446 - 453

Chapter 446 - Betting

Participants could only watch the battles from the Challenger Room as they could be challenged at any time. They could watch the ten battle stages through various screens placed throughout the room or through the giant window with a direct view.

Naturally, the girls wanted a first hand experience so they followed Xuefeng and Xiao Wen to the arena. They wanted to cheer for him and Xuefeng naturally agreed, knowing Liena wouldn't stop them like that. They first passed by the betting section before the entrance to the main stages and stopped.

Xuefeng needed to squeeze as much money as possible before he makes the deal with Drakos. He knew Drakos definitely didn't need so much Fate Stones and just wanted to extort him but there was nothing he could do. Even if he didn't peek on them in reality, Xuefeng couldn't be sure he wouldn't do it in the future.

"Hmm, there is something wrong. Why are your odds so high? Usually the first timers have a same odds so if you bet on them, you can double your money," Xiao Wen commented as she looked at the betting board.

"Well, I already expected this much," Xuefeng shrugged, knowing he wouldn't be able to earn much on himself but that wasn't his goal from the start. "Don't worry, I have a different plan."

"You plan to bet on Wen instead?" Nuwa asked, licking her lips and Xuefeng nodded, smiling at them.

"Huh? Me? Let me check my—What?! Ten to one?! Really?" Xiao Wen looked at her odds and almost choked, seeing the arena completely didn't believe she would win.

It was understandable as she lost to her the last time they fought but it shouldn't be that bad. The gap between them wasn't that big before.

Black Mamba, who still lingered in the betting center, smiled from the distance at Xiao Wen's reaction and commented loudly, "Hah, I guess the arena already found out about my power spike. Too bad that I can't hide it much longer."

She then walked up towards the cashier window and passed the arena worker a ring. "I bet twenty thousand Fate Stones for myself," She commented out loud.

The cashier got surprised and checked the ring before passing a black token to her with a smile. "Bet has been placed. Here is your token madam," the cashier confirmed politely and everyone in the crowd got excited.

They knew a black token represented any bets between ten thousand to one hundred thousand. They had a proof that Black Mamba was really betting this much on herself, being this confident of her victory.

Keeping her token, she winked at Xuefeng's group and wished with a smile, "Good luck! I will wait for you at the stage." She didn't wait for them and left cooly, up to everyone expectations.

The confidence of everyone immediately skyrocketed and they rushed up to the cashier, placing their bets.

"I bet a thousand on Black Mamba!"

"Me too! Two thousand for me!"

"Count me in! Five thousand on Black Mamba!"

There was a three to one payout if one bet their money on her so they naturally expected a nice return. The Challengers were not the only ones who went crazy but also many viewers who didn't take part in the arena today decided to win some money through gambling.

Despite the sudden betting chaos, Xuefeng remained calm and grasped Xiao Wen's hand to ease her mind. "Don't worry, just focus on your battle and win," he assured her.

"Well, I thought I had forty percent chance of victory after my own improvements but hearing she has some hidden ace, I guess it's lower now..." Xiao Wen admitted, thinking intensely what she should do but Xuefeng stopped her thoughts with a kiss.

"I told you not to worry. I already have a plan," he said and grasped her second hand. In an instant, a great amounts of Fate Qi got pumped into her body, filling her completely. As her dantain was full, he stored it in her veins, muscles and bones.

Xiao Wen glanced at him with questioning gaze but he placed a finger on her lips after he was done.

"Shhh… No one needs to know," Xuefeng whispered and left towards one of the free cashiers.

He placed two Storage Rings on the counter and said casually, "I would like to place some bets as well. One of the rings on my, Liu Xuefeng's victory. The other one on Xiao Wen's victory. They both have same amount of Fate Stones so it doesn't matter which one goes where."

"Sure, right away," the cashier nodded calmly but his face changed right after he counter the exact amount of Fate Stones inside the rings.

"Sir, are you sure you want to—" The cashier wanted to ask for confirmation but Xuefeng cut him off, nodding. "Yes. I'm sure."

"I-I will prepare the tokens…" the cashier stuttered and quickly pulled out two gold tokens, marking something on them before passing them to Xuefeng. "I wish good luck in your battle Sir!"

"Thanks," Xuefeng replied and returned back to his group while playing with two gold tokens in his hand. He couldn't hide that fact so he bragged this way instead. If he couldn't stay low profile then it was better to act as high profile as possible.

'I really hope your girl wins. If she loses…' Drakos commented, not trusting Xuefeng on Xiao Wen's win but Xuefeng assured him. 'Don't worry, she will.'

Xuefeng kept the tokens and smiled confidently as he asked the girls, "Shall we go?"

Only Xiao Wen knew what did the gold token signify and at this point, she didn't know if she wanted to ask for the exact numbers. One would only receive a gold token if their bet was higher than one hundred thousand. Those type of tokens were very rarely seen in the betting center as no one was stupid enough to bet such a fortune.

'To think he trusts me so much…' Xiao Wen thought touched, tightly gripping onto Xuefeng's hand and a determined looked returned to her face. 'I can't lose!"

As they walked out towards the main arena, the cashier that attended to Xuefeng suddenly closed his working spot and rushed out to the back rooms were all the managers had their offices. Coincidentally, he saw a general manager leaving his office and quickly approached him.

"Sir! I think we have a problem. One of the clients place a golden token bet. If he wins, his returns will be enormous," the cashier explained, passing Xuefeng's rings to him.

There was a similar surprised look on the manager's face but it immediately disappeared as he asked, "Was this bet placed by a person named Xuefeng?"

"Mhmm, yes Sir," the cashier nodded firmly. "He bet on one of his friends who will be fighting Black Mamba. The odds are in our favour but he seemed pretty confident while spending four hundred thousand just like that."

"We will not do anything," the manager said without much hesitation and passed the rings back. Before the cashier said anything, he added, "Those are the orders from above. You are dismissed."


As Xuefeng's group approached the stages, hearing cheers from the viewers, they were stopped by the arena guards to check their identification. Just as Xuefeng expected, once he introduced himself, they were let in without much trouble. Liena tried really hard to curry favors.

He saw Quickshot already standing on one of the biggest arenas and smiled, asking in his mind, 'If I kill him, can you recover his Spirit like we did with Pio?'

Chapter 447 - Xuefeng vs Quickshot

Xuefeng hopped onto his own stage after wishing good luck to Xiao Wen only to get scolded by the old judge who was suspended in the air above them, "You took your time coming to the stage. Do you think we have whole day?"

