394 - 400

Chapter 394 - Fanatic Love


The attacked girl let go of her sword and it dropped to the ground with a metallic tap. She naturally didn't want to die so she momentarily ceased all movements and called out for help with her eyes, giving everyone a terrified look.

"She is called Zhen Huiqing, or in other words, Zhen Zhao's sister." Princess Shan commented after scanning the face underneath the hood.

Being exposed, the heartbroken sister didn't need to hide anymore and uncovered her face, revealing a red, teared up eyes and hateful expression.

"Let him go or I will kill her!" She repeated her threat sternly. "This is my last warning!"

"Haha," Xuefeng laughed, not worried even one bit. By coming up on her own, she saved them a lot of time and energy to catch her on their own. It was a matter to celebrate then cry.

As Zhen Huiqing was miles behind him in terms of cultivation, she couldn't even resist it when he wrapped around her with the power of his Spirit, immobilising her without any troubles. Unfortunately, she didn't think too much about it when all she thought was saving her brother no matter the cost.

Slowly approaching the two ladies, Xuefeng reached out and pulled the sword away from the victim's neck. She was still confused about what happened but she didn't think too much and sidestep away from the crazy Zhen Huiqing. She touched her neck and found blood on her hands which suddenly made her panic.

"Don't move," Xuefeng called out to her with a calming tone to his voice before catching her hands. He sent a wave of Fate Qi through her body and the wound closed in a blink of an eye, leaving no scar whatsoever. This definitely surprised everyone gathered around them.

"Okay, now you should be well. You have to pay attention to your surroundings. Don't think it's safe just because you are surrounded by your sisters. The enemy can lurk everywhere." Xuefeng advised with a gentle smile as he finally let go of the girl's hands.

"Y-yes… Thank you, Milord…" The female disciple blushed seeing his handsome face so close and stuttered when she tried to reply in gratitude.

"No, I'm no Milord. Just call me Young Master." Xuefeng corrected her and returned to Zhen Huiqing who was just standing there, glaring at him with her cheeks red from tears. If it was the old Xuefeng, he would probably feel bad, but those times were gone. He knew she was also guilty.

They didn't have much proof against her but Xuefeng didn't need to wait long before someone voiced out the truth.

"Young Master! She is the one who lured the girls for Zhen Zhao! She visited me today as well, telling me that Zhen Zhao wants to meet and get to know me." One pretty female with fair skin and innocent vibe around her couldn't stop herself anymore and exposed what happened in the morning. She didn't mention her decision at all but based on her expression, it was easy to figure out.

She happily agreed earlier but now, seeing how Zhen Zhao ended up, she felt more disgust that joy. The current Zhen Zhao wasn't even better than the beggars from the streets.

"Oh, so it seems like you are guilty as well. Do you have anything to say about that?" Xuefeng asked curiously, wanting to know her part of the story. Unfortunately, her next words after he unlocked her speech were different from what he imagined.

"Kill me please!" Zhen Huiqing cried out, sounding fully convinced.

"Huh? You want to die just like that?" Xuefeng questioned as he raised his eyebrows.

"My brother will die anything. I want to die with him then. I can't live without him. Can I hug him so you can pierce us to die together? I was the one who brought all the girls to him. I deserve the same punishment as him." Zhen Huiqing said as if it was obvious, looking as if she really liked the idea of dying together with her brother.

Xuefeng only sighed to that as he picked up a stone from the ground. He felt pity for her as he realised she was just brainwashed by her brother. Although she helped, Xuefeng didn't think she deserved the same kind of punishment as Zhen Zhao who was actually performing the evil deeds.

"I don't know where you got the confidence that your brother feels the same about you. I can bet he will betray you for his own benefits without hesitation." Xuefeng said, planning to show her Zhen Zhao's bad side yet she was too stubborn.

"It's okay. I know he loves me. Even if he pushed me away, I will still follow him." Zhen Huiqing replied with a smile, looking at Zhen Zhao lovingly despite knowing how horrible of a person he was.

At that point, Xuefeng gave up on her, knowing she wouldn't change.


The small rock that was laying in his palm from the start of the conversation suddenly shot forward towards her. It crushed at her forehead without warning creating a finger-sized hole right in the centre. There was no way she could have dodged that as Xuefeng held her in place.

When Zhen Zhao's sister dropped to the ground, Xuefeng didn't think of her as a woman but rather an enemy he needed to kill to prevent any possible revenge in the future. She was already crazy about him. All of his questions meant to test if he should kill her quickly or slowly. There was no way he would let her live.

"You are too kind. I would agree to her request and make them both suffer together." Nuwa muttered, wrapping her arms around her chest. There was no word 'mercy' in her dictionary.

"It's okay. It will be easier for the ladies to kill him without her. Even if she was guilty, she was still once their sister." Xuefeng calmed her down before looking towards the crowd of ladies. "I know that many of you have been hurt by him and that it's hard to go out and admit it but listen to your own heart. Are you going to just watch? Don't you want to take the revenge into your own hands and vent for all the nights you spent sleepless? This is your last chance. He won't live for long. Kill him and get rid of your inner demons."

He wanted to give them a chance to forget about those horrible nights and fortunately, his speech worked. One lady after another walked forward, gaining the courage to fight for themselves.

"I was dumb and naive before. He took advantage of me and I learnt my lesson. Never trust a guy with a pretty face." The first lady muttered to herself before piercing at Zhen Zhao's liver.

"Aaarghh!" He cried out, waking up with pain before losing consciousness once again for the very same reason. The girl didn't show any pity on her face, recalling the pain he put her through.

As the victims continued to perform their revenge, Xuefeng glanced at the girls and seeing the uncomfortable face of Tianshi, he suddenly said, "I will leave the rest to you girls."

