447 - 453

Chapter 447 - Destruction of The Core Region (Part I)

Enchantia recalled he said he will choose a legacy. He never stated when, so, theoretically, he could select any time... even decades later.

She obviously knew he used the shock element to make her ignore such a big loophole...

Enchantia was incensed, but also, equally pleased.

[[You tricked me as no one has.]]

Kiba smiled and said, "Well, there is a first time for everything."

He hardly considered it as tricking her and he knew she was the same in this regard. So, he knew there were no grudges between them. After all, what he asked was nothing big.

Fiona looked at Kiba with a look of pure terror on her face.

How could he converse with a being like her in such a manner?!

As far as she knew, not even the elders of her family in State of Avalon would converse like this. This was why she found the present situation far too shocking.

She was still trying to process things when Kiba waved at her, and said, "Goodbye."

Fiona was startled. Before she could reply or respond, he disappeared in a blinding flash... leaving her in this ruined area.

Enchantia didn't vanish and floated in front of Fiona; much to the latter's shock.

[[Despite the fiasco, you have great potential.]]

Fiona was astonished by the praise.

"T-thank you," She hastily bowed down to express her respect.

Just as she did, a spatial crack formed in the area. The spatial shockwaves were terrifying, but she found soothing protection on her. Surprised, she looked at the crack and saw it was an entrance to a boundless dimension... Hall of Legacies!


Like a golden beam, Kiba rushed through various sections of the spaceship ruins. Earlier, he has smiled, but now, there was a never before seen sadness on his face. Being a sadist and nonchalant person didn't devoid him of feelings.


Kiba was frustated. He knew they would part and go to their respective cities, but he didn't expect it to be this soon, and in this manner.

He didn't mind separation... he never has. What he hated was to whom she was going to.

Her adopted parents...

Kiba's eyes flared and a cruel expression formed on his face. Killing intent surged out of his depths and his lips curved up in a sadistic smile.

"Shaping the worldview of a child to devoid her of all joys... some parents they are."

What type of parents makes their child have a cold, aloof and reserved lifestyle in which the child just simply existed?

Ashlyn might not find her life strange or unnatural due to what she has faced as a Cursed One, but not him. Despite knowing next to nothing, he was more than sure she was brainwashed by some twisted people.

"Twisted... I love twisted."

He looked forward to meeting her parents and teaching them what real mind-twisting felt like.


An hour later, Kiba arrived in the zone where the twins and the slaves were resting. His arrival was with shocking speed fluctuations that made the topless slaves quiver.

"Daddy!" Lillian jumped at him.

Kiba hugged her and then Madison as well.

"Girls, give your daddy some privacy," Kiba brought his eyes on the slaves. "There is something I must do before we arrive at our destination."

In response, Madison and Lillian giggled happily. They kissed him on his cheeks and then closed their lips with his ears.

"Daddy, go easy on them," Lillian rubbed his pants and felt a throbbing pulsation. "The dragon shouldn't destroy those little caves."

After saying this, the twins vanished in a crimson flash...

Ruby, Katrina, Cindy, and Ria looked at Kiba in shock. He looked back at them with a smile, and a chill passed through their spines.

His gaze was like a predator... a predator their bodies desired to hunt them. A moist sensation developed between their legs.

Ruby gulped down and looked at his pants. There was an enormous bulge and she knew what he wanted.

"Don't gulp your saliva," Kiba said as he stepped in front of her. "You have to gulp something else."

After saying this, he shoved her down on her knees. Ruby quickly unzipped his pants and freed his erection.

Cindy and Ria kneeled down on either side of Ruby. The latter planted a wet kiss on the mushroom head while the other two ladies kissed the shaft; brushing their soft lips throughout the length.

Katrina, in the meantime, pressed her large titties on his face.

An orgy of lifetime started...

He was like a rampaging beast, sparing no hole, neither their ass nor their pussies. He vented all his frustration on the holes... by being rough from the start, and driving inside with powerful strokes.

The slaves could only shudder and scream with pleasure.

Outside this room, Lillian and Madison were happy by the moans and cries they heard.

"Daddy isn't going easy!"

They were proud of their daddy. He was being so nice to his slaves... making them experience euphoria with his dragon.


The next day.

Kiba waked up, energized. He stretched his hands out and glanced at the four women near him. Their bodies were marked with hickeys and stained with cum drops.

"This is really the best way to relax the mind."

All his frustration and sadness on Ashlyn's leaving disappeared. He was fully relaxed and ready to do for the reason he was here.

"Now, no more time to waste."

Kiba quickly freshened up and dressed up. The slaves did the same.

A few minutes later, Kiba walked in front of the twins. He opened his lips to speak but before he could, they kissed him on his lips.

"Don't stop us, daddy!" Madison said as the kiss broke. "We want to accompany you!"

He observed them for a few seconds and then nodded. The slaves stepped behind him, and he then waved his hand.


Filaments of energy rushed out of his hand and swirled around everyone. The energy fragments joined together, and soon, a golden sphere conjured.

Kiba and others were standing inside the sphere, and without any sound, the sphere flew away. As it speeded ahead, it left behind a column of golden light.

The speed of sphere was incredible and indescribable, creating multiple sonic blasts in the process. All the dangers and traps in the journey were destroyed by the might surging out of the sphere.

Almost a day later, the sphere flew through an enormous tunnel that seemed never-ending. The tunnel was dark but in the end, there was soft light that was delightful to senses.

Three hours later, the sphere flew out of the tunnel and landed on the ground. Kiba made a hand motion and the sphere disappeared.

Without saying anything, he lifted his head and looked in front. There was a mountain-like structure covered with an ethereal layer.


A serene blue glow radiated out of the mountain-like structure, extremely inviting. It was like spring after the winter, the hug of a mother...

Madison and Lillian stepped next to Kiba and their lips spread to form a smile.

Behind, Ruby and others were dumbstruck by the sensation they felt from the mountain-like structure. They unconsciously began to step forward, to feel the sensation closer.

Kiba eyed them and then the transparent layer covering the mountain.

"Time to end this trip."

Chapter 448 - Destruction of The Core Region (Part II)

The core region or the meteorite was divided into two parts. One was where Zed, Sophia, and 90% of mutants went - the trial zones. It was vast - as big as hundreds of cities combined into one - with multiple layers. It was in this area that the so-called treasure vault existed... the ultimate place everyone desired.

The second part was the fantasy land where a negligible amount of mutants came. The fantasy land was equally vast, with multiple statues, ponds, gardens, ruins, fragments, spaceship relics, etc.

At the end of the biggest spaceship, there was an endless tunnel which lead to a separate space where the nanite mountain existed.


There was a complex look in Kiba's eyes as he glanced at the nanite mountain. He knew once he started, there would be no point of return.

He locked his eyes on the mountain and suddenly, it was replaced with a scene of Felicity... lying in a bed; under medically induced slumber.

If she wasn't cured, she would forever be a handicap. For someone like here, it was a punishment worse than death.

The scene changed and he now saw the first time Zed met her. It was in Royal Heart Academy after he has left the slums and acquired Cosmic Spark. 1

The encounter was a rather bewildering experience for him.

His first impression was she was a weirdo! That impression changed to psycho when she took him to Thrill Part the same day!

The scene was now replaced with the time they became friends. More scenes appeared, and in every scene, there was one common theme.

She cared for him. Her ways of caring were strange though... trying to make him realize the importance of thrills and dangers.

And in the last scene, he saw that fateful day where they made a promise. It was that day they changed from friends to siblings...

The day they promised to be there for each other... and never shying from taking each other's help.

The nanite mountain was in front of him again.

"I'm doing it for myself," Kiba reminded himself. "Not for her."

A flash of light conjured in his hand and transformed into a silver ball. He shattered it, and the ball disintegrated into silver particles that whirled around him, forming a thin layer on his body, like an armor.

At the same time, Cindy and other slaves were stepping ahead. As they proceeded further, Cindy stopped with a jerk, and quickly, she stopped others.

They instantly realised the mountain structure was tempting them. It was similar to Pond of Lust.

Cindy turned around and said, "Ki...Sir, this mountain is strange."

"Indeed," Kiba agreed before lifting a hand and aiming at the mountain-like structure. "Let me destroy it for my lovely slaves."

The words were full of love but Cindy and others felt something amiss when they saw the silver layer.

Behind Kiba, the twins smiled from ear to ear. Without wasting any second, they hugged each other.

"Daddy is going to do it!" Lillian muttered in Madison's ears. "Are you ready?"

"I always am!" Madison replied. Her eyes glowed with crimson radiance.

Meanwhile, on Kiba's palm, energy particles concentrated to form a golden orb.

The land around him began to crack apart and the air whistled forward as the orb conjured. He was summoning every bit of his strength that his present form could allow him to!

Even though energy was concentrated and not wasted, it still resulted in sharp winds that rustled throughout the area.

