393 - 398

Chapter 393: Contemplate and Barbarian Bull's great change

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The cloudiness that lasted for more than ten days finally passed. The sun rose early in the morning, surprising everyone. Even though the weather was still cold, it was still worth celebrating the fact that the sun could be seen blazing in the sky. The fierce wind and blizzard that continued for more than ten days had nearly driven everyone crazy.

At noon, Long Yi kissed Beitang Yu goodbye and left the Unparalleled Battalion with Nalan Ruyue, Wushuang and Barbarian Bull. Beginning their journey, they headed towards the entrance of the Huangmang Plain.

Long Yi had decided that he would head towards Lost City first. After returning from Lost City, he would head to the Hengduan Mountains and visit the Winged Clan. He wanted the explain to the Winged Clan that the Wind God spirit table was his now, and that he wasn't going to return it to the Winged Clan..

The vast majority of people wouldn't be able to travel around due to the snow covering the roads. Of course, the honorable magicians who had already reached the Master Magician rank was an exception. Currently, the army's communication network depended on the Master Magicians in the Magician Legion. However, even though Master Magicians were able to travel in the snow covered lands, they had extremely weak bodies. Most of them froze to death on the road. Every time a Master Magician died, the empire would lose an asset with huge attacking power, it was truly a huge price to pay.

The party of four flew towards the northwest and none of them spoke on the road. In merely a day, they arrived at the Proud Moon Empire's entrance of the Huangmang Plain.

This Proud Moon Empire's entrance was not as bustling as the entrance of the Violent Dragon Empire. Many people didn't choose to enter the Proud Moon Empire, and the entrance was currently deserted and quiet. Other than the snow on the ground and the north wind whistling past the entrance, there wasn't a soul in sight. Actually, there were adventurer groups who would frequently enter the Huangmang Plain from the Proud Moon Empire's entrance usually. However, Proud Moon Empire was in chaos at the moment. Adding the blizzard on to the mix, there was no adventurer groups brave enough to enter the Huangmang Plain from the Proud Moon Empire's entrance at the moment.

"It's already late today, we should camp here for the night and enter tomorrow." Long Yi looked at the dark sky and said.

There was naturally no objection from the other three people in the group. Barbarian Bull swung his Greenstone Rule to blow some snow away, instantly creating an empty spot for the group to pitch their tents.

There had been continuous snowfall for the past few days. As a result, the accumulated snow was already one meter deep. Long Yi was afraid that by the time all the snow melted, spring would have already arrived.

The group of four returned to their own tent after filling their stomachs. In these past several days, Nalan Ruyue had stayed in Long Yi's tent. As for Wushuang, Long Yi wasn't able to do anything to her. He was only able to look, but not touch her. He had no choice but to eat his fill with Nalan Ruyue everyday instead. After all, Long Yi had to comfort his empty and lonely spirit. Without Wushuang, Nalan Ruyue had to satisfy Long Yi all by herself.

"Shuang'er, how about you stay in my tent as well?" Long Yi called for Wushuang to stay.

Wushuang turned around and rolled her eyes. She made a cutting gesture before leaving Long Yi's tent with a cold expression on her face. Only God knew that her heart was actually beating rapidly, and her private part was starting to become wet. It had already been her reflex as every night, she felt as though she was the one making love with Long Yi. As a result, whenever she knew that Long Yi was about to carry out his "daily routine" with Nalan Ruyue, her body would produce a reaction. Her body reacted readily to the feeling she felt every night, never letting her down. In fact, she was willing to make love with Long Yi. However, she felt as though there was an invisible gap between them, which resulted in her being unable to take that final step.

"What in the world is stopping me?" After leaving the tent, Wushuang thought to herself and began to recall her time together with Long Yi. She recalled the time she just met him in Soaring Dragon City. From that time up till now, she recalled every little detail about the time she spent with Long Yi.

Yes, Wushuang clearly remembered everything. It didn't matter if it was something important or not, Wushuang recalled everything she did with Long Yi. However, there was one section of her memory she felt was lost. It was like a hazy moon being reflected in a pool of water, no matter how hard she tried, she wasn't able to see it clearly.

Wushuang softy sighed. She knew what was lacking between Long Yi and herself, it was those memories she had lost. Since Wushuang was a person who always demanded perfection in everything, she felt as though she needed to remember those memories she had lost. Wushuang felt as though those memories were extremely important, even though she couldn't recall it at the moment.

Deep in her thoughts, Wushuang stepped into her tent. The moment she stepped into her tent, she felt as though her legs went limp as a pleasant sensation caught her unprepared. A moan escaped her lips as she quickly sat on the bed. Getting into a meditative posture, she sunk her consciousness deep into her sea of consciousness. She knew that after she woke up, her pants would be soaked in her **.

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At this moment, Long Yi was flushed with success. He was galloping in those luxurious grasslands to his heart's content while propping Nalan Ruyue's slender **. His eyes however, were infatuatedly looking at the flushed red beautiful face which belonged to Nalan Ruyue. Listening to the loud moans coming from Nalan Ruyue's mouth, Long Yi enjoyed himself thoroughly. For him, his women's seductive appearance and delightful moans gave him a sense of achievement in his heart.

The flower bloomed and fell, the two people hugged each other enjoying the lingering ** aftertaste. After they came back to their senses, Long Yi intimately whispered words of love into Nalan Ruyue's ear. With a happy smile on her face, Nalan Ruyue fell asleep in Long Yi's embrace.

Although Nalan Ruyue had already fallen asleep, Long Yi was not the least bit sleepy. He felt full of energy and started to think about the things which had happened. First, he thought about the Blue Waves Continent's current situation as well as the current state of Soaring Dragon City. Next, his thoughts shifted to magic and douqi.

"What is the ultimate attainment of magic and douqi? Magic God? Swords God? Just this and nothing more?" Long Yi muttered under his breath. Currently, in Blue Waves Continent, the highest realm of magic and douqi were Magic God and Swords God respectively. Everyone believed that Magic God and Swords God represented the pinnacle of magic and douqi respectively, but according to his experience, Long Yi knew that this wasn't the case. The four Lightning God guardians he had encountered in the Lightning God Temple were far stronger than the so-called Magic God and Swords God. How were they able to achieve that level of strength? Was it because they were gods themselves? Assuming that was true, where did the gods come from?

One question after another appeared in Long Yi's mind, which made him more and more confused.

As the questions overwhelmed Long Yi, he stopped thinking about them. Stopping his train of thoughts, his gaze turned to Nalan Ruyue who was sleeping soundly in his bosom.

"Look at that nose and the little mouth of my family's Ruyue. How can they be so beautiful?" Long Yi gently caressed Nalan Ruyue's beautiful face and said. He thought that the heavens were unfair. There were only a small number of beauties in the world, and there were even people who had repulsive looks.

As he thought about this, Long Yi felt as though he figured something out. Why were those so-called gods so powerful? It was because the Creator had never been fair. Since inborn talent couldn't be changed, one had to work really hard. However, when he thought about himself, Long Yi realized that he received the Lightning God's inheritance. Although his strength was far from the real Lightning God, he believed that he would surpass him one day.

Perhaps she felt Long Yi caressing her face, Nalan Ruyue who was sleeping rubbed her cheeks on Long Yi's hand. Her action filled Long Yi with tender affection, and he vaguely felt as though his little brother was up to mischief again.

Long Yi couldn't bear to wake Nalan Ruyue up, so he gently crawled out of the bed and left the tent after putting on his clothes.

In the dark night, small snowflakes were fluttering down from the sky again. A tall figure stood still in the midst of this snowstorm as if he was a statue.

"Barbarian Bull, missing your little wife?" Long Yi walked over and stood beside Barbarian Bull. In a gentle voice, Long Yi asked Barbarian Bull. Looking at Barbarian Bull, Long Yi could see that he was facing the west, which was where the Hengduan Mountains were. The location they were currently at wasn't too far from the Hengduan Mountains.

Barbarian Bull scratched his bull horn feeling embarrassed, before replying with a silly smile on his face, "Yes, Boss. Since it's been a long time since I last saw her, I have to admit, I really miss her."

Long Yi paused for a bit and said, "Barbarian Bull, your Barbarian Bull tribe isn't far from here. You don't have to follow me everywhere, you should go home and meet your darling."

Barbarian Bull was dumbfounded and immediately shook his head, "Boss, I want to follow you to the Huangmang Plain. Those magical beasts are definitely longing to see me again."

Long Yi laughed. When did this stupid bull learn how to crack jokes? He remember the time when they had killed their way from Lost City. Barbarian Bull had gone berserk and became a bloodthirsty animal. He rushed up to kill any magical beast in his way, regardless of their rank.

At that moment, Barbarian Bull's bloody aura was so strong that an ordinary person would tremble in fear if they were to lay their eyes on him. Only after coming out from Huangmang Plain, Barbarian Bull's bloody aura slowly weakened. However, it was only his aura that disappeared. Barbarian Bull still had bloodthirst in his bones.

