433 - 439

Chapter 433 - Extra Person!

"Bitch! Get lost!"

Cindy was hugging the love of her life when she heard these words from him. She was startled by the venom in his voice, and before she could respond, he pushed her away.

Cindy was caught off-guard and she lost her balance. She stumbled backward and crashed on the ground in a compromising position.

Byron huffed in rage.

Her mouth was filled with the fragrance of another's man cock and cum, and yet, she dared hug him tightly; bring her lips close to his face, and making him smell the fragrance. If this didn't make his blood boil in anger, then he wouldn't be a man.

He looked at her, and a great part of him feel sad at both her and his actions. He has spent years loving her, and over a decade year gap didn't make the least bit of difference in his feelings.

His mind knew she wasn't at fault but he couldn't stand the disrespect, even if it was unintentional.

"No! I love her! I have to forgive! She has been my trusted-aide for too long!!"

He gritted his teeth and thought of apologizing, but just then, his mind fully registered her body. Since she has fallen down, with her legs parted, he could see her agape asshole, convulsing.

It made him visualise of what she has done, and how. He could imagine the screams of pleasures she let out as another man drilled into her, taking what should have been his, and his alone!

"Cheating cunt!" Byron snapped at her.

Cindy shivered and her guts churned. She knew her actions wouldn't be easy to forget, but she didn't expect such anger.

"Byron, I..."

Cindy didn't know what to say. She was offended by his anger but she didn't want to say anything that could turn the situation worse.

Both lovers looked at each other, parted by the gap in their hearts.

A few seconds later, Byron swallowed his anger and decided to support her to get back on her feet, but just then, a man grabbed her by her shoulders and made her stand up!


Byron's face flared, and veins of blood covered his eyes.

Cindy was surprised to see Kiba getting her back on feet. It was the last thing she ever expected.

Wasn't he fighting others?!

She swept a glance in the distance, and saw the mutant with optic beams ability. That mutant was dead with his brain matter and blood splattered on the ground.

"I hope you are not hurt," Kiba's words brought her attention back on him. Before she could reply, he moved his hand on her ass cheeks to brush away the dust from her fall.

"Let me clean the dust," Kiba continued, not waiting for her response. "Dust doesn't suit on these milky-white buns."

Cindy gasped in shock.

Byron froze on spot, in total disbelief.

This couldn't be happening! That fucker couldn't be grabbing my girl's ass, right in front of me, and that too, because of me!

At the same time, as Kiba 'cleaned' ass cheeks, a mutant aimed a rocket launcher on him. It was a powerful weapon, capable of harming a Beta.

The mutant pulled the trigger, and the launcher started charging up.

With an ear-numbing sound, a black rocket shot out. The launcher fell off from the hands of mutant, spewing fire and smoke.

"Hope it works!"

The mutant prayed. He was betting on Kiba's exhausted and tired body.

There was no way he can continue to face all attacks like nothing!

Byron has just taken a step to move Kiba away from Cindy when he heard rattling sound. His eyes turned wide and he leaped backward.


Cindy felt a blast of hot air, the next moment, saw a dazzling, explosion cloud enveloping her and Kiba. Her ears rattled and she shut her eyes; her body trembling in horror.

Despite all this, a hand continued to remain on her ass, 'wiping' the dust entirely. To her, it felt more like fondling, appreciating her firm ass.

At the same time, a ripping sound came from the explosion cloud.


The eyes of the mutant who launched the rocket popped out. He looked in total disbelief as a finger came from the explosion cloud, severing the destructive energy cloud, bisecting it diagonally.

And even before the mutant could contemplate the scene, simultaneous to the ripping of the explosion cloud, a gushing sound came from his body.

He lowered his head and looked at his chest where a diagonal slash has appeared.

Blood splashed out like a fountain!

He felt cold and collapsed on the ground.

"Just like that?! Monster!" Byron took a deep breath of cold air.

He thought he has an idea of the power of Alpha, and felt that the exhaustion and dizziness from sex should have made Kiba as weak as a Beta.

No living organism was immune to the physical and chemical reactions from sexual activities. That's why, whether it was ordinary humans or mutants, they didn't engage in any heavy physical activity just after sex, at least not without proper rest.

And this was also the reason, why no human in the forest or core region engaged in sexual activities. No one could afford the loss of energy and stamina in such dangerous places.

And yet, despite being drained and suffering from the side effects, Kiba continued to kill one person after another, without any difficulties.

"Just how powerful an Alpha is?!"

Byron stumbled backward, not daring to stay any longer. He didn't care if higher-ups of Polaris decided to punish him for ruining the original mission.

But before he could, a feminine hand stopped him.

"Uncle, you are my daddy's father-in-law," Madison asked with a smile. "So how can you leave without giving your blessings to daddy?"

Byron trembled. Simultaneously, he remembered he has forgotten Cindy.

"No! I have to save her away as well!"

Byron tried to think of what to do as Madison continue to stop him.

From another direction, a mutant was planning to toss a plasma bomb on Kiba, but seeing what just happened he didn't dare.

Alas, much to his terror, the bomb activated on its own. He tried to deactivate it and throw it away, but couldn't. It was as if the bomb was glued to his hand.

He was blasted in waves of plasma...dissapearing in a mass of blood and gore.

Thirty meters away, Ria and Katrina shivered. They didn't participate in attacking Kiba or the twins because they were far too exhausted, and seeing the outcome, they felt relieved. They were sure of what would have happened to them if they tried to attack.

"But our fate is still in their hands!" Katrina couldn't even bother to cover her private parts any longer.

"What should we do?" Ria thought, her brain running.

Some distance away, Lillian killed another opponent that planned to attack her daddy.

She swept her vision and saw Kiba with Cindy. A few meters away from him, Katrina and Ria were standing, shell-shocked.

"Now only three," Lillian said with a smile but then a frown appeared on her forehead. "No, if I include daddy's father-in-law, then four."

Her body blurred and she appeared in front of Kiba.

"Daddy! I thought only three remained," Lillian pointed to the female members of the surviving team.

She didn't include Ruby as she wasn't a part of that team.

"?" Kiba looked at her in confusion.

"But there are four on the second count!" Lillian said in a sad voice. "Is my initial calculation wrong?"

"...." Kiba was left speechless by what she wanted to imply.

Still, a devilish smile appeared on his face as he replied, "Of course not. My lil' girl could never count wrong."

Suddenly, Byron stiffened and felt a crisis like never before. His face twisted as Madison made him turn towards Kiba.

At the same time, Kiba poked Cindy and said, "We are having an extra person here."

Cindy looked at him in bewilderment; not able to understand what he meant.

Kiba ignored her confused face and brought his eyes to Byron.

"Father-in-law, as per Lillian, there is an extra person here."


The loving couple - Cindy and Byron - gasped in shock as they realized what he meant. Their senses rattled, and they lost their footing as if an earthquake was passing below the land.

Cindy's face paled and she eyed the love of her life. He was doing the same, and she saw her despair reflected in his eyes.

"I wonder who is the extra person?" Kiba thought with a pondering expression.

He passed his gaze between the loving pair and wondered aloud, "Could you correct the count?"

The couple shuddered and their hearts twisted in despair.

Chapter 434 - Extra Tickets!

Cindy lay on the ground, her body trembling. She knew what Kiba's question to her and Byron meant.

Only one of them would live!

And the person to die would be decided by either her or Byron!

"What should I do?" Byron was sweating bullets from fear.

The only choice the question gave was to either kill Cindy or sacrifice himself.

But how could he sacrifice the love of his life?! Yes, she betrayed him and hurt him. But that wasn't intentional.

Love couldn't be poisoned to hatred easily...

Bryon swallowed and lifted his head, looking at Kiba.

"Please... don't," Byron begged. "We apologize for what we have done."

"Apologise? But why, father-in-law?" Kiba asked with a questioning look.

Byron didn't reply. He was sure Kiba knew everything.

"Regardless, when we first met, I promised to give you a chance to a trip to wonderland. Now, the extra person gets the free ticket to wonderland!" Kiba reminded him. "And I'm giving you two the chance to decide who gets the free trip!"