It was the same judge that once supervised Pio's battle not that long ago and he didn't seem to care about Xuefeng's importance to Liena.

Xuefeng glanced at Quickshot with questioning gaze but the one only smirked, shrugging. It was easy to guess that Quickshot didn't pass the message about five minute delay to the judge. In that case, Xuefeng wasn't planning to be polite anymore.

"Sir, my opponent agreed to wait five minutes for our battle. He challenged me when I was busy with something. I think it's okay for me to get ready first when I'm being challenged?" Xuefeng informed, bowing to the judge respectfully.

He didn't expect the judge would momentarily turn sides.

"Quickshot! One hundred Fate Stones fine for lying to the judge!" the old man called out unhappy but Quickshot took it calmly. "Fine, it was my bad. Shall we battle?"

"I'm ready but I have a quick question. Is there a penalty if I cripple or kill him by accident?" Xuefeng asked seriously, pulling out his Black Flames Slayer.

"No, but I will stop you before you do. Don't worry and use all strength in your attacks. I will be the one responsible if any of you die. So far no one ever died on my watch," the old judge assured him confidently.

"Alright, I'm ready," Xuefeng nodded, glancing at Xiao Wen on the second arena. She was also preparing to start her battle.

'Little Ming, please take care of her. Ling, you too. Heal all her wounds until she wins,' Xuefeng pleaded, not willing to risk Xiao Wen's life. He mainly questioned the judge for her sake. He already knew that Quickshot was a dead man in his battle.

"Do you plan to place additional bets with each other before the battle?" The judge asked for the last time, seeing the two were ready.

"No need. l can't wait to test his strength," Quickshot shook his head and extended his hands, taking his battle stance.

Xuefeng also nodded, raising his sword.

"Begin!" The judge called out and both of them moved.

Like his name suggested, Quickshot extended his hand and fired tens of bullets made of ice. They momentarily traveled across the stage as if they teleported right in front of Xuefeng before smashing into his chest, not leaving him the time to react.

Quickshot was aiming for a quick kill but he underestimated Xuefeng too much. A Lighting Qi barrier appeared on his body and all ice bullets broke on hit, leaving no mark on his clothes.

Xuefeng smiled and taunted, "You shoot fast. I guess you must have troubles making a woman come, hehe."

He already expected another attack coming his way so he disappeared from his position, using his invisibility to dodge. A second later, tens of thick earth spikes pierced through the ground, aiming at each place on Xuefeng's half of the stage. There was no time between attacks as Quickshot's arms turned into fire and he smashed them into the ground, covering the whole stage with fire.

One couldn't leave the stage during the battle so there was no chance Xuefeng could avoid that.

But was there a need for that?


The stage burned with red fire when a sudden laugh reached everyone's ears, coming directly from the middle of the stage where the intensity of flames was the strongest. Then, something strange happened, causing Quickshot to frown.

His flames turned black, forcing him to push them away with a blast of air and Xuefeng finally appeared, almost blending within the black fire as his whole body was covered with them.

"Are there people seriously calling you strongest elementalist? Your control is shit, the power behind your elements is even worse and I can break them apart with ease. Is this a joke?" Xuefeng spoke while spitting fire from his mouth before sucking in all the fire from the stage. "If you are the best one then I guess your ruling is over."

Xuefeng knew Quickshot was saving his Qi for future battles but that was a clear disrespect coming from him. Xuefeng didn't want to waste time seeing the opponent didn't even treat him seriously.

"Let me show you the real power of Elements," Xuefeng announced as Wind Qi started wrapping around his body. In the matter of seconds it grew into a thick barrier that Quickshots bullets couldn't pierce anymore.

To everyone's surprise, Quickshot wasn't panicking, simply staring at the Wind Domain Xuefeng was trying to create. He even smiled, moving to the edge of the stage and waited.

Anyone who researched about Elemental Domains would know they were extremely Qi dependent. The stage was too big to cover it whole with a Domain and many would consider it a waste of Qi. Weren't they supposed to fight many more battles afterwards?

Too bad, Xuefeng never played by the rules.

The Wind Domain grew stronger and bigger in size until Quickshots smirk began disappearing. It already covered three-fourth of the stage and it didn't show any signs of stopping.

"Damn... " Quickshot cursed and seeing the Domain was about to swallow him, he knew he had no choice but to jump inside to fight Xuefeng.

Just as his body surrounded with Air Qi to protect himself from the win, the Wind Domain covered the whole stage, eating him up.

"Welcome," Xuefeng muttered as he grinned and created an explosion near the air spikes, using the surroundings to his advantage.


The earth spikes broke into pieces and wind immediately took them into the air, sending the projectiles straight into Quickshot's face. Despite being bombarded, he pushed forward to get to him and fight him in close quarters.

'He knows you are immobile as the round stage limits you. The domain will always make your body its center and if you leave the stage, you will lose,' Ling warned him calmly but Xuefeng already knew it. He didn't plan to change his position at all.

Quickshot came inside his Wind Domain. Everything here was under his control.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tens of explosions blew up around Quickshot, joining the assault of rocks that continued to smash against his body from all direction. Each time he was hit, a chunk of his Air Qi armor got ripped away. Quickshot was forced to use up his Air Qi reserves just for his defenses.

He stomped on the ground and created an earth shield around him but it was momentarily blown away.

Just when Quickshot could finally see him, Xuefeng smiled. Five shining swords flew out of his sleeve, heading straight at Quickshot, slicing and cutting through his barrier like it was bud.


Quickshot finally dropped to the ground, having five swords stabbed through all of his limbs and chest. The repeated attacks wore him out until he had no more Qi left to defend.

'Should I test my new ability…?' Ling asked, seeing they basically won already. They didn't check how exactly it worked yet.

'No. It seems to inflict a lot of pain on the victim. He wasn't our enemy before so he doesn't deserve it,' Xuefeng rejected and decided instead. 'Quick Death.'

He didn't mind killing for abilities anymore, knowing they would do the same to him.

With Quickshot immobilized, Xuefeng decreased his Wind Domain in size and walked up to him. His Black Flames Slayer was already in his hand and he slashed at Quickshot's head without hesitation.

Quickshot was still conscious, staring at Xuefeng with regret, probably that he didn't go full out from the start, but that didn't work on Xuefeng anymore. If Quickshot was a female, it might have stalled Xuefeng for a moment but unfortunately, he was not.


Out of nowhere, a golden barrier surrounded Quickshot's body which reflected his falling sword. Xuefeng wondered when would the judge interfere with the fight.

'Drakos?' Xuefeng asked in his mind and got a quick excited reply, 'On it!'