He didn't enjoy the tortures but he could bear them. Tianshi, on the other hand, didn't seem like she was a fan of them completely.

Without saying anything else, he took her by the waist and launched into the sky, heading towards the Warship.

Chapter 395 - Deal

Without saying anything else, he took her by the waist and launched into the sky, heading towards the Warship.

"I don't like killing, sigh…" Tianshi muttered as she buried her head into Xuefeng's chest. She was thankful that he recognised her uneasiness. Even though she lived in this world for a while already, she hasn't been through the same extreme experiences as Xuefeng so she wasn't used to it yet.

"It's okay, you have me. I won't force you to do something you don't want to," Xuefeng assured her as he embraced her, landing on top of the Warship. He didn't plan to go inside just in case anything happened.

Even though he cheered her up, she was still down, knowing how important killing was in this new life of theirs. If one didn't fight and kill, they would probably suffer in this world.

"But you will probably kill a lot in the future… If I want to stay by your side, I can't be like that…" Tianshi said quietly as she hugged him tighter, feeling like baggage.

"Tianshi, look at me," Xuefeng noticed it based on her voice and quickly acted, trying to talk to her.

"I don't want to…" Instead of listening, Tianshi dove deeper into his chest, not budging at all.

"So you won't look at your husband eyes?" Xuefeng asked back, not worried about her sudden outburst of stubbornness. He knew how to deal with it.

She finally glanced upwards after feeling his gentle pats on the head and saw his assuring smile. His hand moved from her hip to her chin as he lifted it up so she could directly face him and savoured her lips, wanting to distract her mind a little from the scenes she just saw.

"I think I need to remind you of something you forgot," Xuefeng whispered softly. "As long as you stay by my side and continue being my Tianshi, I will not leave you no matter what you do. I told you already. You are mine forever. You can get used to everything if you want to. And if you don't like killing? It doesn't matter. You can be my support instead."

"Support…? How?" Tianshi asked with her interest piqued. She liked the idea of helping Xuefeng without the need to kill directly.

"I can bet that Yiren also dislikes killing. You two can act like support from the back lines, launching ranged attacks for example. We are a team. There needs to be a balance. We can't all go into close-quarters combat else we will all bump into each other. I actually prefer if you moved further to the back with both Nuwa and Yiren, acting like support and brain of the operation." Xuefeng explained as he caressed her cheek.

All positions on the battlefield were important. With Tianshi being under Nuwa care, he could keep her safe but also sneakily make her undergo Nuwa's training. She was strict when it came to training which made her much better training for Tianshi. He wasn't perfect for that job as he was naturally biased and easy to bribe with cuteness and cuddles.

"Thank you! I will join the support~" Tianshi exclaimed with happiness, actually really liking the idea. When she thought about killing, her inner morals were still stopping her. If she didn't have to do it, she would gladly accept such an offer.

"Mhmm, you will be able to use your ability well with Nuwa by your side. You can help her with decision making and planning as well," Xuefeng said excitedly, kissing her once again but she gently pulled away, confused about his words.

"What ability? I don't think I have anything like that…" Tianshi muttered as she tried to think of anything. Aside from her Heavenly Steps and her wings, she didn't think there was anything special.

"Oh, I didn't tell you? I want you to be the one who gets the next Fate Spirit. This will be our next destination. I don't think we will stop on the way anymore until we reach the location of the Spirit," Xuefeng explained with a smile, surprising her greatly.

Wasn't that exactly what she wanted? Tianshi wanted to be much more useful to Xuefeng yet her power was just not enough. She didn't hesitate and jumped at Xuefeng with a big smile on her face, trying to squeeze him as tightly as she could.

There was no need for any words as her action expressed what she wanted to say.

"I guess they are coming back," Xuefeng muttered after a moment, yet Tianshi didn't let go of him, claiming the spot in his arms fully for herself. He didn't mind that and simply embraced her as well.

"It's done. Both dead and taken care of," Nuwa said just as she landed, placing Princess Shan on the metal floor as well. As Zhen Zhao didn't have any support, he didn't survive long.

"How long did he last?" Xuefeng asked curiously. "You finished quickly."

"He was dead after twenty rounds. We managed to poison his spirit before he died though which probably quickened his death," Nuwa explained casually as she walked up to them before asking Tianshi, "How are you? Feeling better?"

The goal was to live and coexist with each other which meant having a good relationship with each other. Nuwa knew Tianshi had a deep connection with Xuefeng so she naturally befriended her quickly.

"Mhmm, I'm good. I just don't like killing and tortures," Tianshi nodded calmly, telling the truth.

"It's okay, you will get used to it after some time," Nuwa replied before switching her gaze to Xuefeng. "Shall we go? I don't think there is anything left to do here."

"Mhmm, we can continue," Xuefeng nodded but then he looked at all the ladies and realised someone was missing. "Jiao is not going with us?"

He was sure she was stubborn enough to follow after them. She wouldn't agree to a bet with him if she planned to return to her Sect.

Just when he thought it was the truth, they saw a blue flash coming from the outside of the warship before realising it was Jiao who landed on the surface next to them. She did not have a happy expression on her face.

"Welcome back, now we can mov—" With the complete squad on the board, Xuefeng decided to finally depart yet Jiao stopped his speech.

"I told you to wait for me as I need to settle some matters with the Sect. I come back and I don't see anyone. Care to explain?" Jiao glared at Nuwa, not scared of confrontation with her yet Nuwa played innocent.

"Huh? You did? I thought you are leaving. I don't remember anything," Nuwa said after shrugging, clearly not bothered by her allegations which pissed Jiao even more.

She wanted to continue firing with arguments but Xuefeng stopped her before it went too far.

