555 - 561

Chapter 555: Seventh layer AoTianJue

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Long Yi was shocked in his heart. But, at that moment, his meridians swelled suddenly, and AoTianJue that had remained still at the fifth layer suddenly started to breakthrough. Moreover, this breakthrough had come unexpectedly and more violently than any other breakthroughs before. With regards to AoTianJue above the fifth layer, Long Yi had no experience as the highest level he had reached in his previous life was just the fifth layer. When he saw that the true qi in his dantian was boiling over, Long Yi seemed somewhat terrified.

"F**k, how can it come at this time?" Long Yi landed on the mountain without stable footing and he felt that the true qi in his body was boiling over. The pain which was caused by the burning feeling was not only physical. Even his powerful consciousness felt as though it was being tortured as a heavenly fire raged throughout his body.

The clothes he was wearing were quickly reduced to ashes and it disintegrated. White smoke appeared from all parts of his body. All the plants within 100 meters around him instantly withered and the stones on the ground started to turn red. That boiling true qi appeared as if it wanted to melt everything.

The meridians in Long Yi's body started to convulse for one moment before expanding in the next moment. In addition, he felt as if a huge hammer was ferociously smashing against his sea of consciousness, making him feel intolerable pain. However, his mind was extremely clear. He wasn't able to faint even if he wanted to. He had once thought that that extreme pain on his soul was the greatest pain he had ever felt. However, he realized that it was nothing compared to the pain he was feeling now.

Relying on his last bit of endurance, Long Yi activated a barrier bead to create a barrier around him. He also summoned Long Two and the other god beasts in order to guard himself. He knew that he was always defenseless when making a breakthrough… He couldn't tolerate any mishap, otherwise, his soul would scatter without a trace.

A golden light shot out from the golden cloud mark on Long Yi's chest and it vaguely linked itself to Long Yi's sea of consciousness. Then, the Lightning God spirit tablet and Wind God spirit tablet which hadn't appeared for a long time appeared and circled above the head of Long Yi, emitting a purple and cyan radiance.

Somewhere in Lost City, in the dark space, the Dark God statue in the hall located at the depth of the cold pond suddenly emitted a radiance and a humanoid form appeared.

"Wind God Mark! Ai, it seems like nothing can be forced." A hoarse voice resounded within this hall.

At this moment, Long Yi was already reaching the limit and was about to fall apart. If he failed to retain his sanity; even if he was able to keep his life, he would turn into an idiot.

The true qi was still boiling within his meridians but the golden cloud mark on Long Yi's chest was still injecting dense energy into his body. It integrated with the true qi within his body and compressed it, making it even denser.

The meridians were like a balloon right now. As though air was continuously blown into his meridians, it started to inflate. However, his meridians weren't fragile like balloons. Rather, they were unconsciously shrinking which increased the density of the air in his meridians. Merely, however tough and tensile a balloon was, it would inevitably explode if air entered it without limit. Moreover, the density of the air would reach a maximum.

Finally, the true qi within the body of Long Yi expanded to the maximum limit and exploded after his meridians shrunk.

Along with the sound of a muffled explosion, a blast of air started to spread all around with Long Yi as the center. The barrier was instantly torn to pieces a dust and sand cloud rose from the ground. The entire earth shook violently and even crowds of people far away felt the shaking of the earth. In addition, magic glasses in Soaring Dragon City shattered and everyone thought that they were struck by an earthquake.

Even after a long time, people were afraid that something had happened. However, they discovered that this big explosion had come from the mountain at the outskirt of this city. They could still see a dust and sand cloud at that place which covered everything.

At this time, a well-trained army stationed outside the city had already rushed towards this mountain. In two days, it would be a coronation ceremony in order to announce the ascension of the Blue Waves Emperor. It was a sensitive time and there was no way any mishaps would be allowed to happen. Obviously, there was no way the huge explosion would be ignored. Even though it had happened at the outskirts of Soaring Dragon City, it still had to be investigated thoroughly. If the explosion had occurred in Soaring Dragon City itself, the number of casualties would be through the roof.

When the army of several thousand arrived, they were completely shocked. The mountain which used to stand tall outside Soaring Dragon City had already been leveled to the ground. There were only pieces of broken stone and branches which were left on the ground. To destroy such a huge mountain… Only divine magic would be able to level it to the ground like this.

At that time, a loud roar came from the sky and everyone turned to look at the source of the roar. Through the dense dust cloud, the soldiers were able to make out a godly figure. He was wearing a godly armor which emitted a silverish-purple radiance. The armor had many mysterious patterns engraved on it. In his hand, there was a huge hammer which was surrounded by lightning. Of course, that person was Long Yi who was wearing the lightning god armor.

