29 - 35

Rank 0 Spell

"Of course! I will always remember the teachings of my mentor!"

Leylin hurriedly nodded his head and took out 20 magic crystals from the black pouch hung on his waist.

20 black magic crystals fell onto the table and let off a dark lustre.

"Very well! This is a crystal ball with the introduction to magic spell models recorded on it. You can study it, but remember to practice it only after you have been promoted!"

Kroft took a fist-sized crystal ball off the wooden shelf at the side and handed it to Leylin. Golden words seemed to ripple inside it.

Leylin stooped over to take it and pocketed the crystal ball.

These crystal balls were tools to record information in, and they could store more information than sheets of parchment. However, they could only be used once, and the information inside would fade away after someone viewed the contents, and hence, they were rather costly.

Deep in the night, Leylin sat on the bed within his dorm and held the crystal ball in his hands.

"Magi have named the spells that acolytes are able to cast rank 0 spells, to differentiate from the spells that Magi can cast.

"No matter if they are a level 2 acolyte or level 3 acolyte, they are only able to use rank 0 spells! Furthermore, they need to be first class Magi to be able to cast them without injury, and this is often a sign of becoming an official Magus!"

"The principle of magic spells models is to construct a model in your mind with your spiritual force. After that, you use the nature of your spiritual force to attract the external energy particles and transform them intricately, turning them into a spell!"

"To put it simply, the spiritual force is the primer, and the spell model is the catalyst. The primer is always the same, but under the effect of different catalysts, different types of energy particles will be attracted to it to form a different spell!"

Leylin concluded and put the crystal ball away.

"Constructing a spell model is a complicated matter. In addition, your spiritual force will be impaired once you fail and will need at least half a month to recover. This is a bottleneck that even fifth-grade acolytes are unable to breakthrough with ease. However, I can minimise my failures with help from the A.I. Chip!"

"After advancing to a level 3 acolyte, I must construct a spell model and even buy the various spell models. This would be a big expense if not for my improvement in Potioneering; normal acolytes would have to risk their lives many times over before they earned enough magic crystals!"

From this, Leylin could discern the bloody price one must pay on the path of a Magus.

Compared to the magic crystals earned by risking his life as a level 1 acolyte, he would earn more by selling potions.

"Monopolising the market will yield the greatest profits!"

"All these are none of my concern, what I have to do now is to advance to a level 2 acolyte!"

A level 1 acolyte could only store a slight amount of energy particles in their body and have a basic magic resistance. However, their usage of energy particles is rather shallow, and hence, they are unable to cast magic.

As for a level 2 acolyte, the greatest difference is that they are able to cast rank 0 spells.

A rank 0 spell that is amplified by the spell's model will have a greater destructive effect compared to the simple usage of energy particles.

"I have almost finished with the construction of my 24 mind runes. Tonight, I will advance to a level 2 acolyte!"

There was resolve on Leylin's face.

One night passed.

In the dorm, Leylin opened his eyes.

"I have finally advanced to a level 2 acolyte! I can sense that the energy particles in my body have increased several times more than when compared to a level 1 acolyte!"

[Beep! spiritual force can now be represented in figures, proceed with the conversion?] At this moment, the voice of the A.I. Chip sounded.

"Hm? It seems to be two days faster than expected! What happened?"

[The spiritual force of the Host has increased and there is an unknown effect on the A.I. Chip. Processing speed has increased!]

A screen was projected by the A.I. Chip and it was littered with many curved lines and numbers. From this, one could see that the processing ability of the A.I. Chip had been raised last night.

"It seems like the A.I. Chip has indeed undergone some qualitative changes after transcending worlds. Now that it has fused with my soul, the increase in spiritual force when my soul became more powerful has indirectly affected the A.I. Chip!"

Leylin's guessed that the subject of souls was the most unfathomable. Although Abyssal Bone Forest Academy claimed to be a pioneer in this area, they only managed to experience and grasp a few behaviours and patterns of the ectoplasmic beings. Moreover, only an official Magus was qualified to browse this information. For Leylin, it was still a long journey ahead.

"My A.I. Chip having the ability to represent my spiritual force in numbers is also a good thing. Bring out my current stats!"

[Leylin Farlier, level 2 acolyte. Strength: 2.2, Agility: 2.4, Vitality: 2.7, Spiritual force: 4.1, Status: Healthy]

The A.I. Chip projected a 3D image in front of Leylin eyes and displayed his stats.

"The spiritual force can finally be shown in numbers. My spiritual force stat is almost equivalent to that of 4 people combined?"

Leylin looked at the image and asked, "A.I. Chip! Investigate the reason for the decreased growth after advancing to a level 2 acolyte!"

[Mission establishing, inspection in process!] [Reason discovered: The Host has more resistance!] The A.I. Chip's voice sounded.

"As expected! Using radiation to increase my stats has its limits! I wonder what methods those official Magi used to strengthen their bodies?"

Leylin touched his chin.

There was also a small district between the Academic Area and the Trading Post. It was where the academy sold higher-levelled goods. Although the items had set standards, they were more expensive. The service of the staff was also bad and they were extremely cold.

Leylin came to the front of a counter. Behind the glass casing was a grave-looking old lady who wore a deadpanned expression as if Leylin owed her a lot of magic crystals.

"Sorry to bother you!" Leylin bowed slightly. He could sense the energy waves of a level 3 acolyte radiating from this old lady.

"A.I. Chip! Inspect!"

"What do you want?" The old lady's voice sounded. It contained a gloomy and chilly air, like a cold, glossy fish scale, and gave people goose bumps.

[Beep! Name: Unknown. Strength: 2.0, Agility: 2.1, Vitality: 3.5, Spiritual force: 7.6, Status: Healthy ]

With the A.I. Chip providing the information, he confirmed that this old lady was indeed a level 3 acolyte, but her spiritual force was rather low as if she had been injured before. However, it was still a piece of cake for her to deal with Leylin.

"The A.I. Chip can already inspect the stats of the acolytes and other living organisms. It just cannot get past the defensive abilities of a Magus still!"

Leylin mustered the best smile he had, "Would you let me have a look at the basic spell models?"

"Take it!" The old lady flung a dusty large book over to him and did not seem even slightly bothered about whether he was going to buy it or not.

"I'm not angry! I'm not angry!" Leylin psyched himself and opened the book.

A spell model and the corresponding introduction appeared in his vision.

"Secondary Energy Fireball. Description: Summon a formidable fireball to attack your enemies. Prerequisite courses: Foundations of Negative Energy, Construction of Spell Models."

"Shadow Sphere. Description: Use Shadow Energy to construct a fairly covert sphere. Prerequisite courses: Necromancy Studies, Transfiguration."

"Acidic Aqua Shot. Description: Create an acidic ball with immense corrosive properties. Able to correct the trajectory slightly. Prerequisite courses: Foundations of Negative Energy, Psychology."

"Umbra's Hand. Description: Ability to use Negative Energy to form a concealed palm in the shadows for attacking. Extremely covert. Prerequisite courses: Shadow Studies, Basic Evocation.

"All of these are the most basic spells, are there any that could be advanced further?" Leylin's brows furrowed.

"None! We only provide the basic spell types here. As for the rest, get them from your mentor!"

"Give me the spell model for Acidic Aqua Shot and Umbra's Hand!" Leylin inhaled deeply.

"One will cost 10 magic crystals!" The old lady seemed to be annoyed.

After handing over 20 magic crystals to the lady, Leylin obtained two thick books made of parchment paper. 'Umbra's Hand' was written on the cover of the top book, in the Byron language.

This counter was obviously constructed in a manner that let the sales staff always sit in a taller position than the customers. Leylin was a little pissed off at having to look up at the old lady.

He carried the two books and turned around, not wanting to stay for a moment longer.

"Leylin!" On the way back, a voice sounded and Leylin halted in his footsteps.

A male wearing leather armour ran over, "Earlier, I saw a silhouette of someone who looked like you, and it was indeed you. We haven't met for a long time!"

Kaliweir greeted.

The leather armour he wore was rather damaged and looked rather pitiful as it was not repaired.

"You are... Buying spell models? Have you advanced to a level 2 acolyte?" Kaliweir looked at Leylin who was holding the two spell books, seemingly startled.

"Yeah! I have just advanced! So I bought them to learn from!" Leylin answered.

"A.I. Chip, inspect Kaliweir!"

[Beep! Kaliweir. Strength: 2.6, Agility: 2.8, Vitality: 3.1, Spiritual force: 4.1, Assessment: level 2 acolyte]

"It seems like Kaliweir advanced not long before I did, this data shows the stats of an acolyte who had just advanced!"

Leylin evaluated secretly.

Ever since the previous incident, our team has taken up very few missions. Raynor has also advanced to a level 2 acolyte recently and wanted to try learning a spell model. It's a pity that he has yet to pass a few basic theory lessons after failing them several times..."

