222 - 228

Chapter 222 - Misunderstanding?


Kiba and others once again resumed their travel. In between, they faced some low-level wild beasts but they were no problem for the team given their strength.

"There is a Stardust Mushroom in the area we are going," Amir said as they walked ahead.

"Ah!" Ruby let out a shocked gasp.

She recalled it was one of the commodities Kiba wanted to acquire in the forest before he stepped inside the meteorite.

"Truly precious, right?" Mina asked Ruby.

She thought Ruby's reaction was due to the rareness and price of Stardust Mushroom.

"Yes," Ruby agreed honestly.

She knew how hard this mushroom was to find and acquire due to the environment in which it was born.

"I have credible information so we can acquire it without much trouble," Amir loudly said, as if worried Kiba and other temporary members would get cold feet.

"If you say so," Kiba replied, his voice containing worry.

Obviously, he was anything but worried. He has to show hesitation to not invoke suspicion, and as expected, this worked to his benefit.

"Is it cool with you, Ashlyn?" Amir enquired as he brought his eyes on her.

Ashlyn nodded her head in agreement.

"Good," Amir's said with a breath of relief. "Here are the details."

Amir took out a map to share the topography and other information of the area from where they were going to acquire the mushroom.

Throughout the time he explained, Amir has a kind and sincere voice, especially when he reassured the temporary members of the dangers involved.

Inwardly though, Amir started laughing as he thought, "I initially planned to use you three till the end, but given the dangers, it would be beneficial to use you now and acquire this mushroom."

Amir then once again started guiding them towards the destination.

Behind, Kiba shook his head and released a low sigh.

"I am truly not made for a team," Kiba mused with a faint smile. "Joined the team in the morning, and the team leader is already planning to sacrifice me."

Amir might not have done anything suspicious, but that itself was enough for Kiba to know what he planned.

In his life so far, Kiba has met various types of people who masked their real intentions behind sincerity and kindness.

Perhaps the best example would be Castor Damon and his group who used the excuse of 'greater good' to use Zed and others for seeking Cosmic Spark.

Even long before that, he never trusted anyone blindly, much less a man he has met today. He has knowledge of various mutated flora and fauna, including the environment in which they grow. From this, and the way Amir eyed Ashyln as if she was a time bomb, he pretty much has a good idea of what the team leader has in mind.

"Well, I do need the mushroom so I should play this game for the time being," Kiba thought as Amir suddenly stopped without any warning.

"What's wrong?" Alexia asked.

She looked ahead and noticed a swamp some five hundred meters from her position. The swamp spanned as far as her eyes could see.

She obviously knew about the swamp and its deadly nature, so she was sure this won't be the reason for Amir to stop suddenly.

Just then, she hastily turned around as she felt some peculiar glares from the banks of the swamp.

"Hmm?" Kiba traced her eyesight and noticed a group of ten, six males and four females.

They were some two hundred meters from his position and carrying weapons along with camping bags. One of the ten members, a bulky, middle-aged bald man was staring at someone close to Kiba.

Ruby, who was next to Kiba, looked at the bald man with disbelief on her face.

"Boss Byron?" Ruby muttered, her voice not at all audible.

"Oh!" Kiba's hearing was enhanced so he obviously heard her words. His eyes lit up in understanding as he focused on Byron and others.

He has made Ruby his 'slave' after she and her two companions tried to capture him through 'Knight In Shining Armor' scheme.

Obviously, her two companions were killed by Kiba, and Ruby was given two unique choices: join her companions in the underworld or become his slave in this world of mortals.

Kiba was rather good at selling her the choice, and she willingly became his slave after knowing his ways of sending someone to the world of deads.

Later on, Ruby has even unknowingly confessed that she wanted to rely on her other group members to tackle Kiba, while for the time being, she served him as a slave.

But that thought didn't even last a day after she became his slave.

After witnessing the extent of his powers in his battle with Fiona and others, she killed her plans. She swore to never think of betraying him, at least that was her intent as of now.

"You guys are acquainted?" Mina enquired while preparing herself for any situation. The others in the team, except for Ashyln, similarly put themselves on guard.

"I'm now," Kiba replied in a low voice.

Mina was confused but she didn't get time to ask more as she noticed Byron walking ahead.

"Where are Xander and Kyron?" Byron asked, his right hand showing a sharp ax as he stepped towards Ruby.

Byron was from Deles City as well, and every one of his companions was a part of the same human trafficking group. Byron was close to Xander and Kyron, he even treated them like a family despite them being traffickers.

The group specialized in capturing mutants with great potential and selling them to the highest bidders. The group didn't care if the buyer was going to use the captured mutant for prostitution or a freak experiment.

All they cared about was the financial returns. Morals were the things which never mattered to them.

"They..." Ruby stammered in between, not knowing how to answer.

How could she tell him that they were killed by Kiba in order to make her feel being a slave was a good fortune?

"They are on a trip," Kiba answered in a gentle voice.

"Trip? Who the hell are you anyway?" Byron glared at Kiba with his fiery eyes.

"Future-father-in-law, I'm your daughter's boyfriend," Kiba said, his voice filled with respect for a close relative.

He quickly placed an arm around Ruby as he sensed her losing balance, and stopped her from falling on the ground.

Ruby felt as if the world was spinning around, and if not for Kiba's quick actions, she would have definitely fallen on her knees.


He is not my father, much less your future father-in-law!

Just before she or Byron could say anything, Kiba once again opened his lips to continue, "Ruby's two brothers have taken a one-way ticket to the wonderland."

"Wonderland?" Byron and others in his group were bewildered, but when they thought some more, their eyes glinted with understanding.

"He is being conned!" Byron thought in his heart.

The others in the group reached a similar conclusion. They now believed that Kiba 'misunderstood' the relationship between Ruby and them.

What's more, they started believing that the 'misunderstanding' was created by Ruby and her two companions. After all, to capture a big fish with great potential, you need to adapt and rely on new methods. The standard knight-in-shining-armor scheme was not a guaranteed way of success.

"Yeap," Kiba answered.

"I see," Byron laughed with delight, "Those sons of mine are sure unreliable. Going on a trip after coming here and leaving my daughter alone."

His attitude was now completely different from what one would expect of a man wielding an ax.

"They trusted Ruby with me so they are not unreliable," Kiba said in a high voice. "For me, those two are heroes, and someday, I want to buy you a ticket for the wonderland as well."

"Sure, I would love to get a ticket," Byron patted Kiba with a burst of loud laughter. "I'm eager to visit the wonderland and meet my sons."

Ruby started sweating with nervousness as she heard the conversation and studied the expressions of her group members. She wondered just what sort of reactions they would have if they learned the location of wonderland.

"I can't wait as well," Kiba responded as Byron proceeded to hug him as an understanding and modern father-in-law.

After a few seconds, Byron left the hug and turned towards Ruby.

"Ruby, you have met a wonderful man," Byron said in a complementing voice.

"I sure have."

Chapter 223 - Treasure Mine?!

A black swamp stretched for miles in length, filled with dark muddy soil. Poisonous fog shrouded the swamp from all directions, making it impossible for one to see the dangers inside.

Some five hundreds meters from the bank of the swamp, two groups of people were standing. Each group was carrying weapons and camping items.

One group was led by Byron - a group specialized in human trafficking. The other group was led by Amir - an adventurist group.

Byron was laughing joyously while Amir has a sullen expression. The reason for both men was the same - Kiba.

Bryon was complimenting Ruby - his 'daughter'- for finding a good man like Kiba as a boyfriend. While only Byron and his group knew nothing could be further from the truth, Amir wasn't privy to it.

Amir took everything at face value. He believed the plan he has made to collect Stardust Mushroom might no longer work now that Kiba has met his relatives.

His plan relied on sacrificing two strong mutants - Ashyln and Kiba. But now the chances of success didn't seem high. He was worried Kiba would leave the group with Ruby and this made him grit his teeth as Ashlyn alone wouldn't be enough.

"Fuck, what luck," Amir bitterly muttered in his heart.

Kiba and Ruby were in each other's arms as Byron shared his happiness to see them together. He was truly acting as a modern father.

"Byron, come here," A woman named Cindy called from behind.

Cindy was clad in standard attire for an adventurist along with transparent yellow glasses.

"Excuse me," Byron said to his 'daughter' and her 'boyfriend'. "Before coming here, we were in the middle of finding a herb so I have to discuss it with my companion."

"Sure," Kiba replied in a kind and understanding voice.

Byron turned around and joined Cindy. The two walked for some distance and stopped next to a decayed tree.

Byron then pressed a switch on his watch. Invisible sound waves emitted from the watch which enveloped Byron and Cindy. The new sound waves formed a protective barrier which would stop anyone from listening to their conversation.

