260 - 267

Another Round

After speaking, Leylin turned to gaze at the bustling market.

Life and death happened all the time, much like the way flowers bloomed and withered away. Everything was being transformed in front of his eyes.

"Nothing in the world can escape the decay of time! This is why I'm so set on seeking eternity, which is something I live by!"

Leylin sighed deeply in his heart.

The rebuilding of this market was not entirely without reason. At the very least, Leylin had gained quite of a bit of experience from managing it. In the future, if he ever needed to take charge of an area where Magi gathered, he knew he could do it much better than before.

Seeing Leylin expression, Caesar snickered inside without showing anything on his face, "Then let us begin as quickly as possible! Someone will move the core body of consciousness today!"

"Alright! Are we finally going to make a move?"

Anticipation flashed in Leylin's eyes, as they walked side by side as they left.


Caliste wore the robes unique to Magi from Four Seasons Garden, and ambled over to the region he was in charge of.

Along the way, acolytes stood by the road and bowed to him. He walked past them expressionlessly, and occasionally nodded aloofly.

"This is it! Respect! Reverence! This is what it feels like to be an official Magus…"

As someone who had just been promoted to be an official Magus, Caliste had yet to adjust to this situation.

Such treatment that was reserved for those who were more powerful than the regular human had him feel a little intoxicated.

However, all these thoughts vanished after seeing the large hole beside the fort.

At the outer layer of the headquarters of Four Seasons Garden, there was a huge hole.

This was the masterpiece done by the dark Magi in their previous attack. Leylin and Caesar had ordered for people to mend this, but it had yet to return to its original state.

As he looked at the light Magi and acolytes who were carrying out construction work, Caliste felt as if all the wounds had been re-opened as they sniggered at him.

This huge wound was a disgrace to all the Magi of Four Seasons Garden!

"Those darned dark Magi! One day, I, Caliste, shall…" Caliste's complaints and curses suddenly stopped as he recalled the insane power the dark Magi had displayed.

For a Magus like him who had grown up in a safe environment, every movement from the dark Magi, which were filled with bloodthirstiness and violence, made him feel a little stifled.

In this condition, even those who were of the same rank might lose quite badly.

"If they attack once again, will I be able to do anything?" Caliste was filled with self-doubt. After all, it was his luck that had allowed him to survive while other, more powerful, light Magi had died in battle!

"Hah… I don't care anymore! There's still the Lightning Corps, large-scale defense, and amplification spell formations here, as well Lord Caesar and Lord Leylin! With this level of power, there's definitely no problem for us to hang on for one or two more days. Besides, the people from the headquarters are going to arrive tomorrow!"

Caliste exhaled slowly.


At this moment, green flames suddenly streaked across the sky like a meteor, a tail of light following behind it.

*Xiu!* Accompanying the flames was the piercing sound of friction with the air.

*Pak!* Green flames rumbled as they exploded in the middle of the sky, forming the image of a green skull!

"This is… the symbol of the dark Magi…" Caliste's voice became hoarse, his expression displaying his disbelief.

"Enemy attack!"

The patrolling Magi bellowed, and layers of black magical beasts charged forth like a tide.

"The biochemical army of the dark Magi! This is an army made out of cannon fodder, formed due to the radiation and poisoning of beasts in the secret plane! The real enemy is still behind. Activate the defense formation and notify the two Lords!"

Atop the watchtower, a Magus who seemed to be the leader of a team icily roared immediately.

"Activate the Heavenly Fire spell formation! Magi on the ground are to prepare wind spells and fire rain scrolls!"

This little leader was obviously the commander of a zone, and he immediately began to seek permission from the formation genie with his spiritual force.

"Formation genie! Activate the energy amplification spell formation again! The targets are all Magi of Four Seasons Garden!"

The energy amplification spell formation was a large-scale spell formation that would cover the entire area of the headquarters at the secret plane. It could cause Magi who were semi-converted and below to have their power to increase by 10%.

"Received request, verifying authority!"

He could hear the emotionless voice of the formation genie in his mind.

"Verification failed! Spell formation will not be activated!" However, the formation genie's next words seemed to throw him down into the abyss.

"What? It didn't go through?"

The commander's face changed and he fiercely smashed the stone railing beside him. *Pak!* A huge chunk of green stone fell.

"It happened again! There's a traitor!"

He turned his head, glancing in the direction of Reynold's office. "Is it Caesar? Leylin? Or both of them?"

Magi were not fools in general. The failure to activate the formation genie could be said to be a fluke the previous time, but it had happened again. The scope of people he suspected had been made smaller, and no amount of concealing would work.

Caesar and Leylin did not bother doing that either, as they were already prepared to leave Four Seasons Garden.

"Leader, what do we do?" The female Magus behind him asked anxiously.

"Let's go!" This Magus looked at the beast horde that was going to arrive soon, and then the platinum gate of the secret plane a distance away. He gritted his teeth and made his choice.

"The situation now is extremely dangerous, and there are also traitors here! The casualties here will definitely be more than the previous time. If you want to survive, leave with me! Immediately! Now!" The leader quickly explained.

He was deemed to be very trustworthy in this team, and a few members chose to leave with him. The rest stayed behind.

At this point, those who chose to stay behind were completely loyal to Four Seasons Garden.

The expression on this commander's face changed, becoming icy as he led his team members and broke away from the beast wave.

Before leaving, he turned back to look at Four Seasons Garden's defensive line.

Though the ranged spell formation of the formation genie could not be activated, there were still a lot of defense Magi who chose to stay behind. Hailstones, storms, flashes of lightning and thunder, and fire raining from the sky could be seen on the defensive line.

"I'm sorry!" This leader apologised in his heart and immediately turned to leave.

Magi were a bunch of logical and practical people. The team leader was very clear that the enemies were very aggressive in their attacks, and they even had a highly-ranked spy to provide support. The Magi of Four Seasons Garden here would not end up well.

As the defense Magi battled with the army of magical beasts, immense energy waves swept through Four Seasons Garden.

In a second, Four Seasons Garden was in chaos once again.

Wandering Magi with no affiliation thought back to the previous time this happened and quickly chose to leave. Acolytes were as powerless as ants in this situation, and they could only wail in hopelessness.

On top of that, a few Magi also took the opportunity to conduct some illegal activities, and in a short period of time, the sound from quarrels, wails, and on top of that, the roars from magical beasts coupled with the aura of magic traveled throughout the region.

"How terrifying! Oh Four Seasons, did my nightmare reappear?"

"Too terrifying! It's too terrifying!"

Caliste mumbled away. As a defense Magus of Four Seasons Garden, it was his duty to protect his homeland. However, his legs were becoming jelly and started to shift backwards.

*Boom!* At this moment, half a body, from which the other half had been ripped off by a beast, fell from the sky. As the corpse dropped, it sprayed a rain of blood that covered his entire face.

"Ah…" Caliste's facial muscles twitched, and he no longer hesitated to run in the opposite direction.

While running, his lips moved slightly and a ring of green energy particles appeared, causing his weight to decrease by half.

A layer of dense earth armour also emerged on his body.

"I'm sorry…" While Caliste dashed off wildly, he apologised in his heart…


Just when he passed by a building, the building suddenly began to shake violently, and then exploded in flames.

The wave of flames and heat spread out in all four directions, with sparks and rocks flying everywhere. A few acolytes who were nearby turned into ashes instantly in this explosion.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Caliste had his innate defensive spell formation, so he was physically alright. However, a few larger rocks had struck his chest, causing him to pale and fall backwards.

"What happened? How could the dark Magi enter so quickly?"

Confusion was apparent on his face, which would be the last expression that he would ever make.

*Tss!* A large crimson sword that was still burning with yellow flames pierced through this Magus' innate defensive spell formation, sticking into the area where his heart was.

"So there was one more official Magus here! I almost let him escape!"

Behind the cold voice, a Magus in black robes appeared before Caliste's corpse and pulled out the crimson sword!

He gazed at the ruins around him, unexpectedly producing a crazed look of enjoyment, "Kill! Cry! Only after feeling the deepest sense of hopelessness will my Weeping Skeleton Sword be able to exhibit its most formidable power!"

He glanced at the acolytes around him that were completely stunned, and the sword in his hand began to flame once more, charging into the crowd of Magi.

Corpses that piled as high as mountains, blood that flowed like the sea!

Caesar had brought in many elite dark Magi troops secretly using his authority, situating them at various core areas and had them unleash attacks together!

Immediately, Four Seasons Garden was turned into a sea of flames once more! Dozens of areas went up in green smoke. Dark Magi brazenly slashed and killed as they liked, venting their innermost desires…

In this situation where attacks were coming from both within and outside, Four Seasons Garden was definitely not going to last long.


"How is it? This is the masterpiece we created together!"

