168 - 175

Chapter 168 - Sympathy Wave

Cleo lied on the floor, soaked with blood and sweat. His face was stomped in, while the outline of a shoe was clearly visible.

Kiba rubbed the heel of his shoe on Cleo's bloodied chest.

"Argh," Cleo whimpered with pain. He looked at Kiba like he was a monster reincarnated in the guise of a human.

He couldn't believe how weak he was in front of him. He didn't even felt what happened now was a battle, it was more like a play between an adult and a child. The outcome for such a play was decided from the start.

"Don't look at me like that," Kiba retraced his leg, "Only you are to be blamed for your current state."

Kiba waved his hand and a gust of wind passed through the room. The wind obliterated the remaining pieces of vines and plants.

There was no damage inside the room even with the attack of turbulent currents from before. Kiba has prevented destruction by using his strength effectively.

He sat down on the corner of the bed with his eyes on Cleo.

"Why do you care about her?" Cleo gritted his teeth and asked. No matter how much he tried to form a connection between Felicity and Kiba, he couldn't establish any link.

He knew his sister and was sure she wasn't the least bit interested in topics like the opposite sex. Nor he believed Kiba was a man who cared about the well being of a random stranger.

So why exactly would Kiba go to such extent for her?!

"I'm the one to ask questions," Kiba raised the index finger of his right hand.


Cleo felt his body moving away from the floor. In no time, he was floating in front of Kiba.

"Just why did you tried to kill her?" Kiba asked.

"She...is trying to take what is rightfully mine," Cleo answered with hatred.

"What?" Kiba was sure Felicity wasn't the type to steal from anyone much less her own brother.

"A jewel from Everlasting Crown," Cleo answered...



Six years ago~

The Holy City, State of Avalon.

Inside a lavish room.

Cleo sat beside his father Patrick. In front of them, a middle-aged woman observed a green jewel.

The jewel was the size of an eye of a pigeon. Green ripples radiated out from the jewel.

"Patrick, this jewel should form a part of Everlasting Crown," The middle-aged woman said after some time.

"Lady Hana, are you sure?!" Patrick asked excitedly.

"Yes," Hana nodded her head, "You have terrific luck to have such treasure."

Patrick's eyes glinted with excitement at the confirmation. Decades ago, his ancestor has found this jewel during some exploration. For reasons unknown to him, the jewel was placed in a storeroom like it was some junk.

Recently, after being elevated to the position of a senator, he learned secrets which he wasn't privy to earlier. This was why he brought the jewel to Hana to confirm his suspicions.

"Do you wish to offer it to my Eleanor Family?" Hana asked with no emotions.

"I..Of course, I want to," Patrick agreed though there was hesitation on his face.

He was obviously aware the aristocratic families wouldn't let go of him if they learned of this treasure's existence. He also knew that even if he took the help of scientists or officers from the government, it won't remain a secret from the ruling families of the government.

But yet he decided to come here. It was because he believed out of the nine families, Eleanor was the sincerest. Even if they took away this treasure, they would pay him.

The main reason he chose this option was that he has no idea on how to use the jewel.

"A very wise decision. You would be forever backed in Senate along with never-ending financial assistance, " Hana snapped her finger and the jewel disappeared, "I also guarantee in the name of my Lord that your contributions would remain a secret."

Patrick didn't say anything but silently listened. The benefits so far didn't excite him as much as he thought.

"Furthermore, at an appropriate time, a member of your bloodline can join my family," Hana put a hand on her chest, "And lastly, if we get any success from this treasure, we will not forget you. That's a promise of the family."

"Thank you," Patrick bowed down.



"I don't get it," Kiba was confused, "How is Felicity stealing anything from you?"

From what he could judge based on Cleo's explanation, his father gave the jewel to an aristocratic family. So how was Felicity involved in this?

"It is because of her that father never recommended my name to Eleanor family," Cleo answered with his voice filled with malice, "He never told me but I'm sure he is caught between two choices."

"That's some fucked up logic," Kiba's eyes turned cold, "You mentioned an appropriate time so how can you be sure your father isn't waiting for that time to arrive?"


"Not to mention, you know Felicity's personality so you should be aware she would never take this opportunity away from you," Kiba cut in between, "You had six years but you suddenly decided to kill her now? Do I look like a fool to you?"


Before Cleo could speak, he felt the bones inside him cracking under a strange pressure.

"Give me the full truth," Kiba said.

"T-the revolutionaries have a method to get back the jewel by using my bloodline," Cleo said in a low voice, "I wanted to get rid of father and Felicity so that the revolutionaries couldn't use anyone else."

"And the main reason?" Kiba felt this excuse was invalid like the previous one.

As for this Everlasting Crown, he has no interest in it. Nor he cared for reasons to how the jewel was linked with Weisz bloodline.

"The mayoral elections are coming," Cleo gulped down and answered honestly, "Their death would fuel my campaign."

"Just for this, you are killing your sister?!" Kiba's voice turned cold.


Turbulent energy waves radiated out of his body. The floor cracked apart and the tiles hovered in the air before dissipating into dust.

"You are insane to scheme everything for such a stupid reason," Kiba tried his best to not kill Cleo.

"Haha, You called my reasoning stupid?!" Cleo was incensed by Kiba's remark, " It is you who is far too stupid to understand."

"Understand what exactly?"

"The slavery system!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Kiba asked.

"The most efficient way of slavery is to never let the slaves know they are slaves! Our governing system is based on this very concept!" Cleo explained loudly, "There is no freedom from slavery for anyone, but there is a way to have special perks! It is by climbing the ranks!

"The system gives this option to everyone to ensure its longevity. But only a handful few can actually climb to the top!

"In our present times, this system is known as democracy. The world council allows people outside the nine families to rise through elections.

"And only a rabble-rouser can win the political power! The masses are ignorant and fools, they easily get fooled by any sob story!

"Tell them you have a poor or tragic background, and you would be showered with votes! Facts never matter! Everything is just a matter of perception!"

Cleo knew he wasn't a strong mutant nor he was blessed with talent like his sister, so he wanted to rise to power through politics.

In the present era, the mutants carried the supreme power but politicians have their own authority and influence. After all, even the strongest of mutant couldn't face a colossal organization like World Government alone.

Cleo planned to rise to ranks in government while collaborating with revolutionaries. In the process, he wanted to take away the jewel and strengthen his own ability.

"The people in Delta City are rooting for me after learning Felicity is paraplegic! Imagine how easily I would win if she died!" Cleo's expression was filled with lust for power, "I just needed some sympathy wave!"

Kiba disappeared from the bed and teleported in front of Cleo. His fist struck towards Cleo.


Cleo's back bent out as he collided with a wall behind.

"Sympathy wave?" Kiba raised his foot before ferociously stomping down on Cleo.

"AHH!" Cleo opened his mouth and coughed up blood mixed with broken teeth.

"Felicity was correct," Kiba glanced at Cleo with hatred, "Politics is an eternal loop without any end."

Cleo's eyes turned wide in disbelief at the familiar words.

"She told you that she has no interest in it," Kiba grabbed Cleo by his neck, "But just like you said, politics wouldn't stop pursuing her in one way or another."

"How do you know this conversation..." Cleo's pupils dilated as the realization hit him, "Impossible...you are Zed?!"

Cleo was sure only Zed was present when the conversation took place. He felt only this could explain the current behavior of Kiba.

If not for Zed, who else would care about Felicity to such extent!?


IMPORTANT: I have started a poll to decide on what should be the main focus in the novel: Holy Mission (Rake/Playboy/Wife Hunter adventures) or Main Storyline?!

Of course, the novel would have both of them in a balance but I wish to know your opinion. Your vote matters! You can even post your view in the comments!!

Chapter 169 - Pity

"You are Zed?!" Cleo muttered in disbelief.

The memories from the last ten minutes flashed in his mind. He recalled how Kiba spoke on the generalization of relationships and how Kiba had a smile when he spoke of a sister's role

The hatred Kiba showed when Cleo explained his reasons further fuelled this suspicion.


Cleo was aware of the relationship between Zed and Felicity. While they rarely call each other as brother and sister in open, he knew they were truly as close as siblings.

Cleo never really understood how they developed their relationship or their care for each other. It never really mattered to him. As far as he was concerned, Zed was just a close and rich acquaintance of Felicity. Nothing really worth caring about.