"Is it him? That stinking kid, can it be that he surpassed the God rank??" Two hundred li away, Sword God Murong Bo who was coming to Soaring Dragon City with three great Elders of the Murong Clan suddenly stopped. When he heard the roar and sensed the majestic energy fluctuation coming from that place, he muttered to himself in doubt.

"It's him!" Beitang Yu, who was only 50 li away from Soaring Dragon City, shouted. She was returning with the allied army and she immediately commanded them to stop. When she sensed the familiar aura coming from the distance, her ice-cold and indifferent face finally had a bit of fluctuation.

At this moment, Long Yi, however, stood majestically in the air after roaring. Naturally, this was just in the eyes of those soldiers. As a matter of a fact, Long Yi was in a trance as he looked inside his body. He discovered that his meridians had turned invisible and his majestic true qi circulated around his body. The only difference was that jt was circulating in reverse.

Moreover, in his sea of consciousness, there was the addition of a cyan magic core and the wind god spirit tablet was continuously revolving around it. Now, only the earth magic element had yet to transform into a magic core. Out of the seven spirit tablets, Long Yi had five of them. He was only missing the earth god spirit tablet and the water god spirit tablet.

"Seventh layer of AoTainJue…I actually skipped a layer?��� Long Yi was somewhat surprised. The might of the first layer of AoTianJue and one layer was not equal. The further he got, the more the gap between the layers increased. Between the fifth and sixth layer, the difference could be compared to the difference between heaven and earth. He actually broke through to the seventh layer directly… Hereafter, he no longer needed the help of wind magic to fly. Moreover, after this breakthrough, he was able to completely equip the lightning god armor.

Just as he thought about the lightning god armor, is changed into a purple light as it disappeared into his body. The lightning god spirit tablet in his sea of consciousness instantly became dim.

Long Yi came back to his senses and he suddenly discovered that several thousand soldiers below him were looking at his naked body with their mouths wide open. Long Yi couldn't help but curse as he took out a new set of clothing. He quickly wore it before descending to the ground.

"We pay respect to Young Master Ximen." These soldiers immediately fell to one knee and respectfully saluted him. Long Yi had a great prestige within the army. He was the one who nurtured the Hell Angel and created the Unparalleled Battalion that had never lost. Moreover, at this moment, Long Yi descended from the sky like a god after instantly leveling a mountain to the ground. At this moment, all of them held him in awe and veneration in their heart.

"Well, this place is fine, sorry for the trouble. Brother, you can return." Long Yi waved his hand and said.

These soldiers accepted the orders and left. Long Yi nevertheless sat down on a big rock, looking at this mess in a daze. Was this truly his doing?

Although he could also flatten mountains before, it was limited to only small hills. This was a huge mountain which was a kilometer tall! The part which shocked him was that he didn't even intend to crush the mountain. It was flattened by the energy which leaked out from his body during his breakthrough. How could he not be surprised? The mountain flattened during the battle of Midi'er and Sharman was not even half as big as this mountain.

Whoosh, several shadows flew to the sky from this ruins. They were Long Two and the three god beasts which Long Yi had summoned in order to protect him when he was breaking through. All of them had a haggard appearance as they were practically buried alive when the mountain collapsed.

"Wuwu..." Those god beasts called out to Long Yi with dissatisfaction and shook their body to shake off the dust.

Long Yi simply shrugged his shoulders innocently at the god beasts. As though he suddenly remembered something, he pulled open his lapel and he saw that the golden cloud mark on his chest was still present. He even suspected that this mark had something to do with him bypassing a level. He felt that the surging true qi in his body had a link to this golden cloud mark. Of course, he also knew that Mu Hanyan was the one who gave him this mark. What exactly could it be? Also, where was she now?

When the smoke and dust dispersed, Soaring Dragon City had already reverted back to its normal state. At this moment, Ximen Nu along with a hundred or more officials under the escort of five thousand shadow cavalrymen came to the east city gate. He wanted to welcome the army that had returned triumphantly.

Flying over, Long Yi took over the unicorn which a bodyguard beside Ximen Nu was riding. He rode it as he made his way to Ximen Nu.

"Father." Long Yi greeted Ximen Nu.

"Made a breakthrough?" Ximen Nu sized up his son and sighed with emotion in his heart. The color blue was made out of indigo but was more vivid than indigo. If not for this son's help, then it was impossible for the Ximen Clan to win in such a short period of time. Thinking about it, in the past, he was an absolutely lawless silk pants under the protection of the clan's prestige and everyone called him a s*x fiend. Now, his strength had reached the apex and everyone deeply respected him.

"Yes, father.��� The excitement of Long Yi had already calmed down. He indifferently answered with a smile.

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"Good, good, wait for a few years and father will pass the throne to you. You will absolutely develop our Ximen Clan to absolute the pinnacle." Ximen Nu happily patted the shoulder of Long Yi. He had yet to officially ascend the throne, but he already wanted to pass the throne on to Long Yi.