Byron's guts twirled and his back turned cold.

In the first meeting, he has thought Kiba has been fooled by them. Back then, Kiba has informed him and his team that Xander and Kyron have gone on a trip... a trip to wonderland.

Now, he knew the true name of wonderland.


Land of death!

There was no way he wanted to go there.

Cindy similarly felt depressed. The choices she had were the types she never ever expected in her life.

She eyed her boyfriend and thought of the sweet times they had shared. They had made wonderful memories together as a couple.

Despite the nature of their work, their relationship remained pure. In fact, their love even showed up in their relationship.

It was due to absolute trust in each other that they could rely on each other in an organization like Polaris. They knew they always had each other's back.

But now, they were left with no choice but to stab another person in the back!

"No! I can't do that!" Cindy gritted her teeth.

Lillian and Madison sat down on the floor, and rested their heads on their hands. Their eyes brightened with every passing second as they carefully observed the facial reactions of the loving couple.

Byron and Cindy's faces were ugly, unsightly, and looked far worse than crying. Their bodies were radiating despair; a complete sense of loss.

"This is getting boring, daddy!" Madison shouted after some time. "We can't waste our entire time just because a couple can't decide who gets the ticket!"

"Right!" Lillian focused on Kiba and said, "Daddy! I have an extra ticket with me! Why don't we send both of them to the trip?"

Madison eagerly nodded at the suggestion.

"The loving couple would then have no reason to feel sad! They would be united!" Madison was impressed by her twin's generosity and kind-heartedness.

She turned towards the couple, her eyes sparkling as she said, "You are lucky! My sister is contributing out of her own pocket!"

She looked at them expectantly; waiting for them to express their gratitude. Sadly, all she got was looks of pure terror and despair.

Some distance away, Ruby's lips curved up. She couldn't help but think of the day when she was also given a choice.

A choice that changed her life.

As she further saw the unsightly expressions on Byron and Cindy's face, she chuckled inwardly.

"I was sure this would happen!"

She expected her former team members to be swallowed by despair. Only this hope was the reason why she could handle the last few weeks as they planned to capture her master.

"Well, if Lillian has an extra ticket, then maybe, we can give it to both?" Kiba wondered aloud, his eyes locked on the couple.

"What do you think?" Kiba asked for their opinion.

Cindy opened her lips, and just as she uttered a single word, her pupils shrank. She caught a flicker of shadow as Byron jumped on her.

His hand transformed into a steel claw and it came down, slashing towards her throat.

"Cindy! I'm sorry, but this is the only way!" Byron shouted as the claw swept down with a screeching sound. "You cheated on me, so it is also fair!"

He didn't want to die, and even his love for her couldn't change it.

Tears build up in Cindy's eyes as the claw reached her throat. She was too slow to react, and could only wait for the raging pain to devour her.


Much to her surprise, she didn't hear slashing sound, but rather heard a snapping sound. Alongside, a scream rang out.


Byron let out a heart-wrenching scream.

Cindy quickly cleared the tears in her eyes and looked ahead. The claw of her leader-cum-boyfriend was snapped into two!

"Father-in-law, how could you attack a woman?" Kiba asked, his voice icy cold. "And that too, a naked, helpless woman?"

Byron screamed and saliva dripped down from the corners of his mouth.

Slowly, as the pain subsidized, he noticed the terrified and yet, angered face of Cindy... her soft eyes filled with disbelief at his actions; accusing him of betrayal.

Her expression and the look in her eyes made his soul tremble.

He has made the most difficult decision of his life, and now, after failing and looking at her face... his heart melted into the lava of agony.

Slowly, he moved his eyes on Kiba who was standing there, relaxed.

"Y-you... you were never going to allow me to chose!" Byron muttered with utter sorrow. "You just wanted to screw my brain!"

Kiba didn't reply but only looked at him with a faint smile.

Giving impossible choices, and then making the mind make the most difficult choice of life, but only to be denied that chance and face the consequences of failure...

It was more fun than torture and cruel death.

"You are evil for doing this to me!" Byron shouted. "Evil!"

"Oh please, drop the victim act," Kiba scoffed in disdain. "It doesn't suit you."

Byron, Cindy, and others have participated in human-trafficking and organ harvesting activities. They have directly or indirectly, killed hundreds, if not thousands, in the worst possible way.

Many of their victims were even used as guinea pigs for scientists in terrifying experiments. Being a genetic scientist himself, Kiba knew how agonizing the life of an experiment specimen was. It was the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone; a fate far worse than death.

Yet, Byron was calling him evil and pretending to be a victim.

Kiba didn't consider himself as good by any standard, and he knew, he was everything that society represented as evil.

Playboy, wife stealer, killer...

Still, being called evil by people like Byron made him laugh at the hypocrisy.

"Well, it was fun, but your accusations have spoiled my mood," Kiba lifted a hand and stretched a finger.

Byron's body froze and his eyes constricted. He couldn't move and his field of vision was superimposed with a fingertip, shrouding everything.

As the finger approached him, he felt suffocated and heavy, as if a mountain was slamming down on him...

And then, he felt nothing, nothing at all.

He was dead, turned into a bloody paste.

Cindy looked at the moment as the finger smashed her leader-cum-boyfriend into a bloody paste, and she threw up.


She collapsed down further... her soul listless. No matter the cruelties she has committed in her life, she was never prepared for this, not even after seeing Byron trying to kill her.

"Ah! I guess my extra ticket is safe!" Lillian remarked while studying the bloody paste.

"Don't worry," Madison knew her sister liked to be generous with others. "We can always give it to someone else!"

"Yes! There are many needy people!" Lillian clapped her hands excitedly. "I will help them all!"

Madison smiled and patted her twin. Then, she aimed a hand at the bloody paste and twisted her hand.

Strands of crimson color streamed out from the paste, concentrating before her hand. Slowly, a ring formed, and the paste turned colorless.

"Daddy's ex-father-in-law even left behind a gift for us!" Madison noted as she grabbed the ring.

Ria and Katrina looked at the scene in total shock. They shuddered and their knees buckled in terror.

Just like that, their leader was killed, not even leaving behind a body. Despite that, the twins were discussing as if he has gone to a wonderful trip! And now, even saying he has left behind a gift for them!!

Ria and Katrina looked at each other and swallowed. Secretly, they thanked their lucky stars for sparring them.

But just then, the space before them blurred, and Kiba appeared.


Ria and Katrina felt their throats turning dry and no word came out of their mouths.

"Lillian counted three, and she was right," Kiba said as his hand arrived on Ria's chin. Her aesthetic face shivered by his touch.

"But the count can always change," Kiba wondered aloud. "Am I right, Lillian?"

"Yes! Daddy!" Lillian answered from behind. She wouldn't mind giving a ticket or two.

"Please, don't change the count! We will do anything!" Ria begged with all the strength she has.

Katrina also nodded, her eyes filled with fear and a desire to live.

"Well, I can't promise," Kiba freed his hand off Ria's face, and brought an index finger on Katrina.

Katrina kept silent and prayed for him to change his mind.

She was ready to do anything; even become his slave. She felt that was a good thing after what happened today.

But everything depended on him! It was his choice! Not hers!!

Kiba slowly traced a finger down her face; appreciating her clear skin which had no hint of makeup.

Her nose was straight, standing proudly. Her lips were as red as a delicious cherry, waiting to be consumed.

His finger wandered over every portion of her face, admiring every single detail.

"Because I have a code," Kiba continued as his finger stopped between her lips. "Never spare anyone who shows killing intent towards me."

Her lips quivered and her face began sweating. She and her team have held killing and murderous intent after their initial plan failed. They might have tried to hide it, but in the depths of their hearts, their intentions couldn't be any clear.

"But from the last one month, I have been breaking the code," Kiba said, his lips spreading into a smile. "I guess I'm turning soft-hearted."

Katrina's breasts fell in relief, and she eagerly took his finger between her mouth, sucking it lovingly.

"Thank you!" Ria cried and joined Katrina in thanking him.