In what had originally been Reynold's office, Caesar used the formation genie's observation spell formation to survey the situation in the headquarters of Four Seasons Garden within the secret plane. The sea of blood and flames gave rise to a morbid look of pleasure on his face.

"I don't feel much! Every living being is born, grows, and dies. Such is the law of nature."

Leylin answered expressionlessly like a preacher.

The reason why he and Caesar were here was naturally to do something of utmost importance—to move the secret plane's gate's core body of consciousness!

This process was extremely troublesome, and getting past the defense of the formation genie and sealing spell formation were trivial matters.

A consciousness core was a very delicate and fragile thing that could be obtained from a body. If there was the slightest attack from the external world, it would instantly die. Previously, Caesar had planned on destroying it and had not thought through the process but simply used the most violent methods.

However, it was different now. The person who would hand over the core body of consciousness to the dark Magi needed to ensure its safety. This was an extremely delicate job and there were immense benefits to it. As long as they possessed the core body of consciousness, that meant that they could control the entrance of the Eternal River Plain's secret plane!

Such a benefit would cause the light Magi association to lose their senses, much less the dark Magi!

"Who's going to take over? Can you tell me now?"

Leylin stared hard at Caesar.

Within the office were a huge crowd of dark Magi.

The group of commanders in charge of the core in the secret plane had been completely infiltrated and taken over by dark Magi! This was simply hilarious.

However, no light Magus inside could laugh at the situation because they had all become corpses in the corridor outside.

The dark Magi gave off the feeling of people who had gone through specialised military training, they were swift and decisive in their actions. The smell of blood was so dense on their bodies that it could not dissipate.

These were the elites of the dark Magi! Their battle power was far from what an ordinary Magus could compare to. Even the troops from the Lightning Corps were a level lower than them!

Just standing there gave off a very intimidating pressure.

Compared to them, Leylin only had Number 2 and Number 3 beside him, looking rather pathetic in strength.

"You should be quite familiar with who it is…"

Caesar laughed, seeming to be rejoicing in Leylin's misfortune.

"It's me!" A hoarse voice sounded in the room.

Dark green flames spread in the air, eventually turning into a door.

A tall and slender Magus with green eyes in a black robe emerged from the door of flames.

Silver solidified spiritual force particles were hovering around his body. The waves from the spiritual force were like ocean waves spreading across the area.

"Lord Cabourn!" The surrounding Magi quickly bowed.

This rank 2 dark Magus was the one that Leylin had seen previously. He was also the person that backed Thousand Meddling Hands; Caesar and Giant's biological father!

"Keke! We meet again young man!"

The dark green flames in Cabourn's eyes was extremely vigorous, and he was measuring Leylin up with what seemed to be bad intentions.

"So it's Lord Cabourn!" Leylin's expression did not change and he gave a small bow. Inside, however, he was beginning to get nervous, and worked even harder at using the spiritual force compression method from the old witch.

Fortunately, the rank 2 dark Magus fixed his attention on the core body of consciousness.

Cabourn approached the place where the seal had once been. The seal had already been mostly removed by Leylin and Caesar, and this rank 2 Magus would be able to easily dispel the rest.

Cabourn lightly tapped on the floorboard with his shoes. Two sides of the desk split open, revealing the sealing formation below.

At this point, the spell formation had mostly been destroyed and the runes of the spell were dim.

At the centre of the spell formation that had split open, a translucent depression emerged.

White gold flames the size of a pea were burning steadily.

"Is this the core body of consciousness of the platinum gate?" Though these white gold flames were tiny and looked ready to go out, Leylin was able to sense the immense energy and solidified spiritual force within.

This feeling was like lava that had yet to explode. It was like the sea during its tranquil stage, deep and enigmatic, enormous beyond belief!

"This is it! This is it!"

The rank 2 Magus, Cabourn, mumbled in a bewitched manner.

Next, he turned to the Magi present. "What happens next is that I'll take over here until our people completely occupy this place!"

The core body of consciousness of the gate of the secret plane was basically like a key to the gate. It was extremely important. In order to prevent any accidents or unexpected situations, the rank 2 dark Magus was going to take the core far away or destroy it right away.

"Black Blood Corps! You are to guard the corridor that leads to this area. Unless I order you to do otherwise, do not let anyone enter!"

Cabourn immediately began to arrange defensive duties.

After giving the dark Magi in the room their orders, the rank 2 dark Magus switched his attention to Leylin, eyes unable to conceal his desire to toy around with him. It looked like he was eyeing a white mouse inside a laboratory.

"Magus Leylin! The Dark Magi Alliance has seen your efforts. I wonder if I can get you to do a little more?"

Caesar, who was standing behind Cabourn, began to snicker. From his point of view, Leylin now held no value, and anyone controlled by his father in this situation would not have a good ending.

"What is it?" Leylin's face did not change.

"Please die!"

Cabourn grinned strangely, and suddenly made his move! Silver solidified spiritual force unhesitatingly swept through the office, books and bookshelves flying everywhere and turning into dust under the silver light.

The rank 2 Magus, Cabourn, was actually not at all afraid of the contract with the Trial's Eye and had brazenly raised his hand against Leylin!

Silver solidified spiritual force transformed into strange, huge bony claws, and bright red blood seemed to drip from the joints!

"You dare threaten me! A rank 1 Magus like you actually dared to threaten me, Cabourn! You even treated Caesar that way! I want to extract your spirit and roast it under White Bone flames for ten thousand years…"

Cabourn roared.


Leylin's expression was solemn as he faced a rank 2 Magus who was going all out against him and in peak condition.

A layer of dense black scales emerged on his body. At the same time, the defensive layer from the Fallen Star Pendant formed on his body, turning into a phantom set of armour. Leylin immediately entered his strongest defensive state.

*Weng!* Brownish-yellow gravitational spell formation appeared in front of his chest, instantly covering an area of over a hundred meters.

A gravitational power of more than 40 times stronger than normal descended.

As if affected by gravity, the strange white bone claws sunk down a little, their speed also slowing.

"Latent Fireball!" Leylin rapidly chanted incantations, and a huge black fireball emerged, constantly expanding in midair. Two blood-red eyeballs were formed, as well as a blazing tongue that emerged from its mouth.

A huge serpent blazing with black flames hissed as it went forward, mercilessly colliding with the strange white claws.


An immense explosion swept through the office.

"You…" Cabourn was alarmed and immediately swung his arms. A black defensive layer immediately protected the area where the core body of consciousness was.

Next, black and silver-white energy began to extend and wreak havoc in the surroundings.

First the floorboards, then the window ledges, roof…

A giant black mushroom cloud ascended at the place where the two spells had collided and constantly became larger, eventually turning into a large round shape that devoured everything.

The tremendous explosion even caused the battle going on not far away to be silenced. The dark Magi who were manipulating the magical beasts and the light Magi who were defending to the death had all halted, fearfully glancing at the scene at the centre of the headquarters.

By the time everything quietened down, what had been Reynold's office had been levelled, and the buildings nearby had all disappeared.

Even a few layers of the ground had been shaved off.

The dark Magi who Cabourn had sent to stand guard had all been hit and they were lying around, fresh blood and broken limbs all over the place. If not for their immense power and formidable innate defensive spells, they would most likely be corpses instead of being heavily injured!

Caesar, who was behind Cabourn, was in an even worse state. He had been swept by the immense energy to over a hundred metres away, buried in a pile of ruins. It was unknown whether he was still alive or dead.

Leylin staggered backwards, paling.

Behind him, Number 2 and Number 3 had lost their robes, revealing their firm muscles and the runes branded onto their bodies.


Cabourn raised a bony finger and pointed it at Leylin, his expression full of disbelief.

Though he had split his attention to taking care of the core body of consciousness, he had spent 70 – 80% of his power on the white bony claws, and Leylin had actually been able to take it on!

Compared to a few days ago, he was now able to exhibit his full strength! He had not held back at all!

To think that this level of attack had been taken on by Leylin. Had he reached the level of a rank 2 Magus?

Cabourn was speechless.

"Looks like my guess was right! You still have a way to evade the contract made with the Trial's Eye!"

At one side, Leylin fell back and stared hard at Cabourn.

For him, there was only one Magus, Cabourn, who would be able to threaten him. Everyone else could be disregarded.

Though Leylin and Cabourn had signed the contract with the Trial's Eye, how could he, who liked to engage in wordplay, actually believe in it?

To Inform

It wasn't as if there was no way to undo the contract with the Trial's Eye. The last time, Thousand Meddling Hands had given Leylin the solution of the Nefarious Filthbird feathers which had destroyed one side of the contract.

What made Leylin more uneasy was that this liquid had come from the hands of Cabourn, this rank 2 Magus!

Though it was impossible to find another solution of the Nefarious Filthbird feathers, for Magi like them, they did have ways to achieve a similar effect.