"Jiao, calm down. Everyone get inside the Warship. We are leaving," Xuefeng ordered sternly, giving an example and moved towards the exit to open it for the ladies, helping Tianshi get down. The others followed, leaving only Nuwa and Jiao outside.

"Hehe, your Master told you to enter inside. Are you going against your Master's wishes?" Nuwa giggled as she teased Jiao with her current status, directing her voice so that only Jiao could hear her.

"Humph, everyone starts somewhere. You should be careful. You never know when your enemy can strike," Jiao ignored her teases as she snorted and walked past Nuwa, warning her.

Naturally, Nuwa only laughed it off, not scared at all. She openly disliked Jiao so this argument wasn't something that surprised Xuefeng.

Though, he still had to take a stance that he didn't approve of such behaviour.


Nuwa's butt was slapped right after Nuwa entered inside the warship. Xuefeng sent Tianshi back and waited for everyone to walk away for that.

"What? I didn't do anything wrong," Nuwa pouted after she got pulled into his arms. After all, she had the right to dislike someone.

"Just be nice for now. I want everyone to learn master Water Element in the White Lotus Sect. It will be really beneficial for us to join them. We can use Jiao to easily communicate with their sect. Why else would I keep her around, knowing you don't like each other?" Xuefeng said patiently while massaging her butt in the place he hit her.

"Can't we just use Wisdom Trees instead? There is no need to visit that sect at all," Nuwa protested against the whole idea.

"We are the Royal Forest Elves. It is naturally easier for us to master elements but it's not the same for humans. They will find it easier to master inside a proper environment," Xuefeng tried to convince her, but Nuwa didn't give up.

"What if I can prove to you that it's not true? I will help them master one element before we enter the Central Region. If I succeed, we won't go to White Lotus Sect. What do you think?" Nuwa presented her sudden idea as she hugged him, looking at him excitedly.

"Hmmm…" Her words made him wonder if she can actually do it and Xuefeng realised there were no drawbacks to her idea so he agreed. "Alright. If you can make everyone master one element, we won't need to go to White Lotus Sect."

"And you will kick Jiao from our group," Nuwa added with a smile, but her plot didn't work out perfectly.

"Not right away. I will need someone to fetch me ingredients when I master crafting and alchemy. But after I'm done, we will part ways," Xuefeng agreed but on his own conditions.

"Okay!" Nuwa nodded happily, feeling confident in her teaching abilities and kissed him to seal the deal between them.

Chapter 396 - Played

Nuwa led him towards their room where everyone was supposed to wait and they met Jiao standing next to the doors. She naturally had to listen to Xuefeng's orders and he told her to wait. He didn't actually know what to do with her yet so he decided to postpone it after he exchanges words with Nuwa.

Not even glancing at her, Nuwa kissed Xuefeng deeply right in front of Jiao to tease her and show in a live-action what Nuwa could and Jiao couldn't do. She didn't want to deal with Jiao so she left everything to Xuefeng, entering inside the room after one last reminder.

"Don't forget our deal."

She wanted Jiao to constantly think about it, getting headaches over the unknown. Nuwa didn't reveal anything else to avoid giving clues.


The doors closed, but it didn't mean that Nuwa cancelled her presence around them. Even if they didn't feel it, Nuwa was still listening.

"I will be working on my domain until we cross the borders of the Central Region. The girls will be also working with their training so you are basically free until then. If I need anything I will call for you." Xuefeng described the situation in a simple way, trying to not act too close with her. She was his servant now after all.

Unfortunately, Jiao didn't act like he wished and asked back, prying about the deal that they made. All she had to do was guess and in the current situation, it wasn't that hard.

"So Nuwa told you to get rid of me, right?" Jiao questioned as her eyebrows rose and the corners of her mouth lifted. Nuwa couldn't wait to push her off the cliff and it wasn't a secret.

"And what do you want? Do you like being my servant so much?" Xuefeng answered with a question, not playing in her game.

"And what if I do? I lost the bet so I have to serve you for the next three months." Jiao walked forward towards him, staring at Xuefeng with a flirtatious glance. "No matter what you tell me to do, I will do it."

She finally walked up close enough to him and their gazes connected within an arms length from each other. She wanted to close the distance even further so she extended her hand and caught his shirt. He didn't move away which surprised her.

A few plans immediately spurted in her mind and Jiao chose the one with the lower risk.

"Anything. I will do anything you want." Jiao repeated her willingness while biting her lower lip sexily. One could easily figure out what she wanted from him.

Xuefeng grinned at that and actually gently grabbed onto her chin, making her look straight at him.

"Really? Are you sure?" He tried to confirm before he would bring his plan to life.

"Mhmm, as long as it's not something that would hurt me, I don't mind anything…" Jiao nodded in confirmation, trying to support herself on his hand.

"It can be something that brings pleasure too…" She added right after, looking innocent. "But I'm new to such actions… So you would have to teach me a little bit…"

Her soft speech was really suggestive and alluring but she was talking to Xuefeng after all. He was under such pressure almost every day. She could feel that her methods wouldn't be effective but Jiao still wanted to try.

This is why she was shocked when Xuefeng actually hooked on her ploy and took a half step forward with a bright smile. Jiao was still suspicious of his actions but when bits of warmth sipped through her dress as he held onto her waist, she began getting convinced.

"You know what…" Xuefeng observed the doors to their room. "I actually have something nice you can do for me…"

"Mhmm… What is it? Let me hear it…" Jiao whispered as she slowly leaned over to him, heading for his lips.

"It's something that can help you relax…" Xuefeng added, touching her lips with his finger.

"Please tell me… I can't wait any longer…" Jiao was getting hotter the more time she spent in his embrace. His stalling was giving her shivers as she couldn't help herself from kissing him.

But… Who would have thought everything would crumble in seconds?

Xuefeng's naughty smile returned back to normal without warning, just like her own after he announced what he wanted.