The barrier cracked in seconds and Black Flames Slayer broke through, cutting Quickshot's head off as it touched the ground.

Right after, Xuefeng heard an angry cry coming from outside his Wind Domain.

"Boy! You must be tired of living!"

Chapter 448 - Bullshiting Expert


An explosion resounded throughout the arena as the judge blew a hole inside Xuefeng's Wind Domain. Everything seemed normal when the judge started cursing under his breath and dove downwards to interrupt the match.

Although all the stages were separated and they were surrounded by various soundproofing barriers, the participants could still see the other stages. It was an additional difficulty for them as it was hard to focus on their own opponents when tens of explosions could be seen around them.

It was especially hard for Xiao Wen, taking into fact that the love of her life was fighting right next to her on the first stage. At first, she trusted in his abilities and focused on her battle but when angrily broke Xuefeng's Wind Domain, she couldn't help but get distracted, worrying about Xuefeng.

Too bad that just as she turned her head to look, Black Mamba struck her with another fang, finally hitting her on the chest and blew her away.

"Hehe, you shouldn't get distracted when you fight me. Now it's over!" Black Mamba shouted, looking completely different than before.

Her upper body was similar to her previous self with the exception of sharp fangs but her lower body turned into that of a snake. It was her signature transformation from which she received her nickname.

Each time she opened her mouth, two poisonous fangs made from Qi would leave her mouth and strike her opponent. They were slow and easy to dodge but once they hit you, they were deadly.

"Everyone knows that once they get hit by my fangs, the battle is lost. You fell for it the last time and now it wasn't different," Black Mamba trash talked as she slowly slid towards Xiao Wen.

She could see Xiao Wen laying on the ground with her poison-filled Qi entering through her chest. She couldn't help but grin, thinking she won. No one has even survived her poison as she was the only one with the antidote for it. After battle was over, her opponents would still be left poisoned, forcing them to beg for the cure.

"Hehe, I really want to see you begging for the antidote," Black Mamba giggled, ready to finish Xiao Wen off.

She was already pale so the poison should be wreaking havoc in her body. Black Mamba wasn't especially agile but knowing her poison had paralyzing effect, she didn't mind closing the distance.

Just as she thought she was safe, Xiao Wen's chest burst with gold light and she swiftly extended her hand forward as if she was throwing something. Before Black Mamba could do anything, she felt immense hotness on her back and soon found herself in the air, flying in Xiao Wen's direction.


Dark blood sprayed in all direction as something pierced through her chest, shocking her to the core.

"Bitch," Xiao Wen spat coldly and pulled the sword from Black Mamba's belly. It intensified the bleeding even further and the half-snake fell to the ground with a thud.

Xiao Wen didn't bothered with her anymore and looked at her chest instead where two fangs were stuck. She pulled both of them out and black liquid began dripping out as if poison was being expelled from her body. In the matter of seconds, her chest wound closed up and she was left with no injury.

She had to thank Xuefeng later for help. Her own regeneration ability was too weak to stop the poison the last time she fought with Black Mamba but Xuefeng got rid of it for her in no time.

Xiao Wen glanced at the judge and asked, "Is the battle done? I don't have time to waste on her." She wanted to check up on Xuefeng as soon as possible, knowing he could be in trouble.

The young judge awakened hearing her and announced, "Xiao Wen wins! Is there any specific Ability you would like to claim from your opponent?"

Xiao Wen wanted to quickly claim the snake transformation, just cause she hated Black Mamba but she stopped herself, recalling the hidden ability she didn't even use in this battle. Black Mamba just didn't expect her poison to fail.

She knew she had to be specific in her claim but she had no information what that new ability of hers did or how it was called. She had to use her luck this time.

"Please select one at random," Xiao Wen decided and looked back at the first arena, checking on Xuefeng.

Her eyes widened when she saw his Spirit, Ling, on the stage, battling against the judge with hundreds of swords flying around. Xuefeng, on the other hand, was crouching next to Quickshots body while extracting a ball of light from his stomach.

It was the first time she saw someone fighting the judge but she was glad he was alright.

The judge from her arena was busy extracting an ability from the unconscious Black Mamba so he didn't see the ongoing battle on the main stage. According to rules, they couldn't leave the stage until the battle was over.

On other stages, the participants called for a break in the battle just so they could watch the ongoing action. The judges were forced to stay put as well, watching as one of them was attacked.

'Wouldn't he help fight against Xuefeng if he spots what's happening there?' Xiao Wen asked herself as she watched her judge and just as she decided to stall for him, he stood up while holding a golden ball in his hand.

"Here you go lady. I picked one at random. It seems to be one of the newest she got as it was really easy to extract. Congratulations on the win," the young judge said with a smile as he passed her the ball.

Her eyes widened, wanting to quickly check what is it but instead she called out sweetly, "Sir, could you check on her, please? She is still injured."

Having a beauty like her asking, the judge couldn't really reject her. "Oh, well. I stopped the bleeding but I might as well help her more."

Even though she wanted Black Mamba dead, Xiao Wen needed to stall for Xuefeng's sake.

Meanwhile, she absorbed the golden ball into her body. She could only learn what ability it was after testing it properly later.


'I'm done! I extracted the Spirit and I temporarily stored her in the bracelet,' Drakos called out as soon as he was done.

'Oh, so its a female Spirit?" Xuefeng asked with relief. He didn't want to do anything with male Spirits. He would rather consume it rather than give it to one of his women.

'Yeah. She was rather willing to join us so she didn't fight back. It seems this guy abused her a lot. She only demanded that her new Fate Holder will be a girl. I said it wouldn't be a problem.' Drakos explained in details.

'Guys, I'm struggling here.' Ling broke their conversation, sounding a bit desperate. 'He is stronger than I thought. Without Drakos we can't deal with him.'

'You can come back Ling, I will handle him,' Xuefeng informed, standing up to face the judge.

Ling immediately listened and retreated, collecting all the swords before disappearing into Xuefeng's body.

"You think you can get away with killing him?" the judge barked angrily closing in on Xuefeng but he just shrugged and did what he could do best.

"I have an ability that lets me detect Fate Spirit's suffering. I discovered that Quickshot was abusing his Spirit so I decided to end her suffering. She will hopefully find a better home soon," Xuefeng explained with straight face before taking away Quickshot's Storage Rings.

"I will take those as a reward."

Chapter 449 - Elemental Stone

"It doesn't matter what he did. You killed him under my watch which I cannot allow," the judge argued but Xuefeng only shrugged.