Kaliweir placed his hands in his pocket, obviously wanting to look cooler.

After sizing up Leylin's new grey robes, he said, "You are indeed worthy of being a Potioneering student, having so much money!"

Leylin smiled. Not only do the grey robes of the acolytes have spells which remove stains, the fabric was also good. The defensive capabilities could be comparable to leather armour so the price was rather hefty. Many acolytes did not have the capability to buy another after damaging their set of robes.

However, Leylin was different; he even had two more sets stored in his wardrobe.

Recently, my success rate has increased a little and I earned more magic crystals. However, after buying the spell models, I have spent them all again!" Leylin put on a helpless expression.

"Yeah! Each and every cost in the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy is too high!" Kaliweir's expression was not too good. He came from a first-class noble family in the Chernobyl Islands, but he discovered he was actually extremely broke when he got here.

"Speaking of this, after we have all advanced to level 2 acolytes and mastered our spells, shall we all take up a mission?"

Leylin asked.

"Really? That would be great!" Kaliweir was extremely gleeful. It seemed as though he had been considering it for a long time.

Experimenting With Spells

Leylin and Kaliweir discussed the finer details and then bade farewell to each other.

Leylin contemplated deeply before deciding to go on a mission with Kaliweir and his team.

He still had a lot of potions which he did not dare to sell, so he could only seek for alternatives.

Moreover, converting the knowledge gained from learning a spell into battle experience requires a continuous process of battling.

Regarding battle experience, Kaliweir and his team's average strength were similar to his and they also came from the same region. Everyone also knew each other beforehand which was naturally better than being with an unfamiliar group of people.

Furthermore, Kaliweir has undergone a long period of arduous training and has learnt a lot. Since he could be considered to have an abundant of experience, Leylin was more at ease with his team.

"When I master the spell model, my plan is to follow Kaliweir and his team on a mission and accumulate some experience. After that, I'll leave the academy on my own and seek alternative ways..."

Returning back to his dorm, Leylin picked up the Umbra's Hand spell book.

The yellow cover of the spell book was extremely sturdy like leather, and there were some patterns on it which sent an icy cold feeling from Leylin's fingertips into his body.

The book was tightly bound by a metal chain and the ends were clipped in the fashion of a belt.

"Learning the Umbra's Hand requires research in Shadow energy and Evocation. I've learned both long ago!"

Via selling potions, Leylin continuously improved his knowledge by acquiring advanced information on the Shadow element and studying them.

"The incantation for opening it – Mansidala!" Leylin spoke in a low voice.

After hearing the incantation, the book suddenly trembled and, amidst the trembling, the black chains automatically untied by themselves and the pages started to flip through.

"A.I. Chip, begin recording the information!"

Leylin continuously looked at the spell book containing the model of Umbra's Hand. Only after quickly flipping through it once and hearing the notification from the A.I. Chip that it had fully recorded the content, did he put the book down.

"The construction of a spell model is the foundation for a Magus to cast spells. This process includes a series of complex variation as well as the precise construction of the spell model itself. To learn a spell, 3 months is needed at the very least!"

As he learned of the difficulty for a Magus to cast spells, Leylin sighed. Without the A.I. Chip, he could only learn to cast spells after countless attempts and failures.

[The recording of data is finished, beginning analysis!] The A.I. Chip's voice sounded.

"How long will it take?"

[Estimated time taken: 106 Hours 32 Minutes!]

"106 Hours 32 Minutes! That is the equivalent of four to five days, this speed is extremely fast!" Leylin nodded his head.

He stood up, patted his body, and placed the two spell books away neatly.

He then walked to one side of his dorm. Originally, this section was utilised for reception or other uses but Leylin changed it into a mini experiment lab for potion brewing.

Although it was rather dangerous to experiment here, with the A.I. Chip he could guarantee that nothing would go wrong.

"I'm going on a mission in a few months' time! I better focus on brewing a few potions as preventive measures for sudden events!"

Leylin lit a candle and begun his potion brewing.

The education system in Abyssal Bone Forest Academy was rather loose. From what Leylin saw, it was most similar to the ancient times of one teacher to one student.

The academy was only providing land and the most basic of services. As for everything else, like acquiring advanced information, one had to learn from a professor, the chances of which were very slim.

Moreover, there weren't any compulsory missions that one must take on. As long as a person could pay the school fees and did not meet a bad professor, one could normally stay here for 5 years!

Of course, when there was no motivation, one's power would lessen as they did not seek to improve. At least in Leylin's case, he had not come across such a wonderful thing like receiving a few pieces of magic crystals each month for free.

To obtain magic crystals, one could only take up a mission and go outside of the academy using their life to fight for them!

The world of Magus has always upheld the principles of fair trade.

In the following dozen days or so, Leylin devoted his time to analysing the spell models and purchasing items like grains and nutrients for the mission he was going to take up.

One afternoon, Leylin came to the spell experimenting area.

"The spell experimenting area is a place that the academy has specially set up for acolytes and Magi to test the prowess of their spells. After all, various spells have immense might and there is also the problem of radiation. If the experiments are not managed properly the academy will be blown to bits!"

The spell experimenting area was located on the left-most of the academy, a remote area.

The surrounding white marble rock walls were stacked neatly and seemed to be extremely sturdy.

Various runes were written on these walls, two of which Leylin recognised. One was for the isolation of radiation contamination, and the other was for reinforcing the walls.

"Are you going to test your spells?" Leylin walked to a counter where a big, bald guy smiled jovially at him asking.

"Yes, I would like to. Are there any places for me to do so?"

"We have two large areas designated for the acolytes and Magi. You are only allowed to enter the area for acolytes and, within that area, space is divided into shared and single rooms. Shared rooms mean experimenting with your spells alongside another person. There might be interruptions caused by this but, it is inexpensive. As for single rooms, the fees are much more costly!"

"What are the rates for a single room?" Leylin asked.

The baldy's eyes shone since it was obvious that there was a promising client here, "Three hours for 1 magic crystal. Our single rooms even have specialised measuring devices which can calculate and report the might of your spells. Furthermore, we have... It's absolutely worth it!"

"Give me one!" Leylin handed over a magic crystal to the big guy.

"Alright! Please hold on!" The big guy registered him quickly and handed back a black crystal-like item.

"This is your room card! Number 32!"

Leylin nodded his head and entered the spell experimenting area.

On both sides, the runes on the white marbles glowed with a sparkling light. Some of the rooms obviously had occupants, but there were no sounds coming out from them and only the sound of Leylin's footsteps could be heard the corridor.

"As expected! The noise isolation is really effective!"

Leylin nodded his head and, after locating his own room, swiped the black crystal on a black platform right outside the door!

*Ka-cha!* The door opened and a mechanical female voice sounded, "Welcome! You have three hours; please notice the allocation..."

The interior of the room was huge! The area was similar in size to a basketball court from Leylin's previous life.

In the middle were a few human shaped targets wearing leather armour, metal armour and fur.

To the far right, there was a screen on the wall and below it was the instructions on how to operate it.

– A Magus can attack a target with a spell, and the screen will automatically record the power of the spell. –

"The facilities here are very advanced and seem to have an intelligence of their own. However, it's a pity that it is formed by magic, a different route from what my previous world took!" Leylin exclaimed silently.

"Let's try with a physical attack first!"

Leylin's muscles on his right arm bulged as he walked to the front of a white coloured target wearing leather armour.

* Bang !* Leylin moved and, with a low voice, he shouted and punched the middle of the leather armour, leaving a faint trace of an impression.

The screen on the right flickered, and a few words appeared.

"Classification: Physical Attack. Degree of power: 2. Damage to target: Minimal."

"It seems like these targets aren't made of common materials!" Leylin muttered to himself.

"Degree of power" is the official standard that Magi use to measure the extent of their might. A single unit, as a standard, is equivalent to the energy that can be completely released by 1 gram of magic crystal.

"This method of measurement isn't bad. A.I. Chip, in the future you can increase the content regarding this area!"

[Recording is done, defragmenting in process!] The A.I. Chip's voice sounded.

"Ha!" Leylin pulled out the cross blade hanging on his waist and brought about a strong gale as he viciously cut down.

* Qiang! * A gap split opened on the leather armour revealing the white coloured wound beneath.

"Classification: Physical Attack. Degree of power: 3. Damage to target: Slight."

Seeing the screen, Leylin nodded his head, "I used all my might to cut down with the cross blade earlier but it only gave this kind of damage to the target! It seems like I can put my mind at ease and learn magic!"

"A.I. Chip, transmit the 2 spell models over!" After this period of continuous research, the A.I. Chip had already analysed the 2 spells completely. The last step was to transmit the information into Leylin's hippocampus1 which would then enable him to grasp these two rank 0 spells immediately.

[Beep! Transmitting in progress!] With the A.I. Chip's mechanical voice replying, Leylin felt a lot of memories regarding the techniques and procedures of casting these 2 spells surfacing in his mind.

