236 - 242

Chapter 236 - Snow

Kiba waved his hand and a stream of energy rushed out of his palm. The energy stream enveloped the corpses and incinerated them to ashes.

Ashlyn looked at him with a strange expression.

"He has a sadistic side to his personality."

Ashlyn reached this conclusion based on what she has observed in the recurrent battles. He would mock and thrash every opponent of his, regardless of their strength and background without caring about their personal feelings.

What truly made her feel he was a sadist was the cheerful smile he would exhibit during battles. She has never seen any other person sporting such a smile in the middle of bloodshed.

Then there was his aura whose characteristics would frequently change just like his behavior. Sometimes, it was fierce like wildfire while other times it was calm like the sea.

And then there was finally his astuteness. She has never seen a man more devious than him at such a young age. This judgment was not based on how he played the two teams to kill each. No, it was rather based on the fraudulent scheme he designed to take the resources from the cave without any actual hard work.

If Ashlyn was asked to define him now, she wouldn't be able to restrict him with a single word. She didn't know him well enough for that, but the one thing she knew for sure was that his personality multiple shades.

And so far she has only seen two shades...

Kiba flipped the vitality enhancing fruit between his hands before transferring it to his storage dimension. He didn't need the fruit, but now that he has spent some efforts, he felt it would be wrong to not take it.

"Let's go," Kiba turned towards her and said.

Ashlyn nodded, and the two resumed their journey. They leaped from trees to trees while occasionally tapping feet on the ground for a few moments of rest.

During the journey, they meet a few wild beasts who attacked them after believing they were easy prey. Sadly for the poor beasts, they couldn't be more wrong.

Kiba killed them with a flick of his fingers without giving Ashlyn any chance to use her powers. He wanted her to regain her stamina so he handled every situation.

They also met a group of seven members who wanted them to surrender every treasured resource they possessed. Kiba, with a kind smile, swiftly sent them to the underworld and wished them a safe voyage.

Ashlyn was neither startled or shocked by the events that followed. She silently observed everything through her cold eyes.

A few hours later.


Kiba and Ashlyn landed on the ground and continued the journey by foot. The distance from their destination was hardly a mile away.

"Iceblood Flower," Kiba thought of the flower and its importance as he continued walking ahead absentmindedly.

Their path was among tall trees and emerald grass. The orange sky above formed a contrasting hue to the greenery below.


Suddenly, a misty breeze flew past Kiba, carrying cold and refreshing air. Surprised, Kiba cleared his thoughts and looked ahead.

As far as his eyes could see, everything was covered in a thick blanket of white.

"Snow?" Kiba took another step and a crunching sound followed. The path was enveloped with snow, and as he took steps, the snow crunched under his feet.

Kiba looked behind and he saw the everlasting greenery. But when he looked ahead, everything was covered with snow.

A distance of few steps became a transition of summer and winter.

"The Iceblood Flower should have evolved to another level," Ashlyn thought for a moment and said.

"Seems so," Kiba nodded and agreed with her assessment. "Most likely a high-rank Beta."

Just like humans and beasts, the flowers too have the ability to evolve. It was just that the difficulty faced by them was far too high.

There was a high risk of being plucked before they could evolve further. Not to mention, the flowers needed a special environment along with a high concentration of particular energy to develop.

If the flowers could perfectly evolve and thrive to high-rank, they could change the environment to their liking, almost like a domain where their rules overstepped those of nature. Obviously, such flowers were extremely difficult to pluck.


The orange sky sparkled on the land of ice while chilling wind swept past, carrying snow. The snowflakes danced in the air as if under the instructions of mother nature.

Snow rested upon the trees and ground as if it was a cushion, soft and warm, inviting one in its embrace.

"Paradise on earth," Kiba was stunned by the beauty of this world of snow and ice.

Delta City has a typical monsoon climate, with hot, rainy and cold weather seasons. There was no snow there, and he has never ventured far away to experience snow.

Until now...

Kiba took slow steps and watched the footprints he created on the snowy path. Another gentle breeze blew past his face, and this time, the delicate snowflakes landed on his face.

The snowflakes absorbed the warmth from his skin and turned into beads of water. As the water beads streamed down his face, and more snow enveloped him, he stopped in his path.

"How strange," Kiba muttered, his voice filled with bewilderment.

"?" Ashlyn looked at him.

"Nothing really," Kiba shook his head and said. "It is just that I feel this is not the first time I have felt snowflakes, and yet I'm sure I have never been in a snowy land."

Kiba stretched his hand and opened his palm as snow sprinkled down. Pure white snow, without the slightest speck of sand or dust, floated on his palm.

Kiba closed his palm and felt the snow as it slowly melted. A chill ran down his spine while a warm fire ignited in his heart. The feeling of the snow was just like the memory of his first kiss, forever engraved in his heart and soul.

Kiba was further confused. He was sure he hasn't experienced such feeling before, and yet, his body disagreed.

What he didn't know was that the first thing he ever saw in this world was snow...

Chapter 237 - Ice & Blood

Kiba stood with his arms stretched as the chilling winds swept past him, carrying snowflakes as gentle and pure as a goose feather.

The trees continued to be covered in snow and ice just like the ground, though occasionally grains of vivid saffron came in sight.

Kiba took some of those grains in his hand along with delicate snowflakes and observed them as a smile blossomed on his face. His smile was filled with innocence and happiness just like a toddler who has been armed with crayons.

He was no longer the infamous debauchee the world has known. The crystalline snow has touched a part of him that he never knew existed.

"Are you fine?" Ashlyn's voice came from behind.

"Ah! Yes!"

Startled, Kiba let go of the snow in his hands. Not to mention Ashlyn, even he was surprised by his own behavior.

Ashlyn raised her towards the sky which was now shrouded by the darkness of the night.

"It is late," Ashlyn said as she stepped beside him.

"Yeah," Kiba observed the sky and the surrounding before continuing. "Not the best time to find Iceblood Flower."

Ashlyn nodded in agreement.

The frost energy in the domain of ice and snow was obviously higher in the night compared to the day. This also meant the night was not the best time to search and pluck an ice-attribute flower.

Kiba stretched his hand and a white beam of light shot out of his index finger. The light beam landed some distance away on the ground and transformed into a metallic cube.

The cube opened up in a blinding flash. When the flash subsidized, instead of the cube on the ground, there was a camping house.

Kiba and Ashlyn stepped in the house and walked to the kitchen section. The kitchen was advanced, filled with modern equipment and amenities.

Kiba took out vegetables from a drawer and washed them under a tap in the sink. He then opened the refrigerator where meat was stored. Earlier during their journey, he has hunted for wild chickens and other beasts. Now, they would serve as their meal.

Behind, Ashlyn took a seat across a table. She was not a good cook, no, she was no cook at all. She didn't even know how to peel an onion much less the actual cooking.

Her cold, poker face was slightly flushed from embarrassment at her inability to help. She didn't like owing favors but she didn't know how to pay this favor.

She has brought energy pills with her which could substitute for the real food by providing the required nutrition. Obviously, if freshly prepared food was available, she wouldn't prefer to use the pills.

Kiba didn't even think much of cooking or her inability to share the workload.

For years he hasn't really cooked himself. He would either have food out in restaurants or Claudia would prepare through the droids. But even with that, he has enough experience in cooking thanks to the life he lived in the slums. Obviously, in the slums, he never had nutritious food much less tasty.

Yet his expertise in food was top notch. This was mainly due to the professional life he lived as Kiba. In his line of business, a man like him needs to be skilled in various fields if he has to succeed. After all, his targets have various tastes and hobbies, and just being witty and handsome wouldn't get him to bed.

Some twenty minutes later.