"Is that my problem? It's you who should worry. As a judge, you couldn't stop me from killing him. How is that my fault? You said it yourself. You will be responsible if anything happens. Isn't it too shameless of you to punish me for your mistakes?" Xuefeng countered, speaking with facts.

"You…" the judge looked like he wants to get angry but he couldn't find words to dispute Xuefeng's claims. It was because Xuefeng was right. The judge failed to stop him so the whole thing was his fault.

"Anyway, Quickshot is already dead. No matter what we do now, he can't be brought back to life and I don't see anyone complaining about his death. If you are weak, you die. This is the world, we Fate Holders live in," Xuefeng added before the judge thought of any comeback.

Checking the second stage, Xuefeng sighed in relief, seeing Xiao Wen alive and victorious. He walked up to the barrier and asked without turning around, "Sir, open the barriers if you don't want me to destroy them."

"Tell me how you broke through my shield and I will let you go." The judged demanded instead, trying to understand his loss.

Xuefeng gave him a stinky eye and rejected without hesitation, "You want me to reveal my secrets in front of hundreds of people that would want to try and kill me next day? Not a fat chance."

Even though they couldn't see the cheering audience once the barrier locked the stage, the viewers could still hear them.

The judge only waved with his hand in response and replied back, "Now they can't. Tell me. No one under the Heaven Realm shouldn't be able to break it. Did you use an artefact from the Heaven Realm or something else?"

Xuefeng didn't have much time, knowing the Fate Spirit he just got was losing strength with each second so he had to hurry. He spread his signature Golden Wings and called out, "You should ask your Milady that runs this space. If Liena wants, she will tell you. I don't have time."

Hearing Xuefeng mention the Milady's name so casually without worry about the consequences, the judge frowned. There were very little people who know her name so if she told him, it meant she considered him someone important.

"Fine, leave," the judge finally agreed. He couldn't keep Xuefeng any longer after Liena was mentioned.

When the barrier disappeared, Xuefeng immediately launched in the sky, flying towards second arena and landed right next to Xiao Wen. He embraced her without asking any questions and jumped once again, this time heading to where all of his girls were standing.

"Congrats! You both won!" Yiren called out happily the moment they landed and quickly dove into Xuefeng's arms, hugging the two.

"Of course. There was no other option," Xuefeng replied as he patted her head and embraced her as well. They walked away from the stages, finding a corner with no one to eavesdrop and the blond-haired beauty, "Yiren, are you willing to accept a Fate Spirit?"

"Oh!" Yiren exclaimed excitedly and questioned, "A spirit? Like the one Tianshi got?"

"Yes, exactly. Nuwa you don't mind? It can passively improve the power of your elements and I think it will work best on you." Xuefeng explained and glanced at Nuwa to check if she agrees.

She nodded at him so he didn't hesitate anymore. He wanted to pick Yiren as she was the gentlest of the girls and that would help the Fate Spirit which apparently got abused in some way.

Yiren was quick to decide it but she gave out her condition, "I only want it if it's a girl. I don't want any other guy in my head other than you."

"This is exactly what I want as well. I can't let other males see everything we do," Xuefeng said while patting Yiren's head and gave Xiao Wen a glance. She quickly realized what he meant by that and assured him, "Don't worry, Lang knows when to disappear. If I need him, I call him, else he locks himself up to not see anything."

"Mhmm, good," Xuefeng nodded and returned to Yiren. "Don't resist Yiren. She agreed to be your Fate Spirit so just communicate with her."

They couldn't wait any longer so Xuefeng placed his hand on Yiren's stomach. A golden flash shot out from his fingers before it sunk into her belly. She giggled from the tickles before opening her mouth in surprise.

"Take your time. Talk to her," Xuefeng advised and Yiren nodded, focusing herself on the conversation in her mind.

"Her name is Stella. Ah, she is so cute. I want to cuddle her so much," Yiren explained after a moment, making everyone laugh. "She said her ability is perfect for me but we will be only able to see its effects after leaving from this pocket realm. There aren't many elements here."

"It seems the two are good match then," Nuwa commented, happy for her daughter before changing her attitude as she glared at Xuefeng, "You promised me a fight."

The two had the opportunity to fight yet she didn't, forced to watch from the sidelines.

Xuefeng scratched his head and quickly decided before Nuwa gets more upset, "Alright, let's go get our winnings first and then you all can pick an opponent for yourself. I don't think anyone would fight me or Xiao Wen anymore but there shouldn't be problems with you girls."

"Yes!" Everyone agreed excitedly. Nuwa wasn't the only one thirsty for blood.

Just as Xuefeng expected, the arena didn't give them too much problems while claiming the winnings. All together, he received a whopping four million and six hundred thousand Fate Stones. That was an astronomical number for any Fate Holder but for Xuefeng it wasn't that big of a stash. After all, he had to take care of more than just himself.

"Sir, the management would like to notify that your odds of winning got below one, becoming negative. I'm afraid we won't be able to take any bets placed on Sir," the young cashier informed as he gave him the Storage Rings filled to brim with Fate Stones. "Miss Xiao odds also increased, but by beating the strongest fighters, I doubt anyone would risk the challenge."

"It's okay. I expected that. Thanks," Xuefeng replied with a smile and too the girls away to the challenger room.

He wasn't quite bothered by cashier words as everyone could see that even the judge can't stop him. Who would even dare to fight him?

Unfortunately, not many knew it was only thanks to the Drakos' help.

Just as they walked inside the challenger room, they could finally see first hand what did his battle proves caused.

Everyone turned silent and gave way to them, trying to avoid eye-contact with them. It was to be expected but it really pissed Nuwa off.

She glanced at one buffed guy from a random group and called out to him, "I challenge you!"

"I r-reject!" The guy quickly rejected, having clear panic in his eyes.

She was forced to change the target but whoever she challenged, they would instantly reject her, increasing her annoyance.

"It's all your fault!" Nuwa blamed Xuefeng for everything after returning to their table. "I'm mad at you. Who asked you to scare them all away."

"It's because you are doing it wrong," Xuefeng smiled at her reactions and decided to show her how it's done.

He stood up and announced loudly as he pointed at Nuwa.

"Anyone who beats her will receive one million Fate Stones from me. I will not keep any grudges with that person and won't try to take my revenge afterwards. You have my word."

In just a second, everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction Xuefeng was pointing. Even though they were most likely to lose, one million Fate Stones was enough to make anyone change their mind instantly.

"I will challenge her!"

"No, I will challenge her!"

"I said it first!"

Tens of challengers called out almost at the same time, giving Nuwa many options to choose from.