Every step felt extremely familiar. It was as if they were personally practiced by him countless of times.

"Bring out the data of these 2 rank 0 spells!"

"Acidic Aqua Shot: rank 0 spell. Casting time: 3 seconds. Effective distance: 7 Metres. Consumption: 2 spiritual force, 2 magic power"

"Umbra's Hand: rank 0 spell. Casting time: 4 seconds. Effective distance: 10 Metres. Consumption: 2 spiritual force, 2 magic power"

"magic power is the amount of energy particles that are stored within the body. It is limited by the upper limits of the spiritual force!"

To cast a spell, one does not only need to use their spiritual force as a primer but must also understand that the magic power within their body will be consumed as well.

Leylin suppressed his excited emotions, "A.I. Chip, Record in detail my spell casting process !"

"Pandora – Graygonger!"

With the Byron language's incantation sounding from Leylin, a ball of dark green liquid suddenly appeared at the upper area of his right hand. White bubbles continuously frothed outside of it.

"Let's go!" Leylin flung the acidic ball in his hand and the green liquid streaked across in an arc, landing on a target wearing leather armour.

* Ssssii! Ssssii! *

The corrosion of the physical target sounded nonstop as it continuously dissolved while emitting a huge amount of white smoke. At the same time, an odour that pricks at the sense of smell wafted in all directions.

After a few seconds, the human target had been corroded, leaving only a pair of white legs behind.

"A.I. Chip, estimate the degree of power!"

[Beep! Degree of power: 5]

Leylin turned to look at the screen at the right. At this moment, the words on the screen changed and a new record was shown.

"Classification: Magical corrosive attack. Degree of power: 5. Damage to target: Severe."

"En! It seems like the A.I. Chip and this screen have the same estimated values so I won't need to come here in future. I should be able to estimate the degree of power in my spells with the A.I. Chip."

Leylin nodded his head and begin experimenting with another spell.

"Umbra's Hand!"

Following Leylin's incantation, a black coloured hand suddenly appeared under a target which wore steel armour. It grabbed the target's throat forcefully and, with a crashing sound, the target's head fell onto the ground.

"Classification: Energy attack. Degree of power: 4. Damage to target: Severe."

1. Hippocampus – Memory recall area in the brain.

Patrolling Mission

Seeing the evaluation on the screen, Leylin began to compare the merits and drawbacks of the two spells.

"Although the might of Acidic Aqua Shot is greater, enemies can dodge it easily. It also requires constant fine-tuning with spiritual force. As for Umbra's Hand, it is a little weaker, but it's extremely covert and is best used for a sneak attack!"

"These two spells have been chosen by me with utmost care. Not only do they satisfy my Dark elemental affinity, materials are not needed to cast them either, which is extremely convenient!"

Leylin's eyes suddenly flashed, "A.I. Chip, is it possible to optimise these two spells?"

[Beep! Affirmative! Consumption for optimisation: 19 spiritual force points, proceed or not?]

"Definitely not! I don't want my spiritual force to be exhausted that quickly! Why does it require so much?" Leylin's expression was a little unsightly.

[Optimising Acidic Aqua Shot requires 9 spiritual force points. Requires advanced information: Farl's comprehensive collection of spells, Theory of missiles...] [Optimising Umbra's Hand requires 10 spiritual force points. Requires advanced information: Detailed Evocation Studies, Dark Energy Analysis...]

"Alright, it seems like there is no hope for now!"

Leylin closed the screen, "Besides, a simple spell already requires 2 points of spiritual force. I can barely use it a few times at present!"

"A.I. Chip, bring out my current stats and show it in a concrete manner!"

[Beep! Leylin Farlier, level 2 acolyte. Strength: 2.2, Agility: 2.4, Vitality: 2.7, Spiritual force: 0.1(4.1), Magical Power: 0(4) – Magical Power is in synchronisation with spiritual force. Status: Healthy] [Skills: Cross Blade Technique, Potioneering] [Spells: Acidic Aqua Shot: rank 0 spell. Casting time: 3 seconds. Effective distance: 7 Metres. Consumption: 2 spiritual force, 2 magic power] [Umbra's Hand: rank 0 spell. Casting time: 4 seconds. Effective distance: 10 Metres. Consumption: 2 spiritual force, 2 magic power]

At Leylin's command, a 3D image of himself was projected, with various information appearing alongside him.

"It is much clearer this way! The two spells fully consumed my spiritual force and Magical Power earlier, no wonder I feel a little dizzy now!" Leylin rubbed his temples as they were hurting a little.

"With this constraint of spiritual force and Magical Power, learning more spells is not feasible. What's left is for me to prepare a few more potions! If only I had a magic artifact, my strength would definitely have a significant increase…"

In the academy, the Mission Area.

There were all sorts of acolytes gathered here, and most of them had gloomy expressions. Their bodies also reeked of blood and held traces of injuries.

Occasionally, a few grey-robed acolytes who radiated strong magical energy would carry large monsters on their backs, garnering the envy and attention of others.

In the centre of the Mission Area was a black coloured rock wall, where various missions were arranged.

Green-coloured words glowed against the black wall, and it looked a little eerie.

Among the many missions, some were written in blood red and gave off an ominous feeling. Most of the missions listed were dangerous, but the rewards were also better.

In the corner of the square, a few people stood around patiently as if they were waiting for someone.

"Leylin hasn't arrived yet?"

Raynor crossed his arms in front of his chest, seemingly a little bored.

"It isn't the designated time yet, what are you in a hurry for? Since he already agreed, he will definitely be here." Kaliweir replied as he polished a black cleaver, the smooth blade stained with traces of blood.

"Leylin? Are you talking about that Potioneering acolyte, Leylin?" A green-haired girl's eyes shone.

"It is said that his Potioneering talent is only second to Merlin. Furthermore, he has already begun to brew potions and earn a huge amount of money, why would he still want to join our team?"

"He originally came from the same area as us, so it's only natural to join us for missions!" Raynor laughed.

"Then you guys must definitely introduce him to us later. If we are able to approach an acolyte who knows Potioneering, we might not need to risk our lives on missions in the future anymore!" A red-haired girl laughed heartily. Her body was extremely voluptuous.

Raynor's eyes unconsciously scanned over this girl's perky chest, and then he suddenly felt parched.

"My apologies! I'm late!"

Leylin wore leather armour with his robes on the outside, which looked a little bulky. A Cross Blade hung down on his waist, and a crossbow was slung on his back together with a large black sack.

"We have just arrived too!" Kaliweir sheathed his cleaver and smiled.

"It's just us five?" Leylin looked at the group. He recognised Kaliweir and Raynor, but did not see Beirut and the rest.

"Beirut and the others are third-grade acolytes, but they have not advanced to level 2 acolyte yet. They only have a bit of resistance to magic spells, so the outside is too dangerous for them. This is also our first time going out after the previous failure and I don't wish for any more casualties!"

Kaliweir explained.

Leylin suddenly understood. Although he was a third-grade acolyte, his talent was comparable to a fourth-grade acolyte with the A.I. Chip's help, and he might even surpass them in learning spells.

Beirut and the others were only in the level 1 acolyte range. Bringing them out was no help at all, and they might even be a burden. Hence keeping them within the academy was also good for them. It was realistic, yet cruel.

"Come! Let me make the introductions!" Kaliweir smiled.

"The green haired girl is Lilisse, and the one beside is Neela. They are both apprentices under my mentor and advanced to level 2 acolytes two months ago…"

"Hello! Sir Leylin!" Neela's eyes shone and she took the initiative to approach Leylin.

"It is really lucky to be able to go on a mission with you this time!" Neela stuck out her chest and spoke coquettishly in a very nasal pitch.

Seeing this scene, Raynor looked elsewhere, his expression a little gloomy.

"I only have a little talent in Potioneering and I must even thank Mentor Kroft, it was him who…" Leylin rubbed his nose. He knew that he only needed to reveal a bit of desire and this beautiful girl would pounce into his arms. However, he had been concentrating on cultivation lately and had very little wants in this aspect.

Furthermore, after so many of his wild trysts in his previous world, to him, Neela was only a girl who was good looking.

"Alright, what are the contents of our mission?" Leylin took the initiative and asked, interrupting what Neela was going to say next.

"As this is our first time going on a mission together, I am preparing to take on the simplest one: patrolling the academy's perimeters and cleaning up a few Red-Eyed Ravens, what do you all think?"

In fact, the four of them had discussed this before so Kaliweir was really only asking Leylin.

"Alright! My rank 0 spells have not been fully grasped yet!" Leylin agreed.

This team of theirs was newly formed, so taking on a simple mission to improve their teamwork was within reason. From this, it could be seen that Kaliweir had matured a lot after Hank's death and his way of doing things was now better thought out.

"A.I. Chip! Scan!" Leylin commanded silently.