"What have you found?" Byron asked.

"That Kiba guy is a walking treasure mine," Cindy said, her eyes green with greed. "We would definitely get millions and tons of high-level resources if we sell him to some scientist or old freak."

"That's rather a very high evaluation," Byron was startled by her assessment.

"He deserves it," Cindy said as her gaze passed on Kiba. "It is an initial assessment. I should be able to judge his rank soon."

"Good," Byron's lips curved up in a smirk.

He inwardly praised Ruby, Xander, and Kyron for finding such a specimen. He even decided to promote the three especially Ruby for seducing a walking treasure house.


The glasses on Cindy's eyes released a beeping sound and a virtual screen popped appeared in front of her eyes.

The screen displayed information based on Kiba's heat signature and aura along with how the energies in the environment reacted with him.

There were various energies in the air as the core of the forest was a meteorite from an alien world. These energies were rather sparse here since the region was far away from the meteorite, but they were present.

It was a different matter that most people could not feel their existence due to their negligible presence. These energies always mingled with other sources of energy, mainly those carrying life vitality.

Currently, if an energy manipulation mutant was to see this area, he would find the region enveloped in rainbows of energies. The energies were entering every living being here, human or not, but there were two exceptions.

One was Kiba and another was Ashlyn!

"He is a Level VII mutant!" Cindy said, her pupils dilated with shock as she read the report on her glasses. "An Alpha!"

"What?!" Byron's breathing turned ragged and he started trembling in fright.

Even Crazy Rampage King - the beast ruler of this region- was just a level IV, a lower rank Beta! Yet the man who seemed so harmless and kind was an Alpha!!

Much less here, even on the entire planet, an Alpha was someone whom most powerful organizations would never wish to offend.

After all, a Beta could pose risk to a sizable mutant population, but an Alpha carried the power to affect cities.

Byron was terrified out of his wits. His entire back was drenched in cold sweat as he recalled how he just patted an Alpha as if it was some kid.

"He is not a treasure mine... he is a bomb!" Cindy muttered, her voice hoarse. There was no more greed in her eyes, instead, there was plain horror.

"Those three bastards!" Byron cursed. "They would get us killed!"

"Umm, maybe there is some hope," Cindy said after some thinking, her voice still filled with lingering fear.

"What do you mean?" Byron asked.

"There is always a heavy risk in our line of business but we have succeeded because we took risks!" Cindy answered.

"This is not a risk but plain suicide!" Byron readily disagreed.

He would have agreed even if it was Level VI but not Level VII. The difference between Alpha and Beta was no less than night and day.

"I know but hear me out," Cindy took a deep breath before continuing. "Even the strongest of men kneel down under a beautiful woman. Kiba might be strong, no, super strong, but he is a man, and that is his biggest weakness."

"Well..." Byron obviously understood what she meant but he was still adamant. After all, the chances of failure were too high.

"I'm not talking about our usual schemes," Cindy said, her eyes once again filled with greed. "We have better ideas to exploit his innate weakness."

"Surely..." Byron's eyes glinted with understanding.

"Yes! The Pond of Lust in the meteorite!" Cindy's voice contained obvious excitement.


After a few minutes, Cindy and Byron returned to Kiba and others.

Amir or others from his group were not surprised by Byron using sound waves for privacy. After all, every group has secrets which they would not want to leak.

"Sorry it took long," Byron said in his same friendly voice. "We have to finalize some details."

"It is fine," Kiba said, a bit of ridicule in his eyes which went unnoticed.

Even without his will, his senses would 'show' him everything in his vicinity as if he was looking from a bird's eye view. And when someone focuses their eyes on him, his senses would become sharp and lock on those eyes.

So he obviously noticed when Cindy was studying him through her glasses to determine his strength. He was a bit surprised that she was carrying such advanced sensors, but otherwise, he was unfazed.

If he wished, he could have fooled her sensors and make her feel he was a low-rank mutant. But he didn't; he allowed her to determine his current level without any hindrance due to two reasons.

Firstly, he wanted to avoid killing them now. He wanted them to live so that he could use them as guinea pigs in the core region. He has killed many people already, and he was afraid that if he continued his killing spree, there would no mutants left for him to use. Something he truly wanted to avoid as finding a cure for Felicity depended on this.

The first reason was for the future while the second reason was for the present. The second reason was...

"What do you plan to do?" Byron enquired.

He wanted to tag along with Ruby and Kiba but knew that was impossible. They were already a part of the group and obviously they couldn't join. Just from Amir's reaction, Byron could tell how unwelcomed he and his team were.

"Seek some herbs here and there," Kiba answered vaguely.

Amir sighed in relief knowing Kiba hasn't shared Stardust Mushroom's secret.

"The sky is turning dark," Mina interjected before others could converse. "We can't cross the swamp now."

"We will do it in the morning when the fog is low," Amir said before bringing his eyes on Ruby.

"What?" Ruby asked, startled.

"The area ahead is far too dangerous," Amir said, trying to sound professional.

"And why are you bringing it now?" Kiba asked, his voice rough as a devoted boyfriend. Inwardly, he was chuckling as everything was going just as he wanted.

"Kiba, don't misunderstand," Amir turned towards him and said, "You are strong but she is not. If she goes ahead, there are chances she might face danger where you might not able to help her."

"You!" Kiba's eyes turned red with anger...

Chapter 224 - Partners

Kiba's expression was that of fury as Amir reminded him of the possibility that he might not be able to protect Ruby.

"Calm down," Alexia stepped in and joined the conversation.

She placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "He is saying this for your own good so that you won't have any regrets in the future. While we as a group are strong, the dangers here are not to be underestimated."

"The best thing for Ruby would be to join her father," Amir said as Kiba calmed down a bit.

Everything he and Alexia said so far was a gamble; he believed either he would win or lose everything, there was no other possibility. If possible, he didn't wish to use this, but given the current situation and his future plans, there was no other choice.

Byron's eye flashed with slyness as he listened to the conversation.

"This could work for us," Byron thought with happiness. "Kiba has fallen for Ruby so this would be the right opportunity to separate him from this Amir and his group."

"Amir is right," Byron loudly said, much to the surprise of Kiba and Ruby. "This forest is dangerous and I want to have my daughter with me to ensure her safety."


"No," Byron's voice was firm with determination like a true father who wouldn't comprise with the safety of his daughter. "I have faith in you Kiba but you have to understand my dilemma as well.

"I sure do," Kiba nodded while gritting his teeth.

Ruby looked on and complained of hardship inwardly. She pretty much knew what Kiba has in mind from the beginning. Just a moment ago, he also passed a message to her telepathically to tell her what she has to do.

"Kiba, I will join father," Ruby took his hands in hers and said, "You continue with Amir and others for the time being."

"What?!" Byron was visibly shocked. He believed she would try to make him join her, and not another way around.

"Ruby but---" Kiba tried to interject but Ruby shook her head.

"Some separation, for now, would ensure our relationship works for better," Ruby said with a smile. "Besides we will meet again before the core region opens up."

Far away, Ashlyn looked at everything without saying a word like she didn't care the least bit.

An hour later.

Ruby left along with Byron, Cindy, and others of her original human trafficking group.

"Why did you let Kiba stay there?" Byron asked after they left the swamp.

"He has something he wishes to acquire from the group so leaving him alone was for the best," Ruby answered, her mind flashing with pictures of Ashlyn. "A Stardust Mushroom and a few other items."

"Oh!" Byron nodded in understanding.

"He might resent me if I made him leave the group after coming so close," Ruby explained further. "So leaving him, for now, would have a better effect on his heart and he would remember me forever for my understanding."

"Ah! Smart!" Cindy praised with an open heart. "He would return to you on his own with gratitude."

"We are going to get rich after we capture him," Byron stated his plan of using Pond of Lust.

"We sure are," Ruby said with a smirk while inwardly she prayed for their poor souls.

"We should join Xander and Kyron," Byron said.

"Ah...they would be meeting me when the core region opens up," Ruby made an excuse. "That was part of our original plan and I no longer have any communication with them due to lack of any signals here."

"A pity but I can wait some time to meet them," Byron didn't care much. There were only two weeks left for the reunion so it was fine.

"You are going to meet them very soon in the wonderland," Ruby mused in her heart as she traced a silver bracelet on her wrist.

Before leaving the group, Kiba gave her the bracelet and explained its use. She was no longer worried about her safety.

"Kiba, have fun."


The next day.


The poisonous fog over the swamp has reduced. The black sludge was visible and so were red worms over it.