"Then don't you want to quickly meet your darling? You left after you were married with her for only one month. It has already been more than a year since you left!" Long Yi patted Barbarian Bull's shoulders and said.

"Of course I want to see her. However, it wouldn't be too late to see her after coming out from the Huangmang Plain." Barbarian Bull firmly said and placed Greenstone Rule on his shoulder.

Seeing as Barbarian Bull was determined to follow him into the Huangmang Plain, Long Yi no longer tried to persuade him. The two of them quietly stood in the midst of the tiny snowflakes, each thinking about their own matters.

Suddenly, Barbarian Bull trembled and the snowflakes on his body fell to the ground. Long Yi instantly turned to look at Barbarian Bull, and he saw that Barbarian Bull had an expression of pain on his face.

"Barbarian Bull, what happened to you?" Long Yi was startled and he immediately extended his arms to help support Barbarian Bull. However, the only thing Long Yi felt was a repulsive force from Barbarian Bull's body which shook off his hand.

Barbarian Bull didn't say a word. However, his face was twisted in pain and his huge eyes reddened as they glimmered with a strong violent aura. Barbarian Bull's swelled in an instant, and his chest, arms, and thighs thickened. The sudden expansion forcibly broke his armor.

Long Yi's gaze shifted from Barbarian Bull's face to Greenstone Rule which was on Barbarian Bull's shoulders. He could see that Greenstone Rule was shining with a strange dark green radiance. Barbarian Bull's current state was definitely related to Greenstone Rule. This legendary weapon which belonged to the Violent God was really strange.

Ah, ah, ah, low loud shouts came out from Barbarian Bull's throat and the pain seemed to have reached his limits. He brandished Greenstone Rule and roared madly, and Greenstone Rule which was in his grasp emitted a bright green light as it shot towards the sky. In an instant, Greenstone Rule grew to a size hundreds of times larger than before. With a swing, a boom was heard and the ground below their feet shook.

The accumulated snow flew everywhere, and a crack in the ground formed in front of Barbarian Bull. The crack was 100 meters long and several meters deep. The might of this rod was seriously shocking. The pressure Barbarian Bull emitted just now made even Long Yi palpitate in fear.

Standing in the same position, Barbarian Bull clung onto Greenstone Rule and maintained his downward swing posture. Currently, Barbarian Bull didn't move a muscle, and he was drenched in sweat even though the weather was extremely cold.

Chapter 394: Bertha appears

Secondly, the big announcement! JFB has heard you. We're getting a NEW, better than before website!

We're working on a smoother, bug-free website for all of you, but to reveal the details, we need followers to coax our Owner! At 500 followers, we will release more details and the timeline for the move. So follow, follow, follow on Twitter: Link: https://twitter.com/JFantasyBooks.

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The sleeping Nalan Ruyue was startled awake by the loud boom. When she turned her body and saw that her sweetheart wasn't by her side, she quickly put on her clothes and rushed out of the tent. Wushuang snapped out of her deep meditation with a start. She wasn't able to continue her meditation with the ground rumbling and decided to leave her tent to take a look at what was going on. When the two women came out of their tents, they saw Barbarian Bull standing still while holding Greenstone Rule. He was stuck in a downward smashing posture, and there was a huge split in the ground in front of him. As for Long Yi, he was standing near Barbarian Bull. Long Yi was deep in contemplation as he stared blankly at Barbarian Bull.

"Long Yi, what happened to Barbarian Bull?" Wushuang walked over and asked. However, there wasn't anyone here who knew what exactly happened to Barbarian Bull.

Long Yi shook his head and answered, "I have no idea, he suddenly appeared as if he was possessed by a demon. My guess is that Greenstone Rule is the source of the problem. Do not touch him for the time being, let us watch for a little longer before doing anything."

"My husband, was this crack created by Barbarian Bull?" Nalan Ruyue asked while pointing at the crack in the ground.

"Yes, that's pretty terrifying. Even I felt pressured from the aura he emitted just a moment ago. However, I could feel that the aura didn't belong to Barbarian Bull, but someone else instead." Long Yi nodded his head and said. With a sudden change in his expression, Long Yi turned to face Wushuang and asked, "Shuang'er, didn't you say that an incomplete soul of the Violent God is sealed within Barbarian Bull's Greenstone Rule? Is it possible that that wisp of soul wants to seize Barbarian Bull's body to rebirth?"

"I have heard of such a legend... Wait, if that was the case, wouldn't Barbarian Bull..." Wushuang instantly became worried. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that Long Yi could be right.

Just when the three of them were worried for Barbarian Bull, his body suddenly shuddered. In an instant, all color drained from his face and his complexion became deathly pale. He slowly spat out a mouthful of chaotic qi, and his eyes began to move again.

"Barbarian Bull, are you alright?" Long Yi took two steps forward towards Barbarian Bull. Seeing that there was a familiar look in Barbarian Bull's eyes, Long Yi eventually calmed down.

Barbarian Bull stretched his body and his joints made a series of cracking sound. Looking in front of him, Barbarian Bull saw the long crack in the ground. Taking a deep breath, Barbarian Bull asked Long Yi, "Boss, I am fine, but, was I the one who did this?"

"Yes, you did this. Think carefully, what happened just a moment ago?" Long Yi asked.

"Just a moment ago? Just a moment ago, I felt a huge amount of power flowing into my body from Greenstone Rule. I felt as if I was about to explode, and then my consciousness become rather blurry." Barbarian Bull scratched his bull horn and said. Clearly, Barbarian Bull didn't understand what happened to him a moment ago.

"Do you feel anything different about your body now?" Long Yi asked.

Immediately, Barbarian Bull started to feel about his entire body. Before long, he replied, "The only difference I feel is that my breathing became extremely smooth. It feels like there are no obstructions when I breathe. Also, I feel as though something sprouted inside my brain. The thing feels extremely long, and it seems to have just appeared inside my brain." Barbarian Bull said as he pointed towards the space between his eyes.

"How long is that thing?" Long Yi casually casted two light balls which floated beside Barbarian Bull. He carefully stared at the space between Barbarian Bull's eyebrows. That place seemed to have a vague mark which couldn't be seen clearly due to the fine hair on Barbarian Bull's face.

Long Yi looked higher and after carefully looking for a long while, he said to the two girls, "You two, come over and look. Is there a mark between Barbarian Bull's eyes?"

Nalan Ruyue and Wushuang immediately approached Barbarian Bull and stared at the space between his eyes. Finally, they came to a conclusion that there was a faint golden mark which couldn't be seen if one didn't look carefully at Barbarian Bull's face.

"The appearance of this seal looks somewhat familiar…" Long Yi muttered under his breath as he rubbed the beard stubble under his chin.

Long Yi walked left and right, deep in thoughts. After thinking for a little while, Long Yi took out a magic mirror and threw it at Barbarian Bull and asked, "Barbarian Bull, look at this yourself, what is this mark?"

When Barbarian Bull caught the magic mirror, Long Yi's gaze was fixed on Greenstone Rule which was in Barbarian Bull's hand. Before Barbarian Bull could say anything, Long Yi shouted excitedly, "I know where I have seen it! Barbarian Bull, look at the handle of Greenstone Rule. Doesn't the mark on your forehead look like the mark on Greenstone Rule?"

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Barbarian Bull looked at his reflection in the magic mirror for a long time before looking at the mark on Greenstone Rule. Finally, after alternating between his reflection and Greenstone Rule, Barbarian Bull said, "Indeed, they are very alike. However, how is this possible?"

Long Yi shrugged his soldiers and replied, "Ask the Violent God sealed within your club, how would I know?"

Finally, Wushuang opened her mouth, "If my guess is correct, that mark is the mark of the Violent God."

"Probably... Since this mark appeared on Barbarian Bull's forehead, does this mean that he is the next Violent God?" Long Yi smiled and guessed. After all, Long Yi obtained the Lightning God's inheritance, it would not be unimaginable that there was a Violent God's inheritance.

"That, I don't know. Now, we can't do anything about it but throw wild guesses. We can only wait and see what happens in the future." Nalan Ruyue cut in.

"Yes, yes. Since the sun isn't even up yet, it is a good time for us to catch some sleep. Okay, Barbarian Bull, return to your tent and rest. Remember to feel the changes in your body." Long Yi smiled and said to Barbarian Bull. After he was done talking to Barbarian Bull, he stretched out his hands casually and grabbed both Nalan Ruyue and Wushuang with them. Long Yi quickly walked towards his tent, pulling both of his wives with him.

After entering the tent, Wushuang felt that something was wrong. Struggling in Long Yi's grasp, she wanted to free herself and escape into her own tent. "You two can sleep together, I will sleep on my own. Let's not disturb each other..." Wushuang said with a tremor in her voice.

"What do you mean by not disturbing each other? Whether we disturb each other or not, you have the answer in your heart." Long Yi said with a bad smile plastered on his face.