"Once your bait is good enough, you can easily catch the fish," Xuefeng muttered with a shrug. Nuwa walked up to give him a thank you kiss and looked around to take her pick. She wanted to get the strongest opponent possible.

At the same time, Drakos suddenly called out in Xuefeng's mind, 'Let's give up on those weaklings. Now that you have a lot of Fate Stones, I can recreate my body! Once I have it back, I will show you a much better place where all of you can improve!'

'Really? Let me guess? You want to ask me for more Fate Stones? Not happening,' Xuefeng rejected that idea, thinking that Drakos wants to scam him again but the one quickly countered him.

'No, that's not it. Did you forget about your bracelet already? You have to find Elemental Stone in the first year else the bracelet will damage you. I just happen to know the location of one. I just need to recover my body to open that place. It will be much better training than those weaklings.'

Just as Drakos finished, Nuwa shouted to the buffed man she remembered, the third of the devils that still didn't fight.

"I accept your challenge! Come to the arena now!"

Chapter 450 - Liena's Plans

"Liena, he is single handedly ruining the Monthly Arena Day. Are you going to let that happen?" The judge called out annoyed, seeing the mess on the arena's stages from one of the private rooms. "They are also basically stealing from us. The made a Betting House a joke. We have to close it before we go bankrupt. They already won eight million Fate Stones."

Despite the losses, Liena was calm, staring at the arena with a slight smile. "Don't worry, our foundation can't be broken by just that. Just let him be. I'm interested in him," Liena assured him, not mad at the attitude he showed her.

The truth was, he was much stronger and more senior than her so she could only calm him down.

"But look at what they are doing." The judge pointed at the arena and tried to convince her, "Listen to me as your Senior. He won't help you even if you do all that. I know people like him. They would never submit to someone else."

On the Arena, Xuefeng's group has taken a few of the stages for himself. Each of his girls had a bounty on their head and challengers tried to beat them one by one. In the meantime, Xuefeng was going back and forth between the stage and Betting House until all of his members' odds were so high it was not profitable anymore.

Liena stood silent so the judge asked curiously, "Tell me, if his Spirit is so important, why can't we just group together and kill him? There is no way you didn't think about it."

Liena finally turned to him and said honestly, "I did think about it but there is no point. We won't be able to kill him even if the two of us group."

"Huh? Is it because of the method he used to break my shield? He told me you know about it." the judge questioned confused. "I did fight with his Spirit for a moment and I'm confident I can beat him."

"He somehow has Drakos with him," Liena replied simply, looking back to watching the battles.

"..." The Judge was left speechless, not expecting such answer. "Drakos the Fate Nemesis? Isn't he locked down in the Heavenly Prison?"

"It seems he escaped and to avoid punishment, they didn't tell anyone. I suspect he was also the one stole one of ten Godly Treasures. Elemental Bracelet from the God Realm. Did you notice that Xuefeng's right wrist is thicker than his left one under his jacket? Drakos must have given it to Xuefeng too," Liena relayed what she knew.

That news alone shocked the judge as he cried out, "He also has the Godly Treasure?! Damn, no wonder you are interested in him."

Now everything was clear to him.

"Yes. He knows my goal. Even if he doesn't want to help me, its fine. I can bet he will want to explore the Fate Kingdom himself in the future. Once he opens it, I will just tag along," Liena explained her plans, finally revealing why she was so calm.

"Won't you make an enemy of the God Realm while hanging around with him? Once they find out he has the bracelet, they will definitely try to hunt both him and Drakos down. Only by killing him will they recover the bracelet." The judge suddenly got worried about her, knowing the power of the God Realm cultivators.

"I know. This is why I will only support him from the shadows. If he dies to the God Realm cultivators then I will try to trade with them to get Ling. They respect the Fate Organisation enough to accept it," Liena admitted with straight face, not feeling bad for using Xuefeng. "No matter what happens, it should be my win."

Life in this world was exactly like that.

Brutal. Unfair. Selfish.

One could only fight back and stand victorious or die like a bug.

"I wish him good luck then. We should really stay away from him. Once he enters the Heaven Realm, the real trial will start for him," the judge commented to which Liena simply nodded, not saying anything else.


"Princess Shan is doing well, same with Yi, Wuying and Nuwa. I'm only worried about Tianshi," Xiao Wen commented as she hugged Yiren who didn't want to battle yet, deciding to bond with her new Fate Spirit instead.

They were watching the battles from the side, praising them after each battle. Only Nuwa was the one who still played around with her first opponent. She liked to take her time in torturing people.

Wuying's Blood Manipulation and assassin instinct gave her enough edge to battle her first opponents but on her third battle she was forced to use her Shackles of Doom as her trump card. With the amount of different abilities, not every battle was the same, giving them one of the best battle experience.

Yi was battling while using her Star Shaper and Princess Shan decided to perfect her Ice Domain. They didn't even try to save on Qi, using everything they got which was one of the main reasons they could win. With their resources, they could burn money to recover quickly and continue training. Not everyone could create endless Elemental Qi like them.

"Me too, but I believe in her," Xuefeng agreed as his eyes followed Tianshi's movements. "I still gave the same treatment to everyone like I did to you but I hope none of them will need it."

Tianshi was currently running and dodging all of her opponent skills as if he knew exactly what will happen. Her heavenly steps were perfect for such manoeuvres, helping her bounce off any spot in the air. Since the last time she used it, Tianshi got even more proficient while using it, making Xuefeng impressed.

Her enemy was also battling with a sword but she was definitely more experienced with it compared to Tianshi. To beat her, Tianshi had to use her foretelling.

Just as they thought that, Tianshi turned around, starting her offence. She dodged the sword that was aimed at her back with a jump before bouncing off a fluffy cloud, suddenly appearing behind her opponent. The lady was quick, swiftly turning around to dodge but Tianshi launched herself from the clouds once again, aiming at one undefended spot with her sword.

"She did it!" Xiao Wen cried out as the sword entered the female's chest and Xuefeng nodded happily.

"Tianshi has potential. She just need a bit more training and abilities she can use. You all will improve with time," Xuefeng complimented, seeing a bright future ahead of them.

Even though there were bounties on their heads, the battles were still treated as normal arena challenges. Tianshi was allowed to pick one ability from her opponent. Even though they weren't powerful, the more she gathered the more useful they could get in connection with others.

"Once everyone's battles are over, we will leave. We need to test the new abilities and settle one more thing," Xuefeng decided, knowing three battles in a row were already a good score. He could already see Nuwa walking up to them from her own battle, naturally winning it without a sweat.

