254 - 259

Chapter 254: Mysterious Burrow

Long Yi came to the Phoenix Inn where Yu Feng was staying, and after asking the manager there, he learned that she had gone to other inns to handle the matters. He waited bored to death for a little while, and he wasn't able to stay still, so he went to the backyard of this Phoenix Inn.

"Red Cloud!" Long Yi was pleasantly surprised seeing fiery red unicorn who was in the process of eating fresh and tender grass in the backyard. These past few days, Yu Feng hadn't ridden Red Cloud when coming over to his place, so he had thought that she had left it in Light City.

Hearing the call of Long Yi, Red Cloud raised its head in confusion and snorted, but recognizing Long Yi, it excitedly ran over to Long Yi and rubbed its head in the bosom of Long Yi.

"Poor fellow, your master has been keeping you in this backyard for these past few days, do you want to go out for a spin?" Long Yi smiled and caressed the big head of Red Cloud. From two years ago when he saved it and Yu Feng, this intelligent unicorn had remembered him.

As if it understood the words of Long Yi, Red Cloud excitedly trampled the ground with its hooves, apparently, it had been bored for these past few days.

Long Yi laughed heartily and mounted Red Cloud, then after he clamped his legs, Red Cloud rushed into the hall of the inn from the backyard door, then rushed to the streets from inside the hall. Several guests who were conducting the check-in formalities were so frightened that they jumped.

No need to talk about the speed of Red Cloud, although was no match for Long Yi, but also could be described as swift as the wind and quick as lightning. Red Cloud was so fast that stormy gale spread outward.

Inside the woods, Red Cloud ran several laps around the grassland, after that Red Cloud began to sweat and its speed also slightly slowed down.

Just then, Long Yi suddenly saw a graceful white shadow floating away in the sky. That powerful water magic fluctuation which could make people fearful, moreover, that figure, no matter how he looked, all were rather familiar.

"Wushuang." A name suddenly popped into the mind of Long Yi. Thinking about it, the allotted time of two years with Ice Palace is nearly over too, so that white shadow of just now might be Wushuang, did she came to look for me?

Thinking this, Long Yi was no longer able to stay still. Using Soaring Magic together with Great Cosmos Shift, he suddenly disappeared from the back of Red Cloud. After that, he searched in the sky for a long time, but he didn't find that white shadow of just now, surely that was not his misconception, even if that was his misconception, but that water magic fluctuation he had felt wasn't his misconception. In this world, other than Shui Linglong, there was only Wushuang who possessed such powerful water magic.

Since he couldn't find that white shadow, Long Yi couldn't help but became somewhat disappointed, but thought that if she was really Wushuang, then she would definitely come looking for him and if she didn't come looking for him, then she definitely wasn't Wushuang. Thinking this, the heart of Long Yi immediately lightened.

In the distant, Long Yi suddenly heard the furious neigh of Red Cloud. He was startled, and quickly flew back. After arriving, he saw a man wearing a black robe had ridden Red Cloud and was tightly catching its mane. Obviously, he was trying to tame it, and Red Cloud was angrily rising its two hooves wanting to shake this man off its back.

"Your grandfather's, preposterous. Stealing your father, my horse." Long Yi was endlessly angry, and he immediately shot several ice arrows towards that man on the back of Red Cloud.

This back robed man however had some ability, sensing the ice arrows shooting towards him, he swayed his body dodging two ice arrows, and then brandished the sword in his hand to cut other two ice arrows.

Long Yi sneered, calmly floating in the air. And just after the sword of that back robed man came into contact with the ice arrows, the ice arrows unexpectedly exploded. That black robed man was sent flying by this explosion, then falling on the grassland, he twitched continuously.

Long Yi descend, then Red Cloud affectionately ran over to Long Yi and acted coquettishly. Long Yi soothingly patted its head, then walking over to the front of the black-robed man, he saw that the chest of this black-robed man was badly mangled by the explosion of Long Yi's compressed arrows.

Thinking about it, Red Cloud was such a rare unicorn, and there was no saddle or anything, so when other saw it, it was hard for them to not be greedy, so this man doesn't deserve to die for this crime. Long Yi thought to use light magic to heal him, but after this man saw him, this black-robed man suddenly panicked, then with his eyes upturned, he unexpectedly died, moreover, black blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Poisoned? Long Yi was confused in his heart. When he had used compressed Ice Arrows Magic, he had a sense of propriety, so his attack wasn't strong enough to kill this man.

Long Yi suddenly recalled something, and then pinched the chin of this black-robed man. As it turned out, this fellow had poison hidden in his teeth, and after seeing him, this man immediately took the poison to commit suicide.

Needless to say, this person was certainly a dead soldier. Long Yi searched the body of this man, and from inside his space ring, he took out a painting. And the people painted in this painting were nevertheless Nangong Xiangyun and Nangong Nu siblings.

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in the heart of Long Yi, and in his mind, the scene where a group of black-robed people kidnapped both Nangong Xiangyun and Nangong Nu siblings, and then while escaping, they encountered Red Cloud resulting this black-robed man to have a greedy thought, so he let other people retreat first while he tame Red Cloud and take it away appeared.

Long Yi immediately summoned Little Three from inside his dark space dimension, as its sense of smell was very sensitive. Little Three smelled the scent of this black-robed man, then began to wildly run forward,

Long Yi instructed Red Cloud to return, and he followed after Little Three. Not long after, Long Yi along with Little Three arrived at a river. After that, Little Three smelled to the left and smelled to the right, then raising its head, it signaled the smell break here.

Looking at this torrential river, Long Yi frown, could it be that those people jumped in? Or was there an entrance to enter the river? Long Yi pondered for a moment, then taking Little Three, he decisively jumped into the river. After that, he swam back and forth in the bottom part of the river, and Little Three suddenly stopped at the place where waterweeds were grown all over, then opening its mouth, it spat out dark magic ball, suddenly revealing a burrow sealed with a barrier.

Breaking the barrier was the specialty of Long Yi, after circulating AoTianJue's internal force, he immediately rushed in without spending any effort.

After entering the hole, Long Yi sensed dense dark aura. Could it be that this was the hideout of Dark Church in Soaring Dragon City? Why did they kidnap Nangong Xiangyun siblings?

Long Yi and Little Three retracted their aura. The guard inside this burrow was very strict, moreover, there were layer upon layer of mechanisms, and there were also many experts of dark magic. A man and a beast as if ghost avoided the layer upon layer of guards, and they suddenly heard sounds coming through the cave not far away from them.

"Trashes, so many people but still didn't accomplish the mission, unexpectedly you all let that little girl Nangong Xiangyun run away." A rough voice scolded loudly.

"Replying to Your Excellency, Nangong mansion has many experts, and we brothers didn't dare to use dark magic, so…ah…!" Before this man finished speaking, he screamed. It seems this that Your Excellency fellow was truly cruel and ruthless.

"Anyone that finds an excuse will end up like him. If we make Lord angry with this matter, then none of us will survive." This rough voice resounded again.

"We, subordinates pledge our lives to our Lord, even in our death, we'll not betray our Lord." The voice resounded in unison.

"By the way, where is number seven?" That Your Excellency suddenly asked.

"Replying to Your Excellency, on the way back, number seven saw a completely fiery red unicorn. He wanted to catch it and offer it to Your Excellency, now he might be on his way back." A person replied.

"Completely fiery red unicorn? As far as I know, only eldest Miss of Phoenix clan owns such unicorn, could it be that that unicorn is hers? I don't want new problems to complicate the issue." That Your Excellency said.

"That shouldn't be the case, when subordinates were passing by, we saw only that unicorn, and there were no people around." Someone replied.

"Mmm, let it be. Confine this brat first, and wait for the order of the Lord." That Your Excellency said.

Lord? Who is the person that was addressed as Lord by these people? Could it be that that Lord is emperor Long Zhan? Long Yi thought in his heart. From the words of these people, he knew that Nangong Xiangyun wasn't captured, instead only Nangong Nu, that kid was captured.

Various kinds of thoughts appeared at lightning speed in the mind of Long Yi, and he resisted his desire and impulse to immediately save Nangong Nu. He wanted to know the identity of the Lord of these people, and also their purpose to kidnap Nangong Xiangyun siblings.

"Carefully look at this boy, I will go to report our Lord." That His Excellency said.

Long Yi was happy in his heart. It seemed the opportunity has come.

A tall and big man whose entire body was covered with black cloak walked out from inside the secret cave, followed by two warriors emitting a dense dark aura. This made Long Yi recall those Dark Warriors of that time in Hengduan Mountains.

Could it be that they really were Dark Church? Seemingly only Dark Church had this kind of abnormal Dark Warriors.

The tall and big man who was called His Excellency went towards the inner part of the burrow with those two dark warriors. En route, there were many checkpoints and was comparatively even more guarded. Moreover, this place was so narrow that it was impossible to pass through without anybody knowing.

Long Yi gritted his teeth, and decided to stake it all, it would be better to kill off all the people inside this burrow, and after beating around the mountain to scare the tiger, he didn't believe that he couldn't draw out that tiger who was hidden in the depth of this burrow.

Long Yi took out a black cloak from inside his space ring, then summoned 18 super skeletons as well as 5 Seven Baleful Puppets from inside the dark dimension space. He wanted to use dark magic against these dark experts to totally confuse the fellow in the backstage.

