Chapter 151 to Chapter 159

Chapter 152 Weak

The warehouse was filled with an eerie silence. The six revolutionaries were rooted on the spot while the blood-red snowflakes continued to stream down on their bodies.

Their eyes were on the entrance from where a man was slowly moving forward. They gulped down and then moved their eyes on the floor where their companion was lying in utter misery.

"Ah," Simon tried to move his limbs without any success. His entire body was in a mess with almost every bone inside him fractured.

His titanium skin was filled with wounds from broken bones protruding out. He wanted to groan but he couldn't even do that with a broken neck.

"He...lp," Simon muttered after struggling for what felt like an eternity. His ape face was extremely unsightly with his face caved within as if a train has run over him.

Yuizi, who was behind him, heard his voice. She shook her head trying to regain her composure.

"Now is not the time to be in a trance," Yuizi shouted after noticing the trance-like state of her companions.

Every single of them was shocked by the quick defeat of Simon. They initially believed he could buy them a few minutes of time while they packed up the stuff but to their horror, he was defeated in few seconds.

None of them knew how he was defeated. All they heard was the sound of bone-shattering after Simon leaped to attack the enemy.

"Give him a recovery pill," Rufus commanded. He knew this was not the time to lose their wits no matter how strong the enemy was.

"Yes," Mailo took out a plastic bottle from his jacket. He uncapped the bottle and took out a green pill.

He crouched down in front of Simon and opened his mouth to put the pill on his tongue. The pill melted into green waves of energy and passed throughout the body of Simon.


The broken bones joined together and returned to their original position. As the green waves moved down the body, the tissues healed and the flesh recovered its original vitality.

Simon jumped back on his feet feeling refreshed and energized. His giant ape body now had no traces of any injury.

"Nowadays everyone is a cockroach," A cold voice ringed in the warehouse, "But then again this is for better."

Simon flinched as he turned his head towards the master of this voice. The dust has settled down and he could make out the features of the man who has brought him to a near-death stage.

The man has shoulder-length golden hairs with strange pupils. The air behind him was turbulent and filled with a curtain of blood.

"W-who are you?" Simon muttered.

"My name doesn't matter but if you're so curious," The man spoke in a voice that chilled everyone's heart, "Call me Kiba."

"Kiba?" The seven looked at each other in confusion. The name didn't ring any bells in their minds.

Did the police officer has such a powerful officer?!

Or is he a part of the secret corps sent by the government?!

"Introductions are over so let's start," Kiba moved a step forward, and as he did, the space distorted with multiple colors.

"W-what?" Simon didn't know how, but the next moment, he was struggling for breathing.

He felt himself off the ground with a heavy pressure knocking over his windpipe. His bloodshot eyes moved down and noticed a hand grip on his neck.

"Ple...ase," His face turned deathly pale as Kiba tightened his grip.

Yuizi, who was next to him, transformed her hands into claws full of green scales.

She striked a claw towards Kiba's hand which was gripping Simon.

Rufus morphed into a humanoid cyborg with his fist aimed at Kiba's head. Two lasers erupted from his fists with a walloping force.

Mailo stretched his hands apart and his body protruded out with bone spikes directed at Kiba.

The other three revolutionaries rushed back to pack up the stuff. They were sure the man in front of them was not from police or secret corps so they wanted to leave before the police arrived.

Kiba's lips curved upwards as the claw landed on his hand and the bone spikes struck on his back.

"ARGH!" Yuizi screamed as her claw ripped apart in fragments of blood and gore.

"AHHHH!" Mailo released a heart-wrenching scream as he felt thousands of voltages passing in his body from the bone spikes.

"Impossible," Rufus uttered in horror as the two lasers turned into a puff of air after reaching Kiba.

"H-how is this possible?" Yuizi backed away with her other hand supporting her shredded hand.

Just how strong was his physical body?!


If he was a strength-type mutant then how could he teleport and use energy type attacks?!

How was he able to transfer electricity through bone spikes?!

There was no way he was human!

Kiba didn't say anything and instead, applied more pressure on Simon's neck.


Simon's eyes bulged out while his windpipe shattered. The bone shard struck out of his neck bringing him close to death.

Kiba released his grip and Simon fell on the ground.

"Surely this is not what you all have to offer?" Kiba snapped his fingers and out of nowhere, the air above Simon was filled with blood-red orbs of light.

The orbs merged with the dying Simon and regenerated him to his former state.

"Just what on earth are you?" Rufus asked as he took out a glass bottle from his pocket. The bottle has circular red pills.

"Your death," Kiba answered while glancing at the pills, "Oho~ Finally you're taking me seriously."

"Death? You don't seem to be from the government so why would you target us?" Rufus put a pill in his mouth. His body trembled as the cyber-armor on his body mutated at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Target?" Kiba's voice contained a hatred he has never known before, "You harmed my sister and you say I'm targetting you?"

"Could it be?" Yuizi muttered after consuming a red pill.

"She has no role in your war with the government but yet you harmed her," Kiba clenched his fist tightly, "So don't you dare expect an easy death."

"I don't know who is your sister but she wasn't harmed intentionally," Rufus said in a deep voice, "Sacrifices are needed in the war for the greater good."

"Greater good?" Kiba's eyes were filled with a cold glint, "That's the same excuse each one of you uses."

The next moment, he disappeared from his position and appeared in front of Rufus.

Rufus wasn't scared. The floor beneath his feet erupted with black laser light aimed at Kiba.

As the black laser light landed on Kiba, Rufus's leaped behind with his palms releasing small rockets.


The floor cracked up with smoke and debris floating in the air.

Yuizi jumped in the air and made a slashing motion towards the dust cloud. She knew the opponent wouldn't die so easily which was why she didn't wait for the dust to settle.

The air ripped apart with sounds of explosions as the energy claw moved forward.

Mailo struck his fist on the floor with bone spikes, like blades, rushing towards the area filled with the smoke cloud

Simon banged his hands on his chest like an ape with his mouth radiating out sonic waves.

The three mutants who were packing similarly attacked. One of them was in the air with his fist releasing a black stream of light.

The other one closed his eyes, and the space cleaved into two as a spear made of dark energy manifested above the dust cloud.

The final revolutionary released an arc of lightning with all his might.


The entire warehouse was filled with sounds of explosions as attack after attack landed on the same place.

The floor was filled with firelight and pulverized tile fragments while the dust cloud expanded.

"Did we succeed?" Yuizi asked.

"Definitely! No one can survive that!" Mailo answered with confidence.

"A pity I couldn't snap his neck myself," Simon spoke with disappointment. He hated how he was almost killed and then healed by Kiba.

"No time to waste," One of the three mutants said, "The police would be here any minute."

"Let's leave," Rufus took a deep breath and turned around.


"What?!" Rufus turned around as he sensed a powerful force from behind.

His jaw almost dropped to the floor with his eyes leaving the sockets.

The dust cloud ripped apart and the fare of light disappeared.

"No way," Yuizi's throat turned dry.

Kiba was perfectly fine without a single scratch.


Much less scratch on his body, even his clothes were like before without any trace of dust.

"Is he even a human?" Mailo stumbled back not daring believe the scene in front of him.

"He is definitely a monster in human clothing!" Simon muttered with his body trembling.

"My turn," Kiba lifted his hand and made a movement diagonally.



The revolutionaries screamed in terror as their bodies severed into two from their torso. Blood splattered on the floor like a fountain.

They howled in pain feeling a pain they didn't think was possible before. Their hearts contracted and their eyes felt dizzy as they sensed death approaching.



"Huh?" Rufus opened his eyes a few minutes later. He felt energized and then looked down on his body.

He was intact! There was no injury!

"Was everything a nightmare?" Rufus asked as he turned around and saw his other companions were fine just like him.