"Isn't everything all your fault, you pervert." Wushuang glared at Long Yi and said gnashing her teeth.

"Well, don't stir up trouble. I will just go to sleep while hugging the both of you. I assure you, I won't do anything bad to you." Long Yi said in all seriousness.

"Yes, big sister Wushuang, sleep together with us! Our husband happens to have two shoulders, one for each of us. You should know that Long Yi's bosom is really warm..." Nalan Ruyue happily persuaded. She already knew that monopolizing Long Yi was just a pipe dream. Since she knew that it wasn't possible to monopolize Long Yi, she realized that the next best thing was to have a good relationship with her other sisters.

Wushuang's internal struggle eventually disappeared and her expression also relaxed. About Long Yi's embrace, she naturally knew how comfortable it was. From the bottom of her heart, she also coveted that warmth. If Long Yi was able to keep his promise to only hug them and sleep, Wushuang would be very willing to sleep in Long Yi's tent tonight. However, Wushuang knew that if Long Yi were to keep his promise, the sun would rise from the west tomorrow.

Finally, after a show of reluctance, Wushuang yielded. In the end, Wushuang ended up on Long Yi's big bed. Currently, Long Yi was lying on the bed with Wushuang on his left and Nalan Ruyue on his right. They were both using Long Yi's chest as a pillow and they could hear his firm heartbeat while lying on his chest. His firm heartbeat made the two of them feel at ease.

It was beyond Wushuang's expectations but Long Yi didn't take advantage of this occasion to pull off his tricks. His big hand was only moving about her back to appease her. This gave Wushuang a feeling of being pampered and she enjoyed it very much.

Compared to Wushuang who had a sense of unease at first, Nalan Ruyue fell asleep easily. The moment she lied on Long Yi's chest, she entered dreamland. As for Wushuang, she eventually started feeling sleepy when she head Nalan Ruyue's deep breaths.

At this moment, Wushuang was starting to feel sleepy and Long Yi's hands were still on her back. He really didn't break his promise which made to Wushuang when they entered the tent. This gave Wushuang a subtle feeling of gratefulness. Suddenly, Wushuang tiny hands grabbed Long Yi's hand as they pulled Long Yi's hand downwards. Pulling on Long Yi's arm, she eventually pressed his hand on her plump and soft breast.

"Wushuang, you…" Long Yi was stunned and he didn't know how to respond for a moment.

"This is your reward. Just put your hand here and don't move about randomly, you are not allowed to reach for a yard after getting an inch. I am going to sleep now." Wushuang yawned and using Long Yi's warm chest as her pillow, she closed her eyes, entering her dreamland.

Long Yi couldn't help but knead the plump and soft ** in his hand. Eventually, after playing with it for some time, Long Yi had a wry smile on his face as he muttered, "I really have no idea if you are rewarding me or punishing me. Seems like making you come here to sleep tonight was a wrong decision."

The currently asleep Wushuang snorted softly as if she was refuting Long Yi.

Long Yi calmly held Wushuang's ** with one hand and reached out his other hand towards Nalan Ruyue's bosom to catch her Jade Hare. Comparing them with each other, he discovered that both of them were similar in size, and both of them had a fine elasticity. Both of them gave him a tactile impression and Long Yi realized that both Wushuang and Nalan Ruyue were evenly matched.

As he was thinking about whose ** was better, Long Yi started to close his eyes. However, Long Yi had only closed his eyes for two minutes before he opened them again. Rolling his eyes, he cursed under his breath, "It seems like I will not be able to sleep tonight…" Although he said so, he didn't intend to get up.

When they had set up camp, Long Yi placed three sensing nets around their camp as a precaution in case anything happened. The moment something or someone intruded their campsite, the sensing nets would immediately send the general outline of the intruder to Long Yi's sea of consciousness.

Looking at the intruder's outline, it was clear that the intruder was human. The intruder wasn't very tall, but when Long Yi used his divine sense to scan the area, he was unable to detect anyone. Could it be that the intruder had a higher cultivation realm than him?

Finally, after some time, the intruder managed to break through the sensing nets. The moment the intruder broke through, Long Yi used his spirit power to locate the intruder.

The only thing Long Yi managed to see was a bright light when he tried to locate the intruder. However, a smile appeared on Long Yi's face and he instantly guessed the identity of the intruder. The moment he made his guess, Long Yi immediately turned the space inside his space ring upside down and took out a treasured blue necklace that was emitting lustrous light. This was the necklace he had forgotten to return Mea Empress in the past. As such, she was able to locate Long Yi just by sensing the whereabouts of this necklace.

Long Yi dared to confirm that the intruder was definitely fox girl Bertha. He came to this conclusion after seeing the intruder's body shape. Mea Empress was taller and even more well-developed compared to Bertha.

"Why in the world is this little fox coming here to find me? Could it be that the big fox can't wait anymore?" Long Yi thought in his heart and recalled Mea Empress's fiery hot figure. Her coquettish expression made her charming to the bones and Long Yi involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Bertha used her Fox Clan's Vanishing Magic to conceal herself and walked to the entrance of Long Yi's tent. When she thought of Long Yi, a complex feeling appeared in her heart. Bertha didn't hate him, and it can be said that she had a little interest towards him. However, giving herself to him for the sake of the entire fox clan was an entirely different matter altogether. That wasn't the love she yearned for as she was just using herself to exchange for the clan's interest.

However, Bertha had to admit that at this moment, she earnestly wanted to see him.

"Little fox, why are you standing there blankly? I have already removed the barrier, making it easier for you to enter." Long Yi's voice resounded in Bertha's ears as if he was right beside her. She shouted in fright and jumped in shock as she didn't expect Long Yi to detect her.

Chapter 395: Hundred Transformation Clones and identifying women by their fragrance

Secondly, the big announcement! JFB has heard you. We're getting a NEW, better than before website!

We're working on a smoother, bug-free website for all of you, but to reveal the details, we need followers to coax our Owner! At 500 followers, we will release more details and the timeline for the move. So follow, follow, follow on Twitter: Link: https://twitter.com/JFantasyBooks.

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Bertha came back to her senses and sighed as she dispelled her Vanishing Magic, revealing her tiny figure outside Long Yi's tent. A few years ago, the Fox Clan's Vanishing Magic that Bertha was immensely proud of had been completely useless against Long Yi. Even after she trained hard and made huge progress in her Vanishing Magic, it was still useless against Long Yi. A deep sense of powerlessness appeared in her heart, could it be that it was impossible to hide from this man?

Before long, a breeze blew against Bertha's face. The curtains of Long Yi's tent flapped in the wind and in an instant, a handsome man with an evil smile on his face appeared in front of her. He seemed to appear out of thin air, and Bertha wasn't even able to catch a glimpse of his shadow. Obviously, who else could the handsome man be other than Long Yi?

Long Yi looked at Bertha with a smile, before sizing her up from head to toe. She was as beautiful as before, and her pretty and innocent face didn't remind him of the world famous Fox Clan which were well known for their bewitching appearances. Compared to before, when Bertha still had an unripe figure, she was currently well developed with curves in all the right places. Her figure under her snow-white fur robe was still exquisite and sexy. Moreover, she had a bushy white tail which was slowly swaying with her every motion. Long Yi's mouth and tongue went dry whenever he looked at that cute little tail.

Bertha felt uneasy when she saw Long Yi's unbridled gaze and she couldn't help but to angrily say, "What are you looking at? You still haven't changed even a bit after so long."

Long Yi smirked and asked, "Who said I haven't changed? Can't you see that I have grown more handsome after so many years?"

"You have indeed changed." Bertha muttered to herself.

"As the saying goes, rivers and mountains change, but it is hard to change one's nature. It is my nature to love beautiful things, and appearances have nothing to do with it." Long Yi retracted his smile and said with a serious face.

Bertha couldn't help but smile. This fellow was still glib-tongued as usual. Even though he was praising her in a disguised form, she felt delighted in her heart.

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Looking at Bertha, Long Yi felt like her smile was able to flip the world around. In his heart, Long Yi thought that although this little fox looked incomparable pretty and innocent, her destructive power might not lose to other beauties in the least. Sometimes, Bertha's innocence and prettiness possessed more seductive power than those women who were flirtatious to the bones.

"By the way, did your aunt tell you to come look for me about that matter?" Long Yi took out that blue necklace as he asked.

Bertha's pretty face reddened as she nodded her head. Looking at the ground in a shy manner, Bertha said in a soft voice, "My aunt said that as long as you help us achieve our objectives, we agree to all of your conditions."

"Agree to all conditions? I remember that you were part of my conditions too." Long Yi casted his glance at Bertha who was bashfully standing in front of him. He felt as though a cat was scratching at his heart. This little fox was extraordinarily tempting and Long Yi's breathing quickened whenever he looked at her.