[Beep! Raynor. Strength: 1.8, Agility: 1.9, Vitality: 2.5, Spiritual force: 3.7. Status: Healthy] [Lilisse. Strength: 1.9, Agility: 2.5, Vitality: 2.4, Spiritual force: 4.3. Status: Healthy] [Neela. Strength: 2.7, Agility: 3.4, Vitality: 2.9, Spiritual force: 4.6. Status: Healthy]

"Ever since the processing capability of the A.I. Chip increased, its perceptive ability has also increased. Not including the Magi, all the acolytes in the academy right now are unable to escape the readings of the A.I. Chip."

Leylin thought silently. These readings must naturally prioritise not alarming the other party. As official Magi have a layer of force field around them constantly, the A.I. Chip would definitely be discovered if it was to attempt to take readings of them.

However, as long as regular acolytes are within Leylin's scope, their every stat will be read by the A.I. Chip.

"From this data, everyone has indeed advanced into level 2 acolyte. However, I never thought that Neela was the strongest of them. It seems like this girl has also practiced the Knight's breathing technique. Her body and strength are not to be underestimated!"

These few people had just advanced, and even if they had bought spell models before, they might not be able to comprehend it. Furthermore, the models have to be constructed in the mind, so they were definitely unfamiliar with it. After all, rank 0 spells are still very dangerous to a level 2 acolyte. Without complete control of them, there is a chance of failing and even causing a backlash!

Based on just their physical strengths, Neela could possibly defeat the three of them in one fell swoop if no one was to use any spells.

This Neela, who seemed to be infatuated with and wanted to approach him, was actually the strongest out of the team of four. It was likely that even Kaliweir did not know of this. The corners of Leylin's lips arched into a smile.

To be in full control of rank 0 spells, regular level 2 acolytes must practice for at least 3 months to half a year. However, for him, he will learn the spell in a flash once the A.I. Chip has completely analysed the spell model and transmitted it to his hippocampus.

As for the might of any of the rank 0 spells, they are not something the level of a Knight can resist. Perhaps Grand Knights have a slight chance at that.

Obviously, Neela's data was only at the level of a Knight. Even if she had a secret technique, Leylin was not the slightest bit afraid.

While Leylin had been taking the readings, Kaliweir had already run to the counter and accepted the patrolling mission.

After the discussion with everyone, they set off and left the academy.

Leylin's eyes could not help but squint as the piercing sunlight shone down.

"Come to think of it, I have already stayed underground for over a year. Now that I have come out, it does seem a bit like a thousand-year-old corpse rising from the ground again.

Leylin used his hands to block the sunlight. His snow white hands were a sickly pale colour, like an ill person who lost too much blood. It was due to him staying underground the whole time and spending very little time basking in the sunlight reflected from the mosses in the gardens.

Of course, most acolytes from the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy have this problem.

In any case, as long as their strength increased and they used their spiritual force, raising a point of two of their vitality was not a problem at all. Therefore, they did not need to go out everyday to bask in the sunlight.

"Let's go!" Kaliweir took the lead.

Looking at the huge graveyard behind them and the two statues of the protectors, Leylin turned his head and followed the rest of the team.

"We are going to patrol the southwest area of the academy, where quite a few Red-Eyed Ravens have been showing up recently. We need to clean up their numbers, as well as a few other living organisms. Of course, all of the materials that we acquire will belong to us. Moreover, everyone receives a remuneration of 3 magic crystals."

After the five of them walked out of the graveyard, Kaliweir picked a spot and took out a huge map and spoke as they crowded around.

On the faint yellow parchment paper, the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy was located in the centre and occupied about ten percent of the total area.

There were a few simple routes around it, and there were descriptions of the places written in black colour. A few dangerous places were also marked in red with warning signs.

Red-Eyed Ravens

"Red-Eyed Ravens? We met with some when we first arrived at the academy but they were easily killed off by Professor Dorotte. He used a spell that seemed similar to Acidic Aqua Shot." Leylin stroked his chin and recalled the scene of when he first entered the academy.

"We had better hurry there and begin our patrolling. This mission requires us to bring back the right claws of 10 Red-Eyed Ravens as evidence of completing the mission...Do you guys have any other questions?"

Kaliweir ended with a question, displaying the bearings of a leader. After he saw Leylin and the others shake their heads, he continued and said: "Since we are teammates, let us not hide anything from each other. Each of us should report our general strengths so the others can have a better understanding! I'll go first!"

"I'm Kaliweir, I have a Knight-level constitution and know a secret technique. I also know a rank 0 spell!"

"Kaliweir, I never thought that you'd have learned a spell already! It seems like you're ahead of me… I'm Neela, I have Knight-level physical qualities and a secret technique. I am still learning the rank 0 spell "Weary Hand" but I'm unable to use it yet!" While saying this, Neela looked at Kaliweir with a little surprise.

"I'm Lilisse, I...I am still training to be a Knight, but my instructor says my dart-throwing isn't bad. I don't know any secret techniques as of yet!" Lilisse said shyly.

"Raynor, Preparatory Knight. I don't know any spells but my archery skills aren't bad!" He never thought that Kaliweir and Neela would have already begun to learn spells and was a little embarrassed. Patting the wooden bow on his back, he continued, "Don't worry, I will not be a burden to all of you!"

"Leylin, Preparatory Knight. Right now I have learnt a spell!" Leylin rubbed his own nose.

"Even you have learnt a spell...Oh! I'm sorry!" Raynor said a little disconcertingly. He originally came together with Leylin so he knew that Leylin's aptitude was only a third-grade acolyte. Never did he think that Leylin's accomplishments would already exceed his aptitude as a fourth-grade acolyte.

"No worries!" Leylin shook his head and indicated that he did not mind it.

In fact, Raynor's meditation efficacy was much faster than Leylin's. It was simply that he did not have enough magic crystals to exchange for information and other precious resources. Hence, he was gradually losing out to Leylin.

"You are indeed worthy of being called 'Sir Leylin'! You know what outsiders are calling you now?" Neela said in admiration.

"Oh? I don't mind hearing about how others are evaluating me!"

"A Potioneering genius who is seen once every fifty years! If you did not already have a mentor, the other Potioneering professors would have invited you to be their apprentice!" Neela's pitch was very high and sparks almost seemed to jump out of her eyes.

Seeing Neela's fiery gaze, as well as the expressions of Lilisse and the others, Leylin smiled bitterly.

To sell his potions faster, he could not help but take on the role of a Potioneering-genius acolyte. Fortunately, he had his senior Merlin to take the brunt of the attention off him. If not for this, the attention given to him would be much greater.

"Oh right! Leylin, you should have enough resources if you always sell potions right? Why would you still need to come out?"

Raynor asked softly.

"About this? I felt bored being cooped up in the academy. Besides, I have just learnt a spell so I need to familiarise myself with it!"

Leylin's main purpose was to gain more experience and make preparations for travelling out alone to look for a black market in the future. However, such a thing could not be mentioned.

"Alright! Let the gossip end here! Our destination is not far away but it will take some trouble to get there! If we don't move out soon, the sky will turn dark!"

Kaliweir pat his hands, picked up his cleaver and led the party.

"Let's go!" Leylin followed behind.

"I want to walk with you!" Neela walked by Leylin's side, not masking her intentions in the slightest.

Lilisse followed next, with Raynor at the back.

"Be careful, the area near the school is vacant land, but now that we have entered the forest, there will be a lot more danger!" Kaliweir continued walking as he reminded the party.

Leylin did not bother with Neela who was beside him. Instead, he paid more attention to his surroundings while also maximising the A.I. Chip's detection range.

This was his first time coming into contact with the dangerous world outside of the academy so he could not help but be more alert.

Abyssal Bone Forest Academy was built in the depths of a black forest and there was a forsaken graveyard on top of the school. There were only small shrubberies and short trees around the school so the danger was not that great. However, after entering the forest, the countless trees acted as natural camouflage. It had always been the hunting ground of many predators. Leylin could still recall that when they first arrived here, they met with a sneak attack.

[Alert! Alert! An unknown creature is approaching. Threat to the Host's body: Mild!]

As the A.I. Chip's voice sounded, light blue lines formed an image in Leylin's vision. From the projection, Leylin could very clearly see a red line snaking its way to them.


A black shadow suddenly leapt out from the grass and viciously bit at Kaliweir's neck.

Kaliweir's expression did not change as the black cleaver in his hands swung down, knocking the black shadow away.

The black shadow fell on the ground and revealed its true appearance. It was a snake that was one metre in length, with faint traces of blood on its body and only one eye on its triangular head.

"This is an Iron Thread One-Eyed Snake, be careful of its poison!" Neela warned.

Right at this moment, Lilisse, who was behind them, suddenly struck and three throwing knives were launched towards the beast.

The Iron Thread One-Eyed Snake's body coiled to avoid two of the blades but the last one slashed at it as it passed, leaving a gash.