But now he realized how wrong he was earlier.


The difference between Zed and Kiba was like the difference between day and night. There was no familiarity between the two.

One was an infamous but powerful mutant with a history of affairs and flings. The other was an academy student!

The difference was not just between personalities and profession but even the appearance!

No matter how Cleo tried, he couldn't find any facial resemblance between the two. Facial features, hair color, height, and even aura was different!

Yet Cleo was sure of his guess. Because otherwise, he felt nothing else could explain the present situation.

"Everything just for some sympathy," Kiba increased the pressure on Cleo's neck. He didn't give a damn about his guess.

"I'm sorry," Cleo took his refusal to answer as a confirmation, "I would repent for my actions."

"Repent? Haha," Kiba freed Cleo and started laughing as if he has heard a joke.

Cleo didn't know why but the laughter made his fine hairs stand up in fright.

"You almost murder someone then you want to repent," Kiba controlled his laughter, "The only way for you to repent is to die."

"N-No...Zed," Cleo kneeled down to beg, "Please forgive me once."

"Scram," Kiba kicked him away.

Cleo felt himself in despair. He didn't want to die, and at least not at such a young age. He has his goals and dreams in life.

Death would take away everything. All his efforts and schemes so far would be washed down a drain.

"I need a way for him to spare me!" Cleo tried his best to think, "If I give him a threat then he would definitely murder me! There has to be a way...Yes! Felicity!"

The dread of death made his brain work at a speed like never before. He calmed himself to choose his words carefully.

"Felicity would be crestfallen if she learns I'm dead," Cleo glanced at Kiba, "She is crippled but my death would send her in depression!"

Kiba was struck on the spot. He has forgotten about the consequences his actions would have on Felicity.

Humans feel dejected even by the death of a pet much less a relative. How can a sister not be depressed by the loss of her blood brother?

"You know her as much as me," Cleo felt delighted by Kiba's reaction, "She considers you as her younger brother but I carry the same blood as her! She wouldn't be able to bear the loss."

Kiba's expression turned gloomy.

"Even if you told her about my actions," Cleo raised his voice, "Do you think she could ever hate me enough to see me die?!"

Kiba gritted his teeth in frustration. He knew he couldn't afford to expose Cleo's role in the explosion.

If the world knows about his role then even other members of the Weisz family would bear the brunt. Hardly anyone would care that Cleo has almost killed his sister and father.

The world would blame them for his poor upbringing which led him to join the hands of revolutionaries.

Felicity and her parents would forever live under a stigma. The society would forever remember them as the family members of a terrorist whose actions led to the death of thousands.

Kiba knew it better than anyone else on how the society functioned.

"Felicity loves you like a brother but her love would die the day she learns you killed her elder brother!" Cleo continued in a higher pitch, "This is true and you know it!"

"So not only should I spare you but also hide the truth?" Kiba coldly asked.

"Y-yes, I promise to never share today's events with anyone in return," Cleo answered in a convincing tone, "We can forget everything and start fresh. I would move out of her life completely in some time and there would be no animosity among us."


"Everyone would be happy by this outcome," Cleo took a short pause before continuing, "What do you think?"

"What I think?" Kiba's expression twisted, "I think you are a good politician in fooling others with convincing lies."

"No...I'm speaking the truth," Cleo hurriedly said.

"Maybe or maybe not, " Kiba's eyes were filled with madness, "Regardless I can't just let you go after what you have done to her."

"I...I know a method to neutralize the damage of nanites," Cleo gulped down before continuing, "She would---"

"You don't have to worry about her," Kiba interjected in coldly, "Anyways, the mayoral elections are coming, right?"

Cleo was shocked by the sudden turn in the conversation.

Why was Kiba not caring about Felicity's cure and instead focusing on elections?!

"Yes," Cleo nodded.

"How confident are you in winning?" Kiba waved his hand. Streams of energy passed through the room and reverted the room to the same condition before the battle.

Meanwhile, small orbs of red light materialized around Cleo and before he could even blink, they passed inside him. Much to his amazement and surprise, his wounds started healing as if he was not harmed at all.

"Hey~ Answer my question," Kiba asked again seeing no response.

"60-70%," Cleo answered. He didn't know why but his heart started beating rapidly as if it was warning him of a bad premonition.

"That's rather low since the choice of people might change in upcoming weeks," Kiba crouched down in front of him, "Wouldn't it be good if you have 100% assurance of winning?"

"That's..." Cleo couldn't understand what was Kiba trying to say now.

How can he have 100% assurance?!

Only if Felicity dies could there be such a strong sympathy wave!

Cleo's eyes turned wide and his heart thumped loudly as he thought of a dreadful possibility.

Sympathy wave!!

"Don't tell me," Cleo begun trembling from head to toe, "No! I don't want to win elections!"

"Awww, please don't say such things after the efforts you have made" Kiba placed a hand on Cleo's forehead, "Lady Kyla said I'm part of your family so I should ensure you win."

Cleo felt his blood turning cold with fright.

"You would have sympathy wave like no one ever had," Kiba said with a crazy smile on his face, "Sympathy wave throughout your life."

"NO!" Cleo's screams reverberated in the room...


An hour later~

A car entered the Weisz house. Patrick and Kyla stepped out of the car.

"Thankfully our daughter wasn't harmed any further," Kyla said bitterly.

"Don't worry too much," Patrick put a hand on her shoulder, "She would get better."

"Would she?" Kyla sobbed as they walked inside the house.

Parick didn't answer her question for he wasn't confident himself. From what he knew, even the nine families had no way to undo the damage in genes. And even if someone had a method to get rid of genetic defects, they wouldn't share it with others.

After all, such a method would mean the scientists can perform genetic experiments without carrying about the damage in genes. This would result in tapping the hidden power.

Such an increase in strength would defy logic. No one would want their enemies or foreign powers to have such a method.

"Let's hope for better," Patrick mumbled.

The couple was greeted by the servants as they stepped in, but the two ignored their presence.

"Has Cleo waked up?" Patrick asked the butler.

"No, sir," The butler answered, "But a servant has gone to his room with tea."

"Oh," Patrick nodded.

"Call an ambulance! Hurry!" A loud female voice came from the upper staircase.

"What was that?!" Patrick, Kyla, and other servants were startled.

They all made a dash to the upper floor and entered Cleo's room. At the entrance, a female servant was standing.

Some distance away, tea and pieces of the cup were lying on the floor.

"What's going on?" Patrick asked before moving his eyes inside the room.

Inside, Cleo was writhing with dreadful convulsions on the bed.

"Cleo!" Patrick and Kyla were scared by the scene.

Just what has happened to him?!

The two rushed towards the bed, but much to their horror, he started throwing his body around. Sometimes to the right side of the bed and sometimes left.

"My child, what happened to you?" Patrick stopped his movements and hugged him.

Cleo answered by bursting into laughter and then into a violent storm of tears and groans.

"Call help now!" Kyla fell on her knees. Her eyes were filled with tears at the sight of her only son.

First her daughter and now son. For her, it was one blow after another in the last 24 hours...


A mile away, Kiba was standing on the branch of a tree. He has a complex expression on his face as his senses observed the scene in the room.

Back then, he decided to punish Cleo by torturing him for an entire lifetime. He has also left enough clues for Patrick to discover Cleo's role in the explosions.

Throughout the process, he has felt a sense of happiness. Maybe this happiness was the result of him taking revenge for Felicity.

Or perhaps, it was created by his powers. How could his powers not feel delighted at the sight of him playing with an ant?

He was unsure what gave him happiness back then. Anger or his powers, it didn't matter. He believed he has done the right thing.

"I was far too cruel."

But now after looking at the reactions of Patrick and Kyla, he felt bitter. The happiness in his heart was replaced with pity.

"Felicity, I'm sorry."

Chapter 170 - Move On

Cleo lay on a bed, violently kicking around. A few moments later, he stopped his movements and serenity took over him. But the peace didn't last long as he started laughing crazily in less than a minute.

Laughter, Sobbing, Violent actions and then peace. He was lost in a loop without any end.

Outside, Kyla gazed at the activities of her son through a glass screen. A doctor was standing beside her, with his focus on medical reports in his hands.