Having heard Long Yi's words, Bertha became hesitant. Her eyes flashed with a little bit of dejection, as she felt as though she was being sacrificed for the sake of the clan. As the sole Fox Clan member with the silver fox's bloodline, perhaps this was her fate.

How could Long Yi not see the complicated and difficult expression flashing in Bertha's eyes? After thinking about it for a moment, Long Yi understood what was going through Bertha's mind. As a matter of fact, Long Yi added Bertha into his list of demands as he wanted to make things difficult for Mea Empress. He didn't actually want to use Bertha as a condition for his help as he never wanted to obtain her by force. If Long Yi was honest, his impression of the Fox Clan changed because of Bertha. During the Barbarian Bull Clan's martial arts convention, Long Yi developed a deep impression of this unyielding little fox who refused to concede. Later, when Bertha took off her fox-fur robe and placed it over him when he was pretending to fall asleep on the mountain, the deep impression changed into a good impression. Her little actions made Long Yi develop a good impression of her in his heart.

"Little fox, you can completely disregard the conditions I have set before. I was only joking then, you don't have to become my woman for me to help the Fox Clan." Long Yi broke into a smile as he said.

Bertha was startled and her beautiful face instantly became pale. Suddenly, Bertha raised her head and grabbed Long Yi's hands with her own. In an anxious voice, she pleaded, "No, I am willing to become your woman. Please help the Fox Clan..."

Long Yi calmly patted Bertha's little hand and said with a smile, "You misunderstood what I meant. I will help your Fox Clan, but you don't need to be my woman in order for me to help your clan. In other words, you are free. You don't need to sacrifice your happiness for your clan."

Bertha looked at Long Yi blankly for a moment. She was startled and all kinds of emotions welled up in her. In an instant, Bertha was at a loss. She didn't know what to do when Long Yi said that he didn't want her. Instead of feeling happiness, Bertha felt a sense of loss.t

"What's up? Aren't you happy?" Long Yi patted the little head of Bertha as he asked her.

Coming back to her senses, Bertha stared at Long Yi for a long time before nodding her head with a happy smile on her face.

"Long Yi, aren't you going to the Huangmang Plain? Take me with you!" Bertha exclaimed excitedly at Long Yi. Bertha used to dream about adventuring the Blue Waves Continent, exploring every corner of the land. However, her aunt always had high expectations for her, not allowing her to move around on her own. As a result, she had never visited anywhere else other than the Hengduan Mountains and Mea Principality.

"Huangmang Plain is a very dangerous place, there are many magical beasts there. Aren't you afraid they will eat you?" Long Yi tried to intimidate her and had a scary expression on his face.

"Do you think I have anything to be afraid of? You are so powerful, of course, you will protect me. Besides, I can defend myself even if you don't protect me." Bertha said with some pride in her voice. Currently, she behaved as though she was Long Yi's little sister.

"Oh? So you can protect yourself now? Does that mean that you have achieved great success in 'Thousand Extreme Illusions'?" Long Yi asked with a smirk on his face.

Bertha blushed and said softly, "Thousand Extreme Illusions is so difficult to cultivate, how can I achieve great success in such a short period of time? Although I haven't achieved great success in Thousand Extreme Illusion, I have already successfully cultivated Hundred Transformation Clones."

"So awesome! Care to show me your skills so I can widen my knowledge?" Long Yi rubbed his chin and encouraged Bertha with a smile on his face.

Bertha let out a charming shout and disappeared into the thin air without any demur. In an instant, the air in front of Long Yi started to spin, causing Long Yi to face a dizzy spell.

Suddenly, Bertha who had disappeared just a moment ago, reappeared. However, when she reappeared, there wasn't just one Bertha, there were dozens of Bertha. These dozens of Bertha interlocked with each other, multiplying their numbers again. In an instant, there were more than a hundred Bertha figures in the air and they seemed to fuse with the spinning air around them. These figures seemed to induce a sleepy feeling whenever someone looked at them directly.

Long Yi looked to his left and right. He even tried looking upwards, but all he saw was Bertha's spinning figure. The most important thing was every figure had the same amount of spirit power as Bertha. Even if one knew that this was an illusion, it was extremely difficult to break out of it as they won't be able to distinguish the real Bertha. This illusion could also confuse people, and they would be driven to the point of insanity if Bertha didn't break the illusion after a long time.

If an average person was trapped in Bertha's illusion, they would have already collapsed. They might even be driven crazy. However, was Long Yi an average person? Obviously not. Long Yi had unimaginably powerful spirit power as well as firm and tenacious determination. This small trick by Bertha was nothing in his eyes.

Having felt enough, Long Yi flicked his finger towards the real Bertha who was hiding somewhere in the illusion. Along with a hissing sound, the illusions in front of Long Yi instantly collapsed. Bertha fell to the ground with a red face and she clutched her chest with both her hands.

Long Yi was startled. As a matter of fact, he had flicked Bertha's arm. How could he have mistakenly flicked her chest? Could it be that his true qi cultivation was tainted with his lecherous habits?

"Long Yi, you… you rogue." Bertha gnashed her teeth and cursed.

"My bad, this is purely an accident. It is your fault that your chest was such a clear target." Long Yi grinned and laughed at Bertha.

After hearing Long Yi's words, Bertha burst into rage at this hoodlum.

"Well, I really didn't do it intentionally, don't be angry." When Long Yi looked at Bertha who was about to explode with anger, he couldn't help but admit defeat. Eventually, Long Yi conceded and apologized to Bertha, calming her down a little.

Bertha rolled her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her emotions. Even though Long Yi was standing some distance away from her, she didn't dare to put her hands down. She kept her hands on her chest, as she felt Long Yi's gaze glued onto them.

"What are you doing? If other people see you like this, they would think that I was the one who molested you!" Long Yi didn't know whether to laugh or to cry as he rebuked Bertha.

Even though Bertha was embarrassed, she managed to snort out a reply, "Do you think I am willing to put my hands down? You keep looking at me in a weird way, I have to defend myself."

Shrugging his shoulders, Long Yi said with a smile, "Since when did I stare at your chest? Even if I did steal some glances at them, don't exaggerate your reaction. Haven't you noticed people staring at your chest when walking down the street? I don't see you getting embarrassed when other people stare at you, why are you getting embarrassed now?"

Eventually, Bertha stopped clutching her chest reluctantly. However, she still had a sense of unease and she quickly shifted the topic. With a slight blush on her face, Bertha asked Long Yi, "Just a moment ago, how did you recognize the real me?"

"If I say that I managed to locate you due to your smell, would you believe me?" Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Why would I believe you when you are sprouting nonsense?" Bertha grumbled. She apparently thought that Long Yi was still teasing her.

"Since you don't believe me, then forget it. Nowadays, people believe lies instead of truths. When I tell the truth, people see it as nonsense anyway..." Long Yi put on airs and sighed while shaking his head.

In any case, Bertha was really curious about how Long Yi located her. The spirit fluctuation of her real body was exactly the same as the spirit fluctuation of those illusions. It was almost impossible to tell the difference between the real Bertha and the Illusion. If it was easy to tell the location of the caster, Thousand Extreme Illusions wouldn't deserve to be called one of the two great magic spells of the Fox Clan. Only after staring at Long Yi's face for a long time, Bertha finally couldn't control herself. She hesitantly asked, "Did you really notice me by smell? How did you sniff me out?"

"Obviously I used my nose to sniff you out. What else am I supposed to use, my foot?" Long Yi smiled and teased Bertha.

"You… You are infuriating me." Bertha had always known Long Yi's for his revolting behavior. Even though she was prepared to be teased by Long Yi, she was still unable to control her anger. In order to vent her frustration, she picked up a handful of snow from the ground and flung it at Long Yi.

With his lips curling upwards, Long Yi dodged the snowball thrown by Bertha. After dodging the snowball, Long Yi continued, "Well, don't be noisy, listen to what I have to say."

After seeing the serious look on Long Yi's face, Bertha stood still and paid attention to whatever he said.

"As a matter of fact, it's not worth mentioning. In fact, it is really simple to tell your location by smell. You should know that everybody has their own unique smell, especially women. Generally, a small number of highest grade women would emit a kind of body fragrance. It can either be strong or weak, but that is not the point. This kind of fragrance is completely different from the fragrance of perfumes. However, most people would be unable to smell the difference between the two. However, my nose is more sensitive than other people's. Although the wind blew your fragrance everywhere, I managed to locate you by locating the source of the fragrance. The source of the fragrance would obviously have a stronger smell than the illusions, and it wasn't difficult for me to pinpoint your location. The so-called 'identifying women by their fragrance' refer to this ability. Now, do you understand?" Long Yi looked at Bertha with a smile and explained. However, when Long Yi was talking, he had an expression that resembled a boorish uncle trying to prey on unsuspecting girls.