Even the floor has no signs of cracks. There were no traces of any battle.

"Seems so," Yuizi answered. Her thoughts were cloudy so she didn't contemplate on how can they all have the same nightmare!

She felt the nightmare was far too real. The sensation of her body cleaved into two was still fresh in her mind.

She has undergone virtual simulation training to face torture but no training ever made her see death so close.

But this didn't matter!

They were alive!

The nightmare was over!

"N-no, the nightmare isn't over," Simon muttered with his voice filled with despair.

"What do--" Rufus brought his vision to Simon's line of sight.

On the circular table some distance away, Kiba was sitting with his legs resting on a chair.

"Should we start again for the greater good?" Kiba asked with his chin resting on his hands.

His voice contained a chillness that made them feel as if they were in the depths of hell.

"Start again for the greater good?!" Yuizi's muscles tensed as an unpleasant thought struck her heart.

Kiba didn't reply but made a slashing motion in the air.


"Not again!"


A few minutes later~

The seven stood up from the floor without any injuries. Their bodies were rejuvenated with more vigor than before, but this time they didn't dare rejoice.

Every single of them felt distressed like never before. They slowly turned their heads towards the circular table hoping for the best.

Alas, much to their horror, the man they feared was still in the same spot glancing them with cold eyes.

"Haah~ this is no fun," Kiba said a deep sigh, "Why are you all so weak?"


The seven cursed loudly.

We're not weak!

It is you who is too overpowered!

Chapter 153 Smile

A black blade extended from the top of Rufus' right wrist. The blade was surrounded by red bolts of current.

Rufus leaped up with his blade cutting forward toward his enemy. The floor shook and the air trembled as the blade rushed ahead.

It was like the blade was capable of destroying everything in its path.

"Take this!" Rufus shouted as the blade arrived in front of Kiba.

Kiba raised his hand and moved his thumb and index finger forward to intercept the blade.


A storm of chaotic energy exploded out filled with red bolts of current. The tiles shattered in fragments and the debris hovered in the air.

"No way," Rufus' face turned deathly pale.

Time set to come in a standstill with his blade caught in between a thumb and index finger. Ripples of pressure manifested from the fingers and passed on the blade.


The blade cracked apart like a mirror falling on the ground. The ripples of pressure passed through the blade into Rufus.

"AHH!" Rufus cried in misery.

A destructive force coursed into his body, ripping apart his veins. His organs dislocated from their original position while his nervous system turned numb from pain.


He fell on his knees with every part of his body bleeding.

"Hmm?" Kiba turned his face.

Yuizi was dashing at him with her claw ripping through the air. The claw carried a cold glint as it rushed towards Kiba's throat.

Kiba moved his hand slowly and caught the claw as if it was nothing more than a lady's hand.

"You were beautiful before you transformed," Kiba glanced at her transformed hands full of scales, "But now you're just ugly."

He twisted her claw and pushed it toward her face.


Yuzi's begging soon turned into screams. Her own claw gashed through her face ripping apart her skin and flesh.

"Now your face matches your body," Kiba said as he let go of her claw.

"NOOOO!" Yuzi cried with blood-stained eyes.

She morphed her hands into normal and then traced her face. All she could feel was five deep cuts on her face revealing her inner flesh.

The face was a woman's most adored treasure. Now the same treasure was destroyed without any conscience and turned into something hideous.

"Excuse me," Kiba pushed his hand in another direction, "I have to give attention to your ape companion."

Simon was high in the air with his fist aimed at Kiba's head. He felt it was the perfect opportunity to strike Kiba when he was occupied with Yuzi.

But now he felt a chill down his spines as he heard his words. He gritted his teeth and transferred his entire strength on his fist.

"It is now or never," Simon thought. From the last five minutes, the seven of them has felt life turning into hell.

Kiba would defeat them and slice their bodies apart. Before they could die, he would heal them to their initial condition.

This was the third round and none of them wished to experience the near-death state.

Simon's punch twisted the air with sparks flowing in all directions. He has bet everything on this strike.

"Judging from your ape body, no human women would ever be interested in you," Kiba said as he raised an index finger to meet the punch, "So you must be copulating with real gorillas and apes?"

"Motherfucker!" Simon shouted while his fist smashed onto Kiba's finger.

Terrifying energy waves radiated out from the point of contact. The entire warehouse was filled with intense rumbling sounds and dust cloud as the floor wrecked open and the walls shattered.

Rufus, Yuzi, and the other three companions gazed at the dense smoke cloud with some hope.

They didn't expect Kiba to be killed but they prayed he would at least be injured enough for them to escape.

From years they have undertaken strict taking to tackle enemies but never before they have been taught on how to face a man like Kiba.

He would batter them till they almost die and then heal them to their previous state. All the while he would taunt them with words.

The seven have seen the smirk he would have on his face when he slices apart their bodies. There was hatred in his eyes but yet, not for a moment, they felt that he didn't take joy in their plight.


The smoke cloud ripped apart and the two figures were revealed. One was lying down with his limbs spread while another one was standing without least bit of injury.

"Not again!"

"Just why?"

"Just what is he?"

"How can the world have such a being?"

The revolutionaries wanted to curse their luck for facing him.

How can the world have such a powerful mutant without anyone knowing about him?!

"I assume I was right," Kiba said while he took a step forward. Knowingly or unknowingly, his foot landed on Simon's chest.



Simon released a blood-wrenching scream with his body releasing bone-fracturing sound. He felt as if he has been struck by the load of a mountain.

"Oops," Kiba said with a smirk, "I forgot you were in front of me."


Simon tried to curse but alas, all he could do was spray out a mouthful of blood.

Yuizi and others looked at Kiba with terror-filled eyes.

They felt they weren't wrong!

He truly took pleasure in toying with them!

"He is a sadist!" Yuizi concluded with her voice containing dread, "Sadist to the bone!"

If the gods have to make him powerful than it was still fine, no matter how ridiculously strong he was!

But making him a sadist?

How would the world be safe with such a powerful saist wreaking havoc around?!

"Phew~ The preliminary round is over," Kiba stretched his hands to relax, "Now let's get started for real."



Everything so far was just a start?!

Each of them of them felt their hearts becoming empty with fear.

They didn't fear death but they dreaded the physical torture. No amount of training from virtual simulations could prepare them for this.


"Aren't you satisfied after torturing us so much?" Rufus asked with his voice containing anger.

"Satisfied?" Kiba's smile faded, "Not even killing you for thousand times could satisfy me after the crimes you have committed."

"We have done no crime!" Yuzi shouted, "We have only done what is necessary to save the world!"

"Yes! The world is in the corrupt hands of the world council and the nine families!" Another mutant said, "We're trying to free the world from their clutches."

"Your sister might have been harmed but she would be remembered as a noble sacrifice!" Mison said with a frenzy, "The revolution calls for blood and she would be grateful for this opportunity!"

Kiba glanced at them without any expression on his face, but his eyes contained a chillness that penetrated their souls.

"What you do is terrorism and nothing else," Kiba said in a cold tone, "So stop giving it a noble touch."

"We're not terrorists!" Simon muttered in a barely audible voice, "We're revolutionaries!"

"It is the world council and the nine families which are true terrorists!" Yuzi continued, "They have committed the worst crimes the humanity has ever known!"

"Haha," Kiba raised his head and started laughing.

"Don't laugh!"

"It is the truth!"

"The government is the true enemy!"

"We are fighting for the freedom!"

"The revolutionaries exist to bring the world to its Old Order!"

"To liberate the world and bring it back to an era of peace and prosperity!"

"Oh man, this is just getting ridiculous," Kiba controlled his laugh, "You all are truly brainwashed to the core."

"We're not brainwashed!"