In the Hall of Legacies.

Enchantia observed everything happening near the pool bank. She broke out into a smile and chuckled as Kiba spoke of turning soft-hearted.

[[Haha, what a kid. Lying with a straight face.]]

She might not be aware of the things he has been doing in Delta City and the infamy he has gained, but she knew his character and his mission.

He needed as many mutants as possible as alive in the core region until he reached the source of nanites. Killing them on the spot would serve him no role.

So, what part of him was turning soft?

He was as cruel as she could remember from the time she has known him as Zed in BSE-79.

[[The nights here are cold, even for humans who call themselves as mutants. But it looks like that kid has made ample preparations for keeping himself warm at night.]]

Enchantia mused as she observed Kiba's eyes lingering on Katrina's collar bone and her massive breasts.

His eyes then wandered off to the small tits of Ria. Her pink nipples reflected in his sparkling eyes.

[[Oh kid, you are so much fun. Enjoy women while bringing them close to certain death.]]

The Legacy Orbs flashed brightly, and stardust splashed out, falling on the pool below.

[[Destroy this so-called core region and start the genocide already.]]

Enchantia was bored and this was one of the few times she was truly excited. She wanted to hear the screams of despair when he used the living beings in the core region as his guinea pigs.

Just the thought of human suffering made waves surge in the pool.


Sometime later.

Kiba stood some thirty meters away from the Pond of Lust. The etherealness and serenity from the pond were like warmth in the middle of winter, extremely inviting.


His heart pounded loudly, and his heart rate and blood pressure increased. Simultaneously, the speed of his blood flow amplified, double the amount of what could be natural.

"The pond is truly powerful," Kiba thought, his expression heavy. "My body couldn't escape even its minor effects."

If not for his psychic power, he would have been consumed by the strange nature of the pond and the earlier mist. And had he even touched the pond surface as Cindy and others planned, he would have been knocked out.

His physical body wouldn't be able to handle the potent energy particles in the pond... No human's body could.

"Ruby said the pond was made for the pleasures of the royalty of that world, but it is far too powerful to serve only that role."

Chapter 435 - Fate of Cursed Ones (Part I)

The core region might be a name for the area inside the meteorite, but it was more than just a simple area. It was a world of its own.

That was why the laws and the environment were so different than Earth.

The sky was one such difference. There were no clouds, moon, stars, etc. Instead, it was filled with dimmed dots of light; the dimness signifying night time.

The soft, transparent dots of light reflected on the ethereal Pond of Lust, enhancing its beauty. Fragrant winds passed through the pond, creating spellbinding ripples in which the reflections twisted in a mesmerizing manner.

The pond was an absolutely beautiful sight, and one couldn't help but feel a strong urge to step inside, and participate in the magical experience the pond promised.

"What role does it serve?"

Kiba wondered as he continued to examine the pond. The reflection of the ethereal liquid surface in his eyes changed, and his mind flashed with sights that made his heart pound loudly.

He saw himself, submerged in the pool, served by hundreds of royal consorts.

Beauties washed his strong arms and rugged back with their soft hands, and princesses wiped his chest with their firm breasts. His mouth feasted on forbidden cherries that leaked with delicious juices.

And his dragon rammed into tight holes, one after another, exploring multiple caves of unique nature.

It was an absolutely hypnotic sight.

Kiba's heart rate elevating further and his face turned crimson. His consciousness clouded and his thoughts turned muddy.

A chill passed through him and the hairs on his body stood up; making him feel the tingling sensation of goosebumps.

Feeling pond's strong effect, he created a transparent energy barrier around him, and further shielded his consciousness with a psychic field.

Kiba wasn't near the pond, and yet, he was barely able to protect himself.

"No wonder those guys felt they have a chance of capturing me," Kiba thought of Byron and others' attempt.

He was really curious about the pond and its true purpose. He tried to study with his powers, but the moment his powers made contact with the pond, he experienced another hypnotic sight. This sight was far more stunning than before, and he began stepping towards the pond on his own.

The barrier and shield didn't serve any role.

He has taken ten steps, when, from the depths of his body, golden energy erupted and jolted him awake. His thoughts cleared and he leaped backward.

As he landed some hundred meters behind, Lillian and Madison appeared on either side of him.

"Daddy! Your dragon is trying to barge out, again!" Madison gasped and covered her mouth. "It isn't taking any rest at all!"

"...." Kiba wasn't to be blamed. He might be exhausted, but the illusions took strength from the depths of his existence, and turned him on.

He released a cough sound and then looked at Madison.

He now knew about the crystal coins that could allow one to safely step into this area, but neither Madison nor Lillian had them. Yet, both of them have stepped without facing any effects. Even the earlier mist didn't affect them.

His senses examined her, and his eyebrows raised up. Her blood flow was different from normal humans.

"She has the ability to govern blood...No wonder, she isn't affected," Kiba thought.

In the end, both the earlier mist and the pond released particles that entered the bloodstream to carry out the intended purpose. Madison overcame this by purifying her blood and controlling the speed of her blood flow.

"Still, it has to be more than this," Kiba further thought as he began examining her further.

"Daddy! You aren't checking her, right?" Lillian jumped on his back and hugged him tightly. "I feel left out!"


Kiba was thinking of scanning Lillian after Madison, but decided not to. He has to respect their privacy, and what he did now wasn't right given the relationship they shared.

Madison noticed him retracing his senses without trying to examine her powers in depth. A small smile formed on her lips.

"Daddy really loves me!" Madison hugged him from the front and locked his lips with hers.

Some distance away, Ruby and the three 'new slaves' looked at Kiba. They were startled and amazed to see him hugged by two twins, from front and back, teasing him.


Hundreds of miles away.

There was a broken spherical giant relic, lying in a labyrinth. Inside the relic, there were chambers and sections that had technology far advanced than Earth's.

Presently, in what appeared to be a corridor, pieces of destroyed robots were lying on the floor. And in between the fragments of robots, a woman was sleeping with her back resting against a wall... her lips stained with blood.

She was about twenty-one years old with absolutely stunning facial features. Her looks were such that even the sages would salivate and the goddesses tremble in jealously.


As she slept, she sweated and clenched her hands tightly. The full-body black suit streamed with blue currents and the discs clad on her wrist began rotating.

"Mom and dad..."

She muttered while experiencing a dream that was no less than a nightmare... A nightmare that people usually called life.


Three-years-old Ashlyn, in a pink dress, accompanied her parents to a research lab. The lab was vast with multiple people working on high-tech equipment.

Ashlyn saw her parents talking with an examiner. He was an elderly man with glasses, and as they talked, she saw the examiner glancing at her.

A few minutes later, the examiner stepped in front of her. He gave her candy which she happily consumed as he made her sit on an examination table.

Multiple beams of light wrapped her body, scanning her on the genetical level.

After hours, the examiner appeared in front of her with more candies. She noticed a bitter look in his eyes as he gave her candies.

"I'm sorry," The examiner muttered; unknown if he was saying it to her or himself.

Like any child, she didn't think and started enjoying the candies.

At the same time, her parents arrived in front of the examiner with expectant looks. The examiner let out a bitter sigh before saying, "She is a Cursed One."


Ashlyn heard the words and she lifted her head while enjoying candy. She was confused as she looked at her parents.

Their faces seemed unsightly.

She was further bewildered when she saw her parents bringing their eyes on her. They were not filled with the warmth she has known. The love she has seen every moment of her life was replaced with something she couldn't identify.

She didn't know why, but she felt her heart sank. The remaining candies fell out of her hands and landed on the floor.

"Mom and dad... are you fine?" Ashlyn asked in her teenage voice. She was worried they were sick so she asked.

"Don't call us as your parents!"

Alongside the words, Ashlyn felt her ears ring as a slap landed on her face. She was sent flying and crashed on the floor.

"Stop! It is not her fault!"

Ashlyn could hear the examiner's voice as pain and unknown sensations flooded her body. She coughed out the pieces of candies along with blood...

