461 - 467

Chapter 461 - Stop The Divorce!

As the car speeded on the road, Suzane continued to speak to him through the video conference.

"Rubie's husband has learned of her infidelity and is now divorcing her!" She said with worry flashing through her face.

"Divorce?" Kiba's eyes narrowed.

"Yes! You have to help her!" Suzane requested.

Kiba looked at her projection and nodded.

"You can rest assured," Kiba knew of her possible worries. "Rubie would never disclose about you."

"I know," Suzane replied. "She told me she wasn't the type to rat out, and I believe her. That's why I want you to help her."

Kiba let out a breath of air before asking, "What does she want?"

"No divorce," Suzane answered. "She loves her husband and wants to stay with him."

Kiba couldn't help but smile at what Rubie wanted.

Not all husbands were open-minded with the qualities of Good Husbands like Ryan, Daniel, etc.

In fact, the number of close-minded husbands was far more. They were Bad Husbands who would break the marriage and divorce their wives. Unlike Good Husbands, they wouldn't want to reconcile with their lovely wives at any cost.

"It is going to be difficult," Kiba said with a heavy look. "But I would ensure she gets what she wants."

"Thank you!" Suzane's face brightened and her worry disappeared. "She would be relieved."

Kiba examined her facial changes and added, "I will meet her."

"Ok," Suzane guessed he would need to meet Rubie to discuss a strategy. She then extended the conversation by talking about unrelated subjects before ending the call.

By now, the car has arrived at Dream Rise House's premises. Being a luxury sports car, the door opened up vertically.

Kiba didn't get out though. He sat inside with a complicated look on his face, something which Claudia studied in detail.

"Jealous husbands, emotional wives, angry children, and annoying divorce sharks. Wife pleasuring business is so damn troublesome!"


"And people think my life is full of roses! No one understands the struggles and troubles I face!"

Kiba had a rare outburst.

"I should have been born in ancient times instead of the 21st century! Everything would have been so easy!"

[[But you love the struggles and troubles for they make seduction exciting for you. So the modern era is far better for you.]]

Kiba couldn't refute that. In fact, if he wanted everything to be easy, he could have used his powers to make women fall in line and seduce them with a snap of fingers.

But he didn't like such means.

After all, what type of man needs to rely on magical powers to conquer a woman!? Only an inferior one who has no confidence in seduction skills!

Of course, he also knew there was fun in conquering through sheer power, like in case of wars. Maybe, in the future, he would try the old-fashioned ways, but for now, he wanted to focus on true seduction.

And for him, it meant to charm, exploit defenses, and use mental capabilities.

"You are right," Kiba agreed with her and continued. "But this divorce is troublesome for more than one reason."

[[Indeed. If the divorce succeed, based on Suzane's voice and body language, you might lose her.]]

"Yeah, I can conquer Suzane back easily, but that's not the point."

Every cheating spouse was afraid of being discovered and the possible consequences. Suzane was the same, despite knowing such probability was nearly zero. But since it wasn't absolute zero, a part of her consciousness was nervous.

So, that part of consciousness needed a guarantee... a guarantee that in the worst-case scenario, things wouldn't turn as ugly as she fears.

By asking him to save Rubie's marriage, Suzane was unconsciously trying to assure herself that if things turned worse for her, Kiba would be able to protect her marriage. If he failed, she would lose hope and the fear might result in her trying to end the affair. Of course, given Kiba's talent, the affair wouldn't end, but it would still be somewhat embarrassing.

"Had she been aware of our trump card - Olly - she wouldn't have to worry at all."


If Claudia has a human form, she would have rolled her eyes at this statement.

"Olly is almost a trojan horse. Doing everything for the well being of his mother."

Kiba got out of the car. He stretched his hands and looked at the afternoon sky... lost in thoughts.

The car, in the meantime, rushed into the garage to park itself. Claudia sent a droid to him with a refreshing drink.

Kiba grabbed the drink and drank it.

[[Which strategy would you like to use to stop the divorce?]]

Claudia asked through the droid.

By his earlier reaction, it might seem it was the first time he has faced this trouble, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

Ever since he founded Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd, he has been prepared to give support to needy wives in the midst of divorces.

A unit of Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd. offered legal help to such wives and helped them get the best deals in divorces. Even by modest counts, most divorces went in such a way that the husbands went out of the court crying while the wives were set free with a big cheque in their pockets.

This resulted in a huge financial burden on Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd.

After all, good lawyers weren't cheap, especially those who could take on high and mighty of Delta City. Then there was the dirt that needed to be collected on the husbands so that it can be used as a leverage to ensure husbands would bend.

At times, there was even a need for bribing judges and enemy lawyers through indirect means; such as luxury holidays, gifts, and so on to get favorable judgments.

"Tell me, how much loss we are suffering?" Kiba asked.

He didn't care about financial loss because all his companies were non-profit. They existed to serve the society, especially women. In a way, it could be said he was a true feminist. Doing so much for the happiness of women!

[[Wife Pleasuring Service is in $110 million debt, Maiden's Love Circle in $22 million, Mistress Massage Center in $28 million, Naughty Bunny...]]

Claudia gave him the details of his six companies' financial loss. The total financial burden left him stunned.

"Philanthropy sure isn't cheap!"


"No wonder the richest in the society are reluctant to share their wealth."

Money didn't grow on trees and it takes a lot of hard work to earn; at least for most people.

So it was no wonder that many people treasured their wealth far more than their wives and children; something Kiba truly appreciated. He especially loved men who focused so much on gaining wealth that they forget their wives and daughters.

"Oh well, prepare a schedule so that we can clear this financial mess."

Kiba commanded her.

He didn't want over 100 employees employed by his companies to be worried about possible job cuts given the financial crisis.

In fact, he wanted them to be relaxed and give them a fat bonus now he has succeeded in curing Felicity.

The movies and ads always said one should share their happiness with those less fortunate. So, he wanted to do the same now that Desolate Blood Forest's episode was behind him.


Claudia has no pity for the rich and powerful, but she did felt a bit bad for them. In just a matter of days, they would feel their pockets turning light, again.

Maybe, if the concept of karma was real, they would have a good ending in the afterlife for contributing to the welfare of so many employees. Though, she has a feeling they wouldn't agree with her point of view.

"Now, let's go to your original question... which strategy to stop divorce?"

Just like how he and Claudia have cooked dozens of schemes for seducing married women, depending on the types of marriage, they also had prepared strategies to face possible fall out.

Those fallouts were usually an end of a relationship, like marriage. While most times, they only have to help in divorce, there were times when the wife desperately wanted to stay with their husbands...

Kiba teleported to one of the bedrooms and sat down in front of a study desk. He tapped on the desk and a digital screen flashed out.

Soon, information on Rubie and her husband Roger Shine appeared. This information was from multiple sources, including Wife Pleasuring Service Pvt. Ltd and Golden Fitness Center.

"The devil is in the detail!"

A smile appeared on his lips.

"Let's meet Rubie!"

A devilish glint flashed in his eyes.

Chapter 462 - Cheater's Handbook!

Kiba swiped away the digital screen and left the desk. Rays of white light emerged from his body and began to envelop him, surging with teleportation power.

[[Sir, before you go, there is something you must know.]]

"Hmm?" Kiba stopped himself from teleporting.

[[Miss Delta Pagent is less than 10 days away. Lager Kestone has just sent an official invitation, by an email, for you to judge the pageant.]]

Kiba's eyes lit up.

"Accept the invitation."

He said, his expression nonchalant.

"As a resident of Delta City, it is my duty to help the city in picking the best woman who could represent us in Miss World."

[[I did that, sir.]]

Claudia replied.

[[After all, who can know better than me on how eager you are to help the city?]]

The corners of his mouth twitched and he teleported away.


Hotel Close Horizon.

Rubie, dressed in a stunning black sequin, sat in one of the posh restaurants in the hotel. The restaurant has an open sea view, letting the patrons enjoy a beautiful sight.

She wasn't in any mood to enjoy the sight though nor eat anything. She just sat, without doing anything, sporting a gloomy expression. She looked around and saw no one else... the gloom on her face worsened.

"That look doesn't suit your face."

Kiba stepped from behind and sat in a chair opposite hers.

She was waiting for him, but his sudden appearance surprised her. She wasn't worried about being seen with him though, as the area was private and exclusive, suiting the privacy of a five-star place.

Kiba swept a glance at the table and noticed the glass of orange juice in front of her was untouched.

"You should drink that," He said, his eyes focused on her face.

"I'm not thirsty," Rubie replied, her voice gloomy. She looked at him, having so many things to say, but not knowing how to word them out.

Kiba grabbed the glass and sipped a mouthful of the juice. Rubie's eyes turned wide as she saw his figure vanishing in a puff of smoke. She turned around to check where he has gone, and when she turned towards her left, her lips brushed against his.

She was dumbstruck.

His lips pressed tightly against her for a wet kiss, and before she could think of resisting his kiss, a hand slipped into the end of her dress, tracing the inner of her left thigh.

The touch was tantalizing and she gasped, opening her lips. Freshly-squeezed orange juice flew into her mouth, something she devoured without much thought.

And then she felt his mouth freeing hers, moving away.

"Would you like to drink the rest of the juice like this as well?" Kiba asked, sitting next to her, a carefree look on his face.

Rubie was amazed and didn't know what to say. She knew he was bold, but she didn't expect him to do this, at least, not in a restaurant where they were meeting for a sensitive topic about her marriage.