Kiba placed the dishes on the dining table: Cobb salad, winter minestrone, porra antequera, fajita, tomato bisque, and chicken quesadilla.

The two started their dinner with no conversation. It was strange for Kiba to not have a talk while sitting across a woman, but he didn't really focus on that any longer. He just enjoyed the food and so did Ashlyn.

After the dinner was completed, Ashlyn cleaned the table and placed the plates on the dishwasher. She felt this was the least she could do.

Kiba was rather amused and he allowed her to do as she pleased.

"Good night," Kiba said as he stepped inside his bedroom.

Ashlyn nodded and she walked to a room opposite to his.

Inside the room, Kiba opened the window and looked outside. Snow continued to pour heavily while strong breeze swept forward, carrying chilling air.

"Why is this sense of familiarity turning stronger?"

Kiba thought before shaking his head. He latched the window close and after ensuring the security arrangements were working, he lay down on the bed.

He looked at the ceiling, and in a few minutes, the sleep embraced him, and a dream engulfed his consciousness...

In a land of snow and trees, icy mist swirled in the air along with countless snow crystals. The enormous trees seemed desolate while the air was bitter and chilling.

Suddenly, a faint cry broke the silence.

"Congratulations, my lady, you have a son," A middle-aged woman's voice came.

"Zed...that's his name," A young, soft voice followed, filled with weakness and exhaustion. "That's the name he wanted."

"Zed? A nice name, my lady. Here he is, whimpering, eyes filled with misty tears."

The silhouette of a woman appeared, shrouded by mist.


"My lady, he would definitely make a name for himself."

The world suddenly turned dark, as if the veil of sleep has masked it.

In the darkness, heart-wrenching screams followed. The darkness ripped apart and a misty sky came in sight.

The sunlight filled the cold air with a warm embrace and vibrant colors. Smoke and colorful streams of light materialized along with growls of beasts.

"That kid doesn't deserve to live!"

A rough and arrogant voice followed with a burst of laughter, and the sky was instantly replaced by a haughty figure.

Just like everything in this world, the figure was blurred, as if seen through the teary eyes of a toddler.

As the figure closed in, a sigil of an endless knot overlayed everything. The knot was half red and half black, the borderline being gold.

Suddenly, a strong screeching sound of the air being ripped apart overpowered every sound in the world.

"Red Wolf! AHHH!!"

The world started shaking with heavy rumblings as if a giant was smashing the ground.

Once again, darkness shrouded everything.

Some time later, the light broke through the darkness like a piece of frail glass, and snowy trees appeared. One tree proceeded another as if the world was moving while soft snow floated.

Two thin and short hands stretched to catch the snow. The hands caught a snowflake, pure and unadulterated.

Just then, a drop of blood seeped with the snowflake, turning it into crimson. The snow melted, dying the fingers red.

Screams, yell, shouts, and indistinct sounds followed.

A bulky man with long hairs appeared above the hands, sporting a sinister grin.

"Kid, this is just business."

A crystalline claw, with sharp and glittering edges, moved towards the source of the world.


Meanwhile, in the camping house.

Kiba lay on the bed, his eyes closed. Suddenly, his hands rapidly moved on his neck as if trying to free from some formless pressure.

Kiba twisted around while his body rapidly drenched with cold sweat. His heartbeat and breathing rate turned a notch higher.

In his throat, the hot, wet and metallic taste of blood appeared...

Chapter 238 - Who Is Zed?

The sky was dark and gloomy as snowflakes continued to pour. Cold winds glided through the air and struck against the windows of a camping house below.

The windows shook and made noises while snow struck on the glass panels, covering them with a blanket of snow.

Through one of the windows, a bedroom came in sight. On the bed, Kiba, in deep sleep, was clutching his neck as sweat dripped out of his pores.

He was trembling and kicking like a man who was being strangled. A golden force enveloped his body and powerful ripples radiated out.


The windows started cracking apart like a piece of glass being smashed by a hammer. As the ripples collided on the table lamp and chairs, they instantly turned to dust. The heater, lights and other electrical devices started malfunctioning while emitting a buzzing sound.


More terrifying waves of energy surged out of his body. The bed shattered to fragments before the energy waves crashed on the walls.

The camping house was made from enhanced metals and special stones to provide durability and strength in the face of an attack. Not even a fully powered level V mutant could make a dent on the walls, much less blast through them.

Now, the walls exploded with a loud boom sound as if they were made of tofu.

In a room across Kiba's.

Ashlyn was sleeping on a bed. Suddenly, she opened her eyes as she heard the explosion sound. She instantly jumped on her feet and backed away as the energy waves moved towards her room.

"This aura...Kiba!"

At the same time, the energy waves crashed onto the electric circuits and the gas cylinders in the kitchen.


A chain blast started and the entire house exploded into a cloud of fire. At the final moment, Ashlyn broke through a window and leaped high in the air.

Everything around the house was instantly swallowed by the explosion.

Far away, Ashlyn landed on the ground. The snow around her has evaporated directly as the heat from the explosion surged out.

Ashlyn gripped the blue discs in her hands while looking towards the source of the explosion. Above the fire cloud, Kiba was floating in the air. His face was deadly pale while his eyes were shut tight.

"He is having a nightmare?" Ashlyn made a guess.

There were various case studies of mutants losing self-control in times of intense psychological distress. This was especially true for high-level mutants who posed a greater risk to society thanks to their deadly abilities. Such mutants have to consciously spend efforts to restrict their energy within their bodies.

In the end, the stronger powers were the most difficult to wield. Nightmares and mental breakdown were a guaranteed way of triggering such powers into rampage mode.

Ashlyn's expression turned grave. She has seen the extent of his strength during the battle with the serpent, and she was not sure she could deal with him without breaking her seals.

"I need to awaken him," Ashlyn decided to not break her seals for the time being. She jumped in the air and conjured metallic beads in her hand.

She aimed the beads on Kiba and threw them with full force. She clutched the discs and transformed into a blurry line as she shot forward...

Meanwhile, in the dreamy world.

The world started blurring as the claw proceeded towards the source of the world. The malicious smile of the owner of the claw continued to be indistinctively visible.

"Kid, this is the easiest money I ever made. Hahaha!"

The world turned misty as if it was enveloped with a layer of water...or tears. The indistinct sounds of screams and shouts subsidized as the darkness of death slowly took over.

Just then, a shimmering blue point bloomed on the blurry face of the bulky man. In less than a second, the blue point evolved into blue fire.


The claw retraced and the darkness was once again shredded apart by the light. The voices became clear, and now, the world only has a woman made of blue fire.

"Rebecca! You bitch!" A blood-wrenching voice followed from distance.

The woman's hands of fire stretched towards the source of the world, carrying a gentle force. The fire enveloped the world with tender warmness.

"Zed! Are you fine?!"


Voice filled with sadness and panic resonated in the world.

"I'm so sorry! Just wait a sec and everything will be alright!"

A crimson drop, emanating a heavy medical aroma, flew towards the source of the world. The blurriness in the world reduced and the images turned more vivid.

The woman's face was covered with blood but there was a kind smile on her face.

"Zed! Nothing would happen to you!"

"I will protect you till my final breath!"


In the real world.

The metallic beads floated around Kiba. The beads opened up and released ripples of high-voltage current.


The current shot into the golden force enveloping Kiba. Behind, Aslyn gripped the discs like blades, and cut through the force protection.

She didn't want to harm him so she used the discs as blades and only sliced through his protective barrier.


"Huh?" Ashlyn was startled as she heard a faint voice from Kiba.

Earlier as well she has noticed his lips moving but since she was far away, she didn't hear him clearly.

"Zed...are you fine?"

Ashlyn clearly heard his words this time. She didn't stop and continued to break through the barrier while ensuring she didn't trigger his powers further.