"Hahaha, that was fun. That idiot got so mad he swung his hammer aimlessly," Nuwa commented in laughter and threw a golden ball to Xuefeng. "I won this from him. You can have it."

Chapter 451 - Mighty Body

"So, we will appear randomly somewhere outside of the Capital, right?" Xuefeng asked just before they stepped on the teleportation platform to the outside world. He wanted to make sure everyone will be safe after they return.

After everyone finished their battles, Xuefeng gathered them and left the arena with his pockets full of winnings. Although the arena was a good training ground for them, if they stayed for too long, everyone would start to hate them.

They visited the shop afterward and Xuefeng was shocked to find out how cheap all abilities were. Most decent abilities were priced at twenty to thirty thousand high-tier Fate Stones which in his situation wasn't much. Everyone knew that he had a lot of money so he didn't mind spending some of it.

Each of his girls who had a Fate Spirit chose their own sets and he spent close to a million on them. It was more like an investment so he didn't mind that at all. He cheated the money from the Betting House anyway so.

"I'm not sure exactly how the portal works in groups but each time I left, I would be teleported somewhere else," Xiao Wen explained from her experience. "It's meant to help those who desire to stay anonymous while using the Fate Organization Realm."

"Alright. Let's all go inside at the same time then," Xuefeng finally decided to proceed and stepped on the platform. They could naturally become targets of other Fate Holders so from now on, they had to be always cautious.

According to the rules, Fate Holders couldn't kill each in the Central Region but Xuefeng wasn't bound by those rules. If others were to find out that none of them had any restrictions, they could easily become a target of a group attack.

They all walked in after Xuefeng and Xiao Wen placed one Fate Stones on the small stand to activate the platform. Golden symbols lit up on the floor and soon the light consumed their bodies, sending them away.

Thankfully, all of them appeared together with no one missing. They found themselves in some unknown lush forest but they only needed to fly to the sky to find their directions so Xuefeng wasn't worried.

Just as he thought everything was alright, Xuefeng heard Yi's scream.

"Ahh! Spiders!"

Before he knew, a soft body dove into his arms. He immediately reacted by hugging her into his chest and scanned his surroundings in search of the enemy. Sure enough, they couldn't have landed in a different place other than the territory of giant spiders.

One, two, three spiders walked out of the forest and pounced on their group as soon as they got close. Xuefeng had Yi in his arms, tightly coiling around his neck but he didn't worry, knowing he wasn't alone.

Princess Shan, Wuying and Xiao Wen launched themselves at the spiders without fear, cleaning them up with one strike each. They were just some low-tiered Spirit Beasts that they didn't need to be scared from yet Yi was still shivering and hugging into him.

"Hey, they are already taken care of. It's okay," Xuefeng rubbed Yi's cheek to calm her down but she still stayed in his embrace, not willing to leave. He could only sigh and let her hug him.

"Yi, since when are you scared of spiders?" Xiao Wen suddenly asked as she returned from killing. "You are not faking it just so you can hug Xuefeng, right?"

"Of course not! That would be cheating, wouldn't it? Only someone who didn't receive much love recently would do that," Yi defended herself, not letting Xuefeng go.

Everyone could tell she was talking about herself.

"Yi, if you want a hug, you can just come and hug me. You don't need to pretend you are scared to receive one," Xuefeng explained calmly as he pulled Yi away. He wasn't mad at her as he was really neglecting their relationship.

"So I can hug you whenever I want…?" Yi questioned hesitantly and received a nod from Xuefeng.

"Okay! I will do so more often then, hehe," Yi decided with a giggle before adding sweetly, "Though, I wish you can hug me on your own too… I fought well after all..."

"Mhmm, I will. You all worked hard recently so you deserve some rewards," Xuefeng nodded, patting Yi's on the head. "But not now. We need to get out of here and return home first."

'Wait! Don't leave! This is a good place! Give me the Fate Stones and I will create a body for myself. I won't be able to do that in the city. I need space,' Drakos countered right after he decided.

'You sure?' Xuefeng questioned and immediately got a positive response.

"Nevermind. Change of plans. We will stay here," Xuefeng announced to the girls. "Drakos wants to create his body once again so we will do it here. Let's clear the area of any beasts so they won't disturb us later."

He could still sense a few smaller spiders walking around their surroundings so it was better to finish them off at the start.

'How much time do you need?' Xuefeng asked Drakos so he can plan ahead.

'Give me half an hour,' Drakos replied confidently which wasn't that bad. Ling would be handling the trade between them so Xuefeng had to busy himself for some time.


As Drakos was absorbing stone after stone, Xuefeng found out they were quite far away from the Capital. It would take them five minutes of flying to reach it which was relatively a big distance considering their speed.

It was also an advantage as they could avoid alarming anyone in the Capital once Drakos finish his creation. Recalling that he was a Legendary Dragon before, Xuefeng expected a giant beast.

To kill time, they began testing the abilities they got from Fate Organization. Xuefeng only got himself two from the shop and he received one unknown orb from Nuwa.

The first one passively improved his senses and perception which was pretty valuable in battle. The second one was also passive and it increased his flexibility and endurance. He wouldn't need to regenerate after a whole night of fun. He received a series of smiles from his wives when he bought it and he could guess what they were thinking about.

"Oh! A barrier." Right after activating the third ability, a translucent golden barrier in diameter of six meters surrounded him. As Yiren was close to him, she got closed off as well. He walked up to touch it but the barrier didn't follow him, remaining stable like a statue.

"Yey, now I'm alone with you and no one can disturb us," Yiren called out excitedly as she hugged into his arm, making Xuefeng laugh. He turned to the girls and said, "Anyone who breaks this barrier first will get a kiss."

He didn't need to ask twice as the girls stopped what they were doing and sent their attacks. They immediately realized something was wrong when none of their blades left a mark. They switched to Elemental Qi but the result was the same.

"This barrier seems quite sturdy. Congrats Xuefeng," Tianshi commented, quite happy for him but Xuefeng only smiled.

"It doesn't break cause I'm using a Fate Qi to absorb your attacks. It seems to be a toggle. If I stop providing it with Fate Qi, it will simply break," Xuefeng revealed the secret and asked Nuwa, "How did you win against this on the arena?"

Nuwa showed a cheeky smile and walked up to the barrier. She was the only one who didn't attack as if she knew the result.

"Yiren, you should move away from Xuefeng," Nuwa suggested and just as Yiren let go of her hug, a sudden force hit Xuefeng's body. He found himself running straight into the wall with his fist extended and smashed into the barrier.