"Doctor, what has happened to him?" Kyla asked, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I don't know for sure since it is the first time that I have seen this type of neural oscillations," The doctor answered with a sigh. "But most likely something has harmed his very consciousness."

Kyla was crestfallen by the words.

If even the doctor was saying such a thing then just what was the possibility of him recovering?

"The part of the brain which makes his personality is not damaged, " The doctor contemplated in his heart. He didn't say the words aloud since he didn't wish her to feel more depressed. "So most likely he knows the behavior of his body, yet the only thing he could do is suffer."

The doctor looked at Cleo with pity. He wouldn't wish such a state even for his most hated enemy.

"Kyla, we would find a cure so don't worry," The doctor tried to pacify her.

He wished he has lied earlier but as a doctor, he couldn't. Now all he could do was offer her false hope.

"Thank you," Kyla said as she sat down on a bench. The doctor nodded and took his leave.

A few minutes later~

Patrick entered the ward. He glanced at the patient room with complicated emotions on his face.

"Patrick, where were you?" Kyla asked.

"I was trying to find what happened to our son," Patrick sat next to her. "I didn't learn what I wanted to, but I did discover something...something I wish I hadn't."

"What do you mean?" Kyla was startled.

Just what has he discovered for him to say such a thing?!

"Kyla, our son..." Patrick closed his eyes and placed a hand around her. His arms were trembling and there was hesitation on his face.

He didn't wish to share his findings, but he felt he has to share, otherwise, Kyla's consciousness would be forever haunted by the state of their son.

Perhaps she would be depressed for a few weeks after she learned the truth but at least, it would be better than eternal torture of love.

Sometimes bitterness was far better than unconditional love.

"He was collaborating with revolutionaries...in order to have me and Felicity killed," Patrick said as he broke down into tears. "He wanted to use our deaths for political mileage."

Patrick wished he had died instead of discovering such a sinister plot orchestrated by his own child.

"No way," Kyla felt her world shatter into pieces. Despair took over her...


Kiba stood outside the ward. He retraced his vision and let out a heavy sigh.

"It is always innocents who suffer the most," Kiba muttered. He felt mentally exhausted by the events.


Somewhere in the city.

Inside a penthouse.

Eva walked out of the washroom in a bathrobe while drying her hairs with a towel. She sat down on the bed and took out a pack of cigarettes from a drawer.

She lit a cigarette and turned towards the balcony. The light from the rising sun entered the room in a beautiful fashion.

She exhaled a thick plume of smoke from her lips as she enjoyed the sunrise.


"Hmm?" Eva looked back and saw rays of white light converging into a humanoid figure, "It has been a long time since you came here, Kiba."

"Yeah," Kiba sat down on a chair. He titled his head back and sighed multiple times.

Eva was rather startled by his behavior. In all the times she has known him, he has never displayed such odd behavior.

Even in the worst situations, he would find a way to lighten the mood with humor. Yet today he looked depressed.

"What happened?" Eva asked.

She obviously knew about the explosions in the city but not the specifics of the casualties.

"Nothing really," Kiba shook his head and gazed at her.

She was sitting with her legs crossed and holding a cigarette in her manicured hand. The red nail polish glinted as she brought the cigarette to her glossy lips.

"Like what you see?" Eva asked in a teasing manner. She crunched the cigarette butt and threw it away.

Kiba didn't say anything and just smiled.

"You are smiling but you are dejected," Eva took a cigarette and lighter in her hand before walking towards him. "We need to change that."

Her walking manner was filled with seductiveness and Kiba couldn't help but gulp down.

"Wanna smoke?" Eva leaned over him and asked.

"Why not?" Kiba took the cigarette and held it over his lips.

"That's the spirit," Eva lit the cigarette and sat on top of him.

Kiba took a long puff before blowing a cone of smoke.

"Well, save some for me," Eva took the cigarette away from him.

Her fingers gripped onto the cigarette before she pressed it firmly between her lips. She took a small puff and blew it out like a breeze on his face.

Her other hand wandered over his thighs before arriving on his cock. He was rock hard and she felt him growing further at her touch.

"You seem to be having fun," Eva threw the cigarette on the floor. She closed her face onto his and their lips meet.

The kiss intensified as her wet tongue barged in his mouth. He retaliated and their tongues wrapped around, lost in the smoky taste of each other.

"Ready for the real fun?" Eva asked as their lips parted.

"Always," Kiba brushed her brown hair away from her neck and kissed on her soft skin before moving down.

His hands slipped inside her robe to free her from confines...


An hour later~

The two lay in bed, covered by a blanket. Kiba looked at the ceiling for a long time before closing his eyes.

"I'm all ears if you want to talk," Eva traced a finger over his chest. "And I'm sure that's the reason you are here."

"You are right," Kiba turned towards her and explained the entire chain of events.

"I see," Eva understood his dilemma.

"When I was in the slums, I have seen many parents selling their children to organ harvesters and brothels. I also have seen many children trading their parents for resources," Kiba leaned his back on the headboard. "But at least that was understandable. The slum dwellers were economically and socially deprived so they have to find means to live."

"You are wondering why Cleo did what he did despite having everything?" Eva asked.

"Yes," Kiba nodded. "He has a life which was envied by most people in the world."

"He desired more," Eva answered with a sigh. "You already know how we humans have evolved through thousands of years. The desire to surpass each other and climb to the top is the reason we were able to reach where we are now."

"But sacrificing his family? That was plain wrong," Kiba said in a stern tone.

"Well, my dear," Eva looked him in the eyes. "If people like you and me ever discuss what is right and wrong, then we would be the greatest hypocrites in this world."

Kiba was tongue tied for a moment. He then nodded his head in agreement and laughed.

"You are correct," Kiba leaned close to her. "My emotions made me forget something so obvious."

"Just like how beauty is in the eye of the beholder," Eva brushed her lips with his for a moment before continuing. "So is the right and wrong."

Neither of them believed in the concept of right and wrong. The right for one could be wrong for another.

The very obvious example would be his dreams. Most men would definitely agree that they were wrong and evil.

But he believed the opposite!

"And I'm the last person you should ever expect to have filial piety and other family virtues," Eva left the bed. "You already know I would celebrate the day my father dies."

Kiba nodded in agreement. He didn't know the entire story, but he was aware she hated Hank.

"I would just tell you one thing," Eva said as she covered herself with a robe. "Maybe it carries the answer you are looking for."

"Oh?" Kiba listened with interest.

"The concept of lovely families might hold true in the lower sections of society," Eva took a deep breath before continuing. "But as you arrive in the higher society, most times this concept is just fool's dreams."

The families in the higher society look envy-worthy from outside due to the glamor involved, but they had their own set of problems.

This has been true even before the age of evolution. Fratricide, patricide, mariticide and even filicide were never rare occurrences throughout history.

Most wars in the ancient past were the result of internal conflict in a family. The desire for political and financial supremacy often lead to wars.

Most times, the battles were fought in secret through poisons and seduction. It wasn't strange for a rival to kill his/her family member through poison and blame it on an outside force. Nor was it rare for luring the opponent through seduction.

No ideal family ever existed in the past and the same went for the present.

"The era has changed, but the nature of us humans is same," Eva sat beside him on the bed. "I'm sure you already know this from years."

"...." Kiba didn't reply.

"It is just that you were oblivious since the victim was your loved one." Eva sighed and shook her head. "Wisdom is always like this. It seems obvious from other's perspective. Alas, we can only grasp wisdom through experience and this means suffering."


"Kiba, forget what happened in the last one day and move on," Eva took his chin in her hand. "Spend your energy on more important things like banging hot chicks."

Kiba looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you," Kiba kissed her on lips. "You truly are the best."

"Stop being cheeky," Eva moved away from him.

"I couldn't help myself," Kiba said as rays of white light enveloped him.

Eva looked on as he teleported away.

"Haah~ I need to check my contacts to find information on nanites," Eva opened her cell phone. "Perhaps this could help him in curing Felicity."


Dream Rise House.

Kiba transformed into Zed and took a quick bath. He then chose a white shirt and black pant from the wardrobe.

[[Sir, would you like to have breakfast?]] Claudia enquired.

"Yes, I'm starved," Zed combed his hairs before walking down.

[[The breakfast is waiting for you.]]

"You are amazing," Zed entered the living hall.