After all, the people behind Thousand Meddling Hands was the Dark Magi Alliance, which had at least a rank 3 dark Magus in charge!

If Leylin actually believed in that contract, then he must be a fool!

Caesar in front of him was a very good example! He was a Magus of Four Seasons Garden that was highly regarded. The force of the contract on him must be even stricter, and yet he had been able to betray Four Seasons Garden without the slightest hesitation. He must have used some method to break away from the effect of the contract.

Hence, though they had stated in the contract that they would not attack each other, Leylin did not take this to heart.

Just as expected, the rank 2 Magus had outrageously attacked him after obtaining what he'd wanted, not caring about the effects of the contract. This meant that he had destroyed his side of the contract.

Fortunately, Leylin had been wary of this rank 2 Magus from the start and been able to improve his strength after modifying his heart. Only then was he able to take on the attack.

"How… How were you able to retaliate? How are you able to break away from the influence of the contract?"

Cabourn first disregarded his shock at Leylin's strength, and first asked this question.

The contract with the Trial's Eye was not something to be made light of, otherwise it would not be used so extensively.

Besides its mortal enemy the Nefarious Filthbird, there were few other ways to deal with this sort of contract.

Even he himself needed guidance and help from the rank 3 Magus in charge of the Dark Magi Alliance and paid a large price to eliminate the limitations of the contract on his end.

The meaning of 'eliminating the limitations of the contract on his end' was to remove the effect of the Trial's Eye on him, while Leylin would still be bound by the contract.

In other words, he could attack Leylin, but Leylin would not be able to strike back. The moment he did, the Trial's Eye would punish him!

It was because of this that he had been so fearless and brazen in wanting to eliminate this untrustworthy factor first!

However, the powerful effects of Trial's Eye did not work on Leylin. How could this not surprise him?

"Could it be that Leylin also trained in some magic that is similar to "Three Souls in a Body"?" Cabourn was beginning to realise that he could not fathom this young Magus.

His son, Caesar, had used the special effects of Three Souls in a Body that allowed Caesar to violate the contract with Four Seasons Garden. He had died once, and after the effects of Trial's Eye had completely disappeared, he had come back to life and thus evaded the power of the contract.

Cabourn did not think Leylin had any rank 3 Magus aiding him, and the only other way for this situation to happen was that he trained in some ancient techniques!


Cabourn glanced around coldly, and then coldly hummed. Due to the immense explosion, they had exposed themselves entirely to the light Magi. There were already a few wandering light Magi that wanted to investigate and find out what was happening.

Their surroundings had turned into barren land, and only the place sealing the core body of consciousness had a layer of black energy guarding it.

A few Magi wearing the uniform of the Lightning Corps had quickly made their way here. The leader was someone Leylin was extremely familiar with. It was the vice-leader that Desmund had left behind, who was a formidable peak rank 1 Magus.

"The Lightning Corps? What an eyesore!"

Cabourn let out a roar as if he had some animosity towards them, and he moved his arms forward, "Withering Breath!"

A ring of silver-gray stream was generated between his hands, and like a tornado violently revolved towards the Lightning Corps.

This stream seemed to have an immense corrosive effect and produced long, deep tracks on the ground. In an instant, it arrived before these Magi.

*Tss tss!*

The stream charged towards a Lightning Corps Magus. With a strange expression on his face, he suddenly began to wither.

In the blink of an eye, this powerful Magus had turned into a dried up corpse and collapsed to the ground.

"Keke!" Cabourn laughed in a way that sent shivers down one's spine, and the silver-grey tornado killed the Magi one by one. It then pounced towards the face of the vice-leader, who was struck with hopelessness.

"The rank 2 Magus, Deathbringer Cabourn! Lighting's Fury!"

The vice-leader of the Lightning Corps obviously recognised Cabourn and roared, raised his metal arm and struck towards the tornado!

With his movement, two large balls of lightning appeared in front of his fists.

The huge lightning fists brought with it thunder, flames, and inexhaustible fury, and hissed as it pounced towards the silver-gray tornado in the air.

Unexpectedly, the two lightning fists charged into the tornado and somehow completely disappeared without even having produced a sound.

"Pu!" The vice-leader paled and coughed out black-red blood that emitted some grey gas.

"Keke! Ever since I suffered a loss the previous time, did you think I wouldn't research your lightning magic?"

Cabourn could not stop with his strange laughter, and the huge tornado continued to howl as it sucked this man in.

*Woo woo…*

The tornado constantly revolved where it was, and in a few seconds, dissipated, revealing the scene within.

*Pak!* A spotlessly white skeleton fell the moment the tornado disappeared, which cracked in many places before turning into powder.

What had been the vice team-leader had had his flesh and blood stripped from him. Even the life force in his bones had not been let off.

Cabourn was able to take care of the Lightning Corps in a single blow. Such fearsome power intimidated the light Magi nearby, and the Magi of Four Seasons Garden unhesitatingly turned to leave quickly.

Though they were loyal to Four Seasons Garden, they were no fools! A person able to kill a peak rank 1 Magus had to have reached the level of a rank 2 Magus! If they went up against this sort of Magus, then they were simply committing suicide!

Cabourn nodded in satisfaction and turned to look at Leylin.

"I've taken care of the hindrance. Now it's time for us to start again…"

Leylin had been standing quietly while Cabourn had attacked and slaughtered the members of the Lightning Corps. Nobody had an idea of what he was thinking about.

"It's time!" All of a sudden, Leylin exclaimed quietly.

"What time is it?" Cabourn suddenly felt cold, having a bad premonition.

*Weng Weng…*

The sound of something vibrating emerged, and the metal gate to the secret plane across the center of Four Seasons Garden began to buzz.

The Magi were no strangers to this situation. This had happened just once before, and this was when a rank 2 Magus had brought in a whole army of Magi through the gate of the secret plane!


Blue electric currents swept along the metallic gate. What had been a cloudless blue sky suddenly dimmed, and dark clouds appeared.

A pair of large hands formed out of lightning charged in through the gate and swept through the dark Magi around.

In an instant, the dark Magi who had been brazenly plundering and looting turned into ash with shock still apparent on their faces.

What followed the large hands was a blonde, burly man with a lightning symbol on his forehead that gave off eye-catching rays.

"Desmund!" Cabourn gritted his teeth as he forced out this name.

Next, he gave Leylin a withering look, "Did you do this?"

Within the Eternal River Plains' secret plane, the only person who was so clear about their plan and was able to communicate with the external world was Leylin!

What Cabourn just could not understand was how this would benefit Leylin.

What he had done was enough for the Light Magi Alliance to kill him hundreds of times. Even if he disclosed this information, he would still not be let off lightly.

In addition, Leylin had offended both the dark and light Magi, so there was no way he would be in a good situation.

However, Cabourn did not have any time to think about this. Desmund looked at the scene around them, shocked, and blue rays of light floated from the bodies of what had been the Lightning Corps, launching into the mark at Desmund's forehead.

This burly man was immediately overcome by fury.

"Cabourn, you despicable maggot! A cowardly fool that only knows to run! I'll definitely twist off your head and trample it for ten thousand years at my parliament hall!"

Desmund roared and covered himself in blue lightning.


A tremendous lightning bolt split open the heavens and, in a straight line, landed on Desmund's hand, turning it into a weapon that looked like a pike.

*Xiu!* Desmund's figure streaked across the sky and appeared before Cabourn.


Cabourn's eyelids blinked rapidly, and two lines of silver-gray tornados shot out from his hands.

Large tornados thundered and combined into a larger tornado that wrapped him within.

Like a lightning god, Desmund charged into the midst of the tornado, and one could vaguely see two figures wandering within.

The violent tornado floundered around at will, and any Magus which came into contact with it instantly turned into a withered corpse or was burnt to ashes by stray lightning bolts.

"They're finally gone!"

Leylin glanced at the two rank 2 Magi that were fighting and revealed a smile of relief.

Though he had already modified his heart and was indefinitely closer to the world of a rank 2 Magus and could be said to be the strongest rank 1 Magus in history, he was still a rank 1 Magus! There was still a huge divide behind him and a rank 2 Magus.

Though he had been able to take on an attack from Cabourn, but if they were to continue battling, he was only confident in his abilities to escape.

This was something that was simply unacceptable!


"Though there were a few issues, everything is mostly going to plan!"

With a smile about his face, he walked towards the sealing spell formation that Cabourn was protecting.

"Leave this place!"

All of a sudden, a familiar voice travelled to his ears.

The instant he heard this voice, ten black figures appeared and surrounded Leylin.

Leylin was very familiar with the leader. It was Giant of the Thousand Meddling Hands! His legs had been regenerated, and the mist about him was denser than ever before.

Beside him, Caesar had been rescued and was full of dust. He looked to be in a sorry state, and stared hatefully at Leylin.