"Three days break. Go relax or train."

She definitely wasn't prepared for that as she still stood on the spot he left her at for a few good moments even after his feet crossed the doorstep of his room.

'Damn… He played me…' Jiao lamented upset, realising Xuefeng was just playing with her. 'You only won today… I will have my win…'

She didn't admit defeat in her heart and walked away towards her own room, already planning her next move.


"Mhmm…" Xuefeng was speech deprived the moment he entered the room when Nuwa clung to his chest with one of her legs bent upwards and sucked on the lips she just tasted not a while ago.

"What did I do to deserve such treatment?" Xuefeng asked after she finally let go of him, the grin on her face being contagious.

"Hehe, nothing. I'm happy how you played her. Come, the girls are already waiting in the biggest room." She giggled with a wide smile and pulled his hand, bringing him next door.

The girls were already impatient, waiting for Xuefeng to arrived and all stood up when they entered.

"What took you guys so long?" Xiao Wen complained with a gentle frown but Nuwa immediately jumped into explanation to avoid any drama.

"I talked with Xuefeng about the training for the next few days and we decided to continue with something special," Nuwa said as she pulled out a Wisdom Tree. "I wish that each of you will choose one element you want to master. I will help you reach the stage where you can use it freely."

Before the girls turned doubtful, Xuefeng began choosing based on what he thought would suit them, passing them corresponding miniatures of Wisdom tree.

"Wuying, how about you master Water Element to help you with your Blood Element? They are both liquids so it shouldn't be that hard for you."

"Tianshi, you should master Lightning Element. I have a special Armour that I can pass to you. It has a great defence so you should be safe in critical situations."

"Xiao Wen and Shan, you are still yet to master Air Qi so you should focus on that. Ability to fly is crucial in many situations." Xuefeng only had one Air Qi Wisdom Tree but he expected Yiren or Nuwa to share the other one.

"And Yi, you can choose between Fire and Earth Element. I would suggest Earth as it would be more beneficial for you during close-quarter fighting."

When Xuefeng was finally done, everyone gawked at him with eyes wide open.

"I'm actually impressed." Nuwa voiced out everyone's thought and everyone walked up, giving him a big hug. They ended up all lumping together into one embrace with Xuefeng in the middle.

"Okay, okay, let's start the training. You girls have three days to master your elements. Nuwa will be your guide." Xuefeng couldn't do anything but tickle them so they let go of him else they would never start.

"Haha, yes!" They all agreed with giggles.

Chapter 397 - First Inside Enjoys The Ride (**)

The next three days Xuefeng could describe as monotonous but also relaxing. During the day, he would train his Wind Domain before spending the time with his women.

Unfortunately, they were so engrossed in their training that they didn't even want to stop and eat with him. He understood it well, knowing it was their chance to improve their strength and help him even more in the future.

After the first day of strict training with Nuwa, they could already sense the Elemental Qi in their surroundings which made them even more motivated.

With ongoing Elemental training and Spirit strengthening for Yiren, Xuefeng was only left with Nuwa who took advantage of him each time he passed through the doors. He couldn't do anything other than enjoying her special attention.

Xuefeng brushed his hand through Nuwa's blond hair, gently rubbing on her scalp while helping her change her position back and forth. After giving her instructions, Nuwa was free to do whatever she wanted and eating him up was one her games.

"Ah… Your tongue is amazing…" Xuefeng laid down on the pile of pillows, praising her once again but Nuwa was never tired of his words. It helped her study all of his weaknesses which she could use against him if she wants something in the future.

Nuwa sucked on the tip, attacking it with her tongue before tightly locking around the shaft and gulping it all the way to her throat, shivering each time Xuefeng twitched from pleasure and hit her soft walls.

It wasn't his fault and he blamed her seductive dance that was pushing him to the limits of arousal. Not only her sexy chest was constantly rubbing against his thighs but her butt teased his desires each time it completed its rotation, showing its heart-shaped beauty to him.

He wanted to reach out and grasp it firmly yet Nuwa already locked onto him, taking full control from his hands. He couldn't complain yet Nuwa's body always threw his desires out of control.

"Hu…" Nuwa gasped deeply, taking wisps of air into her lungs. Xuefeng once again twitched, indirectly telling her he was about to burst so Nuwa slid his erection on top of her tongue as she pulled away.

She arched her back and squeezed her chest with her arms which displayed her perky breasts up for visiting. Her blushed cheeks and lewd smile gave him signal she was sincerely inviting him to caress them as he wished. He wasn't the only one whose thirst for action reached the ceiling.

As he already had a lifelong subscription, Xuefeng didn't hesitate and pinched her hardened nipple, twisting and pulling on it until Nuwa voiced her pleasure levels to him.

"Ah! The second one too!" Nuwa moaned as she led his free hand towards her second breast which also awaited some attention. She supported herself on his thighs before hopping onto his lap, closing the distance between them.

She didn't forget about his member who was left alone for a moment and suddenly extended her tongue, letting thick saliva drip from it right on top of the shaft. Nuwa was already waiting for it with her hands as she gripped it firmly right after, distributing the slime-like substance evenly across the burning skin.

"Mhmm…" She didn't finish when her nipple ring got vacuumed into a soft and moist place before being tingled by a warm snake. Xuefeng couldn't help himself but sit up and embrace her, pressing her warm blobs against his face.

Both her hands were tightly wrapped together as she slid them up and down with passion in her eyes. She wanted to keep him in the form before she can finally swallow him inside her.


A small smack resounded throughout the room when Nuwa couldn't resist herself anymore and pushed him on the bed, forcefully pulling him away from her chest. Her hands squeeze the hard erection, stopping him from bursting out before glaring at him with a grimace on her face.