As the energy orb formed in his hand, Kiba's eyes flashed, and the orb shot out. The ground caved in as the orb flew further, and in not even a second, it brutally smashed on to the ethereal layer surrounding the mountain.

Destructive, resplendent lights spread out, but they were quickly sucked by the ethereal layer. Just as the lights disappeared, another orb slammed into the same spot, and this time it was far more powerful.


The destructive waves were absorbed, but a blast of sharp heat pulsed out and sliced through the layer, forming a crack that was the size of a pinpoint.

It was negligible, like a hole in a dam, but the moment it was formed, the nanites particles inside the mountain turned volatile. They began to rush out, and the resulting momentum expanded the crack.

A small crack can rip apart a structure...

The slaves were just some four hundred meters away from the mountain. The moment they saw the crack, they shuddered and fear clenched their souls.


The sudden burst of fear petrified them. And then, they saw blue particles jumping out of the negligible crack.

Cindy cried out as she saw the mass of nanites approaching her at supersonic speed. Her eyes constricted as the nanites completely enveloped her; not giving her any chance to defend herself.

"You miss Byron, right?" Kiba's voice entered her mind as the nanites entered through her skin pores and sipped into her bloodstream. "Now you don't have to."

The nanites inside Cindy's body bonded with her genes; gluing to strands of nucleotides.

In simple terms, nucleotides were molecules consisting of a nucleoside and a phosphate group. The blue nanite collided with the nucleoside portion which stored minuscule amount of matter resembling Divine Particles.

It was this genetic matter that gave mutant their powers. Physically, it was similar to packets of chemical energy, and when the nanites crashed into this matter, this energy turned volatile.

In time that could not even be described, her genetic potential erupted out, showcasing a power that could even startle an Alpha.

That was latent potential no mutant could ever exploit.

A mutant might not, but nanites were a different matter...

Her genes started combusted, and from every pore of her body, dazzling blue light beams flashed out. She was like a violent blue sun, emitting threatening might that promised to destroy everything.


Cindy opened her mouth to emit a sharp scream that was chilling to the soul. Besides the scream, her mouth erupted with a bright column of light.

This took a while to describe, but everything was taking place in a matter of seconds. A period of time that didn't even warrant mention.

In a flicker of a second, her body cracked apart and she exploded into a radiant energy mass that shook the entire area.

The energy mass was filled with nanite particles and they spread out. They grew close to Katrina and Ria in a flash.


Katrina didn't even get an opportunity to shout a 'no' as the nanite exploited her hidden potential and turned her into a human bomb.

"A pity," Kiba thought as he sensed the nanites' action on her. "She has nice tits."

Sadly, Katrina never got to hear his words of regret. She erupted into a blinding mushroom cloud; enhancing the might of explosion.

Ria was the same. She never thought her fate would be this despite being agreeing to become a slave.

"I hope you had a good time last night," Kiba waved at her as she exploded.

Ruby was terrified out of her wits. Everything was happening so fast that she couldn't even think. All she could think or feel was terror. Instinctively, she sent thousands of sharp nails out to create a barrier around her, but much to her horror, the surging heat from the explosion melted them instantly.


She looked at him, hoping for rescue. He eyed her and his words rang into her mind, "For a slave, there is no greater honor than dying for him."

Her heart sank to her guts and she stumbled down just as the nanites rushed to take her into their embrace.

She howled in pain as she imploded in a shiny but captivating blue mass. The last thought was of what he said long ago: I never forgive anyone who shows killing intent towards me...

A loud boom reverberated throughout the neverending tunnel and echoed in the spaceship relic.

The indestructible surface of the spaceship survived as the nanites rushed through, but wherever there was even the slightest gap, the atomic-size nanites seeped through them.

In many areas of the spaceships, mutants were trying their luck. As the spaceship suddenly began to rumble; dust, splinters, and fragments of high-tech gadgets flew up into the air.

"What's going on?!"

The mutants in the spaceship were all Beta-rank. On Earth, they were considered as the most powerful given Alphas were a rare and almost non-existent species. They deserved respect and reverence from one and the all.

But now, as the loud rumbling vibrated through the area, their bodies turned cold and they lost all traces of the pride that came with their strength. They were as white as a sheet of paper, totally frightened.

There was a terrible gut-wrenching feeling boiling through their bodies. It was like their very cells were warning them of a doom.

A few seconds later, as they tried to find the reason for their innate fear, they saw blinding blue streaming out of the walls.

The nanites were of negligible size, but combined together, they looked like an enormous energy cloud.

The mutants retreated, their eyes filled with terror. Sadly, the speed of nanites was far beyond their scope of comprehension.

In just a second, the Beta-rank mutants screamed pitifully.


Hall of Legacies.


Enchantia observed everything. As she saw the nanites' reach expanding further and further, the crystalline pool in the dimension rippled.

She could feel the despair of humans and hear their heart-wrenching screams. Their cries were hoarse and unpleasant to ears, but for her, they were the best music she has heard in a long while.

How could one not love screams filled with terror, hopelessness, regret, and rage?

The Legacy Orbs glowed brightly and dazzling dust flew above the unending pool. Waves began to rise up and crash into the orbs.

[[Hehe, this is so much fun.]]

Chapter 449 - Destruction of The Core Region (Part III)

A minute has passed since the pinpoint crack appeared in the layer sealing nanite mountain. With the nanites turning violent and trying to escape, the crack now expanded to almost the size of an average human.

The radius of thousands of miles was completely blinding blue; enveloped in an explosion cloud that was expanding.

In the explosion cloud, there were two negligible spots where the nanites didn't pass through.

In one spot, Kiba was standing, his body enveloped with a silver coating. The coating was made of a special material he and Claudia designed after studying the nanites under their possession. It can temporarily fool the nanites in believing he was a non-living being, and thus with no genes for them to target. Combined with his powers, he was able to survive the onslaught of explosive heatwaves. He knew it was just temporary protection... the layer wouldn't save him when he approaches the nanite mountain. Soon, the nanites would try to exploit his genetic potential.

In the other spot, the twins were hugging each other. As a governor of blood, Madison almost halted all signs of living from both her and her sister. Lillian supported them further by manipulating destructive energy slamming into them to repel it back.

"Sister! Daddy didn't disappoint us!"

Madison remarked as she sensed more blood mixing in the explosion cloud.

"Yes! Daddy is the best!"

Lillian agreed with a sadistic smile. She could feel the energy disturbance in thousands of miles, and knew the addition of new energy denoted more and more people were being killed.

"We hadn't had so much fun since the asylum!" Madison giggled happily like a child that was given her favorite candy.

"But we didn't contribute anything!" Lillian's smile turned sad. "Daddy is doing all the hard work."

Hundreds of meters away, Kiba didn't hear anything. His entire attention was locked on the mountain.

"One more minute before I jump in."

For him, the nanite mountain was like a dam. If the entire reserved water crashed out on him, he would be killed by the pressure alone even before being drowned. So, his scheme was simple... spread the water into streams, and divide the pressure.

That's what was happening now. The mountain was like a hornet nest, and with the fracture in the seal, everyone in the core region became the target of nanites.

While he has divided the pressure, he knew far well that it wasn't a dam. The pressure would ultimately combine to hunt him down... because he was the strongest person with the greatest potential! For the nanites, he was the ultimate delicacy! The best fuel that could evolve them to the next level!

In the cities on Earth, there were special bunkers designed to stop the infiltration of nanites. That was why Felicity's father survived when the nanite explosion occurred in the city. But even those bunkers wouldn't stop the infiltration of these nanites. It was because the nanites owned by revolutionaries were weakened, and different from the original source.

"No matter what happens, I won't summon my true strength!"

Kiba reminded him of not giving in to pressure. As the second minute passed, the size of the crack turned double.

"Everything or nothing!"

With this thought, his terrifying aura as an Alpha erupted. In the explosive blue cloud, he dazzled like a golden beam, forming a shocking contrast.

The explosive waves around him rolled out and turned golden, spreading out. His golden hair danced and his eyes flashed.


He tapped a foot on the combusting ground, and shot forward like a bolt of lightning. In less than a second, he appeared in front of the crack and flew right in.

The insides of the mountain were like a honeycomb; everywhere there was hexagonal bright blue wax.

His entry was like a flashing torch in the darkest night. The nanites trying to rush out slammed onto him.

A horrifying surge of energy rippled out and the nanites were pushed back. But there were too many of them, and in a flicker of second, a crack line began to explode on the silver coating.

The crack line excited the nanites into the deepest core of the mountain and they jumped out. They could feel the strong untapped potential.

"Gravity Cage."

Kiba turned the space in the range of hundred meters into Gravity Cage. The nano molecules found a terrifying gravitational force that pulled them from all sides. They began to tear apart and disintegrate.