"Identifying women by smelling their fragrance? Then, is my body fragrance strong or weak? Is it pleasant to smell?" Bertha unexpectedly asked Long Yi questions about her own fragrance instead of the battle. Looking into her shining eyes, Long Yi could see that Bertha was more interested in her own smell than the battle earlier. Since Long Yi had stated that only a small number of highest grade women have their own fragrance, Bertha wanted to know if she was considered the highest grade woman in Long Yi's eyes.

"It's neither strong nor weak, but you have a wildflower's fragrance that is just right." [1] Long Yi said in all seriousness. However, a trace of a teasing smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

[1] Wildflower can also mean a woman of easy virtue

Chapter 396: Foshan Shadowless Kick and flying in pairs

Secondly, the big announcement! JFB has heard you. We're getting a NEW, better than before website!

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Bertha was unable to understand Long Yi's answer in the slightest. Wildflower? There were thousands upon thousands of wildflowers. Which wildflower was Long Yi referring to? Was it good or bad?

"Of course it's a good thing. Wildflower is the general smell. As the saying goes, a family flower is not as good as the wildflower... Aiyo, why on the earth are you kicking me?" Long Yi shook his head as a wicked smile bloomed on his face. He hastily jumped to one side in order to avoid Bertha's angry kick.

"What are you even saying? I want to kick you to death, you rogue." Bertha wasn't slow in her attack. Her kicks were extremely quick and she hastily blocked Long Yi's path of retreat.

"Wow, Foshan Shadowless Kick." Long Yi exclaimed with exaggeration as he grabbed Bertha's ankles. His devil's talons started to scratch at her ankles which made Bertha lose all strength instantly.

"Release me." Bertha angrily said.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and obediently released her. However, the moment he loosened his grip, Bertha's foot shot towards him. Instead of going for his face, she aimed at his little brother down there. How could Long Yi allow her to kick his little brother? It was as valuable as his life.

"Since you are using Foshan Shadowless Kick, this young master will use Lofty Mei Dragon Claw." Long Yi swung his palm at Bertha, aiming at her chest. Naturally, he didn't infuse any internal force in his palm.

Both of them hit each other at practically the same time. Long Yi clamped Bertha's little legs between his thighs, and his big hands pressed down on Bertha's towering and soft bosom. Within his palm, Long Yi felt a nice and elastic feeling. However, Long Yi was wondering why he was groping this little fox's chest. Could it be that he didn't use Lofty Mei Dragon Claw just now and used the legendary Grabbing Breast Dragon Claw instead?

After a few seconds, Bertha screamed with her face flushed red. With a single slap, she slapped away Long Yi's hands which were pressed onto her chest. However, her leg was still clamped between Long Yi's thighs and she wasn't able to free herself from Long Yi's grasp.

"Don't you dare move. Move again and you will be in danger." Long Yi narrowed his eyes and threatened Bertha. Moreover, his aura suddenly became dark, which caused Bertha's heart rate to speed up all of a sudden. She no longer dared to move a single muscle as she was afraid of what Long Yi might do to her.

"I will release you, but don't kick again. Especially down there. If you kick again, I will immediately r*pe you." Long Yi stared dangerously at Bertha and said.

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Bertha vigorously nodded her head, expressing her agreement to never kick Long Yi's little brother again.

The moment Long Yi released her leg, Bertha retracted her leg and immediately retreated. After putting some distance between herself and Long Yi, she said, "I am very tired now. I will pitch a tent beside your tent and go to sleep. You should also return to your tent and take a rest, it will be daybreak very soon." The moment she finished speaking, she walked to a spot beside Long Yi's tent. Taking out a tent from her own space ring, she started building her tent. Without a single glance at Long Yi, Bertha entered her tent as if she was a startled rabbit.

"Am I so terrifying?" Long Yi smiled and shook his head. Turning around, he thought about holding his two beauties in his own tent and quickly returned.

The moment he entered his tent, he saw that both Nalan Ruyue and Wushuang were awake. In fact, they were whispering something to each other and were not aware of his return.

"Eh, why are the both of you awake? Did I wake you two up?" Long Yi took off his outer robe and jumped onto the big bed. Squeezing himself between the two women, he held both the beauties in his hands, enjoying the happy fate of the man from Qi. [1]

"Someone was making noise while taking liberties with a woman right outside his own tent, how can we not wake up?" Nalan Ruyue spoke with jealousy in her voice as she rolled her eyes at Long Yi.

"Hehe, our group has just increased in population. The both of you don't mind right?" Long Yi smiled as he stroked Nalan Ruyue's buttocks. He knew that she was not truly angry.

"Since you have already agreed, could it be that we have the ability to chase her away?" Nalan Ruyue said in annoyance.

Long Yi smiled and his devil's talons restlessly moved about the ** buttocks of his two women.

"Ah, my husband, don't move randomly..."

"Long Yi, I will chop off your hand if it moves down even an inch."


Time passed unknowingly as the three of them chatted and laughed. When the three of them hugged each other and was enjoying this tranquil moment, the first glimmer of dawn appeared in the sky.

"We should get out of the bed, my two darlings." Long Yi extended his hand and pinched two women's ** as he yelled.

"Mmm..." Both Nalan Ruyue and Wushuang had half closed eyes when they made a sound of agreement. However, contrary to what Long Yi said, they squeezed into Long Yi's bosom at the same time with no intentions to get up.

As it turned out, the two girls were intending to laze around in bed. A light bulb flashed in Long Yi's mind as his hands started to skillfully knead their **. With a dirty smile plastered on his face, Long Yi said, "If you guys don't want to get up, fine! However, did you know that the early morning is when a man's vigor is the strongest? I won't be polite with the two of you..."

The sensitive places of these two women were attacked by Long Yi causing them to breathe heavily again and again. In order to stop Long Yi's hand from venturing any further, Wushuang simply grabbed his hand with her own. As for Nalan Ruyue, since he and she had already done the most intimate deed with Long Yi, his touch was nothing to her. She quietly looked at Wushuang who was on the other side. In any case, they were both sisters now. As such, Nalan Ruyue gritted her teeth and lifted her head. She took the initiative to kiss Long Yi's lips, savoring every moment of it.

Nalan Ruyue kissed him enthusiastically and her entire body became boiling hot and soft. While her mouth was busy, her small hands didn't stay idle. Reaching downwards, Nalan Ruyue boldly grabbed Long Yi's mighty little brother with her small hands as she started to play with it.

Long Yi was surprised by Nalan Ruyue's initiative and when he thought about Wushuang who was also beside him, a sudden sense of simulation washed over him. He began to kiss Nalan Ruyue passionately, and with his hands, he got rid of Nalan Ruyue's underwear. A pair of glittering and translucent towering ** appeared before his eyes, which changed into all kinds of shapes in Long Yi's hands.

For a moment, Wushuang became absent minded as she blankly stared at the intense affection between those two beside her. This kind of visual impact was something that was hard to bear for her who was still a virgin. However, the feeling when she returned back to her senses was as a pleasant tide which washed over her soul. It came as a surprise and Wushuang wasn't prepared for it. Wushuang suddenly got the urge to run away, but her body was completely powerless. She couldn't lift a finger even if she tried.

Long Yi raised his hand and lifted Nalan Ruyue onto his chest. As she straddled him, he sucked on the bright red pearl on Nalan Ruyue's chest. Within seconds, Long Yi could feel the delicate pearl stiffening and it stood erect inside his mouth.

Nalan Ruyue felt the ** from her chest rushing straight towards her brain, and she couldn't help but shake her head which caused her long black hair to cascade down her head as if a smooth waterfall.

After enduring the pleasant sensation for a while, Nalan Ruyue started to retreat as she felt as though the ** sensation was getting too much. She moved backwards, moving her chest away from Long Yi's direct assault. Holding Long Yi in her small hands, she passionately kissed his lips.

After the passionate kiss, Nalan Ruyue slid down his chest and threw the beautiful brocade quilt to the side at the same time. As she slid down, Nalan Ruyue meticulously kissed Long Yi's chest all the way down as if her kisses were raindrops raining down on his skin. Before long, she arrived at the place between Long Yi's legs.

Long Yi's breath became burning hot. Could it be that spring was about to arrive again? In the past, Beitang Yu had served him in the Unparalleled Battalion's campsite. He had often missed the taste of how Beitang Yu used to serve him… Could it be that Nalan Ruyue also learned how to please him with her mouth? The more he thought about it, the happier Long Yi became.

Nalan Ruyue didn't disappoint Long Yi. She pulled down his underpants, and Long Yi's ferocious lethal weapon jumped out.

"My husband… do you want Ruyue to serve you?" Nalan Ruyue looked up asked Long Yi as she stared at him with her huge charming eyes. As a matter of fact, Nalan Ruyue didn't learn this move on her own. She had only learned it after having a heart-to-heart talk with Beitang Yu back in the Unparalleled Battalion. As for Wushuang, she was already breathing heavily while watching the action from the sidelines. Instead of feeling awkward, Long Yu and Nalan Ruyue became more stimulated and they felt as though this session was more intense than what they usually did.

