "When you were away for almost three months, we made a few training rooms that work similarly to the treasury but can simulate a fight instead, helping you improve your battle abilities. Unfortunately, the rank of the Spirit managing the is too low and we can only replicate an opponent of Spirit King stage."

"Ah, too bad. I was willing to try it." Xuefeng shook his head regretfully, suddenly had an itch to fight someone and added, "We should also put a bar on cultivation ranks. Cultivators with stages lower then Spirit King should be eliminated. If our Liu Clan is not yet established and they appear in the Capital, they will be easily bullied which we cannot allow."

Xiaobei naturally nodded and agreed, "Of course. Anyone who can defeat the Spirit in the Training room will be available for selection. We will choose those with the biggest potential so they could have an easier to survive in the Central Region Capital."

Knowing that the plan was ready, Xuefeng stood up and asked to confirm, "Well then I guess I can leave everything to father then? There should be a panic in the Clan as I already announced it to the public. You should quickly call everyone to the Training Grounds to proceed with our plan. We plan to leave tomorrow so everything should be settled today. There is still a week of travel for us."

"And what are you going to do?" Xiaobei asked curiously. He knew that Xuefeng had something in mind as he would not just stay and do nothing.

Xuefeng indeed had something in mind, trying to help his father in establishing the Liu Clan in the Central Region Capital. Even though one billion Spirit Stones seemed to be a lot, not much would be left after Xiaobei pays for everything necessary. What they needed the most was business that could represent Liu Clan. It would take a while till all the alchemists submit to them completely so they needed something else.

Xuefeng smiled as he replied simply, "Naturally I will be moving the biggest business of our clan straight to the capital." He didn't need to imagine to know how much of a potential it had.