Kiba wasn't waiting for the nanites to die out. He was in an ocean of them... there was no way he could destroy everything.

He just wanted to create a temporary safe. With him as the focal point of Gravity Cage, he flew above.

Just as he crossed a hundred meters, he summoned another ability.

"Purgatory - Eclipse."


Meanwhile, in other parts of the core region.

The entire fantasy land was swallowed by an explosive blue cloud. Pond, gardens, relics... nothing were spared.

The spaceships were powerful enough to resist any damage, but living beings were not so lucky, especially humans and beasts.

A few of them were spread out in the fantasy land, trying to find opportunities for advancement. Sadly, the endless blue waves swallowed them in. It wasn't like they didn't try to resist. They did.

All types of attacks were used to push back the explosive nanites rushing at them. Elemental force, plasma beams, rockets, energy shields, and so on. But nothing succeeded under the raging nanites that were hungry for genes...


A few minutes earlier, in the trial zone area - the palace.

Sophia smiled as she walked further.

"I have succeeded!"

The trials have finally ended, and in the last round, she was one of the forty winners which even consisted of beasts.

The other contestants - even those who failed - were standing at the back of the palace. The trial zone gave them new opportunities, though not as great as the ones given to those at inner area of the palace.

Sophia was accompanied by her middle-aged servant - Aileen. In the starting trials, they were separated as the trial was based on age and species. Now though, there was no such division.

With her background, Aileen also succeeded. She looked at her right hand and counted the number of beads. They were around 100.

She then eyed her young miss and a proud smile formed on her lips. Sophia has over four hundred beads.

"Miss, you will definitely get a chance to acquire a great treasure," Aileen happily said while looking in the front.

Some nine hundred meters away, two gigantic doors were open, leading to the legendary treasure vault!

The ultimate desire of everyone here!

"I hope so," Sophia replied.

Nearby, there were many familiar acquaintances. Verna, Jenina, Divya, Rita, Alistair, and many more.

"Zed wouldn't appear even now?" Verna asked by walking next to Sophia.

She has heard Zed was here in the earlier trials, but since she was 25 years old, she wasn't with Zed and others. She was in a separate trial for those aged between 25-35.

"I don't think so," Sophia answered, her voice low. She glanced at Verna and was sure the latter wanted to meet Zed. After all, it was he who saved her in the forest after she was poisoned. Back then, she never got the chance to thank him as he has left soon.

Aileen heard the conversations, and complex emotions surged in her heart.

She learned about what Zed has done, and despite her woman's intuition telling her from the start that he would outperform everyone, she was terrified by his performance.

And when she learned his meeting with Enchantia, she almost fainted.

She has read the secret files from Eleanor Family, and knowing someone of that caliber came to gift Zed made her tremble in fear. She was sure the elders of her family would right away lose consciousness when they learn about this meeting.

"How would young miss' father react though?" Aileen wondered as she thought of the encounter between young miss and Zed.

Sophia joyfully stepped ahead.

Humans and beasts around her also discussed Zed. Many of them were jealous and voiced offensive thoughts.

"Mom said kindness is always rewarded!" Sophia said with a smile. "The more good you do, the better you are rewarded. Zed always helped others, including those who tried to harm him! And seeing the opportunities Zed got, mom was once again right!"

Sophia's eyes glittered. She internally praised her all-knowing mother.

Some distance away, Carmen heard her words.

He also won, more due to luck. He thought his luck was bad, but after having the ancient tablet stolen by some unknown entity, the Lady Luck blessed him.

Now, hearing about Zed's kindness - the man he blamed for his bad luck- his expression sank.

"Some fucking kindness!" Carmen cursed.

The only bright thing for him other than winning was that his "lover" Launcelot has lost. He was thankful for this small mercy. Otherwise, they both would constantly get reassurance and encouragement from others to be not shy in their love.


Suddenly, the palace began to shake heavily, shocking everyone. The vibrations were so strong and sudden that almost everyone lost balance.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Aileen quickly jumped on her feet. Her eyes flickered and she hurriedly turned around.

The palace was as big as a town. At the end of the palace, she was endless blue, shrouding everything.

Over two thousand humans and beasts standing there were enveloped by the endless blue.


Agile beasts and humans rapidly retreated with everything they got. Many of them released all their trump cards to stop the explosive nanites approaching them.

Multiple lights flashed out like firecrackers, but in front of the dazzling blue cloud, they were nothing.

A humongous lion roared pitifully as the nanite burst through him. Its genetic potential combusted like a volatile fuel, and the lion blasted into pieces.

Many people wanted to scream but they never got the chance. With every organism killed, the might of the explosion turned stronger and the same went for the rate nanites devoured genetic potential.

This was one of the most terrifying aspects of the nanites.

At the end of the palace, Sophia and everyone else was terrified out of their wits. The sudden appearance of the violent explosion cloud and the palace tumbling was more than just bewildering... it dazzled their senses!

"RUN!" Aileen shouted.

Quickly, everyone broke out of their trance and raced towards the treasure vault.

The raging explosive waves furiously swept throughout the palace. With the might of nanites turning stronger from every kill, the explosion waves dissipated every obstacle in their path. They tear through beasts, humans, insects, and robots alike.

The precious jewels embedded in the walls began to split apart and dents formed on the walls.

Sophia ran forward. Every cell in her body warned her of an unprecedented crisis, so, her feet boomed out energy currents, and she shot ahead.

The shockwaves made her body shook vigorously, but she didn't stop.

The rest of the forty winners were like hers. The incoming explosive waves were like a sharp sword above their necks, ready to behead them at any moment. The force surging out of them was fearsome beyond measure. The deafening noise overpowered their ears.

From the time they saw the endless blue to now, only three seconds have passed. And in such a small time, the nanites caught with them.

A bright glow erupted from the jade pendant around Sophia's neck. The glow enveloped her into a protective barrier, and it enhanced her speed multiple folds.

Sophia was startled. Not by the pendant activating on its own, but by the rapidly depleting energy from the pendant.

Aileen - her trusting servant- was not so trustworthy in this crisis. She has turned into a column of water and rushed into the treasure vault.

Just as Sophia stepped in, accompanied by a few others, the doors automatically shut down.


Around thirty people were still outside. One of them was Rita and a few acquaintances of Sophia. Sadly, the doors shut, and they were swallowed by the explosion cloud.

Everything was happening so quickly that one could barely register it with their senses.


As the doors shut, like tidal waves, the nanites crashed onto it. Shocking vibrations spread out, but the door didn't shake the latest bit.

Inside the treasure vault, the surviving winners sank to their knees.

"It is definitely nanites!" Aileen thought, her face deathly pale. "Those bastard revolutionaries! They even attacked the core region!"

Aileen cursed the revolutionaries while looking at the door. She prayed the nanites wouldn't pass through the door and enter here.

"This is the treasure vault...surely, it is the most secure place in the core region!"

Aileen prayed for the best.

Next to her, Sophia wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. She swept a glance at Aileen and then sighed.

"Mom was right... in disasters, even the loved ones would abandon each other."

Sophia was angry at Aileen for breaking her oath, but she also understood her reason. In front of survival, nothing mattered.

"Only Zed is different... he would have protected his friends!"

Sophia looked at the survivors. There were Alistair, Verna, Jenina, and shockingly even Carmen! Unknown to everyone, the lantern he acquired boosted his speed and he survived.

Sophia was further startled when she saw Carmen. He was crying... no, weeping!

"It must be due to fear!"

The next moment, another thought flashed in her mind and her eyes turned wide. She realised something, and quickly, she approached him.

"Carmen, don't worry!" She hugged him. "You can shed all your tears!"

Carmen was dumbstruck by her hug and words. He was weeping because he thought he was going to die, but after surviving, he continued to weep out of disbelief.

Still, he was pleasantly surprised. He never knew weeping would result him in a hug. He thanked the nanites in his heart!

"I'm so sorry for your loss!" Sophia's eyes were moist. "But don't worry, I'm here to support you."


Carmen was at a loss by her strange words! But then, he instantly thought of Launcelot!! The latter was outside the palace... and there was no doubt he was brutally killed by the nanites!

"Don't tell me... she thinks I'm weeping for Launcelot?! So, she is here to console me?!"

Carmen broke down completely.

In response, Sophia patted his back and consoled him.

"Don't cry... Launcelot would want you to be strong!"

Sophia has seen her mother consoling a relative in a similar fashion after the relative lost her husband.


"Mom always said star-cross lovers are never separated...not even in death! He is forever with you, in your heart!" Sophia assured him.


Carmen was depressed. In his heart, he cursed her mom.

Just what type of things has she taught Sophia?!


At the same time.

Inside the mountain-like structure, Kiba rapidly flew up. A few seconds after his arrival, the silver layer on his body completely crumbled into pieces...

Chapter 450 - Destruction of The Core Region (Part IV)

Hall of Legacies.