"I..." Rubie loved the taste of the drink now, and she felt the credit didn't go to the oranges. He has made swapping the mouthful of juice so sensual that for a moment, she has forgotten her worries.

"I will drink it!"

Rubie drank the entire glass. As much as she desired a more sensual drink, she wanted to be focused on the task at hand.

"A minute ago, you weren't in the mood to drink," Kiba observed as she emptied the glass.


"Anyways, let's talk," Kiba said. He did what he did so far to relax her a little, in his ways.

"How did your husband Roger learn about us?" Kiba asked.

He was sure he left no clues.

"I was stupid," Rubie replied, her eyes turning misty.

"I was at a girl's night out... you know how those nights are. Discussing stupid stuff, gossips, etc while drinking and dancing... you know, having a good time," Rubie stammered and broke in between as she continued, "The topic moved to you since at that time you weren't seen for weeks though there were rumors you were here and there. Umm...well, there was a lot of discussion about you... and when others bragged about having slept with you, I did the same. My luck was bad though... my husband has came to find me and heard what I said."

Kiba looked at her and then told her to proceed.

"We had a fight after we returned... and since I was drunk, I confessed that I have slept with you for weeks and more," Rubie continued with her head low. "And then he served me with divorce papers. Today is the day of hearing!"

Kiba could only sigh.

"You didn't follow Cheater's Handbook properly," Kiba observed.

"I realize that," Rubie replied.

Cheater's Handbook was a special book written by Kiba so that wives could learn about how to be not caught and enjoy the unadulterated pleasure of infidelity without any worries. Wife Pleasuring Service Pvt. Ltd would give this handbook to its special customers like her, for free.

"Men often brag about their conquests... though in most cases, they are only lying to sound cool. In women's cases... women don't often brag because they are afraid of being labeled as sluts.

"Of course, I said often and not always since women too are humans and they have the same desires and emotions as men. So, they also share their affairs with their friends. In your case, the alcohol and the peer pressure made you commit one of the most stupid mistakes... something that was specifically pointed out in Cheater's Handbook's page 115, third paragraph."

Rubie nodded sadly.

"I love Roger and despite cheating on him, I had ensured he was the luckiest man alive," She brought the main subject. "And I told him, I will be the best wife if he could forgive me... but his pride doesn't allow him to!"

"Well, that was another mistake," Kiba sighed again. "The handbook has specific instructions on how to talk with your husband if you are caught."

Ruby's eyes turned listless. She obviously knew the instructions, but she was far too shocked after being caught to remember and follow the instructions.

"Anyways, don't worry," Kiba lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. "You are not getting divorced."

Her face instantly brightened. She could hear the confidence in his voice and it lifted her spirits.

"The court hearing is today, right?" Kiba asked.

"Yes, It would be held in around four hours," Rubie answered. She then explained in detail her strategy, "I have instructed my lawyer to resist every attempt by Roger for a divorce. The lawyer assured me we will succeed for today by using assets and other means."

"That won't do," Kiba rose to his feet and looked at the sea. "Tell your lawyer, to not resist or block Roger's petition for divorce."


Rubie jumped up in shock.

Kiba enjoyed the sea for a few moments before turning towards her. Her expression was a mix of shock and bewilderment, unable to believe what he has said.

Kiba took her face in his hands and then leaned down. She was stupified as she found herself being kissed again.

"Trust me, by doing what I asked you to, you will get everything you have wanted."

Kiba said after he broke the kiss.

She was dazed. She remembered how he seduced Suzane by using her, and the reward she got... that was one of the things she wanted the most.

"What I have wanted..."

She knew, despite how much she loved her husband, she loved fucking Kiba the more. She craved his giant cock and wanted him to stuff it in her wet cunt.

She desperately missed how good her body felt when he grabbed her ass and hammered into her... giving her one orgasm after another.

"Ahh!" Rubie felt weak in her knees as she remembered the exercises... and the incentives he offered for her to succeed!

This was why she didn't resist what he has done now, despite her being nervous about divorce... she knew meeting him here would result in something.

"God! How can I be so selfish!?" She wondered in her heart. "I love cheating far more than I love Roger!"

So, getting everything she wanted would mean having her cake and getting to eat it too! The best of both worlds!

"H-how would you do it?" She asked.

Kiba pinned her against a wall and grabbed her left thigh up. Startled, she placed her hands on his shoulders for support.

"You will see it soon," Kiba then proceeded to make out with her, exploring her body as if he owned it. He kissed her lips, nibbled down on her ears and neck, fondled her breasts. She might be the wife of another man, but she was his to be fucked.


She arched her head back.

Two waitresses, having received a good amount of cash before, began to shut the doors of the restaurant. The restaurant manager was more than happy to cooperate. An hour ago, the entire restaurant was reserved. So, why would he care if the restaurant was temporarily closed by the one who reserved it?

"Rich people waste money like it is water!" One of the waitresses mused as she shut the door. The last thing she saw was Kiba dragging down the panties of Rubie.

As the restaurant closed, Rubie received an exercise session she has desperately missed for months...

All her worries of divorce faded as he stuffed her hungry cunt, sending currents of pleasure deep into her...


A few hours later, in the court.

Roger was surprised to see his wife's lawyer not creating any obstacle in the divorce proceedings.

"That cheating slut! So, she is giving up on our marriage!?"

Roger cursed in his heart when the judge passed the order. The moment he heard the judgment, Roger was shocked.

"What the hell?!"

Chapter 463 - Gerrell Windsor

The emergence of mutants and supernatural abilities didn't lead to global chaos thanks to the all-powerful World Government. The over 60% mutants populace has to follow the laws just like the rest of the populace which consisted of ordinary humans; resulting in a stable world and development that gave further rise to technological advancement. The only exception being the forbidden regions and Lizenea where the government didn't have its hold.

In civil society though, there were strict rules on what type of mutant could use their abilities in what place and situation; with certain exceptions like defending oneself and so on. The rules weren't overly strict nor there were too many restrictions that ensured mutants weren't frustrated and give rise to thoughts of rebellion.

So, in short, the iron-clad law & order situation ensured that mutants didn't use their abilities as they please and thus, saving civil society from chaos.

It was also a truth that powerful mutants - which were in minority - had more freedom and extra rights. But then again, in every era, even before the present evolution started, the royalty and governments of the past gave special preference to selected communities, whether it was nobles or businessman. Of course, in the present era, it was more subtle to make sure that the populace didn't believe the government was spreading inequality.

The combination of everything meant that more than 95% population have to follow the police, courts, etc. Or risk punishment...

Presently, in Delta City Civil Court, Roger Shine cursed the world order and the system. If not for the World Government, he wouldn't silently listen to old judge passing order without lashing out at him.

"Mr. Shine, the court's duty is to dissolve the holy bond of marriage only as a last resort."

The honorable judge continued.

"This court has seen the remorse shown by your wife and her efforts to save the marriage. Now, she isn't even trying to contest the divorce terms because that's how much she loves you, which I must say, is a stupid thing to do. So, it is clear, she wants best for you, even if it means giving you everything, including a divorce. While you have the right to divorce her, it should be only if reconciliation fails."

Rubie listened to the judge's words while giggling in her heart. She was really happy that she changed her instructions to her lawyer and told him to not contest the unfair divorce terms.

"Kiba truly knows the best for me!"

Rubie could still feel the effect of the intense fucking she got from him just before she came here. He has made her orgasm multiple times, and knowing she would be meeting her husband in the court, she was really turned on by the illicit fun.

And now, she was sure that not only Kiba knew how to fuck a woman senseless, but also knew how to help her out in courts!

"He is truly the best!"

She thanked him in her heart. Knowing that she can't seem complacent, she showed a remorseful but hopeful expression.

Roger, on the other hand, clenched his fists.

"That's why, this court is directing you, Mr. Shine, to attend counseling," The judge passed the order. "Your wife will also attend. And to ensure there is no delay or fights in choosing a counselor, this court is appointing Mr. Gerrell Windsor as the counselor."

The judge then left the courtroom through the reserved door.

"Roger, this is good news," Roger's lawyer tried to show him a silver lining. "If you attend all the court-mandated sessions, and the counselor says there is no hope in saving your marriage, the divorce will succeed."


"And we are lucky. The court has given us a male counselor!"

The lawyer was sly, and despite failing, he showed losing as winning.

"Male counselor would be sympathetic to you! Not your wife!"

Roger could only grudgingly accept the order. He instructed the lawyer to get the counseling session as soon as possible so that he could be done with it.

At the same time, Rubie arrived in front of him with a guilty look.

"I really hope we succeed in counseling and can continue to be married," She gave him a kiss despite his reluctance. "I love you."

After saying this, she turned around and left.

Roger's lawyer noticed emotions erupting in her eyes as she quickly rushed out of the courtroom.

"She really loves you... so much that she can't let you see her tears," He said with a complicated look.

Roger noticed it as well.

His anger slightly calmed down but his decision to divorce remained the same.

What Roger and his lawyer didn't know was that Rubie left quickly because she didn't want to show them the proof of her recent adultery. Her lover has recently deposited his cum inside her, and when she walked to Roger now, some of it trickled down her thighs... so she had no choice, but to leave.

After all, she didn't want to lose the chance of reconciliation with her husband just because she couldn't contain her lover's cum.

"I really love Roger!"