Chapter 436 - Fate Of Cursed Ones (Part II/III)

In the examination lab, Ashlyn continued to cough blood and pieces of candies. The elderly examiner patted her back and helped her get back on her feet. He then wiped the blood from her mouth with a handkerchief.

As he cleaned her mouth, he saw the fear and confusion on her face.

"I'm sorry," He muttered the same words again.

Ashlyn couldn't understand why he was apologizing. It was her parents that slapped her and not him.

She glanced at her parents. They were having the same expressions before they slapped her... Expressions that were too complex for a three-year-old to understand.

Hatred and anger.

The elderly examiner took a step forward and said, "Living beings have no say in their birth. They don't get to decide how they are born, in which race, with what features... This girl is the same. She didn't choose to be a Cursed One. Don't hate her for something she isn't to be blamed for."

"Old man, it is easy for you to preach," Ashlyn's father retorted. "You aren't the one who has a Cursed One as an offspring."

"Could you imagine what would happen to our reputation?! We will become a laughing stock!" Ashlyn's mother snapped her teeth and eyed her daughter with a venomous look. "I couldn't believe someone like her came from my body."

The words shocked Ashlyn and she lowered her head. Butterflies ran in her stomach.

The examiner felt Ashlyn's depression and then looked at her parents. He wanted to rebuke them but he didn't. From experience, he knew it would be useless.

"Prejudices have ruined humanity," The examiner thought to himself. "Sadly, in this case, prejudices are not just prejudices, but reality of life."

Ever since the age of evolution began, 60-70% of humanity was blessed with supernatural abilities. Those with such powers came to be known as mutants.

The remaining population consisted of almost ordinary humans who had no powers. Almost because a negligible 0.1% of those not blessed with powers were what people called Cursed Ones.

The ones whom the era of evolution didn't deem worthy enough.

The ones who were even worse than ordinary humans in the evolution hierarchy.

Not only evolution hierarchy, but even in the social hierarchy, they were considered as the worst.

Their status could be compared with prosecuted races among humanity before the era of evolution.

The times when the racial wars were due to color of skin. The times when those in minority, of weaker color, were treated as less than humans and treated as slaves. They were sold and their lives held no importance.

The Cursed Ones has a similar status, but compared to ancient times, they were in even worse situations. Because, unlike slaves who had a practical use, Cursed Ones were an only liability.

Their genes were twisted and bent.

Genes were nothing but a sequence of nucleotides that give living organisms everything they were born with.

Body features, traits, biochemical composition, powers... everything.

In cursed ones, the genetical sequence was out of order. It was in a borderline state between mutated and normal. It was this state that made them cursed.

Ordinary humans have a chance of acquiring powers through dangerous experiments, but in the case of Cursed Ones, the chances were almost zero.

Then there were their natural shortcomings...

They could never give birth to an offspring, they couldn't live for over the age of thirty, they needed continuous medical care after a certain age, and most importantly, they emitted a unique aura that was similar to radiation.

This aura has the ability to weaken other mutated lifeforms...

And this ability or curse, to be precise, was due to the strange nature of genetical material stored in genes. Something caused by Divine Particles.

Thankfully, with the advancement in science, enough methods were developed to nullify this unique aura or radiation.

A regular dose of medical pills could fully subsidize this effect and make a Cursed One completly normal.

But prejudices were something that could never be completly wiped out; not even in the most open-minded persons.

Just like how people avoid a person with some rare disease, despite knowing those diseases were not infectious, the same happened with the Cursed Ones. They were treated as untouchables.

In a way, for a couple, having a Cursed One as an offspring was similar to having a member of another species. Like a couple having a child of a different color.

At least, that's what the mentality of the society made them think and believe. Combined with Cursed Ones' other drawbacks, they were treated worse than handicaps and untouchables of the past.

The elderly examiner knew everything which was why he apologized to Ashlyn. He knew what fate has in store for her.

"If she was an ordinary person, it would still be fine."

A family of mutants could accept if a child was born as an ordinary human. The child might not achieve much, but he wasn't a burden given how the world was managed by the World Government.

There were ample opportunities in many fields. And there was no fear of discrimination as rules were strictly enforced in civil society, especially cities.

"In this age of social acceptance and vanity, no parent is ready to accept the burden of having a Cursed One as an offspring."

Even centuries ago, parents preferred to smother handicap and deformed children. But back then, it was also for the 'good' of those children so that they wouldn't have to face a cruel world with their physical limitations.

Now, it was more due to social pressure, the financial burden, the fear of being outcast and treated differently.

The examiner looked at Ashlyn and thought ignorance was bliss. Sadly, there was no more bliss due to him.

"Girl, I hope you can forgive me," The examiner said to her.

Ashlyn didn't get the opportunity to respond as she was taken away by her parents. Her father tossed her in the backseat of their car and left.

Throughout the journey, there was only silence and hateful stares from her parents. Ashlyn was worried and she felt a strange feeling in her stomach.

It was fear.


A day later.

Ashlyn found herself being thrown into an orphanage. Her parents said no words, showed no emotions, and just left after talking with the orphanage in charge. All she saw them doing was handing a few currency cards to the man in charge...and nothing else.

"Welcome to the orphanage of the discarded ones," The man in charge said after her parents left. "Or the dirty hole of rich and powerful as I like to believe."

The man chuckled. The rich and powerful would often throw away their bastards or deformed children here.

Ashlyn was confused by his words. As a child, they were far too complex for her to understand. The orphanage in charge didn't bother explaining and guided her to her room.

A single room with an attached washroom.

"Have a good time here," The man said before shutting the door. "But I doubt you will."

The man then started laughing...

Days passed, and Ashlyn had anything but good times.

The orphanage was desolate with very few children who had nothing common among themselves. Most of them were silent and confined to themselves. Hardly anyone played despite their young age. At least, no one played or conversed with her.

Even the orphanage staff treated her with coldness and silence. She felt this must be due to her status as a Cursed One; whatever that meant.

"Mom and dad...please come back."

Ashlyn waited for her parents to return and take her away. She terribly missed them especially the warmth of their hugs and kisses. She wanted to jump into their arms and feel their loving embrace.

Sadly, her wish never got fulfilled...

Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. No one returned to take her.

She finally learned what fear, loneliness, and coldness were. The memories of her parents started turning cloudly, and she could no longer remember what a warm hug felt like.

Her cute face was always filled with tears. The cheerfulness unique to children was lost and replaced with despair that no one could understand.

She hugged her knees and cried...

The man in charge observed her through a CCTV monitor.

Next to him, a middle-aged woman was standing. She was accompanied by a similarly middle-aged man with a mix of white and black hair.

"I have done as you asked," The man in charge said to the couple. "She wasn't able to make any friends or acquaintances... she has been practically alone."

The staff might have treated Ashlyn coldly due to her status as a Cursed One, but the children were ignorant. It was he who managed their behavior so that they would avoid her like a plague.

"Good job," The middle-aged man said with a barely noticeable smile.

"Could I ask why you asked me to do this?" The man in charge asked.

A day after Ashlyn was tossed into the orphanage by her parents, this pair contacted him and gave him a heavy sum of money.

The only thing they asked in return was to ensure she would be adopted by them but after a year, and only after she has lived in a particular set of environment.

This made him curious and confused.

As far as he has known, all prospective parents wanted a cheerful and playful child... not a child they had turned Ashlyn into.

So, why would they make a child experience terrible loneliness and then adopt her? That too, adopt a Cursed One!

"No, you can't ask us," The middle-aged man replied instead of her partner. "Now, get us our new daughter."

"Ah... yes," The man in charge didn't dare offend her.

Chapter 437 - Fate Of Cursed Ones (Final Part)

"No, you can't ask us," The middle-aged man replied instead of her partner. "Now, get us our new daughter."

"Ah... yes," The man in charge didn't dare offend her.

He quickly cleared the formalities and brought Ashlyn to the office room where the pair was waiting.

As Ashlyn stepped into the room, the middle-aged woman broke into a smile and crouched in front of her.

"Hansen, God has finally blessed us with a daughter!" The woman said to the middle-aged man as she took Ashlyn into her arms.