"Zed...I'm so sorry...I will protect you till my final breath."

"Who is this Zed?" Ashlyn wondered as she cut through the barrier.

She waved a hand and a cubic crystal materialized in her hand. As she saw the golden force about to go on a rampage for real, she shattered the crystal on Kiba's back.

The crystal was like a dam, and as soon as it shattered, water swept out like a lake. At the same time, the current from the metallic beads used water as a medium and entered Kiba.

"Urgh!" Kiba opened his eyes. He was fully drenched with cold water and the electricity coursed through him like a fire.

He gripped a fist and energy surged around him, shattering the beads and evaporating the water. Behind, Ashlyn backed off as she saw an energy wave rippling towards her.


Kiba was feeling a severe headache with the terrible taste of blood in his mouth. Suppressing the pain, he turned around and neutralized the energy wave.

Ashlyn landed on the ground, her eyes focused on him.

"I owe you one," Kiba said after he stepped next to her. He looked around and let out a heavy sigh.

Exhausted, he sat down on the cold ground. He pressed his forehead while trying to think of what just happened now.

"Is this also caused by that monk?"

He was sure Akshobhya could never attack him or anyone else after what he did to him. But during his fight, Akshobhya has landed psychic damage on him, and given what he has recently concluded about the life and death crisis he felt back then, he thought the event just now was also a side effect from that psychic attack.

Kiba was only partially right though.

Back then, Akshobhya attacked Zed's consciousness by making him relive his worst days through his memories. (Chapter 104).

Those memories mainly dealt with the life he lived in the slum: the torture inflicted by the caretaker and overlords, his farewell with Elissa, the event outside a charity gala where he unknowingly frightened children from an aristocrat family, and his meeting with Veronica when she gifted him 'The Eternal Wisdom of Dream.'

Akshobhya has resurfaced all his memories, even those which were forgotten by Zed thanks to the passing of time. This included his time as a toddler.

Such memories were stored in the furthermost corner of his consciousness, almost discarded. Akshobhya never got a chance to use these memories as Zed has transformed into Kiba.

But now, after he saw the snow and trees, those memories got triggered and resurfaced as a dream...or to be precise, as a nightmare.

"What did I faced in that nightmare?"

Dreams and nightmares were vivid during sleep but they become indistinct and hazy after waking up. It is considered great feet if once could even recall half the details.

"A claw?" Kiba clutched his head tightly, trying to remember what he saw in the nightmare that brought the metallic taste of blood. "A woman of fire?"


Kiba raised his head. Ashlyn was standing with a water bottle.


Kiba took the bottle and emptied the water in one large sip.

"Haah," Kiba lied down on the ground while looking at the night sky. Snow continued to pour on him but he was no longer interested in its beauty.

Ashlyn sat beside him and observed his face.

"Zed," Ashlyn said.

"What?!" Kiba flinched and he rose up in an instant. His heart was full of disbelief and he stared at her, unsure how she realized his secret.

Does she know?!


"Who is he?" Ashlyn was started by his response so she completed her question.

Why is he behaving like a cat whose tail has been stepped?

"I..." Kiba rubbed his forehead, unsure of what was happening now.

Just what has happened during the nightmare for her to ask about Zed?

The only thing which relaxed him was that she didn't know he was Zed.

"You were muttering his name," Ashlyn clarified after she realized he most likely didn't remember his nightmare.

"I was?!" Kiba was bewildered.

Ashlyn nodded.

"Can you tell me what more did I said?" Kiba asked.

"That you were sorry," Ashlyn answered in her usual cold tone. "And you also promised to protect him till your final breath."

After he heard the details, he felt the sky twisting and the land shaking.

"Why would I say sorry to myself, much less promise to protect myself?!" Kiba bitterly thought.

"You must truly care for him to even have a nightmare about him," Ashlyn was uncharacteristically talkative now.

In other times, Kiba would love to see her speak more. But today, every time she spoke, he felt like coughing up blood.

"Care about myself?" Kiba's cheeks twitched.

While those close to him would disagree, he believed he was a selfish man who only cared about his own interests. In a way, he was obsessed about himself just like any other man who lived a life of vanity and profanity.

And yet, he was sure he wasn't obsessed to such an extent that he would have a nightmare where he would swear to protect himself.

"She has no reason to lie though," Kiba wanted to cry.

He was already feeling a severe headache thanks to the nightmare, and now the words she spoke were like a clap of thunder in his ears.

"Oh god... no other choice."

Kiba conjured a crystalline white pill in his hand. Without even looking, he stuffed the pill in his mouth. The pill melted into streams of energy which coursed throughout his body.

This pill was a mental stimulant similar to recreational drugs. Only, its effects were countless times stronger.

The pill he consumed was made of high-grade depressant drug materials. It induced a feeling of relaxation and calm in the consciousness, by modifying the perceptions, feelings, and emotions.

Kiba smiled as the headache and the tension disappeared. He then felt as if he was thrown into a sea of pleasure, and he instantly turned more relaxed.

Ashlyn turned around and released a soft sigh. Such drugs were not accepted in the society and their use was socially stigmatized.

Ashlyn didn't judge him though. She could understand why he used such a pill now, and in a way, she internally agreed with his decision.

She was sure he was not an addict, and as long as he was using the pills only in severe cases, it was fine. After all, such pills were also used as a prescription drug especially for high-level mutants who were prone to mental discomforts.

An hour later.

Kiba opened his eyes and rose to his feet. He was feeling rejuvenated and refreshed with no signs of discomfort.

"Hmm?" Kiba looked at the place where the portable home was located. Now, there was just smog and scorched ground.

"Regretting firing your house?" Ashlyn's voice came from behind.

"Haha," Kiba scratched the back of his head. "I was thinking of changing that house so it is fine."

"Oh? Do you have a new house?" Ashlyn asked.

"...No," Kiba was instantly depressed.

Such portable houses with advanced security arrangments cost a fortune even for someone rich like him. It was extraordinary to have a single home like this. But two?! Nope! He wasn't that crazy to waste so much money just for the sake of it.

"We could borrow from someone," Kiba said after thinking for a moment.

He felt at least some young scions from the aristocrat families should have such homes. Of course, stealing would have to wait for a day or two.

"No need," Ashlyn materialized a crystalline cube in her hand. She pressed on the surface before throwing it far away.

The cube split apart into hundreds of shards as they rushed through the air. The shards started spinning before they emitted a blinding flash of light.

A few seconds later, the flash disappeared to reveal a crystalline house. The house was as the same size as the one owned by Kiba, but it has a unique aura emanating out of it. The snow in the air didn't touch the crystal house as if there was an invisible dome around it.

"Crystal house?!" Kiba was surprised.

The crystals used were no ordinary crystals, but actually made from the crystals extracted from the strange meteorites. Such crystals were something that only people at the top of the society could afford.

Kiba obviously has rare materials from the meteorites in his lab and other sections, but he wasn't crazy enough to use them for making a portable house.

"Preparation for the core region?" Kiba looked at her and asked. He felt only this could explain why she would have such a house.

Ashlyn nodded and they stepped inside the house.

Everything inside was made of crystals including the virtual interface. He sat down on a chair and brought out a whiskey bottle.

"Drink?" Kiba asked as she sat across him.

Ashlyn shook her head.

"As you wish," Kiba filled a glass and added three ice cubes.

Ashlyn observed him as he drank from the glass.

"What?" Kiba placed down the glass.

Ashlyn didn't say anything.

"Just ask," Kiba said. He felt she was acting weird from the last few hours.

"Who is Zed?" Ashlyn asked what she has wanted to know.

Earlier, she has concluded he was a part sadist who took pleasure in toying with others. She even recalled how he said that what she saw between him and Ruby was just a play he designed for his own entertainment.