Rubie thought as she entered into a washroom and wiped the trail of cum with a finger. She licked the cum and swallowed it down.

"So tasty! No wonder I can't get enough of it!"

Psychologically, for many cheating spouses, adultery was about the illicit thrill from fucking someone other than their spouse... doing something they shouldn't.

But for Rubie and other wives in Delta City, adultery was never about the thrill of illicit situation. It was about addiction to having the best man as their lover... cheating on their husbands was just an additional illicit thrill.


The old judge slowly stepped towards his private chambers. The automatic door opened up after confirming his presence, and he walked right into. As he entered, he wasn't least bit surprised to find a golden-haired man standing next to a window, glossing over a magazine.

"You have barely returned and asked me for such a strange favor."

The judge removed his coat and sat down.

"So, you must be having some plans for that wife, huh?"

Who could he be speaking to, if not Kiba?

"Not really," Kiba answered. "She wants to stay married so I'm helping her out."

"Really?" The judge wasn't convinced.

"Well, she is also a good fuck," Kiba added.

"Now you are speaking the truth!" The judge laughed. "Every time it is the same reason!"

Kiba tossed the magazine away and sat across the judge.

"I owe you," Kiba said with a relaxed smile. "And like before, you could ask for a favor."

The judge nodded.

As long as desires existed in human beings, corruption would exist. Whether it was a judge or the president, everyone wanted more than what their jobs could provide.

The same went for mutants adventuring in forbidden regions like Desolate Blood Forest... the greed for more would lead to betraying friends and murdering companions.

"I'm getting old," The judge replied with a sigh. "The chances of being promoted are less... and honestly, I don't want to be promoted. And my powers as a mutant aren't anything great... but I want to advance."

The evolution powers of mankind could be best represented by a pyramid.

The base of the pyramid occupied the most space, and similarly, most mutants occupied the bottom of the evolution scale. These mutants have barely awakened their powers... so either they didn't deserve to be labeled as even Level I, or had barely surpassed the threshold to be called Level I or Level II mutants.

As one moved up the evolution pyramid, the numbers of mutants having greater powers drastically reduced.

So, it wouldn't be wrong to say, over 85% of the mutant populace could be considered as Gamma-rank. The rest of the mutant populace was Beta-rank.

As for Alpha, well, out of 10 billion-plus humans, they weren't even 1000... so they didn't even deserve to be counted in the populace, despite their godly might.

"If that's what you want, then why not?" Kiba understood what the judge wanted. He retrieved a medical pill from his storage dimension and tossed it to him.

"I'm grateful," The judge knew the value of the pill. "I will handle the next five cases as you see fit."

Kiba nodded.

As long as it was within the power of the judge, he would try to give a favorable judgment. Of course, it has to be legal and not overly biased otherwise the decision would be overruled in upper courts and might even result in disciplinary actions against the judge.

"Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd. would also thank you for your help," Kiba said as he left the chair.

"Well, I look forward to it!"

The judge grinned. It has been a while since he went to the luxury retreats hosted by Kiba's company.

"Goodbye," Kiba said as the teleportation force began to surge out of him.

"You know," The judge looked at Kiba and said, "I'm really grateful that I'm old."

"?" Kiba didn't teleport yet. He looked back at the judge with a bewildered expression.

Old aged signified less vitality, very low or no sexual drive, and close to death. So, what was there to be grateful?

The judge knew he has made Kiba curious. So, with a smirk, he explained.

"I don't have to be worried that you would bang my wife... She has been dead for years. Even if she was alive, I doubt you would be interested in fucking a 70 years old woman."


"And God has been more than kind to me!" The judge continued, "You only appeared four years ago... long after I turned old!"


"Otherwise, I would be another cuckold at your mercy! Hahaha!"

The judge broke into laughter.

Kiba let out a sigh.

"You have a weird sense of humor."

Rays of white light erupted and the teleportation force enveloped him completely.

As Kiba began to teleport away, the judge remarked:

"Well, you need to find humor in old age or you turn senile. Something a young man like you wouldn't understand."

"...Maybe not," Kiba's voice rang in the chambers as he disappeared.


10 PM.

Roger's lawyer was able to book an appointment for counseling on the same day. The schedule was for 10:15 PM, and Roger arrived at the marriage counselor's office fifteen minutes earlier.

When he stepped in the waiting lounge, he saw his nervous wife sitting on a chair. She felt his presence and glanced at him before turning away.

He noticed the mixture of guilt, worry, fear, and hope on her face before she turned away; something which made him pleased.

"Bitch! There is no way I'm going to reconcile with you!"

Roger thought coldly and sat down, waiting for the counselor to call him.


The marriage counselor's room was vast and spacious with a modern look. For the counselor, there was a recliner sofa seat accompanied by a large desk. For the attending couple or individual, there were chaise lounge, loveseat sofa, and two additional chairs.

In between, there was a glass table upon which a tissue box was placed along with two glasses of water, covered with lids.

Throughout the room, the lightings were comfortable, radiating soft glow. Along with the color combination and the relics in the room, the lighting proved to be every psychologist's ideal location for counseling.

Presently, on the recliner, Kiba sat with a virtual screen floating in front of him. Behind him, a robotic droid cut his hair short and dyed them a combination of white and black.

Kiba ignored the droid, with his full attention on the virtual screen.

"This is fun."

The screen projected live feed from the waiting lounge.

"She should have been an actress instead of a bored housewife."

Kiba mused as he studied Rubie's performance. Of course, the credit also went to him as he has given her an emotion-inducing pill. Still, he wasn't stingy in praises when a woman was involved.

Kiba then glanced at the nameplate - Gerrell Windsor.

If Sarah - Daniel's wife - was here, she would be stunned by the family name Windsor. It was the same surname she saw on the gravestone belonging to Kiba's mother.

Rose Windsor!

"Rose Windsor... Gerrell Windsor... star-crossed lovers separated by death!"

Kiba smiled and retrieved a black mask.

By now, the droid has completed its job so Kiba slipped the mask on his face. It melded with his skin and his face began to twist.

A few seconds later, his facial features transformed completely. With the change in his hair length and color, he was now a completely different person.

He was Gerrell Windsor!

Kiba looked at his reflection on a mirror and saw a middle-aged man. The new he was still handsome though there was no resemblance to the former him.

"It has been a while, Gerrell."

The mask was something he created based on holographic technology. It has the ability to change both facial features and voice.

"I should learn shapeshifting," Kiba thought. "It would be far more useful."

When he thought of shapeshifting, he recalled a story from Greek mythology, something which originated long before the era of evolution.

The story has Zeus as the central character. To seduce one of the most beautiful mortal woman - Alcmene - he shapeshifted into her husband - Amphitryon. He spent three nights with her and made her pregnant with a child that would be known as Heracles.

"Gods have had it to easy when it came to seduction."

Kiba knew how beneficial shapeshifting could be, but he wasn't sure if he really wanted to use it as a substitute for the seduction process.

Hs smiled and cleared his thoughts. He snapped his fingers and the door leading to the waiting lounge opened up.

"Mr. and Mrs. Shine, please enter."

He looked forward to saving the holy bond of marriage. His determination to do was such that his cock stirred when Rubie stepped in.

"Well, I should not only save the holy bond, but also reinforce it."

And he has the right tool for it...

Chapter 464 - Couple Therapy! (Part I)

(A/N: The therapy chapters are a bit evil and twisted, even psychologically. Please read at your own risk!)

Kiba, disguised as Gerrell Windsor, welcomed the couple.

"Mr. and Mrs. Shine, please, have a seat."

Kiba pointed to the loveseat sofa, but Roger didn't sit there. He wanted to sit alone and not with his cheating wife, so he took one of the chairs next to the sofa.

Rubie, on the other hand, sat down on the sofa while checking out the room. Her eyes paused on the chaise lounge, and she thought it must be used be for solo counseling and not for joint counseling.

She then brought her eyes to the counselor who appeared to be a middle-aged man, but extremely handsome. He was sitting with a pen in his hand and tapping it on the top of the large desk.

"He should be working for Kiba, right?"

She asked herself, desperately hoping for the answer to be positive. The fate of her marriage relied on him though she also knew very few marriages survived by court-ordered counseling.

"Whatever happens here is strictly confidential."

Kiba started by explaining the counselor-client privilege.

"That means, I won't disclose anything you share with me. Neither with the court nor with anyone, not even your spouse if either of you goes for solo counseling."

Roger's heart wasn't in counseling for he has already made a decision, and he wasn't going to change it. Still, when the counselor explained the privacy privilege, he nodded.

No reputed counselor would ever disclose client information. Unless he wants to lose the fame and status along with the counseling license.

"I have checked the court papers."

Kiba scrolled through a virtual screen floating horizontally over the desk and continued.

"And if I'm not reading it wrong, Mr. Shine wants a divorce because Mrs. Shine cheated. Mrs. Shine though wants to save the marriage and is hoping for a chance... Furthermore, based on the judge's remarks, she loves you, Mr. Shine."

Roger scoffed and replied, "Just not enough to keep her legs closed for that pussy hound Kiba!"

Before the counselor could respond, Rubie broke in tears.

"I'm sorry."

She pulled a tissue from the tissue box. The effects of the emotion-inducing pill were still active, giving her the acting powers of a top actress.

Wiping her tears, she looked at her husband and said, "I really love you... and I'm sorry for cheating on you. I didn't know what I was thinking..."