Above the endless lake, Fiona floated among infinite Legacy Orbs. She has been here for almost ten hours after achieving what she wanted.

Enchantia has stopped her temporarily from leaving.

Fiona looked at multiple ripples on the lake and realized why Enchantia didn't allow her to go. Each ripple showcased a particular area of the core region. Most of the ripples showed a dazzling blue mass. Only a few ripples showed a completely safe area; like the world of crystal.

Suddenly, her attention went to one ripple which showed a region in what appeared to be space shuttle. There were four people in it, and the moment she saw them, she was stunned.

"Dark Stars!" Fiona muttered.

[[You humans sure are arrogant.]] Enchantia's ethereal figure appeared in the dimension. [[Giving yourself such overpowering titles despite being so weak.]]

"..." Fiona didn't know how to counter that.

[[Then again, that's the sole reason I like humanity. You consider yourself infallible and I love the moments when you realize your true place.]]

Enchantia focused her senses on the ripple Fiona was looking at.

The area where the so-called Dark Stars were in was at the border of the fantasy land and trial zones. There was an underground space shuttle that no one knew of... well, except for the Dark Stars.

[[That kid must be also relying on these four to share the burden.]]

Enchantia made an observation based on their strength. They were either at level V or infinitely close to level VI. In the core region, besides Kiba and the twins, they were the strongest bunch from Earth.

She didn't really care about the deaths or what he was doing. She was enjoying the show.

[[What he has done is evil by hypocritical humans' standards. The same humans who have wiped countless species for their rise and progress.]]

Humans didn't care when they killed an inferior species whether it was an ant or an insect. This was one of the reasons she loved to see humans suffer, especially at the hands of Kiba who was no longer human in the evolution hierarchy. As far as she was concerned, he belonged to an entirely new species!


Presently, in the part of the space shuttle.

Myiesha was dressed in a white gown with her face covered by a veil. A green monster with venom dripping from its body pounced on her. From behind, another monster with similar facial features also jumped on her. Their mouths salivated, and as the droplets of saliva fell on the floor, the tiles released hissing sound.

Myiesha didn't show any fear or concern. She stretched her hands towards the coming monsters, and from her palms, flashes of energy emerged.

Just as the monsters were about to land on her, the flashes of energy entered into their bodies. The body cells, composed of atoms, began vibrating and shaking. In the flicker of a second, the biological reaction of cells accelerated to such an extent that they began combusting.

With a rumbling sound, the monsters exploded into green vapors. The atoms inside the vapors disintegrated, and in the same moment, the vapors disappeared, as if they didn't exist, to begin with.

Alongside, her brother, Harith Noach - the complete opposite of her in physical appearance - embedded his body with glowing energy. The chains on his muscular arms chains swirled out, and whipped the monsters attacking him.

The monsters burst into pieces by the strength inside the chains.

Harith lowered his hands and retraced the chains, wrapping them back on his arms.

"We will find our parents soon," Myiesha arrived next to him and placed a hand over his arm. "So there is no reason for you to be worried."

He looked threatening with his physical features, but he was her brother, her blood. She felt warm in his presence. And now, she could feel his worry and concern as they stepped closer to their goal.

Harith just nodded without replying.

Some distance away, Anamarie and Mendel stood, destroying more monsters with their respective abilities.

"We appreciate your support," Myiesha said as they ripped every monster in this part.

Anamarie's ugly face flickered and her prehensile hair whipped around as she replied, "As long as you pay us... that's the only appreciation we need."

"Same," Mendel added, his eyes sad. Ever since Ashlyn destroyed his balls, he has lost all his arrogance and attitude.

Myeisha nodded in acknowledgment. No one in the world does anything for free or appreciation.


Without any warning, the area began to tremble fiercely and a shocking boom reverberated in their ears.

"What was that?" Anamarie and others turned around.

Myeisha's face twisted into horror.

As she has the ability of Leptokinesis, she could feel the change in molecules. She sensed nano-size particles rushing through the open vents and doors at a speed that resulted in sonic booms.

Their destructive might didn't destroy the highly enhanced space shuttle, but other than that, everything else was disintegrated. The blue explosion swallowed monsters, gadgets, and robots without any mercy.

"It is nanites! Retreat!"

Myeisha turned around and dashed forward.

The mention of nanites was more than enough to make others terrify. They obviously knew about the method employed by revolutionaries to carry out explosions in cities to destabilize World Government.

Her brother and other Dark Stars also ran at full speed.

"There is a vacuum chamber ahead!" Myeisha recalled the map of the space shuttle and she charged in that direction.

She sensed the nanites catching up, and having no choice, she snapped her teeth and tapped her fingers in the air.

The molecules in the air joined together, and the resulting fusing created a burst of kinetic energy that pushed her and Harith forward at an explosive speed.

Alongside this, she made the molecules to stay together to form a force field as they both sped forward. They both covered a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant.

Behind, Anamarie summoned her hair domain as she realized she couldn't overrun the nanites. Mendel was in similar condition as he launched his phantom red dragon.

Anamarie was surrounded by needle-thin hair that made the air shimmer as if countless swords were standing.

"Even Gamma and low-level Beta mutants could delay nanites in the explosions that took place in cities... And unlike those mutants, I have a domain!"

Sadly for her, the nanites have absorbed a lot of untapped potential from thousands of victims. Even if not for that, the nanites here were in the natural state unlike the ones used by revolutionaries so they were far more dangerous.

So, when the nanite explosive waves swept at her, her domain torn apart in a flicker of a second.


Anamarie let out a heart-wrenching scream as the nanites crashed on her. Her body began to inflate and she felt twisting pain as her genes began to combust.

She didn't know why, but as the nanites began to use her as fuel, she suddenly remembered what Kiba did after he defeated her in a matter of seconds. He didn't kill her despite the overwhelming difference in strength and simply tossed her away by saying:

"You are living because I want you to. So appreciate the time you have."

With these words ringing in her soul, she exploded into a shiny blue mass... Alas, she never got the time to appreciate the little time Kiba gave her.

Mendel's projection of Red Dragon broke apart like glass and disintegrated into energy particles. In the end, it wasn't a real dragon, but just a manifestation of his strength.

Unlike Anamarie, he didn't recall any scene as he exploded. If he could remember, it would be the moment when his balls were disintegrated by a vicious kick.

A few hundred meters ahead, Myeisha arrived in another corridor and pressed on a virtual board to activate the vacuum seal.

Her brother was only a meter away, and as he jumped in, the door started closing. A part of his leg was behind, and Myeisha felt nanites enveloping that part.

"No choice!"

Myeisha quickly lowered a finger. The molecules from the thigh portion broke apart, and Harith grunted in agony.

His leg was practically sliced, and he collapsed in the corridor just as the door closed. Behind, the cleaved leg disintegrated.

"That was close!"

Myeisha sank on her knees. Knowing she has lost two companions, she could only sigh. She has barely saved herself and her brother, and she knew if she tried to save everyone, they all would have died.

Harith looked at her. He didn't like speaking but he wanted to relieve her. So, he said, "At least, we don't have to pay them."

Myeisha chuckled despite the dry humor.

"Rise up," She said after a few minutes. "We have to find our parents!"

Harith let out a grunt in agreement. He consumed a regeneration pill.


Meanwhile, inside the mountain-like structure.

The glowing nanites dimmed down as Purgatory - Eclipse came in the picture. The entire mountain turned dark as if overshadowed with endless darkness.

A streak of golden light flashed across the darkness, and all the sounds disappeared.

In the same instant, a thin crack ran throughout the streak of golden light; showcasing a depthless space filled with multicolored energy stripes that were constantly twisting to form myriad patterns.

The vague shadows of demons and ghosts floating inside the patterns howled excitedly.

The countless nanites chasing Kiba from all sides froze, as if time has stopped.

Even though there was only one golden streak, but by some complex spatial law, it became superimposed throughout the mountain. A warping force radiated out of the thin crack, and pulled the nanites into the energy stripes.

Then, the crack disappeared, and the golden streak vanished. Everything returned to normal...


Kiba wiped sweat drenching from his face. He was exhausting his energy rapidly.

"Is no one else facing the nanites in the core region?! Otherwise, why the hell I'm handling so much pressure alone?"

Kiba wondered as he flew up. More nanites came out of the hexagonal blue wax. They were truly never-ending just like the vastness of this mountain.

Gravity Cage continued to support him as he shot further and further up, disintegrating the nanites coming at him.

Suddenly, his body jerked and he looked down. Through the infinite blue mass, his vision passed by and stopped on the crack in the layer sealing the mountain. The crack was no longer expanding, and rather, it started filling up; albeit very slowly.

"No time to waste!"

His eyes shined brightly, and a golden column of light surrounded him. He rushed up, passing through a sea of nanites and depleting his energy quickly.