The mist from the waterfall rejuvenated the hall with fresh air.

Zed sat across a black table where the breakfast dishes were already placed. He munched down on herbed egg-potato while he thought of a decision he took years ago.



"You were right," Zed leaned back, his eyes on the waterfall.

[[You are stating the obvious, sir. I have always been right.]]

"Haha," Zed scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

[[Anyways, which topic you are referring now?]]

"About what you said on the past," Zed answered in a low voice. "Why focus on the past when you have the present."


Claudia obviously knew when she spoke such words. It was just that the subject of this topic was taboo.

"I have always believed we should live in present instead of wasting time on an illusory future," Zed said as left the chair. "But yet for all these years, I was bound by my past."


"Whenever anyone called me a bastard, I used to get pissed. The reason? Because it reminded me of the times I lived with the caretaker," Zed paused for a moment before continuing. "I killed him over a decade ago, but yet his influence over me lived on till now."

Zed suddenly felt refreshed. It was like his body was freed from invisible shackles as he realized the influence of the caretaker.

"Similarly, I was blinded by my hatred for mother and father," Zed said as he thought of the nights where he wished them ill.

He has prayed they would die in a painful manner for leaving him in the hands of the caretaker.

He didn't know whether his hatred was justified or not since he wasn't aware of the entire story of what truly happened back then.

But now he felt it was childish of him to hate them to such an extent.

Just why should he let his hate consume him even now for a matter that was over two decades old?

"Looking back, I joined the academy due to my hatred for them," Zed has a self-deprecating smile on his face. "I believed, if I ever meet them in future, I could show them the success I have enjoyed without their help."


Claudia was obviously aware of how he fulfilled his fourth dream by joining the academy.

Of course, he never felt any happiness since this dream was founded on anger. This was why he decided to leave the academy but then he met Felicity and everything changed for better.

"I don't know why they abandoned me," Zed shook his head, "Maybe in the past, it mattered... No, it actually mattered. It still does to some extent, and perhaps, it will continue to matter till my final breath."

"If not, I wouldn't have ordered you to find me the background of the caretaker."

Zed stepped in front of the waterfall and looked at his reflection. The burden he carried all these years was reduced to a great extent.

"It was just that I fooled myself into believing that everything was to take revenge on those who tried to kill me."


"Haha, don't worry," Zed laughed, "I am fine now."




"Stop your search on the caretaker," Zed commanded with a smile. "Let the past be past."

[[Understood, sir. I'm glad you think as such.]]

"I often worry you," Zed shook his head with a smile.

[[It is my duty to worry about you.]]

"Still I must have been troublesome, right?" Zed asked as he took a handful of water from the waterfall.

[[Yes, you were. Very troublesome, if I may add.]]

"...You don't have to be so honest in your answer."

[[Can I ask something, sir?]]

"Of course. Always remember you are the only one who has the right to ask me anything without my permission."

[[Do you no longer care about killing those who tried to murder you after your birth?]]

"Actually, I do care," Zed sipped in the water. "After all, if I don't care then I would be breaking the only rule in my life."


"Claudia, rest assured," Zed closed his eyes. "I would never waste my time, nor your efforts, to seek those who conspired to kill me. Life is far too precious to waste on elements of distant past."


"If the fate willed it and I come to know about them through other means, only then I would make my move," Zed clarified further.

If he never came to know about them in his life, it was still fine with him. He wouldn't be breaking his rule nor would he be struck in his ancient past.

"Time has come for me to move on."

Zed opened his eyes with a new determination.

Chapter 171 - Learn From Zed

Living hall, Dream Rise House.

"Time has come to move on from the bindings of the past."

Zed looked at his reflection on the waterfall. He felt as if his reflection was freed from invisible shackles.

Moving on from the past didn't mean forgetting it. Instead, it meant accepting the past as nothing more than past and then proceeding on with life.

In Zed's case, he sensed the parts of the past which were holding him. He freed himself from those parts by accepting them for what they were.

In the end, he thought, why should words such as bastard influence him just because the caretaker used to call him as such? Similarly, why should he let the fire of hatred for his parents still live?

[[Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.]]

Claudia repeated the immortal words spoken by Buddha.

"Wise words," Zed turned around, "But alas, just like Eva said, wisdom only seems obvious from a spectator's point of view. "

[[That is true.]]

"Anyways, how are our guests?" Zed sat back on the chair to complete his breakfast.

[[They have lost their wits after the heart seizure episode. Otherwise, they are fine.]]

"We really don't have to worry about their minds any longer," Zed took a bite from a sandwich, "Proceed with the experiments as we discussed previously."


"I will check on Felicity," Zed grabbed a glass of juice.

He didn't bring Felicity to the lab for two reasons. First, he didn't want to worry her parents, and second even if he brought her to the lab, he couldn't help her yet.

He did need to carry out a few more tests on her, but he could conduct them in the hospital. As for healing her, it would depend on data from the experiments on his lab rats.

[[Car is ready.]]

Zed left the hall and moved to the garage where a blue hovercraft was waiting for him.


VIP Ward, City Heart Hospital.

Felicity was still unconscious but her body has regained its original vitality. Her face was radiating a healthy color.

Jessica stood beside the bed along with Loren. On the opposite corner, Kyla was sitting on a stool gazing at her daughter.

Jessica and Loren glanced at each other, unsure of what to say. They had come to check on Felicity and offer emotional support, but after learning Felicity and Cleo's condition, they were unsure of how to proceed.

No words of consolation and hope could help a mother engulfed by despair.


Patrick was conversing with Morgan

"Morgan, I am sorry for the loss of your comrades," Patrick put a hand on his shoulder, "They were brave."

"Indeed, they were," Morgan bitterly nodded.

Only Morgan and Emily survived from the entire investigation team sent by the government. Emily was saved by Kiba while Morgan survived thanks to his job of guarding government's trump card in a defense base.

Others in the investigation team were not so lucky. Even the backup forces were massacred in the nanite attack.

Patrick didn't say anything further. He knew his own son was responsible for the casualties to a great extent. But he couldn't tell share this secret with anyone else.

He has already destroyed the evidence linking Cleo with the revolutionaries. He was pragmatic and took this decision to save his family from further destruction.

"The government hasn't yet decided on the next course of action," Morgan said in an annoyed tone.

"You can't blame them," Patrick replied, "They lost their valuable assets and that too not in a war but some underhanded tactics."

"I know," Morgan understood the dilemma of the government.

"Don't forget that most of the elite forces of government are exploring various restricted zones on the planet," Patrick explained further, "The government has to manage their manpower accordingly."

"Speaking of restricted zones," Morgan remembered information he wished to confirm, "The core section of Desolate Blood Forest is opening, right?"

"Yes, it should be open for exploration in a few weeks," Patrick nodded his head, "Many resource seekers and adventurists would visit it."

Desolate Blood Forest.

One of the many dangerous zones on Earth. It was home to various flora and fauna, free from the clutches of humans for the most time.

The mutated beasts and plants in the region carried a great value for researchers especially genetic scientists. This was why the region was a popular destination for mutants who wished to become rich.

But the attraction of mutated species was not the only focal point. The main focus for government and other organizations was the core region which offered something far more precious.

The area forming the core region was actually a meteorite!

It was not some ordinary meteorite, but in fact, it was one of the thousand meteorites originating from a world which has long ceased to exist.

The same meteorites which mutated the planet and are responsible for the current era of evolution.

According to rumors, the meteorite in Desolate Blood Forest has secrets on the deceased world. Not only secrets but it was also home to various minerals and ores, endangered species, and a hub of knowledge.

"The revolutionaries got the secrets of nanites through that meteorite," Patrick contemplated in his heart, "And even the government has benefitted to a large extent during previous explorations."

Patrick has sent a request to Eleanor Family and they have promised to do their best in finding ways to help his daughter.

"Chances are low though," Patrick shook his head, "Otherwise the government would already have found a way to tackle this menace."

The name of the forest didn't contain the word 'Blood' for nothing. It was a region where life could be lost by a single careless step.

But yet thousands would try their luck. Some for resources, some for the opportunity to seek more power and a few just for adventures.

Even the nine aristocratic families and other organizations would send their young seedlings in the forest. The struggle in the families was tough and the forest was an opportunity to rise up.