Roger snarled and shouted, "You were thinking of that bastard's cock!"

He has tried to calm his anger, but he couldn't... not for even five minutes after entering here. He has too much to vent; something only a betrayed husband could understand.

Kiba might be Gerrell Windsor now, but he still felt bad to see a lady treated such a way. Still, he knew, he couldn't be angry or afford to anger Roger.

After all, to save the marriage, he has no choice, but to follow the four steps of therapy:

Making a bond, Executing mental demons, Change perspective, and...

He suppressed a grin as he thought of the fourth step.

"Mr. Shine, please, mind your language," Kiba requested in a strictly professional tone, "She is your wife."

"Like hell! I don't even want to be married to her!" Roger lashed out. "If not for that fucking judge, I wouldn't be even here. All I want is that bitch to be out of my life!"

Rubie wept and buried her face in her hands.

"Mrs. Shine, I think it would be for best that if your husband has solo counseling today," Kiba walked to her, and said, "You can come tomorrow for counseling."

Rubie didn't know what to say. She could only nod and rose to her feet.

At the same time, Kiba turned towards Roger, and said, "Mr. Shine, please lie down on the chaise lounge and close your eyes so that you can calm a bit."


Roger was annoyed, but he still did as asked. His lawyer has advised him to not make a mess with the counselor as otherwise, the court might increase the number of counseling sessions.

Kiba opened the door and guided Rubie out. She looked at the counselor and said, "Please take care of my husband."

"I will," Kiba placed a hand on his chin and then moved it up.

"!!" Rubie's eyes constricted in shock. She saw the counselor's face distorts into that of Kiba's.

She stumbled back in shock, but he quickly supported her. His lips arrived close to her right ear, and he said, "Do you want to listen to the counseling between me and your husband?"

Still shocked, Rubie nodded. She wanted to know everything, so, she didn't need to think much.

Kiba kissed her ear and playfully licked her ear lobe before adding, "Then crawl on the floor and hide under the desk while I distract your husband."

Rubie's entire body tingled from the tantalizing action of his mouth on her ear. She gasped before replying, "Yes."

A part of her did wonder if he was breaking the counselor-client privilege...

Kiba put back on the mask. He then moved back to his chair while checking Roger.

"Mr. Shine, please shut your eyes for a minute," Kiba requested. "And take a deep breath."

Roger snorted but still followed the request.

Meanwhile, Rubie crawled on all her fours, slowly moving towards the desk, trying not to make any sound.

Kiba sat down on his recliner seat and looked at her raised ass, barely hidden by the black sequin. If he wanted, he could have teleported her directly, but he didn't.

After all, if he had, then where would he see her move like this?

"Counselor?" Roger began opening his eyes.

"Yes?" Kiba almost forgot his client. With a professional smile, he spun the chair and looked at Roger.

"I don't want to be married to that cheating slut!" Roger said as he opened his eyes completely.

Had he opened them a few seconds earlier, he would have seen the milky-white ass of his wife and her black panties displayed in the air as she crawled under the desk in front of the counselor.

That sight would have truly made him rethink his decision of divorce... of course, the truth would also have made him insane with rage.

"Mr. Shine, we are not here because your wife cheated," Kiba replied in a professional tone, "We are here because we want to save your marriage."

Under the desk, Rubie smiled.

Yes, we are here to save the marriage!

As she thought, Kiba's chair came close to her, his crotch just a few centimeters away from her. She swallowed down as she saw the outline of his flaccid cock in those black pants...

"Mr. Shine, we know your wife made a mistake, a very big mistake," Kiba said, his voice a bit sad, "But every human makes mistake... the true test of our character is forgiving."

Roger clenched his teeth and sat down on the chaise lounge. With a voice full of anger, he shouted, "It is easy for you to preach! Do you even know the pain of your lover making such a mistake?!"

He expected that since the counselor was male, he would be more understanding and sympathetic. So far, he hasn't seen either understanding or sympathy.

Kiba looked down, under the desk, and sighed. Rubie looked back, and felt worried that he might lose cool.


Her eyes lit up as an idea flashed in her mind. She gently moved her hands up his thighs and brought them on his crotch.

"It is so thick and long despite being flaccid!"

No matter how many times she felt him, she was always amazed. And she knew, how her eyes would bulge out when she sees him in all glory... the sight of him never got old!

"This would relive him!"

She thought as she massaged his cock through the pants.

"Why are you silent?! And you think looking under your desk would kill my question?" Roger angrily asked.

"No, Mr. Shine, I don't think it would kill your question," Kiba answered with a sad smile. "I was looking at the darkness under the desk... and remembering the bitter times."

"Bitter times?" Roger was startled.


Kiba answered as Rubie continued to rub the outline of his cock. He was growing longer and harder.

"You see, Mr. Roger, my wife made the same mistake as your wife."

Kiba said while raising a hand to show a wedding ring. The first step of therapy has started.

"Your wife cheated?!" Roger was shocked. He didn't expect Gerrell Windsor to have suffered what he had.

Instantly, a part of him sympathized with him. It was sympathy that only people who have shared common disaster could feel.

"Yes," Kiba nodded.

Roger looked on as the counselor lowered his hand. He couldn't see the wedding ring any longer due to the desk, but based on how he saw the counselor's shoulder and neck moving, he was sure the counselor has made an additional moment with his hand.

"He must be clenching his hand!" Roger thought while Kiba used his hand to grab Rubie's head and pull her mouth closer to his crotch.

Rubie gasped in shock as she realized what he wanted.

Butterflies ran in her belly while a wet sensation unfolded between her legs. Two contrasting feelings swept her senses, and ultimately, one overpowered the other.

The winner of the two made her unbutton his pants and pull the zipper down.

"Oh god! I can't believe I'm doing this!"

She was afraid but also excited as she pulled his cock.

"Roger would definitely divorce me if he sees this!"

She thought as she saw the huge, long and thick cock right in front of her eyes, close to her lips. Her breathing turned heavy as the warmth pulsated from the fat cock.

Not hesitant any longer, she wrapped her hands around the enormous shaft and began to stroke it up and down.

"Mr. Shine, I know your pain, I really do."

Kiba's face twisted a bit by the wonderful strokes his cock was getting through those soft, pleasant hands.

"Then why are you advising me to reconcile?" Roger asked.

"Because, Mr. Shine, that's what true love is," Kiba answered with a content smile, "True love is not something that could be wiped out or poisoned by a mistake, no matter how big."

Roger wanted to speak, but Kiba stopped him and requested him to let him complete.

"Mr. Shine, my wife loved me, really loved me. In a moment of weakness, she committed that little mistake," Kiba continued as Roger's wife pumped his cock in her hands, "If you think about it, sex occupies the least time of our entire life... So, the question before me was... forgiving my wife for a mistake that didn't occupy a moment of our life...or kill the love that occupied the great part of my life. It was hard, but I chose the former."

Kiba pressed his lower lip under his teeth.

Between his legs, Rubie swept her tongue out as she saw precum shooting out of the tip of his cock. She licked it off and rolled her tongue back, swallowing the precum completely.

"He always tastes so fresh and good!" Rubie thought.

At the same time, Roger noticed Kiba biting his lip. He could only imagine how painful it must have been for him to make such a decision.

"Mr. Shine, I don't expect you to follow my decision," Kiba started again. "Because our lives are different. I knew for sure that my wife loved me... I also knew she was the type who learned from her mistakes. So, I wasn't afraid of giving her a second chance."

The words Roger was about to say died in his throat. He thought of Rubie, the love she had for him, the way she acted in the court and here.

After taking a breath, he answered, "I know my wife also loves me... And I know, after what happened, she would never cheat on me."

Under the desk, Rubie was in the middle of licking the base of the enormous cock, and when her husband's words entered her ears, she paused.

"I wouldn't cheat on you, love!" Rubie promised in her heart. "This is the last time! I swear! You can trust me!"

Her tongue then licked the throbbing cock, from base to the head. As she arrived on the head, her tongue licked in circles, making Kiba shudder in ecstasy.

Kiba observed Roger for a few moments before continuing, "Mr. Shine, you need to ask yourself logically, without any anger... does her cheating changes the love she has for you?"

His question was rephrase and repetitive but it was important.

"...No," Roger answered though he didn't felt like it. Fidelity was important to him and part of love.

"Then ask yourself, has her cheating affected you other than your sense of betrayal? Has she taken anything from you because she had a lover? Has she been less attentive to you?" Kiba bombarded him with questions.

Roger thought for a long time before answering, "No."

As he thought, he realized her having a lover didn't affect him when he was oblivious to her affair. She was the attentive loving wife, and now that he thought, she was even extra loving. Perhaps that was out of guilt or to avoid suspicion.

"Now, ask yourself... does her having sex with another man really meant taking anything from you? Were you denied sex?"

"...No," Roger recalled.

He contemplated everything and lost himself in thoughts. A few minutes later, he looked at the therapist and said, "But I can't take her back!"

He continued, his eyes red with fury. "So, I will definitely divorce her!"

Kiba wasn't surprised. Still, he has to show it on his face, though it was a bit hard with the pleasure Roger's wife was giving him.

"Why?" Kiba asked.

"I can't get her fucking images out of my head!" Roger replied.

"Images?" Kiba was truly surprised. He wondered if Roger has hired a private detective to catch his wife cheating.