These worms were similar to leeches, capable of sucking the entire blood of a person. Just their appearance was terrifying and made one feel uncomfortable.

While the fog was faint, it was still emitting a terrible stench, capable of making one feel drowsy. Amir and others wore masks to stop the stench from invading their senses.

"The width of the swamp is low so we can easily cross it now," Mina said as she leaped high in the air and aimed her hands at the opposite banks of swamp.


Two columns of sandy liquid flew out of her hands. The sandy liquid joined together in the form of a bridge, and soon, the liquid solidified, connecting the two banks of the swamp.

Kiba and others walked over the make-shift bridge, looking under the bridge. Hundreds of worms shot up like spikes and entered the bridge.

"Watch out!" Alexia warned.

The worms coursed their way through the solid material which formed the bridge and jumped out. Around twenty worms attacked Kiba, landing on his shoes and running towards his neck.

"I have no fancy for worms," Kiba said as the air around him solidified and formed a protective layer on his skin.

The worms opened their mouths, revealing short but ghastly teeth. They snapped their teeth on his skin.


Like frail glass, their teeth broke in pieces. The worms were startled for their teeth could shatter even through the strongest of metal.

A dozen or so bugs jumped towards Ashlyn to suck her blood, but the moment they touched her black suit, streams of the blue current shot out.


The red bodies of worms turned as dark as charcoal as current coursed through.

For Kiba and Ashlyn, the bugs were the epitome of death. The others were sadly not so lucky especially Gill.

He used a laser gun to shot the bugs to death and so far, he has killed more than ten. But the bugs were resilient, they surrounded him from all sides. As he killed and shot more lasers, cracks started appearing on the bridge.

"Stop you, idiot," Alexia shouted. The laser shots have damaged the bridge beyond its limit, and alas, her warning was far too late.


The bridge broke apart in pieces, and along with it, everyone started falling towards the black mud.

"Fuck!" Amir stretched his body into a ballon but he didn't dare fly high. The poisonous fog has formed clouds in the air, and if he touched it, his fate would be beyond miserable.

Mina waved her hand and formed a pillar of sandy liquid upon which she landed while trying to kill a worm which has entered her pant. She was in no condition to help others.

Meanwhile, inside the black swamp, a dark hand stretched towards the falling members. The hand was formed up from sludge, and it emitted a sucking force like quicksand.

"Damnit," Gil quickly adjusted his gun and shot at the sludge hand. The laser pierced through the hand, forming circular holes.

But the sludge from the swamp moved up and filled the holes like tissues.

"No!" Gill got no time to adjust as the hand grasped him and entered the swamp.

In no time, there were no more sounds from Gill. The surface of the swamp was the same as always with no traces that it has just sucked a human.

"That was unexpected," Kiba thought, unfazed by his falling. "It should be some beast born in sludge."

Just as he was about to touch the swamp, a gale of air bounced on his feet and he leaped towards the bank of the swamp. The sludge hand once again shot out, pursuing Kiba.

"You are still hungry?" Kiba asked, amused, as he twisted his body in mid-air. He was just five meters away from the shore when the sludge hand blasted out sludge nails from its fingers.

The nails were pointed, their fronts covered with poisonous fog. With a loud screeching sound, they arrived in front of Kiba.

The fog dispersed in the air to engulf Kiba from all around. His mouth and nose were covered with a gas mask but the fog wanted to enter his pores.

Kiba waved his hand and a transparent golden shield appeared in front of him.


The nails struck at the shield, and the collision created faint cracks on it. The poisonous fog, in the meanwhile, found it hard to enter his body. It was like his pores were isolated from the world, not giving them an opportunity to invade.


Kiba landed on the shore. The sludge hand, finding its target out of range, once again dissolved in the swamp.

"Hmm?" Kiba turned around and noticed Ashlyn standing some distance away. She felt his gaze and brought her emerald eyes on him.

"Hey," Kiba said before turning around again.

He was afraid he would enter into a trance if he looked at her face any longer. Her beauty was mesmerizing to the soul and he didn't wish to have any embarrassing moment again.

Ashlyn didn't say anything and observed the fight in the swamp. After five minutes, Amir and others also crossed the swamp.

"We have lost Gill," Nellie said as she wiped traces of blood from her neck.

"First Monroe and now even Gill," Amir's expression was unsightly. He felt the last two days were the worst days he had in his life.

"Let's rest and then proceed," Alexia walked under an old tree and sat down to relax.


A few hours later.

Kiba and others were walking on a track, covered by grass and dead leaves, among thick foliage and giant trees. Most of the sunlight was blocked by the thick green crowns of the trees, making the area seem dark.

Amir brought out a map and pointed out a spot.

"There are two tracks in this map but it is old so we are not sure if the tracks are functioning or blocked," Amir said in a heavy voice before focusing his eyes on Kiba and Ashlyn. "You two will take one path and follow it."

"Oh?" Kiba was visibly surprised. He then thought for a moment of what Amir has in mind and he has a faint idea on what was going.

Ashlyn didn't speak but just nodded her head. Seeing neither Kiba and Ashlyn having any objection, Amir selected a track for them.

"If you reach the spot just fire a flare shot in the sky," Amir continued his instruction. "If the path is blocked, return here. We will proceed on the other path and do the same."

"Are you not worried either of us would steal the mushroom and run away?" Kiba asked after Amir completed his instructions.

"If you do so, then I can only blame my luck and lack of judgment skills," Amir said with a smile.

"We won't disappoint you then," Kiba made an assuring remark.


Kiba heard a stepping sound and noticed Ashlyn walking towards the path.

"See you," Kiba said as he dashed to join Ashlyn.

Behind, the members of the original Blue Cliff Group looked on as the two left the area.

"Would this work?" Alexia asked.

"It will," Amir answered, his eyes filled with sinisterness.


Kiba and Ashlyn walked on a path made of loose soil. Neither of them spoke or looked at each other as they continued their journey.

"This is boring," Kiba thought, his mood a bit sullen. "I should have kept Ruby with me."

Kiba recalled her sweet taste, and he unconsciously licked his lips.

"No, I have to focus on my mission of collecting herbs and fruits," Kiba reminded himself.

Alas, his reminder didn't help him. His mind made him remember the intimate moments he shared with Ruby and other women in the city.

"If only there was some husband-wife pair here then it would be so really fun."

It has been a long while since he had an affair with a married woman and this reminded him of his responsibilities as the chairman of Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd. He hoped to meet some wonderful couple so that he could cuckold the husband and make love with the wife.


Kiba's daydream was broken by a loud roar. Three Silver Fur Foxes were standing some hundred meters away.

"How should we handle them?" Kiba looked at Ashlyn to ask her opinion. She didn't say anything, and instead, leaped high in the air.


The blue discs flew out from her hands and rushed towards the foxes. The Foxes jumped to avoid the discs but much to their disbelief, the discs made a circular curve to struck at them.


The discs penetrated through the necks of foxes one by one, and in less than a minute, the three foxed were dead, their heads separated from the torso.

"This arrangement is fine with me," Kiba muttered as Ashlyn landed on her feet. She raised her hands to summon the discs back to her.

Ashlyn looked at Kiba and didn't reply to his comment. Just then, her eyes flickered as she saw Kiba raising his right hand and aiming his palm at her.

On his palm, golden sparks concentrated.

"You plan to kill me?" Ashlyn asked, her voice cold. The discs returned to her hands and she gripped them.

Kiba didn't answer as a stream of golden energy boomed out of his palm. Even before Ashlyn could blink her eyes, the stream of energy arrived at her.

But much to her amazement, the energy stream didn't land on her, instead it passed by her left cheek. Her hair fluttered as the energy stream struck something close to her.


A beastly voice filled with sadness and fury came out behind Ashlyn.

She was startled and she quickly turned around.

On the ground, a fox rolled with whimpering sound, its body morphing between corporeal and incorporeal, a bloody hole in its neck. It grunted for a second before it closed its eye for the final time.

Ashlyn observed the body of fox and realized what just happened now. This was a level III Silver Fur Fox with the ability to morph into the air. This ability allowed it to kill its enemies without any challenge.

Kiba walked past her and fox's corpse. Ashlyn looked at him for a moment before joining him...

Chapter 225 - Blood Demon Flower

The corpse of the fox lay on the ground, staining the grass into crimson red. Ashlyn ignored the corpse and joined Kiba.

The two stepped among wild bushes and looked out for any hidden beasts.

"Well, she could have defeated this fox easily," Kiba thought after he didn't hear any words of thanks from her. Not like he actually cared about her gratitude or anything. "She might be caught off-guard by the fox's invisible attack but she would have won definitely."

Kiba recalled the seven runic seals he has seen on her palm when she faced the blood sword yesterday. She has broken the blue seal to defeat his ability.