"Leylin, you dare betray us! You dare betray the honour of us dark Magi…"

"Stop!" Leylin was a little speechless as he interrupted Giant's speech. "Aren't dark Magi a group of creatures that only look up to benefits? Since when was there anything about honour?"

He glanced at Giant, who looked pale, "If you want to seek revenge, tell me! Don't bother with the pretense!"

Giant paused, his face turning red.

"Yes, I want to seek revenge! What I have here are elite dark Magi whose elemental essence conversions are all over 70%! I admit that you're strong, but as long as you're not a rank 2 Magus, you definitely won't be able to survive the attack of so many of us Magi."

Giant pointed at the dark Magi around him. "You actually dared to kill Little Boy and treat me this way!" His facial muscles began to twitch.

Being defeated so thoroughly by Leylin was the worst kind of humiliation for him.

"Ah… I want to kill you, peel off your skin, and make it my carpet!" Giant roared.

"Your threat is absolutely… Lacking in creativity…"

Leylin heaved a tiny sigh. Even though he was encircled by so many dark Magi, he still had the mood to scan his eyes over the situation in the Four Seasons Garden.

Even Number 2 and Number 3 behind him seemed to be influenced by him, and were not the slightest bit worried.

With the addition of the Lightning Corps, the complete defeat of Four Seasons Garden's end seemed to less certain. The dark and light Magi had now broken into countless smaller groups and were battling.

In the heart of it all was the large tornado, within which Desmund and Cabourn were fighting.

The tyrannical tornado turned everything, whether it was Magi or buildings, into powder in an instant!

At the heart of the tornado, two figures could be seen rapidly exchanging blows.

Lightning currents were scattered everywhere, sometimes penetrating through the tornado and causing large numbers of casualties.

"It's really chaotic…"

Leylin sighed, seeming to pity Caesar and Giant while he looked at them, "Leave immediately, and I might even let you off!"

"Are you trying to humiliate me?" Caesar and Giant spoke at the same time.

Though they had seen how formidable Leylin was, they did not think that Leylin would be able to survive the joint attack of so many Magi. Naturally, they thought of Leylin's words as a bluff.

Giant was even more angered, and he waved his arm. "Attack!"

Immediately, all the dark Magi around him attacked. Corrosive curses, Exhausting Hand, Toxic Clouds, Acid Lightning, Ice Bolts, and all sorts of insidious spells turned into colourful rays of light that hurtled towards Leylin like a wave.

Every single attack was had an offensive power of at least 45 degrees!

This level of attack was something a peak rank 1 Magus would definitely be unable to handle. Without even being able to flee, they would be seriously injured and die under this joint attack.

However, Leylin was different. After the successful modification of his heart and the mixing of his bloodline with the bloodline of the Giant Kemoyin Serpent, he was infinitely close to a rank 2 Magus, despite not yet reaching that point!

It could be said that he was the strongest peak rank 1 Magus in history!

"Shadow Domain!"

In the face of such an attack, Leylin loudly chanted an incantation and made a weird sign with his hands, and then pressed them to the ground.

*Weng!* A strange ring of black quickly extended everywhere with Leylin in the centre, instantly covering hundreds of meters.

This was a domain-type attack which Leylin had come up with by studying shadows. Though the effect could not compare to true domain-specific magic, its power was still rather similar!

In the Book of Giant Serpent, the great Magus Serholm had once mentioned that Magi of high ranking had a skill that could affect large areas. They were able to control a large territory and suppress the innate skills of any Magus with a lower ability than them, causing the power of lower-leveled Magi within the area to become weakened.

If a Magus was of a high enough ranking, they could even come up with their own laws within the domain!

It could be said that in one's own domain, a highly ranked Magus was basically a godly existence!

Leylin obviously had yet to reach that level. The "Shadow Domain" he had come up with was just an imitation that didn't even have the effect of suppressing the abilities of Magi within. All it did was amplify his own attacks, but this also represented his ambition!

[Shadow Domain! Rank 1 Area attack effects: Instantly produce a shadow domain of 100m x 100m, within which the host body's agility is increased by 30%, rate of recovery of spiritual force is increased by 10%, and resistance to elements is increased by 10%! Duration: 5 minutes. Consumption: 15 Spiritual force and 15 Magical power!]

In the blink of an eye, darkness consumed the dark Magi beside Leylin.

All types of magical attacks soundlessly vanished after the appearance of the shadow. Not a single wave of energy was produced.

Immediately after, like a fish in water, Leylin seemed to become the devil king of the night. He began to harvest the lives of the Magi within the domain.

The low and horrifying shrieks of exclamation was heard in the darkness.

In just ten or so seconds, the shadows in this area pulled back and returned to Leylin's feet.

The dark Magi who had surrounded him were in a state of shock, their emotions frozen on their faces.

*Pu!* A stream of air blew past, and a sound was heard.

A Magus in front of Leylin exploded into foam.

*Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!*

As if causing some chain reaction, the dark Magi exploded one by one, turning into pulps of human flesh.

Bright red blood mist pervaded this area.

Within the blood mist, there were still two figures that were not dead.

They were the Caesar and Giant, who were parts of a single spirit that had been split into different bodies. They were now full of wounds that looked like they had been caused by metal slicing against their flesh, blood dying their clothes as they collapsed into an unconscious heap.

Leylin was still not a rank 2 Magus after all, and did not want to attract Cabourn's attention. If Cabourn ever decided on giving up on his current opponent, and decided to cause him trouble, it would be a huge headache for him. Hence, Leylin had chosen to leave them alive.

"Latent fireball!"

Seeing the dark Magi elites having been taken care of in an instant, whether it was the dark or light Magi, nobody dared to provoke Leylin, and they came to a tacit understanding, leaving the area right away. They left this place to Leylin.

Leylin came to the place where Cabourn had set up the black layer, and raised his hand, a black fireball the size of a fist appearing in his palm.

"Go!" Leylin made a tossing motion, and a black fireball streaked through the air, colliding against the layer and beginning to burn.

Drops of black liquid melted on the layer, and were quickly evaporated.

Leylin's control over his spiritual force was now extremely refined. In his hands, the Latent Fireball was able to have an immense destructive force, and even attack while not making any sound and limiting its power.


The black layer kept vibrating and was eventually unable to endure the attack, cracking into little pieces, and revealing the sealing spell formation within.

Due to the special attention Cabourn, a rank 2 dark Magus had put into protecting it, the area in which the sealing spell formation was perfectly fine despite Leylin's previous attack.

One could even see a circular trace on the floor as the boundaries of the layer broke off.

"The core body of consciousness of the gate to the secret plane!"

Leylin's eyes saw nothing else. He concentrated on the white gold flames of the core within the sealing spell formation, eyes revealing his enchantment by it.

"Go according to the original plan!" He spoke to Number 2 and Number 3 behind him, and headed into the spell formation.

"Understood, Master!"

Number 2 and Number 3 glanced at each other. In their eyes, one could see a resolute expression and even preparation to die! As slaves bound spiritually to Leylin, even if Leylin wanted them to commit suicide, they would do so without any qualms.

Next, they each produced a crimson, diamond-shaped crystal.

"For the glory of Master!"

Number 2 and Number 3 roared, and shattered the crystals. A crimson screen emerged from the fragments of the crystal, and encased the area encompassed by the spell formation.

These two crimson crystals were actually single-use spell formations. Judging the defensive power of the crimson screen, it could be said that this was very valuable.

"Woo woo…"

Like the howls of a grieving spirit, or perhaps the laments of suffering, the wails of sorrow that came from the spirit sounded throughout the headquarters of the Four Seasons Garden.

Along with the sound, tiny black runes appeared on the buildings around them.

These runes twisted here and there like little tadpoles or stretched out snakes, seeing to be very mysterious and strange.

The runes assembled and eventually formed a large-scale spell formation.

The spell formation had quite a wide range and included basically the entire headquarters. Whether it was the defensive area at the frontlines or the entrance to the secret plane at the back, they were all covered in these black runes.

Streams of black light constantly combined, and due to the continuous battles, even a few layers of the earth were scraped off. However, these black streams arranged themselves and immediately filled in the craters!

This massive spell formation had been immediately activated!

Spiritual Force Crystallisation

*Woo woo...*

Along with the sound of wails, milky-white and dull red rays began to appear and shine all around the battlefield.

These spots of light were very bright, with some of them even illuminating a vague human face. The Magi nearby kept crying out in alarm because what they saw within were the faces of their family and friends!

"Spirits! This is a spell formation that specifically targets the spirits of those who died in battle!"

A Magus not far away immediately yelled, "Where have I seen something that can cover such a large area and not destroy anything before…"

These white and red spots seemed to be attracted by an immense force and shot towards the surface of the crimson light screen at the centre of the spell formation.

*Tss tss!*

The spirits dissolved into the crimson screen the moment they touched it.