Powerful dark energy fluctuation immediately attracted the attention, and people became alert of the intruder. This moment, inside the burrow which was in the bottom of the river, it instantly became lively. And that Your Excellency also stopped his steps and turned around feeling surprised.

Long Yi directly issued the command to attack, then the super skeletons and Seven Baleful Puppets launched fierce attacks, instantly reaping tens of human life. But Long Yi felt many dark aurae inside the burrow and they were surrounded from all direction.

Long Yi sneered, and summoned three Silver Armored Corpse Kings from the different domain, but he still felt that the stimulation wasn't enough, so he simply used Undead Magic, causing many skeletons as well as zombies to drill out from the ground, and they also joined the battle.

With limbs flying here and there, moreover gorgeous magic and douqi flashing here and there, the entire burrow shook as if it was about to collapse. Long Yi didn't join the fray, instead, he entered the secret cave of just now and killed all the people around Nangong Nu to ensure the safety of this brother-in-law.

There were a lot of experts hidden inside this hole, there actually were several Advance Necromancer, and they continuously summoned various kinds of undead to fight, but unexpectedly all of them were killed after just a little while.

Long Yi was constantly paying attention towards that man called Your Excellency. Long Yi saw that he was standing in the depth of the hole, moreover, he didn't seem to have any intention to help. And seeing the circumstance of his people were getting worse and worse, he unexpectedly turned around and left with those two dark warriors.

Long Yi instructed Little Three to stay and take care of Nangong Nu, and as for himself, he followed after them.

That Your Excellency seemed have become aware of Long Yi, so his footsteps got faster and faster, rushing towards the depth of the burrow.

Long Yi somewhat surprised, how was this burrow built, unexpectedly was as if a bottomless abyss, no matter how much they walked, there was no sign of ending. Suddenly, that man called Your Excellency turned around, then said while laughing strangely: "Since you are a kindred spirit, why are you so hasty to exterminate us?"

Long Yi was similarly in a black cloak, and he was unable to guess the identity of these people, so he decided to gamble, he used a lowered voice and sneered: "Dark Church absolutely cannot allow the existence of other dark organizations, you all, either submit to us or die."

"Are you all the people of Dark Church? Jiejie, fellows that bite the hand that feeds one, one day, my family Lord will flatten you all." This person said in disdain, then suddenly emitting dark qi, he became obscure.

The gaze of Long Yi flashed, and he rushed forward, but those two dark warriors slashed out two arcs of magic douqi. Long Yi just snorted coldly, then dodging, he rushed ahead, but due to this delay, that fellow was able to successfully disappear without a trace, leaving behind only a faint dark aura in the air.

What a strange magic, Long Yi secretly thought.

Those two dark warriors rushed over to Long Yi to tie him up, but Long Yi knew that it was useless even if he chop them into pieces. They were pure killing machines, they basically didn't know pain nor the life, merely know that they should faithfully execute the order of their master.

"Holy Light Douqi's Hell Transmigration Slash!" Long Yi shouted, and his figure floated in the sky then the huge sword in his hand emitted millions upon millions of very dazzling light, instantly turning those two dark warriors into mincemeat.

Hell Transmigration Slash, at that time to deal with dark warriors in the Hengduan Mountains, Long Yi had used this move, merely at that time, the efficacy was still not at this level.

At this time, all the battles inside the burrow neared the ending. All the people inside the hole were nearly exterminated, and now, there were incomplete corpses as well as broken skeletons on the ground. Long Yi instructed to capture some of them alive, but all of those captured people committed suicide.

Long Yi won this battle. Among 18 super skeletons, other than Long Two, all suffered injuries, 5 Seven Baleful Puppets and 3 Silver Armored Corpse Kings also suffered various degrees of injuries. From this, one can tell that the experts inside the hole weren't weak at all.

And at this time, Long Yi also noticed that this hole possessed a kind of special barrier, otherwise after the battle of such intensity, it would have already collapsed.

Long Yi returned 3 Silver Armored Corpse Kings back to their different domain, and then mended these super skeletons.

"Good work." Long Yi patted the shoulder of Long Two. This time, he truly saw red lights inside the bottomless hole like eye-sockets of Long Two, seemingly responding to the praise of Long Yi.

Chapter 255: One side training, another side enjoying

Seeing the red light in the eyes of Long Two, Long Yi couldn't help but was startled in his heart, could it be that this skeleton really gave rise to consciousness?

Just when Long Yi was inexplicably surprised, tiger cub Little Three came from the inside the secret cave, and greedily looking at those corpses on the ground, it quickly absorbed the dark magical power of those corpses which was yet to disperse completely. And at this time, the matter that made Long Yi even more surprised occurred, Long Two unexpectedly turned around and moved without his order, then also began to absorb the dark magical power of those corpses.

"This..., could it be that this world is insane?" Long Yi muttered. Could skeletons give rise to consciousness? Perhaps, the action of Long Two might be a kind of instinct, but didn't having an instinct proves that it had a life?

For the moment, Long Yi didn't know whether it was a good or bad outcome for him if Long Two gave rise to consciousness. If after getting strong, if it didn't listen to his command, then that certainly would be troublesome, but he was also reluctant to destroy this skeleton.

After absorbing the remaining dark magical power of the corpses, Long Two reverted back to normal again, and no longer reacted to the calls of Long Yi no matter how he called.

"Forget it, I will think about it later." Long Yi put away super skeletons and Seven Baleful Puppets inside his dark dimension space, then carrying Nangong Nu who was still unconscious, he rushed out from the burrow in the bottom of the river. He had to inform about this matter to his father Ximen Nu, a dark power other than Dark Church was rooted in the Soaring Dragon City without anybody knowing it. Even Skynet intelligence wasn't aware of them, this explains this dark power was very powerful, truly causing him a headache.

This moment, the entire Soaring Dragon City was in chaos due to the kidnapping of Nangong Nu. All the city gates were completely sealed, only allowed to enter but not allowed to exit.

When Long Yi arrived at the city gate with Nangong Nu, Nangong clan's patriarch Nangong Zhangfeng and Nangong Xiangyun immediately rushed over after hearing this news.

"Ximen Yu, my younger brother, is he okay?" Seeing unconscious Nangong Nu in the bosom of Long Yi, Nangong Xiangyun worriedly asked.

"He's alright, just fainted." Long Yi patted Nangong Nu, and he immediately woke up, appearing rather confused. It seems he still didn't know what had happened.

"Brother-in-law, why on earth are you hugging me? I am not third big sister." Nangong Nu blurted out. Hearing this, Long Yi didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, and these words also made Nangong Xiangyun turn red.

"Smelly brat, you nearly scared us to death, but you are still talking nonsense." Nangong Xiangyun turned the ear of Nangong Nu.

"Aiyo, third big sister, quickly let go, my ear is falling off." Nangong Nu begged for mercy.

When brother and sister were fooling around over here, Long Yi along with Ximen Nu and Nangong Zhangfang entered the room of the city gate guards.

"Yu'er, you say, where did you find the young master of Nangong Nu?" Ximen Nu asked.

Long Yi explained all the details, then Ximen Nu immediately send someone to investigate the bottom of the river, and frowned.

"Never thought there was such a big dark power lurking inside Soaring Dragon City, moreover, I don't know about it. And if they aren't Dark Church, then who can they be?" Ximen Nu muttered to himself. This moment, the undercurrent of Soaring Dragon City was surging more and more, and if one wasn't careful then they might drown.

"Could it be..." Nangong Zhangfeng pointed above, which meant that Emperor Long Zhan might be colluding with that dark power.

"That's not impossible." Ximen Nu lowered his voice.

Soon, the people who had gone to investigate the bottom of the river returned. They reported that the burrow of the bottom of the river had already collapsed completely, and they couldn't find even a single corpse.

"What?" Long Yi stood up, he had never thought that that Lord would move so quickly. After he returned from that place, that Lord had completely erased all the traces.

"Forget it, even if we go to investigate, there is no certainty that we will find anything now, paying a bit more attention from now on is fine." Ximen Nu waved his hand and said.

Returning to Ximen mansion, it was already completely dark, and a strong wind was blowing, seemingly wanting to change the weather.

Yu Feng had already come to Ximen mansion long ago, when she returned to the inn, she learned that Long Yi went out with Red Cloud, so she hurriedly came over to Ximen mansion, but outside of her expectation, this waiting lasted for a long while.

Long Yi with bare upper part of his body lied on the bed. And Xiao Yi and Yu Feng were sitting on his two sides only in their silk underwear, and were gently massaging him.

"**, Feng'er put for a bit of strength, Xiao Yi a little upward, again a bit upward." Long Yi said while moaning, and he had an intoxicated expression. At this moment, the jade hands of Xiao Yi were already pressing the inner thigh of Long Yi.

The face of Xiao Yi turned very red and slightly moved her hand upward, but she accidentally touched little Long Yi, making Long Yi moan. Then opening his eyes, he said with an evil smile: "Xiao Yi, my little brother is telling me that he also wants a massage."

Xiao Yi coquettishly looked at Long Yi, then her little hand mischievously flicked little Long Yi, but to her surprise, little Long Yi immediately got angry, and inside the spacious underpants, it rose up making a tent.

"Xiao Yi, still not helping our husband to eliminate the fire." Yu Feng on one side said with a smile.

"Yes, big sister Feng'er." Xiao Yi replied with a red face, then her two little hands gently grabbed little Long Yi, and started to massage erotically.

