422 - 428

Chapter 422 - Manager Kong's Idea

Flying back into New Liu Clan territory, he could see that everyone was still busy. Despite being rebuilt, the whole territory needed some management. Each living quarters had to be assigned to families or guards, the cultivation resources had to be distributed and work relegated.

Xuefeng could see hundreds of Xiao Family's Guards from the sky, flying around as they patrolled. They couldn't avoid such help as they were currently too weak. Thankfully, no one could threaten them aside from the Royal Family and they didn't make any moves.

With Xiao Family as support, his people could train in the perfect environment and hopefully, in a few months, they could become a group of skilled experts. He didn't measure anyone with his own measurements as barely anyone could jump stages like he did.

He flew towards the Palace only to be stopped by his own guards' cries, coming from the distance, "Young Master came back!" Just this small shout of one person was enough to alarm tens of guards who rushed to greet him. His Golden Wings were shining like a lantern so it wasn't hard to notice him.

"There is no need to greet me. Return to your work," Xuefeng immediately informed, not willing to cause such a sensation yet they didn't stop, hovering in front of him.

"Young Master! Please accept us!" One of them called out.

"Yes! Young Master accept us, please!" Another followed.

Xuefeng got confused, not knowing what they wanted and raised his hand to stop their blabbering. "What do you mean by accept?" He asked after they quietened down.

"Let us serve under you!" One of them explained, starting another begging apocalypse.

'Gosh, they behave worse than kids,' Xuefeng thought, releasing his pressure to shut them all up. He understood now that they wanted to work for him which didn't surprise him that much. It might be too cocky from him but that was the reality.

Even though he currently needed as many people as he could get, Xuefeng hit them with question, "Did you consult it with Xiao Family or just decided out of blue?" Despite the two families connections, they were still separate and Xuefeng didn't plan to steal any experts from Xiao Feng.

Just as he thought, all of Xiao Family guards lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"First get my father-in-law approval and then come back. I can't permanently accept you without his permission," Xuefeng decided before flying away as he ordered, "Continue your job."

"Yes Young Master!" They all called back, respecting him even more after his response.

Xuefeng didn't yet know how big of a commotion he created in the whole capital which was the main reason they wanted to join him. Being so young yet so powerful, only someone stupid wouldn't hug his thigh to profit later.

As Xuefeng landed near the entrance, he spotted Wuying who was busy with her matters, ordering her shadow guards around. Seeing her sexy body, wearing her black leather top and short shirt that allowed her swift movement, Xuefeng couldn't help but walk up to her, using his Invisibility to surprise her.

She assigned the work to her Shadow Guards who immediately disappeared after getting an order and marked something on her metal board right when Xuefeng sneaked in behind her.

"Boo…" Xuefeng called out, planning on scaring her yet Wuying responded instinctively, pulling out her dagger and stabbing at Xuefeng's head as she turned around. Xuefeng managed to catch her hand yet another dagger headed in his direction.

"It's me," he said as he canceled his ability, holding both of her wrists. He was amazed he was able to react this fast. "You almost killed me, hehe."


The metal board Wuying was holding finally fell to the ground, showing how quick their movements were.

Wuying relaxed when she saw it was Xuefeng and revoked her daggers. She wanted to scold him yet he pulled her forward and embraced her body while sealing her lips in a kiss. It has only been half a day yet he already missed his wives touch. He already became addicted to their affections.

Xuefeng didn't mind they were watching by clan members from the distance yet she did, transporting them into world of black and white, seeing everything as blurred mist.

He thought Wuying will take them to the palace but she only moved them into a narrow crevice in the design of the palace, still being outside. His back was pressed against the wall yet he quickly reversed their position, his hand lifting up Wuying's thigh as he grasped it firmly.

He didn't avoid punishment after he finally let go of her lips and received a hit on the chest. "Dummy, why did you scare me earlier? What if I injured you…?" She scolded, worrying visible in her eyes. Wuying couldn't be able to forgive herself if she hurt him somehow.

Xuefeng didn't respond to her scolding and instead massaged his chest, pretending to be hurt. "Ouch, since when is my Wuying so violent?" He asked unhappily, his puppy eyes on a verge of crying.

This didn't work on Wuying as she lightly struck him on the side in return, bringing him back to reality. "I know you are pretending," she announced and gave him a peck as the sign of forgiveness.

"I want more kisses," Xuefeng demanded, hovering in front of her with his lips but she only gave him one, pulling him away at the same time.

"How was the battle?" She asked curiously. "The news reached to us a few hours ago. I wanted to check on you but I would only disturb you."

"Oh, it wasn't much. I just beat one guy who thought he was the strongest," Xuefeng replied humbly but then lifted her chin and responded to her worry. "You can visit me any time you want. I will always find time for you. And don't worry, I am fine."

"Thats good," Wuying replied happily, and gave him last kiss before sneaking out of his embrace. "Time for me to go back to work."

"This fast? Isn't it late already?" Xuefeng muttered, catching her hand.

"I'm still not done with my duties. I'm still a leader of Shadow guards so I have to settle some matters," Wuying explained, caressing his cheek.

"Alright. I won't disturb you," Xuefeng replied, giving up on corrupting her as her job was too important. "Do you know where are the others then? I will check on them."

It was getting late so he wanted to bring everyone to rest but it didn't seem it would be this easy. He wasn't knowledgeable in clan building so he left that to his father who was much more experienced.

"Xiao Wen and Tianshi help your parents. Yiren went out with Xiao Feng's wife and should be back soon. Shan and Yi should be training behind the palace so you can check on them I think," Wuying quickly before realizing that her men were searching for him so she gave Xuefeng a kiss before leaving. "I will be back late. Don't wait for me and rest. I will join later."