Kiba believed Ashlyn was much stronger than she let the world think, so it wasn't anything surprising for her not to be impressed by Kiba's supposed help.

They continued their journey, and in between, they faced many vicious beasts. Every single of them was killed by Ashlyn, giving Kiba no chance to use his powers.

After walking for half a mile without any hindrances, they came across a wild garden. The garden was vast, filled with various flowers and fruits of myriad colors and shapes. Medical aroma mixed in the air, making one feel refreshed.

Every single plant was amazing in one or other, some special than the others. One of the flowers was especially striking with its length no less than a two-storied building. The flower was pink-white with its pistils emitting a sweet fragrance that made one feel rejuvenated.

A footstep away from the flower, a star-shaped mushroom was growing. The mushroom was rather short but its presence was stunning. Its body was white covered with misty dust-like particles. The dust was no ordinary dust but rather particles from stars.

This was Stardust Mushroom.

According to top botanists, the mushroom only nourished in places rich with energy from the alien world. The meteorites brought not only the age of evolution but they also carried various matters from the space as they reached Earth.

These matters and energy were responsible for the variety of fruits which were rare and special.

The Stardust Mushroom was one of the most sought items for any high-grade experiment on a genetic level. The Stardust could reduce the resistance offered by genes to foreign energy sources and thus increase the chances of the experiment.

Not only this, the mushroom was extremely beneficial for one to develop their physiques. The Stardust could make one's tendons as strong as steel and bones as hard as iron, almost unbreakable. Even ordinary humans, with no special abilities, could consume this mushroom and increase their vitality.

No matter whether it was a researcher, mutant, or an ordinary person, this mushroom was desired by everyone. Its price in the black market was no less than $200 million along with various other resources.

"How strange," Kiba mumbled as his gaze passing on various flowers.

"What?" Ashlyn looked at him.

"There is not a single bee in this garden," Kiba mentioned the strangeness he noticed.

Ashlyn turned around and observed more than a hundred flowers in the garden, and just like Kiba said, she didn't notice the presence of any bee.

She then nodded her head as she understood the strangeness in this garden.

Bees and flowering plants always had a mutualistic relationship where both species benefitted. Flowers provided bees with nectar and pollen, which worker bees collect to feed their entire colonies. Bees, in return, provided flowers with the means to reproduce, by spreading pollen from flower to flower through pollination.

In short, the bees need flowers for food and flowers to depend on bees as pollinators. They helped each other to survive and reproduce.

The garden was filled with flowers, both new and old, yet not a single bee. There was no natural equilibrium at all.

How was it possible for the flowers to grow to such an extent without the help of bees? The wind alone couldn't help pollination to such a degree.

"No other insect or bug as well," Ashlyn said as she recalled she didn't face any beasts outside the garden.

"Yeap," Kiba agreed. He then closed his eyes and allowed his senses to envelop the garden.

Just as he closed his eyes, the ground behind him parted without any disturbance or noise. Rattan vines shot out, without emitting a single sound, and rushed at Kiba's vital organs.

Kiba snapped his eyes open, and just as he was about to use his powers, from the corners of his eye, he noticed two blue discs flying through the air.

The discs emanated an ear-piercing sound as they spun in the air in a chopping motion. In the time it takes to blink an eye, the discs cut through the vines and tore them into pieces.

"Well," Kiba glanced at Ashyln as the discs returned to her. "I guess we don't owe each other."

Ashlyn didn't say anything and looked at the ground.


The land split apart as hundreds of pink-white vines tore through the ground and appeared in the air.

Kiba focused his eyes on the vines and then the two-storied tall flower.

"A carnivorous plant," Kiba thought with slight interest. "It should be Blood Demon Flower."

The biological name and classification of the flower were obviously different. The popular name was given by humans due to its nature of consuming the flesh and blood of living organisms.

The age of evolution was fair to both flora and fauna alike. While humans and bests have a higher advantage due to their intelligence and their ability to move, the evolution also blessed the plants to make up for their disadvantage.

Many evolved and precious flowers had the ability to camouflage and hide their presence from the predators who sought them. They could transform into ordinary flowers and escape herb seekers.

Then there were carnivorous plants who maintained the natural balance by preying on beasts and humans alike, in a way protecting other flowering plants.

There were even records of plants gaining sentience and intelligence no lower than that of a human.

Blood Demon Flower grew besides Stardust Mushroom intentionally. It knew humans and beasts would come to take the mushroom, and this gave it an advantage. Then there was the sweet fragrance the flower emitted.

The people believed the fragrance was beneficial, but in fact, it lowered the thought process and contemplation ability while making one feel relaxed.

In a way, the wild garden was a perfect habitat for Blood Demon Flower to seek prey.

The vines danced in the air while the pistil of the flower opened up like the mouth of a ferocious beast. Its teeth were blood-red, emitting a foul stench of gore.

The flower rushed ahead while the vines shot in the sky before viciously falling towards the ground, carrying a terrifying momentum.

Both Kiba and Ashlyn jumped back, and just then the vines stuck their former places.


The vines smashed five giant holes in the ground, breaking the land into fragments of stones and soil. Stones and dust flew in the air.

The bloody mouth of the flower dashed towards Kiba and Ashlyn, its mouth emitting a growling sound of a hungry beast.

"A level IV mutant flower?" Kiba said, his voice containing slight shock as he finally sensed Blood Demon Flower's true aura.

Earlier the flower had masked its aura and energy, but now that it attacked, Kiba was able to feel its true power.

"Are you sure?" Ashlyn was also visibly stunned. She didn't want to break the seal on her powers this soon.

"I'm pretty sure," Kiba nodded as he backed away. "No wonder they sent us here."

Ashlyn didn't reply but she also had suspicions this was a trap set by Amir and others. She had noticed the second path and didn't find any obstacles. So they should be here by now and yet, there was no mark of them.

Ashlyn landed on the ground as she noticed the garden behind being locked by the vines. She gripped the discs in her hands as she looked at the rushing mouth of the flower.

"Do you want to avoid this fight?" Kiba asked, his lips curving up in a smirk. "And in the process, also pay our team in their own coin?"

Ashlyn was about to attack with the discs when she heard his words. She looked at him, waiting for him to explain more.

Kiba didn't speak, and instead, placed a hand over her shoulder. Before Ashlyn could tell him to back off, her eyes involuntarily closed as a blinding white radiance engulfed her and Kiba.


The giant mouth of the flower closed its jaw on the two figures. But when the jaw closed, there was nothing between them, just air.

Kiba and Ashlyn had teleported away!


Far high in the sky, a column of white light appeared out of thin air and morphed into a man and a woman.

As Ashlyn opened her eyes, she felt cold winds. She observed the clouds around her before looking down.

A transparent golden board was below her feet. A step away, Kiba was floating in the air, without any support.

"Teleportation and flight?" Ashlyn was slightly surprised.

She then shook her head as she thought everyone would have trump cards, just like her. So it was nothing shocking for Kiba to have such abilities.

"What is your plan?" Ashlyn enquired, her voice the same as ever.

"Nothing grand to be honest," Kiba answered with a faint smile, "We will follow Amir and his group's plan with a slight modification."


"Our roles would be replaced with theirs."

Chapter 226 - Team Leader, Thank You!

Half an hour later.

Amir, Mina, Alexia, and Nellie appeared before the entrance of the wild garden. They have walked through the same track as Kiba and Ashyln.

The medicinal aroma from the garden lingered outside as if inviting them inside.

"Alexia, what do you feel?" Amir asked as he tried to see inside the garden.

Sadly, the thick bushes and the flowers in between hindered his vision and made it impossible for him to notice anything important.

"There is no human presence inside," Alexia answered after some time. "There are traces of battle but they have been covered up."

Depending on her ability, it was hard for her to know what the plant was currently doing. After all, Blood Demon Flower always acts as if it is an ordinary plant with no free will at all. Its ability to fool others through its camouflage was hard to evade.

Amir knew this so he didn't inquire about the plant. Nevertheless, his eyes flashed with happiness.

"That means Blood Demon Flower consumed those two!" Amir started laughing in delight. "So now it should be in short hibernation after having such a rich meal."

"Most likely," Alexia nodded in agreement.

Maybe from a human perspective, the act of a plant consuming human body is sinister and evil. But from nature's point of view, it was just a part of the food cycle.

Blood Demon Flower followed nature's cycle to the core, and just like most carnivorous plants, it enters a deep sleep to digest the food.

The time of hibernation depended on the nutrients it was trying to absorb. The higher a lifeform, the more time is required to digest the energy.