The crimson screen did not refuse anything that approached it. Whether it was the spirit of an acolyte or a Magus, whether dark or light Magi, all of these spots of light which represented spirits were absorbed into it.

As the number of spirits that it absorbed increased, the reddish layer became darker until, in the end, it became a dark red large-scale defensive spell formation.

"It targets just spirits! This is magic that the Light Magi Alliance ordered to be made a forbidden technique! It even dares to gather the spirits of Magi! This is simply blasphemous!"

The eyes of a Magus with a snowy-white beard turned red. Just now, he had personally witnessed his lover's spirit being absorbed by that sinister screen. Even without using his brain, it was obvious that Leylin did not have any good intentions in gathering these spirits.

"Destroy it quickly!"

This sinister black spell formation immediately caused the magicians present much fear. Whether dark or light Magi, neither wanted their spirits to be extracted and used by anyone else.

All sorts of magic such as frost arrows, fireballs, mysterious spirit spells and holy magic of the light element struck and exploded against the building that was filled with runes.


Under the joint attack of the Magi, the building was quickly reduced to ashes, but the black runes were like brands deeply etched into the air. Even the residual energy of the battle in the tornado between two rank 2 Magi was not enough to destroy these runes.

"I remember what this is! It's the Large Formation of Ten Thousand Spirits: Hades' Sacrificial Rites!" The Magus who had previously recognised the function of the spell formation yelled again.

"This is a forbidden technique that was considered taboo even in ancient times! It's able to absorb all the spiritual energy from the spirits of the dead within its range. As it has a trace of protection from Hades, before the time limit is up, it will not disappear…"

"I've heard about this spell formation too! Hasn't it been lost though?"

The Magi stopped their attacks and turned their attention to the dark red screen in the centre of Four Seasons Gardens, their eyes displaying their fear.

The huge black spell formation constantly thundered as it absorbed large numbers of spirits. Such a strange sight caused even the magical beings outside to feel a sense of dread.

The battlefield was silent. Whether it was the dark or light Magi or even the rank 2 Magi who were battling shifted their attention to find out what was happening with the crimson screen.

Within the crimson screen.

Leylin gazed at the white-gold flame in his hand and grinned.

"Power!" He spoke.

He had not had any intentions of abiding by the rules of the contract made with the Trial's Eye. All that he did was for this thing that was now in his hands!

All that talk about a recommendation to enter Lighthouse of the Night was just a smokescreen. Compared to relying on another organisation, how could it be any better than the thrill of freedom?

As for the contract with the Trial's Eye? That was just a joke in Leylin's eyes!

Using the solution from the feathers of the nefarious filthy bird, he was easily able to remove traces of the contract from his body.

Though there was only one portion of the solution, Leylin still possessed many Void Hallucination Flowers!

This flower had a very unique property in that with some simple methods it could imitate all sorts of complicated ingredients! It was for this reason that the Void Hallucination Flower was an essential ingredient in ancient potions!

Giant had delivered the solution of the feathers of the Nefarious Filthbird into Leylin's hands. Leylin had confirmed the authenticity of the item and did not consume it straight away, but had instead used the A.I. Chip to record the details concerning the composition of this solution!

Next, after many rounds of testing and a little help from the A.I. Chip at the atomic level, Leylin successfully made use of the Void Hallucination Flower and simulated the composition of the solution!

What happened next was obvious.

With his authority of seven stars for the formation genie, he had naturally secretly carved the runes for the Large Formation of Ten Thousand Spirits and prepared for today.

The runes and the setting up of the energy points was naturally information that he had gathered from the Book of Giant Serpent.

Based on records regarding Kemoyin's Pupils, Leylin needed to burn up large amounts of spiritual force and stimulate his high-grade meditation technique in order to spur on his own advancement to becoming a rank 2 Warlock.

Rather than accumulating slowly, he could use large amounts of ownerless spiritual force to replace what he required with this method!

Spiritual force was as precious as one's own blood. If one were to burn up large amounts of their own spiritual force, this would definitely result in very dire consequences. And even if one could advance, a long period of time would be needed to recover from the damage.

If he were to use spiritual force from the external world, this would not be a problem! If there was enough spiritual force and it was pure enough, it might even support the Magus and set up a strong foundation for them!

After being made aware of this fact, Leylin immediately fixed his attention on the core body of consciousness.

This core body of consciousness had formed after tens of thousands of years, and had a tremendous amount of spiritual force. However, its intelligence was very weak and was not even comparable to a three-year-old. It was for this reason that it was so easily caught and sealed by Magi.

The spiritual force that would stimulate the meditation technique to power up would require refinement and purification of his own foundations.

Hence, Leylin chose to use the Large Formation of Ten Thousand Spirits in the Book of Giant Serpent, which was a formidable forbidden technique used specifically to accumulate spiritual power.

What this formation needed was a battlefield, and the deaths of many Magi who were extremely powerful in terms of their spiritual force. Leylin had therefore decided to activate it at this point of time.

In the external world, most of the light and dark Magi had already died. The spirits of these Magi and acolytes, and even magical beasts, had turned into fuel for Leylin's advancement!

"Let's not waste time. Let's begin!"

With a thought from Leylin, milky-white and dark red spiritual spots were like moths flying into flames, pouncing towards the white-gold light in the palm of his hand.

At this moment, Leylin seemed to feel the howls of a confined consciousness at the heart of the white-gold flame.

The spiritual spots were numerous but were heterogeneous. The core body of consciousness had a boundless spiritual force, but had a very weak consciousness.

As these two collided it was like boiling oil meeting water, they created a violent reaction.

With the interference from the Large Formation of Ten Thousand Spirits: Hades' Sacrificial Rites, the script that Leylin had prepared was beginning to put on a good show.

The flames, which had only been the size of a bean, suddenly expanded and burned furiously. Just like that, the spirit spots were razed to ashes.

However, these spots seemed to be boundless. Even though the spots in front of them had been burnt to nothingness, they still did not hesitate to pounce towards the flames. This was especially so for the spiritual spots that belonged to official Magi. They could survive in the flame for a long time, almost extinguishing the white-gold flames.

Eventually, the consciousness of the white-gold flame became increasingly weak. All the impurities in the spiritual spots had disappeared, and the consciousness vanished, causing it to be extremely pure.

A clean, pure, ownerless spiritual force began to be produced from the heart of the flames.


Sometime later, Leylin focused on the silver flames in front of him, his eyes revealed his joy.

This was the crystallised spiritual force that he had refined. It combined the spiritual force that the platinum gate had gathered after many years, with the spiritual force essence from the Magi that had died in battle.

"The effects are even better than I expected! Total amount of spiritual force has increased by 22%."

Leylin mumbled quietly, and then looked towards the silver flame. There, a white-gold ball of light like a ping pong ball hovered, emitting spiritual waves that Leylin almost did not notice.

However, the spiritual waves seemed to communicate with the silver flames, and there was even an urge to return to within the silver flames.

This was the consciousness that he had separated. After fights with other spirits, it had become very weak and would probably be destroyed with just a blow from Leylin.

However, as long as it was still not destroyed, the crystallised spiritual force flames in Leylin's possession would never be able to be considered pure.

"My apologies!"

Leylin spoke to the ball of light, and then blew!

*Pu!* Like a bubble, it popped, and the ball completely broke open and it was on the verge of disappearing in the air.

With the destruction of the core body of consciousness, the crystallisation of the silver flames in Leylin's hands were transparent, like a totem of flames created using crystal. It produced a very pure feeling.

This was its form after removing its pure consciousness.

[Large amounts of crystallisation of spiritual force. Purity: 100%] The A.I. Chip came up with a conclusion.

"100%?" Leylin shook his head.

He was clear that at this point, he would not be able to identify the impurities in the spiritual force, and it could not be said to be perfect.

The spirit was a wondrous thing. Even the A.I. Chip right now was unable to examine it properly. Though it might not be able to detect a few ingredients, this did not mean that rank 4 or 5 great Magi would not be able to find out.

In the Book of Giant Serpents, there was a warning from the great Magus Serholm. This spiritual force seemed to be very pure, but in actuality, there were still a few spiritual marks left behind and could not be absorbed! Otherwise, the road ahead would be difficult, and might even cause residual effects.

Self-Destruct Runes

"However I don't want to absorb it, but to use it as a single-use stimulant to level up the meditation technique!"

Leylin chuckled and reached for the crystal in the heart of the flames.


The spiritual force crystal glistened as it turned into a large silvery flame that engulfed Leylin within.

Where the crimson light screen formation was.

The Magi outside would naturally not know what happened in here, but at this moment Leylin destroyed the secret plane's core body of consciousness!

*Weng!* *Weng!* *Weng!*

The giant metal gate of the Four Seasons Garden headquarters creaked loudly as various runes on it dimmed! Right after, large cracks began to appear on the surface of the gate.