Patrick cleared his thoughts as he heard the sound of steps. He turned around and noticed Zed walking towards him and Morgan, carrying a black briefcase.

"Zed," Patrick looked at him with a hopeful expression. After learning the opinions of doctors from Holy City, he realized how lucky his daughter was to be treated by someone like Zed.

"Sir Patrick," Zed nodded in greeting.

"I'm sorry for my conduct yesterday," Patrick lowered his head.

"Please don't," Zed stopped Patrick, "You only did what any sensible father would do."

Zed didn't blame him, to begin with. If anything, Patrick had the right to blame him after what happened with Cleo.

"Thank you for understanding," Patrick said in a voice containing gratitude.

Zed didn't reply but sighed inwardly.

"He is that Zed?" Morgan asked Patrick.

"Yes," Patrick proceeded to introduce, "Zed, he is Morgan. An investigator."

"Ah!" Zed pretended to be startled, "You must be the father of Loren and Olly, right?"

"Yes," Morgan nodded in acknowledgment, "I have heard a lot about you but now I am finally able to meet you."

"I wish I could say the same," Zed thought inside but on the outside, he politely said, "It is my honor to meet a great man like you."

Morgan was surprised by the respectful attitude. He couldn't help but nod in appreciation at the display of manners.

"Olly could learn so much from you," Morgan sighed heavily.

He has always believed the children in today's age lacked a proper sense of conduct. This was especially true for those from an influential background. But now he felt happy to be proven wrong after meeting Zed.

"You are being unjust to your son," Zed disagreed.

"Hmm?" Morgan was startled.

"I can assure you that Olly has always tried to be a good son," Zed said with a smile, "So you should be proud of him."

Morgan was amazed by the words of appreciation. He inwardly thanked the gods for making a well-cultured man like Zed; humble despite being rich and famous.

After all, the world had far too many arrogant and cocky men who openly displayed a brazen attitude.

When Morgan thought of this, he couldn't help but think of a golden-haired man named Kiba. He believed Kiba was the worst of the worst among this type of people.

"Kiba should learn a thing or two from Zed on how to conduct oneself," Morgan grumbled, "A man should always be humble no matter how smart and talented he is."

Morgan has hated how Kiba turned him into a butt of jokes by playing a smart 'prank' to get his seat in a restaurant.

Alas, he didn't know Kiba has gotten into more than just his seat...

Chapter 172 - Request

ward. Morgan and Patrick nodded and followed him from behind.

The scanners verified his credentials and after doing so, the sliding doors opened up. The doors were made from smart-glass technology with digital alerts for patient allergies or special conditions.

The sensors felt nothing odd from his body and thus allowed him to step inside the room.

(Image reference: http://glimpse.clemson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/PR20_Article-Image_01.jpg )

The large room was formed with sleek curves and seamless microbe-resistant surfaces. Sofas and chairs were placed for the visitors.

Currently, the sitting facility was being used by Jessica, Loren, and Kyla. Their attention was on a bed where Felicity was sleeping.

From time to time, their eyes moved on a digital flat-screen displaying her vital signs.

"Zed," Jessica called out as she sensed his presence.

"Hi there," Zed greeted her with a faint smile, "How have you been?"

"I'm fine," Jessica replied in a low voice with her eyes moving back on the bed.

She has always felt extreme gratitude towards Felicity and Zed. She has promised herself to help them if a chance ever arises.

But now looking at the helpless state of the adventurous Felicity, she felt helpless. She cursed herself for being useless despite being blessed with an evolved healing ability.

"Jessica, don't blame yourself," Zed placed the briefcase on a table and walked towards her. He could pretty much understand her dilemma so he could easily guess the thoughts flooding in her mind.

"She has helped me when I needed it the most," Jessica felt tears streaming down from her eyes, "But I couldn't help her in the slightest bit."

"Hey," Zed moved his thumb on her face to wipe her tears, "She wouldn't like tears flooding your eyes."

"You are right," Jessica tried to smile at his action but couldn't, despite the efforts.

If it was ordinary time, her face would already have been flushed red by Zed's act, but alas, the situation didn't allow her body to act such.

"Always remember something," Zed looked her in the eyes


"There are times when even the strongest men find themselves helpless," Zed said with a smile.


"So there is no reason to blame yourself when you have just started the journey to evolution," Zed took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gave her, "With time and practice, your ability would evolve further and maybe someday, even the strongest would need your help."

Jessica was stunned by the words. Maybe the words were preposterous but they gave her the hope she needed. She promised herself to do everything within her power to reach that level.

Zed observed her for a few more moments before taking back the briefcase and then walking towards the bed.

His vision focused on Kyla who was sitting next to the bed.

"Lady Kyla," Zed gave her a polite bow. She was one of the few people in this world whom he truly respected.

After all, she has treated him well whenever they met. She has often reminded him that she considered him as a part of her family.

Kyla ignored his words or perhaps she never heard him, to begin with. Zed sighed and crouched beside her.

"I would tell you one thing, and be assured that I won't speak empty words," Zed took her palms in his, "She would definitely recover and that's a promise."

Kyla brought her eyes on him. She looked at the determination on his face, and her eyes turned moist.

She lowered her body and proceeded to hug him.

"Thank you, my child," Kyla mumbled with her tears falling on him, "Thank you for being there."

Zed and Kyla remained in the hug for a minute. He smiled and helped her regain composure, and then moved his eyes on the digital screen displaying the vitals of Felicity.


A minute later, a team of five doctors entered the room. The head doctor, who was also present when Zed operated on Felicity, was leading the team.

"Sir Zed, I am Travis Blackburn," The head doctor introduced himself. The last time he never got the opportunity to share his name.


Morgan, Jessica, and Loren were surprised. Even the rest of the doctors were shocked by the respectful address.

Why would the greatest doctor in the city use such a title for a twenty-something kid?! Isn't he just a college kid?!

They looked at each other to confirm their ears weren't a playing trick on them. The startled expression on their faces confirmed they heard it right!

"I wish to request you to allow us to observe your activities today," Travis gave a slight bow to convey his request.

The others felt their eyes turning wide in disbelief. Travis was actually bowing down just to be present in the room?!

Is this for real?!

No way!

This has to be an illusion!

The doctors refused to believe the scene in front of them. Travis was someone whom they looked up to as their idol but yet he was bowing to a kid and calling him as sir.

"I don't really care," Zed said in a nonchalant manner, "Just remain silent."


This kid actually dared such say words?!

Isn't he a relative of the patient?! So shouldn't he be actually begging them to stay here?!

They were used to see patients and relatives fawning over them for their care.

Many times, the patients and relatives have even kneeled down for an appointment with great doctors like them!

There were also times when the richest and influential in the city tried to earn their favors by gifting them precious treasures!

But yet this kid, instead of kneeling and offering gifts, is actually saying he doesn't care for their presence at all!

What's more, he was asking them to be silent!

Is he thinking we are some stray dogs barking in the street for telling us to be silent?!

Just what does he think he is?!

Or could he be actually believing himself as a great person just due to being called "sir"?

Morgan noticed the reactions of doctors and he wished he could slap some sense into Zed. Earlier, he silently praised Zed being so respectful and understanding when he conversed with Jessica and Kyla.

He has displayed sensibility which was rare even among adults.

But now?!

There was not a single trace of sensibility inside him!

Why was a humble child like him behaving so oddly now?!

Doesn't he realize how his words can risk the life of Felicity?!

You can offend anyone in this world but not doctors!

Anger doctors and no one would be there to save you from the clutches of death!!

They were no less than gods in this mortal world!

"Zed," Morgan decided to intervene, "Apolog---."

Morgan stammered and felt his throat turning dry. He was rooted on the spot as he saw the scene ahead.

Travis has bent further to give a deep bow! Earlier, it was just a slight bow but now a deep bow!

"I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity," Travis said in a voice filled with gratitude.

The remaining doctors and Morgan wanted to curse loudly.

Can someone explain to us just what the fuck was going on here?!

Is that kid the president of the world government?! If not, then there was no way to explain this conduct.

"Unless the head doctor is on drugs!"

Chapter 173 - Warning?

VIP Ward, City Heart Hospital.

In the entire room, only Patrick and Kyla listened to the conversation between Zed and Travis without any reactions. Others were shocked out of wits and thought everything was an illusion.