With her gone, Xuefeng could only listen to her advice and fly up to search for the training grounds Wuying talked about.

Xuefeng wasn't bothered with the fame he created for himself but the news reached many ears, together with those at the highest positions in the capital. One person was sitting in the main headquarters of the Trade Union and was thinking deeply about the news, analyzing it.

It was Manager Kong, the boss responsible for Earth Realm Trade Union operations.

Knock, knock.

Someone knocked on his door, pulling him out of his thoughts and the person entered without waiting for his permission. It turned out to be Manager Wu who was finally done distributing her cargo.

"Dad, I'm back," she called out with a smile, walking up to him to hug him. They didn't see each other for a few yours, only communicating through messages, so she missed him.

"My daughter, it's good you are back," Manager Kong said, returning the hug and sat her down on his chair like a little kid. "Sit down for a moment."

"Did something happen?" She noticed her father was troubled by something so she asked right away. "Mom wanted us to eat dinner to celebrate my return. She told me to bring you back home."

"Did you hear about Xuefeng's news? He is Xiao Feng's son-in-law," Manager Kong asked her curiously, not thinking about dinner.

"Oh," Wu was surprised they would be talking about Xuefeng but she nodded. "Yeah, I heard it from the guards. They were chatting about it. He is as always impressive."

"What do you think about him?" Manager Kong asked further, making Wu a bit suspicious. "Why you ask that?"

"Just answer," he didn't reply and pushed her for answers.

She sighed and thought for a moment before describing Xuefeng in a few words. "He is a very kind and caring guy. Works hard to achieve his goals and to protect his women. I quite admire him."

"What is your relationship with him?" Manager Kong continued investigation.

"Currently we are business partners as I became his main manager. I would consider myself his friend as well. Why?" she asked right after explaining. "What are you planning? You wouldn't ask me without a goal in mind."

"You are right. I do have something planned," Manager Kong nodded, walking up to the window of his office before asking seriously, turning to look at her.

"How about you start flirting with that Xuefeng and become his wife?"

Chapter 423 - Princess Shan's Chance

Wu rubbed her face, staring at her father speechlessly. She heard him clearly yet for a second she thought something was wrong with her ears. "Father, did you drink something unhealthy today? You seem to not even know what you speak anymore. Maybe you should rest?" Wu proposed, not delving into her father's nonsense.

She even tried to stand up, trying to avoid that conversation yet Manager Kong pressed on her shoulder, sitting her back down. "No, sit down, we are not done," he said. "I'm perfectly fine, don't worry."

Wu took a deep breath before speaking. "Father, forget about it. What you want is not happening," Wu rejected firmly, wrapping her arms under her ample chest while leaning on his chair. Her previous cheerful mood turned into her usual business expression.

"Don't you like him? Its only a step to turn that into love," Manager Kong reasoned with her yet the only reaction he got from her was unamused stare.

"It's cause we are f-r-i-e-n-d-s." She spent out the whole word so her father could understand. "I like him but not romantically. Also, he is my business partner. I don't mix business with relationships." Wu was always firm with her believes and it was rare for her to change her mind.

Manager Kong knew that well but he didn't give up. "Give me a reason. Why can't you be with him? Isn't he a great guy? You won't find a better man with such great future in this Realm. Just give it a try," he tried to convince her, speaking well of Xuefeng yet Wu only rolled her eyes at him.

"You want to know why? Maybe cause there is almost two decades between us? Or maybe cause he already have like what, seven women? Do you want me to share my husband with all other girls? No thanks," Wu explained yet Manager Kong debunked her right away.

"Firstly, age is just a number. I was twenty five years older when I married your mother. Secondly, he already looks mature and behaves like adult, representing his clan and Xiao Family. Thirdly, is it that bad to have some sisters around? I heard Xuefeng treats them really well. He cares and satisfies everyone so you don't need to worry about that."

"I don't worry about it!" Wu quickly shouted, stopping him before he said anything stupid and stood up, brushing her father away. "I'm going back home."

He didn't stop her this time but simply called out as she was about to leave, "I talked with your mother about it and she agreed."

She halted upon hearing his words and turned around. "Mom agreed…?" she asked surprised. Wu was really close with her mother, valuing her opinion.

"Actually, she was the one who proposed this idea. She is worried that you won't find anyone, always busy with work and having too high standards. Now that a man like Xuefeng appeared in the spotlight, we think you should give him a shot," Manager Kong explained. "Think about it and do how you wish. Just know that you won't regret being with him."

Wu paused for a moment, clearly lost in thoughts and went out of the office, leaving a quiet agreement.

"I will think about it…"


Although the palace was enormous, once Xuefeng rose to the skies and scanned the place with his Spirit Awareness, he quickly found the training grounds, located next to the gardens. To his surprise, he found Princess Shan who was training her Ice Domain, surrounded by a small ice copula.

He gave her some Fate Stones and Water Qi Wisdom Tree so he was happy seeing her training seriously. He landed at the edge of her domain and simply waited without disturbing her. To avoid wasting his time, he also began cultivating, improving his Spirit Qi levels.

He didn't ask for Ling's help as he wanted to be conscious of his surroundings in case Princess Shan finished her training.

At his stage, it was much harder for cultivators to improve, even if they had high talent but that wasn't the case for Xuefeng. Thanks to his bloodline, he could absorb Spirit Qi ten times faster.

He didn't count for how long did he cultivate before he noticed some movement next to him. Princess Shan finished her training and approached him, smile displayed on her face. Xuefeng didn't react right away, acting as he didn't realize she was coming and only when she was close to him did he open his eyes and attacked.