"Can't you wait for a moment? I told you I want it inside…" Nuwa complained but Xuefeng knew how to pacify his beauty.

He reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her momentarily into his arms. She was still pouting, waiting for his consolation even though she didn't resist. With her arms bent, their chests connected but she continued to stare into his eyes.

As a response, Xuefeng simply smiled and brushed a single strand of hair that fell on her face, putting it behind her ear. When his fingers grazed her sensitive ear, her body shuddered and her face shifted to the side, leaning on his palm.

"Mhmm…" Nuwa didn't know when it happened but a moment later she was purring like a cat, enjoying as he thumb rubbed the inside of her ear. When she realised she was tricked again, Nuwa counterattacked, grabbing onto his own before linking their lips as well.

"I'm sorry, your hands felt so good that I couldn't—" Xuefeng tried to explain after she calmed down but Nuwa already forgot about it and moved on, continuing to enjoy. "Just shut up and kiss me."

They were completely out in their own world, not realising that another soul entered their room. Intimacy between Royal Elves was often dangerous as their minds were filled with too much pleasure and they couldn't focus on their surroundings.

"Hmm?" Although they were busied with themselves, when Xuefeng felt someone tamper with his member, he had to act. At first, he thought it was Nuwa who sneakily wanted to connect with him yet after he skimmed downwards with his fingers and caught Nuwa's butt, Xuefeng knew that something was wrong.


Nuwa didn't want to let go of him so he smacked her across the butt which finally awakened her consciousness of the surroundings.

"Ahh… Yiren?" Pulling away, Nuwa finally realised Yiren was sitting behind them, stroking Xuefeng's erection as if she was preparing it for herself.

"Sigh, people want a moment of peace yet here you are, moaning at full volume," Yiren complained, acting as if she didn't want it yet the corner of her mouth was twitching. They knew she was just pretending and confirmed it when Yiren pushed Nuwa's butt forward and sat down on Xuefeng's lap, sliding his member inside with one move.

"Hey! It was my turn!" Nuwa called out to her, not expecting to have her chance stolen this easily.

Only then did Yiren close her mouth from the initial shock of being completely filled and grinned at her mother, slowly moving up and down as she talked.

"First comes, first served doesn't apply here Mom. It's more like, 'first inside, enjoys the ride.' Haha." She giggled afterwards, laughing at her own joke.

Yiren didn't know that Xuefeng has been on high pressure for a while already and with just a few moves of Yiren's bottom, his body was begging to release his golden seeds. Having nothing to stop him anymore, it was inevitable.

"Ahh! Xuefeng!" Yiren's eyes opened wide as she stopped moving and Nuwa quickly realised what was happening, blaming everything on Xuefeng. "Couldn't you wait a bit longer? Sigh…"

Nuwa fell back onto Xuefeng's chest and pouted, hugging him instead of fighting with Yiren. She was still under the effects of pleasure stimulants. Xuefeng found her really cute in that moment so he tried to cheer her up.

"Hey… I can still go for a few rounds…" He caressed her cheek in the process.

"I don't want to anymore… Just hug me…" Nuwa muttered quietly and Xuefeng gladly fulfilled her request.

Having no competition, Yiren couldn't reject such an opportunity and resumed action.

"If Mom doesn't want to, I will go for another round, hehe."

Chapter 398 - BOOOOM!

Read author thoughts <3 I would appreciate it. - Author Pio


Xuefeng woke up on the third day since they started their deal with Nuwa, yet none of the girls finished their training yet. Though, Xuefeng was pleasantly surprised they were making some serious progress.

They were all mostly at the last stage while already having the ability to use the chosen Element. Right now all they had to do was focus on increasing the absorption rate from the snail pace to a bearable minimum.

After all, they couldn't take more than an hour to fill their dantains to brim.

Waking up after him, Nuwa didn't open her eyes and inside began kissing his chest, neck, before giving him a bit of morning sweetness on the lips.

"I told you they are going to make it…" She muttered after she found a comfortable position on his chest, hugging and enjoying his gentle rubs on her back.

"Mhmm, good job. I would give you a reward but you already used up your credits." Xuefeng praised her as he patted her on the butt, recalling the exhausting last night he had.

Both Yiren and Nuwa only went to sleep after they received their fill. They didn't want to finish quickly and they were not satisfied with just one or two rounds. He was definitely milked dry that night.

"Hehe, I love when you take care of me like that…" Nuwa let out a soft giggle and licked her lips as if she still wanted more. "We should definitely repeat that."

"Tsk," Xuefeng snickered, questioning with wonder. "Can't you be like Yiren? She can still barely move after yesterday's pounding yet you are energetic and getting hornier with each second."

He extended his hand to grasp Yiren's butt and massaged it smoothly, trying to relax her muscles a bit. Only after they were turning softer did Xuefeng sent his Fate Qi through them, removing any fatigue from their bodies.

"Mhmm…" This action woke her up as well but she returned to sleeping after a short moment.

"Once she is older and stronger, she will be able to handle much more," Nuwa explained with a smile and returned to hugging him as well as playing with his muscles as she walked on them with her fingers.

He enjoyed the sight of his women cuddling into his body, showing their love. Unfortunately, everything had to end at some point. He received a call from someone also important to him and had to report to it.

'Xuefeng… I'm ready…' Ling informed him quietly, finally breaking through her fears and decided to face her past. She knew it would be hard but she had to make a change. Her desire to be of use to Xuefeng and help him whenever he had questions was much stronger than her anxiety.

'Alright.' Xuefeng quickly acknowledged her words, knowing exactly what she wanted. Ling already asked for another extension, scheduling her transformation into Fate Law for today.

It was a time-consuming process so they had to leave some time for that. They didn't have much of it till they arrive in the Central Region so they had to act quickly.

Turning to the girls, he squeezed them both to gain their attention.