*Ka-Cha!* *Ka-Cha!*

The noise produced from the giant metal gate was akin to that of ice cubes melting, as chunks of the gate began to melt like lava and rolled to the ground.

Under these circumstances, even the two rank 2 Magi inside the tornado stopped fighting and directed their gaze towards this scene.

Finally, with the faces of the dark and light Magi showing their disbelief, the gate collapsed and produced a large amount of grime and dust!

"The secret plane's entrance has self-destructed! Damn it! That Leylin must have destroyed the core!"

Cabourn who was in the tornado charged at the crimson light screen formation.

As for Desmund, his eyes gleamed as he remained rooted to the spot, not planning to stop Cabourn.

At this moment, outside of the crimson light screen formation, Number 2 and Number 3 brandished their metal greatswords, which were even larger than they were. The brands on their body shone resplendently and surrounding them lay the bodies of countless magicians.

All these were magicians who had foolishly rushed forward earlier to stop Leylin from harvesting the spirits from both dark and light faction. However, under the two Branded Swordsmen's teamwork, they were all slain here.

Branded Swordsmen had always been one of the stronger classes in ancient times. This could clearly be seen from the mighty battle prowess stemming from Number 2 and 3.

Regular semi-converted Magi were not their match at all. Even if those Magi were a tad stronger, under the combination of the instantaneous spell casting innate to their bodies and their battle techniques, the Magi were still easily disposed of.

Formidable physical qualities with an expert fighting technique, combined with instantaneous spell casting abilities have granted Number 2 and Number 3 the title of meat grinders on the battlefield. It required at least a peak rank 1 Magus to finish both of them.

However, how rare was a peak rank 1 Magus?

Previously, Leylin had already swept the battlefield clean of the peak rank 1 Magi. Not to mention those dark Magi spies who were now dead, and even Caesar and Giant were severely injured and unconscious. At this moment, Number 2 and Number 3 were unstoppable!

However, no matter how powerful a Branded Swordsman was before they advanced, they weren't a match for rank 2 Magi

With the attack from Cabourn, Number 2 and Number 3 looked at each other with undying loyalty written over their faces.

"For our Master!"

They grunted as the brand and runes on their bodies flashed ten times more powerful than before as they charged to receive Cabourn's attack.

"You're overestimating your abilities!" Cabourn smirked and released two black tornados from his hands.


The tornados which contained a corrosive effect hit the Branded Swordsmen bodies, but it only left several white marks. Their skin was even intact.

"En? What kind of modification is this?" This time, it was Cabourn who was astonished.

However, he no longer had any time. At this moment, Number 2 and Number 3 bodies began to bloat, like two over-inflated balloons, as they came to Cabourn's side.

*Boom!* *Boom!*

Two huge explosions sounded.

As a Branded Swordsman, in front of an unbeatable foe, there was always a final move! This was to fully detonate all of the brands on their body to generate a powerful one-time attack!

In theory, this attack was to use the life force of the Branded Swordsman, the energy particles attracted by the runes and even the spirit that would be detonated all at once! A rank 1 Branded Swordsman's self-detonation, which could even be a threat to a rank 2 Magus!

When Leylin made modifications to the Branded Swordsman, he also increased the explosive effect of the detonation.

As this information of the Branded Swordsman's trump card was not known to many, even Cabourn as a rank 2 Magus had never heard of it before. Hence, he had received two such explosive attacks without any suspicions.

Two giant red mushroom clouds formed in the air, whistling through the skies as they engulfed Cabourn completely.

These flaming mushroom clouds even had scarlet flames at their edges. Anything that the flames touched, be it Magi or concrete, would be instantly dissolved.

"What kind of spell is this? The might is infinitely nearing that of a rank 2 spell!"

The eyes of the surroundings Magi twitched as they scrambled away as if having seen a ghost.

*Rumble!* The splendour of the giant red mushroom cloud displayed its terrifying radiation and might. Several minutes later, the two clouds completely dissipated, revealing a black robed figure within.

"Cough Cough…" Cabourn's appearance now was terribly miserable. His robes were all tattered and torn like a beggar's. Especially noteworthy was his left hand which was in an unusual angle with evident traces of burns. It seemed like the effects of the self-detonation of Number 2 and Number 3 were substantial.

"Damn it!" Cabourn was now enraged. After advancing to a rank 2 Magus, when did he ever receive such a large loss like this? All the more so done by two unremarkable looking fellows, how could he be appeased?

Right now, Cabourn was in fits. If not for Number 2 and Number 3's spirit being destroyed in that explosion, he would have definitely held their souls captive and let them feel the greatest pain and despair.

*Bang!* *Bang!**Bang!*

At this moment there were some changes coming from the crimson light screen formation again.

The formation continuously shrunk and expanded like that of a heart beating.

On the surface of the light screen, the Hades' Sacrificial Rites had black patterns inscribed on it, just like veins which bulged.

With the continuous beating of this red heart, an energy so immense and overpowering which made Cabourn feel apprehensive began to form and grew increasingly bigger.

This aura even caught the attention of Desmund who was merely spectating, as his expression turned solemn.

"A rank 2 aura… That Leylin is advancing into a rank 2 Magus!"

Cabourn's eyes opened wide, "How is this possible?"

However, he was extremely clear that no matter how Leylin reached this stage with the advancement requirements, he could not let him advance, no matter what it took.

Cabourn retrieved several items from his robes as he chanted an incantation.

Along with the incantation, layers after layers of energy waves emanated from Cabourn's body.

"It's a rank 2 spell!"

Several Magi who were looking on at a distance exclaimed in shock. At Cabourn's level, casting rank 1 spells was almost instantaneous and required no chanting. However, once he was to use ingredients to aid him in spell casting, there was only one possibility! He was going to use a mighty rank 2 spell!

In the south coast, a rank 1 spell model was extremely difficult to acquire. Regular level 3 acolytes had to at least amass contributions points for over 5 years before they could have enough to exchange for a spell model.

If rank 1 spell models were this difficult to acquire, one can only imagine how much rarer a rank 2 spell model was.

Even most rank 2 Magus did not own many rank 2 spell models. Each and every one of the spells were enough to obliterate a small village.

As for now, Cabourn was casting a spell which contained such a might.

As Cabourn chanted, he continuously fused the magic items which he took out and eventually it held the form of a giant lance used by knights. The lance seemed to be metallic with a green sheen on it.

At the same time, malevolent skulls began to emerge from the void and attached themselves to the lance.

"Wailing Lance?" Cabourn even used this rank 2 spell! It seems like he's really agitated now!"

Desmund who was watching from the sidelines sniggered. He dispersed the golden blue lightning ball on his hands, "It seems like I don't need to strike anymore!"

Although Cabourn was his enemy, Leylin, who had destroyed the secret plane's core, was not a good person either. Right now, Leylin was about to be killed by Cabourn, so naturally, Desmund would not stop this.

Furthermore, if Cabourn were to fail, Desmund could then strike after and kill Leylin!

The skulls on the giant green lance wailed loudly, emitting a loud whistling sound as they struck the crimson light screen formation.


The crimson light screen shuddered as the red and green merged and spread through the skies. The air in the surroundings contorted wildly as energy waves were violently released.


The green and red light began to shrink after stretching to their limits and a mighty explosion erupted as the flames lapped everything in the surroundings.

The surround buildings had previously gone through a large scaled battle and were already damaged. This time, the explosion shattered them to pieces and turned them into a rubble.

The rebuilding efforts that Leylin and Caesar had put in were now completely destroyed by this explosion.

*Pu!* *Pu!*

This Hades' Sacrificial Rites that was harvesting spirits finally succumbed to the pressure and completely shattered. What was left now was Leylin's final line of defense, the crimson light screen.

The crimson light shuddered and then black cracks began to appear on the surface.

*Ka-Cha!* *Ka-Cha!*

The light screen shuddered and finally shattered!

The green lance that contained a monstrous might pierced the centre of the light formation.

Under the dazzling light, a barely visible human figure was seen. This figure was wrapped in a silvery flame which very soon was extinguished.

"Crimson Palm!"

The human figure in the centre spoke softly. Immediately, his hands turned into a fresh blood-red colour.

Two burning holographic claws appeared and grabbed the green lance, which created a whistling noise.

As the red flames touched the green light, the green light was extinguished.


Although Wailing Lance was a rank 2 spell, after going through Hades' Sacrificial Rites and the crimson light screen defensive spell formation, it had been weakened, and eventually perished under Leylin's Crimson Palm.

The might of his Crimson Palm caused Cabourn, who was not far away, to turn pale and exclaim, "You've advanced to become a rank 2 Magus!"

Only a rank 2 Magus would be able to withstand his magic so easily.