"Ashlyn is a strong mutant so it would take a long time for the flower to fully devour her," Amir contemplated with a smile. "Then there is that Kiba. He is also strong for his age so they both would buy us plenty of time in the flower's stomach."

He was truly happy that such useful special members joined his team and sacrificed themselves for him. Obviously, the two didn't know about it, but that didn't matter at all.

"Let us go," Mina beamed a smile as they entered the garden.

They wore gas masks to not breathe the fragrance from the flowers. There was a possibility of the pollen being harmful so they wanted to avoid the risk.

The ground inside the garden was as stable as before as if there was no battle at all. Amir knew the flower always hide its battle activities to fool its victims.

He then brought out a medicinal capsule from his pocket. The capsule was hard-shelled, filled with black miniature pellets.

Amir pressed the capsule between his fingers and broke the shell. The pellets fell down on the ground.

Just as they touched the surface, they dissolved into a misty black substance. A buzzing sound came from the substance as it seeped inside the soil. The black substance mixed with the vines that originated from Blood Demon Flower.

"This should further put the flower into a deeper slumber."

The capsule was actually a psychoactive compound with sleep-inducing properties created for man-eating flowers. Of course, its functioning depended on the level of the flower.

Amir reasoned now that the flower was already in hibernation, the capsule would definitely work.


The group slowly moved forward with Amir in the front. His eyes were rooted on Stardust Mushroom and he imagined the riches he would earn from it.

Initially, he planned to hunt for some beasts and low-level herbs before targetting this mushroom. But after witnessing Ashlyn's power, he wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible, so he decided to change his priorities.

"This really was easy," Mina smiled as they arrived in front of the mushroom. She took out a glass container as Nellie proceeded to pluck the mushroom.

Just then, the pistil of Blood Demon Flower opened up, exposing its sharp teeth and a bloody mouth. Without any warning, the flower rushed forward and swallowed Nellie's head.

"AHHH!" Nellie cried for less than a second as the flower chomped away her neck.


Her headless body fell down on the ground, twitching.

"What?!" Amir's expression turned ugly, his eyes wide open in shock.

Shouldn't the flower be in a deep sleep?!

Alexia and others were equally terrified, their bodies trembling as a chill went down their spines. They were rooted on spot, almost in a trance, unable to believe the sudden turn of events.

They were supposed to get rich and live a happy life forever! Not die and consumed by a flower as food items!

"Shit! Run!" Amir's body transformed into a thin sheet as he evaded the mouth of the flower.


The ground split apart and hundreds of vines came in sight. A few of the vines pierced the corpse of Nellie and devoured her flesh and blood.

The other vines penetrated the air and transformed into blurry lines as they shot towards the surviving members.

Blood Demon Flower was in no mood to spare anyone. If anything, it was angry after it failed to swallow Kiba and Ashyln.

This was the reason it pretended to be in deep sleep until the final moment. It didn't want these puny humans to evade it like the two before.

The narcotic capsule used by Amir has slowed its speed, but the flower was still a Level IV lifeform.

Even in its worst form, it was far stronger and faster than the low-level mutants here.

Alexia didn't get time to even plead as dozen of vines penetrated through her. The vines released a heavy sucking force, swallowing her insides in no time.

The pink-white texture of the vines turned into a darker shade of red for a moment as it devoured her corpse.

Mina waved her hands and released columns of sandy liquid which fell on the vines. The liquid solidified on the vines like a cube.

"Amir, help me," Mina shouted as Amir took advantage of the opening she created. They were a couple and every time, they have helped each other no matter the crisis.

Alas, this time Amir ignored her call for help. He continued to run as more vines targetted him and Mina.

"Bastard! I gave you everything!" Mina's eyes were filled with tears as she cursed.


A vine penetrated her heart from the back and she coughed up blood. Her vision turned dark and she entered into the embrace of death.

Blood Demon Flower left its spot to chase Amir as he effectively dodged the vines thanks to his rubber-like body. The flower opened its mouth wide, emitting a sucking force.

Just then, in its former spot, a column of white light appeared out of thin air.

Kiba and Ashlyn once again arrived in the garden!

"Team leader, your plan is truly great," Kiba loudly said. "You have mine and Ashlyn's gratitude."

Both Amir and the flower were startled by Kiba's arrival. Amir instantly realized he was the one who was conned and not the other way around.

Even before his eyes could register or he utter a single sound, Kiba plucked Stardust Mushroom. Ashlyn stood beside him, her eyes observing everything.

"Please ignore us and continue," Kiba waved his hand in a good-bye motion. "We have no intention of disturbing the romance between a flower and a human. After all, it is not every day that a flower chase behind a man like a maiden deep in love."

Motherfucker! What romance! Everything is your fault!

Amir's eyes were bloodshot and his veins were bulging like worms. He was so incensed by Kiba's actions that he coughed up blood.

"Dear flower, please take care of my team leader," Kiba said as he noticed the flower and vines rushing towards him. "And Amir, please don't ever cheat on this frail flower."

Son of a bitch! What care?!

"The flower is trying to eat me and you are talking about cheating?!" Amir found it hard to breathe as the anger got the best of him.

Kiba placed a hand on Ashyln's shoulder and they once again teleported away just as the flower arrived at their place.

Blood Demon Flower was furious as its mouth once again missed the two at the final moment. It turned around and spread its vines throughout the garden.

"Fuck!" Amir wanted to choke Kiba to death, but now, he realized he would never have the opportunity.

As the flower and vines attacked him, he heard a faint voice in his ears.

"Happy honeymoon."

These were the last words he ever heard as hundreds of vines pierced through him...

Chapter 227 - Work Smart, Not Hard!

(A/N: Two chapters combined as one! 3.1K+ words long chapter!!)

Kiba and Ashyln teleported outside the wild garden. They heard heart-wrenching cries for a moment from the garden, and then once again, an eerie silence took over.

Kiba observed Stardust Mushroom in his right hand. Golden streams of energy were enveloped on the mushroom, like a protective layer, ensuring its vitality doesn't fade.

"Can I take the mushroom?" Kiba turned towards Ashyln as he continued. "I know it is costly and precious but I really need it. I would definitely pay for it through other herbs."

"I didn't spend any efforts so it is yours, to begin with," Ashlyn replied in an emotionless but matter-of-factly voice. "And obviously you don't have to pay me for what is yours."

This was the longest she ever spoke from the time Kiba has known her. Kiba was surprised by her words but he nodded in gratitude.

"Thanks," Kiba said as a flash of white light came out from his palm and covered the mushroom. The next moment, the mushroom disappeared.

Kiba's powers allowed him to store any item in his own personal dimension space. He transferred the mushroom to his personal space so that he wouldn't have to be worried about it.

In ordinary cases, if people witnesses this scene, then they would be shocked and believe that Kiba was carrying spatial storage device. Such devices would attract envy and greed of many.

But Ashlyn didn't show any reaction. She started walking away, leaving Kiba behind.

"Hey!" Kiba called out.

Ashlyn stopped and turned around. She looked at him, and waited for him to say whatever he has to say.

"We could still be partners," Kiba quickly arrived before her.

He didn't give a speech on the benefits involved or the advantages each one of them could provide for another. She wouldn't like it and Kiba was sure of this.

If she has to agree, just a short sentence was enough. If not, then even an emotional speech backed by logical facts would be ineffective.

Ashlyn observed him for a moment before nodding her head. Kiba beamed and the two became a team.

A team which was soon going to create mayhem in Desolate Blood Forest...


A few hours later.

Under a giant tree, Kiba and Ashlyn were sitting on the grass, separated by some distance. Specks of light fell on the ground, passing through the slight gaps between green crowns of trees.

Kiba looked at the trees and the light, his heart marveling at the beauty of this forest. There was a humane beauty close to him, and yet, it was like she was separated from him.

The distance was negligible, but it appeared they were far away from each other as if separated by an ocean.

"So close and yet so far," Kiba mused with a smile.

The first time he saw her, he was only interested in her beauty. Now, he no longer has such thoughts. He was curious about her and wanted to know her better.

"Kiba," Ashlyn suddenly said, breaking the silence.

"Hmm?" Kiba was genuinely startled.

"You should be wary of Byron and his group," Ashlyn continued in a cold tone. "They are a part of human trafficking organization."

Kiba was stunned by her words. He obviously knew the truth about Byron, but he was shocked to learn Ashlyn knowing as well.

He knew thanks to Ruby but what about her? She was not from Ruby's city or her acquaintance so how could she be privy of such secret?

What truly bewildered him was that she actually agreed to share this knowledge.

"Thanks for the warning," Kiba replied with a faint smile. "But I already know about them from the start."