"Have you seen the plight of the lower sections of the society?!"

"If you had then you would know how true our words are!"

"I have seen the lower sections of the society," Kiba spoke in a nonchalant voice, "And it is true the government has committed the crimes you are trying to hint."


"We're the freedom fighters!"

"There is some truth to that," Kiba injected in between in a cold tone, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."


"But I don't care about your war or so-called freedom struggle," Kiba continued with a cold expression, "As far as I'm concerned, whether it is government or revolutionary or any other organization, every single of them is fighting to get power in their own hands.

"Just like how the government has committed the crimes, you too have done the same. It is just that you have glorified those deeds as something noble in your own hearts.

"You or the government rulers can die for all I care. But don't you dare involve me or someone I care about in your conflict."

"Y-you don't understand!" Rufus shouted after Kiba concluded.

"I don't want to understand," Kiba said.

The seven tried to make him understand but he ignored their words.

He closed his eyes and allowed his senses to cover the warehouse. Some distance away from him, under the broken floor, lied a hidden compartment.

Kiba disappeared from his position and arrived next to the hidden compartment.

"NO!" Rufus was horrified by Kiba's actions.

He was sure the compartment would never be revealed but now Kiba has found it in a few moments.

Kiba crouched down and placed a finger on the compartment.


The compartment cracked open to reveal a red suitcase. He took out the suitcase and observed it for a few seconds.

"Advanced security locks," Kiba murmured to himself. His vision could see the glass pod inside but the security mechanism gave him a headache.

The glass pod was half-filled with a blue liquid. The mechanism of the suitcase was such designed that if anyone tries to force open it, the glass pod would shatter.

Kiba didn't want to see such an outcome. He has suffered under the might of the nanites so he knew the damage they were capable of.

While he wasn't scared of the nanites if he uses his full powers, he wished to avoid such a scenario. He wanted the nanites for research purposes so he couldn't afford to destroy them.

The fate of Felicity was at stake so he didn't dare take any chances.

"How do you unlock the suitcase?" Kiba teleported in front of the revolutionaries and asked.

"We would never answer you!" Rufus and others answered with a voice filled with determination, "Not even the threat of death would make us answer!"

"That's good to know," Kiba nodded his head in appreciation, "Besides I never planned to kill you anyways."

"What?!" The revolutionaries were startled.

He has such hatred and yet he doesn't plan to kill them?!

They couldn't understand his intentions.

"I have to carry out few experiments so I'm in need of specimens," Kiba explained his intentions with a kind smile, "And now you're offering yourself so I'm grateful."


The seven felt their bodies becoming stiff from the word alone. But when they saw his kind smile, their chest moved up and down violently.

They were sure whatever he has in mind was definitely not kind!

The smile of a sadist can never be a good sign!

Chapter 154 Lied!

The warehouse.

"W-what type of experiment?" Simon asked.

His eyes moved between the suitcase and Kiba. He has a faint idea on what Kiba wished to carry out but he didn't dare believe it.

The revolutionaries knew it better than anyone on how scary the nanites were. They were the cruelest way of dying.

The nanites targetted the very source of a living being before taking away life.

Even though the people who died in the bombings died rather quickly, they suffered unbearable pain. The nanites ripped apart their genes before exploding them and engulfing in the blue mushroom cloud.

The only truly lucky person in the entire event was Felicity. Before the might of nanites was distributed to kill other mutants, so she was able to protect herself by her own powers and the bracelet.

When the nanites launched a full-scale onslaught, Kiba arrived at the crucial moment. The nanites then targetted him with all their might while using negligible power to harm Felicity.

This prevented Felicity from certain death even though it resulted in her being crippled.

The revolutionaries have injected the dose of nanites in the suicide bombers so they knew it clearly the suffering one must undergo.

The suicide bombers were given a heavy dosage of painkillers and other chemical serums specifically designed to hold the power of nanites for some time.

No living being would like to be used as an experiment specimen much less as a specimen for something like nanites.

"You would learn shortly," Kiba answered to Simon.


The thrum of helicopters sounded reverberated outside the warehouse.

"Oh?" Kiba raised his head towards the ceiling.

His vision passed through and saw six helicopters above the warehouse. Around twenty mutants were in the helicopters preparing for an assault.

Some distance away, police vans were dashing towards the warehouse.

"They are here," Kiba muttered.

Claudia has found the location of the revolutionaries by intercepting through the police communication. The police have to prepare before launching a strike which gave Kiba a time of 10-15 minutes to complete his task.

"You mean police?" Rufus asked.

He knew it obviously since Cleo has warned them before Kiba begun his assault.

"Yes," Kiba answered.

"Leave us," Yuzi tried to suggest, "Otherwise you would be caught by the police along with us."

"Really?" Kiba asked.

"Yes! You cannot face government alone no matter how strong you are!"

"So free us! We would forget this encounter!"

"Each of us could go our separate ways!"

"We would never cross paths again!"

"Makes sense," Kiba nodded his head after some contemplation, "Given the situation, I have no choice but to accept your offer."

"Ah!" The eyes of the revolutionaries lit up with excitement. They weren't sure that he would accept their suggestion but seeing him accepting, their hearts rejoiced.

"Let's hurry!" Rufus commanded. The police forces would be breaking in any second so they couldn't afford to delay in their current conditions.


The seven revolutionaries stood up from the floor while suppressing the pain from their broken bodies. Each one of them gritted their teeth and used their entire strength to move.

"Thank god the police arrived!" Mailo muttered. He never believed a day would come when he would feel grateful to the government dogs.

Simon placed a palm on his chest while his other hand took support from a broken table. His chest bones were broken and he was barely clinging to his life.

He glanced at Kiba with hatred deep in his eyes. The humiliation of being assaulted and taunted was not something he could ever forget.

The words Kiba used on how Simon must be copulating with gorillas especially hurt him the most.

"Just you wait," Simon's heart was filled with resentment, "You would definitely pay the price."

He was a determined revolutionary with his focus on revolution, but this didn't mean he would let go of the slight. He kept his thoughts of revenge hidden knowing now was not the time to act on them.

He was not the only one with such notions. Yuzi's heart carried ill will far greater than his.

"You ruined my face, I would ruin your entire life," Yuzi traced her face, "The revolutionaries would never forget."

Rufus, on the other hand, didn't think of any revenge. All he cared was getting back the suitcase from Kiba but he knew the present situation made it impossible.

"Now is not the time to focus on such unnecessary thoughts," Rufus shook his head and retrieved a white orb from the floor.

The orb was the size of his palm with green inscriptions on it. This orb was a communication tool used to establish an encrypted network.

"We would leave from the subway through the tunnel," Rufus ordered. It was their habit to always prepare passage for escape in case of worst turn situations.

The others nodded their heads and walked towards the entrance of an underground tunnel below the debris. They hurriedly cleared the debris while praying the police would be delayed by a few more seconds.

For others, the debris might just lead to a tunnel but for them, it was an entrance of hope. An escape from a monster disguising as a human!


The seven heard a familiar voice from behind. They gulped down and slowly turned their heads.

Kiba was hovering in the air with a suitcase in his hand.

"You seems to be forgetting something," Kiba said.

"Forget?" Rufus asked trying to control the twisting feeling in his stomach.

"You all are a specimen for my experiments," Kiba reminded them with a faint smile on his face, "So where are you going?"

"Y-you said we can leave!" Yuzi's body shook.

Surely he wasn't changing his mind now?!

"I did?" Kiba has a confused expression on his face.

"Yes," The seven replied simultaneously.

How could he forget something like this so quickly?!

"I guess I lied," Kiba said with a smile.


The seven felt their heart engulfed by despair as his words set in their minds.

Just a few seconds ago they were rejoicing their fate after he 'accepted' their suggestion. Their freedom was just some distance away!