"Ah!" Princess Shan exclaimed but it was too late for her to defend, her body embraced by two strong arms. She was already familiar with his touch so she simply cuddled into his chest, kissing him lightly. "I thought you are cultivating."

"I was waiting for you," Xuefeng replied, placing her on his lap and returned the kiss, giving her much stronger sensation.

Although, they were alone in the training grounds, Xuefeng thought back to his previous mistake and proposed, "How about you show me our room? I still didn't visit the palace." He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable like Wuying.

"Yes! Of course," Princess Shan agreed right away, suddenly getting excited. It was the first time they were alone together when Xuefeng came up to her himself. It was finally her chance to shine.

"Your father gave us the master bedroom, right when that balcony is." She pointed at one of the balconies on the high floor and suggested, "How about we fly there?"

"Sure," Xuefeng smiled and they both stood up, Princess Shan still hugging into his chest. As his wings spread, he already realized she wanted to fly together with him. "Hold onto me tightly."

Just as Princess Shan thought, there was no one in the room as Yi was still training her ability in her private room. "Come, I will show you around," she called out happily and pulled him by the hand the moment they landed.

The master bedroom was fully furnished, having an build-in office, bathroom, closet and a giant wooden bed that stood out from everything else. Red curtains hanged around it, probably meant to cover the acts on the bed.

Though, even if he wanted to take a closer look, Princess Shan didn't let him, pulling him straight towards the bathroom. He didn't complain, actually wanting to take a relaxing bath before resting so he accepted Princess Shan's company.


The doors closed right after they entered and Princess Shan closed it with a lock.

"Didn't you say you will show me around?" Xuefeng teased, watching her actions but he didn't receive an answer, only a kiss as she pulled on his shirt.

"Do you want to take a bath with me?" Princess Shan asked with desire, her lips hovering next to his. She waited a long time for this chance so she didn't want to lose it.

"Do I have a choice?" Xuefeng asked back, closing the distance of their lips as his hands pulled her waist closer to him. He wanted to take her ice dress off but he held himself back, curious of her plans.

She pulled away from his lips and smiled, replying as her hands began lifting his shirt.


Chapter 424 - Dancing Tigress (**)

Even though Princess Shan wanted to hurry and act before anyone came back, she believed it was best for her to provide Xuefeng with the best experience he could have. She wanted to leave an impression on him, giving him something he will remember. Knowing Xuefeng was quite experience, it wasn't an easy job.

"Isn't it our first…?" Xuefeng ashed in a whisper as his shirt dropped on the wooden floor and they embraced once again. Princess Shan teased him by rubbing her nose against his own while subtly biting on his lips.

"It depends…" she whispered back, staring into his eyes with her icy orbs. "Is that what you want…?" Princess Shan wished to know his feelings too and sensing how his hands were slowly stripping her of her white-blue dress, she already got a slight idea.

'Just say yes…' Princess Shan wished, rubbing his back with care as she waited for his answer.

Xuefeng didn't respond right away and instead, pulled her waist even closer to him while sneaking his hand into her ice blue hair, entangling it with them before leaning over to her ear. "I want the Tigress Shan…" he requested.

Princess Shan's eyes widened, not expecting such an answer but it was more than she asked for. Hearing his wish, she knew there was no need to hold back anymore.


She threw Xuefeng's body against the wall and immediately pinned his arms to it. He didn't show any resistance, letting her do whatever she wanted.

"You don't even know how much I wanted to do it…" She said with an obvious desire as she gave him one bite on the lips and moved to the side instead of down. Kissing his cheek she moved towards his long ear, grabbing it between her teeth.

"Ah…" Xuefeng couldn't help but moan, forgetting about his hidden pleasure spot.

"I saw Yiren did it for you. To think it has such an effect on you, hehe," Princess Shan giggled, happy to discover his weakness. Being a tigress, she wouldn't let go of it this easily.

Click. Click.

Two ice locks appeared on top of his wrist, giving more freedom for her fingers and she immediately caught both of his ears, rubbing it gently while suppressing his cries with her lips.

"You know that they only react to people I truly love…?" Xuefeng informed, his breathing hurried.

Princess Shan froze, looking into his eyes to see if he was lying. "Really…?" she asked with hope.

"Mhmm," Xuefeng nodded, showing his honest smile. "If not, I would feel irritation and nausea."

"I'm glad…" Princess Shan broke her character for a moment, feeling really touched for a moment. She always thought of giving her all to him but now she really meant it.

"You know…" she suddenly spoke as her teasing expression returned and her hand moved downward on his abs, stopping right before his crotch. "I once saw a dance a lady could do for her man. I never tried it but I don't think it should be that hard…"

She didn't ask for his permission as she suddenly turned around, leaning on his chest with her back and moved her butt in a round motion. Her belly joined in as it danced like a wave and her skirt quickly rolling upwards to expose her curves.

"Do you like it…?" she asked seductively, resting her tongue that just experienced an exhausting battle.

"I do," Xuefeng replied honestly, his raging erection acting as a physical proof. She could also feel the hardness with her butt yet she wanted to hear him say it. For her, it wasn't the end but rather the beginning.

She reached out to his locked hands and freed them with a tap of her finger. Leading them down, she placed both on her hips, letting him follow as she continued to move in every direction.

Princess Shan couldn't escape from his grasps and rubs as he gripped her thighs strongly. Despite giving him some free will, she still led him to do her bidding. Unfortunately, one slip and she could lose the control she built.

"Ah…" She couldn't help but moan when his fingers slid in between her legs, caressing her through a pair of white underwear. "Not yet…" She stopped him, pulling his arms upwards on her belly. "Take off my dress first."