How else could they describe the current situation?!

It was not like Morgan and others were at fault either for displaying such extreme reactions. After all, they didn't know about how Zed has operated on Felicity to save her life.

This was something Travis clearly admired for he knew it was almost impossible to carry out the operation with such success.

He has witnessed the entire process and much to his amazement, he learned a great deal on how operation at the cellular level works. The techniques and expertise displayed were far beyond extraordinary, and Travis believed he could learn more if he was present when Zed carried out another similar activity.

Travis didn't know how Zed has such knowledge at a young age but to him, it didn't matter. Neither he cared if his actions of bowing down would be looked down by others.

After all, he has always believed honor and respect was never depended on age. It only depended on one's own self-worth!

If the man in front of you is a genius and you could benefit from his wisdom, then there was nothing wrong even in kneeling down, much less requesting politely and bowing down.

"There would be no experiments or operation on her," Zed said as he opened the briefcase, "I only plan to study her condition to work down on a possible cure."

"I understand," Travis was somewhat disappointed when he heard the first statement but the second sentence made him excited.

Even if there was no operation, just the study on patient's condition was great.


It was for the better. The study could help him grasp the real knowledge of genetics.

Morgan, Jessica, Loren and the remaining team of doctors, on the other hand, now had a faint idea on what was happening. But they find it hard to believe their own guess.

Zed ignored them and begun his task. He took out a tablet and a set of five metallic orbs from the briefcase.

"Let's get the scanners live," Zed clicked a panel on the tablet.

Four metallic orbs flew to the corners of the bed and the last orb hovered in the center of the bed.


Streams of white light erupted out of the orbs and surrounded the bed from all directions. It was like a curtain of light has enveloped Felicity.

"Link me with our servers," Zed turned towards the wall in front of the bed.

He swiped a window screen from the tablet. Like a virtual projection, the window flew out and pasted itself on the digital screen embedded in the wall.

[[Link successfully established]].

"Artifical intelligence?" Morgan muttered as he heard the sound from the screen.

"It is Claudia," Jessica clearly remembered the owner of the voice, "She is the one who manages his villa. Actually, Felicity once said that Claudia is in every place where Zed needs her."

"He owns an advanced AI?" Morgan was startled. He felt he has judged Zed far too earlier as a rich and talented kid with humble bearings.

[[Starting nervous system and skeletal system scan.]]

The curtains of light around Felicity turned into a deep shade of red as a circular ring of light passed from her feet to her head.

The wall screen displayed the skeleton projection along with the nerves. Zed checked the cranial nerves for a minute before proceeding to the spinal nerves.

"As expected, few of the spinal nerves are unresponsive," Zed said in an obvious manner, "Show me her brain scan."

The doctors, on the other hand, haven't even able to read a part of the report on the screen. They have barely able to check the terminal nerves before the screen flashed and a new report popped up.

"So fast?" A junior doctor muttered in disbelief.

How can a human check on so much data in just a short span of two minutes?!

The brain scan was now live on the screen. The doctors focused their eyes on the neurons in the brain and checked the response of the electrical and chemical signal.

"The neurons looks fine to me," A female doctor said, "The signals seem to be in harmony."

"Yes, nothing odd," A colleague next to her agreed.

"Don't speak when you don't understand," Zed's voice interrupted their talks, "Her signals look fine because of the damage in her genes."


"That won't make sense!"

"If there was damage then the neurons should definitely be out of sync!"

"Shut up," Travis said in a stern voice, "I remember sir saying that genetical damage caused by nanites could make the body forget its functioning by erasing the data. Most likely the neurons no longer remember their role in the lower parts of the spinal system."

"Is that even possible?" The female doctor asked.

Travis ignored the doctor and focused back on the screen. The next moment, he cursed his team in the heart.

A new report has flashed on the screen displaying DNA.

He thought he might get a chance to understand why Zed has brought the brain scan but now he lost the chance due to the short conversation.

"I shouldn't have brought those idiots here," Travis bitterly muttered.

The female doctor and other doctors were struck on the spot.

We are idiots?!

Zed ignored them and observed the double helix on the screen. He made zooming in motion to check the nucleic acids.

Jessica, Loren, and Morgan looked at everything in utter disbelief. The only thing they could see on the screen was a sophisticated genetic data on the screen.

Even before they could blink, the screen would display different elements of chromosomes and so on. In just a blink of an eye, a piece of new information would be displayed on the screen even though it was still related to DNA.

They couldn't understand how can Zed grasp so much data of nucleotides and their internal composition in such a short time span and then move on next set.

From what they have witnessed so far, they were sure that Zed was not just grasping the data but also comparing and analyzing it.

How was it possible for a human to do so much in such a short time?!

"He is a monster!" A junior doctor came to a conclusion.


Meanwhile, in the parking lot of the hospital.

A black car drove to the end of the parking lot. Olly and Suzane stepped out of the car with a bouquet of flowers.

"Hurry Olly," Suzane looked at him and said, "Your father would get angry if we delay any further."

"Yes, mom," Olly closed the car door and joined her.


Olly suddenly sneezed as they walked towards the elevator.

"What happened?" Suzane asked reflexively. As a mother, it was a natural instinct to worry about her child.

"I'm fine, mom," Olly replied, "Sometimes you sneeze even when you are healthy."

"Well, sometimes sneeze also acts as a natural warning of evil," Suzane said in a joking fashion.

"Warning of evil?!" Olly didn't know why but his eyes flashed up with an image of a certain golden-haired man.


Olly's heart started beating rapidly as he involuntarily remembered some specific events in his apartment and a restaurant.

"No! I'm overthinking!" Olly put a hand on his chest to calm his heart, "There is no way that evil will be inside the hospital!"

Chapter 174 - Are you Olly?

City Heart Hospital.

Zed has a thoughtful expression on his face as he observed the composition of the genetical material on the screen.

The doctors, on the other hand, had a blank look on their faces. Each of them felt a headache just from looking at the macromolecules.

How was someone to understand such complex diagrams just from sight? They looked on as new molecules structure appeared on screen, but no matter how they tried to find any difference, there seemed no change from the previous structures.

While their vision said so, they knew it was impossible. There were obviously changes but they were very minute.

It was like trying to find the difference between two sand particles. The deviation between the two would be almost negligible.

"Are you understanding anything?" A junior doctor asked his colleague. He was worried he was the only one who was not able to grasp anything.

"Slightly," The fellow doctor lied with a straight face. He thought his friend understood some things so he didn't wish to sound dumb and thus lied.

The junior doctor's expression changed as he heard the reply. His heart turned hollow and he cursed himself for being useless.

"Could you explain?" The junior doctor asked with a hopeful expression.

"I...we are observing the nature of DNA replication," The fellow doctor feigned confidence in his voice, "This would help in finding a means to code the missing data through biological inheritance."

The junior doctor and other colleagues were shocked. They were sure their friend has realized the secrets, and they couldn't help but look at him in envy.

"Damn! He was always behind me in the college but now he has grasped genetics in such a short time," The junior doctor was depressed.

"Skli, are you free tonight for dinner?" The female doctor asked. She felt she could learn from him so she wanted to form a close friendship with him.

"Yes," Skli answered in a calm tone. Inside though, he was anything but calm.

The male doctors looked at Skli with envy.

Travis, in the meantime, sighed at the conduct of his team. He prayed that Zed wouldn't take any offense.

"Idiots," Zed muttered and ignored them. He compared Felicity's data with those he gained from lab rats.

"It is not impossible," Zed thought as he observed the blank area in the coding region, "But it is far too risky."

The DNA carried genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction in a living being. A single mistake in handling the genes could lead to irrevocable damage.

"I need something which can reduce the risk," Zed put a hand on his chin, "There are Divine Particles but..."

Every single mutant derived their powers from the Divine Particles. Those particles have already blended with the Earth's environment and so it was almost impossible to find them in a free state.

Of course, Zed wasn't worried about their availability. It has to be known that even the core of Claudia was formed from Divine Particles! (Chapter 46)

If the world ever came to know about this, then he would be attacked by the government and other organizations.

Zed has enough Divine Particles to spare but he couldn't. The reason was simple: Felicity couldn't handle the pressure from such powerful particles at the genetical level.