"It's time to wake up. Ling decided to transform so I have to go." Xuefeng muttered straightforwardly, describing the plans as they were.

"Mhmm, okay." Nuwa nodded right away, letting go of him. "Do you need anything from me?"

"If you can protect me during the process, I would be really grateful," Xuefeng replied as he lifted Yiren who was still sleepy, rubbing on her eyes before leaving a peck on her lips. "I have to go, sweetie."

"Mhmm~" She replied sweetly and let him place her on the bed next to him.

Xuefeng wore a new set of clothes, being helped by Nuwa who insisted and sat down on the bed next to them.

"Wear some clothes in case someone wants to talk to me. You can be my representative if anything happens." Xuefeng advised, knowing they were closing in on the Central Region.

"Can I really? What if its an emergency and I need to fight?" Nuwa asked excitedly, pulling away from his back.

"You are smart enough to know what to do. I will leave it to you." Xuefeng believed Nuwa wouldn't go on a killing spree so he didn't mind that.

Nuwa smiled naughtily and nodded, creating a multi-layered barrier around him. Using different elements as the source, it would be quite hard to break it from the outside.

'Alright, Ling. You can start.'


Seeing the giant golden barrier through the windows of the control room, Liu Xiaobei couldn't help but get reminded of his past. He was born in the Central Region but because of a stupid misunderstanding, he left, never returning again. This was the first time he was this close to it since he left.

The barrier was massive, surrounding the whole Central Region from both the ground and air. It was like a giant shell placed on top of it. What was the most surprising was that it was a natural phenomenon, not created by a human.

Mu Lan knew what he thought about so she immediately hugged him and assured him.

"It's okay… We will now build a new clan which will be comparable to that of Xiao Family and no one will be able to say anything. Past doesn't matter. Only the present and future do."

"Mhmm, thank you." Liu Xiaobei kissed his wife in response but then turned back at the window, realising something was flying on their way. "What are they doing? Can't they see its Xiao Family Warship? Xiao Feng told me no one will dare to stop us."

A bunch of smaller flying ships were blocking their way right before the barrier which forced them to stop their Warship else they would definitely kill a lot of people.

Liu Xiaobei didn't want to create troubles even before they arrived in the capital so he decided to stay peaceful.

"Let's inform Xuefeng. I guess they are deliberately stopping us." Liu Xiaobei face turned serious as he pulled out the golden token that gave them unlimited pass.

Before they left the control room, he activated the barrier around the Warship, not planning on risking the lives of his clansmen. One million Spirit Stones for peace of mind and the safety of his clan was an adequate price.


As Mu Lan still didn't reach the Saint Stage, she didn't follow after Nuwa and Liu Xiaobei. It was natural that he wasn't in a good mood after being stopped but he didn't complain, hoping to resolve this quickly.

They flew-half distance to meet with them yet no one was coming out of the flying ships to negotiate with them. One minute, two minutes. Still nothing.

When the timer reached five, Nuwa was already fuming and the pressure surrounding her was raising. She whipped with her hand above her head and created a giant fireball the size of one of the flying ships before finally crying out with a devilish expression.

"If no one comes in the next ten seconds I will blow your shit up!"

Liu Xiaobei smiled at that, happy he took Nuwa with him. He decided right away that he will leave the talking to her.

It wasn't even a half of the allocated time when tens of cultivators left their respective flying ships and approached them hurriedly.

They thought that Nuwa would be easy to bully yet how wrong they were. The men had panicked expressions, not expecting her to be this strong. They already confirmed all Xiao Family members above Sage stage were in the capital so they only expected to face a young boy.

"Miss! Calm down! We were just finishing our reports!" Their boss quickly called out to Nuwa, scared of the overly large fireball, still raging on top of her palm.

"Who do you take me for?!" Nuwa yelled at him and didn't hesitate anymore, launching the fireball straight at one of the ships that were empty.


The ship was swallowed by the fire before exploding on its own, damaging nearby vehicles as well. The barrier surrounding the flying ship couldn't even defend for a second before it was crushed.

Nuwa glared at the men afterwards, scanning them all with murderous gaze and questioned without mercy.

"Why did you block us and how do you want to die?!"

Chapter 399 - Don't Leave Me...

"Miss—" The leading man, being a Sage Stage cultivator with an Air Qi sipping from him, tried to gently calm Nuwa down yet she was already negatively orientated towards them.

"What Miss?! I already have a husband!" Nuwa scolded the guy, unleashing a pressure of peak sage stage at the leader, making him shudder.

He was only a Team Leader so he was still midway his stage, not comparable to her. Though, thinking that Nuwa was only of Sage Stage, he relaxed a bit. They had the number advantage so if the real fight started, they shouldn't be the ones at losing position.

"Milady, please, we are just doing our job!" The leader pleaded, not letting her cut him off again.

"Answer my question!" She shouted as another skill began forming on Nuwa's palm, this time being a Lightning Spear instead.

Just the sheer fact she had mastered two elements was enough to impress them.

"W-we were ordered by the Ruler of the Realm to check each Flying Ship entering the Central Region… His Son's birthday is coming up so we need to make sure—" The Team Leader tried to explain, using the name everyone knows yet he had to stop halfway as a lightning spear flew straight towards his chest.

He barely dodged it but at the cost of another flying ship which body got pierced without any resistance.


Another explosion woke everyone from the dreams of settling this dispute without any sacrifices. What's more, Nuwa's next words were a direct offence they couldn't ignore.

"Who cares about your bastard ruler or whatever. Is he so weak he can't even protect his own son? So useless! Where is he?! Show yourself!" Nuwa offended the highest man in the hierarchy without hesitation as another two Lighting Spears spawned on her hands.