The barrier momentarily cracked before breaking apart into thousands of pieces.

"This way. The barrier is weak on the inside and my Soul Power can pass through it. Anyone who uses it against me is doomed," Nuwa explained as she walked up to Xuefeng and caught his jacket.

"I'm claiming my kiss," Nuwa announced before pulling him closer and kissed deeply, taking many seconds as her reward. Xuefeng had to give her even more as she actually found out a valid flaw of his new ability.

He embraced her, pulling on her waist when a sudden cry in his mind disturbed him.

'I'm done! Hahahaha, let me show you my mighty body!'

Chapter 452 - Daddy's Home!

Just as Drakos cried out, Xuefeng's body got surrounded by dark blue fire that he couldn't control, forcing him to jump away from the girls to not burn them. The flames surrounded him completely until they were tens of meters high and almost twenty wide.

He expected Drakos to be enormous but that would be an understatement. If he was too big, they wouldn't be able to hide him in the Capital which would be quite a problem.

'Hahahahahahahahah! Kneel before the Legendary Dragon!' Drakos continued to laugh as the flames started to take the shape of a giant blue dragon. It's wings spread wide and its eyes made of fire started coldly at the ladies, scaring some of them.

Just as they thought the dragon will let out a resounding roar and its body will leave the flames, they suddenly dispersed and a cute sound reached their ears.


Xuefeng felt there some additional weight on his shoulder and realized it was a small blue lizard, trying to look as scary as it could but obviously it didn't work. The lizard had the appearance similar to the big dragon made from flames yet the size didn't match at all.

"Rawr~ I will eat you!" Drakos' voice left the lizard's mouth which made Xuefeng burst out laughing, "Pfft! Hahahaha, is this your mighty body?! Hahahahaha!"

"Shut up!" Drakos cussed at him and explained himself as little bit of blue fire escaped his small nostrils, "This is the most I can recreate with this little bit of Fate Stones! My dragon bloodline is still the purest!"

Drakos gesticulated with its small claws like a human and glared angrily at Xuefeng for laughing when the girls finally walked up to them,

"Ah! He is so cute!" Yiren exclaimed, being the first to approach and patted Drakos on the head. "Its scales are so soft. Is this our new pet? How is it called? Can I hold him?"

Yiren bombarded Xuefeng with questions, each triggering Drakos more then the previous one. He dodged her hand by extending his new long neck and shouted at Yiren, "I'm Drakos, the Legendary Dragon! I ain't no pet! No one can hold m—"

Too bad that Yiren didn't care about his titles and cut him off by picking him up against his will. She turned to the girls and called out happily, "Look how cute he is! It's our new pet! It can talk too!"

"I'm not a pet! Don't touch me!" Drakos cried out but the girls didn't mind his complaints, petting and feeling up his soft body.

"Ah! Don't pull on my wings! Take your hands away! Nooo! Xuefeng, save me!" Drakos called out for help, having no power to escape from them.

"Hahaha! Karma!" Xuefeng replied in laughter, treating it as payback for the earlier blackmail.

When they finally decided to stop playing and fly back to the Capital, Drakos was already shivering in fear each time he recalled the girls' treatment. "Monsters… They are monsters…" He muttered as he sat on Xuefeng's shoulder. "Why did I leave my space… At least I was safe from them…"

"Hah, who asked you to turn into a cute dragon. They won't leave you alone now," Xuefeng commented, enjoying Drakos' suffering and asked, "How much Fate Stones you need to recover completely? I really thought eight hundred thousand will be enough."

"Nope. It was barely enough to create this small body. I did tell you I will recreate my physical body, I didn't say what size," Drakos replied, shaking off the painful memories. "To regain my full strength I will probably need about one hundred Million or even a bit more. Not sure. In the Dragon Realm the Fate Essence is easily accessible from the air so it's like a cultivation for us."

"So you basically returned back into your childhood days?" Xuefeng asked curiously, realizing it would be nice to have a full-pledged dragon in his team.

"Yeah, but this time I don't need years to grow. I can boost myself artificially with Fate Stones which will speed up the whole process," Drakos nodded before adding proudly, "Though you shouldn't underestimate a real dragon. I can still easily overpower anyone in this Earth Realm. This is why dragons are one of the strongest creatures in all Realms. Whenever dragons battle, the ground burns and skies fall."

"Hah, I find it hard to believe," Xuefeng called out, planning on tricking Drakos while using his huge ego.

Drakos immediately felt offended and challenged, "Let's battle and you will see how weak you are!"

"I would but I am sure my women won't let us battle," Xuefeng rejected as he glanced at the girls and suggested instead, "How about we try a different way to test your current strength?"

Drakos naturally had to prove himself, being a member from a proud dragon race and immediately agreed, "Sure! What is it?"

"You mentioned that I will need to leave for a while to get an Elemental Stone, right?" Xuefeng began.

"Yes. There is only one Elemental Stone that you can access from the Earth Realm and its located in another a special Hidden Realm that no one knows off. I can lead you to it anytime soon," Drakos explained and asked, "What about it?"

"If I'm to leave for a longer period of time, I need to make sure my Clan will be safe. We have three hundred finest warriors that Nuwa brought but there its never bad to secure yourself further. One of my ideas was attacking the enemy base before they attack us," Xuefeng explained as he glanced at the Capital in the distance and proposed, "How about taking care of the Royal Family for me?"

"You want me to destroy the Royal Family in the Capital?" Drakos asked with a smile, not feeling any pressure from Xuefeng's request.

Xuefeng smiled, knowing that Drakos was already hooked and revealed all details, "Not actually destroy. The word, 'weaken,' would be better. I want you to enter the Royal Family Palace, destroy as much as you can and then beat up the Ruler of the Realm to the point he can't show himself for some time. You can bring me his crown as the proof."

"Easy. I can do it with my eyes closed, but didn't you want to take care of him yourself?" Drakos asked just to confirm, rubbing his small hands excitedly. One could imagine he now wanted to test his skills badly.

"I would love to but if I do it myself, they will recognize me and all regions will join forces to destroy us. They don't know you so they won't suspect us. This will weaken them and once we are back with the Elemental Stone, I can simply eradicate the whole Royal Family and replace them with our forces."

Drakos could accept such reasoning and agreed while adding his own terms, "Alright, but we are leaving this week. That place is rich in resources so I wanted to visit it anyway to regain some of my strength. The sooner the better."



About thirty minutes later, a series of explosions resounded from the Royal Family Palace's direction. It was already evening when a sudden creature attacked the palace. It broke the protective barrier with one attack before destroying everything on its way.