"Is that something you need to ask?" Long Yi said in a hoarse voice and his big hand slightly pressed down on Nalan Ruyue's head.

Nalan Ruyue rolled her eyes, grabbed Long Yi's pulsating little brother. Although she was pretending to be an expert, she was still embarrassed when she actually did it.

Hesitating slightly, Nalan Ruyue opened her mouth and moved her head down...

Whether one was an expert or not, a single move would show it. Nalan Ruyue was obviously a rookie as she had never done this before. Her movements were clumsy and she wasn't proficient when she sucked, which prompted Long Yi to guide her along.

"Heavens… Heavens… what are they doing?" Looking at Nalan Ruyue's actions, Wushuang's understanding towards ** was nearly destroyed. Never in her wildest imagination would she have thought that the 'matter' between man and woman would be explicit to this extent.

While Wushuang was in disbelief, Nalan Ruyue's actions had already become smooth. Under Long Yi's guidance, Nalan Ruyue quickly learned how to ** effectively. Long Yi half closed his eyes and was laying back, enjoying the feeling of Nalan Ruyue **.

The entire body of Wushuang heated up, and she felt a burst of ** in her lower abdomen. There was no need to mention, but Wushuang's panties was already soaked.

"No, I cannot stay here, I have to leave." Wushuang shook her head as she thought about leaving. She struggled to get up as she wanted to get out of the bed.

Long Yi caught Wushuang's actions from the corner of his eye, and he immediately pulled her back. Wushuang who had just stood up staggered a few steps before falling to her knee. However, her legs lost strength and she sat down… It was a coincidence, but she sat on Long Yi's face.

"Ah... Long Yi... no... don't..." Wushuang only felt a burning hot breath as well as a moist, warm object assaulting her private part. Naturally, she was able to guess what it was. However, she had already spent the final bit of her strength and was unable to stand up.

Long Yi immediately raised his hands and grabbed Wushuang's buttocks. He began to work his hands and kneaded her buttocks into a variety of shapes. Wushuang had already lost her power to resist and a pleasant sensation drowned her.

On the other end, Nalan Ruyue sat Long Yi's waist and was currently moving up and down. Her hands held the chest of Long Yi and occasionally, when her feelings were in chaos, she would lick Wushuang's smooth back.

Finally, the two women simultaneously let out a long-drawn-out moan and they collapsed.

"Long Yi... please... please... don't take my chastity..." Wushuang slid down as she bit her lips. She begged Long Yi softly and moaned into his ear.

Long Yi was startled, he didn't understand why Wushuang wasn't willing to allow him to take the final step even though they were already at this step. However, Long Yi had always respected his women's choices. Since Wushuang had asked him not to, Long Yi would not take her chastity right now.

Since he could do nothing to Wushuang, Long Yi only attacked Nalan Ruyue was still riding on his body.

Just when Long Yi was having the time of his life, a loud shout came from outside his tent. It was Bertha's voice, as that little fox was calling out for him, "Long Yi, when exactly are you planning to set out to Huangmang Plain?"

Long Yi was startled. When he thought about it, he didn't set up the sound insulation barrier outside his tent after he returned yesterday. Doesn't this mean that the voices of the three of them were heard by both Barbarian Bull and Bertha? What a blunder.

[1] the happy fate of the man from Qi (idiom): the joy of having several partners.

Chapter 397: Reaching Lost City once again

Secondly, the big announcement! JFB has heard you. We're getting a NEW, better than before website!

We're working on a smoother, bug-free website for all of you, but to reveal the details, we need followers to coax our Owner! At 500 followers, we will release more details and the timeline for the move. So follow, follow, follow on Twitter: Link: https://twitter.com/JFantasyBooks.

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No one knew when, but the snowfall had already stopped in the middle of the night. Even so, the sky was still cloudy and the ice cold northern wind was still whistling as it blew past the lands. Even if one was as doughty as a dragon, they would still shiver involuntarily. This wasn't a physical kind of coldness. Rather, it was a kind of spiritual coldness which was created by the ten thousand li icebound ahead of them.

Stretching his muscles, Long Yi yawned. Slowly turning his glance towards Bertha who had a red face at the tent's entrance, he said with a smile, "Why are you shouting so early in the morning? Do you know that you are causing a disturbance?"

Bertha scorned and said, "Seems more like disturbing your spring dream. If we don't move out now, then it will get dark again."

Bertha was right. As it was currently winter, daytime was short. There wasn't any sunlight in the evening or at dawn, moreover, with the cloudy weather, they really couldn't tell when was daytime. In Long Yi's previous world, whenever the weather was dim and dark like this, people used to run into electric poles.

After wasting time rolling on the bed, the two girls finally got dressed and left the tent with red faces. They looked more charming after doing 'it' with Long Yi and left the tent with their skin glowing and faces flushed.

"Well, let's pack up the tent and move out." Long Yi shouted loudly. Hearing his command, everyone placed their tents back into their space rings. It wasn't long before the group stepped into the entrance of the Huangmang Plain.

Currently, Huangmang Plain was a true wasteland. Originally, the grass that reached up to the waist had been blown to the ground by the northern wind, resembling a layer of very soft yellow carpet. Strangely enough, although the entrance of Huangmang Plain was separated from Proud Moon Empire by one war front, the difference in the environment was unbelievable. First, other than a layer of extremely thin accumulated snow at the edge of the plain, there wasn't a single snowflake anywhere else. On the grass, they could see glittering and translucent frost. When the stepped on the grass, the sound of ice breaking resounded.

"Haha, this is truly amusing." Bertha cheered while jumping left and right. She was really enjoying this and she appeared just like a playful little girl.

"Wimpy kid, what's so funny?" Nalan Ruyue softly whispered. Apparently, Nalan Ruyue still remembered when Bertha barged into their tent this morning, disturbing the three of them.

Bertha's ears shook as she turned around to look at Nalan Ruyue. She gave Nalan Ruyue a playful smile before returning to her usual antics as her white bushy tail swayed behind her.

"Okay, stop playing. We are going deeper into the plain now." Long Yi yelled.

The further they went inside Huangmang Plain, the smaller the effect of cold qi. There wasn't a single sign of life qi at the border of Huangmang Plain as all the magical beasts had migrated deeper into the plain.

The group only started to meet magical beasts on the fourth day of their journey. It appeared as if the inhumane massacre they suffered at Long Yi's hands several years ago had no effect on the magical beasts. There was still an incredible number of magical beasts roaming about which showed their insane procreating ability. When Long Yi thought about it, Huangmang Plain was extremely large. There were more than ten million magical beasts all around the plain, and the number of magical beasts Long Yi and his group killed in the past could be completely disregarded.

Long Yi summoned all three of his god-beasts after keeping them in his dark dimension space for so long. The moment Little Three, the Fire Qilin and the Violent Lightning Beast appeared, crowds of magical beasts fled in all directions. After Little Three became a white tiger cub, its strength had grown very rapidly. However, when Long Yi compared it to the Fire Qilin and the Violent Lightning Beast, Little Three lacked fighting strength. However, Little Three looked extremely impressive compared to the other two god-beasts. When he saw Little Three, Long Yi was reminded of Long Two. He didn't know if the shadow within his body was able to restore Long Two, but he hoped for the best.

In the past, Long Yi and his group were careful when they wandered around in the Huangmang Plain. However, their strength greatly soared since then and now, they were hundreds, if not thousands of times stronger compared to before. Long Yi's current strength was as different as heaven and earth compared to his strength in the past. Now, the magical beasts in Huangmang Plain already had no threat to Long Yi. Even if he ran into powerful magical beasts, what about that? With three god-beasts, Wushuang, and of course Long Yi himself with terrifying combat abilities, even if an SSS-ranked magical beast appeared, it would have to bow down and surrender.

After adventuring for 20 days, the group stood on a small stone which was protruding from the ground. They were staring blankly at the pile of debris not far away. The sky above the ruins was still shrouded with a layer of thin dark mist and they could feel a dense dark aura surrounding this place.

"Father, mother, my Holy City's people, Bing Ning is back..." The white robe which Wushuang was wearing fluttered, and with her eyes full of sadness and pain, she looked at the Holy City before her. It had once been a brilliant magical civilization. That used to be her home, but now, only the ruins remain.

Long Yi and other quietly stood behind Wushuang. They didn't disturb her as she needed a place to release her feelings.

After thousands of years, the world had already changed. All of her loved ones were already long buried underground changing into loess. She lost all her friends and family. In such conditions, how could one keep calm?

Suddenly, a drop of glittering and translucent teardrop slid down from Wushuang's face, and the wind blew it onto Long Yi's face. Currently, Long Yi was also feeling heartache. As Wushuang's feelings were always reflected in his heart, Long Yi was sharing whatever Wushuang felt. The feeling of sympathy rose up in him, along with a huge sense of heartache.