When she swung her arm, the Royal Guard Cultivators in the flying ships already knew it was time to evacuate and the ones in the air dodged to the sides before she threw them.

"She is rebelling!" The Royal Guard Cultivator cried out as they pulled out their own weapons and readied themselves to battle.

Bang! Bang!

Two more flying ships exploded in the distance causing the panic of the Team Leader. They cost millions of Spirit Stones yet here they were destroyed one by one on his watch. He would be the one responsible for that damage!

"STOP!" He cried out. "We surrender! We will let you pass!"

Nuwa frowned right away, thinking that they would give her more entertainment. She couldn't help but sigh, stopping the creating of another spear.

"It's okay. They just can't afford to battle with you." Liu Xiaobei assured her, knowing she was not satisfied.

None of the Royal Guard Cultivators on the opposite side we satisfied with such an outcome as well. After all, they lost their ships for nothing, without even exchanging blows. Unfortunately, the complaints they raised were quickly dismissed.

"Silence! I already decided." The Team Leader shushed them before turning to Nuwa, bowing his head. "We apologize for offending you Milady. Can I have the Entry Token so that I can note it down?"

"Huh?" The Royal Guard Cultivators looked surprised at those words but soon realised what their leader planned to do. They all calmed down and put down their weapons.

Naturally, Nuwa and Liu Xiaobei noticed that change too.

"Give it to them. We are in a hurry." Nuwa ordered before Liu Xiaobei asked and he sighed, knowing exactly what she wanted.

"Here you go." Liu Xiaobei pulled out a golden token and threw it towards the Team Leader, leaving the rest to Nuwa.

He knew that they were scheming but with her power, he didn't worry.

'There shouldn't be a problem… Right?' He asked himself, before dismissing his thoughts.

Nuwa closely observed the token in the Team Leader's hands and she expected them to destroy it or deactivate it but instead, they all started falling down without warning. The Team Leader's voice reached those who were late to react after he was safe far away.

"Return to the city!"

Currently, they were high up in the sky, hovering above the border city that was responsible for taking care of the barrier. There were four such border cities, protecting their side of the barrier from the assigned region.

"Hahahahaha," Nuwa couldn't help but burst out laughing, finally having a legitimate reason to create chaos. She didn't want to later receive a scolding from Xuefeng so she deliberately let them steal the Token.

"It has been a while since I played like that, hehe. I think I deserve some fun after all those years." Nuwa giggled to herself as she contemplated how to punish them all.

"Do you need any help?" Liu Xiaobei asked just to confirm his own thoughts and he only received a short answer.

"Don't worry, I got this," Nuwa assured him, thinking how long it would take her and muttered just to be sure. "If Xuefeng wakes up and I'm still not back, stall him for a bit, hehe."

She didn't wait for his answer and simply stopped supporting herself in the air, falling down after the cultivators with a grin on her face.


As Nuwa was playing a game of hide and seek, Xuefeng and Ling were reaching the ending point of Ling's transformation. It took more time compared to when Xiao Wen did it because Ling's rank was lower.

She had to gradually create more and more Fate Qi, building her base. If she rushed, she would injure both her own and Xuefeng.

They were sitting on Ling's bed together, finding it the most comfortable place with the best memories.

"Are you ready? You can rest first if you feel like it." Xuefeng asked with care as he caressed Ling's cheek, seeing worried she was.

Ling was fine earlier but the more Fate Qi she absorbed, the worse she felt. She could sense that something was not right and that feeling was even stronger when she was a step away from breaking through.

"I don't know…" She muttered hesitantly. "It's there… It doesn't want to go away…"

Wanting to help her stop thinking about it, he brushed his fingers into her silver hair and pulled her closer, giving her a deep kiss she could focus her mind on.

She didn't want to let go of him, finally feeling safer. There was no other place like this for her. For a moment, the dark emotions that kept clouding her mind were blown away, replaced with positive thoughts about him.

"Xuefeng…" Ling said softly as a sudden idea crossed her mind. "Can I hug you as I breakthrough? I feel much safer with you around…"

"Of course, I will not let go of you, no matter what happens…" Xuefeng promised without hesitation, tightening his embrace.

"Promise…?" Ling whispered back and received an immediate kiss as a response.

"Okay… I will start then…" Ling pulled out one big Fate Stone and finally started absorbing it, sitting on his lap with both her legs and arms wrapped around him.

The Fate Stone started dissolving as the stream of Fate Qi entered into her body through her hands. Xuefeng was expecting a special reaction and quickly got it.

'Aaaah!' Ling screamed after a short moment, her fingers burring in his back from the amount of pain she suddenly felt. "It hurts…"

"Ling, I'm here for you! Listen to my voice and overcome it. I believe in you." Xuefeng quickly responded, cheered into her ear but it seemed like the pain was really unbelievable.

He could feel the shivers on her body as if she was freezing yet it was the opposite, she was burning.

"Why it is like that?! Ling, hang in there!"

He pulled her head away and noticed a blank look in the eyes which momentarily made him regret hurrying her like that.

"Share the pain with me! I can help you! Ling!" He cried out, kissing her lips, trying to help her regain the clarity of her mind but it didn't work.

Nothing worked.

Her eyes looked dead.

Her arms began to slowly lose power.

The scratches on his back which she used to relieve the pain also ceased away.

"NO! I can't lose you! Fight it! Please! Do it for me! I'm waiting!"

Still nothing…

Her legs that wrapped tightly around his back also lost power, dropping down limply.

"Please… Don't leave me… I need you…"

When his shouts didn't work, he tried begging.

Still nothing…

His lips trembled, eyes shuddered. He didn't realise when a flood of tears gushed down his pale cheeks.

Xuefeng finally understood the meaning of helplessness.

Her body didn't support itself on its own anymore. If he let go of her, she would fall down. Her back arched backwards as he hugged her tightly, his ear trying to hear her heartbeat.