"Heh!" Suddenly, Kaliweir ran forward and swung his black cleaver down on the snake's head. With a cold flash, the head of the snake was cut off instantly!

The snake, which had lost its head, coiled in a circle, still bleeding profusely.

"Ah!" Lilisse was startled.

"It's already dead. This is just a natural reaction for the body. Haven't you learned about neurology?" Neela harrumphed.

"Only the poison sac and the skin of this Iron Thread One-Eyed Snake is useful. Whoever wants to collect the materials better hurry and do so now. The blood will attract many other living organisms here!" Kaliweir slowly spoke while putting away his cleaver.

"I will do it!" Raynor stepped forward and, after a short while, the five of them continued on their journey.

"A.I. Chip! Was the information from earlier recorded?"

[Beep! The recording is done! Iron Thread One-Eyed Snake, Snake type. Strength: 1.1, Agility: 2.1, Vitality: 1.6. The blood sample has been collected and the composition of muscle has been recorded!]

The A.I. Chip's feedback was timely. Leylin nodded his head and hastened his footsteps.

Ten-odd days later, inside the black forest.

A Red-Eyed Raven blinked its alert eyes and perched on a branch as it constantly ruffled its feathers.

*Whoosh!* Suddenly, a white arrow was shot.

"Caw!" the Raven flapped its wings to move away. While it was evading, there were another three flashes of white light, belonging to the throwing knives that were shooting towards it.

Dodging in an elegant arc, the Red-Eyed Raven avoided the knives and landed in an open space.

"Kill!" A shadow hopped out from some shrubbery, two hands grasping a cleaver, and hacked towards the Red-Eyed Raven. It seemed like the arrow and the throwing knives earlier had all been there to force the Red-Eyed Raven to the ground.

A black cleaver brought about a gale as it hacked at the Red-Eyed Raven.

"Caw Caw!" The Red-Eyed Raven cawed loudly, letting off an unpleasant noise.

There was a flash of human-like resentment in the raven's eyes and a pair of black claws met with the cleaver.


Although the Red-Eyed Raven was a little larger than the average raven, it was only about the same size as a chicken. It had unexpectedly used its black claws to push back the Knight wielding the black cleaver.

"Caw!" The Red-Eyed Raven cawed again, and a few black feathers drifted down from its body.

Taking advantage of the retreating Knight, the Red-Eyed Raven actually went forward and clawed at the Knight's face with its sharp claws!

"Pandora – Greygonger!"

A hurried and quick incantation sounded and a ball of green liquid flew out suddenly, hitting the Red-Eyed Raven squarely on its body.

*Psshhh!* White mist rose continuously, and the cries of a Red-Eyed Raven sounded.

A few seconds later, the screams from the Raven completely vanished, and all that was left was a ditch. Lying inside were a few feathers which did not have enough time to corrode.

"Are you alright, Kaliweir?!"

The shrubbery shook and a few figures made their way through it.

Kaliweir shook his head, "No worries! Although the Red-Eyed Raven has the strength of a Knight and can even fly, it is still not an opponent for us humans who wield weapons!"

Looking at the person in the middle, "Leylin! The timing of the Acidic Aqua Shot earlier was good!"

"It was all due to everybody's teamwork!" Leylin smiled.

Kaliweir then walked to the large ditch, used a branch to brush away the feathers, and picked up 2 black claws from inside.

The side of the black claws was extremely sharp. They released a chilling lustre as if reflecting the difficulty of dealing with its original owner.

"Although the might of the Acidic Aqua Shot is great, it also corroded the Red-Eyed Raven greatly. Apart from its hard claws, there is nothing left…" Kaliweir said with a tinge of regret.

"Hmph! If not for Leylin, you guys might have paid some kind of price to kill the Red-Eyed Raven!" Neela harrumphed at the side, seemingly displeased.

"That's true!" Kaliweir sheathed his cleaver. Right now he had matured a lot and knew that Neela was rather spiteful, so he was not angry at all.

"With this Red-Eyed Raven, we have gathered enough materials. Should we head back to the school to complete the mission?"

Seeing that Raynor and the rest were looking tired, Kaliweir asked.

"Naturally, we have to go back! The forest is too dangerous. We couldn't even have a good sleep during the night!" Neela said immediately.

Lilisse and Raynor hurriedly nodded their heads too.

As for Leylin, he also felt a little exhausted as the forest had been riddled with danger. Even though he had the A.I. Chip to warn him, he was still in a heightened state of anxiety for a prolonged period. His mind felt extremely weary as well, and right now he was beginning to miss the hot water and bed in the academy.

"Alright! Then let us go back first!"

Kaliweir was a little regretful as he carefully put away the claw of the Red-Eyed Raven, "What a pity! With our abilities, we could definitely kill more of the Red-Eyed Ravens. They are worth much more money than the Iron Thread One-Eyed Snake from before..."

"There is no end to earning magic crystals but right now, our team, as a whole, is completely exhausted and we have reached a dangerous state. If we do not hurry back to the academy, I'm afraid that we will make mistakes during our next hunt, which may even result in death!"

Leylin's voice was cold and distinct. He was a person who kept his cool at all times, and he wouldn't lose his bearings over a little profit dangling before him.

"Alright! Then let us go back!"

Kaliweir only hesitated a little and then nodded his head in agreement.

Hearing Kaliweir's words, the expressions of the other four turned much better. Even Neela, who was feeling spiteful, also loosened up and smiled brightly.

The party packed up quickly and started on the trip home.

Violent Hilly Bear

The chirping of insects could be heard in the quiet forest from time to time, and the lush branches and leaves of the trees covered the sun completely. Sunrays occasionally shone through the gaps like beams of light.

" Caw Caw!" Familiar sounding cries could be heard ahead.

Kaliweir, who was leading at the forefront, furrowed his brows, "Why are there so many Red-Eyed Ravens!? These creatures are very aggressive towards humans! If we do not clean their numbers up in time, they will attract more of their kind which will be extremely troublesome!"

"What now? Should we take a detour?" Raynor asked.

"I'm afraid that might not work, they have already discovered us!" Leylin looked at the image in the A.I. Chip and said without looking back.

The sound of wings flapping gradually got closer. Kaliweir laughed, "Since they have voluntarily come to look for us, we shouldn't hesitate to welcome them!"

The expressions of the others were at ease. After this period of polishing their teamwork, they all have a set of strategies that were customised to deal with the Red-Eyed Ravens.

"Not good! There are 2 of them!" Leylin looked at the screen and his expression changed suddenly.

Kaliweir was startled. As per Leylin's warning, there was indeed another black shadow behind the first Red-Eyed Raven that flew over, and its size seemed to be bigger than others of its kind.

"We're in trouble!" Kaliweir's brows furrowed, "Leylin and Neela, you two deal with the one in front! As for the other one, leave it to us three!"

"Prepare well!" Leylin said to Neela behind him and drew the crossbow that was slung on his back.

"Measuring wind power and humidity! Adjusting trajectory…"

*Whoosh! * A black line streaked across the sky and pierced through the Red-Eyed Raven's body, bringing along a few feathers with it.

"Caw!" The Red-Eyed Raven at the front let out an angry cry and flew towards Leylin.

It actually seemed like it did not sustain any injuries.

"Let's lure it away!" Leylin's expression did not change, and he put down the crossbow that was in his hands.

Thanks to the A.I. Chip, he was very clear that the arrow earlier did hit the Red-Eyed Raven, but the vitality of these crows was rather high, being almost similar to a human Knight. Their feathers were extremely hard too; hence, it did not receive much damage.

The weapons of regular humans do not pose much threat to the creatures of the Magus World.

Seeing Leylin and Neela luring a Red-Eyed Raven away, Kaliweir made up his mind. He shouted loudly, "Raynor and Lilisse, stall the other Red-Eyed Raven that is behind and give me time to prepare my spell."

Raynor and Lilisse looked at each other and then dashed towards the Red-Eyed Raven at the back.

As Raynor ran, he grabbed the bow on his back and shot towards the sky. A few throwing knives accompanied the arrow.

"Caw Caw!" The huge Red-Eyed Raven flapped its black wings and slapped the arrow and knives down.

"It actually used its bare wings to knocked the arrow away!" Raynor's face turned pale and his footsteps halted.

However, the Red-Eyed Raven that was significantly larger than its counterpart had already swooped down and its huge claws cut into Raynor's shoulders, leaving a gash.

Raynor was pinned to the ground by the Red-Eyed Raven.

"Save...Save me!" Raynor shouted and pleaded.

*Bang!!* Just as the Red-Eyed Raven was about to peck down, a bright light flashed. Lilisse raised a huge sword that was even larger than her and swatted the Red-Eyed Raven away.

"Bam!" An iron wire that was made into a net was thrown in front of Raynor.

"I'll stall it, hurry and take the chance to throw the net!" Lilisse, who was usually quiet and a little shy, now seemed to be a completely different person.