Ashlyn was stunned. She found herself into a warm embrace of a woman she has never known. Her young mind was shocked but her heart melted.

"Child, you are our daughter," The middle-aged man named Hansen also crouched down and joined the hug. "The daughter Stina and I have been trying to have for decades."

Stina agreed and tears formed in her eyes.

"You would accept as your parents, right?" Stina asked as 'tears of happiness' streamed down her face.

Ashlyn was confused but nodded her head.

She has heard in the orphanage that good children were 'adopted' by new parents. She didn't know what that meant, but from what little she heard from the staff, it was a very good thing. And she felt it must be good as well after how she was embraced.

"We are happy!" Stina and Hansen hugged her again.

"What the hell is going on?!" The orphanage in charge was shocked by the tears. His eyes then turned wide as he noticed artificial teardrops bottle in the back pocket of Stina.

Under the bewildered look of the orphanage in charge, Ashlyn's new adopted parents took her away...

Ashlyn was both afraid and excited as they took her into a new home...

"Welcome to your home," Stina said with a smile.

Ashlyn lifted her head and looked at her new home.

It was a big mansion in the back of Hex city. It was grand and luxurious; protected by drones and droids.


An hour later, Ashlyn was sitting in the dining room. She sat next to her parents as servants served them soup.

"Drink it, child," Stina personally fed Ashlyn soup.

Ashlyn teared up and happily drank the soup. This was the happiest day of her life.

She was being given such care despite her being an untouchable from a year or so.

"Thank you, mom," Ashlyn thanked her.

Stina smiled and then made her eat a lavish meal.

Two hours later, Stina and Hansen took her to her bedroom and made her sleep. She slept with a big smile on her face.

Stina switched off the lights and closed the door.

"This would take time but it would definitely work," Hansen said as Stina arrived in the corridor.

"Yes, she has very good potential," Stina replied while snapping her fingers. "No, she has the best potential I have ever seen in a Cursed One... She should be called a Blessed One after we are done!"

A digital screen popped in front of her. The screen projected a medical report of Ashlyn. The report was fully detailed on the cellular and genetical level.


"Her cursed state has untapped power; as vast as an ocean," Stina's eyes glinted brightly. "She would definitely be a success"

"Obviously," Hansen nodded while glancing at the closed bedroom. "But we need to make sure she completly submit to us, on her own."

"She will," Stina said with confidence. "You already know that."

Hansen grinned in response.

The mind of a child was like a plain canvas.

What would be drawn on a canvas, and with what features, was something that entirely depended on the painter; if the painter knew the true art of painting.

The same went for the art of conditioning, or in this case, brainwashing.

The young mind was susceptible to any principles, no matter how outlandish.

"Religion, beliefs, personality, and morals were something that one acquired at a young age," Stina muttered.

They depended on the interaction with the environment, and the environment consisted of both living and non-living...

"The first step is making a grand impression," Hansen thought, his eyes flashing coldly. "Humans, especially younger ones, are more prone to grand impressions."

A man in a calamity would never forget the one who saved him from certain death. A thirsty man in a desert wouldn't forget the taste of one sip of water given to him by another person... he would be forever grateful.

In ancient times, royalty understood the importance of grand impressions, and they used it to inspire loyalty and fear in the masses.

Whenever lightning struck or a seeming supernatural phenomenon occurred, the royalty would announce the birth of an heir.

In truth, the so-called heir was born months, or sometimes, even years ago...but this information would be hidden and only revealed at the right time. Because grand impressions could manage the fate of a kingdom.

The commoners would believe the heir was blessed by the gods. Otherwise, why would he be born at the same time as terrifying lightning struck or supernatural phenomenon occurred?

The fear of the unknown would work with a grand impression to secure the crown from potential rebellions. This was how the tales of kings being born with supernatural phenomenon spread around the globe.

Back then, people were superstitious and the scope of both science and communications were limited, so it was easy to fool.

In the present era where technology has advanced, it was hard to use ancient styles.

It wasn't impossible to create grand impressions though...

What does a child want?

Food, love, and care.

Take any one component away for a long time, and give it back... the child would appreciate it like never before.

Make a child experience cold and she would beg to have warmth.

Make a child feel solitude and despair...and she would pray for company and hope.


Ashlyn was happy. Her new parents took great care of her and gave love she has never received.

She was grateful to them and never acted like a spoilt child.

As days passed, she would often see her parents signing big checks to help poor and orphan children. She even saw her providing aid to deformed people without any bias.

They didn't discriminate at all, unlike the servants who were wary of her due to her background. They didn't openly show any disgust, but she could see it in their eyes.

This was especially true when she tried to play with their kids staying in servant quarters.

Whenever she went to play with their kids, they would take away their kids and shut the doors on her face. Soon, even the kids began to back away on their own like she was untouchable.

She cried, but with time, she grew used to this setback. Her adopted parents were there for her...

A year and a half later, she was going to the kitchen and about to open the door when she 'accidentally eavesdropped' a conversation between two servants.

"Master and mistress are really troubled from last few weeks," A female servant said with a sad look.

"Yes," The other servant, male, agreed. "They want to help the needy people of the world but there is no one to help them."

"If I could, I would have helped them," The female servant clenched her fists. "If only I was a Cursed One, I could solve their trouble..."

"Don't blame yourself," The male servant placed a hand on her arms and consoled her. "Being a Cursed One is bad luck, and while I know you want to help master and mistress, I don't think they would appreciate you having such thoughts."

"I know," The female servant nodded.

The servants then continued with other discussions...

"Cursed One?" Ashlyn remembered the time she first heard this term. It was the day her fate changed...

With time, she has learned that it was a bad thing and has a faint idea of why her birth parents tossed her away.

"Mom and dad need the help of a Cursed One? But why aren't they asking me?"

Ashlyn thought for a moment and then realized the answer. She was their child and they didn't want to burden her.

"I have to help them, no matter what!" Ashlyn ran to her parents.

Behind, the servants chuckled after she left.

"So easy to fool an ignorant girl," The female servant said.

"Well, she is ignorant because her source of information is limited," The male servant reasoned.

"Even before she came here... she has only read, seen, and listened to what master and mistress wanted."

Psychologically, the second step in brainwashing was molding the world view.


"You want to do what?!" Stina asked Ashlyn.

"Help you, mom!" Ashlyn answered; her cute face filled with determination. "I'm a Cursed One, and I know you need the help of someone like me."

"Who told you that?!" Hansen was angered.

"Honey, don't get angry," Stina calmed Hansen before turning towards Ashlyn. "Child, we don't really need your help."

"Mom, don't lie!" Ashlyn broke up into tears and continued. "I know you are in need... so please allow me to help."

She jumped into Stina's lap and sobbed. She has received so much from her parents, and she knew no one could ever return the love of parents, but she wanted to at least help them.

"Child, we indeed need a Cursed One to help the world," Hansen rubbed his daughter's head and said. "But we can't take help from you."

"Why?!" Ashlyn asked.

"Because it is dangerous!" Stina answered and tried to make her daughter give up on her new resolve.

"I don't mind!" Ashlyn persisted.

Her parents finally budged after hours of her request. What she failed to notice were their suppressed grins...


Ashlyn was taken to a high-tech genetic lab.

"We would need to enhance you physically," Stina said as they arrived in the lab. "But it would be painful, and there is a chance you might even die."

Ashlyn didn't say anything and walked towards a glass pod. The pod opened up and she stepped into it.

Oxygen mask came out from the surface above and covered her face.


The pod closed and, from the surface below, crystalline jelly-like liquid swept out, filling the entire pod.

Her face was filled with determination as the scientists in the lab started the procedure of enhancing her.

What followed was a hell lot of pain and agony that was far more terrifying than death.

Genetic experiments were painful even for mutants and ordinary humans, much less a Cursed One. This was because there was very little data on Cursed Ones, so experiments required more trial and error.

She practically became a guinea pig...


Her cursed genes began streaming out power and she screamed with blood tears in her eyes. The scientists didn't stop, and they cuffed her on a table to start more heavy experiments.