Long Yi looked at elated Yu Feng on one side, then again look at her full and round breast he was grabbing. Although her breasts were not so big like Youyou's, but among the women of Long Yi, they could be regarded as not small. At that time, he suddenly recalled the massage using one's breasts of the previous incarnation, and he couldn't help beginning to long for it.

"Feng'er, I recall a massage method that feels even more comfortable, do you want to give it a try?" Long Yi said with a mischievous smile and he stared at those more than half visible soft and white breasts of Yu Feng without even blinking.

"What method? As long as my husband feels comfortable, Feng'er is willing to do anything." Yu Feng sweetly smiled and said.

"Well, this method is called massage using breasts. As the name suggests, it is using bosom to massage." Long Yi mischievously smiled and said.

"Ah, but...but how can I massage using the breast?" Yu Feng blushed and said, but her breasts however were proudly stuck out in front of the gaze of Long Yi. She was willing to show her body without any reservation to her sweetheart.

Long Yi extended his big hand, then gently flickered. After that, the small cloth covering the bosom of Yu Feng floated down, and a pair of snow-white firm and upright ** jumped out.

"Big sister Feng'er's mimi is really big." Xiao Yi asked with envy. [T.L: mimi=slang for breast]

"Xiao Yi, yours is also not small." Yu Feng smiled and then she peeled off the bra of Xiao Yi, causing Xiao Yi to scream.

The eyes of Long Yi were wide open, looking at these best quality ** in front of him, his Adam's apple slid up and down without stopping. After that, he held the waist of Yu Feng making her fall down on his body, and her two round soft meat buns pressed against his chest.

"My husband, now…what should Feng'er do now?" Yu Feng somewhat bashfully asked.

"Hold up a little bit with your hands, then slide your body up and down, use Feng'er's big breasts to help massage your husband." Long Yi began to guide the movement of Yu Feng and this excitement made little Long Yi stand even more erect.

Under the lead of Long Yi, Yu Feng began to move up and down. And due to her breasts rubbing against the chest of Long Yi, she felt a burst of ** feeling, and especially her sensitive little cherries, they felt ticklish and involuntarily they stood upright and stuck out.

"Feng'er, you are amazing, don't stop." Long Yi praised and his big hands however grabbed the soft buttocks of Yu Feng and kneaded them, and that felt really good.

Seeing Long Yi was feeling so comfortable with the service of Yu Feng, but she was not getting praised for her hard effort to service him, the heart of Xiao Yi got imbalanced. Then recalling how Long Yi had an expression of as if flying to the heaven when Yu Feng had previously serviced little Long Yi using her mouth, she gritted her teeth and suppressing her embarrassment, she bent over.

"Oh, Xiao Yi, don't use teeth, use tongue…**." Long Yi merely felt his little brother entering a warm tunnel, but Xiao Yi was obviously a rookie, so her teeth scraped little Long Yi making Long Yi feel awfully painful, fortunately, Xiao Yi was a fast learner, before long she learned the pattern.

This kind of life was truly too beautiful and good, Long Yi lamented on one side and enjoyed on the other side. Such services were truly great compared to anything.

After being stimulated to the limit, Long Yi couldn't help but turn over, then like an evil tiger, he pounced onto two girls and pushed them down. After that, beautiful ** began to raise the curtain.

Now, Long Yi was hugging satisfied Xiao Yi and Yu Feng in his bosom, but hearing the pitter-patter sound of rain hitting the eaves, his mood was restless.

"My husband, still not asleep?" Yu Feng opened her eyes and looked at Long Yi with concern.

"M-hm, you can sleep first." Long Yi lightly smiled and kissed the long eyelashes of Yu Feng.

Yu Feng propped herself, then used one hand of Long Yi as her pillow, and placed the other big hand of Long Yi on her full and round breast, while her little hand however reached out inside the quilt and stroked little Long Yi. Don't know when this began but now she had this habit, she liked to grab Long Yi's little ** to sleep, and also liked Long Yi's big hand located on her breasts. Like this, she felt a kind of unusual sense of security.

Long Yi's big hand rubbed the breast of Yu Feng, and suddenly recalled the daytime's discussion with Qiu Fu, so he asked: "Feng'er, the two factions of your Phoenix Douqi, were there any conflict between them?"

"Conflict? Why are you asking this?" Yu Feng confusedly asked.

"Do you remember Qiu Fu I mentioned to you? Today, I found him and thought to let him meet with you, but listening to his tone, he seems to have a great prejudice against your Phoenix clan, moreover, he greatly disdained too." Long Yi said.

"How can that be? Mother has never told me about it." Yu Feng said in surprise.

Thereupon, Long Yi just spoke the conversation he had with Qiu Fu today from the beginning to end.

"How can it be like this? What did our Phoenix clan do? Why should we feel ashamed to call ourselves the descendants of Raging Flames Villa? This won't do, tomorrow, take me to meet him, I must clearly ask him face to face." Yu Feng said while panting with rage.

"I will make the arrangement." Long Yi replied.

Just then, a silvery lightning streak across the firmament, and immediately afterward, loud thunderous sound resounded. This scared both Yu Feng and Xiao Yi so much that both of them shrunk into the bosom of Long Yi.

Suddenly, Yu Feng and Long Yi looked face to face, then both of them shouted in unison: "Beitang Yu."

Chapter 256: Pouring out one's feeling in the rainy night

At this time, it was already late at night, furthermore, with heavy rain and strong wind, there was lightning accompanied by peals of thunder. Would something happen to Beitang Yu, Long Yi couldn't help but felt anxious.

Thinking this, Long Yi couldn't be at ease, so he decided to go and see, by any change if something happened, then that wouldn't be good.

"Both of you, go to sleep first, I will go to take a look at that girl." Long Yi lifted the quilt and got out of the bed, then wore his clothing.

"I'll also go." Yu Feng said.

"Forget about it, I will go alone, I only want to see whether the people of Beitang clan is taking care of her or not, if she is fine, then I will return immediately." Long Yi said, then kissing the forehead of two women, he flew out of the Ximen mansion.

It was raining heavily and the wind was blowing fiercely, now, the entire world appeared as if it was covered by a layer of water curtain. On the street, there were no pedestrians, only a few magic lamps were flickering due to the fierce wind. A kind of restless feeling welled up in the heart of Long Yi, and he instantly increased his speed, shuttling back and forth in the sky of Soaring Dragon City.

Suddenly, Long Yi caught a sight of a figure lying in the midst of heavy rain storm and strong gale, her shoulders were trembling. She seemed to be struggling to get up, however her ability fell short of her wishes.

"I must not, I must not lose." Beitang Yu felt her entire body ice-cold, and her consciousness seemed to be leaving her body little by little, but with her strong will, she still didn't yield, she, Beitang Yu would never admit defeat.

Long Yi floated in the midair and felt stifled in his heart, fine, he admitted that this strong-willed girl made him sincerely admire her. Merely, could it be that Beitang clan no longer really care about her? Where did her two maids go? Did they return to avoid the rain?

Long Yi glided down, and created a barrier above Beitang Yu. After that, he picked her up, and looking at this already extremely haggard girl, he felt heartache. He supported her back with his hand, and began to use true qi to dispel her coldness. Along with the rising of a steam, the drenched hair and clothing of Beitang Yu became dry. And she also regained some consciousness.

Shrinking in the bosom of Long Yi, and thinking he was covering her from the heavy rainstorm and strong gale of outside, the heart of Beitang Yu wavered and a trace of inexplicable-unknown-peculiar feeling appeared. Before she was only feeling very tried, now she felt she was very safe.

Seeing Beitang Yu's quivering wrist as well as rigid inflamed knee, Long Yi knew that this was the aftermath produced due to the subjection of prolonged bending. He held her wrist and began to open up her blood circulation, then he used Healing Light Magic to treat her inflamed knee, but the internal damage of the muscle didn't recover all at once. Now, she needed rest to be able to maneuver them freely.

"Is it a bit better?" Long Yi asked gently.

"M-hm." Beitang Yu surprisingly didn't show her bad temper, just nodded quietly.

Both of them instantly became silence, as both of them didn't know what to say. And suddenly, the pale beautiful face of Beitang Yu become rosy, and her charming body also began to slightly tremble involuntarily.

"What's wrong? Where are you feeling unwell?" Long Yi asked in concern.

Beitang Yu shook her head in panic, then opening her eyes, she struggled and said in trembling voice: "Let me go, quickly let me go."

Long Yi was speechless, what did he do this time? However, as per the demand of Beitang Yu, he let her go.

And just after her legs touched the ground, she rushed to one side, but because her hands and legs had yet to recover completely, she staggered and was about to fall to the ground. Long Yi naturally rushed over to support her seeing this.

"What do you want to do? I will help you." Long Yi said.

Beitang Yu trembled more and more violently, and her beautiful face also became redder and redder. She wanted to struggle, however her hands and legs didn't have even a trace of strength. This was understandable, as she had crawled for such a long time, and also hadn't eaten anything, furthermore, coupled with her muscles still aching and limp, not being able to walk for a period of time was also very normal.

Long Yi saw this abnormal appearance of Beitang Yu and also seeing she was tightly clamping her legs seemingly enduring something with her best effort, he suddenly saw the light, as it turned out she wanted to go to the toilet. Immediately, Long Yi carried her and rushed over to a small alley, then said with a slight smile: "No one will see here, accommodate yourself."