Ashlyn was visibly stunned. She didn't say anything, but even in her cold eyes, there was slight disbelief.

"Ruby is not my girlfriend," Kiba noticed the slight change in her expression so he decided to explain. "What you witnessed between her and me was just a play I designed to relieve my boredom."

"...." Ashlyn looked at him for a long time before turning her head away.

She recalled how Kiba fooled Amir and his team. When she remembered the words he used to mock Amir, she realized he was not really the well-mannered and kind-hearted man she saw with Ruby and Byron.

"Wake me later," Kiba also turned around and slept on the grass.

He has a faint idea about why she decided to warn him now. She wanted to return the favor she believed she owed him when he helped her avoid a battle with Blood Demon Flower.

"She sure doesn't like owing favors," Kiba thought playfully.

Earlier when he helped her against the fox, she returned the help by destroying the vines. Obviously, neither of them truly needed each other's help so far, after all, both of them were hiding their true strength.

In the evening, they resumed their journey.

"There is a place I want to explore," Ashlyn waved her left hand. Specks of blue light appeared on her palm and converged into a digital tablet.

"Oh!" Kiba was intrigued.

Ashlyn opened a map of the forest and pointed at certain coordinates. The distance from their present location was about twenty miles.

"I have no issue," Kiba said when she looked at him for his response.

Ashlyn then opened a file on the tablet screen and signaled him to read it. Kiba took the tablet from her hands and read the text.

Kiba was amazed by the details. Apparently, the place where they were going was formed from space debris.

In the year 1900, hundreds of meteorites crashed on Earth. Under the influence of long journey in space and the impact from crashing on Earth, small debris split from the meteorites. The debris fell near the meteorites. Just like the meteorites, the debris also had resources, albeit in sparse quantity.

"It is still fine with me," Kiba said as he returned the tablet.

Ashlyn nodded and they proceeded to their new destination.


Morning, the next day.

The sun severed the darkness and brought a clear, blue sky. The sunlight fell upon the leaves and made the dew drops sparkle like gems.

Kiba breathed in the fresh air and sipped in the dew drops. The sweet yet salty taste made him feel refreshed.

He and Ashlyn were close to their destination. Just some hundred meters from them, a clear area was visible with no sign of any greenery, spanning for 10 sq. miles.

The ground was covered with limestone while rocks protruded from the floor like stalagmites.

Close to a hundred people were visible in the area. Each one of them was a mutant, strong in their own right.

Most of the mutants were in groups while a few were alone. They walked around as if waiting for something.

"Noon," Kiba thought based on the details he has read. Supposedly the ground would split apart to reveal an entrance at the noon.

The entrance would lead to an underground cave-like structure where precious metals and ores were available for extraction.

From what he knows, the cave would always have new quantities of metals and ores. The reason for such a phenomenon was not known.

There was also a big catch. The cave would only open once every week and what's more, it would stay open only till the sunset. No one who stayed behind after the cave closed has come out alive.

The reason why most mutants arrived here was not only to collect resources but also to get experience. There were dangers lurking in the underground cave, and new threats would appear every time.

The mutants with strong background treasured the experience more than the resources. After all, with the experience, they could have more chances of success in the core region. The cave didn't matter at all when compared to the meteorite where the true secrets of the alien world and its treasure were stored.

"Well, I would rather pass the opportunity of gaining experience," Kiba thought with a sigh. "I have gained enough experience for a lifetime while exploring BSE79."

It was BSE79 meteorite where he found Cosmic Spark and the casket that formed Section IV, and in a way, this bestowed him his current form and powers, but even then he has no liking to the meteorites.

The world might be ignorant about their true nature, but not him. He was aware of the dark secrets and the threat they posed to this planet.

If it was possible, he wanted to avoid any contact with them. Alas, Felicity's current state gave him no choice. Of course, there was an alternative in Section IV but it was something he disliked more than the meteorites.

"You wish to gain experience?" Kiba asked.

Ashlyn shook her head.

"Resources?" Kiba further enquired now that she made it clear she has no interest in gaining experience.

Ashlyn nodded and said, "Adamantine and Spatial Golden Sand."

"They are the rarest of rare," Kiba muttered before closing his eyes.


A few hours later, noon.

Just as the clock struck 12, a heavy rumbling sound came from the limestone floor. The rocks entered the ground while the floor at the center split apart into a rectangular hole. Stone steps came in sight, leading to the core of the cave.

"I'm going to leave my mark in this cave!" A young man in the early twenties declared. He was a scion from Eleanor Family!

"Dream on, Shane Eleanor," A brown-haired youth named Roy Hodge said with disdain. "It is me who is going to mark my presence both here and the core region!"

As Shane and Roy broke into an argument, a fatty named Kian laughed, and said, "Young miss from Neville Family has already entered the cave while you two are still bickering."

"You mean the fiend is here?!" Roy broke in a cold sweat.

"Yeap," Kian replied.

At the entrance, a middle-aged man with a knife scar looked at the young masters with disdain. He was Issac Piers - a mercenary.

"This attitude from the scions of nine aristocrat families would get them killed someday," Issac muttered as he stepped inside.

More than sixty mutants have already entered the cave when Kiba and Ashlyn stepped on the stone path.

Ashlyn was in no hurry as entering first has no importance. There were various obstacles involved so the order of entry didn't matter.

Kiba looked around for a moment before sitting down on the ground with his legs crossed. He supported his back against a stone and took out his cell phone.

"What are you doing?" Ashlyn was startled by his behavior.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kiba asked in return.

"If you don't want to accompany me, it is fine," Ashlyn said in a cold voice. She turned around and stepped towards the entrance.

Everyone else has entered the underground cave and she was in no mood to think about Kiba's attitude.

The space in front of her twisted and Kiba appeared. His legs were still crossed and he was floating in the air like a monk.

"Haah~ I believed you were smart so I didn't bother explaining," Kiba let out a heavy sigh. "But you are just like everyone else, a blind follower of herd mentality."

"What?" Ashlyn narrowed her eyes.

"Why waste your energy and efforts inside the cave when you can get what you want here with least bit of work?" Kiba said as he jumped on his feet.

"?" Ashlyn looked at him in confusion.

"Work smart, not hard," Kiba said with a playful smile. He then proceeded to explain the details on what they have to do to get what she wants, without wasting efforts.

When Ashlyn heard his plan, she was visibly astonished. If she was to describe the plan in one word then it would be: "Shameless."


The time passed, and some hours later, the evening sky took over. It was just a matter of an hour before the sun sets.

A healthy-looking adult male, named Ronnie, stepped out of the entrance. He has a pleasant smile on his face as he eyed the sky.

"I'm rich!" Ronnie laughed in delight before tracing a bag in his hands.

Behind him, a few more people stepped out, each of them having a happy expression.

While Roonie and others were covered with blood and their bodies were exhausted, they were truly elated with the success they have achieved in the cave. Sure there was life and death crisis and few of their companions died, but the end results were bountiful.

They couldn't help but imagine the rich lifestyle they could live after they leave the forest. With the resources they had gained, they were sure they wouldn't have to work for their lifetime.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they could live freely without ever worrying about lack of money!

"Boss! You were amazing!" A young man openly praised Ronnie.

"Haha, it was nothing," Ronnie's cheeks were slightly flushed.

He enjoyed the praise from his subordinates. He was sure now there would be more people who would suck up on him for his favor, especially women. Just the thoughts of what the women would do for him gave him shivers of excitement.

"Excuse me," A male voice broke the group's discussion.

"Huh?" Ronnie turned around.

Some distance away, on a circular boulder, a man and a woman were sitting. They were obviously none other than Kiba and Ashlyn!

"Who are you and what do you want?" Ronnie asked with a frown as his eyes went from Kiba to Ashlyn. He was stunned by her beauty and slowly, some not-so-good thoughts came in his mind.

"We are from Anti-theft Department of the world government," Kiba answered the first half of the question while taking out an identity card from his purse.

"Anti-theft Department?" Ronnie was startled and confused as he observed the identity card.

The card has a picture of Kiba with the world government's official stamp. The designation was 'Sr. Officer.'

"Never heard of this department," One of Ronnie's subordinate whispered.

"Does such a department even exists?" Another subordinate asked in a low voice.

"No idea."

Ronnie ignored the discussion between his subordinates and looked at Kiba. He wanted to know what the officers from this special department wanted.

"We have strong suspicions that many infamous thieves are in the forest," Kiba explained in a heavy voice. "Those thieves are trying to con innocent adventurists and loot their hard-earned resources."

When Ashlyn heard this, she felt her lips twitching. She always carried a cold expression but now she felt embarrassed.