Ashlyn begged but the scientists ignored her request. They reminded her she wanted this...for her parents.

Ashlyn was helpless but she accepted, and the process continued.

Three years passed, and in all this time, she was in the lab, injected with various serums. She ate more medicines than food and consumed liquid far bitter than any medicine.

Finally, when the enhancement procedure was over, she was clad in a full-body black suit and given two discs.

"Child, the process has been successful," Stina said with tears in her eyes.

Ashlyn smiled faintly.

"And now comes the hard part," Hansen added with a pained expression. "Training."

"I'm ready," Ashlyn said, her voice plain.


The training was as bad as the experiments she has undergone, if not worse. She was alone in the training unless mechanical droids counted or silent servants who only guided her.

She was trained with no friends, relatives or anyone.

Even her parents rarely met her, once in a month or so, and that too for minutes. But she didn't blame them. She knew they were busy with their mission to help the world.

She rarely spoke because there was no one to speak with. She never made any friends because she rarely went out.

Not like anyone would become a friend with a Cursed One...

The training was such that she wished for a break but it was never given. Slowly, she got used to both pain and silence.

In a way, she was in solitude, just like in the orphanage. But this time, it was for helping her parents, so she wasn't engulfed with despair like before.

The training went for over a decade. All the time, she wasn't living but simply existing...

She didn't know it, but life so far would shape her personality.

Silent, cold, aloof, and also naive.

It would give her expressionless, poker but cold face.


After the training, on the commands of her parents, she visited Hex City many times.

She was gorgeous with spellbinding features. She naturally attracted attention but not in the way she wanted.

Maybe the servants or someone had spread gossips about her Cursed status, so the people she ignored found ways to make her pariah.

This was despite the fact that she was taking regular medicines to ensure the aura unique to Cursed Ones wouldn't harm anyone.

Prejudices were not something that could be removed...

Ashlyn didn't mind. She was used to silence and solitude.

A few times, she was sent to missions of killing certain people. Her training and conditioning ensured she did what was requested...

She never asked any questions because she 'knew' her parents would never ask her to do anything wrong. They loved her even though they rarely met her now...

A few years later, her parents called her into their study room.

"Ashlyn, we are proud of you," Stina and Hansen said in unison.

Ashlyn listened to their words and didn't reply.

"The world is filled with unfairness," Hansen said, his voice pained. "The majority decides everything in this world at the cost of the weak minority."

"You are the best example of this, my child," Stina said with a bitter expression. "Your birth parents discarded because of the worldview created by the majority... The Cursed Ones are not accepted as humans!"

"Just like you, there are countless in worse conditions," Hansen added, his expression downcast. "But since you and others are in minority, the majority would never care... the world would never change. People will continue to treat fellow humans like inferior species."

"?" Ashlyn looked at him.

She understood they wanted to say about a method that could change the world.

"The only way for the world to change is by the majority to experience what the minority has felt from ages," Hansen explained, his eyes momentarily flashing with malice. "Powerlessness and feeling of being cursed."

"And to help us achieve that, we need you to enter into the core region of Desolate Blood Forest," Stina concluded.

Ashlyn gave a slight nod.

Her adopted parents smiled and gave her a mission file.

"Complete this mission and the day of equality would be near," Stina lovingly rubbed Ashlyn's head.


In the present, Ashlyn opened her eyes. She wiped the traces of blood from her lips and jumped on her feet.


The fragments of destroyed robots crackled with electricity as she stepped above them.

A minute later, she left the corridor and walked into a chamber guarded by a force field. The discs on her wrists rotated at a high speed and shot out with a buzzing sound.

As the discs crashed on the force field, brilliant sparks emitted out. She loved at the dazzling sparks in the air and thought of the man who has created sparks in her life.

Kiba .

In the starting years of her life, she missed her biological parents. When the experiments and training started, she missed her adopted parents.

Now that she was on a mission given to her by her adopted parents, she missed Kiba.

A shameless sadistic borderline villain.

He was unique, his character unpredictable, but the reason she missed him at this moment was of his one principle.

"Enjoy your life, no matter the situation."

Even in the most terrible situation, he would live his life to the fullest, and he was completly unapologetic about that.

Like in a battle, he would create happiness for himself by torturing his opponents and satisfying his sadistic nature.

She also missed him because he was a good teacher. His first lesson helped her in creating Nutcracking Art.

As she thought of him, a puzzled expression came on her face.

She recalled a specific scene when an alien serpent fought with her and Kiba. She has sliced the serpent's lower half so it was really angry with her.

"Girl, I'm going to eat you!" The serpent has said to her due to her actions.

"Stop daydreaming, idiot," Kiba has retorted. "I have wanted to eat her from the first time I saw her, but so far it has just been a pipe dream."

Back then, both Ashlyn and the serpent were caught off-guard by his statement. Neither of them could understand what he meant.

So, after the fight, she asked him what he meant.

She remembered he has a strange look on his face. Unless her eyes were defective, she was sure she saw him sweating.

He has given an explanation, but now that she thought of it, she has a feeling he was lying.


The force field crumbled down and airwaves swept out. Her hair danced under the airwaves and she made a grasping motion.

The discs arced in the air and returned to her.

The destruction of the force field has disturbed her thoughts. And now, as she saw the path ahead, she recalled the last meeting with him.

He has promised to meet her again; soon.

A faint smile formed on her lips and she stepped forward...

Chapter 438 - Side Story Delta City

"Here is your toast!" Suzane grumpily slammed down a plate on the dining table.

Morgan was dumbfounded by her ill-mood, but he didn't dare say anything. He silently brought the plate in front of him and looked at the toast.

It was charred black.

"The toast is burned," Morgan complained in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Suzane has just left the dining range and she heard his words clearly. "I make breakfast, maintain the apartment, and do everything to keep the family running. Now, just one mistake, and you are complaining."

"H-honey, I didn't mean to complain," Morgan might be an investigator from World Government, but in front of his wife, he didn't dare argue.

"You are complaining," Suzane said angrily. "If you don't like my efforts, you are free to prepare food."

Suzane took away the toast and left the dining room.

"...Just what is going on lately?" Morgan was worried.

In the last few weeks, his wife has been pissed and ill-tempered. She would get angry for nothing and vent her frustration on him or their children.

And now, the effect of her mood was even showing on her food and behavior.

Next to him, Olly and Loren were sitting. Loren was similarly bewildered and looked puzzled.

Olly, on the other hand, was sweating.

"This is because of Kiba's disappearance!" Olly was sure of it.

In the first two weeks of Kiba's disappearance, his mom didn't show any reaction. She was the same kind and loving woman he and his father has known.

But as more weeks passed, her attitude began to change. It was like she was suffering from bipolar disorder or something.

"Just what has Kiba done to her for her to miss him to such an extent?!"

Olly questioned to himself, but the very next moment, his heart sank. He obviously knew the answer. He has witnessed what Kiba has done, and even helped Kiba in doing what he has done.

Those scenes made him teary-eyed.

When Kiba disappeared, he was truly happy. He even celebrated the event by giving himself a nice treat in Sweet Love club owned by Zed.

But now, he thought he celebrated too soon. That evil demon's effect was still alive on his mother.

"God, I know I shouldn't wish such a thing, but please don't make Kiba return!"

He was sorry for wishing a thing that would destroy his mother's happiness. But he has no choice. His own happiness and his clueless father's happiness depended on this.


In the evening.

Suzane laid down in her bed, naked. She cupped her milky-white breasts and thought of the times they were fondled by expert hands.

"Oh, Kiba!"

She muttered and caressed her heavy tits. They were the biggest natural breasts he has got his hands on, and she knew just how much he appreciated them.

Thinking of him, she started playing with them. She stroked her nipples between her fingers and a chill passed through her spine.

She lowered her head and brought her tits to her mouth.

"You love them, right?"

She flicked her tongue on her nipples, teasing them. Her rosy lips parted and she began sucking her nipples; remembering the masterful tongue and warm mouth.

She imagined it to be him, treating her nipples with the care they deserved.