She didn't need to ask twice, his palms already pinching her nipples as they covered her breasts. She let him take care of him and meanwhile, she slowly lowered her hands, sliding on his waist before pushing his pants down. She only needed to reach down to his thighs before they fell on his own, at the same time as her dress which he threw to the side.

He grabbed his erection and before he did anything, she put it between her legs, letting it peek at the front with its head.

"How about now…?" She asked, moving back and forth as he fondled her ample breasts. "Is it better?"

"Is this how the dance goes originally?" Xuefeng asked back instead of replying.

"No," She denied, caressing the tip of his glans. "I'm innovating."

"How about we move to the pool?" She proposed right after, hopping away from him while still holding onto his shaft. Before he could say no, his foot already entered the pool, walking down the steps into hot water.

The pool was round with a small statue of a naked women on an island in the middle, looking more like a fountain than a bath. They could only guess that the previous owner liked to bring girls into the bath so he build a big one right next in his bedroom.

Princess Shan led him to the middle of the bath before making him sit on one of the steps. She kissed him for the last time and dove underwater.

"Ah…" The feeling of her soft lips and tongue wrapping around him was too amazing for him to stay quiet. Despite being inexperienced, she showed some great skills which surprised him. The cooling sensation of her lips compared to the hot bath made him ecstatic.

He wanted to pleasure her too yet she didn't let him, fully focusing on him.

At the same time, Ling who was watching everything from the side, expressed her willingness. 'I want to join too,' she said shamelessly, knowing what she wanted. 'Others are coming back already.'

He didn't need to search as it seemed Princess Shan already did, resurfacing with an unhappy expressing. She glanced back at the doors before showing a determined look as she jumped onto his lap, wrapping him with knee-socks covered legs.

"Others are coming and we are not done yet," She informed him firmly, giving him the signal that she wanted more. Her tigress was gone, only pure desire that screamed from her eyes.

Despite others coming, Xuefeng couldn't leave her like that.

He lifted her body and placed her down on the island. She knew what would happen now and she didn't know if she was more excited or happy.

She looked at him with an innocent smile when he pulled her panties to the side and slowly pierced into her, finally claiming both her heart and body.

Chapter 425 - Xuefeng's Daily Fantasis

Getting ignored, Ling pouted and immediately appeared behind Xuefeng, hugging him from behind. She didn't say anything but simply pressed her naked body onto his back, trying to get some attention from him.

As Ling came out, Little Ming couldn't be any worse and also showed up. Her body was much bigger compared to her usual cute self but her face maintained its round shape. Despite her size growth in all curves, she still kept her pink jumper that got all wet as she hid in the water, only watching from the side with her face flushed.

Before Xuefeng could say anything, the doors to the bathroom opened. Both Xiao Wen and Tianshi came in, already knowing what was happening inside. "Ah, why didn't you call us?" Xiao Wen complained displeased and dropped her dress with one move, jumping to the pool right after. Tianshi copied her and they both swam while only wearing their underwear.

Xuefeng disregarded anyone other than Princess Shan and leaned over, asking with caring smile, "How are you feeling? Does it hurt? I can wait until you are fine."

He didn't push too far inside her as he knew that the first time could hurt. He was surprised when Princess Shan looked at him with confusion and asked back, "Huh? I'm fine. Was it supposed to hurt? It actually feels nice."

He would think she was lying if not for the bright smile she had on her face. He decided to move with his hips reaching even deeper inside her. Seeing drops of blood, he was sure he broke her hymen yet Princess Shan had no reaction whatsoever. She seemed to be enjoying it plenty.

"Xuefeng, I think she is just resistant to pain. Due to training in extreme cold temperatures, her pain receptors are sturdier than anyone else," Link whispered into Xuefeng's ear as he thrust inside Princess Shan, finally having no worries that she will feel any pain.

"Got it," Xuefeng acknowledged her input with quick kiss before lifting Princess Shan's legs and placing them on his shoulders, freeing his two arms. He reached out behind him, clutching his fingers on Ling's butt cheek and pulled her to the side so he could see her.

"Sorry for ignoring you," he apologized. "I just wanted to give Shan the first time she deserves with my attention on her."

Xuefeng then turned to Shan, rubbing her thigh warmly but before he said anything, she gave him a smile and assured him, knowing what he will say, "It's okay. We are family now. Let just make it a good experience for everyone."

He was actually speechless for real after her words, asking himself how much karma did he gather in his past lives to have each of his girls so good. "You are really an angel…" he muttered in the end.

Just from what she said, Xuefeng decided to share this moment while focusing only on her. He let go of Ling with an apologetic smile and laid down on top of Princess Shan, sealing her lips. Ling could only sigh helplessly. She knew Xuefeng was making the right decision.

Seeing that Tianshi and Xiao Wen already reached them, slowly swimming as they chatted, Ling joined them next to Little Ming, leaving Xuefeng and Princess Shan alone.

Little Ming wanted to watch more but she got pulled away as Ling hugged into her body. Ling was the one who proposed to increase her height but her cute behavior remained, too hard to eliminate.

"You are Xuefeng's Spirit, right?" Xiao Wen questioned, just to confirm Lang's words. He already told her she was a powerful Fate Spirit.

"Yes, I'm Ling's mother," Little Ming replied proudly, acting like an actual mother and patted Ling on the head. Now that she was taller, she could do much more than before.

"Huh? How is that possible? Isn't that Ming we saw earlier?"

"Hmm, let's say we are the same person but have two bodies. Each time we switch, our personalities change," Little Ming explained before announcing shamelessly. "It's complicated but just know that I'm the better sister, humph."