Yet such a man cared about this Zed to such an extent that he had a nightmare. Despite her cold personality, she became curious about the identity of this man.

Kiba was silent for a long time. He didn't know how to answer but finally, after taking another sip from the glass, he said, "He is my younger brother."

"Oh!" Ashlyn's eyes glinted with understanding.

Kiba has lied but she obviously didn't know.

"You are a devoted and caring elder brother," Ashln made a rare compliment.

Kiba smiled in response.

"Truly surprising though," Ashlyn further added.


Chapter 239 - Success & Sweetness

The next day.

Kiba and Ashlyn had breakfast after which they left the crystal house. Ashlyn pressed her hand on the door and the house transformed into a crystal cube.

Kiba gazed at the morning sky which was covered by an icy mist. A chilling breeze blew past his ear like a whisper from a ghost.

Kiba observed the sky through the mist. Slowly, in his eyes, a blurred image of a woman flashed. The woman was made of blue fire and on her face, there were traces of blood. Her lips were curled up in a loving smile, radiating kindness.

"Who is she?" Kiba thought in his heart. "I have never seen someone matching her silhouette...could she be just a product of imagination?"

He couldn't properly recall what he saw in the nightmare, except for a few blurred and incomplete pictures of a woman and a claw.

The soft snow underneath Ashlyn's feet crunched and released a delicate sound as she stepped next to Kiba.

"Let's go." Kiba cleared his thoughts and said.

Ashlyn nodded, and they resumed their journey to find Iceblood Flower.


A mile ahead.

Two men and two women in the early thirties were slowly walking on an icy path. They were clad in specially manufactured jackets, gloves, and boots as a precaution against the frost energy.

"Baird, just how long?" A blonde woman asked a black-haired man. The woman was beautiful with enticing facial features.

"Anya, just five hundred meters," The man answered.

Baird and Anya were newly wed adventurists. They met while exploring mine and fell in love over a mutual attraction for adventures.

The other two were always a couple. They were named Jane and Morales.

Each member was a Level III mutant. Their combined might, backed by strong coordination, could even pose a risk for Level IV mutant.

"Iceblood Flower has definitely evolved," Anya said after a glass tablet on her hand beeped. "It is now Level VI - a high-ranking Beta."

The level of the flower overstepped them by three but they didn't show any sign of worry. Morales took out a glass jar filled with five red bees.

"It would work, right?" Jane asked while pointing at the jar.

"Definitely," Morales proudly nodded. "Bees and flowers help each to survive and reproduce through their mutualistic relationship. Professor Soln cloned these bees through the DNA of Demon Queen Bee and Blooddevourer Bee. Iceblood Flower wouldn't suspect a thing when they approach it and do their work."

"You better be right otherwise..." Baird trailed off in the middle.

As an adventurer, he knew the relationship between risk and profit. If one can't take a risk, then he doesn't deserve to be an adventurer. Yet a certain safety factor was needed. After all, blindly taking a risk without any hope of success was just plain stupid.

The four were from Landmolrie City. They were contracted by reputed Professor Soln of Silvermoon University - a university directly affiliated with the world government. The four trusted the preparations made by Professor Soln and thus took this risk.

A few minutes later.

They arrived in a region where the ground was completely solidified into ice. The frost energy in the air was extremely pure and acted as a rampaging beast.

As they walked ahead, they noticed ice statues in various poses. The statues numbered in hundreds and it was impossible to enter the area ahead without passing through the statues.

The four cautiously stepped through the statues. Baird unknowingly touched his elbow to a statue as he walked past.

As soon as he touched the statue, it shattered and crumbled into pieces with a loud sound. Startled, Baird looked at the pieces.


Baird felt a chill down his spine. The pieces were not made of ice as he originally believed due to high mist in the area. The pieces were actually the parts of a human body.

Baird stared at the body parts and his heart thumped loudly. Every single body part was fresh without any sign of decay. That was obvious to him due to the presence of ice, but what shocked him was the paleness and lack of any color. The body parts were devoid of blood. It was like the blood was sucked out of them, and yet, there were no injuries.

"Damn! Iceblood Flower must have gained some intelligence," Baird muttered. "But we still have our trump card so nothing to worry."

The others nodded and they looked ahead. Some two hundred meters away, a flower was blooming peacefully, surrounded by mist.

The flower has four petals, each petal made of white ice, emitting a faint halo of blood. Its stem was white and illusory, so pure that one could see through it. Thin threads of blood circulated inside the stem which entered the icy white floor.

The entire flower was giving off a holy brilliance along with a strange but sweet fragrance that wafted through the air and mixed with the mist. Despite is strangeness, the group of four felt this was the most beautiful flower they have seen in their lives.

"Most beautiful flowers are the most dangerous ones!" Jane repeated the common saying among the botanists.

"Let's get started."

Morales opened the jar and the bees flew out. The bees buzzed through the air, and as they approached the flower, the mist solidified into an ice wall.

The bees waved their scopa - pollen collecting structures - in the air. A strange energy wave surged from their scopas and passed through the ice wall.

The Iceblood Flower felt the energy waves and it bloomed further as if with great happiness. The ice wall turned illusory and reverted back into the mist.

"This is going really well!" Baird murmured with a smile. The others also smiled in agreement.

Meanwhile, some few hundred meters behind them.

Kiba and Ashlyn were standing next to a frozen tree.

"It sure is going well for them," Kiba said with a faint smile. "Those bees are sure interesting."

In this world, there were very few who could compare to him when it came to genetical experiments. While he has no interest in using his knowledge to gain strength or increase his lifespan, he would always find some time to do more research. This was mainly to help himself by finding a way so that he doesn't have to pay the price for the power he gained through Cosmic Spark. Obviously, so far he has only failed. But that was mainly due to the cosmic nature of his powers, otherwise, his knowledge and research could easily attract the envy of the best scientists in the world.

"Amazing! Those bees are actually staging a reverse pouyannian mimicry instead of pollination!" Kiba praised as he observed the actions of the bees on the pollen. "Artifical stimuli through chemical secreting from scopa to make the flower enter into a long trance."

"Is it that impressive?" Ashlyn enquired.

"You could say so," Kiba answered. "After all, there is no way a normal bee can serve the function of both male and female. Someone must have spent a lot of efforts and time to create them."

"What are we going to do?" Aslyn asked. She was not interested in the bees or their working.

"Success is only sweet with some struggle," Kiba answered as his smile expanded.

Kiba stretched his right hand. Faint specks of white light surrounded his finger which silently shot through the air.

The flower was slowly entering a trance as the bees carried out their work. Just then, specks of light enveloped the bees, and they vanished into thin air.

The petals of the flowers swayed violently as the trance broke off in middle. The mist around it surged forward, overflowing with murderous intent.

Some four hundred meters away, the group of four was alarmed and afraid.

"What happened?!"

"The bees are not there!"

"They were there a moment ago!"

"Where did they go?!"

"I have no idea! Maybe the flower absorbed it or something!"


"What do we do?!"

Before they could discuss further, the mist has surrounded them from all sides. The transparent mist thickened and icicles appeared in the air. In no time, the icicles turned into ice shards which started converging together.

Soon, the entire mist transformed into an enormous bear. Its body was white while its fur was made of crystalline shards. Its eyes were crimson red just like a bloodthirsty beast, and its entire body emitted an imposing aura.

"Damn! Iceblood Flower is using its domain power to create a Level VI beast!" Anya was terrified as she read the details on her glass tablet.

The bear raised its paws high in the air before smashing them onto the ground. Heavy cracks appeared on the floor and ice shot up in the air.

Anya jumped back and grouped her hands together. Energy waves surrounded her which she used as a thrust and propelled through the air.