"What is happening?!" The Ruler of the Realm yelled the moment a guard came back with a report. "Are we being attacked?"

He didn't move from his bedroom even through he heard explosions outside. If he had to take care of everything, why would he even keep his guards around.

"Ruler! We are being attacked by one small creature! It's so small we can't catch it and it breaks everything. It seems it is heading in the direction of the palace!" the guard reported, horrified by the situation.

Just as Ruler of the Realm wanted to scold him for being useless, someone broke the entrance doors to the Royal Bedroom and cried from the distance.

"Prepare your ass for a beating! Daddy's home!"

Chapter 453 - Call Me Daddy

"Who dares?!" the Ruler of the Realm shouted angrily, releasing his pressure out of his body as he started to float. To his surprise, he couldn't localize the enemy which meant he was either stronger than him or had some kind of concealing artefact. He was more eager to believe the latter, knowing his own powers.

"Hahaha, I already told you! I'm your daddy!" The same voice from before yelled out once again, laughing the whole time. From the darkness, a small creature was walking forward. It had dark blue scales and looked like a lizard. It walked on its two claws like a human with its small hands behind its back.

He could see a smirk on the lizards' face as it walked proudly ahead with his chin lifted.

The Ruler thought it was a deception as he didn't believe a small beast could talk and called out, "A lizard? Don't play games! Come out and fight me!"

He couldn't know that his words added a lot of pain to his future beating.

"Lizard?! You are a lizard you dumb fuk! Your whole family are a bunch of lizards! I'm Drakos, the Legendary Dragon!" Drakos cursed angrily and suddenly stomped, causing cracks to appear in the black stone floor. "I will beat your ass for real now!"

The Ruler of the Realm was shocked knowing that even he couldn't destroy the floor. What was even more surprising was Drakos ability to talk but he had no luxury to actually contemplate on that as Drakos already launched himself in his direction like a rocket.


Drakos' small body instantly reached the target and he headbutted the Ruler of the Realm in the chest. He was sent flying and crushed into the wall with a loud resounding bang. The guard who watched it all from the side couldn't even see the dragon move. It was too fast!

Just as the Ruler was about to drop to the ground, he tried to teleport away yet his eyes widened when he found himself unable to.

"I locked the space around us. You think I will let you run?" Drakos informed just before his flaming tail slammed against the Ruler's body. He just wasn't able to react at all.

All the barriers that appeared to protect him broke upon impact and the strike landed without losing force.

The Ruler was sent flying once again, this time breaking through the window.

"You are not going anywhere!" Drakos cried out and followed right after, jumping out of the palace after him. He caught him midair, grabbing onto his neck with both hands and swung his body to smash him into the ground with even bigger force.

Even though Drakos was small, his physical strength was off the charts compared to human race. He didn't need his flames to beat anyone.

Gliding with his small wings, he reached the ground and saw the Ruler attempting to stand up from the crater he created. Naturally, Drakos couldn't let that happen and landed right on top of him, sending him back to the dirt.

"Who is a lizard now, huh?!" Drakos asked as he pressed the Ruler's chest with his small claws, applying pressure. "Say that to my face once again!"

The Ruler could barely breathe let alone talk but he didn't seem to give up. As if he started channeling his skill, he sent his fist at Drakos but to his surprise, it was stopped by Drakos' tail effortlessly.

"What… did you do… to me?" The Ruler asked with trouble, his eyes finally showing signs of panic. It wasn't that he didn't try to fight back but he couldn't. His greatest fist skill he just used carried no power as his Spirit Qi supply was cut off.

"Oh, you mean your useless skills? Simple, I took them away," Drakos shrugged as he put even more pressure with his leg, making the Ruler's ribs crack. "Call me daddy and I will tell you how. What do you think?"

There were hundreds of guards already gathered some distance away from them, rushing for help but seeing the Ruler was taken hostage, they could only watch the situation. Some almost choked when they heard Drakos' demands.

The Ruler got red from shame, being beaten by a small lizard but he didn't say anything, only glaring at Drakos.

Drakos was standing on his chest which blocked him from challenging his Spirit Qi throughout his body. Even though his Dantain was intact, he still needed to transport his Qi into his fist to perform a skill.

"Haha, did I hurt your pride?" Drakos asked in laughter and assured him, "Don't worry, you should be honored to be defeated by the Legendary me. Call me daddy and I won't kill any of your men surrounding us, is that a better deal?"

Too bad, it didn't bring his desired effect. The Ruler was still tight-lipped, making everyone suddenly worry about their lives.

Glancing at all the people around them, Drakos grinned and announced, "Can you see your Ruler well? He is nothing but an useless man. I am being nice and offer to let you all off yet he rejects me. Even though he knows I can easily kill anyone here, he refuses to let go of his pride. Is this the Ruler you all love and worship? For me he doesn't care about any of you."

Many people frowned to that but they did believe in Drakos' words. If he could break into the palace and almost kill the Ruler of the Realm this effortlessly, it means they were nothing for him. What was even more depressing was their Ruler's attitude but they didn't take it to heart too much. Drakos could kill them anyway afterwards.

"I guess I will simply kill everyone while starting from you. My claws will slowly increase the pressure on your chest until it's crushed, together with your heart. Is your pride worth more than you life?" Drakos asked and seeing the stubborn expression on the Ruler's face, he did as he claimed.


The Ruler grunted as blood began oozing out as five claws dove into his chest, slowly reaching his heart.

"D-daddy…" The Ruler finally broke, speaking out with last bits of air in his lungs. His life turned out to be

"Oh, did I hear something?" Drakos asked happily as if he didn't hear and stopped adding to the pressure. "Can you repeat it for me?"

"Daddy…" The Ruler repeated, his body shivering all over.

"Hehe, that's right. I'm your daddy," Drakos giggled, provoking him further before smashing his tail at the Ruler's legs.


Both of his legs broke instantly, twisting in unnatural angles yet the Ruler didn't cry out in pain anymore. Only afterwards did Drakos realize the Ruler passed out.

"Meh, you are no fun. I'm leaving," Drakos commented and flew away casually. No one stopped him but immediately rushed to their Ruler instead.

Looking down at the Royal Palace, Drakos recalled Xuefeng's words to make as much damage as possible but the palace was still there, almost untouched.

"I can't leave it like that, can I? Is it the time to test one of my finishing moves?" Drakos thought out loud and he already knew the answer to his question when it left his mouth.

His small body started burning with blue flames and he folded his wings, slowly dropping at the Palace like a flaming meteor.