"Okay!" Raynor looked at Kaliweir, who was still preparing the cast his spell, and picked up the net.

Lilisse had obviously trained with swordplay before, and the huge steel sword brandished in her hands turned into a silver flash as she knocked the Red-Eyed Raven away to the side.

"Ha!" With a beautiful sweep, Lilisse knocked the Red-Eyed Raven down onto the floor, making mud and grit splatter everywhere.

"A good chance!" Raynor's eyes flashed, and the sharp pain transmitting through his shoulder made his eyes a little bloodshot as he spread the steel wire net and trapped the Red-Eyed Raven within it.

"Caw Caw!" The Red-Eyed Raven continuously thrashed inside, and it seemed as though it would break free from the steel wire net at any moment.

"Kaliweir, hurry!" The Red-Eyed Raven's feathers are too thick, I can't deal much damage to it!"

Lilisse shouted anxiously.

"Thank you for your efforts!" At this moment, Kaliweir finally finished his spell, and a dark red coloured fireball was blazing in his hands.

"Hurry and move!" After Kaliweir shouted, Lilisse and Raynor hurriedly scattered.

"Let's go! Negative Energy Fireball!" With a fling of Kaliweir's hands, the dark red fireball streaked across with a booming sound until it landed perfectly on the Red-Eyed Raven's body.

*Boom!* A huge sound reverberated continuously in all directions, along with a surging heat wave.

The intense wind from the explosion also burned a huge crater in the ground, and the surrounding plants and shrubbery did not escape from it either.

"Nice one!" Raynor had run a little too slowly and was swept onto the ground by the wind behind him. His clothes were stained with mud. However, when he looked at the Red-Eyed Raven, he was indescribably happy.

"Haah…" Kaliweir panted too, "This Negative Energy Fireball takes too long to cast and I need someone to help me stall the enemy. However, its might is extremely great!"

Lilisse straightened her fringe. As she looked towards the direction that Leylin and Neela had run in, there was an obvious tinge of worry in her eyes, "I wonder how they are doing now?"

"Don't worry! Leylin and Neela are very strong, and we also managed to deal with the bigger one ourselves…" Kaliweir comforted her. This was the first mission that he had taken in a year, and he, too, wanted the perfect ending.

"We're alright!" Just as Kaliweir was speaking, both Leylin and Neela walked out from a thicket of bushes.

A few black feathers clung to their bodies, but they did not seem to have sustained any injuries.

"Where is the other one?"

"Over here!" Leylin raised the black claws in his hands, and then looked at the huge pit. "Wow, this fellow. I reckon that had at least 6 degrees of power, it seems like Kaliweir is pursuing lethal spells.

"Since everyone is okay, let us hurry back, I have a bad feeling about this!" Kaliweir's face darkened, "The monsters lurking around the school these days seem to be a little too much!"

"I agree, were the academy missions before this dangerous?" Leylin asked.

"That's not right! Even if we accepted a patrolling mission like this, we needed at least 1 month to find 10 Red-Eyed Ravens. However, we have exceeded that amount in just 10 days!" Neela explained beside him.

"After we return, let us report this situation, I feel there's something amiss!" Lilisse said suddenly.

"If there are any problems it'll be for the Magi to solve! We had better leave here as soon as possible, I don't feel safe out here!" Raynor added.

"Nicely said! Let us hurry!" Kaliweir said as he threw the broken iron wire net aside and picked up a black claw.

As everyone did not have any objections, the team hurried back.

"Why would these 2 Red-Eyed Ravens obstruct us on our return trip back to the academy? Could it just be a coincidence?" Leylin suddenly felt uneasy and hastened his footsteps.

The rest of them seemed to have the same ominous feeling, and the team hurried along.

"Do you think those 2 Red-Eyed Ravens earlier were guarding some treasures? You know, ravens have a habit of collecting shiny items!"

Neela, who was at the back of the group, saw the gloomy expressions on everyone and said half-jokingly.

"Those are normal ravens. Although the Red-Eyed Ravens also have the word raven in their name, their bloodlines are closer to that of a Bramble Thorny Bird. Therefore, they don't have the habit of searching for treasures, but instead have an acute sense for a few special plants. In fact, Magi often raise Bramble Thorny Birds too, to use them to search for those special plants!" Leylin replied, not turning back.

"How do you know that?" Raynor was obviously not convinced.

"Bramble Thorny Bird's origins and how to raise them. It's on the level 3 bookshelf in the library, I read it recently." Leylin replied blandly.

"Oh! Leylin! You're so awesome!" Sparks could be seen in Neela's eyes again.

Raynor turned away.

"Eh?" Leylin took a sniff and suddenly smelled a very fragrant scent.

"Stop! Did you guys smell anything?" Leylin hurriedly halted.

The group stopped. "Smell what?" Kaliweir's expression tightened, and he gripped the cleaver in his hands.

"I seem to have smelled a very fragrant scent!" Leylin explained.

"Fragrance? There are only odours that make people want to vomit in this forest! And now it is getting more serious!" Raynor interrupted.

"I actually smelled a whiff of Jasmine Flowers mixed with Black-Oiled Roses!" Lilisse wrinkled her nose.

"Everyone be careful! There is the stench of a wild beast!" *Shiing!* Kaliweir unsheathed his cleaver. This situation was obviously strange. Leylin also placed his hands into his waist pouch.

*Hu!* A gust of wind blew over. It carried a fishy stench that stung the nose.

*Grooarrr!!!* The roar of a ruthless beast sounded.

The plants in the surrounding black forest also bent from the pressure caused by the beast's roar.

Kaliweir's face changed greatly, "Be careful, it's a huge one!"

*Boom Boom!* The heavy steps rang. Leylin and the rest saw the appearance of the creature.

It was a huge black bear and its skull was split open as if exposing its brain. There was also a 'V'-shaped, white mark on its chest, like a lightning scar.

"Be careful! It's the Violent Hilly Bear; each one is comparable to a level 3 acolyte! Last time, it was this fellow that we met!"

Kaliweir's pupils shrank to the size of a pin, "Be careful of its roaring attack. It was this attack that killed Hank previously!"

"Damn it! Let's disperse and run!" Raynor's face turned pale and he suddenly turned around and scooted off.

"This coward!" Neela fumed and her face turned red. The Violent Hilly Bear increased its speed because of Raynor's sudden escape.

"There is no choice left! This exceeds our capabilities, so let's scatter and run. Let's hope to meet each other back in the academy!"

Kaliweir smiled bitterly and made his decision.

A Knight's Breakthrough

After Kaliweir finished speaking, he took out a black powder-like substance from his robes and sprinkled it onto his legs. He suddenly appeared taller and upon closer inspection, it seemed that not only had his height increased, but there were also tufts of black fur growing out of the bottom of his shoes.

With this black fur, Kaliweir's speed increased tremendously and he disappeared from the forest in the span of a few steps, with a speed faster than Raynor's.

"The seed from a blade of Nimble Grass? It seems like Kaliweir used it to protect his life, but the aftereffects of this seed are not small!"

Leylin muttered, looking towards the two girls at his side, "It is a little embarrassing to say this, but we had still better split up!"

"Since we chose to come out here and take such risks, we should naturally be prepared to lose our lives! To be honest, the fact that you were able to stay behind those two guys has already shocked us !"

Neela said as she took out a green potion in a test tube and threw it on the floor. A green-coloured hurricane swept up and enshrouded Neela and Lilisse within its centre.

"See you at the academy!" Enveloped in a whirlwind of green, the two girls disappeared from Leylin's vision.

"Everyone has a trump card, huh?" Leylin smiled, moving his feet and disappearing from the forest.

In a flash, the party of five began to split up, with everyone using their own methods to escape from the scene.

Leylin's footsteps never faltered, and the trees on either side of him disappeared into the distance as he sped ahead.

"The attack power of the Violent Hilly Bear is extremely high, while its speed is just average. In the party of five, Kaliweir used the Nimble Grass, while Neela and Lilisse used a speed-enhancing potion. As for me, I have the strength of a Knight, and therefore, my speed is pretty good. However, Raynor, the first to run, has the slowest speed amongst the five of us and is also in the greatest danger. If he did not prepare any trump cards, it is highly likely for him to die here."

"I should be able to escape from this Violent Hilly Bear's hunting grounds with Raynor as a decoy, so I had better not use this potion just yet!"

As a Potions Master, Leylin was still rather rich despite not being able to sell his goods in bulk. Naturally, he had prepared several trump cards that could protect his life, without which he would not have the confidence to come outside to train.

Every step he took was perfect, his every move and action seemed to blend in with the forest and he did not receive any obstructions from any branches or vines, his actions as smooth as flowing water. His speed was actually almost the same as Kaliweir who had used the Nimble Grass.

"Groarrr!" A vicious roar sounded.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared in front of Leylin, and with it came a huge bear paw.