"So what?" Ronnie asked. It was no secret that the forest was filled with criminals. After all, the laws of the civil society didn't apply here, so even the most honest citizen would become a criminal after seeing the resources the forest has to offer.

Murder, stealing, and betrayal were a common occurrence here.

"We are here to prevent thievery," Kiba proudly announced. "And as a responsible person, we want you to help us."

"Help?" Ronnie and others were completely bewildered.

"Yeap," Kiba pointed a finger in his right side.

Ronnie's eyes followed his direction and noticed three long white cardboard boxes. Each box has a sticker placed on it, the text was written with glittering red ink.

"Precious stones, Treasured metals, Any other valuable items," Ronnie read the text from each box.

"Please leave the items in the respective boxes. Rest assured for we will cherish them like their true owners" Kiba stated further with a professional smile. "So you can relax and spend your time in the forest without worrying about anyone targeting you."

"Are you serious?!" Ronnie was incensed.

Isn't he basically telling them to part with the wealth they gained after so many efforts?!

No way!

"Obviously, we are serious," Kiba's smile didn't waiver and neither did his professional determination. "Please cooperate since this is for your own good."

"If we disagree then what?" Ronnie asked with a fierce expression.

He was tired and worn-out but he was confident in dealing with this punk and that frail beauty. They were seven while the opponents were just two! The outcome was determined!

Ronnie licked his lips as he thought of the things he could do after overpowering the punk and spending his energy on the beauty.

Ronnie was thinking of this when he heard rustling sound close to his ear. The next moment, he was sent flying in the air. His mouth released an arrow of blood as he collided against a stone. He opened his mouth and coughed up more blood with broken teeth.

Ronnie continued to cough while tracing his right cheek. A large red mark was visible, almost like an inscription on skin.


Ronnie's subordinates were alarmed and afraid. Their hearts shook with dread and fright as they slowly turned around and noticed Kiba standing in the former position of their boss.

Every single of them gulped down in disbelief as they observed the 'weapon' in his hand. The 'weapon' has a handled frame with an open hoop across which a network of strings stretched tightly.

It was a racket!

To be precise, it was a mosquito racket - a flyswatter!!

Ronnie also looked at the object that just sent him flying, and as he did, he forcefully swallowed the blood in his mouth.

He originally believed that Kiba used some powerful weapon, but it was just a racket!

"There were hundreds of mosquitoes in this place," Kiba lowered the racket as he said. "We killed all of them while we waited for you guys to arrive. And yet, instead of thanking us, you are saying you have no intention of cooperating for your own good?"

Is he actually complaining about mosquitoes?!


He is blaming us for not thanking him! Are we supposed to be grateful when you are trying to commit a daylight robbery?!

"Well," Kiba locked his eyes on Ronnie's subordinates. "Place the items in those boxes and help Anti-theft Department in its mission of stopping the thievery."


You are looting us, and yet you want us to believe you are from some anti-theft department?!

"There is nothing good in cooperating with you!" The subordinates bitterly thought in their hearts. "But there is definitely bad in not cooperating with you!"

Ronnie also understood this far better than his subordinates. He rose to his feet and walked towards the boxes. He then opened his storage bag and emptied the items.

Ashlyn was observing the items Ronnie was taking out, and her eyes flashed with surprise as she noticed a chunk of adamantine. Initially, she was hesitant to follow Kiba's suggestion given the strange nature of his plan, but now she felt it was a good decision.

If she has entered the underground cave, she would be spending energy and efforts, not to mention face dangers from the obstacles created by the space debris. But now, she was getting everything served on a plate with negligible efforts.

Kiba returned back and sat on the boulder.

"You were right," Ashlyn said, her cold voice filled with slight admiration. "Work smart, not hard."

Kiba smiled in response...

Chapter 228 - You Were Right!

The evening sky was a sight to behold. Sadly neither Ronnie or his subordinates were in any state to admire the sky.

Their faces were unsightly as they emptied the treasured stones and metals in the cardboard boxes. It was with blood and sweat that they acquired the items, and yet, they were now forced to discard them for their own 'good'.

"I almost died in the cave while extracting adamantine," Ronnie wept as he placed the adamantine chunk inside a box.

Adamantine was one of the hardest and durable metals known to the human race. It was mainly used in implanting artificial enhancements in mutants through experiments and also for preparing strong armors.

"Thank you for cooperating with us," Kiba's voice entered his ears, making him shudder. His cheek was still swollen and the pain from his missing teeth burned like fire.

In normal times, he would rather die than 'cooperate'. But after taking the 'attack' from the racket on his cheek, he believed Kiba was not someone he could face in his current state.

He didn't even see Kiba's movements so he was not really confident in dealing with him. A smart man knows when to admit defeat, and that's what he did.

"If only I was not exhausted and tired from exploring the cave," Ronnie gritted his teeth and threw away his empty storage bag.

Kiba studied Ronnie's facial expression and he could pretty much guess the thoughts running in his mind. If it was in the city, he would have killed Ronnie to save himself from future troubles, but now, he didn't. He needed to spare the lives of his opponents so that they could enter the core region and help him.

In fact, this was one of the main reason why he suggested this scheme to Ashlyn. After all, if the mutants acquired enough resources here, there was a strong probability they would not want to visit the core region and risk their lives. Now, having their fortunes stolen, they would have no choice but take more risks.

"I'm first!" A young voice came from the rectangular hole that formed the entrance of the cave.

"Damn! You cheated!" Another young voice followed from behind.

A few seconds later, the scions from Eleanor and Hodge Families appeared. The first to appear was Shane Eleanor and the second was Roy Hodge.

Kiba's eyes sparkled as he saw the heavy bags they were carrying.

"Fat fish," Kiba rubbed his hands in excitement.

He usually didn't bother stealing from others, this was rather evident from how he took nothing from the corpses of Amir or others whom he has killed so far.

The reason was simple - he was pretty rich. He had everything he needed thanks to generous corporate owners and government officers from whom he 'borrowed' most of his lab equipment and other fortunes.

In the last three years, he hasn't stolen any materialistic treasure from anyone. He could not even be considered a thief if one could ignore his habit of stealing wives for a short affair.

Now that he robbed Ronnie of his fortunes, the inner thief that was in long slumber has awakened.


Kiba leaped from the boulder with and landed in front of the young scions.

"Nice to meet you," Kiba greeted with a smile while his eyes sparkled like stars.

Shane and Roy looked at him with frowning expressions.

"Get lost," Roy said with contempt.

He was from an aristocrat house with noble blood coursing in his veins. He believed Kiba has realized their identities as noble scions given how his eyes were sparkling, and most likely, he was here to fawn over them to earn their favor.

But why would he care about the thoughts of a servant?

People from non-aristocrat families were no less than servants. After all, the word government ruled over the people under the watch of nine aristocrat families. In a way, it was the aristocrat families which governed the world.

Roy was a ruler while those with pitful bloodlines were subjects. They only deserved scorn to let them know their true position as servants.

Kiba's smile didn't fade and he gripped the racket in his hand.

"Seems like you lack manners," Kiba said as he pressed the switch on the handle to activate electric discharge usually used to kill mosquitoes. He then swept the racket towards Roy.

"What are---"

Even before Roy could complete his words or take a step back to evade, the racket came crashing down on his face.

The racket fell on him like a thunderous slap. Bolts of current surged out of the strings and swept in Roy's skin.

"AHHHH!" Roy was sent rolling through the air for ten meters before he fell down.

The ground was formed of limestone and the hard surface greeted him as he crashed on it. He sprawled on the ground with his limbs spread out. His entire face was scorched black while smoke emitting out of his pores.

Shane panicked as he saw the body of his nemesis. He refused to believe such a state was created by a flyswatter. And even if it was true, it only angered him. They were competitive but they were still acquaintances as fellow Level II mutants.

"Do you know who is he?" Shane turned towards Kiba and asked in an incensed tone. His body, in the meantime, morphed as tree-like scales developed on his skin like armor.

In place of his fingers, there were root-like structures, waving in the air.

"I don't," Kiba answered in a nonchalant manner.

"He is of noble blood, and yet, you, a common-born dare attack him!" Shane shouted angrily. "Even death could not absolve you of your sins!"

Kiba tilted his head back and swept his hand over his hair after which he started laughing loudly. His laughter was filled with joy as if he has heard the funniest joke in this world.

"You dare laugh?!" Shane's eyes burned with fury. He swore to torture this common-born and make him weep for the crime that he has committed.

"Oh god, it has been such a long time," Kiba controlled his laughter. "I truly missed this holier-than-thou attitude."

Usually, none of his opponents in the city flaunted their background. They knew his personality so they were more than sure that such talks would only infuriate him further.