Twenty-second later, his body stopped as he sighted what he has long sought.


In the midst of endless blue, a small area was clear... glowing with a serene radiance.

Chapter 451 - Destruction of The Core Region (Final Part)

The universe was able to exist from the beginning of time to present due to only one reason.


Everything was balanced with opposing elements; holding each other in check.

Life with death, light with darkness, warmth with cold, strength with weakness...

Nothing in the universe was devoid of balance. Not even living beings. Without balance, life would not even exist, much less thrive.

The balance created everything but also destroyed everything. It was a continuous cycle...


Kiba remembered this theory of balance as he looked in front.

A spiraling, glowing cyan honeycomb; the size of a baby's fist. He obviously knew it was not honeycomb; it was just a physical resemblance.

It was hard to believe the object he has so long sought and desired was this small. Or that, it balanced the boundless, powerful nanite mountain.

The balance was never about quantity. Otherwise, darkness would have long overpowered light in the vast universe given it was mostly dark.

Nor the balance was about overbearing appearance.

The balance was only about creating an equilibrium. To ensure nature's cycle ran perfectly...

His lips spread to form a smile. He closed his eyes as simply looking at the spiraling honeycomb gave him the answers he has long sought.

Whenever a nanite explosion occurred in the cities, the explosion would die on its own in a few minutes. This was despite the fact the might of explosions have increased countless fold after devouring the fuel known as genetic potential.

The only reason for that was balance.

The nanites, despite their overwhelming ability, couldn't exist for long without the support of the balancing element that stayed in this spiraling honeycomb.

Many things in nature were like this. Two opposite elements would coexist in peace, but the moment they were separated, they turn violent, weak, and fade from existence.


The sea of nanites continued to sweep at Kiba. The Gravity Cage blocked and destroyed them, and the existence of the spiraling honeycomb further protected him.

He was happy by finding the element, but he was not a bit relieved by the protection. If he didn't run out soon, the seal would revert back, and he would be locked in this mountain...surrounded by the endless nanites.

Not wasting any further time, he stretched a hand towards the honeycomb. A flash of light conjured in his hand and transformed into a perfect-grade crystal container.

The lid of the container opened up as it closed to the honeycomb. With his other hand, he applied a gentle squeezing pressure on the honeycomb.

A shiny droplet dripped down from the honeycomb and fell into the container.

The droplet was like a blazing sun but radiating softness like a dewdrop. There were contrasting sensations, but there was no doubt the droplet was beautiful and spellbinding.

Its very presence made the space around the container twist.

Two more droplets dripped down and Kiba shut the container. He then observed a cord connecting the spiraling honeycomb to the endless mountain. He wasn't able to judge where the cord ended or with what.

Maybe there was some existence giving birth to nanites and the liquid droplets that nullified the nanites. Perhaps it was some bee given the shape, or perhaps some beast, or even some non-living source like a glacier. There were many strange things in Celestial Elysian Plane that could never be explained by human logic.

Whatever the source, it didn't concern him nor he was curious enough to fund out.

A second later, he transferred the container back to his storage dimension. He didn't take the honeycomb or squeezed out every droplet inside as he didn't want to break the balance.


Ripples surged out of his body as he shot down. The sound barrier exploded with his speed but the nanites weren't any slower; not after knowing his potential.

Gravity Cage was an overbearing ability, and in most situations, it should be able to handle everything in a matter of seconds. The problem was the nanites were infinite. No matter how many nanites the terrifying gravitational pull disintegrated, the nanites didn't stop.

They were like a moth to the flame.

With time, Gravity Cage began to shatter.

Most likely the nanites outside transferred a part of their strength to the nanites inside, and with the additional strength, they began to tear through the strange laws that formed Gravity Cage.

The nanites manifested strength that was similar to the mutants they have killed. Elemental, physical, plasma, poisonous, energy... every particle launched their entire strength to tear through his defenses.

Kiba was close to the exit, and as the nanites finally broke through Gravity Vage, his eyes flashed with a vicious glint.

Energy arcs erupted from his body. Hundreds of arcs circulated crazily and a bang sound exploded as they clashed against each other.

These energy arcs slashed across the incoming nanite mass, illuminating them with a golden hue, and erasing them from existence.

This brought him a precious few seconds to complete the task at hand. He rushed through the closing seal that was barely a meter wide. He squeezed him through it and charged out, and just then, the seal closed.

The real problem was outside the mountain though. As far as his eyes could see, there was just explosive blue.

"Where are the twins?" Kiba wondered as he created an energy layer on his body to stop the nanites.

He swept his senses out in the explosion cloud but didn't sense the presence of the twins.

"There is no way they could have died."

If it was anyone else, he wouldn't be confident of their survival, but with twins, he was. Before coming here, he has planned to tell them to leave him, but never got the chance. They stopped him with a kiss and told him they want to accompany him.

He believed they must have known where he was going and has a bit of an idea of what he has in mind.

"Now that I think about it...they were in the auction house where I bought the rock fragment with nanites. No one could have known what the rock contained, but Lillian could manipulate energy so..."

Kiba laughed as he realized why they were persistent to join him. They wanted to witness Ruby and other slaves being disintegrated.

"They are sadists."

Kiba has witnessed them murdering others with cute and naive smiles. They were crazy and even mentally insane.

"If Claudia was here, she would definitely say no wonder they were attracted to me."

Kiba liked the twins and loved their personalities. Maybe others loved a shy, conservative, and kind-hearted woman, but not him. He found those traits boring.

Without thinking anything further, he shot through the explosion waves, crossing a distance of a few miles.

The nanites here were obviously excited by his presence, and they dashed at him to consume his genes. As they swept at him, the explosion cloud turned into a gigantic face, surging with torrential destructive waves that ripped through everything!

It was backed by the power of thousands of mutants. Something that not even a Level VII Alpha could handle!

In reality, numbers didn't matter in front of an Alpha. Even if thousands of Beta and Gamma-rank mutants attacked an Alpha, the Alpha would still win, with ease.

But nanites were different. They absorbed latent potential that has the capacity to evolve a mutant into a higher form of life.

So the explosion was the untapped potential of thousands of mutants! This was the true power of nanites!


Sky cleaved into two and the ground caved in by ten thousand meters.

The might of the explosion was like an apocalypse; threatening to wipe out everything.

In response, Kiba snorted coldly. The half blue in his pupils turned golden and his hair grew.

In the cleaved sky, deafening noise rang out and dark clouds began to cover the sky. The pressure of countless mountains crashed down.

The clouds twisted and golden lightning flashed through them. It was an awe-inspiring scene especially as the lightning struggled to descend, ripping through the layer of dark clouds.

"I have always wanted to test the strength of this form."

Kiba has a devilish smile on his face as he raised his right hand towards the sky.

"But so far, I never got the opportunity despite transforming to this form twice."

As his hand stretched up, a bolt of lightning crackled and tear through the invisible confines. It crashed down and landed in his hand while still being connected to the clouds.

He was like a god in the mortal world, wielding lightning.

Explosive shockwaves swept out, and rippled through space, making it vibrate and distort.


Under the shockwaves, the indestructible tunnel leading to the spaceship completely collapsed and disintegrated. Even the spaceship - which was far away from the range of his powers - began to buckle down. The ground sank by miles and core of the world came in sight...


In the Hall of Legacies.

Fiona looked at the projection ripples on the lake in pure horror. Her face turned ashen and her pupils dilated as she looked at the scene outside the nanite mountain from a bird's eye view.

A bolt of golden lightning stretched from the heavens to the hand of a deity. A deity whose very presence was turning the world into an abyss!

"How can such power even exist?!"

Her knees turned weak and she collapsed in mid-air. The sight of his powers left her breathless...

Enchantia observed the scene without any change in expression. She was fully aware of his strength and knew why he didn't transform into this form until now.

The fluctuations of this form would try to destroy everything in the vicinity. Had he summoned his powers before, the spiraling honeycomb would have disintegrated from the pressure alone. This was why he relied on other mutants to divide the pressure and buy him some time.

Now, every nanite he earlier freed was rushing at him.

[[He hasn't entirely summoned his full strength though. Something is holding him back.]]


The gigantic nanite explosion face didn't stop despite the overbearing pressure. As it charged at its target, countless attacks manifested from its consumed strength.

An ocean of ice shards, elemental force, energy projectiles, light beams, beast phantoms, plasma bolts, prehensile hair blades, and thousands of other abilities.

In front of the explosion face and the ocean of attacks, Kiba was like a desolate boat in the middle of a chaotic storm, alone and negligible.

But despite his negligible physical size, he floated in the sky like a god that overruled everything. His long hair freely floated and he continued to smile.

As the attacks and the explosion cloud descended, like a titan stepping down on a human, the golden lightning in his hand jumped in action.

Like a spear, the lightning lashed out. It wove through the gigantic explosion cloud and sea of attacks.