Long Yi leaned Beitang Yu on the wall, then withdrawing several steps, he turned around.

"I…my hands and legs don't listen to my order, quick…quickly help me, I am about to pee in my pants." Beitang Yu's voice seemed to have a trace of crying. The more anxious she was, she felt the stronger desire to pee, but her trembling hands couldn't even open her pants, moreover, she couldn't even squat too.

Long Yi was startled, he turned around and saw Beitang Yu's ashamed and heartbroken appearance, then for a moment he couldn't think of any other way, so he could only hold her from behind, then untying her belt, when he pulled down her pants to her knee, Beitang Yu angrily screamed to close his eyes, so he didn't dare to open.

Supporting Beitang Yu to squat down, Long Yi said with a slight smile: "You can urinate now, my eyes and ears are already closed now."

Beitang Yu nevertheless was tense, and although the desire of peeing nearly suffocating her to death, it still didn't come out. And she said feeling ashamed: "I cannot pee."

"Don't be tense, who are we two, didn't we drank wine and go to visit prostitutes together, in comparison, this is just a trivial matter, why are you so tense?" Long Yi talked nonsense. His purpose was only to eliminate the nervousness of Beitang Yu, that's all.

"Hateful..." The state of mind of Beitang Yu loosened, and a water arrow splashed out from the lower part of her body, launching an attack on the bluestone floor which created a sound of gurgling water, but the good weather of outside greatly covered this sound, otherwise this situation would have certainly been even more awkward.

After a good while, Beitang Yu collapsed completely leaning on Long Yi.

And Long Yi propped Beitang Yu up, and said all of a sudden: "By the way, didn't you girls need to wipe after you have finished peeing?"

"You know but still need to ask." Beitang Yu felt a slight chill on the lower part of her body, and now, she was dying to find a hole to bury herself.

From the space ring, Long Yi took out a piece of brocade handkerchief and handed over to Beitang Yu. Beitang Yu's trembling hand however wasn't able to catch the brocade handkerchief, and it fell down. Instantly a hand stretched out and caught it, then reaching out to the place between the legs of Beitang Yu, he casually wiped that place, and then quickly pull up her pants and fastened the belt.

"You..." Beitang Yu's voice was trembling. For a moment, her mind blanked out, however recalling she had peed in front of this fellow, moreover he also wiped her, it was hard for her to accept.

"I didn't bump into anything." Long Yi innocently said.

"Even if you bumped into me, what can I do to you?" Beitang Yu furiously said.

"You can bite me or kiss me, choose as you please." Long Yi idiotically laughed.

The beautiful face of Beitang Yu turned red, and couldn't help but recall that night of imperial palace. She had truly bitten him severely. Who asked him to bully other people?

"I'll send you home." Long Yi said.

"No, my father has already disowned me, his daughter, now, I don't have a home. Moreover, I have yet to finish my promise, let me go, I must crawl three laps to not let myself down." Beitang Yu said with gloomy mood.

"I think Patriarch Beitang merely said those words in a fit of rage, that's all, he loves you dearly and can't wait for your return." Long Yi consoled, but in his heart, he didn't think like this.

"Words said in a fit of rage or not, do you think I, his daughter doesn't understand?" Beitang Yu took a deep breath, then lightly struggling free from Long Yi, she walked outside the alley supporting the wall.

Long Yi catch up to Beitang Yu, then carried Beitang Yu on his back.

"What are you doing?" Leaning over the back of Long Yi, the heartbeat of Beitang Yu suddenly accelerated.

"Didn't you insist on completing the betting agreement? I will help you." Long Yi said with a smile.

"I don't want your help, this is my affair." Proud Beitang Yu struggled and said. She was undeniably very grateful from the bottom of her heart to Long Yi for coming tonight, and his concern and embrace made her feel warm, but she absolutely didn't want to give up halfway.

Pa pa, the big hands of Long Yi smacked ** of Beitang Yu and said: "You are truly stubborn like a bull. Our betting agreement never said other people cannot help you, did your brain think this way? You are not flexible at all, so how can you be a good General?"

Beitang Yu became silent, she had always thought that she was doing well in the military, and thought that she wasn't weaker than some famous Generals, but the two battles with Long Yi completely crushed her confident.

"Adherence to the principles is of no avail in all situation, but on the basis of not violating the principle, you can adequately be flexible. A General is not only responsible for his/her one life, furthermore is also responsible for the life of all the soldiers under their leadership. Just moving stubbornly can bring greater loss, do you understand?" Long Yi lectured her.

Beitang Yu thought for a bit, and felt that Long Yi was reasonable. She hugged the neck of Long Yi and softly said: "Then, how will you help me crawl three laps?"

"Take a guess." Long Yi smirked and said. Then he suddenly rushed, and carrying Beitang Yu on his back like this, he fell down on the street, but his body didn't make a contact with slabstones. There was still several inch gap between his body and the ground.

Long Yi pushed forwards with his hands and legs also stepped on, just like a mayfly, he rushed forward at an incomparably fast speed.

"Ah, too fast, slow down a bit." Beitang Yu screamed, seeing the scenery before her eyes quickly moving back, she was frightened.

"It is still not fast, I can go faster." Long Yi smiled and increased his speed.

"Make a turn, make a turn, we are colliding." Beitang Yu completely leaned on the back of Long Yi, and seeing a turn in front of her, but Long Yi was still fast like a gust of wind, she assumed that they would collide, so she was so scared that she closed her eyes.

But who was Long Yi, how could he collide with a wall? Violating the rule of physics, he easily made the turn.

Slowly, Beitang Yu felt more and more excited, in such a heavy rain leaning on the back of Long Yi, and seeing Soaring Dragon City quickly moving back, her mood nevertheless became sunny. The misery of two days seemed to be completely disappeared in this brief moment.

With the speed of Long Yi, the remaining laps were quickly completed.

"Isn't this too fast?" Beitang Yu asked.

Long Yi put down Beitang Yu and said with a smile: "This girl, really treating me as a carriage, just now, I wonder who didn't want my help?"

Beitang Yu snorted and suddenly raising her head, she stared at Long Yi.

"Why on earth are you staring at me? Is there flower blooming on my face?" Long Yi asked.

"No, but are you really Ximen Yu?" Beitang Yu suspiciously looked Long Yi up and down.

"Why are you asking this? Did I change a lot?" Long Yi asked with a smile.

"M-hm..." Beitang Yu nodded her head, but her eyes didn't leave the handsome face of Long Yi.

"Looking at me like this, I think you are starting to like me." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Not enough, if you try harder, I might start liking you." Beitang Yu said with a red face. Perhaps, now she had already started to like him.

"It should be you who ought to try harder, there are many beautiful women beside me, where is the time for me to coax you, this inexperienced young girl." Long Yi smirked and said.

"Humph, now I see again, you simply haven't changed, you are still the center of a flower, pervert and arrogant like before." Beitang Yu turned away and snorted.

Long Yi smirked, she was not speaking wrong, after he arrived in this world, he had changed a lot, and he had already integrated into this world completely.

Just when Long Yi wanted to reply, his eyes suddenly shone, and he palmed at the distant void. Then with a muffled groan, a faint shadow appeared on the street, unexpectedly was a thief using Conceal Magic to hide, eavesdropping their conversation. [T.L: thief is profession here.]

Long Yi waved his big hand, drawing that thief over to his side from that distant place, then asked coldly: "Who sent you?"

"Second Young Master Ximen, please spare me, this small one is ordered by Legion Commander Beitang Duo to take care of Miss, I have no evil intention." This thief begged for mercy.

"My big brother?" Unintentionally warmth showed in the eyes of Beitang Yu, thinking her big brother was still concerned about her.

Beitang Duo? Long Yi frowned, this eldest son of Beitang clan was shrewd. He always felt that Beitang Duo had other intention for publicly and secretly showing him goodwill.

"Roll out, your family's eldest Miss will temporarily stay with me for tonight, ask Beitang Duo to come pick her up tomorrow." Long Yi coldly said.

"Yes, this small one will immediately roll away." This thief ran away quickly disappearing from the line of vision of Long Yi.

"It seems your big brother cares about you." Long Yi smiled and said.

"Yes, from childhood, my big brother has always treated me very nicely. He is the best person in the world." Beitang Yu sweetly smiled and said.

Seeing the beautiful face of Beitang Yu which became lively due to her sweet smile, he couldn't help saying: "Do you know? Compared to your usual cold face, your smiling face is much better looking. Is this true you?"

Beitang Yu was startled, and shaking her head, she said feeling somewhat at a loss: "I also don't know, my father said, people have to learn to conceal their true thoughts, no matter what they encounter, they cannot show their emotion, so from the childhood, I was like that, thereupon, I also didn't know which one is the real me."

"My husband." Just then, the voice of Yu Feng suddenly came over.

Long Yi looked up and saw Yu Feng with a layer of red barrier enveloping her, dashing towards him. And as for Xiao Yi, quietly standing at a distant point, she was looking at him with gentle eyes.

"Feng'er, why did you two come?" Long Yi spread open his hand and let Yu Feng dash into his bosom.

"We were worried about you, you said that you will come back immediately if everything is fine, but even after waiting for a long time, you didn't come, so Xiao Yi and I came looking for you." Yu Feng said but her eyes however were looking at Beitang Yu standing beside Long Yi.