"There is an absolutely safe method," Zed thought of Section IV in the underground facility. When Akhsohbya attacked him after he transformed into Kiba, he planned to use Section IV.

Of course, everything deviated from his plan after Akshobhya expressed his intent of dissecting him and Hope to grasp the secrets of his power.

"If I used Section IV to heal her...the price would be far too high for me," Zed closed his eyes as memories from the mining expedition flashed inside his mind.

"I don't mind paying the price but there is the threat of government and that Dharma Chakra," Zed didn't know much about the monk except for his connection with a mysterious organization named Dharma Chakra.

"If I paid the price, I would be in no state to even defend myself much less counter the threats," Zed opened his eyes and shook his head.

He was pragmatic and given the present situation, he declined to use Section IV.


A few minutes later~

Zed switched off the digital screen and retraced the curtains of light around Felicity. He put the tablet and orbs in the briefcase.

"Zed," Kyla called out in a low voice. She wanted to know his findings but she was also dreaded if there were negative findings.

"I have confidence in healing her," Zed crouched in front of her and said, "It is just that I need time to establish a safe method."

"A-are you sure?" Patrick was barely able to control his excitement.

"Yes," Zed nodded, "I won't give you false expectations."

Kyla and Patrick were pleasantly surprised.

"She would be awakening in a few hours," Zed stood up and glanced at Felicity before turning to Travis, "Give her sedatives for the time being."


"Why shouldn't we let her awaken?"

Jessica, Loren, Morgan, and others looked him in confusion. Even Travis was shocked by the recommendation.

"It is not the right time for her to awaken," Zed said.


"Do as he says," Patrick interjected before others could protest. Maybe they didn't understand Zed's intention but he did.

"Thanks for understanding," Zed took out a black box from the briefcase and offered it to Kyla.

Surprised, she opened the box after ensuring it was safe from the visions of the others in the room.

Inside, a silver bracelet was placed. The bracelet was embedded with faint circuit designs.

"This is..." Kyla's eyes turned wide in astonishment.

"I'm pretty sure you know about this," Zed closed the briefcase, "So please do the needful."

"I will," Kyla closed the box, "And I won't be thanking you either."

"That's something I would definitely cherish," Zed smiled as she ruffled his hairs in a loving manner.


The elevator on the 17the floor opened up.

"Finally we are here," Suzane said as she and Olly stepped out.

The floor was too vast with many rooms. The two enquired a nursing staff and walked towards their destination.

As the two moved forward, they saw Zed standing opposite a vending machine. He put a coin inside and a can of soda fell in an open compartment at the below.

Zed opened the can and took a sip. He was stressed out and he planned to leave after quenching his thirst.


"Hmm?" Zed lowered his hand and turned around.

"It has been a while," Suzane said with a smile.

She was fascinated by the charm he displayed during the police interrogation.

"Actually, it has just been two days," Zed thought as he remembered the spa massage.

"Are you fine?" Suzane asked seeing no verbal response from him.

"I'm sorry," Zed apologized politely, "I lost myself in thoughts."

"It is understandable," Suzane looked at him with an understanding expression. She knew his relationship with Felicity was close so she misunderstood the types of thoughts passing in his mind now.

Olly, on the other hand, looked at Zed as if he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. After the events in Sweet Love, he believed Zed was far too good in fooling others with his innocent personality.

"You two must be here for Felicity," Zed glanced at the bouquet of flowers in Olly's hands.

"Yes," Suzane nodded her head, "We were late."

"Actually, doctors are taking care of her so you will have to wait outside," Zed shared the details.

"Ah!" Suzane was disappointed. She could only sigh and decide to wait further to offer her warm regards.

"I have some tasks I need to carry out," Zed continued politely, "So please excuse me."

"Sure," Suzane nodded.

The two looked on as he left with the can of soda in his hand.

"Such a good kid," Suzane mused as she and Olly took seats.


Zed drained the last sip from the can before throwing it away in a dustbin.

"I'm still thirsty," Zed wiped his mouth, "And I did say that I won't leave till I satisfy my thirst."

Zed quickened his pace and stepped inside an empty room. He brought his phone out and opened an app. He selected a few options on the app screen and then tossed the phone away.


A golden column of light engulfed him, and in the next moment, the light disappeared as he transformed into Kiba.

"I need something really strong to extinguish my thirst."


Olly and Suzane sat in the chairs. They have messaged Morgan about their arrival, and the latter said he didn't mind the delay.

"Dad should be coming here in a few minutes," Olly thought as he read the message on the mobile screen.

He opened his mouth to pass the message but then he noticed a nurse arriving in front of him.

"Are you Mr. Olly?" The nurse asked.

"Yes?" Olly replied.

"Your friend has called you," The nurse pointed towards the reception counter, "He said it is urgent."

"Huh?" Olly looked at her in confusion.

Why would a friend call him on the reception and not on the phone?

"You should check," Suzane shoved him. "Maybe it is just a prank call but there is a possibility of a genuine call."

"Ok," Olly left the seat grudgingly and walked towards the counter.

"Silly child," Suzane gave a smile at his behavior.

"You look gorgeous with a smile."

"?!" Suzane was stunned by a familiar voice this close to hers.

She turned towards her left and saw Kiba sitting next to her. Before she could say anything, she felt his hand wandering over her thighs.

"W-what are you doing?!" Suzane was caught off guard by his behavior.

"Hospitals are always home of sadness and grief," Kiba's hand moved on her belly, "As your fitness trainer, I find it my responsibility to cheer you up."

Suzane was stunned into silence. She has never seen a man with such expertise in the choice of words just to express lust.

"Well then," Kiba brought his hand on her chin, "Let's create some happiness in this grim environment."

"No! My son is here!" Suzane woke up from her trance.

Even though she said this, she did find herself getting excited at the prospect of making out in a hospital.

"Relax," Kiba put a finger on her lips, "Haven't I always ensured there are zero obstacles in our session? This time would be the same."

Suzane felt her body blending into the air, and the next moment, she disappeared from the chair. No one in the vicinity noticed her disappearance as if they didn't remember her being here.

Some distance away from the chairs, Olly arrived at the reception counter. The receptionist was a woman in her thirties, with brown skin tone and black hairs.

"There should be a phone call for me," Olly put a hand forward to pick the phone.

"Nice to meet you, Olly," The receptionist looked at him with a charming smile.

"?" Olly was confused.

Shouldn't she be giving the phone to him instead of offering pleasantries?!

"I have always wanted to meet the famous good son," The receptionist observed him with great interest.

Good son?!

Olly felt his head spinning.

Maybe for others 'good son' was a title they would love to be associated with, but for him, it was completely opposite.

As far as he was concerned, being a good son was the worst thing that could happen to anyone.

"W-what do you mean?" Olly tried to regain his composure.

"You are popular among us staff," The receptionist replied.


Olly couldn't make a sense of things at all.

Why would the hospital staff know about him?!

"I also work for a famous servicing company," The receptionist said with a knowing smile, "And isn't it wonderful for you to be a relative of my boss?"



"Don't tell me she is working for Kiba?!" Olly's heart thumped loudly as this bad premonition swelled up in his mind.

The receptionist continued to smile without saying a single world.

"No! I shouldn't overthink!" Olly said this, but he slowly turned around to confirm his fears.

On the chairs, there was no sign of his mother!

Olly's pupils dilated in horror as he realized his nightmare was coming true even at a hospital.

The receptionist tucked his collar to bring him to reality.

"What?" Olly asked, his body shaking.

"Your mom is in room FE18," The receptionist said, "It is very costly but my boss has reserved it for emergencies."



Do you call making out with a married woman as an emergency?!

Olly wanted to ask the gods why was he born with such luck?! Just what has he done for him to deserve such a kind-hearted relative who would take his mother in an emergency ward to fuck her?!

"You can wait outside FE18," The female receptionist continued in a kind voice, " There is a waiting room with special facilities."

What special facilities?!


"H-hang on! Dad is coming here!" Olly fell down on his knees as he thought of the message he received.

He felt his visit to the hospital was turning into his worst nightmare so far.

"Nature even warned me of this evil!" Olly recalled how he sneezed in the parking lot, "The evil was already in the hospital, waiting for mom!"

"Evil is always a step ahead!"

Chapter 175 - Education!

City Heart Hospital.