A stifling power of suppression erupted and a violent lighting storm blasted through the explosion cloud.

Everything in the world froze.

By the time the lightning completed a slash, blinding flash swept across the sky and thunder rumbled through the world. The endless nanite explosion cloud faded and the ocean of attacks vanished.

In their place, a spatial rift appeared, emitting terrifying fluctuations.

"That was no fun."

The bolt of lightning rushed back into the layer of dark clouds. Slowly, the clouds disappeared and a bright sky greeted him.

Kiba continued to float as he reverted to his normal form.

"So weak."

He was disappointed with the nanites' power. They couldn't even handle one weak strike...


In the Hall of Legacies.

Fiona's eyes and ears ached terribly from witnessing the attack in the projection. The projection obviously has nullified the destructive powers from the attack scene, but she still felt pain.

When her ears slightly gained their hearing, she heard his words of disappointment. Her heart thumped violently and she trembled.

"Those nanites weren't weak!" She complained. "You are just too overpowered!"

Enchantia's lips curved up. Her incorporeal figure flashed with content.

[[She would be another nice seed on Earth.]]

Enchantia thought with a smile. She didn't keep her here to save her from nanites.

If her goal was only saving her, she could have directly teleported to the end of the core region after the selection of Legacy Orb. From there, it was just a matter of few steps to leave the meteorite and arrive back on Earth.

She kept Fiona here because she wanted her to witness Kiba's strength.

Enchantia turned back to the projection of Kiba.

[[It seems time for another goodbye is near.]]

Her words passed through the crystalline lake and came out of the band she gave to him.


He turned into a beam of golden light and left the area. There was no land for him to step on, it has completely disintegrated.

As for the nanite mountain, it still existed due to the transparent seal, albeit barely because he was outside its range when he used his powers.

[[Where would you go now?]] Enchantia asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Home!"

Chapter 452 - Return to Delta City (Part I/II)

Kiba crossed hundreds of miles. He passed by the border of the fantasy land and trial zone when he heard something.



There were requests for help that wasn't even audible if not for his extraordinary hearing that could even hear miles away if he wished. Since he has only reverted to this form recently, his senses were still enhanced. This was why he heard this request without trying.

He looked down and passed his senses through the destroyed area. Among countless boulders, there was a metallic glint. His senses swept further and realized there was a vast space shuttle. It was hidden deep underground, but with the destruction created by the nanites, it finally came in sight.

Kiba wasn't eager to help as he has to return home soon. So he flew ahead.

But then his body stopped with a jerk as his senses passed through the space shuttle and observed the one begging for help.

It was a woman.

A beautiful woman with long black hair. Her physical bearings were of a woman in early forties; completely developed but without any sign of aging.

Her weight was at all right place and she was stunning especially her breasts which were big. A great portion of her skin was exposed and his senses could see her flawless white skin.

By appearance alone, she was a MILF! A gorgeous MILF!

Kiba floated in mid-air and repeated the wise words of Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."

His decision was made. He has to help a person in need! A delay of an hour didn't matter in front of a life!

Transforming into a streak of golden light, he shot downward. The boulders crumbled as he flew further down before stopping on the outside of the space shuttle.

He placed a hand on the exterior wall and a flash of energy boomed out. The metallic wall was strong and highly durable, but with the passing of time and the recent nanite explosion, it has weakened.

Now, in front of an Alpha's desire to help a needy woman, it didn't survive.

A hole was formed and Kiba jumped right in. His senses have already determined the location of the woman, and he quickly rushed in that direction.

A mile away, there was the woman Kiba wanted to help. She was wearing a white robe but it was torn recently.

Her name was Ivey!

"Myiesha...Harith...my children... I don't think I will get to hold you in my arms."

She cried while fighting a bunch of monsters.

"Guardian Spirit... it is because of you!"

She was from Guardian Spirit Village and sent here to the core region for a mission alongside her husband. But a calamity fell and she was not only separated from her husband, but also locked in the space shuttle. 1

She lived for years by sustaining on medicines and energy capsules she found in the shuttle. There were amenities in the spaceship, so she wasn't devoid of any facility. But she needed her family!

Sadly, she never got a chance to leave. There were not only monsters but also traps in the shuttle along with the sealed part that locked her in. She was able to survive until now as she learned to avoid the monsters and traps.

But an hour ago, she didn't know why but the monsters became agitated and ran here. It was like they were escaping from something.

Since she was locked in, she wasn't aware that nanite particles have infiltrated the space shuttle. Thankfully, this part of the space shuttle has vacuum-tight seals so she never has to know them. This was why the monsters came to this region...to survive!

Alas, their survival was risking her's.

Electricity arcs streamed out of her hands and slammed into the monsters coming at her. She was a Level IV mutant, which signified great strength in most of Earth, but here, not so much especially in front of so many monsters.

She was able to kill over ten, but now she was exhausted and reaching her end.

"God! Please help me!"

She didn't want to die without seeing her children. So, she prayed to god for rescue as she lashed with electricity bolts and shielded herself with an electricity barrier.

A monster lunged at her and its razor-sharp claws ripped through her barrier. The monster was electrocuted as it destroyed the barrier and collapsed.

Ivey's pupils constricted as she saw another monster slashing its claw down at her throat. She screamed and stumbled down with her eyes closed as death swept at her.


She was startled to feel no pain.

Was death painless?!

She wondered as she opened her eyes. The monster was still in front of her, but wriggling in mid-air, with its neck gripped by a hand belonging to a golden-haired man.


He felt her gaze and turned towards her while locking the monster in the air.

"Are you fine?" Kiba asked politely. His face flashed with genuine concern as he stretched his free hand to offer her support.

"Ah... yes!" Ivey answered; completely stunned.

The gods have heard my prayers?!

Ivey thanked the gods while placing her hand on his. He began to pull her up, gently, and just then, from the corners of her eyes, she noticed more monsters jumping at him.

"Watch out!" She warned in fear.

Kiba didn't let go of her hand. With his other hand, he used the monster he has grabbed as a baseball bat, and slammed it on the incoming monsters.

The monster felt its internal organs and bones mashing up as it collided against its comrades, one after another.

Ivey was astonished. She saw the poor monster helplessly growling as its body was practically used as a weapon to toss away the other monsters.

What dumbfounded her further was that the other monsters were similarly helpless. Their attacks didn't make a single difference against the monster bat. They all were sent flying through the air and crashed on the walls, without any strength to crawl up!

Kiba freed the monster, and it sank on the floor.

"So powerful!"

Ivey thought as she finally got on her feet. He looked at her but then quickly shut his eyes and turned around.

"I'm sorry."

Ivey was startled by his actions.

Why was a powerful man like him so nervous?

She then lowered her body and noticed how most of her dress was torn apart; exposing most of her body. Since was living alone for years, she has forgotten the importance of clothes.

"...Please, you aren't at fault."

She was relieved that he didn't try to take any advantage despite his strength. And equally, she was impressed by his character.

"But I don't have any clothes," She completed.

"I have spare clothes," Kiba didn't turn around and retrieved a few clothes.

He tossed them towards her and walked out by saying, "I will wait outside."

"Thank you!" She thanked him loudly and sighed in relief.

The clothes he gave her was a checked shirt and pants, and when she wore them, she found them tight, really tight.

Her chest and nipples were almost poking out of the shirt. She was afraid her shirt will burst at any moment and reveal her breast.

"They are his clothes so obviously they wouldn't fit me. It is not like he would be carrying women's wardrobe!"

A few minutes later, she stepped out of the area and entered into a corridor. He was standing against a wall with his eyes shut.

Now that she has calmed enough and was in no danger, she finally checked him out in full details. He was fit, with a body to die for, and a face that could be only described as devilishly handsome.

"How could a man be so attractive?"

She mused as she stared at him.

"Is everything all right?" Kiba opened his eyes and looked at her.

"...Yes!" Ivey secretly chided herself for her behavior.

She walked next to him just as he asked about her...


In another area of the space shuttle.

Myiesha and Harith walked through a vast chamber. Myiesha has a smile across her face, but suddenly, she flinched. Her left eye began blinking rapidly.

"What's going on?" Myiesha was startled.

She didn't believe in superstition or bad omens, but now, she felt a crisis.

It was like someone she loved was in danger.

"Why am I feeling mom is in danger!?"


A few minutes later, in the area where Kiba and Ivey were standing.

"You are a mother?!" Kiba's face was filled with disbelief as she completed her sad story.

"...Yes," She replied.

"And you were separated from your children for years?!" Kiba's eyes turned misty.

Ivey nodded her head. The separation was like a sword stabbing her heart.

Kiba wrapped his arms around Ivey and hugged her tightly. The latter was surprised by his sudden hug, and then shocked when she felt his tears dripping down on her back.

His entire body radiated sadness!