Chapter 257: Grudges of thousand years ago

"Hello, I am Yu Feng, his wife." Yu Feng held the hand of Long Yi and said to Beitang Yu.

Beitang Yu nodded her head, and felt somewhat ill at ease. Seeing them two snuggling together, her heart was somewhat upset.

At that time, Xiao Yi also walked over, and without even a brief remark, she stood behind Long Yi, while her transparent eyes seemed to have seen through Beitang Yu, making the heart of Beitang Yu to feel cold.

"She is Xiao Yi, is also my...!"

"I am a maid of Young Master, nice to meet you, Miss Beitang." Xiao Yi interrupted Long Yi, and gently smiled to Beitang Yu. No one could tell what she was thinking.

Beitang Yu who was at a loss in the beginning, now, reverted back to normal, and her face became indifferent, but in fact, in her heart, she was incomparably frightened, the women beside Ximen Yu, each one of them was not simple.

"Let's return, it's heavily raining with strong gale outside, still our bed is comfortable." Long Yi said with a smile, then with girls in each hand and also on his back, he flew towards Ximen Mansion.

And at this moment in Beitang Mansion, the study of Beitang Xiong was still lit with lamps. He sat on a high and broad chair, overlooking the drenched Advance Thief kneeling on the ground.

"What subordinate spoke is absolutely true, Eldest Miss seems to like Ximen Yu, moreover, looking at the manner of Ximen Yu helping Eldest Miss, he also has definitely taken a fancy to Eldest Miss." This thief said cowering.

"The Will of Heaven, hehe, really is the Will of Heaven." Beitang Xiong laughed, and his expression showed he was complacent.

Beitang Xiong waved his hand signaling the thief to retreat, then he walked back and forth inside the study, and after a long time, he muttered: "Perhaps, I should go looking for Ximen Nu tomorrow."

The next day, Long Yi took Yu Feng and went to the military camp. And not long after Long Yi had left, Beitang Xiong unexpectedly came to Ximen mansion.

"Patriarch Beitang came quite early to my humble residence, I wonder if you have any advice." Ximen Nu sitting on the hall, indifferently said. With regarding the repeated show of goodwill of Beitang Xiong, he still maintained a cautious attitude.

"How can I dare advice you? This time, I came for the matter of my daughter, ai." Beitang Xiong said and signed.

"Oh, you came to take back your noble daughter, how can father and daughter have overnight hatred, everything is also my that idiot son's fault, wait until he comes back and I will definitely make him go to your residence to apologize." Ximen Nu stroked his beard and said.

Beitang Xiong awkwardly waved his hand and sighed: "Second noble son Ximen is a man of great talent, with just 200 soldiers, he broke through my daughter's 20,000 elite soldiers. For everything, my daughter has only herself to blame. Even if Patriarch Ximen is joking, this time I came to ask for a favor."

"Patriarch Beitang doesn't need to be like this, as long as my Ximen clan can do, we'll do our best. Feel free to speak." The gaze of Ximen Nu flashed and said with a smile.

"Certainly Patriarch Ximen also knows that I publicly announced that I expel my daughter out of the house, but my daughter after all is my flesh and blood, how can I have the heart to let her wander about in destitute? But, this matter also involves the benefit of the family, so I would like to request Patriarch Ximen to give consideration to my daughter. Unlike other girls, my daughter isn't fond of feminine outfits, rather is fond of battle outfits. From her childhood, she followed her big brother in the army and went through challenging experiences, but your noble son is unrivaled in strategizing, is it possible for my daughter to follow noble son to learn a thing or two?" Beitang Xiong somewhat awkwardly said.

Ximen Nu laughed heartily and said: "Who am I, aren't we the four major clans of the Empire? I also understand your Beitang clan's difficulty. This matter is only a minor matter, I will make proper arrangements so as to not allow your noble daughter to suffer any grievances."

"Many thanks, Patriarch Ximen. Hereafter, if there is something you need from my Beitang clan, feel free to speak, even if we have to tread through the mountains of knives or a deep fryer, we will absolutely not decline." Beitang Xiong stood up and said. This statement clearly stated that they wanted to side together with Ximen clan.

"No problem, no problem, let's help each other from now on." Ximen Nu said with a smile.

"If that's the case, then sorry to bother you, Patriarch Ximen, I still have something to deal with, so I will leave first." Beitang Xiong said words of farewell.

"Patriarch Beitang, don't you want to see your daughter?" Ximen Nu asked.

"No, now she must bitterly hate me, this father, seeing her instead will be awkward." Beitang Xiong waved his hand and said, then he left.

After the figure of Beitang Xiong disappeared, the smile on the face of Ximen Nu also disappeared. He was still suspicious of Beitang Xiong showing goodwill to some extent, but he couldn't find any reason. Beitang clan had always been keeping the distance from the struggle between Ximen clan and imperial clan, and had always expressed their neutral position. But this time, why did they suddenly chose to show goodwill? Why did he want to lean on Ximen clan? If Ximen clan succeed, then the status of their Beitang clan would rise higher, but if Long clan wins, then their Beitang clan would disappear from the face of Blue Wave Continent from then on, so was it worthwhile for that old fox Beitang Xiong to take this huge risk? Because if he continuously remained neutral, then, in the end, no matter if Ximen clan obtain the world or Long clan continue to rule the world, they, Beitang clan would still have a proper place in Violent Dragon Empire.

Long Yi led Yu Feng who was dressed up in menswear into the military camp, because generally speaking, women were not allowed to enter the military camp, Beitang Yu was an exception. Of course, Long Yi could also lead Yu Feng into the military camp in girls' clothing, but there were many beasts who had not seen women for several years inside the military camp, so even seeing an ugly girl they would find her peerlessly beautiful, no need to talk about Yu Feng, this kind of truly peerless woman, thereupon, he made her dress up in menswear to avoid the riots.

First, Long Yi supervised and direct the training of Unparalleled Battalion, and after the morning training come to an end, he called together the officers conducting the class with Yu Feng also listening at the very back.

Yu Feng was a woman with broad knowledge, and had dabbled in all aspects to some extent. Phoenix clan in itself also had their private soldiers, so she had some understanding of these military affairs. However, when she listened to the lecture of Long Yi, she was shocked to the extreme in her heart, his explanation was vivid enough to attract the attention of people. And those peculiar military warfare theory as well as training methods made her even more infatuated. She knew that the character of armed forces was given by the commanding general, it was said that however the commanding general was, the armed forces would also become like that, so with Long Yi as the commanding general, what kind of armed forces this battalion would become, Yu Feng was full of expectation.

After finishing the lecture, Long Yi took Yu Feng to find Qiu Fu. And as for officers, they excitedly went to train the soldiers under them according to the teachings of Long Yi.

Coming to the barracks of pickets, Long Yi found Qiu Fu who had just returned from patrol. But seeing Yu Feng beside Long Yi, he was dumbfounded for a moment, and his complexion became ugly.

Three of them came to the remote corner of the military camp, then Qiu Fu said: "Ximen Yu, I have stated that I do not want to see the people of Pejonix clan, but you still brought her here."

Before Long Yi could open his mouth, Yu Feng stride forward and said: "I do not understand why you have prejudice against my Phoenix clan, why don't you explain it to me if you have any problem, we are just two factions of the same school, don't we count as the fellow disciples?"

"Humph, don't lump me together with your Phoenix clan, you all are unworthy." Qiu Fu coldly said.

Yu Feng also had explosive temper, but after meeting with Long Yi, she had greatly restrained it, however at this time, hearing Qiu Fu using such words of disdain towards her clan, she couldn't help but shouted: "I am enduring you because I think you are older than me, but if you don't clear this, then don't blame me for being merciless."

"You girl, just relying on your level one Phoenix Douqi?" Qiu Fu said in disdain.

Yu Feng pulled out her fiery red sword, but Long Yi stopped her, and she said while snorting: "We are both descendants of Raging Flames Villa, we should unite and restore the prestige..."

"Raging Flames Villa is the name you cannot mention, I will take revenge for the annihilation of villa thousand years ago, your Phoenix clan doesn't have any relation with Raging Flames Villa, remember this point and also inform your mother." Qiu Fu coldly said.

Long Yi stopped Yu Feng who was already out of control, then asked: "Qiu Fu, why don't you make it clear, why should Phoenix clan apologize to you?

"It's not me they should apologize, they should apologize the entire Raging Flames Villa." Qiu Fu coldly said.

"You fart..." Yu Feng was unable to endure and cursed.

"Originally, your faction's ancestor and our faction's ancestor were a couple. And at that time, if not for your ancestor becoming friends with that slut of Ice Palace, then Ice Palace wouldn't have been able to steal Fire God's spirit tablet, and Raging Flames Villa also wouldn't have gotten destroyed, as well as my ancestors also wouldn't have died so tragically in the hands of Ice Palace. If it were not for the dying instruction of our ancestor to not seek revenge against you all, do you think your Phoenix clan would have still existed until today? Now you say, does Phoenix clan has the qualification to call yourself the descendants of Raging Flames Villa?" Qiu Fu gnashed his teeth and said.

Long Yi was stunned and Yu Feng was dumbfounded, and after a good while, she shouted: "You are talking nonsense, my mother has never told me this."

"This is transmitted from our ancestors, naturally isn't wrong." Qiu Fu said.

"The rights and wrongs of Ice Palace and Raging Flames Villa have already passed thousand years ago, in the end, the truth of what had happened at that time, no one knows, so your words that had passed down might not be absolutely correct." Long Yi said to Qiu Fu.