Leylin heaved a huge sigh, feeling the transformation completing in his body. And could not help but mumble, "Such formidable strength really makes one feel intoxicated!"

The A.I. Chip had also shown a few notifications.

[Beep! Detected the burning of large amounts of ownerless spiritual force. Kemoyin's Pupil in the process of advancing…] [Host body's high-grade meditation technique, Kemoyin's Pupil, has risen to the second level! Driving the advancement in Host's rank! Host has advanced to become a rank 2 Warlock!] [Rank 2 innate spells have been generated! Modifying Host body's sea of consciousness.] [Beep! Host has advanced to become a rank 2 Warlock! Stats have been substantially increased. Recalculating data…]

Next, the A.I. Chip refreshed and displayed his new stats.

[Beep! Leylin Farlier. Rank 2 Warlock, Bloodline: Giant Kemoyin Serpent. Strength: 21.1, Agility: 14.4, Vitality: 27.9, Spiritual force: 104.3, Magic power: 104 (Magic power is in synchronisation with spiritual force).]

Leylin took note of the large changes within his sea of consciousness.

His red sea of consciousness had now expanded by a huge amount, but the core essence in the middle had experienced the most changes.

Originally, there had been a prismatic crimson crystallisation of his spiritual force. This was Leylin's foundation as a warlock, and all sorts of complicated runes were carved onto it.

These runes were like little black snakes seemed to be formed from nature, and made up his two rank 1 innate spells!

Currently, within the crystal, another smaller prism-shaped crystal had been produced. It looked exactly like the outer prism except for the size; it looked as if a tinier version of the original crystal had been placed inside of itself.

The only difference was that the runes on the surface of the inner crystal were different from the runes for Leylin's innate spells on the outer crystal. These runes formed even more formidable innate spells.

If one peered at the two crystals from the outside, they would observe that the runes on the outer and inner layer were integrated to create an image of a crimson symbol-looking rune.

This symbol was very mysterious, and seemed to contain some terrifying strength that could communicate with strange entities from the underworld. However, as it was not complete, it could not exhibit its strength.

This was the innate spell that completely suited Leylin, something that was only possible for those who had high-grade meditation techniques. As these spells perfectly complimented him, they would not have any negative effects.

If he were like a regular Magus, the runes and imprint would clash, and the two layers of the core essence would not be able to stabilise.

Even if one found a rank 2 spell that suited them well, it would still have a high consumption rate, and they would not be able to fully exhibit the strength of a rank 2 Magus.

However, Leylin did not have to worry about this!

Glancing at the rank 2 Magus, Cabourn—who was a distance away—Leylin sucked in a deep breath and looked at the rank 2 innate spell that Kemoyin's Pupil had generated.

"Toxic Bile!"

This was the name of the rank 2 spell that Kemoyin's Pupil had formed. After sensing the information emitted from the crystal in his sea of consciousness, Leylin was left a little speechless.

"Looks like it's another ability from the modification of the body! This probably has to do with awakening the poisonous nature of the Giant Kemoyin Serpent."

Every time a high-grade meditation technique advanced by another level, it would generate an innate spell for the Magus. However, the Magus would have no choice in this method, and likewise, Leylin had no choice but to accept it. However, the innate spells produced by these high-grade meditation techniques were extremely powerful and would not leave Leylin disappointed.

At this point, the A.I. Chip had finished organising all the information regarding Toxic Bile, and displayed it in numerical form.

[Toxic Bile, rank 2 spell. The ancient Giant Kemoyin Serpent possessed terrifying toxic abilities, and its mature form could even corrode the void. Through modification of their bodies and bloodline, ancient Warlocks were able to transplant this ability into their own bodies. Prerequisites: Modification of heart to that of Giant Kemoyin Serpent to 100%. Effect: Through neurotoxins let out of any part of the body, carry out an area of effect attack that attacks all living beings! Consumption: 10 spiritual force, 10 magic power.]

As a rank 2 Magus, the consumption of his spiritual force and magical power were simply both to a degree of 10. This was obviously because it was an innate spell. In addition, Leylin had needed to modify his heart, and had cultivated his body to be able to use this power, causing him to be even more expectant for the power of this rank 2 spell.

"I'll use you as a guinea pig!"

Leylin glanced at Cabourn, who was not far away, and the spiritual force in his sea of consciousness rushed out, the twice-layered core essence flickering with dim light.

Leylin could feel from deep within that in his body, the purple-red blood of the Giant Kemoyin Serpent was congealing inside his gallbladder. Following the consumption of energy and spiritual force, a mysterious liquid was produced.

This liquid could disseminate to all parts of Leylin's body and be secreted from any pore on his skin.

With a single thought, the poison from the Giant Kemoyin Serpent spread through the air.

Mysteriously enough, when his rank 2 innate spell, Toxic Bile, was used, there was no energy fluctuation, nor was there any special scent or colour. It concealed itself very well.

From the time Leylin broke through to rank 2, to when he used Crimson Palm and let out Toxic Bile, only a few seconds had passed, and even the Magi outside had not been able to react.

Opposite to him, Cabourn looked at Leylin, who had just emerged, the expression on his face complicated. First was regret, then pity, and then fear and the will to kill him!

"Leylin Farlier! To be able to advance to rank 2 before reaching the age of 30 means that you're a genius found only once every thousand years in the south coast! But today, you destroyed the gate to the secret plane and have committed an unforgivable sin! We dark Magi shall judge and punish you!"

Cabourn spoke righteously, finding an excuse for him to kill Leylin.

The more potential Leylin had, the more danger he posed to Cabourn. Currently, Leylin had just advanced to rank 2, so other than his own innate skill, he would surely not have a rank 2 spell. This was the best opportunity to eliminate him!

Desmund, who had originally come to watch the show, now slowly walked behind Leylin upon finding out he had advanced to rank 2. Together with Cabourn, he surrounded Leylin.

After seeing the strange methods Leylin had used to advance, Desmund had become fearful of this newly advanced rank 2 Magus. He did not mind joining hands with Cabourn if it meant that he could take care of Leylin..

For a moment, the Magi of both factions were extremely coordinated. The two rank 2 Magi surrounded Leylin, while the other dark and light Magi encircled him as well.

"It seems like they aren't afraid of death!"

Glancing at the official Magi who had encircled him, Leylin was expressionless, though he was sighing inside.

The degree of power of a rank 2 spell was at least 80! An attack of such a level was basically fatal to any rank 1 Magus!

The attack of Toxic Bile was invisible and did not differentiate between enemies and allies. The nearer people were to Leylin, the faster they would die.

*Thump!* The light Magus who was closest to him collapsed, a strange purplish-black colour appearing on his face.

*Thump!* *Thump!* Like a chain reaction, whether it was light or dark Magi, all who were around Leylin turned stiff, and collapsed to the ground.

"What's happening?" "He…he's poisoned! Be careful, it's a toxic attack!" "Use a spell that stops you from breathing or a barrier!"

*Tss tss!* Large amounts of white gas emitted were emitted, and the bodies of the Magi who had collapsed began to corrode. One could even see the white bones within!

The white bones eventually darkened, and then melted into a black liquid.

The Magi who saw this scene instantly paled, shrieks and yells sounding everywhere.

"Ah…" Yet another miserable shout was heard. A Magus with a thick barrier fell to the ground, his body beginning to rot.

The official Magi near Leylin instantly collapsed and turned into black liquid. There was no time for anyone to rescue or move them!

Such a terrifying effect intimidated the two rank 2 Magi.

"Even a protective layer is useless!"

Blinking rapidly, Cabourn and Desmund flew backwards. Desmund produced large amounts of lightning, cleansing his body over and over again, while Cabourn grew huge green warts that continuously absorbed something.

*Hu Hu!*

With the passing of time, the poisonous attack increased its range. It started where Leylin was, and then spread to the entirety of the Four Seasons Garden. In the end, even the magical beings in the external world began to collapse in large groups and turn into black liquid, the tart smell of decay spreading everywhere.

Besides the Magi who had quickly retreated from the very beginning, there were no living beings apart from Leylin and the two rank 2 Magi!

This situation surprised even Leylin, who had caused this.

"This… Is akin to the biochemical attacks in my previous world!" For there not to be a single living being within the area of his attack shocked Leylin to no end.

In addition, he knew the method through which his poison was spread. The toxin from the Giant Kemoyin Serpent could penetrate through any protective layer made from energy, and enter a Magus' circulatory system through his skin. For spells that helped one hold their breath, that was even more useless.

This sort of poison not only corroded one's physical body but also did not let off one's spirit!

Scorching Touch

The largest issue Leylin had with this was that the poison worked too quickly, and even he himself did not have any methods to save the poisoned ones.

The poison from the Giant Kemoyin Serpent was not simply a neurotoxin. Some ancient sinister thoughts and intentions had been mixed within, which made it difficult to dispel.