"Yeah, I don't know what she did with Kiba," Roger said, his face red. "But I imagine so many things... things she wouldn't do with me!"

"Oh!" Kiba sighed in relief. At the same time, Rubie opened her glossy lips and took the fat head of his cock in her mouth. She started sucking him in and out.

"What things?" Kiba asked, curiously.

Roger didn't reply for a long time. He then thought of the counselor-client privilege, and decided to share his fears.

"We have been married for seven years... and in all this time, she never has gone down on me, not once!" Roger clenched his fists tightly before continuing, "She has never given me a single blow job!"

By now, Rubie has taken almost half of Kiba's cock down her throat. As her husband's words rang out, she froze with Kiba's cock continuing to enjoy the warmth of her mouth.

"And I wonder if she kisses that pussy hound's cock and licks it... and god forbid... give him a proper blowjob!" Roger concluded.

Kiba grabbed the back of Rubie's head and pressed it forward. Still sitting and hidden by the desk, he pumped his hips into her face, fucking her face.

Rubie was caught off guard as he began to treat her mouth like her pussy, fucking it with fast strokes.

Meanwhile, as he stroked in and out of her mouth, Kiba said, "Mr. Roger, you watch too many porn movies. Many women, especially wives, don't give blowjobs."

Mentally, he added, "to their husbands."

"Really?" Roger looked expectantly.

"Of course, there is no reason for me to lie," Kiba replied, his tone changing from that of a marital therapist to a sex therapist.

At the same time, Rubie pressed her hands on his thighs as he gave her control, allowing her to bob up and down his cock. She pumped and stroked him through her mouth and lips, giving him a pleasure few men were destined to achieve.

"You see, Mr. Shine, a good number of women find oral sex repulsive," Kiba explained, trying his best to sound professional, "It is just that the internet has made oral sex seem the norm. If you don't believe me, you can check the surveys and books."

Rubie agreed with him as she sucked him. She did love giving Kiba blow jobs because his cock demanded it. And she knew, he had every right!

This cock was a gift of God, and it deserved to be worshiped in every possible way.

"So, Mr. Shine, please, rest assured..." Kiba continued with a smile. "I can judge a person by their body language, and from what I can tell of your wife, she isn't the type to give oral sex."

Roger's face brightened but he was still adamant in his decision. He wouldn't forgive his wife nor take her back!

Chapter 465 - Couple Therapy (Part II/III)

Kiba obviously knew Roger's decision was still firm. The first step of therapy - forming a sympathetic bond - has two uses: making Roger feel he was understood and along with it, planting the ideas of true love and forgiveness.

Under the desk, Rubie pumped the head of Kiba's cock with her hands while her tongue licked down the shaft, covering every inch.

Her tongue was slow, gentle, and slippery... the combinations of which made his cock twitch from excitement.

And as she arrived on his balls, she pulled her tongue back, and rolled it out again, teasing him.

Kiba was impressed by her service. He was also proud that she has become such an expert cock licker and sucker after being trained by his cock.

"Mr. Shine, there is something you want to say," Kiba said.

He hasn't forgotten his duty as the counselor, so he further added, "Please say."

Roger looked around the room, checking out every piece of item, before saying, "I have seen Kiba... you know, in action... not with my wife but..."

He was hesitant to continue. His face showed a mixture of anger and despair.

"Mr. Shine, please explain what you mean."

Kiba was curious. He didn't think he has seen Roger before except on files.

"There was this party in a club I was visiting... a group of women was hosting a bachelorette party for some gorgeous bride-to-be. The party was full of music, dance, drugs, alcohol... well, you get the idea."

Roger clenched his jaw before continuing.

"Kiba was also at that party, as the only man! He danced with the bride-to-be and her friends on the bar! That dance was anything but appropriate... those women ripped his clothes away! And when he lost his clothes and his naked figure was revealed, the bride-to-be's eyes turned big and wide... and her jaws dropped. The same went for the other women... they all blushed and turned breathless, with the literal OMG expression!! Those fucking sluts were salivating from desire!!!"

Roger grabbed a glass of water and emptied it in one gulp. He could only imagine how his own wife would have reacted when she undressed Kiba.

"And that bastard fucked bride-to-be! It was like he was some gymnast or body trainer in the art of screwing! He fucked that slut standing, sitting, lying, and in god know's how many positions!

"I can still hear that slut moaning, crying, and screaming when he screwed her in front of her friends! What's worse, he wasn't satisfied with the bride-to-be alone! He moved on her friends... and made them cry and moan in similar ways! Every fucking of them!!

"And then, he just slept there as if he has collapsed after sacrificing for some noble cause!"

Roger trembled as he continued, saying something he dreaded to say.

"I don't want to admit it, but he is blessed... you know, really blessed down there..."

Roger couldn't continue any longer as fear wrapped his guts. He could only guess how many innocent men suffered because Kiba decided to share his blessing with women.

"I see," Kiba was a bit surprised that Roger has witnessed one of those orgies.

He didn't know which party Roger was referring to though. Because one of his companies - Naughty Bunny Corporation - hosted such parties throughout the city so that a bride-to-be could have the best time before she tied knots and lost her freedom.

"If it doesn't offend you, I'm going to share a hypothesis on you," Kiba looked at Roger. "I will only do it if you give me your permission."

"Sure," Roger told him to proceed.

"One of the main reasons you don't want to be married any longer...is that you are afraid," Kiba paused for a moment before continuing, "Afraid that you are incapable of satisfying your wife."

Rage erupted inside Roger and his entire face turned red. His rage was so strong that veins bulged throughout his body, on verge of snapping.

This hypothesis hurt him the most because it was the truth. Ever since he learned about Rubie having a lover, and that too the infamous Kiba... he lost all confidence in his sexual powers. He knew, even if he hasn't witnessed that party in the club, his condition would have been the same, more or less.

"Mr. Shine, there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

Kiba let out a sigh before continuing.

"What you are experiencing is nothing unique. When a spouse cheat, the other spouse wonders if he/she is lacking between sheets. It doesn't matter if it is a man or woman, such thoughts are natural.

"In the case of men, they become self-conscious of their body image and start doubting their ability to satisfy a woman. These doubts turn into fear and then into a psychological block which ultimately affects their sex drive. In rare cases, the effects include erectile dysfunction as sexual performance depends more on the mind,"

Roger lost all his anger and collapsed, his face ashen. He looked at the counselor in shock and disbelief. Everything the counselor said was true... all his worst fears were out.

"Mr. Shine, what you need to know is that people cheat for many reasons," Kiba tried to relax his client, "You will be surprised to learn that sexual gratification is not the most popular reason, despite what your fears and internet made you believe."

"I-it is not?"

Roger was now like a man drowning in the stormy sea. For him, even the support of a staw could make all the difference.

"Yes," Kiba nodded.

He then shared the various reasons for cheating: falling out of love, situational forces, boredom, feeling neglected, etc . He explained them in simple words rather than using psychological terms.

"If I have to guess, based on your wife's profile, her reason is that you were busy, too involved in your business... and she got bored," Kiba mixed the truth with fiction to convince Roger.

"Like hell! Even if I was busy and she got bored, that isn't a reason to cheat!" Roger shouted. He refused to believe any justification, no matter how convincing the reasons sounded.

"Of course not," Kiba agreed. "What I'm telling you is that... your wife is a victim like you."


Roger was dumbfounded. She was the villain in the story... so how she be the victim?! The only victim was him.

Rubie has pressed her lips against Kiba's cock to give it a wet kiss, but when she heard him calling her a victim, even she was dumbstruck.

Still, she didn't forget the important job she has. So, her glossy lips kissed the thick cock, giving it the love it deserved.

"Yes, Mr. Shine. Both you and your wife are victims," Kiba explained with a bitter smile. "And the antagonist is Kiba."


Roger agreed with Kiba being the antagonist, but still, he didn't want to believe his wife was the victim.

"Mr. Roger, do you know any married woman who has escaped Kiba's charm? Do you know any married woman who was able to resist his seduction?"

Kiba asked.

Roger turned silent. He has researched about Kiba a lot in the recent weeks. So, he knew the answers to the two questions... no such woman existed!

Below the desk, Rubie was stunned. She couldn't believe Kiba was taking such unfair blame, despite him giving her the orgasmic happiness that made her feel she was in heaven!

Something, that neither love nor wealth could give...

Roger let out a no to the questions.

"Mr. Shine, one of the reasons that man succeed is that he is able to remind women of their carefree days and make them forget about the responsibilities that had become a natural part of their lives."

Kiba took a long pause for Roger to contemplate before concluding, "Are you understanding what I'm trying to say?"

"...." Roger shook his head. He wasn't able to understand what the counselor wanted to imply.

Kiba let out a sigh before explaining in simple terms:

"Mr. Shine, Kiba is a master manipulator."

He felt bad for vilifying his honest persona, but he has no choice if he wanted to get results in such a short time. With the pageant near, he didn't have much time to spare...

"Kiba knows how to break through married women's defense, exploit their weakness, and seduce them when they are the most vulnerable. You can say, he is a ruthless businessman with lots of business experience. He gets what he wants, no matter the means."

"Ah!" Roger's eyes flashed in understanding. The invisible pressure he was feeling disappeared and the frustration inside him drastically reduced.

He felt better mentally knowing he wasn't at fault for his wife being seduced.

The fault was Kiba's!