Qiu Fu coldly snorted and said nothing.

"Ten days later, Feng'er and her mother are going back to Flames Mountain to find out the truth, at that time, how about you tag along with them, perhaps you might learn what had really happened thousand years ago?" Long Yi said with a smile, and winked towards Yu Feng.

"Flames Mountain? Flames Mountain opens only once every five years, now, it has still not been one year since it opened last time. Moreover, all around the villa, there is still the remnant restriction of Fire God's spirit tablet, so no one can enter. Could it be that you all have the method to break that restriction?" Qiu Fu stared at Yu Feng with sparkling eyes.

"I don't know, but my mother might know." Yu Feng said.

Qiu Fu pondered for a little while, then said: "Fine, if that is the case, I will accompany you on that trip in ten days."

Qiu Fu agreed and left, but Long Yi was lost in his thought. The secrets of Flames Mountain opening only once in every five years and the method to enter should be known only the handful of the descendants of Raging Flames Villa, but why did Fire Master Archmage Puxiushi know this as well? Could it be that he was also the descendants of Raging Flames Villa? Moreover, the descendants of magic branch?

Chapter 258: Secret

After Qiu Fu agreed, Yu Feng left military camp to handle the matters of her clan. And as for Long Yi, he continued to stay in the military camp, supervising the training of Unparalleled Battalion's soldiers.

And strangely, in the military camp, today Long Yi met his very infrequently seen big brother Ximen Tian, this Deputy Legion Commander. After returning home, other than eating together few times, he had practically never seen even the shadow of his husband and wife.

On the way back, Long Yi planned to go to Beautiful Fragrant House to understand the circumstance, but to his surprise, when he was passing by Beauty Shop, he saw sister-in-law Liu Shi with two maids entering inside, and not far away, he sensed a man and a woman following her, presumably should be the people of Ximen Nu.

Long Yi paused in the midair, then continued to fly forward, thinking she might have come to buy some articles for her daughter or herself. But after flying for a little while, Long Yi couldn't help but be suspicious again. This moment, Liu Shi was a prime suspicious target and the proprietress of Beauty Shop Han Yan was under investigating too, these two weren't companions, right?

Thinking this, Long Yi hastily returned. At this time, the sky was already dark, and with the speed of Long Yi, practically no one could see him clearly and he squeezed into the space between the double layers of the roof. At that time, he had used this method in Intoxicated Fragrant Building of Mea Principality to spy on Mea Empress and little fox lady Bertha.

Determining the good position, Long Yi quietly made a small hole on the floor. Glancing around, he could see Beauty Shop's hall on the second floor where the lingerie was sold. This moment, there were several noble Madams and Misses in the process of selecting underwear. Frequently, they would pick up a small cloth and make a pose, really was exciting spring scenery.

Long Yi quickly saw Liu Shi, she was also mixed with those women.

Liu Shu seemed to have no awareness, looking at her appearance, it seems she had really come to buy underwear. After a long time of selecting, Liu Shi finally picked up a set of pink colored semitransparent sexy underwear, then shyly smiling, she said to her two maids: "You two, stay here, I will go to the fitting room to try it."

Liu Shi turned around and walked into the fitting room. Seeing this, Long Yi hesitated, in the end, should he go or not? When all was said and done, she was still his sister-in-law, and now she was merely a suspect, nothing more, so ** on her when she was changing cloth, this truly was immoral.

Liu Shi closed the door of the fitting room, and Long Yi also knew that he had no choice, because if she truly had a problem, then a fitting room, this closed place was most likely the best place to unmask her true nature.

Long Yi silently came to the top of the fitting room, then he made a small hole. Inside the fitting room, Liu Shi began to take off her clothing, and the clothes on her body reduced piece by piece, revealing wide expanse of snow-white skin. In the blink of an eye, now there was only black underwear on her body, unexpectedly was also wearing Beauty Shop's sexy lingerie model.

"Wow, truly driving people to death. It seems this is the reason why big brother didn't go to look for other women outside in these several years." Long Yi licked his somewhat dry lips while thinking. Liu Shi in this black lingerie was extremely tempting. With secret places half visible and half hidden, moreover, looking bashful style was very attractive to men.

Liu Shi admiringly looked at her own reflection on the magic mirror of fitting room for a long time, then her snow-white little hand reached out towards the fastening strap of her underwear. Gently pulling this fastening strap, a pair of extremely full and round ** jumped out. Perhaps because of breastfeeding, her **, compared to young girl's, were even more mellow and full, and her mammary areola also wasn't pink like young girls, rather were close to brown.

Long Yi slightly moved away his gaze, calming himself down. It seems Liu Shi didn't have any unusualness, but he didn't move away at this point, as he feared something might appear. Thinking for a bit, Long Yi still decided to endure the guilty feeling in his heart and watch until the very end, although Liu Shi's ** was attractive, but compared to the women of Long Yi, she was still lacking. At the least, the figure of Leng Youyou and Yu Feng was far better than hers.

At this point, Liu Shi had already taken off the final piece of small cloth covering her private parts, and directly facing the mirror, she made poses, presumably was very confident in her figure. But it was true that it was not an easy task for a woman to be able to maintain her figure so well after giving birth to a child.

Liu Shi picked up that pink underwear and wore it, instantly displaying a kind of different air. At this time, Long Yi suddenly noticed that Liu Shi didn't take off the pick underwear, rather directly wore her clothing, and as for that sexy black underwear, it was still hung on the wall.

After neatly wearing her clothing, Liu Shi didn't take the black underwear, but directly pushed open the door and went out of the fitting room. At this time, the heart of Long Yi moved, and a smile appeared on his face. If his guess was correct then inside that back underwear Liu Shi had left behind, there must be a secret.

"I am already wearing the clothing, record the bill under my name, come to Ximen mansion to settle the account." Liu Shi elegantly said, then leading two maids, she left. And that man and woman who were following after her obviously didn't find anything missing, just thought that she had went to the store to waste the time and began to follow again.

At this time, a delicate and pretty salesgirl came in, then taking the back underwear hanging on the wall, she left.

"Ximen clan is so lavish, each time she comes, this young Madame would always wear the new one when leaving, leaving behind the old." Another salesgirl said feeling somewhat envious.

"Yes, wealthy people are good." That salesgirl holding the underwear laughed.

"Big sister A, in any case, young Madame doesn't want this, how about you give it to me as a present." That salesgirl laughed.

"Go, can your figure compare with the figure of the young Madame of Ximen clan? Moreover, if the boss gets the wind of this, wouldn't our boss chew us out?" The salesgirl holding the underwear ran to one end of the hall while laughing.

Long Yi followed after that salesgirl, and feeling this salesgirl had stopped, he used his finger to poke a small hole and looked down. This was a messy room with bits and pieces of things, and that salesgirl casually threw that underwear into the bucket, then left.

Long Yi didn't act rashly, and was somewhat excited in his heart, following the vine to get melon like this, he wondered how big melon he might trace out.

After a little while, suddenly a hidden door appeared noiselessly on the wall of this messy room, and proprietress Han Yan dressed in skintight misty-green colored clothing walked out. She immediately walked over to that bucket and take out that black underwear, then entering the hidden door, the messy room reverted back to the previous state.

"Sure enough, there is a problem." Long Yi secretly thought in his heart. Then stealthily following Han Yan, he arrived inside the courtyard behind the Beauty Shop, which was the residence of Han Yan.

Entering her lady's chamber, Han Yan silently muttered an incantation, laying out an Opaque Barrier, then feeling assured, she sat down. After that, she picked up the underwear left behind by Liu Shi, and examined it repeatedly, then holding that black bra, she tore it, and a thin, nearly transparent sheet floated down.

Han Yan picked up this thin sheet and looking at it carefully, her complexion changed slightly, then just when she wanted to destroy this sheet on her palm, she suddenly felt as if she was stung by a mosquito on her nape, and she lost her consciousness.

Long Yi floated down, and looking at the fainted Han Yan, he smiled evilly, he truly caught a big fish, Han Yan and Liu Shi, Liu Shi and that shadow possessing dark aura. Long Yi smelled the scent of a huge conspiracy, in the end, was Liu Shi the people of Long Zhan or the third party? Now, Long Yi wasn't clear, but he thought that everything would be clear very soon.

Long Yi took the sheet on the hand of Han Yan, and looking at it, he couldn't help frowning. There were only some runes and lines without meaning, only a ghost could understand the meaning of this, presumably was the code word of the organization of Liu Shi and Han Yan. Only their people could understand this.

Long Yi pondered for a little while, then he instantly disappeared from the room of Han Yan, and hastily flew towards Beautiful Fragrant House. Then finding Ru Yu, he asked her to her make the copy of this sheet, then again returning to the room of Han Yan, he stuffed this sheet on the palm of Han Yan, then flickering his finger, he strangely disappeared.

Han Yan opened her eyes, and shaking her head, she muttered: "Just now, what happened to me? Why was I absent-minded?"

Thinking for a little while, Han Yan shook her head again, then using her strength, the sheet on her hand was reduced to ashes.

"Young Master, these are coded words, we don't know what they mean, we will decode them as soon as possible." Ru Yu respectfully said to Long Yi.

"This information is extremely important, no matter what method you use, decode it for me. By the way, is the identity of Han Yan cleared up?" Long Yi sat on the sofa and said playing with a cup of tea.