"I'm so sorry that you suffered in such a manner," Kiba's voice was hoarse as he sobbed. "A mother doesn't deserve this."

He continued to shed tears. Tears filled with genuine sadness!

"He must be a very emotional person!" Ivey thought, surprised by the depth of emotions she felt from him. "With a soft heart for mothers."

She wasn't wrong.

Kiba was a really emotional individual with a soft heart for mothers like her. He felt bad she suffered so much.

How could his heart take her that she was alone for so long?

Just the thought of her loneliness made him tear up.

As he hugged her tightly, her breasts pressed against him, and simultaneously, he began sobbing loudly.

His tears carried immense sorrow.

How could he be not sad?!

These lovely, wonderful breasts were not given any care for years! They weren't cupped, kissed, fondled, and treated as they rightly deserved!

What's worse, her vulnerable nipples weren't sucked!

Can anything be sadder than this?!

He just couldn't help himself from breaking down at this thought.

And just then, he remembered something, and Ivey felt his demeanor turning gloomy.

"I'm really sorry," Kiba muttered as he thought of her love cave below, hidden between delicate fleshly foldings. "You must have been lonely and cold down here ."

"I was," Ivey confessed with deep emotions.

Kiba could feel her loneliness. He could imagine how her love cave was untreated for a long time. It deserved intense warmth in a manner she has never received in her entire life.

"It is my fault," Kiba continued.

"No, you aren't to be blamed," Ivey rubbed his back as he hugged her. "You couldn't have known I was in need."

"No, I'm to be blamed!" Kiba persisted with tears. "You were here, suffering from loneliness, and yet, I was having a luxurious lifestyle in a city."

He knew he was at a fault, and he wouldn't back down from taking responsibility. He has taken a vow to ensure no beauty suffered from loneliness and coldness, regardless of age, but he has failed.

"You are sweet!" Ivy also wrapped her arms around him. "But don't blame yourself."

She has never known there were men like him who were righteous to such an extent.

He was not only righteous, but also chivalrous, kind-hearted, and had a strong sense of morality. She was sure, that as long as men like him existed, the ancient concept of knights wouldn't die!

"Maybe he is the last of his kind," Ivey thought as she consoled him.


In another area.

"Why is the sense of danger turning stronger?!" Myiesha was terrified. Not daring any chance, she and her brother rushed forward at full speed.

They have gadgets to help them in their task. And thanks to the nanite explosion, most of their troubles were solved.


Kiba and Ivey continued to hug each other. For Ivey, this was the first time she was in the company of a human in years.

It has been too long that she has forgotten what warmth felt like. The hug and protective embrace of a man swelled her body with an unknown sensation...

As the hug continued, she didn't know why or how, but at some time, their lips brushed against each other. Maybe it was due to the outburst of emotions, but when their lips touched each other, they didn't want to be separated.

Two pairs of lips sealed in a passionate embrace. A finger traced the back of her neck while the warmth in kiss amplified.

Ivey's breathing turned heavy and her face blushed. She felt her heart beating rapidly as the kiss turned more passionate, with him taking her lower lips between his lips.

A current passed through her spine as he gently nibbled on her lip. Just as she lost in the delicious sensation, he left her lip and broke the kiss.

"I'm sorry," Kiba stepped back. "I don't know what came over me."

Ivey was surprised and she looked at him in a mixture of shock and anger. But her expression softened when she saw guilt on his face.

"He thinks he took advantage of me!" She reasoned in her heart.

By now, she has calmed enough and thought of her strange behavior. She has been so taken over by emotions and the loss of years that she began to make out with a man she has met...

She could accept that, but what astonished her was that she loved every moment of it.

"What's wrong with me?!"

Ivey questioned herself.

As she tried to find an answer, the sounds of steps disturbed her thoughts. She turned her head and was left dumbstruck by what she saw.

Myiesha and Harith.

They have grown, their appearance has changed with age, and her daughter has covered her face...but she was completely sure of their identity.

Her flesh and blood.

Her children.

Tears began to drip down her eyes. No words were spoken, and before she knew it, her children threw themselves into her arms.

In a corner, Kiba looked at the reunion. He had a feeling she was "Dark Star" Myiesha's mother when he heard her story.

After all, he was there when Myiesha and a woman named Zelda has an argument with a few villagers in Guardian Spirit Village.

The topic of the argument was Myiesha's parents...

"So much drama," Kiba thought as the three continued to hug and cry. "And so many interesting stuff."

He has an idea that this was related to Guardian Spirit. At least, that could explain Myiesha's strength despite being born in a village. Still, there were many puzzling things, but he didn't care enough to find answers.

Regardless, the only thing he cared about has failed.


Kiba let out a breath of air in disappointment.

He broke the kiss and didn't allow things to heat up because he felt the presence of Myiesha and Harith. Had he wanted, he could have delayed the reunion by taking Ivey elsewhere while making out, but he didn't.

"All things come to those who wait!"

Kiba mused while eyeing Ivey and Myiesha. He turned around and started walking out.

"Wait!" Ivey shouted from behind.

"Yes?" Kiba turned towards her.

"I never got the chance to thank you..." Ivey stammered. Her mind was confused with the reunion and what happened between them a few minutes ago.

"There is no need," Kiba replied with a smile. "Helping those in need is a humane thing to do."


"If you feel obliged," Kiba continued without letting her reply. "Then help another person in need."

Ivey was stunned, but she nodded. Myiesha, on the other hand, was dumbfounded. She wondered if her ears were working fine or not.

"He is that Kiba, right?" Myiesha remembered how he robbed auction house, created a riot, and destroyed everything in his path.

But the Kiba in front of her was so different...

"Please take this," Myiesha retrieved a crystal card and tossed it to him. "If you need any help, please contact me... Neither I nor my brother are ungrateful people."

Harith let out a grunt in agreement.

Kiba read the card and nodded. The card has her contact details including the city she lived in.

"So easy," Kiba suppressed a smile and put the card in his storage dimension.

Without waiting for Ivey or others to say anything further, he enveloped himself with a column of golden light and rushed out.

Ivey looked on as he disappeared and smiled. She would forever remember the kiss.

Myiesha turned towards her and asked, "Mom...tell me how you were locked...and where is father?"


Outside, Kiba appeared high above the ground.

"Fourth law of seduction would come in handy."

Kiba took out Myisha's contact card and smiled. He didn't get to know her well in the forest or here, but life was big. There was all the time he needed to get what he wanted.

"Time to get out!"

He flew away...

Chapter 453 - Return to Delta City (Final Part)

The distant parts of the core region consisted of starting points like the wasteland Kiba and Ashlyn first appeared. These starting points ended with a misty wall that would transfer one back to the forest as long as one touches it.

In a starting zone that resembled a desert, a group of mutants walked between what were formerly sand dunes. The group consisted of Sophia, Verna, Jenina, Divya, Aileen, and a few more mutants.

"The desert has almost disappeared," Sophia commented. "Seems like that endless explosion enveloped this area as well."

The depth of sand was barely half a meter. Others noticed it as well, but they were far too gloomy to speak.

The nanite explosion and the close call with death have shaken their souls. They have lost all their strength and confidence.

And how could they not after seeing the death of two thousand contestants in front of their eyes, and that too, in the blink of an eye?

If not for their luck and the fact that the legendary treasure vault was open, they knew they be dead just like other contestants.

They were sure more life forms must have died as not even half were in the trial zone. After all, based on previous records, most would try their luck in these starting points or areas near the trial zone.

Even by optimistic estimation, the number of survivors wouldn't be over thirty including them.

Perhaps, the only other people who survived the calamity would be those who left earlier... but given the desires and the fact that there were a few days remaining for the core region to close, such people would be in minority.

"So many talented youngsters, powerful mutants, and old-timers died. Factions around the globe would be shocked by this tragedy... the revolutionaries would have to pay the price of blood!"

Aileen thought.

She then looked at the back of her young miss and recalled her actions. She wasn't proud of how she escaped without trying to help Sophia.

With a barely audible sigh, she closed the distance and walked alongside Sophia.

"Miss, I'm really sorry for my conduct," Aileen apologized. "I will take any punishment you deem fit."

The sight of the nanite explosion has overpowered her sense of duty and loyalty.

Sophia glanced at her and then looked straight.

"I don't blame you," Sophia responded with a faint smile. "If anything, I'm grateful."

"Grateful?" Aileen was startled.

"Yes," Sophia nodded. "Mom told me in a crisis, you could only rely on yourself and no one else. I didn't really understand what she meant as you and others were always there to protect me."

"....." Aileen grimly smiled.

She concluded her young miss now knew a bit about the working of the world. She then reasoned, perhaps this was the major reason why young miss' parents sent her here... to witness bloodshed.

Still, Aileen was relieved that her young miss was the same. Her personality hasn't been affected.

"Mistress has nurtured young miss well," Aileen thought to herself.