But now?!

He is saying he lied as if it was nothing?!

Just a single sentence made them feel as if they have arrived in hell.


A loud bang sound thundered in the warehouse. The ceiling above exploded in debris and dust.

The expressions of the revolutionaries turned ugly.

"Damn! The police!"

Kiba remained unfazed. His smile turned into a smirk.

"Seems like I need to rescue you from the police," Kiba said.

"No! We don't need your help!" Simon shouted.

The choice was now between the devil and the deep blue sea! But they would definitely choose the lesser evil!

And that was not a sadist like Kiba!

The police might use force or even torture, but the seven were sure it would still be better than what Kiba did with them!

"The choice was never yours," Kiba snapped his fingers.


A large column of white light covered Kiba and the seven revolutionaries.


Some distance away, the police force landed on the floor.

"Surrender or we would---"

The head officer stopped as he glanced around. As far as his eyes could see, there was no trace of any revolutionary in the warehouse. There was only debris and dust along with members of his own team.

"They escaped!" The head officer gritted his teeth in frustration.

The mission was very important for the police after so many commoners and VIPs died in the explosions which shook the city.

The mayor and other top echelons were mounting pressure to catch those responsible no matter what.

If he failed to do so, then he knew they would make him a scapegoat to hide their own incompetence.

"There is a tunnel below!" A junior officer shouted from some distance away.

"Then go inside and find me those terrorists!" The head officer shouted, "Stop wasting time before they escape like the previous time."


The officers entered the tunnel but alas, their efforts would prove futile...


Section I, Underground Facility, Dream Rise House.


A small white spark manifested in the center of the lab. The spark expanded into an orb and then into a large column of light.


The seven revolutionaries landed on their knees coughing up blood. They slowly opened their eyes and realized they have teleported to a new place.

"He was capable of teleporting all of us but he pretended otherwise when he 'allowed' us to leave!" Yuzi bitterly thought.

She turned her face around and noticed various lab equipment.

"Where are we?" Yuzi asked in a low voice.

"A lab but no idea where," Rufus answered.

Just from appearance alone, he judged the lab was high grade capable of advanced experiments. This judgment made his stomach churn in despair.

"We can't give up now no matter what," Rufus said. The others agreed and they stood up along with him.


The seven fell on the floor with a loud thud. They felt as if their bodies had been ruthlessly smashed onto the floor by a hammer.

"Don't make any unnecessary movements," Kiba's cold voice ringed inside their minds.

He placed the suitcase on the floor before walking forward.

[[Are you fine, sir?]] Claudia enquired.

She was afraid his anger and hatred would make him lose his sanity. She has indeed prepared to tackle such a situation.

The ring and bracelet she gave him were a few of those preparations. But much to her pleasant surprise, he didn't let his emotions take over him for even a second.

"I'm fine," Kiba said with a sigh, "Make me a drink."


Kiba sat down on an examination table and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath trying to clear his mind.

"It is getting more difficult," Kiba thought. He shared the same anxiety just like Claudia of losing control.

This was why he took extra care when he faced revolutionaries. He never used more power than he could handle while ensuring he removed the anger which was boiling inside him.

The balance was important.

If he let the anger built beyond his capacity then he would be like a pressure cooker always on the danger of exploding.

Now, He has released his stress by toying with them but there was still hatred left. That could be only removed after killing the revolutionaries.

"Not now," Kiba pacified himself, "They are needed for finding a cure."

He refused to allow his hatred to take more priority than his goal of healing Felicity.


Kiba opened his eyes slowly after Claudia called him out. A droid was standing in front of him with a glass of whiskey.

The whiskey was rich golden amber in color. He took the glass and sipped a mouthful.

The delicate smooth and creamy flavor greeted his taste buds. As he savored the taste, he felt a hint of oak and the sweet flavor of vanilla.

His body relaxed with a sensation of serenity covering his senses.

Chapter 155 Opening Suitcase

The droid was standing in front of Kiba with a tray in his hand. The droid made no signs while Kiba completed his glass of whiskey.

"Finally some peace," Kiba placed the empty glass on the tray. The droid turned around to leave the lab.

[[Dinner is ready.]]

"Not now," Kiba shook his head, "I'm in no mood to eat.".

[[Your body needs energy which only food can give.]]

"I know," Kiba walked towards the kneeling revolutionaries, "But now I have a more urgent task to complete."


"Let's start."

[[Yes, sir.]]


The floor opened up to reveal seven examination tables.

Kiba pointed a finger at the revolutionaries.

"What?" Simon found himself hovering in the air and before he could think further, he was lying on a table.


The metallic cuffs secured his limbs with a loud clank sound. The other revolutionaries were in a similar state.

"Anyone of you wishes to answer me on how to unlock the suitcase?" Kiba asked.

"We already told you!" Yuzi angrily shouted, "We would rather die than answer you!"

"You indeed said that before," Kiba nodded as he moved beside her, "But you still don't understand my intentions."

"What intentions?" Yuzi was sure there was nothing more to understand.

"You don't fear death so I never wanted to kill you," Kiba ran a finger over her face, "All I wish to do is make you dread living."

Yuzi felt goosebumps all over her body. She glanced at his face and noticed there was no smile. He was speaking as if it was something obvious and nothing to be excited about.


"Let's see if I can get the answer from you," Kiba walked to the table where Simon was cuffed.

"What do you mean?" Simon's heart jolted when he felt Kiba's hand on his forehead.

Kiba closed his eyes while his psychic energy moved out to Simon's head. He psych entered the consciousness of Simon.

The consciousness was filled with fragments of memories connected together like a jigsaw puzzle.

"Memories," Kiba mused as his psych moved ahead.

The personality of an individual was formed by the events which unfold in one's life. The events, stored as memories, ultimately makes an individual what he or she is; both emotionally and socially.

Kiba's psych randomly touched one of the memory fragment. Just as he did, he sensed a destructive force enveloping the consciousness.

One memory fragment after another started exploding like a burst of firecrackers.

"This is?" Kiba retraced his psyche back and hurriedly left Simon's consciousness.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Simon screamed loudly with his face turning ghastly pale. He wanted to clutch his head as an indescribable pain filled his mind.

Alas, the cuffs didn't allow him to do so.

Foam and saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth while the veins on his forehead protruded out.

The veins trembled and some of them even snapped apart. The pain he felt was far greater than the times when Kiba toyed with him at the warehouse.

Yuzi, Rufus, and others couldn't turn their heads to see the state of their companion, but just the screams made their bodies tremble with absolute dread.

The cries were no way human, they were worse than the cries of a pig being slaughtered.

"Just what has he done to Simon?" Yuzi muttered.

"How could he be so inhumane?!"

"He is a monster!"

Kiba didn't say anything as the revolutionaries blamed him for the condition of Simon. He glanced at quivering Simon with a frown on his face.

Only Kiba knew that he wasn't responsible for the current state of Simon. When he tried to read his memories, they exploded.

The memories formed an individual, and the disappearance of a single memory could change the entire individual.

Now the complete memories of Simon have been destroyed so the damage could be imagined.

"The top echelons of the revolutionaries are truly sinister," Kiba thought.

He concluded that Simon and others have undergone some surgery which ensured that no one could read their memories and expose the secrets. Most likely they weren't aware of this judging on the reactions of the other revolutionaries in the lab.

"Haah~" Kiba released a heavy sigh.

He wondered if the monk would have more success if he has tried to read Simon's memories in his stead.

Kiba has copied Akshobhya's psyche ability but lacked the expertise and experience.

[[Should we give him emergency treatment?]] Claudia asked.

"Yes," Kiba nodded before giving a final glance to Simon, "His body could serve some use."


Two droids arrived at the examination table to treat Simon.