She was still pouting at Ming for keeping her away for so long but she understood Ming was a better help for Xuefeng at that time.

"Haha," everyone laughed at how cute she was and Tianshi even swam up to her to give Little Ming a hug. Having a sudden thought that made her curious, Tianshi asked, "How is it to be inside Xuefeng at all times?"

The two thought about the question while turning their heads to look at Xuefeng and Ling was first to reply. "Its a torture," She said honestly.


Even though Xuefeng was busy with Princess Shan, he couldn't avoid hearing their conversations as they were just next to them. This one particular answer from Ling almost made him choke.

Little Ming nodded to that, confirming, "I know right? He always thinks about naughty or lewd stuff. He makes his thoughts open to us so we can see all of his daily fantasies. You wouldn't believe what Xuefeng wants."

"Cough, cough! Traitors!" Xuefeng called out, trying to stop them before they spill anything but only received their smiles in return.

Xiao Wen and Tianshi looked at each other, momentarily getting interested. "Please, go on," Xiao Wen smiled evilly, urging them to share.

Xuefeng was pulled back into kissing by Princess Shan which gave Ling a green light. She leaned over and whispered the best details into two sister's ears, making even them embarrassed. "Xuefeng is so perverted…?" Xiao Wen asked surprised, secretly willing to try some of his fantasies.

"I'm sure its normal right? Every man should be similar in this aspect." Tianshi, tried to defend Xuefeng, actually liking some of his ideas. Making love midair would be her favorite as she liked flying.

"What aspect?" A sweet voice suddenly called out from the entrance. It was the trio of Wuying, Yiren and Yi who came home late. Seeing everyone was in the pool, they also began stripping off their clothes down to their underwear.

"It's about Xuefeng's fantasies. We know everything now, hehe," Xiao Wen explained, enjoying this a lot. It was always Xuefeng who bullied them and now it was their chance to fight back.

"Oh! Share, share!" Yiren loved gossips so she instantly got into her mood, running on top of the water surface as if it was ground to reach them faster.

Hearing Xiao Wen's whispers, Yiren couldn't help but ask, "Is that even a position…? How about we try it tonight? I don't mind experimenting." She was always eager to try new things.

"I agree, we can do some of the list," Tianshi agreed too, willing to do anything if that can elevate Xuefeng's pleasure to another level.

"Okay. You actually made me want it too. Let's do it tonight," Xiao Wen decided with Wuying joining right after. Yi eyes were still wide open, blushing heavily but she also nodded, willing to do anything to be any closer to Xuefeng.


Just as they all looked at Xuefeng's direction to get his opinion, Princess Shan cried out of pleasure, feeling hot substance shot inside her. Despite the whispers, she could still hear anything the girls said, making her come just from thinking while putting herself in all those scenarios.

She turned her head to the side while embracing Xuefeng and asked without a breath, "Where do I sign…?"

Chapter 426 - Event

Xuefeng got betrayed and all of his secrets got exposed. Now that all girls were so eager to try new things, he couldn't run away anymore. He got dragged out of the pool by everyone and brought into a massive bed, surrounded by all the girls as they stared at him with desire.

"I think your buddy is more excited than you," Xiao Wen said with a grin as she grabbed his erection firmly, feeling it jump and twitch as she stroked it. She happened to be the one in charge of the assault, claiming the main spot as she sat directly on his thighs.

"We are your wives… We would never hurt you," Yiren assured him sweetly, leaving a kiss on his lips as she lent her lap to him as his pillow. She massaged his ears with care, relaxing him even more.

Xuefeng couldn't resist them anymore and gave up. "Fine… Take what you want… I'm all yours tonight," he said as if he was going to sacrifice his body to safe the world, making the girls laugh.

Because of his perverted thoughts, Xuefeng spend whole night, satisfying all of his girls' desires. Yi, who wasn't exactly show where they stood in their relationship, didn't give up on her dreams to enter into Xuefeng's heart. She was patient, stealing one or two kisses to get a taste of him before subtly making her stand equally with others by joining in group activities around Xuefeng's crotch.

Yi didn't want to get anywhere beyond that for now, waiting for their love to flourish first but for that she needed more time and opportunities. Little Ming was in a similar situation as her, not fully ready to attack until she was sure Xuefeng accepted her.

In the end, they didn't finish until morning, forcing them to sleep late. They all cuddled into Xuefeng, each finding their own space on the bed. If Xuefeng didn't tire them out, he didn't think they would want to end.

At the same time, right when the the sun rose above the horizon, the young tailor's shop was finally finished. With Liu Xiaobei full support, they worked overnight to get everything set up and ready for big opening the next day. Liu Xiaobei also heard of his son's fame and decided to use it in business. They wanted to enter the capital with a bang.


Hundreds of people spread throughout the capital, announcing the big news to all pedestrians. Thanks to Xiao Feng manpower, it wasn't hard to achieve in such a short time frame.

Everyone still remembered about him from yesterday's gossips so they immediately got interested. Similar conversations happened in every corner of the capital.

"That Xuefeng? The powerful Xiao Family's son-in-law who defeated Saber Devil with one hit?"

"Yes! Let's go check it out before it's too crowded!"

Anyone who could instantly flew into the sky and headed towards the main square. Although not everyone could fly as it was partially prohibited, when everyone was doing wrong at the same time, the law enforcement wasn't able to punish them, only focusing on keeping order.

It was still half an hour till noon but the whole main square which could fit a few million people at once was already fully packed. All nearby roofs were occupied by people as guards protected the skies, forcing them to find another free "seats."