Olly dashed through the corridor with all his might. During the process, his body brushed with many patients and staffs but he ignored their complaints and continued to run.

A minute later, he arrived on the sixteenth floor and stood in front of a VIP room: FE18. There was no one in the vicinity and from what he could tell, the glass door wasn't locked.

Olly thought of the details the female receptionist has mentioned, and after a short moment of hesitation, he opened the door.

Stepping inside, he found himself in what appeared to be a waiting lounge. Olly has never seen such type of luxury in a hospital, and now he understood why the receptionist has called the room costly.

Just the lounge seemed no less than a five-star hotel. There was a mini refrigerator lying in a corner, and at the center, sofas and coffee table were placed. Around six magazines were lying on the table.

Olly gave a quick glance on the table and he cursed when he observed the titles of magazines.

"Doctor! Patients need you inside!" A magazine cover read.

What incensed Olly was the cover image: Kiba carrying a stethoscope around his neck!

"Everyone knows he is a mercenary, but now you are saying he is also a doctor?! " Olly wanted to scream.

Like hell, he is a doctor!

He is nothing but a fraud and cheater!!

Olly could imagine the type of 'patients' who needed Dr. Kiba's help. Just the very thought made his blood boil in anger since he was responsible for his mother becoming a 'patient' of this fraud doctor.

"I shouldn't have called him motherfucker back then," Olly felt tears building up in his eyes.

He wished there was someone with whom he could share his story and get moral support. The burden of this secret was far too heavy for his young shoulders.

His eyes moved on another magazine whose cover read: "The most genius entrepreneur: Kiba. Opening an enterprise for the benefits of lonely women."

"!@$%~" Olly wished he could strangle the editor of this magazine.

Just what type of enterprises has he opened for him to deserve the title of a "genius"?! And what benefits to women?!

Kiba is the one who is getting all the benefits at the cost of men!

Olly felt sad for all the poor husbands who shared his father's fate of being a cuckold.

"If father ever realizes..."

He shuddered at the thought of his father discovering he was a cuckold. After all, everything was his fault!

"No! I would never let dad discover this!" Olly promised himself. He didn't check the other magazines for he was sure they might make him vomit blood from anger.

Olly cleared his thoughts and then turned his head to the front where a glass wall separated the lounge from the main room. The glass seemed tinted but not fully; Olly believed the tube lights on the other side were switched on.

He thought so due to the sharp silhouettes he observed on the glass. He could make out a table, office chair, a bed and so on.

Olly couldn't help but nod in approval at the impressive silhouettes. The silhouettes were perfectly projected so there wasn't much left to the imagination.

"Kiba and mom are not there?" Olly wondered.

Just the next moment, he felt strong energy ripples from the other side. He saw a small circle, what he believed to be an orb of light from his experience with Kiba's powers, expanding further and further until it evolved into two human silhouettes.

"Mom!" Olly knew the glass wall couldn't pass the sound. He was running his mind at full speed to think of ways to get her out before the 'session' begins.

"Damn! There is no way to get her out without arousing suspicion!" Olly muttered bitterly. He saw the two silhouettes standing in front of each other.

Mom, please don't!

Think of poor dad!!


Olly shuddered with dread as he felt the door opened up.

"Olly, are you here?" Morgan's voice came out from behind.



His heart started beating rapidly and sweat precipitated out of his entire body.

"Damn!" Olly made a run to the coffee table and threw the magazines under the sofa. He decided to delay the inevitable with all his strength.

Behind, the door was opened fully and Morgan stepped inside.

"Hmm?" Morgan saw his son crouching down at a sofa and pushing a magazine below. He wasn't able to see the magazine clearly, but he was sure he noticed a woman's legs on the cover.

"What are you doing?" Morgan has a theory of what types of magazines his son was reading a few moments ago.

"N-nothing, dad," Olly felt his heart almost jumping out in fright, "H-how did you know I'm here?"

"I asked the receptionist when you and Suzane didn't respond to my messages," Morgan observed his son carefully, "The receptionist answered your mom has gone to a gynecologist for a quick checkup while you went to this room."

He didn't visit the gynecologist's cabin since he was told that she doesn't allow male visitors, including relatives. Morgan wasn't offended since he heard the gynecologist was an expert in women's health, and she could find and cure any hidden disease.

The receptionist also said she wasn't aware why his son went to the room; she only informed him what she noticed through the security logs. So Morgan arrived here to find the reason.

Olly, on the other hand, swore god knows how many curses in his heart. He swore to kill the receptionist for tricking him and orchestrating this mess.

"Oh?!" Morgan was startled as he turned towards the glass wall and noticed the silhouettes. He felt the two silhouettes were most likely kissing.

Morgan then gave a glance at his son and the sweat on his face. He recalled the magazines he was hiding and then a guess formed in his mind.

"Could he be here to observe them?!" Morgan was angry.

How could his son be such a pervert?!

"No! Suzane always said I need to be an understanding father!" Morgan calmed himself, "It is my fault for not having a man to man talk with him on sex education."

Olly saw the multiple expression on his father's face. One moment there was surprise and anger but then there was realization!

"Has father grasped the truth?!" Olly wished he could borrow the teleportation ability from Kiba. He could imagine the type of punishment his father would give him now after learning the secret.

"Olly, it is my fault," Morgan helped his son stand up, "There is no need for you to be afraid."

"Huh?" Olly was startled by the words.

Father isn't holding a grudge?!

This sounds too good to be true!

"It is natural for a boy of your age to wonder about the beautiful concept of sex," Morgan continued in a patient voice, "I could understand why you sneaked in here. There is nothing to be ashamed of."


Dad, you are having a misunderstanding!

Olly wanted to scream it out loud, but he didn't dare. He dreaded how he would have to justify his presence in the room if not for this reason.

"D-dad, let's leave," Olly gave a quick glance at the glass wall from the corners of his eyes.

"Relax," Morgan put a hand on his shoulder, "We will observe the couple and I would help you understand their actions."


Olly's head began to spin as he felt firecrackers exploding in his mind. If not for the support of his father, he would have fallen on the floor.

"The two of them are kissing," Morgan pointed towards the sharp silhouettes projected on the glass wall, "Kissing is the most innocent way of expressing love."


Please don't say!

You have no idea what type of love is being expressed there!!


On the other side of the glass wall.

Suzane stood against the table. She observed the handsome man in front of her.

"Kiba, we shouldn't," Suzane tried to protest.

"Why not?" Kiba asked.

"I...this place is not right!" Suzane answered, though inside she felt excited. She knew he wouldn't stop, not after bringing her here.

Kiba didn't disappoint her expectations. His hands went to the curve of her back to pull her tighter against him. The movement was smooth and natural, she didn't even get the time to step away.

Kiba pulled her lips to his and kissed her. The warmth and wetness from her lips spread to his, as the passion in their kiss grew.

His one hand caressed the back of her neck while the other explored her back. His tongue, in the meantime, slipped between her lips to meet her welcoming tongue.

She felt herself loosing in the tantalizing sensation as their tongues engaged in a duel. They tasted each other's taste, and the two made sure to savor every moment.

His tongue retraced back and he nipped her lower lip lightly with his teeth. A tremor passed through her, and she countered with the tip of her tongue slipping on his upper lip. She sucked up his lower lips between hers.

Her breasts pressed on his chest tightly as they continued the kiss with more fervor than before. She felt his cock pressing hard against her stomach. She moved her hand down to feel the outline of his cock.

Their kiss broke with a trail of saliva snapping from her mouth and stuck to her chin.

"Shall we stop since this is not the right location?" Kiba asked as his lips moved on the back of her neck. She trembled as his fingers traced along the length of her spine.

"Always a tease," Suzane's face and neck flushed into a rosy pink as the excitement built inside her rapidly.


The other side of the room.

Morgan was struck on the spot as he saw the two silhouettes broke away from the kiss. The silhouette of the petite woman was clearly visible to him, but the thought of her being his wife never passed through his mind, thanks to the actions of the receptionist and his son.

Morgan didn't know who this woman was, but he was sure she was gorgeous and a passionate kisser. He looked at the drip of saliva dripping down from her chin, and he felt himself getting hard.

Morgan wondered just how wet and slippery she would get after she goes down on her man. He wished his wife was like this woman who was ready to get dirty for her man.

"Undress already!" Morgan prayed inside.