There was none…

"I don't… I don't want to lose you…" He sobbed as he kissed her collarbone, neck, then lips.

No reaction.

He was already losing strength.

His eyes had no more tears to spill.


He yelled for the last time but nothing changed. He lost her.

He opened his eyes that he has been squeezing tightly, wanting to look at her one more time yet she wasn't there.

The body he held tightly was not in his hands anymore. All of his surroundings were filled with darkness.

"Ling…?" He called out weakly, in hope to hear her voice once again and he almost erupted with power when he heard her gentle voice from the distance.


Chapter 400 - Troubling Memories

"Ling! Where are you!?" Xuefeng stood up abruptly, not knowing on what ground he stood at when everything was filled with darkness.

He was sure he heard her voice from the distance but he couldn't discern where it came from.

Ling called out again.


This time he was listening in full focus and quickly turned to the source of her voice, running without a care what he could potentially face. Ling was more important to him.

"Ling!" He cried out once again, seeing how his surrounding started changing, gaining a bit of colour with each step he took.

"Xuefeng… I'm scared…" Ling's voice was becoming clearer the closer he was to the colourful lights. It didn't seem like she could hear him but that didn't stop him from trying.

"Ling! I'm coming! Stay where you are!" The desire to meet him was sipping through her voice which gave him even more power to reach her as soon as possible.


He could hear her cries from the distance, coming directly from a round ball of light that was the source of all colours in the darkness.

"You promised you will keep hugging me…" She continued softly, sounding sadder with each word.

He reached the ball and quickly embraced it, wanting to enter it to help her but no matter what he did, nothing worked.

"Sniff… where are you…? You promised you won't leave me…" Ling asked through her tears. "Xuefeng… Come back to me… Please…"

"I'm here!" He shouted even though he knew it wouldn't work and began scanning the whole ball of light yet he couldn't find anything that could help her.

"Just let me in… I will help her…"

Xuefeng didn't know who he was asking but there was no other way.

"Please… Don't leave me…" Ling begged one more time and Xuefeng tears began gathering once again.

He tried so hard to break into the ball yet nothing worked.

"I'm sorry Ling… I tried everything… But I won't give up… I will never leave you…" Xuefeng vowed as he pressed his forehead against the ball and a single tear finally fell, streaming down on his nose before dropping into the light.

His eyes were closed so he didn't see that his single teardrop created a miracle, melting the barrier around the light which soon engulfed him completely.

"It's suddenly warm…" He muttered when his body sensed the change and his eyes unconsciously opened, revealing new surroundings to him.

He appeared in what looked like a palace room, with many luxurious decorations and skillfully engraved furniture.

He entered inside. This was his first thought and he immediately looked around, searching for Ling. Just as he turned his head, she saw her sitting on her bed, wearing her usual white dress while hugging her knees with the face burring inside.

He wanted to call for her yet his throat was too dry to say anything. Ling didn't notice him yet and continued to mutter to herself.

"Xuefeng… Don't leave me…"

He swallowed his saliva, wanting to finally call out to her.


Xuefeng didn't know if that was just a mirage or if his eyes were playing tricks with him yet he didn't care. He wanted to embrace her tightly and never let go.

Fortunately, it wasn't any of those and Ling was actually in front of him. Hearing his voice, her body shuddered and her head lifted. She looked at the source of the sound and sobbed with her smile forming on its own.

Her pleas were finally fulfilled.

"Xuefeng!" She cried out as he body jolted out of the bed, jumping out with all the strength she had left.

He caught her, barely keeping balance, yet it didn't matter to him if he fell, as long as Ling was safe.

"Ling…" He squeezed her slim body, softly calling out her name as if he didn't believe it was her.

Ling returned the hug, hanging on him like a bear without letting go.

"You came… I thought you left me…" Her fingers caught onto his hair when she embraced his neck, brushing through them with care and bliss on her face. "I'm glad…"

He let her do whatever she wanted as long as she didn't leave his embrace. He was afraid she would once again disappear from his arms.

"Dummy… I would never leave you…" His voice softened as he loosened her hug a bit, wanting to look at her face and kiss her yet again.

She didn't resist at all, letting him savour her however he wished. Though, Xuefeng was more willing to learn what exactly happened, bringing her to safe place first instead.

Pulling away from their kiss, he reached with one hand and wiped her tears away. She has been crying for a while which caused her eyes to redden.

"Mhmm… I knew you would come to save me." Ling replied with a bring smile, no longer shaking or upset. She was at peace knowing he was there for her.

"Tell me, what happened? You didn't die…? Right? Are you safe now?"

Xuefeng wanted to confirm with her first.

"No, no, I didn't die…" Ling quickly denied, finally assuring him but then she buried her face into his chest and blamed herself. "I'm useless… I made you worry…"

"It's okay… I'm relieved you are safe." Xuefeng assured her as he hugged and patted her head, kissing the top of it in between. "Where are we?"

They were in some kind of palace and now that he looked around, it strangely looked similar to the design she used for her own palace.

"We are inside one of my memories…" Ling whispered quietly, shivering as if she was scared. "This was one of the reasons you thought I died… It's cause I have to digest all my memories before I finish my breakthrough…"

"Hmm, is it hard?" He asked worriedly and received a shy nod.

"I have to go through them all else I will be trapped here forever…" She added and before he proposed, she asked while looking up at him.

"Can you help me…? I don't think I can do it alone…" Her glass-like eyes were ready to shed tears in case he rejected her.

Naturally, Xuefeng wouldn't be himself if he did so.

"Of course. You shouldn't even ask. You are my woman already. I promised to take care of you." Xuefeng gave her another kiss, pulling her closer to himself before asking warmly. "Shall we go and face it together?"