"Claudia, any help on unlocking this suitcase?" Kiba stepped towards a virtual console.

He swiped the menu screen to select a few options for examinations of his other specimens.

He believed he would have no success if he tried to read their memories so he has to find a new method,

[[I could find out a way in a day or two.]]

"I can't wait for a day," Kiba pressed his forehead.

He has to accompany Felicity when she wakes up so he has to divide his time efficiently. Only now he has time so he couldn't afford to waste it by wasting for the suitcase to open up.

Not for a second, he thought about his 'hobbies' for they held no importance compared to the life of Felicity.

[[How about you take Lady Agatha's help?]]

Kiba contemplated for a moment before accepting her suggestion. He teleported out of the lab along with the suitcase.


Agatha's apartment.

Agatha was sitting on a couch. It was midnight but she couldn't sleep with the memories of the explosions haunting her.

She further thought about how Kiba left the apartment after Claudia informed him of someone being under attack.

"Who is 'she'?" Agatha wondered. She has never seen him act in such a way with all the time she has known him.


"Hmm?" Agatha opened her eyes and noticed a flash of light, "Kiba?"

"You are still awake?" Kiba asked.

"Yeah, I can't sleep," Agatha answered while observing his face, "Are you fine?"

"I don't know," Kiba said with a sigh.

"Were you able to save her?" Agatha asked. She prayed he would answer in positive for she didn't wish to see him in sadness.

"Yes but not in a way I would like," Kiba answered before placing the suitcase on the coffee table.

"If there is something you wish to talk about then I'm always there," Agatha placed a hand on his shoulder, "Always remember this."

Kiba glanced at her before nodding.

"What's that?" Agatha asked while pointing at the suitcase.

"It contains something I need but I can't use force otherwise it will self-destruct," Kiba explained quickly, "So I need your help."

"Oh," Agatha exclaimed in surprise before asking, "So I need to make it intangible?"

"Yes," Kiba nodded.

Agatha closed her eyes while streams of energy manifested out of her body. The energy streams landed on the suitcase, and in just a moment, the suitcase lost its physical presence and transformed into a phantom-like state.

Kiba pressed his hand on the suitcase, and as he expected, his hand passed through it. His hand felt a glass object inside. He clutched his hand on the half-filled cylindrical container and took it out.

Agatha sensed this, and she stopped

"Thanks," Kiba looked at her with appreciation.

"You don't have to thank me for something like this," Agatha said with a smile.

"Would remember it in the future," Kiba smiled in response. He then brought his attention to the glass container.

"Could this be?!" Agatha backed away in fright as she glanced at the blue nanites inside.

"It is indeed the explosive," Kiba answered her.

"How you have them?" Agatha asked in disbelief.

"I took it from the revolutionaries," Kiba sighed and explained briefly, "They are needed for something important to me."

"I see," Agatha observed him for a moment before deciding to not ask further.

She believed he would never use them for the wrong purpose and also knew he didn't wish to share more details. She chose to respect his wish.

"See ya~," Kiba said as rays of light surrounded him.

"Take care," Agatha muttered before he teleported.

Chapter 156 Experimenting

Section I, Dream Rise House.

Kiba was standing at the center of the lab with his eyes on a virtual console panel. It was 3 AM and usually, at such a time, he would be sleeping with someone's wife or daughter, but not today.

[[Examination has been completed.]]

"Show me the report," Kiba said.

The data on the body and gene structure of the revolutionaries flashed up on the virtual screen.

Some distance away, the cylindrical glass pod was placed inside a vacuum specimen container. The specimen container was surrounded by a thick red force field to handle any unforeseen outcome.

From time to time, rings of white light would pass up and down the glass pod. The blue nanites in the pod would seethe when they sensed the rings scanning them.

"Those nanites are more dangerous then I expected," Kiba thought with a serious expression, "I need more data before I work on a cure."

[[Preparations have been completed for checking the effects of the test material.]]

"Let's start," Kiba walked towards the examination tables where the revolutionaries were cuffed.

[[Experiment specimen C-16 is ready. All scanners are active.]]

Kiba arrived next to the table where Mailo was lying. Two humanoid droids were standing on the opposite edges of the table with various operation equipment.

A transparent yellow covering surrounded Mailo from head to toe. The covering was created from small crystalline sensors on the edges of the table.

Kiba took a syringe from one of the droids. The syringe was filled with white liquid but one could make out the presence of a blue nanite inside.

Kiba's hands passed through the transparent covering as he brought the syringe on the left wrist of Mailo.

"Please don't," Mailo begged with tears falling down his eyes.

Kiba ignored the begging and injected the serum in Mailo's bloodstream. Without any expression on his face, he observed Mailo.


In just a flick of a second, Mailo's body lost its color and turned deathly pale. Every part of his body was trembling with sweat heavily pouring down.

His eyes opened wide with his sclera turning blue.


Mailo couldn't complete his words as his body convulsed further. It was like hot boil was flowing in his bloodstream instead of blood.

He screamed and cried with snot and tears covering his face.

The other revolutionaries heard the screams of their companion and they felt a chill down their spines.

"Stop it," Rufus shouted, "You don't have to be so cruel."

"Revolutionaries would never forgive you if you continue," Yuzi joined in.

"There would be a price to pay," Another revolutionary shouted.

"Claudia, activate noise cancellation filter," Kiba commanded.

He has enough screams and begging from the revolutionaries.


Invisible waves radiated out from the corners of the lab. They quickly changed the frequency of the sound waves.

Mailo's screams didn't stop neither did the protests of his companions, but there was no more sound in the lab.

Kiba waved a hand and a screen popped in front of him. The screen displayed the genetic and physical condition of Mailo.

The nucleotides ripped apart, and the energy from their destruction gathered together. This energy then passed to the body cells.

[[The cells are trans-mutating beyond the handling capacity of the specimen.]]

Blue lumps protruded out throughout Mailo's body. At a rate visible to the naked eye, his body was expanding.

[[Activating Vaccum Suppression.]]


Glass walls rose around the examination table, effectively sealing it from every part.


The air inside was sucked by the glass walls, and just then Mailo reached his limit. The body cells detonated, unable to suppress the power any longer.


Mailo exploded in a blue mushroom cloud carrying terrifying power. The explosive flames rushed at the glass walls trying to break free.

Kiba stood outside glass wall without any emotions on his face. Fire needed a medium to exist no matter how strong or strange it was; the same was true for the explosion created by the nanite.


The fire of the explosion slowly faded into oblivion living behind no traces of Mailo's existence. The nanite particle too disappeared.

[[Specimen C-16 lasted 51 seconds under the influence of the test material.]]

"He was just useless trash," Kiba coldly said, "Couldn't even survive for a minute."

[[The data has been compiled. Would you like to check it, sir?]]

"Yes," Kiba clicked on the screen to read the genetical mutation in Mailo before he died. His main focus was on the changes in genotypes and the coding region since it concerned the injuries in Felicity.

From his earlier observation and the preliminary scans of the nanites, he has a basic understanding of the working of the nanites.

The nanites were harmless on their own but if they were within the vicinity of a living being; they were anything but harmless.

The nanites relied on the genes of living beings to grow.


A little more than a century ago, the Divine Particles from the meteorites started the large scale evolution on Earth.

The Divine Particles mutated the genes which were the carriers of hereditary data. The genes evolved to become more than just nucleotides. They became a source of an unimaginable power hidden in every being.

Alas, very few mutants could tap even 10% powers of their genes despite the help from modern science.

But the nanites were different. They feed on this untapped power source in the genes and use it to thrive.

If nanites were sparks of fire then genes were gasoline. The combination of two carried a might to destroy everything.