"You want to fuck them, don't you?"

Suzane grinned and then rubbed her breasts with each other. She visualized her breasts sliding up and down his enormous cock.

A tantalizing current passed through her body and she gasped in pleasure.

"Don't stop! They are yours! Fuck them!!"

She moaned and pumped her breasts up and down at a faster pace. Slowly, a wet but warm sensation began to build between her legs.

"You can't wait?"

Suzane slid down a hand between her thighs and guided her fingers to the wet folds of her pussy.


A fingertip slipped into her wet pussy and slowly, she shoved the entire finger. She began to finger in and out of her slippery pussy.

Her heart raced and her face flushed. She imagined her finger to be his tongue, sliding in and out of her moist flesh, licking her delicious juices.

"Kibaaa! Eat me!"

She could hear the sound of his mouth slurping on her pussy. He would suck her crimson slit between his lips and then her clit.


She started grinding her hips and then thrust another finger inside. Her wet flesh trembled and her back arched with the sensual feeling building up.

"I can't wait!"

With her other hand, she grabbed a clean carrot on the bed. She parted her pussy lips and then pushed the carrot inside her.

Almost half the carrot disappeared into her, and she began to move it back and forth, stroking into her hungry cunt.

Her breathing turned heavy and sweat began to drip down her lustful figure.


She pushed her ass into the air and hammered the carrot deep into her. Slowly, she began to reach the height of her climax and her nipples swelled from expectations.


Just then, the knob of the bedroom door turned, and the sound of it entered Suzane's ears like thunder. Startled, she covered herself with a blanket and grabbed the carrot out.

And just then, the door opened and her husband entered.

"Honey, I came earlier!"

Morgan announced as he stepped into the room with a bouquet of roses. The first thing he saw was Suzane on the bed, covered with a blanket up to her neck, and a carrot in her raised hand.

The hand was out of the blanket and near her head.

"Honey," Morgan looked at her flushed face with sweat droplets. "Are you sick again?"

"Yes, because you came earlier and I didn't cum at all," Suzane muttered.

Morgan didn't hear her words but he saw her lips moving.

"Did you say anything?" Morgan asked he stepped forward.

The room was equipped with air fragrant so her scent of arousal wasn't clear.

Suzane didn't answer and slipped the carrot into her mouth. Her sweet taste greeted her tastebuds as she took the carrot into her.

"You are eating carrot again?" Morgan has seen her bringing carrots into their bedroom every day. "It is a good thing. They are really beneficial for health."

"Thanks for stating the obvious," Suzane took out the carrot and placed it aside.

She decided to buy a sex toy... carrots were not helping at all. Till this time, she was shy and worried her husband might discover if she purchased a sex toy.

But she no longer cared for that. Though she also knew that no toy could give her what she needed.

She was caught in a dilemma.

Morgan was stunned by her grumpy mood again. He has brought the roses to be romantic but from her attitude, it seemed he was destined to be failed.

"Just what's going on with her?"

Morgan was bewildered again. She used to be such an ideal loving wife until a few weeks ago.

Now, she was always pissed even when he tried to be romantic. And as he thought of romance, he remembered they haven't been romantic over a month.

Her mood was such that she would tose him out of the bed, as if he was a useless log. He didn't mind if she was in no mood for romance, but at the very least, he wanted her attitude to change.

"God, please bring back my loving wife!"

Morgan begged in his heart. He decided to light a candle in the local church to pray to the Lord.

For the time being, he decided to suggest a better method for her to get well soon.

"Honey, you should rejoin the gym. Exercise is the best medicine."

Suzane glanced at him and nodded.

"I will join in due time," She said after which she signaled him to leave. Her good husband silently left the room.

Suzane took her smartphone and opened 'Fitness Goals'. The moment the app opened, a pop-up flashed on the screen.

[Fucking is the best exercise.]

Suzane couldn't but agree. Her husband was really correct when he said exercise is the best medicine.

She selected the chat option, and the chatbox opened. It only contained earlier training conversations.

"Sighs~ He hasn't returned so no use of going to the gym."

She wasn't worried about her husband reading the chat or finding anything amiss. The app has an 'anti-husband' privacy feature.


Dream Rise House.

In the living room, Agatha sat on a sofa. In front of her, there was a table upon which two humanoid droids placed down delicious and nutritious dishes.

[[Lady Agatha, the dinner is ready.]] Claudia's voice came from the hidden speakers embedded in the room.

"Thanks," Agatha absentmindedly looked at the mouth-watering dishes.

[[Are you again being concerned about master?]] Claudia enquired.

"No," Agatha answered while starting her dinner. "Just wondering when he would return. It has been over a month."

[[Master is shameless, has no morals nor any sense of responsibilities,]] Claudia said as she observed Agatha through sensors. [[But I'm sure he would bid by the words he said before he left. So, he would return in two weeks to stay true to his words of returning before two months.]]

"I'm also sure of that," Agatha agreed with Claudia.

Claudia examined the child in Agatha's womb. Based on the reading, the child was due in 50 days.

[[He has a good reason to return in two weeks.]] Claudia remarked.

"Of course," Agatha gave a slight nod and waved her free hand.

Claudia has imprinted Agatha's motions in the digital library of the sensors. As such, Agatha could use the technology of the house without help from her.


A virtual screen flashed in front of Agatha. She tapped on the screen a few times, and then, images of glamorous women appeared.

The women were in bikini, minidress, skirts, and so on. They were stunning with slender, lustful figures.

It was hard to judge which woman was the most beautiful.

"He really has a good reason to return soon," Agatha agreed with Claudia. "Miss Delta pageant is just 27 days away."

[[....]] Claudia was caught off-guard by her response. [[I meant Lady Felicity and your daughter as the reason.]]

"Oh!" Agatha was surprised but she nodded. "I also meant them only."



In an apartment somewhere in the city.

Erone, the devotee of Kiba, sat on a chair with a thoughtful expression. He looked at the wall painted with the conquests of his god. 1

"O' great Lord, where are you?"

Erone wondered.

He then moved his eyes on multiple monitor screens in front of him. On one of the monitors, there were stats of the web portal he created.

Wife Hunter Society 1 .

An exclusive portal on the works of his lord. It was a place where mortals could appreciate the ways of the Lord and see the wonders he has done.


Erone's eyes sparkled as he read the stats data. The number of premium subscription and donations were increasing by every day.

"If this continues, I can definitely build a church!"

Erone looked forward to the day where the ignorant society could learn about the Lord.

"But for now, the donations would be used for his devoted follower!"

What type of follower he would be if he didn't pursue the path of his Lord?

So, in the night, he would try to make the girlfriends of his friends and acquaintances understand the path of great Lord.


A beeping sound disturbed him.

He looked at one of the monitor screens where a notification has popped up.

"This isn't stopping," Erone's eyebrows creased up.

The notification was about a post. He didn't need to open the post to know what it was about.

"Ever since the Lord retraced his blessing from the city... people are suffering."

Lord has taken his blessings from the city for about 6-7 weeks, and in this time, women from the upper class were showing withdrawal symbols.

"The ways of the Lord are far beyond the scope of mortal understanding."

Erone thought as he recalled posts on how women were lately pissed.

"Only when you lose the blessings, you appreciate them."

Erone praised the Lord for mysterious ways in making the women - who have benefitted from his blessings - understand his importance. They were taking everything for granted.

"Lord, I know why you did it, but please return soon," Erone prayed. "Otherwise, my web portal might die and I would become bankrupt..."

Erone trailed off as he realized he has spoken wrongly. He quickly corrected his prayers.

"Women are getting angry. Divorce lawyers are getting broke. Alcohol shops are shutting down now that men have no sorrow to drown in..."

Erone hoped the Lord would take mercy on people who were making an honest living due to his blessings.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed and a chill passed through his spine. He grabbed the keyboard and started writing a post for Wife Hunter Society.

[Lord will return his blessings within 20 days!]

Erone posted a brief post.

Just a minute ago, he has a moment of enlightenment. It was like the universe was impressed with his devotion and rewarded him with this information...