Meanwhile, Baird thumped his chest loudly. Faint ring-like pulses of energy radiated out of his chest which converged and transformed into a column of blinding red light, emitting volcanic heat.


A powerful blast shot out and rushed at the ice bear. The ice beast roared as the blast pierced through its head. Its body started melting, but sadly, before the others could rejoice, more mist from the air joined its body.

The bear's body was as strong as new and it rushed towards its targets. It raised its paw, and hundreds of ice shards charged out.

"We are doomed!"

Hundreds of meters away, Ashlyn looked at Kiba before shaking her head and letting out a soft sigh. She has thought of a word that she believed suited him far more than a sadist.


Chapter 240 - Gentle

The Ice Bear's eyes burned with fury as it launched an assault on the four trespassers. The bear has no consciousness or free thinking of its own, it was just a physical form created by Iceblood Flower. Yet it was an expert in using its abilities to the maximum effect.

Anya propelled through the air in a zig-zag manner as countless ice shards flew towards her. The ice shards were sharp and glinted with a red hue as they shot through the air.

Anya gritted her teeth and concentrated the energy waves covering her body. The waves converged into an invisible cannon and surged towards the incoming ice shards.


The ice shards shattered and their fragments crashed on the ice floor. Before Anya could sigh in relief, her eyes flashed with disbelief. She quickly raised her head towards the sky, her heart beating loudly.

Countless ice shards and snowflakes were pouring down on her, carrying a menacing bloody aura.

"Domain!" Anya was horrified and she started dashing away.

Some distance away.

The enormous paw of Ice Bear fiercely smashed on Baird. Blood splattered in air and he rolled through the air before crashing on the ground.

"Is this the difference between levels?" Baird thought with utmost panic.

Earlier, he thought they had a chance when he successfully channeled a heat blast through the beast, but now, when the bear started taking action for real, he realized there was no competition at all.

"Shit!" Jane shouted in panic from far away. She didn't get much time to worry about others as a snowstorm coursed towards her. She bite her lips and projected energy outside to create a barrier.

At the same time, Jane's husband - Morales- felt his blood turning cold as the beast pounced on him.

He couldn't believe how things suddenly turned so worse. The mission was supposed to be easy with the help of genetically hybridized bees. This was why he and his team agreed to take this task of plucking a Level VI flower, and now he definitely regretted the decision. He chided himself for getting cocky and bragging about the bees.

"Professor Soln, your bees were useless!" Morales cursed.

Alas, he didn't even have the luxury to curse as a bear's paw viciously landed on its chest. His specially manufactured clothes to prevent frost energy shattered and he collided against an ice statue.

"Shit! Without clothes, there is a risk of risk hypothermia!" Morales bitterly thought but then he shook his head.

Why worry about hypothermia when the beast would get him and others first?! He was sure their fate would be the same as those in ice statues...


Two figures landed on the ice floor some hundred meters away. One was in a full body, tight black suit. The other was in a white shirt and black pant as if he was in a tropical land instead of in a region where the temperature was below 0.

They were obviously none other than Ashlyn and Kiba.

"Ice Bear and ice statues? What is going on here?" Kiba muttered loudly, his voice filled with bewilderment.

Ashlyn pursed her lips. She couldn't believe he would ask such a question after creating the entire mess.

Ashlyn reasoned he should have allowed the group to pluck the flower with the help of bees, and then they could have robbed from the group. This was a good plan just like the last scheme they orchestrated, and she was even dying to practice her Nutcracking Art. Sadly, Kiba went beyond her expectations.

"New adventurists?" Baird pondered. "Judging from their reactions, they are also caught off-guard."

Kiba looked around and his expression was of deep shock as he observed the group members.

"There are others here!" Kiba said in surprise.

Ashlyn ignored him and took out her discs. The bear has noticed them and it was rushing towards them.

From all sides, ice shards and snow charged at them like waves of blood, carrying an ominous momentum.

"Leave them to me," Kiba's voice entered her ears. Before she could nod, he turned into a series of afterimages.

He was like a bolt of thunder as he ran in circles and punched the malevolent ice shards. His fist was like made of titanium as he shattered the powerful shards into fine pieces.

Even before others could blink, there were no more ice shards and snow surrounding them. All they saw was an afterimage of Kiba, and the next moment, the ice shards turned into pieces.

The bear roared angrily and threw a paw on Kiba. The statues nearby broke like pieces of frail glass and so did the frozen trees as the paw moved forward.

"Sorry but my first priority is to help my fellow humans and not facing you," Kiba said before jumping high in the air. "Please excuse me."

Ashlyn followed the suit and they transformed into a blurry line.

The bear was furious and it smashed on the ground. More ice flew in the air while the floor shook as if a powerful earthquake has arrived.

Far away, Jane was caught in a snowstorm. The energy barrier around her was cracking under the rampaging storm, and she felt her strength depleting.

Just then, she saw Kiba barging inside the storm.

"Need help?" Kiba asked with a smile that was filled with generosity and kindness. A smile that was like the warmth of the sun in a bitter winter.

Jane unconsciously nodded as she sensed his chivalrous spirit.

The storm has enveloped them both, and outside, no one could see anything other than dark snowy currents of the storm. The snow currents continued to attack them with ice shards. Suddenly, an invisible force field surrounded them both, preventing ice shards from entering.

"You can relax," Kiba said as his thumb and index finger arrived on her lips.

Jane flinched and was about to back away when she noticed Kiba removing a small ice shard from the corner of her lips.

Blood trickled down and spread across her lips. The injury was faint but she felt a chilling pain.

"My apologies for the pain but please understand it was not intentional," Kiba apologized in a tone that resonated with her heart. "Let me clean your wound."

Jane didn't reply, and she stupidly stared at his enticing face before locking her eyes on his. The half-golden & half-blue pupils were deep like an abyss, carrying an irresistible hypnotic charm.

The more she observed them, the more she felt lost.

"Can I?" Kiba asked in a gentlemanly fashion.

Jane found herself nodding again.

"Don't worry, I would be gentle this time," Kiba assured her.

Jane believed him. She didn't know if it was due to his eyes or his previous actions, but she felt she could trust him, at least for now.

Kiba leaned his head down, his lips closing dangerously to hers. He pushed his tongue out, and it swirled on her lips.


Jane's eyes turned wide and she felt hundreds of lightning bolts striking her mind, sending a shiver of undeniable excitement throughout her body.

Slowly, the tip of his tongue ran across her lips, licking the blood. Jane's vision darkened and she closed her eyes as she felt fireworks exploding in her mind.

Heat warmed in her chest, and her face flushed into a crimson shade.

"It is done, my lady," Kiba said after he retraced his tongue.

Jane opened her eyes and looked at him.

"I was gentle, right?" Kiba politely asked.


Chapter 241 - Chivalry Is Not Dead!

(A/N: 3.3K+ words long chapter! Two chapters combined in one!)

The storm currents continue to surround Jane and Kiba with snowflakes and ice shards. Inside, Jane's heart thumped loudly as she recalled what just happened now.

She wanted to berate him for taking such a liberty, but then she recalled she was the one who gave him permission! He has done what he has done after asking her properly!

And then she thought of her body's reaction. Strangely, for unknown reasons, she has enjoyed when his tongue touched her lips and licked the blood in a passionate manner.

Jane wondered if it was due to the fact that he saved her, or was it because of his handsome facial features. She has never seen such an attractive and striking face before.

Then there was his body which was an enemy to all men and a dream of every woman.

From his white shirt, she could see the outline of his well-framed and stunning chest along with the powerful, broad shoulders. She could even visualize the six-abs and the sculpted back. He was like a man the gods created after careful consideration with utmost precision.