This thought helped him in getting his mental strength back. He no longer felt that inadequate and useless in bed. His broken ego began recovering!

"Counselor, thank you!"

Roger was really grateful to the honorable judge for appointing this great counselor.

"Mr. Shine, please, don't embarrass me," Kiba waved his hand. "I'm only doing my job, and you don't have to thank me for that."

"Still, thank you!" Roger said.

Kiba nodded and responded with a faint smile. Now, that the two parts of the therapy were done, he took a short break.

Meanwhile, even as the conversation was going on, Rubie hasn't stopped. She grabbed his thighs tightly while moving her mouth down his cock, making almost half of it disappear between her open lips. She then shut them tight, and moved her head up and down, trying to take him as much as she could in the deepest of her mouth.


A pleasing sensation erupted between her legs as she further glistened his cock with her saliva. With every movement of her head, her soft lips enjoyed the feel of hard flesh sliding up and down, sending a current of ecstasy down her spine.

Kiba was having a hard time controlling himself. She has been blowing for a long time, and his hard flesh couldn't stand against her soft, delicious lips. This was especially true with her husband nearby, looking at him with gratitude.

Bobbing up and down on his lap, Rubie continued to suck him. She felt him throbbing violently and knew he was close. She massaged his balls with her fingertips and felt them tightening, and this feeling further made her sure of her guess.

Feeling adventurous, she pressed her mouth forward and tried to swallow his cock far more than she ever had in her life.

Her breathing paused as he plunged into her throat. She made light noises as he began to boil for the orgasm.

Kiba could almost hear her shouting - "I'm ready for the load!"

And knowing what she wanted, his cock sprayed down waves of cum deep into her throat, much to her pleasure. She let out a silent moan and swallowed every drop of cum...

Kiba could only join in her silence, enjoying the climax.

A few minutes later, Roger took another deep breath and broke the silence.

"Kiba might be the villain, but that doesn't forgive my cheating wife! She cheated on me, willingly!" Roger continued, his expression twisted, "So, I still want to divorce her."

"Your perspective is wrong, Mr. Shine," Kiba told him.

Now that his wife has given him such a good climax, he felt a duty to be more patient.

"Perspective?" Roger looked at Kiba in confusion.

His wife has cheated, on her own, without being forced. And she has been fucked by Kiba god knows how many times and in what ways.

So, what was wrong with his perspective?!

"Yes, you are looking at everything with a negative perspective even though you are the winner in the events which are going in your life."

Kiba said.

"Counselor, my wife put horns on me! That fucker Kiba screwed my wife in ways I could only imagine! So how the hell am I a winner?!"

Roger was no longer thankful. He was now both angry and offended.

Kiba allowed his patient to vent his frustration and calm down.

After Roger completed, Kiba replied, "Realistically speaking, if the divorce proceeds and your wife contest the terms, she would get half of everything you have earned. Am I right?"

Roger was startled by the sudden change in topic. Still, he answered, "Yes. Those senate bastards have made divorce hell for men by having such unfair divorce laws… No matter the reason for divorce, the wife takes at least half. You could only avoid this fate if you are one of those godly mutants."

He wished it was ancient times when the women had very few rights and were at mercy of men. Now, this modern era has screwed up everything in the name of equality and civil rights.

Kiba could guess the types of thoughts running in Roger's mind. They were rather pretty common thoughts for a man undergoing a divorce. Something he knew given he has indirectly caused hundreds of divorces.

As a hardcore feminist… someone who has fought for women's rights all his life, he didn't agree with such outdated views, but now was not the time to correct them.

In the meantime, Ruby rubbed her hands against his cock.

Soon, it turned hard and erect, with all the glory she has known. She took him in her mouth and slipped a hand between her legs. Gently, she rubbed her wet folds, feeling an electrifying sensation deep within her.


She wanted him between those folds, filling her cunt...

"Now, Mr. Shine, you agree that your wife would get at least half of your present resources," Kiba continued in a professional tone, "So, if the divorce happens, from a certain point of view, she would come as a winner, right?"

Roger thought for a few moments and answered:

"Yeah, that's right. That bitch could fuck around all her life with the money she would get from the settlement."

Even though he called her a bitch, he wasn't that angry with her. The counseling has made him realize the importance of true love, and now knowing she was a victim... he couldn't hate her either.

Kiba tapped the pen in his hand on the desk and said, "Yet, she isn't doing that. She has been avoiding a divorce that is practically a good opportunity for her."

Roger wanted to cut in and disagree, but Kiba didn't give him the chance.

"Now, just think… by divorcing, she could go back to Kiba or anyone… someone whom you fear would be far better than you in bed. But she is giving up all those opportunities to have you."

Roger was surprised by this point.

"You know for a fact, that Kiba gives your wife the best orgasms she ever had."

Kiba continued in a strictly professional demeanor.

"You know for a fact, that Kiba has been far more blessed than you, down there as you say. Yet, despite everything... she chose YOU! Not KIBA !"

Roger froze. His pupils dilated and his ears numbed.

" She chose me and not Kiba !"

If he wasn't sitting, he would have lost footing and collapsed. It was like the world he knew has changed.

"I have defeated Kiba?!"

Chapter 466 - Couple Therapy (Final Part)

In the counseling room, Roger was shell-shocked, his eyes wide.

"Rubie chose me... and not Kiba!"

He repeated these words in a loop.

Minutes passed, after which he lifted his head to look at Gerrell Windsor. The counselor has his eyes shut with a serene expression on his face.

And why wouldn't he have such an expression?

Rubie was serving him under the desk. She bobbed up and down his cock while rubbing her soaked panties. Her musky scent of arousal was like a sweet, spicy scent... making him really happy.

Roger didn't know that. He mistook the serene expression as the confidence of the counselor.

"He does have reason to be confident."

Roger thought of everything the counselor has said... and realized the counselor has been right all along. It didn't matter if it was about his hidden fears or about Ruby having an ideal situation!

As a woman, Rubie has far more advantages than him, even in finding a life partner. It was almost always men who need to ask for a date, impress women, carry the burden of entire courting.

"That's the eternal truth of the world," Roger bitterly mused.

And with the lustful figure Rubie has gained in the gym, men were sure to hound her for affections.

"But what about me?"

He felt he was fairly good-looking, but he then thought how women would react knowing he was tossed aside by Rubie... for Kiba.

Would the women think he was inferior in bed?

At this exact moment, a small smile appeared on Kiba's face.

He quickly hid it and said, "Mr. Shine, the negative aspect of having a thought process is that our mind tries to think of the worse. Judging by your appearance, you are being negatively influenced, but as I said before, you are the winner! No negative thoughts can change that!"

Roger's expression changed and color returned to his face.

Right! Rubie has chosen me despite the options she had! She loves me! And I also love her, truly love her! Otherwise, her actions wouldn't have hurt me!

Roger relaxed.

Meanwhile, under the desk, as Rubie sucked Kiba's cock and rubbed her soaked panties, she thought:

"Why was I so worried and desperate?! As Kiba said, I have all the cards! I love Roger, but if he would be a dick, I can also get angry!"

Relieved, and with new confidence, she wrapped her tongue around the hard flesh as she sucked Kiba. She wanted to let him know just how much she appreciated his words!

Kiba was also appreciative of Rubie's newfound enthusiasm. His cock was really in heaven!

If thought logically, the arguments he used to change Roger's perspective were flawed, no matter how convincing they sounded. After all, besides sexual gratification, an individual desires emotional intimacy; something that could be only given by romantic interest.

But Kiba wasn't worried. He knew it far better than anyone on how the mind functioned.

In testing times, the mind tries to consider the worst. This was despite the fact that on an instinctual level, a living being searches for silver lining and hope.

This behavior of the brain, plus the present situation, worked for Kiba to achieve the desired effect.

After all, he was trying to paint a positive image, and not negative!

[[It is the elementary use of psychology.]]

Claudia noted.

Through the sensors in the room, she has observed everything, including Kiba vilifying himself! She let out an inaudible sigh and remarked to herself:

[[This was the only time master was honest about himself.]]

She then examined Roger.

[[Master has established a sympathetic bond, implanted ideas of forgiveness and true love, made the wife a victim, and changed the perspective of husband. The stage for the final step of therapy is ready.]]

Despite her not caring about anyone but her master, she felt pity for Roger.

In the meantime, Kiba tapped the pen on the desk a few times before focusing on Roger.

"Mr. Shine, you have three choices," Kiba informed him.

"Three choices?"

Roger was surprised. He thought the only choices were divorce or reconciling with his wife.

"Yes, Mr. Shine, three."

Kiba nodded before continuing.

"The first is the obvious choice of divorce. You can be free of a wife who loves you and is begging to stay with you," Kiba continued. "The second choice is reconciliation and having things return back to they were before the affair."

Roger already knew these two choices.

With the counseling so far, his decision has changed from the first choice to the second. He wanted to give his wife another chance... because he did love her and has found forgiveness in his heart!

"The third choice is also reconciliation but having things far better than they ever were!" Kiba said in a high pitch, his voice inspiring.

"Better!?" Roger looked at him. "How?"

"By owning your wife!" Kiba answered, his professional smile radiating.

"I don't understand," Roger said with a bewildered look.

"Well, I can explain, but please do know, my words might sound crude and offensive."

Kiba cautioned out of goodwill.