"Impossible! How could it have made a detour to be in front of me? Was Raynor unable to draw it away ?"

Greatly startled, Leylin's body reacted, his conditioned reflexes causing him to take out his cross blade and begin slashing in front of him.

*Clang!* Leylin hurriedly used the huge recoil travelling through the cross blade to turn his body around and escape the attack range of the bear's paw. He did not have a good grip on the cross blade and as a result, it flew out of his hands.


At this moment, Leylin did not hesitate to throw a fire red potion at the Violent Hilly Bear.

The moment the test tube exploded, a scorching red flame suddenly engulfed the Violent Hilly Bear.

Leylin did not stay to watch the scene. Instead, he immediately turned around and ran.

"The explosive potion's might may be great, comparable to an average rank 0 spells, however, it still lacks the power to penetrate the Violent Hilly Bear's thick hide.

"Groarrr!" The Violent Hilly Bear's roar sounded from behind, and it seemed to be getting closer to Leylin.

Leylin turned around to look, and his eyes almost popped out, "This is illogical!"

He saw that the Violent Hilly Bear's head was a little charred, but the rest of the body remained undamaged. The explosive potion seemed to do nothing else apart from further enraging the Violent Hilly Bear.

The Violent Hilly Bear's massively oversized body seemed to be as light as a feather and did not hinder its speed in the slightest, allowing it to tail behind Leylin.

"A.I. Chip! Take readings!"

Leylin gave a command, but the A.I. Chip did not reply even after half a day and only a faint static noise could be heard.

"A.I. Chip! A.I. Chip!" Leylin called out again, but it was to no avail.

"Damn it, just what exactly is happening?"

Leylin's face distorted in frustration. The A.I. Chip was his greatest trump card in this world. Suddenly losing it had turned him a little crazy.

*Thwack!* The Violent Hilly Bear caught up to Leylin once again, and it swatted with his massive paws as if it was swatting at a mosquito.

"Umbra's Hand!" Leylin hurriedly chanted and a black coloured hand rose from the Violent Hilly Bear's shadow, firmly holding on to the bear's paw.

The huge bear roared nonstop but was unable to escape from the Umbra's Hand.

Seizing this opportunity, Leylin hurriedly ran off. "The Umbra's Hand's effect will only last for a few seconds! I must hurry!"

Leylin fled miserably.

"Damn it!" Leylin grumbled yet again, "What on earth is going on? This Violent Hilly Bear is stronger than my expectations, and it has such a swift speed too!"

In the black forest, the grass and shrubbery blew in the strong wind and the occasional insect cry could be heard from time to time.

"At last, I have finally escaped for now!" Leylin ran for a dozen-odd minutes before he dared to turn back and look. The dark forest resembled the mouth of a huge beast, seemingly wanting to swallow him whole.

"Caw! Caw!" Just when Leylin had finally caught his breath, the abominable sound of ravens could be heard in the sky.

Leylin raised his head and looked. There were ravens that were much larger than the Red-Eyed Ravens from earlier. Furthermore, there were three of them! Once they spotted Leylin, they immediately swooped down towards him.

"My cross blade has already been lost and my spiritual force and Magical Power are almost drained too. Am I going to die here today?"

An ominous premonition rose in Leylin's heart.

A black talon came slashing at him, and Leylin hurriedly attempted to dodge it. In spite of his attempts, the claw of the raven etched three gashes into his back.

The immense pain clouded Leylin's vision, "No! I don't want to die! I have not qualified as a Magus yet! Or seen the rest of the world! How could I just die a silent death here !"

As he tumbled to the ground, Leylin picked up a green rock from behind him.

"Ha!" Jumping back up, he viciously smashed the rock down onto the Red-Eyed Raven's head!

*Bang!* This time, Leylin used all of his strength, and the Red-Eyed Raven swayed as it fell onto the floor.

"Caw! Caw!" Angry cries were heard in the sky. Seeing that their comrade had died like that, the other two Red-Eyed Ravens immediately cried out and swooped down to avenge it.

"Bring it on!" Leylin lowered himself slightly, coiling his body into position, like a leopard who was about to catch its prey.

He felt every artery in his body expanding quickly, and the blood continuously surged, circulating huge amounts of energy into the various parts of his body. A warm current gradually rose in his lower abdomen, and the wound on his back no longer seemed as painful.

"Die!" Leylin shouted, and flung the rock in his hands out ruthlessly. This time, he seemed to have used all his energy, and the warmth in his body constantly responded to him. The rock let out an ear piercing whistle and directly struck one of the Red-Eyed Ravens.

"This is...Internal life energy!" Leylin was mildly shocked. He had attained the qualities of a Preparatory Knight long ago. Moreover, he meditated constantly, so he was almost comparable to that of an actual Knight. However, he had not been able to ignite his internal life energy until now, and he never thought that he would be able to have a break through at this point.

Right at that moment, the warm current in his lower abdomen travelled to his two eyes, and a piercing pain in his eyes made them water.

When he opened his eyes, his vision was extremely blurry, as if he was shrouded in mist. However, the faint blue words of the A.I. Chip had finally reappeared.

[Beep! The host has suffered from an unknown effect... Abnormality in the current state!] [Ho... Host is hallucinating!]

The screen of the A.I. Chip displayed was intermittent as if it was suffering from a very strong interference.

"Hallucination!" Leylin was startled. However, at this moment, the other Red-Eyed Raven had already swooped down right in front of him. Behind him, there came a violent roar from the forest and a massive bear paw vehemently struck out at Leylin with a hooked claw.

Facing such a life-threatening attack, Leylin grit his teeth and actually closed both his eyes.

The sharp claws pierced his body and he felt an immense pain. However, it was not as painful as he thought, and Leylin's body did not fall.

"It really is like this, huh?" Leylin's lips curled upwards.

"A.I. Chip! Show me my current state!"

The A.I. Chip's display merely appeared more distinct in the darkness.

The lines full of red-coloured warnings about the abnormal status was extremely striking, but Leylin had actually not realised it before.

[Beep! Detection over! The Host has breathed in very potent and delicate hallucinatory gas particles! The five senses were affected! To expel or not?]

"Begin expulsion immediately!" Leylin commanded.

[Beep! Reserve energy has been used, expulsion in progress!]

The A.I. Chip indicated that the expulsion was complete, and only then did Leylin open his eyes.

Right now, he was situated inside a shrubbery, and the Violent Hilly Bear and Red-Eyed Raven disappeared without a trace.

There were many cuts on his body from the barbs in the shrubbery, and blood was dripping from them. However, there were no gashes on his back.

"It seems like it really was an illusion. What I saw earlier was completely artificial!"

Leylin looked at his surroundings again. On the left, there was a tree that had fallen, and he saw traces of scorch marks in his surroundings.

"Although what I saw was fake, my reactions were all real. The explosive potion and Umbra's Hand uprooted the tree, and it is very likely that I mistook the tree for the Violent Hilly Bear!"

Leylin felt a little regretful. The explosive potion had cost him plenty of magic crystals, and he had spent a whopping amount before buying the formula and ingredients from Woox. But now, he had actually used it against a tree.

"However, it's not like I didn't reap any benefits." Leylin looked at the prompt shown by the A.I. Chip earlier.

[Secretion of adrenaline in the Host's body has rapidly increased, blood flow has increased by 58%!] [The Host has ignited internal life energy and broke through the boundaries of a Knight!]

"It might have been an illusion all along, but the igniting my internal life energy and advancing to a Knight was real!"

"It is also thanks to my advancement into a Knight that led me to realise that something was amiss, if not, I would have died just like that!"

Leylin was a little afraid, "A.I. Chip! Record the status I was in earlier when I broke through into a Knight!"

[Beep! Recording is done, name: State of advancing to a Knight]

"This state may be the key to igniting internal life energy! However why would it have some resemblance to the magic powers of my previous world? It seems extremely unconventional!"

Leylin harboured a few suspicions. This Knight's advancement method was extremely perilous. Many of the situations required luck, otherwise, there might be an excessive secretion of adrenaline, opening up the possibility of being poisoned to death.

Returning To The Academy

"I wonder how Kaliweir and the others are doing now?"

When Leylin feebly picked himself up, he felt like his whole body was going to fall apart.

"Even with the A.I. Chip, I have fallen into this state, let alone their situations. I had better find them quickly, it would be really terrible if they were to fall into a trap or encounter other wild beasts.

Leylin drew out a red-coloured potion from his waist pouch and opened the wooden plug. He poured the red liquid onto his wounds.

*Hiss!* White mist continuously rose up from the wound. Leylin gritted his teeth, his face a little twisted.

After the white mist dispersed, a red membrane was covering the wound, and the bleeding had already stopped. It had also closed the wound. Leylin waved his hands around and noticed that his movements were not restricted.

"This hemostatic potion is very good, but it's so painful when it's being used!"