This was especially true when she observed those eyes of his. They were spellbinding with an alluring glamour that could make the purest of women commit the foulest of sins.

"We should leave now," Kiba said.

"Ah!" Jane came out of her thoughts. "Could we leave from here?"

Barging inside a storm was different from leaving it, and that too when there was a companion. Jane could sense the force field which was stopping the ice shards, but she was not sure they could break through the currents.

"I would try my best," Kiba answered, his voice determined.

His words didn't offer 100% assurance or guarantee, but that was what made her trust him more.

After all, the storm was a part of the domain created by a Level VI flower. It would be untrue if someone offers a guarantee.

"Get on my back."

Kiba turned around and lowered his body. Jane was surprised but she understood his reasons. He would be taking the currents head-on and being on his back would mean he would be her shield.

She no longer thought about his strange actions from before. How could she after he was doing so much for her despite not knowing each other?

She rolled her arms on the top of his chest while her legs moved on his front.

"Hold on tight!"

Kiba advised before leaping up. The chaotic air mass sent a powerful pressure to suppress them inside, but Kiba, gritting his teeth, charged out.

His golden hairs floated in the air, and trails of which plastered on Jane's face as he proceeded ahead. She clenched tight to him and smelled his body fragrance that was filled with freshness despite the environment.

Her ample breasts rubbed on his back as the current waves attacked them. The chillness in the air and the involuntary excitement from her current situation caused her nipples to harden. She felt worried he would notice this and judge her.

But then she looked a part of his face which was visible from her position, and she felt she was overreacting. His expression was dead-serious as he charged through the ice shards.

No longer worried, she allowed her breasts to press against him as she held him more tightly. Now was not the situation to worry about such things. The only concern was to get out of here alive.

Suddenly, she noticed thick ice debris floating towards her with terrifying speed. She was frightened and closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to arrive. She waited and waited, but when she didn't felt anything besides the coldness and Kiba's back, she opened her eyes.

His hand has caught the ice debris. He clenched the debris and threw it away. As Kiba retraced his hand, she noticed drops of blood flowing out of his palm.

"Are you fine?" Jane muttered in his ears.

"That was nothing," Kiba reassured her in a voice filled with firmness.

He was like those strong and determined men who would show no weakness even in desperate situations. Something she found both attractive and funny at the same time.

As they moved ahead, her pants in the front shredded apart, exposing her seductive things. Her soft flesh touched him, but his expression was the same as ever. His eyes were only focused on his goal of stepping out.

With great difficulties, Kiba broke through countless ice shards and stepped out of the storm. He fell on the ground, and so did Jane.

Kiba took a long breath and wiped the sweat from his face. Under the chilling atmosphere, the sweat has turned into icicles. He cleared his face and looked ahead.

Jane was about to thank him when she noticed him standing up.

"There are more people in danger," Kiba wiped his lips which were covered with traces of blood. "You should recover while I try to help them."

"Why?" Jane asked, confused.

He has just met them. Not to mention, they were competitors for the same treasure, and despite this, he was helping them by risking his own life.

"Because I'm a human just like you guys," Kiba answered, his voice filled with righteousness. "We might compete with each other and even have nefarious thoughts, but at the end, we all are part of a large family. In the face of external threat, we only show unity and love for each other. That's the beauty of our race, and I want to do my bit to save it."

Jane was awe-struck by his words and heroic spirit. She lowered her head and chided herself for planning against him. She has thought of attacking him when this was over in order to have the treasure, but now she felt she was a worthless person who didn't deserve to be called a human.

One one side there was a man who was risking his life for them, and on the other side was she, an ungrateful woman.

Kiba jumped up and charged forward.

Some distance away, Ashlyn was facing the Ice Bear when she noticed Kiba. She shook her head and wondered just what sort of scam he was orchestrating for him to become a savior.

Anya was propelling through the air. Her body was covered by a faint layer of ice which she rapidly broke as she ran from the pouring ice shards and snowflakes.

"It's too cold!" Anya felt a bone-numbing chillness. She was shivering but she did her best to evade the sharp ice shards. The ground cracked open as the ice shards missed and landed on it.

As she was evading, an ice shard pierced her right foot. She crashed on the floor, and her eyes turned wide with horror as the ice shard poured like rain on her.


The space in front of her blurred into a series of afterimages. Kiba appeared and he punched out a fist towards the shards.

A powerful ripple shot out of his fist and collided against the coming shards.


Countless ice shards shattered with loud noise and fell on the floor. Anya was shocked by the happenings. Before she could let out even a surprised gasp, he took her in the arms and dashed towards Jane.

"She is cold," Kiba said in an urgent voice. "Provide her medicines and heat."

He left her in Jane's care, and without looking back, charged at Ice Bear.

Anya sumped down in Jane's arms. Her temperature was dangerously low, and she was at high risk of hypothermia.

"Damn! I lost my bag in the storm," Jane muttered in panic. She looked around and was sure the others were the same. They barely had any clothes left so it was impossible to have any medicines left.

At the same time, Baird and Morales caught up with their wives after taking advantage of Ice Bear's distraction. Their expressions were ugly as they realized the condition of Anya.

"If not for him, she would already be dead," Jane pointed towards Kiba.

"Who is he?" Baird asked.

"No idea," Jane answered before reminding him of his wife. "Find a way to help her!"

Meanwhile, Kiba arrived next to Ashlyn.

"Apologies," Kiba said as he evaded a strike from Ice Bear.

Ashlyn didn't respond and attacked the bear with her discs. Sadly, without unlocking her seals, she was no match for a level VI beast. Her discs flew right through the ice body of the bear.

"Let's end it," Kiba took out a plasma bomb.

"It would have no effect," Ashlyn was able to judge the grade of the bomb from its outline.

"I know," Kiba responded with a smile. "It is just a distraction for the rest."

Kiba activated the bomb and shot it at the bear. A surge of orange heat waves exploded out as the bomb crashed on the bear.

The ice started melting and the entire ice field was covered in blinding orange flames. At the same time, Kiba teleported behind Iceblood Flower.

The flower was startled as it felt his presence. The mist around it churned and solidified into an ice wall.

But even before the wall could fully solidify, his hand was on the stem. Blue fog emitted from the petals, and his hand froze into an ice cube.

"Child's trick," Kiba snapped a finger inside the ice cube, and flame surrounded his hand. Without giving it more chance to display its power, Kiba plucked the flower with full force.

Despite not using his full powers, his current form gave him a power rivaling Level VII mutant. There was no way a Level VI mutant, much less a flower with negligible intelligence, could pose any danger for him.

Streams of white light engulfed the flower and it was transported to his storage dimension. He then took out another bomb and placed it on the place where the flower grew.

Another explosion took place and the entire ground started shaking in heavy rumblings. At the same time, the snow stopped pouring and the icy mist disappeared.

When the orange flames subsidized, there was no more any sign of flower or bear.

"What happened?" Morales looked at the blasted floor with shock.

"Don't tell me the flower was lost in explosion?!" Baird was equally horrified.

"That should be impossible, right?"

"The flower was concentrating on the bear so it might not have been on guard against another bomb."

"But that meant such a treasured flower is gone?!"

"Fuck! We are alive so stop worrying about a flower!" Jane snapped in anger. "Anya is still in danger."

"Ah...yes!" Baird observed the icy pale face of his wife.

Kiba walked towards them while taking out a pill from his pocket.

"Give it to her," Kiba passed the pill.

Baird stuffed the pill in his wife's mouth without asking any question. He thought he should have no reason to play any trick after the help he has provided.

Slowly, Anya's pale face regained some color. The icy layer on her body disappeared and the flesh injuries faded. She could move freely without any support but she still felt cold.