The expression of Long Yi became bitter but he didn't refute his father. Like hell he wanted to become an emperor who had to constantly worry about the livelihood of common people. Fighting to win over state power was easy. The difficult part was defending the position. Not to mention the fact that he didn't want to spend the remainder of his life doing that. He just wanted to leisurely travel all around the world with his women. Of course, he didn't dare to say so at this moment. With the age of this old man, he could still sit on the throne for more than 20 years without any problem. At that time, he should already have many sons who were grown up. He could casually grab one of them to become the next emperor. It seemed as though he had to accelerate his baby making process.

Just as he was thinking about the future, everyone had already arrived at the Ten Li Pavilion which had been built meticulously. The Ten Li Pavilion also had another name, and it was also known as the Victory Pavilion. It was a place where successive emperors welcomed their victorious army when they returned from battle. It was also the place where the common people bade farewell or welcomed the return of their friends and family.

Chapter 556: Grandfather awaken

In the extremely short ten li road from the city gate to the Ten Li Pavilion, more than 100,000 people had gathered. They all wanted to see how powerful this iron-blooded army that had survived in the midst of corpses for several years was. They also wanted to see how the very famous Hell Angel looked like. They heard that she was admired by countless men and she was worshipped by countless women which piqued their interest.

At this moment, Long Yi was sitting upright as he stared at the hint of black lines which was appearing in the distance. He could feel that the earth was starting to shake rhythmically. A sense of excitement filled Long Yi.

Out of all of his women, Long Yi felt the most grateful to Beitang Yu. For the last several years, she had campaigned all across the country in his place. In her world, there seemed to be no other entertainment other than strategizing. Long Yi kept everything she did in his mind. At this moment, that proud little girl who was extremely stubborn appeared in his mind. She was the same girl who bit him several years ago.

That distant black line quickly moved forward, gradually forming an unstoppable black wave. By this time, one could already see the banner which was raised high by the vanguard. That banner was black in color with a golden edge and a big word, 'Unparalleled' was written on it. This banner was very famous. It was the banner of the Unparalleled Battalion which terrorized the battlefield.

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"Father, it's the Unparalleled Battalion! It's Unparalleled Battalion." Among the crowd, a fourteen or fifteen year old teenage boy excitedly pulled at the sleeves of his father and his eyes were shining with a fanatical hue. As of now, there was a saying that the general of a position was useless if they had not joined the Unparalleled Battalion. Everyone knew that the Unparalleled Battalion had the best soldiers. As such, the best generals were also naturally in the Unparalleled Battalion. Among the allied army, the greater part of the generals who had made a name for themselves in this expedition were those generals who had climbed up step by step from the bottom. Of course, the most famous of them all made their name in the Unparalleled Battalion. Other than Beitang Yu and Tyrant Bear, there was a general who made a name for himself. It was Nangong Nu. He had already become the third key figure in the allied army.

"Son, wait two more years. After that, you can join the Unparalleled Battalion." That father used his big hand to stroke his son's head. His finger only had three fingers which showed that he was a veteran in the army. He had retired due to the injury he received on the battlefield when he fought against the Proud Moon Empire. He had personally experienced the might of the Unparalleled Battalion. Now, the greatest wish in his life was for his son to become a part of the Unparalleled Battalion one day.

The army proceeded closer and closer to the city and the citizens could see the sight of 10,000 soldiers from the Unparalleled Battalion clearly. They were wearing black colored armor and they rode on a black colored unicorn. The gap between every unicorn was exactly the same. In addition, even though they were still quite a distance from the city, everyone was able to feel the blood momentum they carried with them. The bodies of the citizens were trembling in fear as the troops approached.

The soldiers from the Unparalleled Battalion were not divided into cavalry and infantry. All of them were all-rounded as they were personally trained by Long Yi. Cavalry charged like a whirlwind and infantry formed steel like defense. However, the purpose of the Unparalleled Battalion was to assassinate other targets. They were used to carry out small-scale repeated attacks which trusted deep into the enemy forces.

There were three people who led the army. One of them was wearing a general armor with a blood-red cloak. He was actually Long Yi's brother-in-law, Nangong Nu. The current Nangong Nu was completely different from the Nangong Nu in the past. In those days, he was just a wimpy kid who was only as tall as Long Yi's chest. Now, he had already grown big and tall. He had a tough and stocky build and there was a sharp light shining in his eyes.

There was another general who was wearing black fur all over his body. It was Tyrant Bear and he looked extremely frightening. There was another general who had an ice-cold appearance. She was indifferent and she wore a purple battle robe. Of course, she was Beitang Yu. She was riding in the middle.

The heart of Long Yi trembled while staring at Beitang Yu's unchanged appearance. Their eyes met each other and both of them felt as though they had been apart for generations. The yearning they had accumulated for a long time exploded.