Leylin grumbled, drew out another blue coloured potion, and gulped it down. The blue potion was sweet and carried the fragrance of white bread. Leylin felt his body getting much better and also recovered some strength. He walked out from the shrubbery and leaned against a big tree to rest.

"A.I. Chip! For that hallucinatory gas, are there any remedies against it?"

Since he knew that the only danger over there was the hallucinatory gas particles, Leylin did not mind rescuing his other party members.

If it really wasn't possible, then Leylin would just turn his head and return to the academy to inform the professors while praying for them.

[Suggestion: Freshwater has good protective properties against the infiltration of the gas particles!]

The A.I. Chip replied.

"Freshwater, huh?" Leylin opened his water bottle and soaked a handkerchief, wrapping it over his nose and mouth before heading back to their previous location.

"I thought that I had run very far away, but I haven't even gone a thousand metres!" Leylin retraced his footsteps. Moments later, when he returned back to where the party of five had split up, he was a little speechless.

"A.I. Chip! Scan the area in front and form a map!"

Since he knew that the path in front was filled with hallucinatory gas particles, Leylin still felt very vulnerable despite his safeguard.

[Beep! Scan completed!]

An image appeared in front of Leylin's eyes. Where the five of them were earlier, there was a depression with huge mushrooms growing out from it.

These mushrooms were extremely big and almost as tall as a human being. Each one was a mysterious purple colour, with many black spots faintly forming the image of a human in pain.

"What type of mushrooms are these?"

[Comparing to database! Similarity level: Spider-Faced Mushroom 98.7%, Spear-Lining Mushroom 74.5%, Purple Umbrella Flower 23.3%]

"Spider-Faced Mushroom?" Leylin thought back to an image he had seen in a picture book from the library.

"The Spider-Faced Mushroom is a very mysterious plant. It is able to emit extremely strong hallucinatory gas particles, and people with weak constitutions and other intelligent beings will not be able to resist them. They will often attract flying beasts and live together in harmony with them. It seems like the two Red-Eyed Ravens from earlier were attracted to them."

Leylin noticed a few bones at the stem of the purple mushroom, some seemed to belong to humans, and some were from various creatures.

"However, these kinds of dangerous plants should have been cleaned up around our school area, unless they were moved here only recently!"

Leylin conjectured and suddenly felt chills over his body as if he had discovered a part of a conspiracy.

Shaking his head, "This is not something that I can attend to now. I had better hurry and look for Neela and the others and then leave immediately!"

With the help of the A.I. Chip, finding the others of his party members proved to be extremely easy.

Raynor was lying not far away, with one of his thighs impaled on a branch. It seemed like he had run into it himself.

Not long later, Kaliweir was found too. At this moment, he looked like a lunatic, cleaving at a huge black boulder. He could not even see Leylin walking over, and was knocked out by Leylin in the end.

As for Neela and Lilisse, they were the luckiest. Not long after they left, they had been entangled within some vines. When Leylin found them, they were still clad in the glow of the green hastening potion and were actually not injured at all.

Leylin brought the four of them far away from the Spider-Faced Mushroom. When he found a stream, he tossed all of them into the water.

This was the suggestion given by the A.I. Chip.

With the bone-chilling cold water from the stream invading the noses and throats of Kaliweir and the others, their bodies began to convulse violently.

"Cough Cough!" Kaliweir and the others started to cough violently.

Leylin moved the few of them onto flat ground and laid them on their backs. He then picked up a weapon and got into a defensive stance.

"What happened?" Kaliweir rubbed his aching head and propped himself up.

"Do you still remember what happened earlier?" Leylin came in front of Kaliweir.

"Yes! I remember now, we met with the Violent Hilly Bear and even some Direwolves!" Kaliweir touched the gash on his face.

"Was it you who saved us?"

"Indeed! However, what we encountered were not ferocious beasts. I'll explain it when the others have woken up!" Leylin pointed at the others, who seemed to be regaining consciousness slowly.

When the few of them left the domain of the Spider-Faced Mushrooms and gulped down huge amounts of fresh water, their minds started to clear again.

Leylin explained the matter of the Spider-Faced Mushrooms to them. As for himself, he said that he was lucky to avoid their situations because he had an item that could resist hallucinations.

After listening to Leylin, the expressions of Kaliweir and the others weren't very good at all.

"Leylin! Thank you! I owe you my life!" Kaliweir said solemnly.

"Us too!" Neela and Lilisse spoke at the same time. As for Raynor, he opened his mouth but no words came out from it.

"I suggest that you all better tend to the injuries on your bodies first!" Leylin pointed to the puncture in Raynor's thigh.

"Alright. I have some medicinal powder here. Do you need it, Raynor?"

Kaliweir felt for the item on his body, and then retrieved a bottle of medicinal powder from his waist pouch and gave it to Raynor.

Leylin took a whiff and knew that it was medicine from the regular world. While it had certain effectiveness, it was still incomparable to a hemostasis potion.

The party slowly treated the wounds on their bodies. Raynor was the most injured, and his lips were as pale as snow. His legs were wrapped very thickly with gauze. Kaliweir managed to find a stick for him to use as a crutch, so he could at least manage to walk.

The physiques of Magi already begin to differ from those of regular humans. With the help of potions, wounds that are not too severe will usually finish healing in a few nights.

"What should we do next?" Kaliweir looked at Leylin. Although he was the party leader in name, Leylin's performance made him bow his head.

"Can you still walk?" Leylin asked Raynor.

"I can definitely walk! Don't… don't leave me behind!" Raynor hurriedly propped himself up with the crutch.

"Then we had better hurry and set off!" Leylin thought of the Spider-Faced Mushrooms and of his own predictions. He had an ominous feeling about the recent events.

"That's right!" Neela and Lilisse agreed in unison, it seemed like they were afraid of this place already.

"My Hastening Potion! That was something that I spent 5 magic crystals on!" Along the journey, Neela lamented.

"That is still okay, look at me!" Kaliweir adjusted his sack; the most important things were the 12 Red-Eyed Raven claws in it as they were the proof of completing the mission. He then pointed to his ankle.

On his legs, tufts of black fur already covered his calves and began spreading to his thigh area.

"Although a seed from the Nimble Grass can allow you to run quickly, their reproductive abilities are too great. After using them, you will definitely be contaminated. If you don't hurry back to the academy to take care of it, you might soon become a furry man!"

"Outer appearance is one thing. The most important thing is that if the Nimble Grass live on a human's body for a long time, there will be poisonous properties! At that time, you can only amputate your leg!" Kaliweir said with a resolved expression, "Hurry!"

Although he still wore a deadpanned expression, his footsteps had obviously quickened.

After suffering from the Spider-Faced Mushrooms' attack, the five of them became easily frightened on the way home. Any rustling of leaves or blowing of the wind would make them feel nervous for a while.

When they finally saw the Abyssal Bone Forest Graveyard, Leylin swore that he had never found this graveyard so lovable before now.

"Password!" This time, the two-headed dog asked in a female voice.

"Abyssal Bone is paramount!" Kaliweir said slowly.

The password changes whenever a certain period of time has passed. However, the password will naturally be told in advance to those who go out on a mission, like them.

"Correct!" The two-headed dog allowed them to pass and returned to being a statue on the platform.

Leylin finally heaved a sigh of relief when they entered the academy's gates.

Although there were no deaths on this mission, they still met with several dangers along the way. If not for the A.I. Chip's help, it was very likely that their party would have been wiped out completely.

"Let's go! We'll first hand in our mission!" Kaliweir's expression loosened and he smiled. As for Lilisse and Neela, they both seemed relieved as well.

The five of them walked towards the Mission Area. Kaliweir queued in front of the counter while the other four waited to the side.

"Neela, did the missions cause so many injuries or deaths in the past?"

Leylin felt that the atmosphere was a little off. The number of casualties in the Mission Area had obviously increased, and there were curses and sobbing heard from time to time.

"We don't usually have this many! I can guarantee that!" Neela looked at the many acolytes with darkened expressions on their faces. It seemed like not only did they fail their missions, but they had also paid a heavy price for them.

"Look! The missions have been refreshed!"

Leylin raised his head and saw a notice hanging in the upper corner of the black wall, with striking red words.

"Attention! There has been a significant increase in the dangerous creatures around the academy. We hope that the acolytes who go out in the future will be more cautious. If you aren't a level 3 acolyte, we recommend that you stay inside.

These words were a size bigger than the others and were written in a striking red font.

Behind the warning, there was a new mission written in red.

"Mission: Find out the source of the abnormalities in the academy's vicinity. Reward: 500 magic crystals, high-grade information on 3 topics at will, or an improved spell model. This mission is categorised as extremely dangerous, be prudent when accepting this mission!"

"500 magic crystals, high-grade information on 3 topics, or even an improved spell model!" Leylin exclaimed.

"If only I had that many magic crystals!" Lilisse was also intimidated by the generous reward.