"Boundless Prairie is my root. There were amiable people there, and there were fresh flowers everywhere. Lofty Holy City is my home. It is a magnificent civilization and the people there are beautiful…" Wushuang slightly opened her mouth and a melodious singing voice rang out in Huangmang Plain. This was a song that sang praises of the Holy City, but when this song came out from Wushuang's mouth, it sounded really sad instead.

Nalan Ruyue and Bertha were already full of tears. Their hearts were as soft as tofu. When they heard the sad and dreary song Wushuang sang, their hearts moved and they felt some of the sadness Wushuang had.

Wushuang sang over and over again, and finally, she wept. She slowly walked towards the ruins and did her utmost to recognize the city where she grew up in.

"My husband, shouldn't we go and console big sister Wushuang? She is too pitiful." Nalan Ruyue pulled on Long Yi's sleeves and said while crying.

Long Yi shook his head. Gently patting Nalan Ruyue's head, he sighed, "We will follow her from a distance. Don't go and disturb her. She needs some time alone."

As he walked, Long Yi looked around. The scene where he was adventuring in the past with Leng Youyou, Lu Xiya, and Barbarian Bull appeared in his mind. It truly was a miracle that they were able to return from Huangmang Plain alive when they were so weak.

Several years ago, when they had first arrived at Lost City, it maintained a little bit of its original look. However, they touched a mechanism in the city lord's mansion and the entire Lost City became buried underground. Grass had grown all over the ground and only some incomplete broken tiles were faintly visible if they looked carefully at the ground.

Kacha kacha, suddenly, many undead creatures wearing broken armor and holding rusty weapons climbed out from inside the ruins. Long Yi and other three quickly rushed forward to protect the mourning Wushuang. It was a pure defensive formation as they didn't want the creatures to affect Wushuang.

However, a strange scene played out. Instead of attacking, the undead creatures formed two lines beside Wushuang. Whenever Wushuang took a step forward, they followed faithfully. The moment she stopped moving, they would stop as well, maintaining their rows beside her, as though they were her bodyguards.

"After thousands of years, could it be that these undead creatures can still recognize their master?" Long Yi was surprised. The civilization of Lost City had already reached a point which Long Yi couldn't comprehend. He wouldn't be surprised if there were living creatures here.

Gradually, the number of bodyguards increased as they followed Wushuang deep into Lost City. Now there was already two-three thousand creatures which could be counted as an undead army. However, Wushuang appeared as though she didn't realize that there were so many undead bodyguards following her as she continued to walk forward. At this point, the tears on her face had already dried up and her expression was colder than before.

Before long, Wushuang reached a wasteland. Upon reaching the wasteland, Wushuang finally stopped walking. The dark aura of this place was the strongest. Wushuang began to quickly chant an obscure incantation and water magic elements began to condense. The water magic elements managed to shroud the dark aura of the place, making it seem less ominous than before. Even though Wushuang was in the Magic God realm, it was difficult for her to cast divine water magic spells in this place.

"Water Lotus Break!" Wushuang shouted loudly and the Ice Magic Staff in her dainty hand released a round of light blue halo directly into the ground.

Very quickly, the ground began to tremble violently. Water columns began to spring out from the earth's surface.

"Boss, what is this magic? Did she make a spring to drink water?" Barbarian Bull asked in confusion.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders in annoyance as he felt tremors coming from the depths of the earth. Opening his mouth, Long Yi snapped at Barbarian Bull, "Keep looking and you will know, why are you talking nonsense?"

The moment Long Yi finished his words, the tremor which was coming from the earth intensified. This intense shaking nearly made people vomit blood. Barbarian Bull lost his footing and fell to the ground. As for Nalan Ruyue and Bertha, they cried out in alarm and grabbed on to Long Yi's arms.

Suddenly, a loud explosion sound resounded. A huge water column mixed with mud soared towards the sky. The momentum of the water column was so powerful, people would think that the end of the world was coming.

Fortunately, this water column was short-lived. Long Yi used a barrier to block all those water droplets and mud falling down from the sky. It had such a huge impact force that even a Swords Master ranked fighter would vomit 3 liters of blood if he met this impact head on.

"Ah... look, is that a house that came out of the ground?" Bertha was stupefied as she stared at a large building in front of her.

Long Yi was also startled. The house Wushuang had pulled up from the earth was the exact same house Long Yi had explored in the past, it was the city lord mansion. It was Wushuang's previous home. It was out of his expectations but the city lord mansion was only buried deeper into the ground as it did not disintegrate into dust.

When Wushuang walked into the entrance of the house, the magic lamps Long Yi had expected to light up didn't. When he thought about it, Long Yi was sure that those lamps lit up when he was here with the others. The only possible explanation was that the lamps were damaged.

After passing the hall, they arrived at that long corridor. Maybe it was because the place wasn't ventilated for a long time, the place had a very unpleasant smell. A strong dark aura coupled with the smell of rotting objects would make people feel nauseous. However, Long Yi and the others weren't pampered young masters or young mistresses. They could bear this.

Wushuang walked along this long corridor and stopped in front of a door. Long Yi vaguely remembered that this was the room where he had found the magic crystal which recorded Wushuang's appearance. This was presumably the room where Wushuang used to live in.

Sure enough, Wushuang extended her somewhat trembling hand to push open the door and she walked into the room. The decoration inside the room was already damaged and the room looked nothing like what it was in the past. The furnitures, bed, and other objects were already broken beyond repair. The slightest touch would change them into powder.

"Father, mother." Suddenly, Wushuang seemed to have fallen into a hallucination, and along with the flashing of white light, she disappeared from the room.

Chapter 398: Corpse resurrection and false alarm

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Long Yi and others looked at each other in blank dismay and rushed out of the room at practically the same time. No matter how they tried, they couldn't find Wushuang anywhere. Wushuang had just used space magic to disappear from the room. When using this kind of instantaneous movement magic, there wouldn't be magic fluctuation anywhere else other than the place she just disappeared from. As such, Long Yi and the rest had no way to track her down. They were utterly helpless as they had no idea where Wushuang went.

"My husband, will big sister Wushuang really leave?" Nalan Ruyue asked.

"Of course she won't leave! Didn't you hear big sister Wushuang shout for her father and mother just a moment ago? She must have gone to her parent's room." Bertha gave a confident stare to the rest of the group as she analyzed the situation. In addition, she shot a contemptuous glance at Nalan Ruyue. It was as though Bertha was laughing at Nalan Ruyue for being stupid as she couldn't understand such simple logic.

How could Nalan Ruyue allow this little fox to mock her? After shooting a glance at Long Yi who had a slight smile on his face, she turned to Bertha and gave her a cold snort. When she was looking at Long Yi, she had a gentle gaze in her eyes, however, she turned and glared at Bertha right after looking at Long Yi.

"Long Yi, what do you think? Is my analysis correct?" Bertha smiled and returned Nalan Ruyue's glare with a playful look of her own. With a cute but cunning smile on her face, she asked Long Yi a question.

"Well, that really makes sense…" Long Yi answered with a smile on his face. He was also 99% sure that Wushuang had gone to her parent's room.

"Since we know where she went, shouldn't we go and look for her? This place is so big… Which direction should we head towards?" Bertha asked.

"Idiot. You don't even know which way to go… In the Blue Waves Continent, the residents in the east, west, north, and south courtyards are carefully selected. The master of the house normally resides in the eastern courtyard. The young lady of the household would stay in the southern courtyard. As for the household's young master, they would stay in the northern courtyard. As for the western courtyard, it is usually reserved for the guests. If you look at where big sister Wushuang's room is, you can see that it is facing the south. This shows that the way this house is built is similar to how houses are built in the Blue Waves Continent. As such, big sister Wushuang parents' room should be in the eastern courtyard. My husband, am I right?" Nalan Ruyue instantly took this opportunity to show off her knowledge, as she tried to counter Bertha's previous attacks.

"That is right, I also think that her parents' room is in the eastern courtyard." Long Yi replied with a smile.

When she heard that Long Yi agreed with her, Nalan Ruyue shot a complacent glance at Bertha and wrinkled her nose at the little fox. It was obvious that these two girls were bickering with each other.

"You two bad girls. Stop playing the glaring game. Hurry up, we have to go and look for your big sister Wushuang." Long Yi smiled and knocked on the heads of these two girls. After that, Long Yi started walking towards the eastern courtyard.

Long Yi didn't have to do anything. The only thing he actually did was to give commands to Barbarian Bull. Barbarian Bull would break everything and anything which was in their path, and they felt unstoppable. No one was able to stop their advance, if gods blocked their way, they would kill gods. If demons block their path, they would slay demons. On the way to the eastern courtyard, Barbarian Bull destroyed more than ten rooms.

Barbarian Bull with Greenstone Rule in his hand droned, "It's not satisfying, I thought that Huangmang Plain will force me to make an all-out effort. Instead, this old bull is bored to death now."