A big stage was built in the middle of the square with a long runway leading towards the new shop. It was few stories high, occupying all floors. It was one of the best locations that Tang Family had previously, but now it was turned into a giant clothing and lingerie shop.

"I am sure it will work out. It should be the first time such an event was created in the capital," Miss Riu, the tailor's older sister said confidently as she watched the massive crowd from the stage. It was her idea to showcase the best products they had in this fashion.

She wore one of the dresses from the collection, dolling herself up for the first time.

"It will for sure. I also start to think this will be the best business we will have. Liu Clan will definitely give you all the help you need," Liu Xiaobei assured her, smiling brightly to the crowd. Riu couldn't help but get excited, knowing they made the right decision to join hands with Liu Clan.

"Is Xuefeng going to come? It would be nice to have him. It seems everyone is waiting to see him," Riu asked curiously, hearing the crowds talks.

"I already sent his mother to wake him up. He seems to be sleeping," Liu Xiaobei shrugged. He wanted to avoid bothering Xuefeng too much but this event was too important for Liu Clan. He couldn't blame him too if he doesn't come as everything was too rushed, prepared while Xuefeng was busy with his matters.

"Mhmm, thats good. Shall we slowly start then?" Riu asked, seeing the time was closing and she received a nod. Riu didn't wait and quickly sent a message to her brother who was preparing models in the building. She wanted to use real human models to show the full beauty of their clothes.

With the signals sent, the show finally started. Right above the scene, a giant cubic water screen began to raise up in the air for everyone to see, even from the furthest spot on the Main Square. At the same time as it rose, the music started to play, making everyone turn quiet, expecting something to happen.

Riu who was on the stage suddenly saw her self on the big water screen, looking as if alive and she smiled gently, looking at the crowd. She was waiting all morning for this moment.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you all for coming! I'm Riu and I will be your host today!" She greeted everyone warmly, the sound amplifier attached to her ear spreading her voice throughout the Main Square.

The delicate melody soothed everyone's ears as she continued, "You probably wonder what is the business we want to present to you. I can only tell you it involves fashion, love and future. For more, you will have to see for yourself."

Riu pointed at the new shop with her open palm and the doors opened abruptly with a bang, grabbing everyone's attention.

The water screen shifted the image, this time displaying the entrance and the music intensified, getting a dancing rhythm to it.

Bum, clap. Bum, clap.

Before anyone realized, everyone was clapping to the music as the first model left the building, stunning everyone.

"Isn't it Delicate Flower…? The top ten beauty…?" The guys immediately recognized the women walking confidently on the runway, catching their hearts with her smiles. Thankfully not only guys were captivated, the women in the crowd immediately noticing the beautiful flowery dress she wore, looking comfortable yet pretty.

"What a pretty dress… Where did she buy it…?"

Many girls wondered, only to hear Riu's voice as she introduced the piece.

"The first dress in our collection, beautiful casual white dress for every day walks around the city. With such a dress, you can captive any men's heart. If you want to look as great as Miss Delicate Flower, you can buy it today in our new store!"

Before they could fully digest the information, Riu continued, introducing the second model. "Even if the dress is great, we still need to think what's underneath it if we plan to please our man. The current fashion of women's underwear is plain and boring. We deserve better!"

The women in the crowd felt embarrassed that Riu talked about underwear but they couldn't agree more. They even preferred to be naked than wear their underwear in front of their men.

"We found a solution! Something all of us women deserve! Underwear shouldn't be ugly and uncomfortable! Let me present you something that any man would like to see underneath the pretty dress!" Riu cried out enthusiastically and another model walking into the runway, following after Delicate Flower.

Her pretty appearance wasn't the main thing that caught their attention. It was the lack of clothing and the white set of sexy underwear that covered her curves. The men who watched the model's butt moving couldn't help but imagine their own women wearing them.

"Babe! I will buy you those!"

Chapter 427 - Speech

It was already noon when someone knocked into Xuefeng's master bedroom, waking him up. Naked beauties covered his body, too comfy to move and open the doors. He could feel it was his mother knocking so he felt obliged to go talk to her. She wouldn't disturb him if it wasn't anything important.

He shifted his body, trying to not wake anybody up yet Tianshi, who was right on top of his chest, lazily opened her eyes and looked at him with questioning gaze.

"Sleep my love…" Xuefeng whispered as he gave her a kiss, trying to make her fall asleep but she didn't listen.

"Did something happen…? What time is it?" She asked back quietly, seeing that everyone else was sleeping, tired from yesterday's activities. Xuefeng didn't use his Regeneration ability on purpose, wanting to tire them out else he wouldn't be able to sleep.

"It should be around noon. My mother is knocking on the doors. I will go greet her," Xuefeng replied as he rubbed her cheek and she nodded, moving to the side. Tianshi was one of those people who liked to sleep well.

Yi, Princess Shan and Wuying laid their heads on his belly while wrapping their legs with his own. He had to carefully pull his body away to avoid waking them up. Only after he was free did he realize he could simply teleport away which would be much easier.


Just as he wanted to stand up, Xiao Wen caught his hand and demanded similar treatment, being awake the whole time. He could only give her a kiss to finally be free. Walking up, he only wore his pants before walking out shirtless.

"Good morning Mom," Xuefeng greeted her mom properly with a kiss on the cheek and asked while closing the doors quietly, "Is there something urgent?"

Mu Lan smiled and asked back with her motherly care, seeing the girls on the bed. "Did you enjoy the night?"

"Cough, it was okay," Xuefeng cleared his throat, not willing to share the details.

"Alright, its good you are active. I'm still waiting for some grandkids," she said playfully and seeing Xuefeng's eye roll, she went into the topic she came with.