"So, please think if you want to learn the third choice of having a life far better than you ever had. This option would make you happy that the affair happened. In fact, you will be like a phoenix, reborn from the ashes, far stronger than before!"

Roger was dumbstruck.

The third choice was so overwhelmingly powerful?!

So, what was there to think of?!

He definitely wanted to be the phoenix rising from the ashes!

"I want to know about this choice!" Roger voiced out his decision, his eyes full of expectations. "So, please, sir, guide me, without any worries!"

Kiba tossed the pen away and tapped his fingers on the desk with a pondering expression on his face.

Under the desk, Rubie continued to massage him with her tongue and mouth. Every time she moved up and down his shaft, strands of saliva and precum stretched out from her tongue and lips...

"Ok, then," Kiba gave a slight nod before continuing, "Lay down on the chaise lounge, close your eyes, and try to clear your mind of distracting thoughts... in a way, I want you to be in mediating as I guide you."

Rogers listened to the instructions carefully. He then removed his shoes, lay down on the chaise lounge, and closed his eyes.

"Meditate...clear my mind of distracting thoughts!"

He repeated the instructions and proceeded to carry out them.

At the same time, Kiba slipped a hand behind Rubie's head to grab her long hair and pull her up. Rubie was surprised as he made her leave the desk and rise on her feet. She turned around and noticed her husband, barely five steps away.

"If he saw me like this, all efforts would be wasted!"

Rubie thought as she wiped the strands of saliva and precum from her lips.

She didn't get much time to be worried though.

"I need more than your mouth," Kiba muttered in her left ear as he pushed her on the desk, "And I'm sure the same goes for you."

"Yes!" Rubie let out an inaudible yes. She was so aroused that even her panties were wet.

Kiba has a guess on that, and when he slid the end of her sequin dress up, his guess was bound to be confirmed.

His eyes moved from the rosy hue of her ass cheeks to below... a place that he loved the most in the whole world.

"Whenever I doubt God's existence, this place clears it all!"

Kiba thought as he observed her delicious pussy, hidden by the white satin of her panties, highlighted from the wetness. Her panties were practically see-through, giving him the much-needed sight and confirm the existence of the god again.


Rubie shut her lips tight and let out a suppressed gasp as she felt his fingers probing her panties. His touch carried current and she shivered from excitement.

"No time to waste!"

Kiba smirked as he moved from probing her panties to dragging them over her hips. There was no need to pull them out completely or remove her dress.

The outline of her figure and her milky ass was more than arousing for him.

"God! I can't believe I'm doing this, so close to my loving husband!"

Rubie begged forgiveness in her heart and promised this would be the last time she was cheating. Her conviction didn't remain for long as Kiba grabbed his cock and rubbed it against her soaking entrance.

Rubie was truly worried she would scream and disturb her mediating husband. So, she put the edge of her left hand between her mouth, just as Kiba slipped into her.

He was gentle with his first thrust, and as he filled her hungry cunt completely, he stopped, giving her ample time to relax. She was relieved and pleasured at the same time, enjoying the convulsions of her pussy around his cock.

At the same time, Kiba didn't forget his duty as the counselor.

"Mr. Shine, conquer your wife."

Kiba said as he started hammering his hard cock down the sloppy cunt.

"Make her realize who is the owner of that tight pussy!"

Roger was astonished by the words used by the counselor. For a moment, he even doubted he was hearing it right.

"Counselor! How dare you use such words for my wife?!" Roger was offended. Still, despite his anger, he tried to calm down and didn't break out of the meditation state.

"Mr. Shine, I'm guiding you to the third choice!"

Kiba reminded him as he tugged the hair of his wife and slammed deep into her warm pussy.

Rubie's breathing lowered as the pleasure she has never known erupted. She began shivering uncontrollably and collapsed on the desk with an orgasmic glow on her face. She climaxed! That's how turned on she was!

"The choice is unconventional, but everything that leads to greatness is unconventional! That's how the emperors were born!" Kiba continued to guide Roger while stopping his thrusts into his client's wife.

Kiba just stayed inside her, enjoying the sensation of her pussy trying to squeeze his cock as she continued to tremble from the climax.

Roger became silent as he thought of what the counselor said.

"Mr. Shine, to live a life you have never lived, you have to think differently!"

Kiba said as his hands traced Rubie's back. Her dress proved no hindrance for him to feel her smooth back. Slowly, he moved to the curves of her breasts, savoring their softness and firmness.

"So meditate, clear all your thoughts, and don't let mental demons affect you!"

Kiba concluded for now as he wanted to resume banging his client's wife. But she was still sensitive, and he needed to be slow and attentive.

So, he pulled his cock till the tip was between her pussy lips. Then, he leaned forward and kissed her neck. He felt more goosebumps on her soft skin, and knew she was sensitive, but also ready.

Slowly, he rammed his cock down her slippery passage while continuing to kiss her neck. They both were considerate enough to not make any sound so that her husband could think in silence.


Rubie was having a hard time maintaining the silence though. Her little, tight pussy was continuously stretched, giving her ecstatic pleasure. She wanted to moan without any constraints and voice out her pleasure.

"What should I do?" Roger enquired.

Kiba leaned back, and grabbed Rubie's waist. He controlled his breathing and hammered deep into her before answering, "As I said, own that pussy! Conquer her tonight, tomorrow, day after tomorrow, and forever!"

"I don't understand," Roger replied in confusion.

Kiba let out a sigh and said, "Mr. Roger, you have to let her and the world know that you are different than what they think! And how could you do it?! By surpassing Kiba!"

Alongside, he pushed hard into Rubie and felt her ripping around his cock.

"Surpass Kiba?!"

Roger was astonished. His face glowed excitedly at the prospect though. He could imagine how great it would feel.

"Yes! And you can achieve that easily!"

Kiba cupped Rubie's breasts and increased the power of his strokes.

"All you have to do is conquer your wife repeatedly!"

"But how?!" Roger asked. "And what does conquering her mean?!"

The fabric of Rubie's dress didn't stop Kiba from cupping or squeezing her firm tits. He felt them, appreciated them!

"By cleaning her pussy after she is fucked by Kiba!"

Kiba explained. His breathing slowed down by the heavenly sensation of her pussy and breasts.

"WHAT?!" Roger was shocked.

"Relax, Mr. Shine," Kiba brought back his professional voice and continued. "Everything isn't as simple or cheap as it sounds! Just think of what you concluded about Kiba and your wife?!"

Roger paused and thought for a long time.

"That bastard is well-endowed and knows how to fuck! But despite everything, my wife came crawling to me! I won!"

Roger's closed eyes trembled as he voiced out the conclusion.

"Yes! Being fucked by him didn't make a single difference! Love won over sex!"

Kiba said, his voice becoming strained as he increased the pacing of his strokes.

"So, just think of how great it would feel to win not once, but countless times! You will be cleaning him out every time out of your wife's system! How will that playboy feel knowing you get to enjoy Rubie despite everything?"

Roger was astonished beyond words. The thought of Kiba fucking his wife again made him tremble from rage, but a part of also felt excited. He had a slight boner from the thought alone.

"Mr. Shine, this is against what you have known, so you will have mental demons by the elements of this choice."

Kiba explained while fucking Rubie with long, powerful strokes.

"But just think... your wife knows you own her to such an extent that you don't mind her giving to another man before conquering her again! She will know you are a fearless man who dreads nothing! Not even a well-endowed man!

"Consider... no matter the orgasms your wife gets from Kiba... the one she would be waiting for is from you!"

"And Kiba... well, he would be so helpless that he could only clench his fists in anger! Think just how weak he would feel knowing he couldn't separate a couple in love, despite being so blessed!"

Roger thought of the number of divorces and separations Kiba was responsible was. The number was far too big!

And he then thought of Rubie... she was begging him to take her back! She was weeping uncontrollably just from the thought of divorce!

"Of course, society would be shocked by your choice, but you don't have to tell them! The confidence of living this choice would automatically show up in your life!

"Happiness from surpassing Kiba and conquering your wife would make you more successful! You will achieve what you couldn't until now! Happiness, confidence, pleasure, and self-satisfaction!!"

Partly, Kiba was both implanting thoughts of becoming cuckold and justifying the excitement from that thought.

After all, no man wants to accept that he was turned on by the prospect of his wife fucked by another man, especially a man who has just tried to divorce her for the same reason!

Roger contemplated everything said so far. In his mind, graphic scenes of Kiba fucking his wife flashed one after another. He even imagined Kiba receiving a blow job, something he never got!

Those scenes made him burn from rage, but he also felt blood excitedly flowing to one part of his body.

The contrasting feelings confused him.

At the same time, as Kiba continued to pound Rubie, she was no longer able to remain silent. She snapped her head back and moaned.


Both of them froze...

Chapter 467 - Another Happy Couple!

From behind, Kiba squeezed Rubie's breasts and slammed into her with such force that the sound of his balls slapping against her flesh rang out. Leaning over the desk, Rubie was no longer able to control herself. Her mouth let out a moan that could be only formed from the intense fucking.


The moment she moaned, both she and Kiba froze in shock. He was still inside her, the tip of his cock pushing against her cervix, but he didn't make any movement.

Rubie was the same, though her pussy clenched his cock tightly as the fear of being discovered took over.

Their bodies were in a strange euphoria that couldn't be described with words alone. It was a pleasure that could be only felt from sneaky sex situations like theirs.

Slowly, they moved their eyes on Roger.