As she was lost in thoughts, Jenina took quick steps and arrived next to Sophia.

"Zed would be safe, right?" Jenina asked the question that was bugging her for a long time. He has been separated when they had just arrived in the palace, so she was worried that he would have been consumed by the nanite explosion just like others. After all, in front of nanites, strength didn't matter.

"I don't know," Sophia replied while thinking she was not a seer. "But I believe, he would be able to pull a miracle..."

"You are right," Jenina agreed as she remembered the so many impossible things he has achieved.

"Gods wouldn't let a kind-hearted man like him die," Verna added from behind.

"Yes, they wouldn't," Sophia nodded.

She was also worried but she didn't want to think about it. Just the thought would make her heart sank and her guts twist.


Suddenly, she felt something and raised her head to look at a distant point in the sky. A black hovercraft rushed through the sky before disappearing on the horizon.

Her eyes lit up and her face brightened.

"He is alive!"

She clapped her hands happily.


The others around her were bewildered.

Far away, high in the sky, Kiba levitated with his eyes on Sophia.

"Young pervert, take care."

He muttered under his breath before turning around and flying away.

A minute ago, he used his psychic powers on her so that she would see the unique hovercraft owned by Zed...

In the desert, Sophia was finally free of worries. She then thought something and a frown appeared on her cute face.

"What about that shameless villain?"

Sophia placed a hand on her chin and pondered.

"Scoundrels like him have nine lives! Even if by some chance he died, he would shamelessly revive back by conning Yama!"


Kiba stopped in mid-air after he arrived before the boundary wall.

"It is time, Enchantia."

Kiba said as he took out the black band she gave him. He no longer needed it.

[[It is.]]

Her voice entered his mind while the band started fading from existence.

"I really pray that humans continue to amuse you in other World Fragments..."


Kiba placed a hand on the wall and spatial force surged out. The force enveloped him completely. As he teleported away, his final words rang through the air.

"And that you continue to get your jollies from human conflicts."


Enchantia was left speechless by the innuendo implying sexual arousal.


Desolate Blood Forest.

Hundreds of mutants were waiting outside the meteorite for their companions to return. They were ready for any possible conflict that would result from human greed. The battle tanks, rocket launchers, and other vehicles were in stand by, ready to engage.

Presently, many of the waiting people were engaged in a conflict with two identical twins.

So, when Kiba appeared outside the forest, he saw a scene from a war: fire, smoke, wooden shards, and dust filling the air. Broken trees, craters, and destroyed vehicles lying around. Missiles, grenades, laser beams flying through the hazy air while mutants grunting in pain.

He heard leaders passing orders as their destructive attacks were repelled back.

"So they were here... having fun."

Kiba didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The twins noticed his presence despite the smoke and dust. They greeted him with an innocent smile that a child displays when caught doing something she shouldn't.


The mutants, in the meantime, tried to take advantage of the distraction. They launched more attacks on the twins.

"Don't attack us!" Madison stomped on the ground. "Otherwise, daddy wouldn't forgive you!"

Alongside, hundreds of crimson ring conjured around the attackers, much to their horror. She clenched a hand, and the rings flashed forward. Before the attackers could do anything, the crimson rings penetrated their bodies and devoured every droplet of blood.


Lillian appeared before him like a phantom. She hugged him tightly, and then begged with tears in her eyes, "We only appeared here to make you proud! So please, don't punish us!"


Madison also appeared and hugged him from behind. She rubbed her breasts against his back tightly before saying, "And if you want to punish us... please don't slap our tight, little ass!"


Kiba smiled before grabbing Lillian's ass and slapping on it. She lifted her head to look at him in eyes, and just then, he pressed his lips against her... even as he continued to playfully slap her tight ass.

"Daddy! That's not fair! I can't let sis take all the punishment!" Madison twirled her tongue on his earlobe before leaning forward.

Kiba freed a hand and moved it on her ass. She gasped as he fondled it roughly.

"Ah!" Madison soon found her lips locked by his. As she lost herself in the kiss and contrasting sensation from her ass, she was really proud of her daddy. He was completely fair!

A minute later, the three began to kiss each other, sharing warmth and passion.

"Daddy! This is enough punishment for now!"

Lillian remarked with her face flushed. She jumped back with Madison. The latter lifted a finger, and a plethora of crimson rings enveloped them. A dazzling crimson flash erupted.

"Goodbye, daddy!"

Madison's voice came from the crimson flash.

"Our little family would reunite soon!" Lillian added, her voice filled with sadness. "But for now, we have to leave!"

"So that we can make you proud," Madison said as the flash disappeared. "Love you!"

Kiba smiled and waved a hand. He was expecting this from the start. Still smiling, he turned into a beam of golden light and shot off.


Miles away, a cave existed inside a mountain, hidden by natural greenery. Red Tiger and her cubs stood at the mouth of the cave, looking at the horizon which was splashed with orange as the sun began to descend.

It has been almost a week since Red Tiger returned from the core region, without getting anything due to the nature of her leave. She didn't mind it though. Leaving was a request made by her savior.

As the night took over, she grabbed her cubs in an embrace. Every moment in the forest was a matter of life and death, and surviving was very difficult.

A beast never knew when life might end. So, she appreciated every moment she was in the presence of her children.

Slowly, she rose up and took the cubs to the inside of the cave. She has hunted before and gave the cubs their favorite meat.

As the cubs devoured the meat, she couldn't help but remember the night when her savior had dinner here with a woman companion. Her eyes sparkled at the memory.

She blinked, and when her eyes opened, she saw the familiar figure sitting next to her cubs! Red Tiger was astonished and she jumped on him.

"Haha, I missed you as well!" Kiba said as she began to lick him. The cubs were similarly surprised and jumped on his lap.

"As much as I appreciate the welcome, I think my stomach is in need of food," Kiba rubbed their heads.

Red Tiger nodded and quickly went out to hunt...


Half an hour later, the smell of barbecued meat came out of the cave. Kiba feasted on a chicken leg while looking at the tiger and her cubs.

"I'm going back to my home," Kiba said. "In the morning."

Red Tiger was shocked and sadness swelled in her heart. She lowered her head and the cubs did the same.

They didn't want to be separated...not this soon.

"Would you like to come with me?" Kiba asked.

Red Tiger instantly lifted her head and then lowered it to nod.

"Are you sure?" Kiba didn't want her to make a decision in a hurry.

She quickly nodded and the cubs also agreed.

"Well, then let's pack!"

Kiba jumped on his feet and looked at them with a warm smile.


Sunlight cut through the night sky and fell on the exterior of Desolate Blood Forest. Dewdrops glinted under the morning sunlight and birds chirped.

Suddenly, a whistling sound reverberated through the woods and airwaves swept out. The birds flew away from their nests while looking in the sky.

A jet was rapidly approaching the ground! The moment it landed, dust stirred and rose up in the air.

Some distance away, Kiba stood with a digital tablet in his hand. The tablet flashed a dot marking the private jet in front of him.

Now that he was on the exterior of the forest, he could communicate and send signals. Claudia has parked the jet in some desolate island nearby, so, when he sent the signal, it took the jet only an hour to arrive.

The tiger family stood next to him, amazed by the jet and its appearance. They flinched in shock when the door opened up on its own and airstair came out.

[[Master...]] Claudia sent her voice out.

"Don't worry," Kiba could feel her concern in her feminine mechanical voice. " We have succeeded."

[[That's great.]]

She knew he was giving her credit, but she wasn't concerned about that. All she wanted was her master to be happy. That's all mattered.

Through the sensors embedded in the jet, she sensed the presence of the tiger family.

[[They are?]]

"Friends like family," Kiba answered.


The cargo door of the jet opened up. The earlier door wasn't big enough for Red Tiger to step through.

"Let's go," Kiba helped the tiger and her cubs enter the door. Nervously, the tiger family sat on the plane. They were worried about harming anything in the plane and creating trouble for their host.

"Consider it as your own property," Kiba knew their worry. "Besides, even if you destroyed something by mistake, it wouldn't cost me."

Red Tiger's eyes flashed.

She remembered him mentioning generous people who would share precious resources with him, without expecting anything in return. Of course, she didn't know his definition of sharing meant robbing for others.

If we destroyed something, those generous people would undo the damage... Red Tiger thought naively.

Now, without any worry, the tiger and the cubs made themselves completely comfortable on the plane. Kiba walked into the living area to sit down on a chair near a window.

A few minutes later, the boosters emanated out blue light and the jet took off. It shot through layers of clouds...


Thirteen hours later.

The jet flew 35 thousand feet above a giant body of water. Kiba glanced out and saw water mirroring reflections of familiar, tall buildings. His lips spread to form a smile.



In a game parlor.

Olly was playing a virtual reality game with his friends. Suddenly, a tingling sensation crawled through his skin and his hairs stood up.