"Are you busy now? We are opening our clothing store in your name and we want you to greet the crowd," she described his job in few words. "You became famous due to your fight yesterday so now everyone wants to see you."

"Oh!" Xuefeng was quite surprised, not expecting it was actually about his clothing brand idea. "How did you guys set up everything in one day?"

"We worked whole night to get ready. Thanks to your fame, we gathered millions of people on the main square for the show. The only lacking puzzle is you," Mu Lan said honestly, already feeling tired from the all-nighter she pulled.

"Ah, no one told me anything… Else I would help for sure," Xuefeng felt quickly for a moment but then his mother gave him a pat, assuring him. "It's alright. We didn't tell you on purpose as you were busy too and studied whole day. You should be well rested."

"I will get ready right now," he quickly decided, giving her mother a hug.

"Come alone. It won't take long. We want all single ladies to make you their idol. This will definitely improve the sales," Mu Lan proposed, knowing what effect he had on the girls.

"Okay, I will do what I can," He nodded, willing to do at least this much. He knew his mom wasn't joking.

He went back to the room and began wearing his clothes to which the girls suddenly woke up, looking in his direction. "Are you leaving?" Yiren asked, woken from the lack of Xuefeng on her lap.

"You girls can sleep a bit longer. I'm going to help mom with some event and come back shortly to eat with you," Xuefeng explained apologetically and gave everyone a quick kiss to appease them.

Xuefeng would propose to take them with him if there was a need so no one complained, going back to sleep.


Meanwhile on the Main Square, a new visitor appeared to watch the event. It was Wu who decided to visit Xuefeng to talk to him about the partnership with him yet she stopped by, hearing Xuefeng was opening a new store.

She already knew it would be a clothing store, similar to the one in Phoenix City but she didn't expect they would gather so many people.

Wu couldn't see Xuefeng anywhere but she still stayed, hoping to see what will happen. After yesterday's talk, she couldn't stop thinking about what her father said and her mind kept playing jokes on her by imagining various scenarios of them together. She wanted to talk to him to finally set her thoughts straight.

'This one should be new…' Wu thought as she saw a new set of lingerie on the last few models. 'Maybe I should tell Xuefeng to get me some...' Being a classy women, she already bought a few pieces back in Phoenix City but she wouldn't mind having more.

Based on the women's screams of desire, she expected that the demand would be pretty high. The stock would run out immediately but she didn't want to fight with the crazy women in the crowd.

'Will he think that I'm using him…? Nah… It's just a small favor. He is not like that,' Wu got lost in her thoughts again. 'But won't I need to tell him my size? Isn't that too intimate…?'

Wu tried to find an answer yourself, just as she always did when suddenly many screams from the crowd woken her up. She looked up and saw the source of her internal problems.


"Now that everyone saw the collection, let me present you the main designer and sponsor of today's event, Liu Xuefeng!" Riu introduced him properly and the water displayer switched to Xuefeng who appeared in the sky.

His Golden Wings were covered with flames as he flew above the crowd, scanning everyone with his gaze. He did two rounds before landing on the stage, splashing the fire off his wings right before landing next to Riu.

Even she had to admit he looked cool at that very moment, seducing her with his graceful movements. For a second she thought he wouldn't be that bad or a partner yet she quickly shook her head to get rid of those thoughts.

'Damn you father… Messing my mind,' Wu cursed under hear breath, not liking the uncontrolled thoughts. If she didn't know about it, she wouldn't waste her time over thinking.

"Hello everyone, I'm Liu Xuefeng," Xuefeng called out to the crowd, not needing any amplifiers for his voice to resound throughout the Main Square. He had to pause as many girls screamed excitedly, surprising him. He didn't expect to create such a reaction.

"Thank you everyone for coming for our event. I'm truly grateful," Xuefeng thanked according to the script that his mother gave him before improvising, showing his sincerity.

"When it comes to this project, my first priority was you, my dear women. I wanted every girl and every women to feel beautiful for herself, her man or her husband. I didn't do it for the money. I have more than enough. I did it cause I know every women deserves the world and this is my gift for you. Please enjoy this collection and support Liu Clan. Thank you once again."

Chapter 428 - Fine


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Thank you, your shameless Author Pio.

Enjoy the chapter <3


"You did well Xuefeng," Liu Xiaobei patted him on the back, seeing the crowd ecstatic.

"You could tell me earlier, I would prepare something better at least," Xuefeng lamented, still thinking he could improve but his father shook his head. "No, it was perfect."

"That's good then. Do you need me for something else?" Xuefeng asked just to make sure before he returns back to the palace.

Liu Xiaobei wanted to say 'No' when he stopped himself, seeing a quite large group of cultivators incoming from the north. "I think you should still stay for a bit longer," he said, pointing at the sky with his eyes.

Xuefeng followed his gaze and smiled surprised, "Is this Royal Family? Let me handle it," he quickly decided, spreading his wings once again, flying to face the whole group alone. His move immediately grabbed the whole crowd attention.

"Is he going to be fine?" Riu asked worriedly, not expecting the authorities to come so fast. They created the whole event overnight, without asking for any permissions.

"He should be. There is no way they will try to fight with millions watching," Liu Xiaobei assured her before thinking of an idea. "Go put the action on the big screen. It would a good finale for our show."

"Oh!" Riu quickly exclaimed and sent the message to the backstage, announcing it afterward to the crowd.

"Everyone! We wanted to proceed with the shop's opening yet it seems there are some people trying to create trouble for us. I'm sorry for any delays. The shop will open right after the problem is resolved."

The announcement created some irritation from the people who already couldn't wait to buy their favorite dress and lingerie.