"This subordinate is incompetent, we only know the surface identity of Han Yan, even after the thorough investigation, we don't know her true identity." Ru Yu said with reverence and awe.

"M-hm, this is not your fault, keep on investigating, there inevitably will be a trace." Long Yi indifferently said.

"Yes, Young Master." Ru Yu bowed.

At that time, Qing Wu and Piao Xue came in with pastries, and seeing Long Yi, they were somewhat scared. The event of that day made these two girls so scared that they nearly had a mental disorder. Since that day, they were no longer wilful and finicky.

"Young Master, this subordinate has already prepared hot water, since you are tired, how about taking a bath, and I will personally go to the kitchen to cook food for Young Master." Ru Yu said respectfully.

Since Ru Yu said so, Long Yi began to feel very uncomfortable, mixing inside the military camp for the entire day, where could he get time to clean his body, so he nodded his head with a smile.

"Qing Wu, Piao Xue, go and serve Young Master in the bath." Ru Yu strictly ordered, then left the room.

Qing Wu and Piao Xue's complexion paled, serving Young Master in the bath, would they be able to protect their pure body, but since Ru Yu had already ordered, they didn't dare to defy, because since the matter of last time, Ru Yu who had always doted them as her blood younger sisters, now was harsh, and would always punish if they violate the rule.

Two women timidly followed behind Long Yi, and with their somewhat trembling little hands, they took off the clothing of Long Yi, revealing his sturdy body. And smelling that pleasant to smell manly fragrance, the heart of these two girls jumped out.

Long Yi ignored them, he truly was somewhat tired and needed to nicely soak himself in a warm water. Entering into the steaming hot bathing pool, he closed his eyes, but his mind was continuously moving. He wanted to sort out all the power as well as the potential threats within Soaring Dragon City.

Seeing Long Yi had closed his eyes instead of looking at them as if perverted ghost as they had expected, moreover, that slight frown in his handsome face accompanied with a bit sullen temperament, made Qing Wu and Piao Xue, these two girls somewhat distressed.

Gritting their teeth, Qing Wu and Piao Xue took off their outer garment, and only in their underwear, they entered the bathing pool, then holding a silk cloth, they helped Long Yi clean his sturdy body. Although the body of Long Yi wasn't frighteningly torn like some muscular man, but that well-distributed figure however clearly showed explosive power in them. The two girls clearly understand this point after touching him.

Although the thinking of Long Yi was flying, but the instinct of his body was still there, when the trembling little hands of two girls clean his body, his lower part of the body became high-spirited, very naturally was a physiological reaction. And that ferocious little brother greatly frightened these two girls, fearing Long Yi would jump and push them down.

But Long Yi didn't do anything, from the start to the end, his eyes were closed. This relieved the heart of these two girls but they were also somewhat resentful. The reason why they were resentful was because of the strange mentality of all girls. You think, they two were usually flattered to the heavens by those nobles, so they naturally considered themselves lofty, but here they were nearly naked while serving Long Yi, but Long Yi however completely ignored them, how could this not make them furious? But the more furious they became, the more they felt Long Yi was different from the common run, and they looked Long Yi up and down.

After a good while, Long Yi stopped thinking, every time he was about to seize that first signs, that feeling however would disappear immediately. It was useless pondering for long, so he gave up. As long as he keep a lookout over those several big forces, when the storm came, they will come out. And when he opened his eyes, the two girls carefully staring at him was so scared that they jumped, and their face became red to the roots of their ears.

"Looked for so long, is there something?" Long Yi smirked and said while lecherously staring nearly ** body of two girls. The figure of these two girls was the very best.

The two girls with red face didn't dare to speak, they were still very scared of Long Yi.

Long Yi stood up in the bathing pool, and the girls were so frightened that they trembled, thinking Long Yi wanted to do something. But outside their expectation, Long Yi directly stepped out from the bathing pool, and wearing a big bathrobe, he went out. Facing the fragrant jade body of these two girls, it's not like Long Yi didn't have desire, but having desire was one thing, truly doing was another, he was still not shameless to such point.

Qing Wu and Piao Xue looked at each other in blank dismay, were somewhat confused in their heart, thinking whether their Young Master was angry with them or not, moreover, they also had a slight sense of loss in their heart.

Coming out from the bathroom, he saw that Ru Yu had already prepared the steaming hot meal. Seeing these unusually beautiful looking delicacies, Long Yi asked in surprise: "Ru Yu, were these truly made by you?"

"Yes, Young Master." Ru Yu said with a shallow smile, and her tone had a sense of pride.

Long Yi gave it a try and praised highly: "Your craftsmanship is truly good, you are on the same level as my mother."

"If Young Master likes it then you can come often." Ru Yu said with a smile.

After a little while, Qing Wu and Piao Xue came out neatly dressed, and seeing Long Yi who was wiping out delicacies as if a strong wind scattering the last clouds, they felt disgusted in their heart.

Chapter 259: Magical power of love

When Long Yi returned to Ximen Mansion, it was already late at night. Other than the groups of patrolling soldiers, other people were already long asleep.

Sitting on the sofa in the hall, Long Yi stroked his chin and pondered. Just now, from the place of Ru Yu, he received the information that Nalan Ruyue leading a delegation party would arrive Soaring Dragon City very soon, moreover, he also learned that the purpose of Nalan Empire was to form an alliance by marriage with Violent Dragon Empire.

Political marriage alliance was always the best method to form an alliance between nations, and presumably learning from Nalan Empire, Proud Moon Empire also sent a delegation party to have peace negotiations with Violent Dragon Empire. Just to be prepared for all contingencies, they must have this additional layer of protection to knot their alliance.

"Nalan Ruyue." Long Yi murmured. According to what he had learned, Nalan Empire's Emperor Nalan Qingsong had altogether two sons and two daughters. In addition to Saintess Nalan Ruyue, there furthermore was another daughter named Nalan Rumeng. For the political marriage alliance of this time, which daughter would be married off? It's unlikely to be Nalan Ruyue, but thinking she might be the one, Long Yi slightly felt somewhat unwell in his heart, after all, Nalan Ruyue once had an ambiguous and apparently right but actually wrong love affinity with him. And thinking she was going to marry other people, he felt very unwell in his heart.

"Your Grandfather, if you are going to marry then marry this Young Master." Long Yi suddenly laughed lightly.

"Who wants to marry you, Ximen Yu, who are you thinking to hit this time?" Just then, Beitang Yu suddenly walked in and stared at Long Yi with her beautiful eyes.

"Eh, Miss Beitang, how come you are still not sleeping? Didn't your big brother come to meet you today?" Long Yi smirked and asked.

"Today, uncle Ximen came to find me, he said that he had arranged me to go and experience in your Unparalleled Battalion from tomorrow, hereafter, I will stay in your house, now, I am just a homeless wretch." Looking at Long Yi, she said to Long Yi without any complacent.

"Can it be that you want to learn secretly?" Long Yi raised his brows and said. As a matter of fact, Beitang Yu had the necessary foundation to lead troops, as long as she broke out from the binding of common practice in leading troops, she could certainly advance with big strides.

"Can't I? I admit that you are more powerful than me, but you cannot cover treasure from lightning, in any case, I am determined to follow you." Beitang Yu with dancing eyebrows and radiant face said. She no longer had that dispirited appearance.

"Now I finally understand that too much charm is also not necessarily a good thing, you should know that my family has several wives and all of them are the type who easily get jealous, aren't you scared?" Long Yi said with a smile.

The pretty face of Beitang Yu reddened, and began to realize that the words she had blurted out just a moment ago were ambiguous, then she just snorted and said: "Don't show off shamelessly, I am not in the mood to squabble with you, that's right, just now, who were you thinking of hitting on? I was nearly fooled by you."

"If I say I am thinking of hitting you, then will you believe?" Long Yi said with a smile.

"Go to hell, if you don't speak then I will tell uncle, tell that you have reverted to old ways and again began to forcibly snatch ordinary women." Beitang Yu said.

"Listen to me, you aren't my woman, so why do you care so much about me? It's not like you started to like me, is it?" Long Yi shrugged his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Who...who likes…you, shameless. I am not talking with you, I am returning to sleep." Beitang Yu with red face forced open the door and rushed out.

Long Yi looked at the back view of Beitang Yu and muttered: "This girl, did she really start to like me? It is not good to be too handsome, ah."

Long Y sat for a little while and went to the study of Ximen Nu. Seeing the lamp was still lit, he knew that Ximen Nu had still not gone to sleep. Thinking his father was working so hard, and especially in this period of time, he had not slept properly for even a day, he felt that this was the necessary price people who want to do important matter must pay.

Long Yi knocked the door of the study in a unique rhythm.

"Yu'er? Come in." Ximen Nu's simple and vigorous voice came from inside the study.

Long Yi pushed open the door, and entering inside, he saw Ximen Nu behind the desk was busy writing something under the illumination of the white magic lamp. Long Yi suddenly felt that his father was a lot older, his hairs had already turned grey, but thinking about it, it was not so obvious before a period of time.

"Why are you still standing in the doorway, still not entering quickly?" Ximen Nu still had that same stern expression.

"It's already so late, what matter do you have?" Only after seeing Long Yi had sat down in front of him, Ximen Nu laid down the file on his hand and asked.