"I was lucky the nanite which invaded Felicity's genes was weakened," Kiba thought while swiping away the virtual screen, "As for those suicide bombers, they must have been injected with nanites through an advanced method in order to suppress their might for some time."

Kiba glanced around the corner of the lab where a palm-size white mechanical orb was floating surrounded by streams of light.

"How much progress have you made in hacking that communication device?" Kiba asked.

He got that orb from Rufus when he teleported him and others here. He believed there should be some information on nanites which was why he needed it.

No matter how much genius he was or how advanced equipment he possessed, the revolutionaries were far ahead of him in nanites.

The reason was rather simple. They had time on their side, unlike Kiba.

Their research must on the nanites have been carried out for years if not for decades; it was not something that Kiba could match in the span of a few days. He needed the data the revolutionaries had no matter how insignificant.

[[36%. Two days before we could tap into the data.]]

"Haah," Kiba released a long sigh.

The communication device was encrypted with advanced technology so Claudia has to be extra careful while hacking it. After all, a single misstep could result in the destruction of the orb.


[[Specimen C-17 is ready.]]

"Not now," Kiba looked at Yuzi and others before shaking his head, "I first need to study data on Felicity more carefully."

He has only checked on Felicity when he carried out the operation on her. That time his focus was on saving her life instead of studying her injuries.

[[I understand.]]

A column of light projected out from the top of the ceiling. The light transformed into a large holographic projection of Felicity. She has her eyes closed while a strand of hairs lied on her face.

The projection was based on her current state in the hospital which was constantly recorded by Claudia. Five virtual screens popped up beside the projection displaying her body conditions.

"Felicity," Kiba muttered as he raised his hand to swipe a strand of hairs from her face. His hand passed through the projection.

"Ah!" He smiled at his own naive actions while the memories of their first meeting flashed in his mind.

He laughed as he recalled the instances when she bullied him to join her for a thrill ride.

His heart was filled with joy when he remembered how they promised to become siblings.

"Always a bully," Kiba closed his eyes while cherishing every memory of her.

Sometimes life gives you a special relationship when you never thought you need it, but yet oddly you favor it the most. For him, this relationship was with Felicity.

She was something that his dreams of hedonism could never give him. She was his friend...his sister.

Chapter 157 Filling In

Dream Rise House.

Section I.

The holographic projection of Felicity hovered in the lab. Kiba has his eyes closed as he cherished her fond memories.

Every encounter of her whether it was their first meeting on the academy premises or their short trips to the jungle; he appreciated each of them.

Some distance away, the remaining six revolutionaries were tied up on the examination tables. Their bodies were still trembling after witnessing the fate of Mailo.

(Image for visulaisation: )

The blood-wrenching screams of Mailo before exploding into blue mushroom cloud flashed through their minds nonstop. The entire event didn't even last a minute but for them, it was a lifetime.

From years, they have seen the scientists in revolutionary base experimenting on human specimens through nanites. The experiments were cruel and brutal; the mental trauma one suffers was far worse than a human mind could handle.

Even with their firm hearts and unwavering determination, the revolutionaries didn't dare volunteer for such experiments which brought such horror both to body and soul.

Much less them, not even the bravest hearts could remain fearless in front of nanites. This fear was something innate which no amount of training could overcome.

The revolutionaries rejoiced, for as far as they were concerned, the fate of experiments was reserved for unlucky few. They never believed a day would come when their lives would bring them into those unlucky ones.

This was true until a few minutes ago...

"Why were we caught by such a freak?" Rufus tried to break free of the metallic cuffs, "I have to escape."

Rufus didn't think further and applied all his strength to get rid of the cuffs. Alas, his efforts were wasted. The cuffs were specially designed to tackle mutants in lab activities.

"Damn," Rufus gritted his teeth and continued his struggle. While doing so, he moved his eyes on Kiba.

He saw Kiba with eyes closed which gave him some hope, but then the next moment, his own eyes turned wide with disbelief as he glanced at the holographic projection.

"She is..." Rufus' breathing turned heavy, "The one Cleo wanted to die in those attacks...but somehow she survived."

His heart thumped loudly as a realization hit him.


[[Sir.]] Claudia's voice stirred in Kiba's ears.

"Hmm?" Kiba opened his eyes.

[[The heartbeats and neural oscillation of Specimen C-22 are odd.]]

"C-22?" Kiba turned his head in Rufus' direction.

The scanners on the examination tables were continuously studying the body conditions of Rufus and others. While the scanners couldn't read minds, they could study the emotions based on the chemical activities and the heartbeats.

"He appears to be fine," Kiba said while stepping towards the examination tables.

Rufus' expression was filled with horror but Kiba didn't think it as anything surprising given the death of Mailo.

[[The readings denote he was momentarily shocked just a few seconds ago.]]

"That's truly odd," Kiba agreed.

He could understand if Rufus was afraid or angered or shocked before but now? He shook his head to clear his thoughts and placed a hand on the corner of the table.

"Hey~ Snap out," Kiba said.

"Ah!" Rufus regained his wits.

"What happened to you?" Kiba asked.

After seeing the holographic projection and thinking about the details from past, Rufus was convinced that Kiba did everything so far for the sake of that girl.

This was he didn't reply. He has a premonition his fate would turn worse than he could imagine if he answered truthfully.

"Don't make me---" Kiba stopped his words in between as a virtual screen popped in front of him.

[[Sir, please check the security footage of the lab.]]

Kiba nodded his head.

The screen displayed Rufus activities from last few minutes. Kiba was unsurprised by Rufus' attempts to rid free of cuffs. That was something natural and didn't warrant his attention given the security features in the lab.

Soon, the screen showed Rufus' eyes turning wide.

"This should be it," Kiba clicked on the screen and the body readings confirmed his obvious guess. He swiped the screen to know what has shocked Rufus to such an extent.

"He was glancing at me? Do I resemble a demon for him to be shocked?" Kiba mused with a smile.

A few seconds later, his expression turned stiff as he finally noticed the reason behind Rufus' behavior.


From the readings and Rufus' line of sight in the footage, it was pretty clear to him that Rufus was shocked by the hologram.

"You know her?" Kiba asked in a cold voice.

He assumed Rufus knowing about Felicity wasn't something odd given she was a child of a senator. As revolutionaries targeting the city, it was obvious for them to gather knowledge on top echelons.

What Kiba truly wanted to know was the reason for Rufus to be shocked by the holographic projection.

"N-no, I don't know her," Rufus lied.

"I can't make you speak the truth but I know when you lie," Kiba coldly continued, "The sensors make sure of that."

"...she is your sister?" Rufus asked in a low voice.

"Yes," Kiba nodded before continuing, "But I'm the one asking the questions and not you."

"You are lying!" Rufus suddenly turned frantic, "She only has one brother and that's not you! I know everything about her!"

The emotions Rufus was barely suppressing inside him flooded out in a second. The torture and the close encounters with death have turned him crazy.

He was definitely sure Kiba was not her brother. He has checked files and knew the history of Weisz family. If such a strong guy was her brother then there should be records of it.

Even if others don't know about it, at least Cleo should know. But Cleo never warned him of such a man.

Rufus was confident Cleo wouldn't lie to him since he wanted to get rid of his sister. It would serve him no purpose to hide such a secret.

"He told me she has no other relative! So don't lie!" Rufus continued in hysteria, "You must be related to her in some other way for you to go to such extent!"

"Who is this 'he'?" Kiba gripped Rufus' neck, "And what else has 'he' told you?"

Kiba felt there was some more to this conspiracy then he initially assumed.

"I..." Rufus' face turned pale as more pressure struck on his neck.

"Not planning to answer?" Kiba's eyes turned cold.

"I ...d-don't fear death...nor would I betray my cause," Rufus muttered in a barely audible voice.