Chapter 439 - Entering Spaceship Relic

In the end of the spaceship relic that Ashlyn was in, there was an endless tunnel that stopped at what appeared to be a vast mountain.

It no soil, rock, or any features exclusive to a mountain beside the shape, sloping sides and rounded ridges.

This mountain-like structure was a mass of hexagonal prismatic glowing blue cells; layered with a transparent and incorporeal coating.

From far away, it appeared to be a mountain made of blue honeycombs; completly harmless and inviting. The alluring radiance emitting from the cells made the mountain seem beautiful and hypnotizing.

[[Most beautiful things in nature are often the most dangerous. Humans were right at least in this.]]

Enchantia's phantom existence appeared in front of the mountain. The space next to her flickered and a gigantic, ancient snake teleported; unrestricted by the spatial laws in the core region.

Enchantia brought her focus from the mountain to the snake.

Its body radiated an aura of vicissitude and decay, and yet, its presence shook the space.

It was the same snake that tried to protect Count Viper. The one Kiba addressed as Old Snake.

"What are you doing here?" The ancient snake asked.

[[Kuraokami.]] Enchantia observed the male snake for a few moments before continuing. [[The time has come for you to leave this so-called core region.]]

Kuraokami's elliptical pupils shrank in shock.

For countless centuries, he has been sealed in this World Fragment, the one humans referred to as core region. Now, out of blue, she was saying the time has come for him to leave.

This was no less than a world-shaking event for him.

[[Despite all the distractions in between, he would reach this place in 4 days]]

Enchantia ignored Kuraokami's dumbstruck state and continued.

[[So, you only have 3 days. Make the best use of them.]]

"He?" Kuraokami looked puzzled. Just who was coming here for her to ask him to leave.


Transparent water ripples conjured in thin air. Upon them, a scene was projected:

Kiba entering into the entrance of the broken spaceship. He was accompanied by a quiet lot of female followers.

Kuraokami was shell-shocked when his eyes registered Kiba.

"That damn kid!" Kuraokami cried in amazement.

[[You have met him?]] Enchantia was surprised.

"Yes, but as an astral projection," Kuraokami quickly mentioned how he projected himself in Desolate Blood Forest to help Count Viper.

[[Ah. No wonder I didn't know about it.]] Enchantia could observe everything within World Fragments, but not outside them. After all, her dimension was only linked to the World Fragments.


[[Regardless, you should leave this place.]] Enchantia reminded him of her original intentions.

"You want me to use my remaining lifeforce to destroy the seal and leave?!" Kuraokami refused to listen to her.

Kiba was strong, but Kuraokami didn't fear him.

[[Given your strength, and the fact that your astral projection has met him, I'm sure you are aware of why you SHOULDN'T fight him.]] Enchantia said with a faint smile on her face.

Kuraokami's body turned cold as he recalled what he has sensed from Kiba.

A cell-like gray particle, caged by a bolt of golden lightning.


The word itself horrified him to no end.

Living beings, especially humans, often mistaken death as the most horrifying fate.

But not Kuraokami.

He knew a fate far terrifying than death. And the herald of that fate was sealed in that damn kid's brain.

"Why does he have to be infected with Genesis?"

Kuraokami was angry but also helpless. He didn't dare do anything that might make Genesis leave the host body.

What was the guarantee that Genesis might not target him if he killed the host?

No matter how brave he was, he didn't want to find out.

"There is no real enmity between me and that kid," Kuraokami said; his pupils locked on Enchantia. "So why do I have to leave?"

[[Because of what he wanted to do.]] Enchantia moved her eyes on the mountain-like structure. [[This World Fragment would continue to exist, but it would no longer be habitable.]]

Kuraokami froze as he thought what her words implied. He looked at the glowing hexagonal prismatic cells and muttered, "He wants to free Evesium?!"

[[Well, something like that.]] Enchantia answered vaguely.

Her incorporeal face flashed brightly as she examined the cell-like particles that humans called nanites.

Evesium - The destroyer and exploiter of genetical potential.

It was beyond her understanding why humans gave it a stupid name such as nanites. There was just no beauty in human language.

"... Where should I go?" Kuraokami asked.

[[Earth is vast. Let me show you images of your options. A Councilman from World Government 'sold' me these images a few years ago.]]

Enchantia replied and the ripples flashed with images of various places on Earth.

Atlantis - the lost city in the depths of the ocean. The royal kingdom ruled by Poseidon and overseen by Holy Seer.

The State of Avalon - the power center of humanity and the seat of the World Government.

Lizeana - the home of those who call themselves revolutionaries.

Stormseal Island - the maximum-security prison.

Black Sea - the entrance to Paradox Dimension - the most dangerous place on Earth.

More and more locations appeared.

Even meteorites aka World Fragments were shown in the images except for BSE-79.

"... Thanks," Kuraokami said.

[[You are a slave of Her Highness Scarlet Leila De Rose, and by warning you, I have completed my obligation.]]


[[Just try to avoid that kid when you get out.]]

Enchantia then faded into starry sparkles.

Kuraokami also teleported and appeared in a huge cave a few miles away. There were countless devices and treasures lying around along with mysterious eggs and so on.

He ignored them all and rushed to the end of the cave. The end was sealed by an ethereal barrier from all sides, and inside it, a creature was on his knees. The creature has features of humanoid snake, like a viper, but its skin was glowing with an ominous blue radiance.

The same radiance as Evesium!

"Argh!" The creature grunted in pain.

"It has been many weeks, but you are still in agony," Kuraokami noted. "That damn kid really got you."

Those words were like an avalanche and the creature's eyes flashed with venomous hatred.


The creature shook and coughed up blue radiance.

"Don't let emotions affect you," Kuraokami said with a sigh. "Otherwise, the transmutation might fail and you will die just like that kid wanted."

This creature was obviously none other than Count Viper!

Back then, Count Viper thought he was safe when Kuraokami began teleporting him away through Space Gate. But at the final moment, Kiba tossed a container filled with nanites and it landed next to him just as the Space Gate disappeared.

The nanites were something Kiba got from the revolutionaries who targetted Delta City. And as an honest person, he felt his responsibility to return the lost items to their rightful owner - a revolutionary.

At least, that's what Count Viper felt from Kiba's sincere and convincing tone.

Not like Count Viper wanted the nanites in that way...

The container exploded and he was enveloped by the nanites. The nucleotides in his genes began breaking apart and the power from the breaking was used as a fuel to power the nanites.

Just as he was about to explode, his body resonated with Evesium's mountain-like mine and he started transmuting.

It was like he was evolving but also degrading. His genes were continuously breaking and rearranging with nanites.

If not for the help from Kuraokami, he would be dead from the process alone.

"What should I do with you?" Kuraokami wondered aloud.


Kiba jumped into one of the entrances of the spaceship. Madison and Lillian walked alongside him while Ruby and other slaves followed from behind.

The path they were trading was a metallic floor. The ceiling splashed glow on the floor as per the movements of the visitors below.

"Daddy," Lillian leaned her head on his arm and asked. "Is your destination dangerous?"

Kiba turned his head and brought his eyes on her cute face.

"Yes," Kiba answered.

"But you will protect your lil' girls, right?" Madison asked from the other side.

"I doubt you will need my protection," Kiba mused with a smile.

He wasn't sure of anyone's safety in the core region, even the alien lifeforms, but was confident of twins' safety.

No one could escape from nanites' power; not even him. The twins, though, can fool the nanites and survive for a few moments as long as they used their powers wisely.

"Of course, I will," Kiba answered Madison's question.

The twins giggled and hugged him.

Ruby, Cindy, and others were worried. He hasn't said anything about their protection.

"Master wouldn't discard me, right?" Ruby prayed for a positive result. She decided to show she was useful in the only way she could...

As Kiba and the rest continued to step forward, a soft sound clanked through the floor.

Hundreds of thin white rod-like bars began to rise from the floor. The bars had circular holes at a regular gap.

Everyone was encircled by these bars. It happened quite rapidly, within a second, catching everyone off-guard.

"We aren't welcomed here."