"It is still bad," Jane said after checking her temperature. "She needs more medicines and warmth urgently."

The radius of around four miles was covered with snowy trees and icy floor. There was no way to provide heat in such region and the medicines were already lost in the battle.

Kiba took out another pill. Anya's face gained a healthy glow but her body was still on verge of hypothermia.

"Sorry but I don't have more pills," Kiba said.

He wasn't lying. Most of the pills in his storage dimension were specially created for his use, and those serving miscellaneous uses were not designed for treating cold.

"We do have a temporary camp house some distance away," Kiba added further.


Everyone's eyes lit up.

Ten minutes later.

They arrived in front of a small wooden cottage-like structure. Inside was covered with thick blankets and space was barely enough for two people to sleep.

"We made it for a worst-case scenario," Kiba explained.

"You guys are smart unlike us," Jane muttered while giving a stern look to her husband and Baird. "We became overconfident and didn't prepare a single thing."

Baird's expression was downcast and he covered his wife with blankets. His own body was shivering from the coldness and the injuries but he gritted his teeth and helped his wife.

"Unless urgent treatment is provided...hypothermia is a sure outcome!" Baird said in a bitter tone.

"Well, you can share your body heat," Kiba reasoned with a pondering expression. "But you are also shivering and so are others..."

Kiba trailed off in the middle and said, "I'm sorry."

The others, except Ashlyn, were shocked by his words as they thought what he meant.

Body heat! That would mean body to body contact without any clothes!!

"Actually, you are not shivering!" Jane jumped on her feet and checked his body temperature. "You are also warm despite the coldness!"

"No!" Kiba quickly shook his head. "I was preposterous with my suggestion. Please ignore it."

"But why?! Do you want to see a fellow human suffer?!" Jane furiously asked.

Everyone was startled by her tone. Anya opened her mouth, unsure of what to say. She wanted to refuse, but then she thought why should she refuse? It concerned her safety, and he was also...

Anya quickly threw away her thoughts and looked at her husband who was fuming.

"Jane! How dare you suggest such a proposal?!" Baird angrily asked.

"You idiot! She is your wife and needs help!" Jane countered. "Would you let her suffer?!"


"What but? Just sharing body contact doesn't mean anything!" Jane knew what types of thoughts were running in Baird's mind. "Have faith in your wife!"

"I trust her but not him!" Baird retorted while pointing a finger at Kiba.

"Please don't misunderstand. Also, rest assured I have no intention of participating in this," Kiba lowered his head in an apologetic fashion. "As a devoted follower of church, I'm strictly against fornication or any form of intimate touches with a woman who is not my legal wife."

Baird was shocked and so were everyone else. Their breathing turned rugged and their jaws dropped to the ground in disbelief.

In today's era, there were people who practiced abstinence to such an extent?!

They would not have believed him if not for his firm tone and calm demeanor. There was no way it could be feigned unless he was an award-winning actor or a world-renowned conman!

"Kiba!" Jane shouted loudly. She didn't know what to think of his claims when she recalled what trespassed between them inside the storm, but now was not the time to contemplate on that. She has to ensure he discards those teachings from the church and helps her friend.


"There is a woman's life at risk!" Jane said with her teeth clenched tightly. "Are the teachings more important than a life?! Answer me!"

Without waiting for Kiba to answer, she turned towards Baird, and said, "He is a man who saved all of us when he didn't have to! Everyone says chivalry is dead but he proved all of us wrong! He stepped inside a storm to save me! And yet, you are doubting the integrity of such an honest man?!"

Baird was terrified by the passion in her words. He knew Jane and Anya were close but never thought to such extent that she would fight for her in such a manner.

Anya secretly nodded her head as she thought Jane was right. Couldn't her husband trust her, and think for her sake?!

Jane then turned towards her husband - Morales- and said, "Dear, if I was in Anya's place, you would have readily agreed to save my life, right?"

Morales was stupefied by the question. His mind turned blank, and he didn't know how to answer. His heart was shouting: "Obviously no! I can't trust any man with my beautiful wife!"

But Morales knew such answer would definitely destroy the marital bliss in his life. So, with a serious expression, he said, "Obviously yes, my love! Your life matters more than the so-called social stigmas, and besides, marriage is founded on love and trust!"

Baird's face stiffened and his heart thumped loudly. He felt his vision turning dark and he almost fell on the floor.

Even his best friend was not taking his side?!

"Baird! I'm guaranteeing you on Kiba's integrity!" Jane said in a heavy voice. "His character is as pure as ice!"

Baird forcefully agreed, and with a smile that was more ugly than crying, said, "You are right. I was being a short-sighted person."

Ashlyn, who was standing outside the camp, facepalmed as she heard the conversation from inside.

"If his character is pure then god save this world from pure-hearted men."


Kiba also agreed to the proposal after Jane's stern reminder of his responsibilities as a human to the fellow humans.

"The lady has to be willing if you want me to agree," Kiba looked at Anya, and said. "We have to respect her choice."

Anya was startled and her face flushed. In a muffled voice, she said, "I'm willing."

"Great," Jane then told everyone to step outside.

"We don't have to make it uncomfortable for them."



Baird was feeling suffocated and his mood was as terrible as it could get. He sat down on the branch of a frozen tree, and suddenly, his eyes flashed with slyness.

He jumped on the ground and walked towards Ashlyn and others.

"I think I'm also at risk of hypothermia, " Baird said, his body trembling. "Please help me!"

As Baird said this, he cast his gaze on Ashlyn. She was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Not even the fashion models he knew were so gorgeous and sexy.

"What?!" Morales and Jane were startled by his request.

They could obviously understand the only person who could help him in such condition was Ashlyn. After all, her body has no sign of coldness or any injury.

Jane has earlier checked Baird's body and she thought there were strong chances of what he said might be true. She eyed Ashlyn, unsure of how to proceed.

Jane or anyone from the team has not conversed with Ashlyn so they were not familiar with her personality.


Ashlyn took a step ahead. There was a faint smile on her cold face, and she nodded her head slightly, as if in agreement.

Baird was pleasantly surprised while others were stunned.

"Damn! Why didn't I thought of this excuse before?!" Morales cursed himself nonstop in his heart. At most, his marriage with Jane would be ruined, but at least he would get to touch the body of a goddess! With such an achievement, there would be no regrets even if he was killed!

Morales envied Baird with all his heart. He wished he could swap his position and become the lucky man.

Baird was laughing merrily in his heart. He felt he has unlocked a treasure mine while Kiba was only getting a chance to admire gold. Kiba believed in stupid concepts like abstinence, but he didn't!

Baird was confident in his ability to win Ashlyn in bed and do more than just share body heat!

"I'm damn smart!" Baird cheerfully thought. On the outside, he maintained a serious expression, and said, "You have my sincere gratitude for helping me."

Ashlyn's smile blossomed further. She then raised her right leg and kicked out.


A crystal clear sound of cracking reverberated in the entire area.


The next moment, Baird crashed on the ice floor while holding his crotch. Tears streamed down his face and he opened his mouth to gasp for air.


Instead, Baird let out a tragic scream as the indescribable pain in his crotch swept throughout his body.

A few steps away, Ashlyn lowered her leg.

"You're welcome."

Chapter 242 - Share Body Heat

Baird rolled on the ice floor while holding his crotch tightly. The cold winds continued to sweep past, bringing snowflakes and small ice crystals.

Baird was no longer in any state to worry about hypothermia or anything else. The only thing worrying him was his treasured jewels. The crushing sound of them being shattered like eggs was reverberating in his mind continuously.

Some distance away, Morales gulped down. Unknowingly, his body was covered with sweat despite the freezing temperature.