"Urgh," Rufus' head collided on the table with a strong force. The collision followed by blood splattering around.

"This is just driving me crazy," Kiba placed a hand on his face, "I'm trying so hard to not lose control."

Rufus's head was numb with pain, but he now felt a chill down his spine as Kiba's words entered his ears.

"No! I can't answer!" Rufus tried to pacify his heart and stayed determined.


"Claudia," Kiba took a deep breath before continuing, "I have---"


The sound of alarms started ringing loudly before he could complete his words. The next moment, the lights in the lab turned red from white.

"Surely," Kiba's expression turned grave and he hastily turned towards the holographic projection.

The projection was fading away as if something was obstructing the signal from the hospital.


"Just who has a death wish now?" Kiba's eyes were filled with craziness. A large column of white light wrapped around him before he disappeared.


Rufus was startled by the turn of events. He felt Kiba would torture him but seeing him teleporting away, he sighed in relief.

While the confines of cuff were unpleasant, he was still delighted to be free from Kiba even if it was temporarily.

"Whatever that Code Red is definitely good news for me," Rufus thought.


"Huh?" Rufus' relaxing thoughts were interrupted as he heard a strange sound. Surprised by the sound, he moved his eyes towards the source.

He noticed a droid stepping towards him. The unit was white in color with a slanting triangular face. There was a dark-colored red cross emblem on the lower edge of the face.

(Image: )

"Medical unit?" Rufus muttered. Due to the confinement, he could only see the upper half of the droid.

As the droid arrived next to the table and raised its hands above him, Rufus's pupils contrasted in terror.

"W-what's going on?" Rufus' heart skipped a beat as he saw the syringes and other equipment fused in the hands of the droid.

[[Nothing much,]] Claudia's voice came out of the droid, [[I'm just filling in for my master.]]

"Filling in?" Rufus gulped down.

[[Yes, so please cooperate.]] The droid brought the syringe hand above Rufus' eyes.

"NO!" Rufus shut his eyes tight. The syringe resembled a drill and just the presence of it above his eyes, frightened him.

[[You need to keep your eyes open]] The other hand of the droid opened the left eyelid.

"DON'T! PLEASE!" Rufus screamed and begged.

[[Please don't make any unnecessary movements.]]

The syringe injected inside the pupil.

[[Otherwise, there might be unfavorable outcomes.]]


Chapter 158 Need Help?

The lab.

The droid injected the entire black serum through the left pupil of Rufus. His black pupil shrank to the size of a point as the serum liquid covered the inner lens.


Rufus' blood-wrenching scream pierced throughout the lab. His optical nerves ruptured while the lens cracked like the surface of a mirror.

Slowly, the left sclera was covered with black threads. Much to his horror, his pain receptors turned more sensitive.

He continued to scream and wail with saliva dripping around.

[[Please don't disturb your companions by shouting.]]

The droid gripped Rufus' chin and pressed it up to shut his mouth tight. During the moment of pain, it was a natural response to scream to relieve oneself. This was an innate desire which helped in relaxation to some extent, but now even that right was denied to him.

His face muscles tensed further unable to handle the boiling stress inside. All he could do was let the pain torture him from within.

[[Kindly open your other eye.]]

The fine hairs on his body stood up in trepidation and pain. He realized with terror that he dreaded Claudia more than Kiba.

At least, Kiba has emotions in his voice and expression. The emotions of anger and ruthlessness were something Rufus could understand.

But Claudia was different. She carried out everything in a nonchalant manner as if torturing was something obvious and nothing to think about.

The droid freed his chin and moved on his eyelash. Rufus helplessly felt his right eyelid forcefully being opened by the droid.

A giant needle greeted his vision and his heart skipped a beat. The pain from one eye was suffocating enough, and he didn't dare take imagine the plight of having both eyes infected.

"I will talk---"

Before he could complete his words, the needle pierced through his pupil. The other hand of the droid once again shut his mouth while the black serum injected through.

[[You would talk but not answer what my master wish to know. This means it is useless to let you speak now.]]

Claudia said as the droid emptied the serum in the other eye. The syringe retracted inside the hand of the droid, and in its place, a surgical blade protruded out.

[[Procedure 1 completed. Starting the next procedure of the planned ten.]]

The remaining revolutionaries cowered in horror...


City Heart Hospital.

The corridor on the 17th floor was mostly empty since most of the staff were resting given the clock has just stricken 4 AM.

A man in the early forties slowly stepped through the corridor. The man was almost bald save for the black hairs on the side. His facial features weren't exactly striking except for the short mustache.

The sound of his steps was low as if his every step was taken lightly. If one ignored his white doctor coat, one might even mistake him for a thief given his nervous walking.

The identity tag on the coat read: "Arnie - Junior Doctor." He was indeed a junior doctor working in the hospital from last four years.

"Calm down," Arnie told himself to settle his rapidly beating heart. His face was precipitating and there was some hesitation in his eyes.

"I can't stop now," Arnie muttered while glancing at a small mechanical bead in his palm. The bead has the ability to create an obstruction in surveillance devices for a few minutes.

While the time was indeed short, the bead ensured the security system wouldn't detect the obstruction in this high-tech hospital.

"Just who is the owner of this bead?" Arnie wondered before shaking his head, "I have to complete the task before the power of bead subsidizes."

He arrived in front of VIP ward. He glanced around before slowly opening the door. The bead has ensured the door would open without any hindrance.

In the center of the room, a bed was placed surrounded by various medical equipment. Felicity was lying on the bed in deep sleep.

From toes to her neck, she was covered with a blanket. Her face was slightly pale but it was clear she was in a better condition before she was brought here.

Arnie took out a syringe and a small glass bottle containing blood-red fluid from his coat. He withdrew the fluid from the bottle into the syringe before walking towards the bed.

Arnie glanced at the face of Felicity and his hand trembled.

"I shouldn't," Arnie's mind was a mess with opposite thoughts, "She has done me no wrong...but I would be doing her a favor by freeing her."

He was there when Zed operated on her some ten hours ago. So he knew her condition fully well.

Arnie believed she would rather prefer to die than live in such a state. At least, that's how he convinced himself.

He took out her hand from the blanket and placed it on the side of the bed. With no more hesitation, he put the end of needle on her wrist while his thumb moved on the top of the plunger.

"Forgive me," Arnie muttered as his thumb pressed on the plunger, "Huh?"

Arnie was startled. The plunger was not pushing down. He applied more pressure but the plunger remained in the same place.

"What's going on?" Arnie was shocked.

How can the plunger be struck?!

Arnie gritted his teeth and used both his hands to press the plunger. Much to his horror, the plunger still remained in the same position.

He brought the syringe close to his face and examined it.

"There is no problem in the syringe so why is it not working?" Arnie muttered.

"Should I help?"

A chilling voice came from behind.

"W-what?" Arnie hastily turned around.

There was someone else here?!

The next moment, his eyes sighted Kiba.

Why was he here?!

"Don't you need help?" Kiba asked in a voice that carried savagery. His eyes were filled with madness while his face carried a ferocious expression.

Arnie felt the fine hairs on his body standing up while his heart shuddered in fright.

Just how can a human have such brutality in voice and expression?

"I asked you something," Kiba raised his hand and made a grasping motion, "So you better answer."

"What are y---" Arnie felt a sucking force from ahead. Before he could make sense of things, the syringe flew out of his hand.

"Blood from the heart of red-scaled mutated snake mixed with fragments of poison ivy," Kiba said in a cold voice, "A perfect lethal combination."

"How do you know this?!" Arnie asked in disbelief. It has taken him an hour of tests to know about the composition of the blood-red fluid.

The fluid was a perfect method to murder someone within the span of an hour. It would leave no traces of existence since it would blend with human blood after taking away the life.