"Damn, who is troubling them?! I can't see any problems?"

"I think its Royal Family. The event created quite a commotion."

"Oh… Let's hope the shop will open in the end..."

Many complained but hearing it was Royal Family intervening, they stopped cursing. The leading party still had huge respect in the Capital Community, being shaped for thousands of years. They could only wait and see how the action develops.

On the screen, Xuefeng was flying up with face full of confidence and calmness, hovering right in front of the enemy group, blocking their advance. Some of the Xiao Family experts tried to move and help him but he stopped them.

"I am fine. Focus on managing the crowd. They need more than this small group to stop Liu Clan," Xuefeng said, proudly mentioning his Clan's name whenever he could. His voice reverberated throughout the Main Square as if there were speakers on every corner.

Anyone could hear him clearly and thanks to the displays, they could see him too. His previous actions which gave him fame were seen by limited amount of people but this time millions of people were watching. Who didn't like to watch real life spicy drama involving two biggest clans in the capital? Naturally, everyone would get excited.

"Who is responsible for this event?! Show yourself!" the leading middle-aged man, looking like a captain of the city guards called out with stern expression, not especially looking at Xuefeng. "This "show" violates every damn rule in the codex! This is unacceptable!"

The man didn't mind being loud, having the reputation of the Royal Family behind his back.

"Oof, it's over. It's the Captain of Royal Family Guards responsible for the order in the city. He is known for his strict behavior…" Someone commented, recognizing the man.

Aside from his unforgettable character, he was also a great cultivator, already standing at the peak of the Monarch stage. Just based of his strength people respected him.

Xuefeng rose his hand up and replied with a smile, "Oh, I'm here. Is there anything I can help you with?" He didn't seem a bit worried.

All attention of the newcomers switched to him, getting pierced by hundreds of stares yet he remained unmoved. One had to know there were more than hundreds Sages in the arriving group, all being top notch experts.

The middle-aged man frowned his thick eyebrows and aimed his anger at him. "Do you know the consequence of your actions?! Explain yourself!" he demanded, not giving him any respect. For him anyone who breaks the law didn't deserve any.

Xuefeng was still polite despite the Capitan's rudeness. "Consequences? I'm not aware, I'm sorry. I came to the capital just yesterday. Can I get enlightened on what punishment we will receive?"

"Even if you don't know the rules, it doesn't mean you can break them! The punishment for disrupting the order of this scale deserves a fine worth ten million high-tier stones!" the Capitan shot the number, scaring many in the crowd. Ten million was enough to set up their own clan and start a few businesses yet it was the cost of a single fine.

Despite such a high number, Xuefeng wasn't moved. "Just Ten million? No problem! I think I have enough in my hidden storage I hid away from my wives," he said as if a joke, pretending to search his pockets.

Everyone thought he was joking, some even laughed, angering the Capitan even more only to shock them when he suddenly found a ring in a hidden pocket of his pants and showed it to everyone happily. In the next second, Spirit Stones began flying out of the ring as if water, covering half of the sky behind him.

"S-so many Spirit stones…" a guard behind the captain stuttered, seeing so many stones for the first time in his life.

It wasn't natural to bring so many Spirit Stones out of the Storage Rings. Most big transactions occurred by exchanging the rings with the rings being a gift of low value.

They thought Xuefeng wanted to mock them by pulling out the mountains worth of stones just to waste their time but they only laughed in their minds. Money was money. They could easily collect it.

"This should be around ten million Spirit Stones. I already counted. Is that enough? I will pay up front first and then we will end the show," Xuefeng expressed his sincerity, complying with the consequences and surprising everyone, even his own father.

"Oh," the Captain thought Xuefeng will resist but seeing he didn't, he couldn't help but soften a bit, finally showing his smile. "Finally someone who knows how to settle matters without resisting. Fine, we will take the fine and support in managing the crowd."

He gave his men a sign and they happily began approaching Xuefeng to collect the money. Though, they didn't cross a huge distance as just after, the mountains of Spirit Stones moved, suddenly falling from the sky.

It momentarily spread like a web that covered the whole Main Square only to halt closer to the ground, gently falling with the speed of the feather. Everyone hesitated but the moment High-tiered Spirit Stones were just above them, they quickly reached out to grab them.

"Haha! I got one!"

"I got three!"

"Hey! You stole mine!"

In seconds all Spirit Stones were snatched by the quickest hands, leaving most with grins on their faces. Everyone liked free money, no matter how small the amount.

"What do you mean by this?!" the Captain barked, his face turning red from anger.

"Oh, you didn't think I would pay you the money? You were not even here when the event started so how could I disturb you? I only paid the damages to people I potentially disturbed," Xuefeng explained with a shrug before looking at the crowd. "I sincerely apologize to anyone we disturbed with our event. I hope this gift from Liu Clan will somewhat appease you lovely people. You have been great the entire show. I couldn't ask for a better audience."

"It's alright! The event was great!"

"Yeah! We loved it!"

Cheering resounded from the happy crowd, sounding an army chanting. Who wouldn't support someone who casually give out ten million to the crowd.

"That move only wasted your money! You still have to pay the fine!" the Captain argued, turning cold. He realized Xuefeng was playing with him the whole time.

"What fine? To fine me anything, there has to be a victim. I don't think anyone suffered in our event," Xuefeng replied with confusion on his face. "We can asked the crowd what they think."

"Does anyone want to agree with the Royal Family who considers my gift to you all a waste of money?" He asked, looking hurt. "I was really sincere with my apology but if Royal Family wants to take away all the gifts, I can't do anything…"

The immediate response from the crowd was obvious and easy to imagine.