Roger was still on the chaise lounge. Rage erupted on his face and veins bulged throughout his body.

He was angry like never before!

But strangely, his eyes were shut tight.

Slowly, he parted his lips, and said, "Counselor?"

Even though Kiba was fucking Rubie, he was still disguised as Gerrell Windsor. Trying to control his breathing, he replied, "Yes?"

"You were right."

"What do you mean?" Kiba enquired in a professional tone while resuming the fucking he was giving to Rubie.

After arriving at this stage... there was no need to stop... was there? Even if he wanted to stop, his cock wouldn't, and the tight pussy wouldn't let him.

"The third choice," Roger answered, his voice filled with fury.

Rubie's breath caught in her mouth. Her pussy trembled and drenched Kiba's cock with more slippery juices.

"God! I'm done for! Why can't I stop?!"

She could feel every fiber of her pussy squeezing and twisting on his raging cock. Despite the situation, she was far more aroused and pleasured. Even her previous blissful orgasms couldn't compare to this.

"Please explain," Kiba requested as his cock completed a slow, gentle stroke.

"Just like you said," Roger clawed the fabric of the chaise lounge and continued, "The thoughts of the third choice gave me mental demons! I imagined that bastard Kiba screwing my wife! What's worse, not only I had mental images, I even heard the sound of her moaning as he hammered her slutty pussy!"

Kiba: "....."

Rubie: "...."

"God! That slut has never moaned like that with me!" Roger continued with venom in his voice. "I know that was just my imagination, and she isn't being screwed by him, but it still makes my blood boil!"

Rubie was too shocked and dumbstruck. The thought of her husband imagining her being fucked by Kiba while being really screwed made her orgasm instantly. She squealed and snapped her head back as a current passed through every cell of her existence.

Her hips jerked and she collapsed on the desk again, with the hard cock jammed deep into her.


Her pussy muscles quivered as if an earthquake was passing through them, and her eyes glazed over from the pleasure.

She has never been so happy...

"Fuck!" Kiba suppressed a grunt

The violent contrasts of her pussy were like waves of pleasure on his cock. He tried his best to not shoot his seed in her married pussy.

"Not only moan but now I even heard her the sounds from her climaxing!" Roger shouted. He was having a hard time maintaining this mediation state despite knowing his wife would never cheat on him.

"Is that so?" Kiba asked as he held himself from cumming.

"Yes! Counselor," Roger noticed something and asked, "Why is your voice so strained?!"

"That's because your wife's tight pussy is squeezing my cock! And I'm having a hard time not cumming in that fertile cunt!"

That would be the honest answer, but speaking truth wasn't always right. So, he tried to bring his voice to normal, and reply, "Your mental fears is making me troubled. I don't think you are cut for the third choice."

"Counselor, don't say that," Roger took a deep breath for the hundredth time. He thought of the client privilege and said, "I'm angry, but I also like what I imagined!"

"Ah! That's really good to know! And it means you have the potential for greatness!"

Kiba sighed in relief and slipped his cock out of Rubie. He pulled his pants out and kicked them away, and at the same time, grabbed Rubie and put her on the sofa chair.

Rubie looked at him through her glazed vision, and muttered, "I don't think I could handle another round!"

"Don't sell yourself short!" Kiba was confident in the training he has given her. So, with a smile, he dragged her panties down her legs and feet.

Rubie was astonished by what he did with the white, silky panties. Her lips were partly open, and he stuffed the panties right into them.

"You don't have to be worried about moaning any longer!"

Kiba was a considerate lover and counselor to the couple.

Rubie opened her mouth to speak but he used that opportunity to push the panties further. She chocked in the scent of her arousal, and a rosy hue appeared on her face.

At the same time, he pulled her legs up onto his chest and positioned himself against her quivering, wet flesh.

"Mr. Shine, you need to conquer your fears! You need to surpass your anger!"

Kiba said as he slid inside Rubie in one steady motion.

"And you could only do that after facing your fears and the source of your anger! That's how great people have achieved success! By facing challenges, head-on!"

"... I understand!" Roger's complexion was complex at the thought of allowing Kiba to fuck his wife.

Meanwhile, Kiba began hammering in and out of Rubie.


Rubie gasped from the sensation of having her climaxed passage jammed. She was full, content, and sensitive, but her hips automatically responded to the strokes.

"Why can't I get enough?!"

Rubie thought as she slowly pulled out the thick straps of her dress to free her breasts. She wanted to give his eyes a pleasureful sight.

And she quickly felt the effects of her actions. His fat cock rapidly pulsated inside her wet cunt.

Kiba pushed aside her legs from his chest and lowered his hands. He cupped her firm breasts and felt her wonderful nipples. They were hard and erect, and as his hands came in contact, they swelled.

With fierceness she has never known, he hammered her pussy with fast, powerful strokes and squeezed her breasts.


Rubie grabbed the armrest of the chair as his hips moved in a series of blurs while his cock moved back and fro inside her slippery cunt.


She moaned but thankfully, the panties stopped the sound.

"Counselor, I'm still imagining those scenes of Kiba pounding my wife!" Roger said from a few steps away. "But I think it is no longer that bad."

"What do you mean?"

Kiba's breathing was heavy as he asked. He realized counseling and fucking at the same time was a hard task, even for him.

"I no longer hear her moaning or squealing!" Roger proudly answered. He found new confidence in surpassing his worst fears and becoming the man he was destined to.

"That's really good....!!!"

Kiba trailed off in between as Rubie put her arms around his neck. She brought his body close to her as she erupted with another orgasm.

"Oh god!"

Kiba felt her pussy contracting around him. This time, he couldn't overpower the pleasuring sensation and released cum deep into her.

Rubie clutched him tightly as his hard flesh melted inside her. Her body shivered and his physical presence gave her the warmth it desired.

Kiba nibbled her ears and neck before pulling the panties from her mouth...

Meanwhile, Roger continued to maintain his meditative state. He didn't let his fears disturb him and break this attentive state.

So far, despite everything, he wasn't sure if he wanted to accept the third choice.

"Besides, Rubie would be hesitant... no, she would never have sex with that pussy hound again!"

Roger thought as he recalled her earlier reactions. By the emotions alone, he was sure she would never even come close to Kiba.

"But I can make her..."

He lost himself in thoughts of the possibilities...

A minute later, Kiba quickly dressed and teleported Rubie to the temporary house she was staying at.

"I have to return back," Kiba said as he dropped her.

"I know," Rubie said before kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you for the best night of my life."

Kiba smiled and teleported back.

Rubie looked at the spot where he was just a moment ago and broke out into a smile. The recent experience left her no doubt on she was going to continue overstepping the boundaries.

No, even before this, she knew.

"I have always enjoyed being fucked by him!"

She mused with a blissful smile.

"And now I love cheating as well!"

She jumped on the bed and wondered what choice her husband would make.

"It doesn't really matter! Every choice works for me!"

She was no longer concerned about the divorce because she was confident...


In the counseling room, Kiba sat down on the chair. The entire teleportation journey hasn't taken over a minute so there was nothing to be worried about.

"Life is good!"

Kiba thought before focusing back on Roger.

"Mr. Shine, you can now open your eyes and rise," Kiba said.

Roger opened his eyes and sat down.

"Mr. Shine, this was the first counseling session," Kiba continued in a professional tone. "So, there is no reason for you to hurry and make a decision quickly."

Roger nodded before replying, "I'm aware but I have made a decision."


An hour later, at Rubie's house.

Rubie, clad in a white nightgown, arrived at the main entrance. The gate automatically opened up and her husband stepped in.


Rubie looked in front.


He looked back at his wife.

"I'm so sorry!" Roger took her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

Rubie was surprised by his apology. After all, he was right to file for divorce.

"That counselor made me realize what a fool I was! We both love each other, and a mistake couldn't change that!"

Roger continued as he hugged her more tightly.

"I almost threw you away because of my ego!"

Rubie was astonished by his words. She didn't knew the counseling was so powerful, but then she recalled she was busy sucking Kiba so she missed most of the content.

She smiled and tears emerged in her eyes.

"I'm sorry as well! And I love you!" Rubie melted under his embrace. "You can trust me, I would never cheat on you!"

"About that..." Roger trailed off in between.

"?" Rubie looked at him in confusion.

"Nothing! Just that we need to stop the divorce proceeding!"

Roger then kissed her.

Internally, he decided he would wait for some time before bringing the third choice. For now, he didn't want to freak her out by the extraordinary life prospect the choice offered...


A mile away, on an almost desolate street.

Kiba paid a street vendor for a strange combination of fishcake and chocolate cappuccino. He then sat on a bench nearby.

"Another happy couple."

Kiba remarked as he observed Roger and Rubie reuniting.

"My job is done."

It always made him happy to see couples reuniting and forming a bond stronger than before. After all, for over four years, he has lived for the happiness of others, especially couples.

He grabbed his smartphone and opened the Fitness Goals app. Swiping over trainee's list, he tapped on Suzane's name and a chat box opened up.

[Divorce canceled.]

He typed the message and sent it.

At the same time, far away, a circular shadow crawled through the walls of buildings. Hidden by the night sky, it quickly rushed through.

A few minutes later, the shadow stopped after it arrived in front of the bench Kiba was sitting on.


From the center of the shadow, a feminine figure rose up.

Kiba placed down the cappuccino and lifted his head.

"I have missed you."

His lips spread to form a smile...