Long Yi kicked Barbarian Bull's ** and scolded in jest, "You want a satisfying battle, then wait until we are out of this place. I will let you fight till you become satisfied. Remember that time in the past when we were looking for an exit, I saw an SSS-ranked Carnage Golden Falcon in the southwest direction. You can go fight with it after we get out of this place."

Barbarian Bull scratched his bull horn and said, "Boss, this old bull cannot fly, how can I fight against it?"

"If you want to fight, you naturally have to choose the most difficult opponent. It's all set, don't discuss about it now. Let's go inside and look for Wushuang." When Long Yi entered this courtyard, he sensed Wushuang's aura.

Sweeping away several boulders blocking their way, Long Yi turned a corner and saw a worn out, fan-shaped, door. In front of that door, Wushuang was kneeling with her head touching the floor. Her pure white dress was full of dust and her back view looked lonely and sad.

Long Yi and others slowly walked forward. When he took a step towards Wushuang, Long Yi's heart skipped a beat. He started to feel anxious and his palms were starting to become sweaty.

The pupils of Long Yi suddenly shrunk, and he became extremely alert like a leopard. His innate beast-like intuition was screaming at him to alert him of the danger ahead.

Seeing as Long Yi felt something, Barbarian Bull immediately coordinated with Long Yi. Barbarian Bull instantly leapt into an attacking stance along with Nalan Ruyue and Bertha. Although they didn't know what was going on, all of them became alert.

The four people slowly walked to the entrance, and in front of Wushuang, they saw two dried-up corpses. It was clear that they were a couple when they looked at their clothes… The clothes they wore was magnificent. The outline of their body was clear, but their muscles and blood vessels were already withered and shrunk. Long Yi and the group assumed that they were Wushuang's parents.

Seeing only two dried corpses which were Wushuang's parents, Nalan Ruyue and Bertha instantly had a change in their complexion. At this moment, they forgot about fighting with each other and they started to sympathize with the suffering Wushuang went through. Waking up after thousands of years to look at the corpses of their relatives who had died long ago, one could imagine the pain and suffering Wushuang was going through now.

Long Yi on the other hand, didn't let his guard down the slightest. When he was standing close to Wushuang, the feeling of danger had intensified, which made Long Yi feel extremely uncomfortable. He carefully observed those two corpses which were supposed to be Wushuang's parents. In a single glance, Long Yi was able to see that the room was covered in a layer of dust. However, the area where the corpses were lying on didn't have a single speck of dust on it.

"Magic array? What a strange feeling!" Long Yi looked at those two corpses which were laying side by side. Their magnificent clothes had crystals which were emitting dark aura inlaid in them. Between the crystals, there were extremely complicated runes and lines. The lines greatly resembled a magic array, but Long Yi felt as though something was off.

All this while, Wushuang was staring blankly at the two corpses which used to be her closest relative. Her brain was blank and she wasn't able to think about anything other than the fact that her parents were already dead.

A drop of clear tear slid down Wushuang's cheeks and dripped onto the ground. Along with the dripping of Wushuang's tear, the black crystals inlaid on the magnificent clothes of these two dried corpses suddenly shone with a dim black light.

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In an instant, those two dried-up corpses simultaneously opened their tightly closed eyes. There was a strange black light wandering around their eyes, which gave them a sinister look.

Long Yi's pupils shrank to the size of a needle as he grabbed Wushuang. In a flash, he retreated to a place far away from the two corpses. At the same time, those two dried corpses without any life leaped up from the ground and left behind afterimages as they jumped. The instant Long Yi pulled Wushuang away, they claws grabbed towards the location where Wushuang's head and heart once was.

"Take care of Wushuang." Long Yi passed Wushuang to Nalan Ruyue and Bertha. Looking at Barbarian Bull, they came to a tacit agreement and started their attack on the skeletons.

Because these dried corpses were the remains of Wushuang's parents, Long Yi had his hands and legs tied. However, the power of those two corpses' were out of Long Yi's expectations. Long Yi was able to feel that they had reached the Swords God realm and they ignored everything while attacking Long Yi,

Bang, Barbarian Bull and Long Yi were sent flying and a trace of blood appeared on the corner of their mouth.

Long Yi wasn't able to do anything but give a wry smile. This city lord and his wife who had changed into dried-up corpses unexpectedly resurrected. Not to mention the fact they started attacking their own daughter when they came back to life, could it be that this world has turned upside down? Those undead guards outside recognized Wushuang and didn't possess the slightest intention to attack her. However, her very own parents attacked Wushuang the moment they opened their eyes. What has this world come to?

Those two dried corpses mechanically turned towards Wushuang and the black lights in their eyes intensified. In an instant, they stretched their withered claws directly towards Wushuang.

Wushuang finally snapped out of it and didn't dare to believe her eyes. With a sad sigh, she said, "Father, mother, it's me, Ning'er. I am your daughter, Bing Ning."

Turning a deaf ear to whatever Wushuang said, they shot their withered claws towards Wushuang's vital spots.

Bertha and Nalan Ruyue cried out in alarm and pulled Wushuang backward. As for Barbarian Bull and Long Yi, they rushed up to stop the two corpses. Having no other choice, Long Yi had to use all his power to take care of this. He used his douqi and compressed magic to attack the two corpses, and this courtyard which was on the verge of collapse caved in.

Wushuang struggled free from both Bertha's and Nalan Ruyue's grasp. She immediately rushed into the battle, which made the battle more chaotic.

Wushuang didn't dodge nor hide. On the contrary, it was as if she had gone mad. She dodged Long Yi's protection and rushed towards the two dried-up corpses. For a moment, the pressure on Long Yi and Barbarian Bull increased greatly as they tried to help Wushuang. Before long, the black colored douqi knocked out Barbarian Bull and Long Yi had no choice but to summon the three god-beasts to help him.

"All of you, get out of the way! Since father and mother want to kill me, let them kill me already." Wushuang burst into tears as she teleported beside the two corpses using space magic. In order to stop Long Yi and the rest, she casted a magic barrier to trap herself with the two corpses.

"Wushuang!" Long Yi shouted in grief and he madly amassed the internal force within his body. The moment he saw the barrier, he knew that he had to destroy the barrier in order to save Wushuang. However, Wushuang was a Magic God and in order to break the barrier casted by her, Long Yi would have to spend some time in order to do so. In such a situation, where was Long Yi going to find the time to break the barrier? Helplessly watching Wushuang torn into pieces by the claws of her own parents, what can be more painful than this?

Wushuang spread her arms open and left herself defenseless. In a low voice, she muttered, "Father, mother, do you want Ning'er to be buried with you two? Ning'er is willing."

Seeing Wushuang in front of them, the two corpses sped up their attack. Their four withered sharp claws instantly pierced through the chest of Wushuang and her blood quickly dyed her white clothing bright red.

"Wushuang….." Long Yi roared with a sad voice as he felt a stuffy feeling rising up in his chest. Long Yi vomited a mouthful of blood as he stared at Wushuang who was dyed red with her own blood. It was as though Long Yi turned crazy as he desperately rammed against the barrier set up by Wushuang using his own body.

The corner of Wushuang's mouth twitched and she slowly turned her head to look at Long Yi who was in a state of madness. At this moment, her sparkling and translucent pupils glimmered with apology and love for him. Looking into her eyes, Long Yi could see how much Wushuang loved him, her love for him was deeper than the sea. At this moment, Wushuang only had two sentences she wanted to say to Long Yi, "I am sorry. I love you."

It was blood-red. Blood-like red brilliance flashed from the arms of these two dried corpses. At the same time, all those crystals inlaid on their magnificent clothes completely disintegrated. With the sudden burst of a breeze, these two dried corpses faded away as if an illusion. Only a fist-sized crystal ball fell from mid-air, which rolled a few times on the meadow and no longer moved.

In the next moment, Wushuang collapsed and she happened to land onto the crystal ball.

The moment Wushuang collapsed, the barrier she casted disappeared. Long Yi practically rolled and crawled to Wushuang's body, with his tears overflowing. He immediately casted the Light Healing Magic onto Wushuang as he simultaneously injected true qi into her body.

"I want to resuscitate her, I want to resuscitate her..." The lips of Long Yi trembled as he continuously repeated this sentence.

"Long Yi, Long Yi..." Bertha pulled on Long Yi's shoulders as she called out for him.

"Your mother! Don't touch me, can't you see that I am trying to save Wushuang?" Long Yi roared and Bertha's eyes immediately filled up with tears.

"I only want to say… want to say… Big sister Wushuang appears to be fine." Bertha took a deep breath and muttered.

It was as though Bertha's words gave Long Yi a hard slap which woke him up. He quickly turned Wushuang over and used his hands to feel her breath. Well, her breathing was very smooth and steady. When he looked at Wushuang's chest, Long Yi's breathing suddenly became hurried. He only saw a pair of towering ** standing out from her torn clothes. The pink pearls on top of those towering ** shivered whenever a cold wind blew against them. He didn't see a single wound on her body.