The reason that Leylin was not afraid was because after modifying his heart, he was now considered to be partially a Giant Kemoyin Serpent. Naturally, he would not be affected by his own poison, but it would be too difficult for him to save someone else.

Based on his estimations, even a rank 3 Magus would find it nearly impossible to deal with this poison. Perhaps only a rank 4 Morning Star Magus would have a solution to this.

"Looks like I can't use this ability as I like! It can only act as a trump card."

Leylin forced a smile.

The area of attack was much too vast, and it did not differentiate friend from foe. If he used this, it would definitely result in the loss of many innocent lives and give rise to public anger.

Though Leylin would not feel any guilt or shame, he did not want to become hated by many due to a simple accident.

For instance, after seeing all their subordinates dead, the two rank 2 Magi, Cabourn and Desmund, were on the exploding with rage!

"You… You actually…"

Desmund howled, the lightning imprint on his forehead shining crazily, "You actually destroyed my Lightning Corps! I will kill you"

He had brought all the elites of his Lightning Corps here. On top of that, he had left two large armies here. In other words, Leylin's Toxic Bile had utterly decimated his surbodinates, which caused Desmund's eyes to turn red. A violent aura undulated around his body.

Compared to Desmund, Cabourn was dealing with this situation much better. After all, he was a dark Magus, and was used to massacres. No matter how many of his underlings were killed, it wouldn't affect him.

His mind was focused only on the strange spell that Leylin had displayed that intimidated him.

"What a terrifying ability! Is this his innate spell? A toxic area of effect attack that even a rank 1 Magi cannot withstand?"

As a veteran dark Magus, Cabourn immediately began to estimate Leylin's battle power. He could envision how terrifying such an ability would be in a war!

This was a battle power that had a destructive power that could rival a natural disaster.

"Crap!" Cabourn and Desmund paled at the same time, and their bodies, which were in midair, began to tremble.

A purplish-black gas rose in front of their faces. This was the poison of the Giant Kemoyin Serpent! Even a rank 2 Magus could not completely dispel it!

"Seal of Ten Thousand Poisons!" The lumps on Cabourn's shoulders exploded, and a red ring of flesh twisted into a circle rune, sealing the purplish-black gas within.

Only after the poison was sealed did he have the time to look at the state of his old rival.

Desmund was in worse shape than he was. Great amounts of lightning were in front of Desmund's face, and the lightning rune between his brows was moving around, forcing the black poison to coalesce into his right arm. With a resolute look, his left arm struck down as quick as lightning, and he chopped off his entire right arm!

Though Magi could use all sorts of methods to regenerate their limbs, their battle power would be largely diminished if they had just lost an arm.

"Old fart, how are you?" Cabourn and Desmund were old rivals, and in front of Leylin, whose strength was scarily powerful, these two had joined hands to oppose this enemy.

"It's…it's nothing!" Desmund huffed. A ring of lightning flashed by his wounds and immediately stopped the bleeding. "It's just that I can only use 70% of my peak strength. How about you?"

"A little better than that. I can exhibit 80% of my strength. Any more than that and my seal will lose effectiveness…" Cabourn forced a bitter smile, "Leylin actually dared to kill my kin! I will definitely kill him!"

Under Leylin's all-encompassing toxic attack, Giant, and Caesar, peak rank 1 Magi who were seriously hurt and in a coma, were obviously not spared.

In addition, since the little boy who Leylin had previously killed did not come back to life. Caesar's three spirits were all dead. In other words, he had really died!

Cabourn was Caesar's father, and was not on good terms with Leylin. In this situation, he had another grudge, which was for the death of his son!

"It looks like we need to work together!" Desmund looked grim.

"En! I have no idea how that freak trains." Cabourn and Desmund inched a little closer to each other.


Leylin sighed at this moment and approached Cabourn and Desmund.

"Kill!" Leylin initiated the first attack, and huge black fireballs filled the sky like large stars.

At this point, Leylin's conflict with these two rank 2 Magi could no longer be resolved peacefully. This fight would only end when one side was completely eliminated.

After being promoted to a rank 2 Magus, the might of the rank 1 spells that Leylin used had also obtained a huge boost.

The Latent Fireball now held a power that was more than several levels stronger than when Leylin had used it while being a rank 1 warlock.

Huge waves of black fire streaked through the sky, almost evaporating the molecules in the air into nothingness.

"He's only just advanced and has yet to record the spell model of his rank 2 spell. Beware of his poison innate spell!"

Cabourn and Desmund exchanged glances. One person produced tremendous amounts of lightning, while the other sent out greyish-black tornados that charged towards Leylin.

Lightning, tornados, and black flames mercilessly collided against each other.

Silver spiritual power split the air, giving rise to a huge spiritual force maelstrom!

Under the manipulation of solidified spiritual power, the rank 2 Magi exhibited magic that far exceeded the might in rank 1 Magi, reducing the Four Seasons Garden's headquarters into rubble.

Three large silver hands that were over ten metres long wrestled like giants from ancient times.

"Toxic Bile!"

This fight continued for over ten turns, and with a glint in Leylin's eye, a formless ripple of poison dashed towards the two opposite rank 2 Magi.

This time, even the air slightly rippled.

"Be careful of his poison attack!" Cabourn and Desmund retreated as if they had seen a poisonous snake.

*Weng Weng!*

Formless ripples smashed into the two Magi's innate defensive spell formations, producing sounds of corrosion.

A strange glint flashed through Leylin's eyes, and the formless ripples turned into transparent hands that grasped towards Cabourn.

*Pak!* The innate defensive spell formation in front of Cabourn could not withstand the attack from this transparent hand, and a large hole was made.

"Ah! Omni-Decay!"

Cabourn looked torn as he yelled the incantation.

Black tornados whirled in all directions, looking like a black flower bud that was blooming.

*Rumble!" The large transparent hand and black flower collided. Both attacks dissipated, and the stray energy spread outwards.

A transparent tear in the sky exploded, and black spatial cracks formed.

Leylin and Cabourn attacked in two different directions.

At this moment, a sinister smile flashed in Leylin's lips. With a wave of his hand, a large amount of red powder spread into the air like a red cloud of fire, "Scorching Touch!"

Two lines of fiery energy shot out, and in an instant, they streaked through the air and appeared before Cabourn.

The energy fluctuations from the attack caused Cabourn's face to change, "Rank 2 magic! How can this be? Hasn't he only just advanced?"

*Pu!* *Pu!*

The two fiery streaks drilled through Cabourn's lower abdomen and right shoulder, creating two large wounds that had been charred black.

The reason why Leylin had been in a tussle with these two rank 2 Magi was to stall for time, so that he could analyse the rank 2 spells in the Book of Giant Serpent!

After obtaining the Book of Giant Serpent, Leylin had received three rank 2 spell models. However, while he was still a rank 1 warlock, the A.I. Chip had been unable to make anything of them.

Only now, after his advancement, could the A.I. Chip finally analyse these spell models.

Leylin chose a fire elemental offensive spell and ordered the A.I. Chip to analyse it. With the powerful calculative abilities of the A.I. Chip, the spell model was finally analyzed, and the information was sent to Leylin's mind.

"Thunder Tempest!" Upon seeing his ally injured, Desmund immediately charged out to help.

A powerful storm of lightning surged up like a wave and swept towards Leylin.

"Kemoyin's Scales!" Leylin steeled his expression, and fine black scales appeared all over his body.

After advancing to a rank 2 warlock, the scales on Leylin's body emitted an even deeper black luster, and there were even incomplete patterns on the surface of the scales, which vaguely formed dark elemental rune barrier.

The barrier instantly shaped into a huge, solid black runic shield that situated itself in front of the tempest.

Leylin did not care for Desmund's attack from behind, and his eyes turned into amber vertical pupils that stared straight at Cabourn, who was quickly retreating while spitting out blood.

"Eyes of Petrification!" From Leylin's amber vertical pupils, two lines of petrification rays caught up to Cabourn, who was in the middle of retreating.

"Ah…" Cabourn let out blood-curdling screams and covered his eyes, from which a layer of ashen-white stone skin began to extend.

The power of a rank 2 warlock was even more powerful then a rank 1 Magus, and the two rank 1 innate spells Leylin originally had had received a huge boost. Even a rank 2 Magus was affected.

Leylin's speed increased rapidly, and in an instant, he caught up to Cabourn, who was still fleeing.

There was no trace of emotion in his eyes. The fiery red Scorching Touch was casted again.

Three fiery streaks combined and became as thick as a person's arm, and penetrated through Cabourn's brain.


Cabourn's head exploded open like a watermelon, and red and white cerebrospinal fluids and blood dripped all over the ground.


The large black shield shattered, and lightning leaked through the cracks and headed towards Leylin.

*Tss tss!*

Blue lightning exploded behind Leylin, and he turned pale.