"Father, I have already investigated and found that sister-in-law and Beauty Shop's proprietress Han Yan have a relation, this child dares to confirm that they are from the same organization." Long Yi said.

"Oh, explain the circumstance in detail." Ximen Nu frowned and leaned forward, clearly was very concern about this problem.

Thereupon, Long Yi explained the matter of Liu Shi going to Beauty Shop, and even the matter of Liu Shi changing the clothing. For the important matter, this small amount of minor matter could be disregarded.

Ximen Nu thoroughly understood and with his eyes flashing with coldness, he coldly snorted and said: "That slut really has a problem, even executing her nine generation will not eliminate the hate in my heart."

Long Yi sensed the killing intent in the words of Ximen Nu, and couldn't help shaking his head. Whether it was ancient or modern, which people doing the important matter didn't have their hands stained with blood, and stepped on countless corpses to sit on the top of the pyramid.

"Tomorrow, I will send some people to help decode that letter, we must know what is written there, otherwise I will not be able to rest or eat in peace." Ximen Nu said.

Long Yi nodded his head and asked: "By the way, father, what's going on with Beitang Yu? I feel like I still cannot completely trust Beitang clan, wouldn't there be a problem to let her in Unparalleled Battalion?"

Ximen Nu nodded his head and patting the shoulder of Long Yi, he said: "It doesn't matter, I believe you will handle this well, as for whether Beitang clan is enemy or friend, don't worry about it for the time being."

"Then this child asks to be excused, father, pay more attention to your health." Long Yi said and walked out of the study.

Ximen Nu faintly smiled, he was very surprised with the ability of this little son. With a son like this, he didn't have to worry about the failure of the important matter.

Long Yi returned to his courtyard, and saw that Yu Feng and Xiao Yi were lying on the bed and chatting. They unexpectedly weren't asleep yet. Pricking up his ears to listen, he heard that the subject of their talk was revolving around him, so he couldn't help but felt perfectly content as well as felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

If one-day Youyou, Si Bi, Lu Xiya and others also lied on the big bed together waiting for him to bestow the favor upon them, then how pleasurable it would be. Long Yi was very pleased in his heart while imagining.

And just when he was about to push open the door and enter, he suddenly heard the squeaking sound of another door of the courtyard opening, Long Yi turned around and saw Li Qing holding his nearly transparent sword walking out from his room.

"Young Master, you still haven't slept?" After seeing Long Yi, Li Qing was dumbfounded.

"M-hm, just returned, but why are you coming out? Can't sleep?" Long Yi walked over to Li Qing, and became aware that the complexion of Li Qing was very ugly.

Li Qing nodded his head and suddenly said: "Young Master, please accompany me to a sword practice for a little while."

"Fine, let's go out." Long Yi saw Li Qing's seemingly laden with anxiety appearance, and gave up the warm fragrant soft jades for the night. He wanted to strengthen him out.

Two people, one in the front and another in the back, walked out of Ximen mansion. Now it was already late at night so it was inconvenient for them to have sword training in Ximen mansion.

After two people walked away, the chatting inside the room also stopped, and Yu Feng snorted and said: "So hateful, just returned but left again, it's all that Li Qing's fault."

Xiao Yi however didn't speak, merely her complexion became somewhat solemn, and after her transparent eyes flashed with soft white light, she lightly sighed. Li Qing always gave her an uneasy feeling, which was getting stronger and stronger, but even after using prophecy, she found no abnormalities.

"Xiao Yi, what happened?" Seeing the expression of Xiao Yi, Yu Feng couldn't help asking with concern.

"No, nothing, it seems Young Master will not return tonight, we should sleep." Xiao Yi faintly said, then rolled to one side of the bed while counting days in her heart. After ten days, it was the Extreme Yin Day which was difficult to encounter even in hundred years, that day...

Long Yi led Li Qing arriving at the outskirts of Soaring Dragon City. This was a desolate and uninhabited place, so the sword training wouldn't disturb anyone.

"Let's start, let me see how much you have progressed in these days." Long Yi walked to the opposite side of Li Qing and said with a smile. In these past few days, he had exchanged some knowledge of combining magic and douqi with Li Qing, like that, he (Long Yi) had benefited greatly, so he (Li Qing) might have also benefited from that exchange.

Li Qing pulled out the sword, and going into battle position, his sword emitted a crisp continuous droning sound. His sword was absolutely not inferior to inferior-divine artifact grade weapons.

Li Qing roared in a low voice and he brandished his transparent sword, sending out fierce and swift Ice Douqi attack towards Long Yi, moreover, at the same time, Icebound Magic also swept towards Long Yi.

This level of attack was naturally ineffective towards Long Yi, he moved sideways dodging the sword of Li Qing, then directly punched his Icebound Magic, shattering it, and with cold qi scattering in all direction, the grasses and trees were instantly frozen with a layer frost.

Long Yi instinctively became aware that Li Qing was not too normal now, his attacks were increasingly becoming sharp, and he roared in a low voice as if a wild beast, furthermore, he was attacking risking his life.

Long Yi didn't stop him, as he was able to tell that Li Qing was venting, moreover, he was originally thinking of secretly attacking so as to make Li Qing vent all of his unhappiness in his heart.

Metal colliding sound resounded, Long Yi used a twig to clash against the sword of Li Qing. He didn't use other skill, purely fought recklessly with Li Qing.

Li Qing as if had lost his reason, his two eyes suddenly changed into dark green, and he roared in a hoarse voice, then in front of his body, a phantom of monster became visible.

"**, you fucking crazy." Long Yi cursed, then he hit the wrist of Li Qing's hand which was holding the sword with that branch. His wrist trembled, then that transparent sword flew out, and rotating in the sky for several times, it stuck on the ground, trembling nonstop.

Li Qing also sobered up a little, and he seemed to be somewhat struggling. Seeing this, Long Yi simply slapped him to the ground. His face suddenly swelled up, and blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth. From this, one could see that the slap was Long Yi wasn't a light one.

Li Qing finally woke up completely, dark green radiance in his eyes disappeared, and he immediately got up and knelt in front of Long Yi, then said bitterly: "Young master, Li Qing should die, just now, I don't know why I wasn't able to control myself."

"You were obsessed, forget about it. Stand up." Long Yi indifferently said. Then with a wave of his hand, the sword of Li Qing flew back and stuck on the ground in front of Li Qing.

Long Yi walked to the hillside and sat down, while Li Qing followed behind him with his head lowered.

"Sit." Long Yi signaled Li Qing to sit down, then taking out two bottles of wine from inside the space ring, he gave one bottle to Li Qing.

"Tell me, what happened?" Long Yi sipped the wine and said. In fact, without Li Qing telling him, he could already guess a bit. The person who was able to make Li Qing, such cold and detached man, suffer like this, definitely was that woman he loved.

Li Qing grabbed the wine bottle and drank crazily. And his body was unexpectedly trembling, this made Long Yi apprehensive endlessly. This fellow was truly an infatuated kind.

"Young Master, I met her today." Li Qing said slowly, and his that handsome face was twisted due to suffering.

"You love that girl, don't you? Did you talked about former times with her?" Long Yi lightly asked.

"Young Master, it's impossible for me, it's truly impossible for me, you told me that as long as she is happy, that's fine, but from her eyes, I could see suffering. She is suffering greatly, this made me unable to endure." Li Qing's current expression was somewhat frightening and the finger joints of his hand holding the sword were turning white.

"That man didn't treat her nicely?" Long Yi asked.

"I don't know, I didn't see that man, if I had seen him, I would have definitely killed him." Li Qing said full of killing intent.

Long Yi made a wry smile and shook his head, he really hadn't expected that Li Qing love that women to this extent, exactly what kind of woman was favored by gods like this? Now, Long Yi was slightly curious about the woman Li Qing love like this.

"Did you meet her in Soaring Dragon City?" Long Yi asked again.

Li Qing nodded his head, at that time, after Long Yi had gone to the military camp, both Li Qing and Barbarian Bull were idle with nothing to do, so they wandered aimlessly inside the Soaring Dragon City. Suddenly, Li Qing saw a familiar figure, although the woman was wearing a cloak, but he still recognized her at a single glance. As a result, excitedly Li Qing left behind Barbarian Bull and chased after her. That woman realized that Li Qing was following her, so she led him to a secluded place.

There, Li Qing asked whether she was happy or not, and she answered that she was very happy, but Li Qing saw suffering in her eyes. How could Li Qing bear his loved one suffering like that, he immediately asked her to bring him to that man, but that woman harshly told Li Qing that that was the matter between them two, not his, and told Li Qing, this outsider, to not interfere. Moreover, she said that she had already given her complete heart to that man, and she was already unable to bear any other things. Furthermore, she said that if Li Qing dare to make a move against her man, she would kill him (Li Qing) first.

After that, that grim woman flew away, leaving behind heartbroken Li Qing.

Peng, when narrating, the bottle in the hand of Li Qing shattered, and this ice-cold man actually shed tears at this moment. One could well imagine how much he was suffering in his heart.

Long Yi soothingly patted the shoulder of Li Qing, love was basically like this, it could make people happy and also make them suffer. Although he was very sympathetic to Li Qing, he also greatly admired that woman. That was a woman who wholeheartedly and without any reservations love a man, and she could do anything for that man, this was the magical power of love.

Love in itself was not wrong, what was wrong was falling in love with the person you shouldn't have. But, it goes without saying, love has always been blind, when falling in love, who could control their heart?