Just a minute ago, his eyes were red with envy when Ashlyn decided to help Baird. He cursed Baird for his superior luck to have an intimate moment with such a gorgeous goddess, but now, he no longer held such thoughts. He observed Baird's purple face and he felt a chill down his spine as he imagined the state he would be in if he also got a chance to share an intimate moment with Ashlyn.

"That woman is a demon and Baird even thanked her before getting a kick slammed on his balls!" Morales now felt he was the luckiest man. "Thank god I didn't have this wonderful idea!"

After all, no man ever wants to experience such a close moment with a woman that would result in endless sorrow and grief like the one experienced by Bairds.

"Poor guy," Morales thought with deadness. "His balls are crushed while his wife is in the arms of another man to share body heat."

Of course, Morales and Jane were responsible for that. Jane has convinced everyone after reminding them of Kiba's honest character and the regard he held for the human race when he saved them. Then there was Kiba's behavior where he strictly refused to help and only agreed after multiple stern reminders of his responsibilities.

It only made sense for him to help Anya since he was the only one who was still warm despite the coldness. Sure they would be in intimate touches with no clothes, but they were only touching each other to share body warmth. They were not having sex so what was there to worry?

Sadly, Baird was in no condition to think even of his wife now. He just wanted to get rid of his pain.

Jane looked at Baird and then at Ashlyn whose expression was the same as ever.

"A kick in balls can make a man forget cold. So technically, she did help Baird." Jane mused with a strange expression. "Though this was definitely not what Baird has in mind when he wanted help from her."

She was also feeling cold and wanted to get from this land of ice as soon as possible.

"Hopefully Kiba would be able to help Anya."


At the same time, inside the cottage.

The cottage only has a single room with no beds. The floor was covered with layers of blankets, and the only source of light in the room was from the wooden ceiling where a moonstone was hanging. The temperature in the room was warm unlike the outside thanks to the arrangements.

Anya and Kiba were standing opposite to each other.

"How do we proceed?" Kiba asked, his voice filled with nervousness.

Anya lowered her head. She didn't know how to tell him to get undress. For a woman, especially a married woman, saying such a thing to a man who was not her husband was embarrassing.

She slightly raised her and observed his face. He was blushing and there was clear nervousness.

"Could it be really the first time he is going to see a woman naked?" Anya wondered.

She thought with such enticing facial features and the strength he displayed earlier, he should have no trouble in having women. Even his personality was great from what she has seen so far. He has rescued her and Jane without thinking of his own safety. Yet, such a man was single.

"He must be a firm believer in religious teachings to not have contact with a woman before marriage."

Anya didn't know whether to admire him or chide him for believing in such orthodox teachings. Why should religion be involved in the matter of love?

Then again, she thought it was none of her concern on what type of teachings he practiced. The era might be modern but many carried the prejudice of the past. At least, he was a man with a good heart and kind intentions unlike those from churches.

She shook her head and said, "We should undress and lay down on the floor."

She didn't want to stretch this awkward moment any longer. During her college life, she had two boyfriends and have seen them naked before she met her husband during an adventure. She believed there was no time to get embarrassed now given the circumstances.

"Ok," Kiba nodded and started unbuttoning his shirt. "Give me a minute."


Anya lifted her sweater off over her head and dropped to a corner of the room. Her soft hands then reached up behind her back to unclasp her bra. Slowly, she slipped the strap off her shoulder while glancing at Kiba to check if he was peeking or not.

Much to her amusement, he was completely focused on unbuttoning his sleeves while his hands trembled slightly. She thought he couldn't be more obvious with the tension he was feeling now.

Now, Anya felt at ease and the final traces of her worry disappeared. She pulled the cups of her bra and revealed her perfect breasts. She then took off her pant before sliding her panties down.

In less than a minute, she was fully naked. Her body was a sight to behold with a beautiful face, blond hairs, perky breasts, tiny waist, and a luscious butt.

Anya turned towards Kiba and noticed he has removed his shirt.

"Wow!" Anya was awe-struck by what she saw. "This is not the body of a man but a god!"

If earlier she only found him attractive and handsome, now she felt he was drool-worthy. She shook her head and got rid of the unnecessary thoughts.

Kiba didn't notice her as he was in the middle of unhooking his pant. He gritting his teeth as he tried to remove the hook without any success.

"What's wrong?" Anya's voice came from the side.

"N...nothing," Kiba answered while stammering. "The hook is struck."

"Must be due to cold," Anya said after some thinking. "Let me help."

"No need!" Kiba replied while using more force.

"Relax," Anya arrived in front of him and said.

Kiba's eyes unconsciously checked her out, and as he did, his face turned crimson. His jaw dropped as he continued to stare at her gorgeous body.

"An Ice Bee might fly in your mouth," Anya said in an amused tone.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Kiba shut his mouth while moving his eyes away from her. His behavior was like a thief who was caught red-handed during a robbery.

Anya has slightly felt at unease by his staring but a part of her has also enjoyed the attraction from such a handsome man. They were soon going to be in each other's arm so there was no reason for her to feel offended.

"Calm down and allow me to help you," Anya said before bringing her hands on his pant.

The hook was struck and it took her efforts to unsnap. The zip was already pulled down before so the moment the hook was removed, the pant slide down till his knees to reveal his underwear.

She noticed a giant bulge resting against the fiber and it made her gasp in surprise. She could see he was not erect, and yet, just the bulge was far thicker and longer than any erection she has seen in her life.

"Thanks," Kiba's voice woke her from thoughts.

Any nodded and she walked to a side while Kiba removed the final bit of his clothing. He then walked to the center of the room and lay down on the floor covered by blankets.

Anya's face was flushed as she lay beside him. She didn't touch him and neither did he. Both were hesitant and unsure of how to proceed further, at least that was what could be judged from their body language.

Anya was feeling cold and she knew she has to start soon before the symptoms appear. But getting undressed and sharing body contact was as different as day and night. Even the earlier teasing she has done didn't give her the confidence to proceed ahead.

"Can I wrap my body around you?" Kiba asked just when she started panicking.

"Yes, you can," Anya answered. Her heart rejoiced in relief now that he has finally got enough guts to make a move.

Kiba turned and held her by her waist. With his strong hands, he rolled her body over him. Her firm breasts pressed against his chest and she could hear his heartbeat.

Anya was startled. She didn't expect him to bring him on top of her, at least not this soon.

Obviously, she also understood his reasons. With her body directly on top of him, he could directly transfer body heat without losing it through the blanket-covered floor.

"Sorry," Kiba apologized after seeing her surprised expression.

"Don't apologize," Anya said as she adjusted her body. "You did no wrong."

In response, his hands went to the small of her back so that he could pull her tighter against him. Anya smiled but deep inside, she was anxious.

With such closeness, she felt his cock throbbing as it rested against her belly. The heat and warmth from him were striking and she felt his balls between her legs. If earlier she thought he was big, then now she believed he was enormous.

"They come in such dimensions?" Anya thought in disbelief. She tried to suppress such wanton thoughts while he continued to hold her.

Slowly, the warmth inside him spread through her from legs to chest, and the coldness inside her began melting. Her neck and chest flushed a warm rosy pink while mist of cold air swept out of her pores.

She tried to enjoy the relaxation sensation but the pulsating heat member on her stomach distracted her. She knew it was just natural for him to have a hard on thanks to such close contact, but her stomach fluttered with butterflies.

Anya was fully aware of her stiff nipples pressing on his chest and the negligible distance between their lips. His warm breath filled with freshness rolled over her hairs, making her tremble.

"Are you alright?" Kiba asked with worry evident on his face.

"Yes! I thought I was going to fall so..." Anya tried to make an excuse.

"Ah! Please don't worry!" Kiba grabbed her ass cheeks tightly. "I would not let you fall!"