Even detailed autopsy would only show natural factors as a cause of death. In Felicity's case, the poison would relapse her earlier treatment and thus killing her. The relatives could only blame the gods and no one else for death. This was why Arnie agreed to use the poison after verifying the properties through detailed examination.

But now Kiba has stated the composition in the span of seconds!

Arnie was terrified.

How can such a man exist?!

"I would take your silence as consent," Kiba's cold voice awakened Arnie from his thoughts, "Now the plunger should work without any hindrance."

"?" Arnie's eyes turned wide with horror as he saw the syringe striking towards his heart. He moved his hand down to intercept the syringe, but alas, he was far too late.

The needle struck on his heart and the plunger pressed fully. The blood-red fluid injected inside his bloodstream in a second.

"No!" Arnie removed the syringe but the entire barrel was empty. There was not even a drop of the fluid left...

Chapter 159 Remember

VIP Ward, City Heart Hospital.

Felicity continued to be in deep slumber unaware of the happenings around her. Some distance away, Arnie and Kiba stood opposite each other.

Arnie's eyes were filled with disbelief and horror at the sudden turn of events. Just a minute ago, he was troubled by the plunger of the syringe not moving down. Now, the plunger has pressed to the bottom.

But this didn't give him any joy.

The poison syringe has penetrated his heart releasing the fluid inside his bloodstream.


The sound of his heartbeats reverberated inside the room. He was anxious and troubled at the outcome.

"I have been poisoned," Arnie muttered. He turned around and dashed towards the door.

He knew the might of poison so he was aware he only has few minutes before the poison begun showing its effect. This is why he wanted to get emergency treatment as soon as possible.


Just as Arnie reached the door, he felt the space twisting around with a flash of white light. The next moment, Kiba was standing in front of the door.

"It is bad manners to not thank me for helping you," Kiba said.

"Help?!" Arnie felt his blood boiling.

Just how was striking him with poison syringe helpful?!

Sure he wanted the plunger to work but not at the cost of his own life!

Arnie gritted his teeth and collided his fists in anger. He no longer cared about being discreet. All he wanted was to get treatment as soon as possible.

Yellow threads of energy covered Arnie. The threads radiated a suffocating force in the room.

"She is resting so don't disturb her," Kiba waved his hand and a golden stream of light left from his palm. The golden stream distributed around the wall and equipment creating a golden protective layer.

The next moment, golden ripples manifested out of his body and clashed with the yellow threads of energy released by Arnie.


The air compressed and exploded into flashes of color carrying a destructive might. Arnie clenched his teeth harder and released all his strength.


The clash of golden ripples and yellow energy threads intensified. The destructive waves from the collision landed on the golden covering.


Faint cracks appeared on the covering as the clash escalated further. The flashes of energy explosion moved towards Kiba.

"Die," Arnie shouted angrily as he bet everything on this move.

"Ant overestimating itself," Kiba raised his hand and made a clenching motion.


The explosion of energy started compressing as if it was under a load of a mountain. In the blink of an eye, the energy explosion turned into the size of a small ball.

The energy ball arrived in front of Kiba but the next moment, it compressed into the size of a spark. The energy dissipated into the air by the moment it struck Kiba.

"No way," Arnie backed away in fright.

He knew he wasn't a strong mutant otherwise he wouldn't have chosen the profession of a doctor, but he refused to believe he was so weak that his attack could be nullified as if it was nothing.

"Now, I will ask you a question," Kiba took a step ahead, "The answer would determine your fate."

"Question?" Arnie stopped as he reached the wall. He wanted to escape but he knew there was no hope as long as the man in front of him didn't allow him to.

"Who asked you to kill her?" Kiba asked.

"I-I don't know," Arnie answered before quickly adding, "I got an anonymous message along with a package for me to carry out the task."

An hour ago, he received a parcel containing the mechanical bead and the poison bottle.

"I'm not aware of anything else," Arnie completed.

"You agreed to murder someone just due to an anonymous message?" Kiba grabbed Arnie by his collar.

"This...there was a money transfer," Arnie didn't dare hide the truth, "The email also promised me of another transfer if I carried the task."

When he got an email from an unknown source informing him of money, he took it as a prank. But he did check his account and the transfer of huge amount gave him a shock.

Later on, he received another email offering him more money if he could complete a small task involving no risk. The email gave him the details of the plan, and Arnie felt the plan was risk-proof. This was why he agreed to poison Felicity despite knowing the gravity of his actions.

"Is this all you know?" Kiba asked.

"Y-yes, please forgive me," Arnie's eyes were filled with tears, "I was blinded by greed."

He didn't know what relationship Kiba had with Felicity but it was obvious to him that everything so far was related to her.

"I have a family," Arnie continued in a pleading tone, "So please spare me."

"Haha," Kiba started laughing crazily, "You think only you have a family?"

"N-no, I didn't mean that," Arnie answered with tears.

"Then what about her family?" Kiba questioned further," How do you think her brother and parents would feel at her loss?"

" actions were wrong," Arnie couldn't think of any suitable explanation.

"Then pay for your actions now," Kiba grabbed Arnie's head and clenched it tightly. Like a watermelon falling on the ground, the head exploded into fragments of white and red.


The headless body fell on the floor. The body trembled for a second after which it lost all its movement.


Kiba lowered his hand and closed his eyes. His senses covered the entire floor and observed the guards and other staff.

"She was almost killed and you all are resting?" Kiba's heart was filled with an intense desire to kill everyone in the hospital.

He felt everyone else was equally responsible for the incident just like Arnie. He raised his hand towards the ceiling.


A smothering pressure engulfed the entire hospital.

"AHH!" A female guard resting outside opened her eyes in horror. She fell on the floor, not able to breathe.

A senior doctor in an emergency ward brought his hands on his neck as if trying to free it from some hidden force. His face turned deadly pale with every trace of blood disappearing.

Similarly, everyone in the hospital, regardless of patient or staff, felt suffocating. Their bodies precipitated heavily while the blood flow inside turned chaotic.

"S-save me," A young female patient muttered.

"I can't breathe," The doctor beside her fell on a table behind.

In the VIP ward, Kiba's lips curved up. His raised hand slowly moved down, and in turn, the pressure in the hospital increased.


The white ring on his finger flashed with blinding radiance. The faint red inscriptions brightened and bolts of red current released from them into his finger.

Meanwhile, the silver bracelet on his wrist started vibrating. High-intensity vibration waves jolted through his nervous system.

"Claudia, don't you dare," Kiba muttered as the pain made him lose his focus. The pressure outside subsidized just as quickly.

"Haah...I can breathe," The female patient from before cried in relief.

"W-what just happened?" The doctor near her thanked gods for saving his life after such a close encounter with death.

The guards and others in the hospital similarly rejoiced...


Inside the VIP ward.

"Claudia," Kiba brought his left hand on his right hand to destroy the ring and the bracelet.


A flower vase in the room shattered with a loud bang sound. A small droid the size of a ball flew from inside.


High-frequency sound waves manifested out of the droid aimed at Kiba.

"Damn, "Kiba brought his hands on his ears. His expression was a mix of pain and struggle.

[[Remember the current you is not the real you, sir.]] Claudia's voice came out of his cellphone and the droid.

The bracelet, ring, and droid continued their tasks with more intensity.

[[Surely the true you would never desire to kill innocents who have no role in Lady Felicity's condition.]]

"Argh!" Kiba tried his best to control his desires of slaughter.

[[You once said everything in this world has a price and that applied to your powers as well.]]


[[Do you wish to pay the price by becoming a slave to desires which are not yours, to begin with?]]

"Never," Kiba clenched his teeth as he fought over his innate instincts which showed no sign of giving up.

[[Then remember your dreams and recall if killing innocents is part of those dreams or not.]]