Even Lisa Ray, a rank four scientist, didn't dare warn Kiba with her background when he was about to kill her in the wasteland.

"You really don't know what is good for you!" Shane had enough of this common-born nonsense. A servant with such recklessness didn't deserve to live.

"Really?" Kiba asked while pointing a finger at Roy.

"You defeated Roy because you caught him off guards when he was exhausted, but don't expect such luck now," Shane shouted as the roots in his hands swept out like arrows at Kiba. Meanwhile, the ground split apart and a thick tree trunk came out, shooting towards Kiba.

"How frightening," Kiba was amused. He felt a familiar presence from Shane's powers which intrigued him.

Kiba took a step back and then leaped high in the air. He gripped the racket in his hand and then disappeared in thin air.

"Teleportation?!" Shane was alarmed. Just then, he felt cold air behind him.

He hastily turned around, but alas, he instantly regretted his decision. The racket crashed on his scale-covered right cheek.

The scales were smashed to pieces. A buzzing sound of current greeted his ears as electricity swept over him.


Shane fell on the floor, his body violently shaking as the current coursed through his veins. Slowly the current faded and the pain subsidized but he was charred black.

Shane gritted his teeth so hard that they almost shattered. He was from an aristocrat family with a powerful background, and yet he was defeated by some common born, and that too with the help of a racket!

If it was some terrifying weapon or artifact, he could still accept his fate. But a racket?! This was like a punch in his heart, shattering his ego and pride.

The humiliation and insult he felt paled in comparison to the pain his body was suffering.

Far away, Ronnie witnessed the state of Shane and Roy. His downcast face was instantly filled with happiness.

"Those young masters are in a far worse state than me!" Ronnie wept out of sheer joy.

Misery loves company!

Ronnie was delighted for now there were more sufferers of the pain he was feeling. No, people with far worse pain than him!

"My family wouldn't let you live!" Shane warned as he saw Kiba stepping towards him.

"Aww, you are making me feel terrified," Kiba said before placing a foot on Shane's left knee.


The clear sound of a bone crunching into pieces came out.

"Ahhh!" Shane let out a scream. His eyes were instantly filled with tears and he stared at Kiba with deep hatred.

"Oops! Sorry!" Kiba retraced his leg back. His voice and body language denoted he placed his foot by mistake.

Sadly, no one believed him, not even Ashlyn who was observing everything from the boulder. She let out a faint sigh and shook her head. She felt he was far different than the impression he has given earlier.

Kiba heard her soft sigh and he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"It was a genuine mistake," Kiba muttered as he collected the storage bags from Shane and Roy.

"No!" Roy has just gained his consciousness back, and when he saw Kiba taking his hard-earned fortunes, he screamed.

Due to his background, he knew many secrets of the underground cave. Thanks to this, he was able to extract more resources than others. He believed the metals he has collected would even surprise his family members, much less ordinary adventurists and treasure seekers.

Now, someone else was enjoying the fruits of his labor. Just the thought of this made it hard for him to breathe.

"Thank you," Kiba said in gratitude.

Alas, the words of thanks gave neither Shane nor Roy any joy. If anything, it made their blood boil in anger.

Kiba ignored them and threw the bags at Ashyln. She caught the bags and then opened them one after another to check out the loot.

When Ashlyn looked at the items from Roy's bag, even her eyes have a slight surprise. In Roy's bag, there were glass containers filled with glittering golden sand.

The sand was swirling like a galaxy... It was Spatial Golden Sand!

Supposedly, it existed at the center of a galaxy as the granular particles. When the meteorites and debris crashed on Earth, they brought the sand particles they acquired during the journey.

Shane's bag also had rare stones and metals, but Ashlyn didn't care much about them. She needed Adamantine and Spatial Golden Sand, and now she has gained both of them, albeit the quantity of the former was low.

Nevertheless, Ashlyn was happy. She got so much without sweating or wasting any efforts.

"I owe him one," Ashlyn remembered the favor.



Suddenly, strange laughter resounded from the cave, breaking the silence in the outside area.

Kiba and Ashlyn focused their eyes on the entrance, waiting for the owner of the laughter to arrive. Even Shane and Roy concentrated their vision while praying that the newly arrived person would take revenge for them.

A strong-looking male leaped out of the entrance. He was middle-aged with a knife scar on his face. His clothes were stained with blood, and it was pretty evident the blood was not his given lack of any injuries.

"Cold-blooded Mercenary... Issac Piers!" Roy muttered, his back drenched in sweat.

Even in aristocrat circle, Issac was a name to reckon. He was a wanted criminal with a bounty of twenty million!

His criminal records were full of murder, r#pe, robbery, and kidnapping charges. He was someone not even the young scions of the aristocrat families would want to offend. After all, he was a psycho who thought nothing of the government or its rules.

What's more, he was a Level IV mutant with just a single step away from touching Level V! A madman with such power was not someone any sane person could dare offend!

"They are now dead for sure!" Roy thought with a sinister smile.

Kiba didn't know the identity of Issac nor did he sensed his level. With a smile, he started walking towards him.


"Hmm?" Kiba was startled as he felt a hand tapping over his shoulder. He looked at his right and noticed Ashyln.

"You want to handle him?" Kiba asked.

Ashlyn nodded. She didn't want him to do all the work when they were both a team.

"Sure," Kiba didn't mind. Ashlyn nodded and she stepped forward.

Issac was stretching out his body when he noticed the strange environment in the surrounding. His eyes scrutinized the fallen scions and the boxes.

"How interesting," Issac's lips curled up in a smirk. It was then he heard the stepping sound. He turned around and looked on as Ashlyn walked towards him.

"Such a beauty!" Issac was pleasantly surprised.

In all his life, he has never seen a woman more beautiful than Ashlyn. He now thought the women he has slept with were donkeys.


Ashlyn's expression was cold as ever as she moved ahead.

"Come to my arms, baby!" Issac opened his arms wide as if giving her an opportunity to embrace him. "You need a true man to rock your world!"

He obviously noticed the discs clad on her wrists like bracelets, but he was confident that he could overpower her the moment she tries to take out those discs.

Ashlyn was just some five meters away from him, and she showed no signs of using discs. This startled even Kiba who was observing her actions.

"How would she attack with discs at such close distance?" Kiba was slightly worried.

He prepared himself to use his powers if the situation turned worse. Streams of golden light converged in his hand, and he was ready to shoot energy beam on Issac.

Much to his disbelief, Ashlyn continued to walk. She only stopped after coming right in front of Issac!

"What is she thinking?! There is no way she could wield the discs at such close distance!" Kiba narrowed his eyes. He didn't think she was stupid to take such risks but he couldn't understand her motives.

Issac was also surprised. He started laughing and then brought his arms to lock her into a close embrace.

Just then, something happened which Issac, Kiba, or anyone else never expected even in their wildest dreams. Ashlyn stretched her right leg, and with terrifying speed & an unbreakable momentum, she fiercely kicked out.


Issac's face turned pale-white then purple just as a loud cracking sound came out from the lower part of his body. His eyes turned listless and he collapsed on the floor with a loud thud.

His strong and well-framed arms quickly swept between his thighs to hold his most treasured twin jewels!

Ashyln's expression remained the same as she lowered her leg.

Issac was in no state to think about Ashlyn or care about anything else. His mind was only filled with the thoughts of the unspeakable sharp pain he was feeling from his broken jewels.

He might be a mutant close to Level V, but this pain brought him not only on his knees but also to tears.

He felt suffocated and hard to breathe as the pain amplified. It was a type of pain which only men could understand!

No, not even males could grasp the severity of this pain unless someone viciously kicks them in their crotch with full strength!

Roy and Shane shuddered as they looked at the condition of infamous Cold-blooded Mercenary. They felt butterflies running in their stomachs, and unconsciously, they closed their hands on their treasured jewels.

"I was lucky!"

This was the only thought that ran in Roy, Shane, and Ronnie's mind. Earlier, they believed their luck was very poor when they faced Kiba and suffered defeat under a racket.

But compared to this beautiful demoness and her evil methods, Kiba was a kind man with honest means!

Now, they were thanking gods for giving them such a kind and generous opponent, unlike poor Issac.

On the boulder, Kiba was staring at Ashyln and Issac with his eyes wide open. He felt a chill down his spine as he imagined the pain suffered by Issac.

He placed a hand on his face and felt his skin drained with cold sweat. Unknowingly, he was also trembling.

Just then, Ashlyn turned towards him. Her cold eyes locked on him as she said, "You were truly right."

"Right about what?" Kiba was bewildered.

"Work smart, not hard," Ashlyn repeated the words he has spoken to her earlier.