Beitang Yu followed the gaze of Long Yi and slowly, her ice-cold indifferent expression began to melt. A hint of a fascinating smile appeared on her face.


The room was filled with a light fragrance. Beitang Yu had already changed her clothing. Right now, the Hell Angel who could shake heaven and earth was happily snuggling in the bosom of her sweetheart like any other common woman. In addition, the sunlight spilling through the window illuminated them, adding a layer of magnificent golden glow on their skin.

"If this is a dream, then I hope that I will never wake up." Beitang Yu sighed and whispered. Now, she looked very cute. At this moment, Beitang Yu was already no longer the general on the battlefield. She was just a woman… A pure woman.

"This is a real dream. We are living in it right now. We'll never wake up from it, however, we will slowly fade away as we welcome the next generation." Long Yi gently patted the back of Beitang Yu and said.

"Even in next reincarnation, I hope that I will dream about you." Beitang Yu softly said with a smile.

"You will… You definitely will." The black pupils of Long Yi flashed as he suddenly thought about Little Qi in his past life. In that blurred image, only that pair of gentle and beautiful eyes was still clear. If this world was where they would reincarnate, where did Little Qi reincarnate into?

Knock, knock, knock. One had to wonder, who was the one who couldn't tell good from bad. They had to disturb them at this time.

"My husband, the patriarch wants you to come now."

The voice of Nangong Xiangyun came from outside.

Long Yi stood up and opened the door and he saw Nangong Xiangyun standing outside. She stuck her tongue out at him and she seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Xiangyun, familiarize Beitang Yu to the other sisters. Your husband will reward you after he returns." Long Yi smiled and pinched the cheeks of Nangong Xiangyun. When he thought about the promise to battle against her for three days and three nights, he was truly happy.

Long Yi arrived at the study of Ximen Nu and he pushed open the door. He entered the room and saw that both his father and mother are inside. His little sister Ximen Wuhen however, was familiarly chatting with Sword God Aunt Ou.

"Father, did grandpa wake up?" Long Yi asked. Before, Aunt Ou had always been in the secret room trying to wake up his grandfather. When he saw that she had finally appeared outside, he couldn't help but ask.

"Quick, your grandma Ou said that your grandfather will wake up soon." Ximen Nu said, showing an exuberant and triumphant expression. He appeared a lot younger.

Grandma Ou? Long Yi looked at Aunt Ou with a strange look on his face. He was really not used to this form of address as Ximen Wuhen usually addressed her as Aunt Ou.

"It is nearly time… We should go in." Aunt Ou held the hand of Ximen Wuhen and opening the door of the secret room, everyone entered.

The entire group of people stood in front of the stone room, only Aunt Ou sat on the edge of the bed as she warmly looked at Ximen Kuang who was sleeping quietly. At this moment, her heart was filled with emotions. In the blink of an eye, more than 20 years had already passed and they had grown old.

At that moment, the eyelid of Ximen Kuang who was lying on the stone bed lightly quivered. He slowly opened his eyes with some difficulty. Seeing this, the heart of everyone involuntarily tightened.

Ximen Kuang half opened his eyes and after blinking several times, his pupils gradually became focused.

"Yan'er?" Perhaps, because he had not spoken for a long time, the voice of Ximen Kuang was very hoarse. He completely ignored everyone and he looked at Aunt Ou with agitation in his eyes.

Aunt Ou trembled, Yan'er was her pet name. Other than her master, only this old man before her had the qualification to call her like that. When her name left his mouth, she started to shed tears.

"Father." Ximen Nu and Dongfang Wan stepped forward and agitatedly called out.

Ximen Kuang turned over and watched the excited face of Ximen Nu. His eyes slightly glimmered with some complicated feelings. He seemed surprised. Was this his son? That extremely haughty boy who always made a display of his abilities had unexpectedly become turned into a white haired old man. He had a steady and reserved manner. It seemed as though he was a sage who had experienced great changes in his life.

"Grandson Ximen Yu greets grandfather. Allow grandson to improve grandfather's blood circulation." Long Yi also stepped forward and greeted. Without waiting for his answer, Long Yi grabbed Ximen Kuang's hand and slowly injected his true qi into Ximen Kuang's body. This moment, since Long Yi's AoTianJue had already reached the seventh layer, the purity level of his true qi had already reached a new height. Its effects were multiplied.

Not long after, Long Yi stopped. Ximen Kuang's shoulders moved and he actually jumped out of the bed. He began to stretch and he started to move his body about.

"Hahaha, you are my grandson. Good, good, looking at your skill, even our forefather Ximen Jinglei cannot compare to you." Ximen Kuang was full of energy after Long Yi treated him and his hoarse voice also became full of vigor.

Long Yi just smiled. He fully deserved this. With his current strength, he could already wear the Lightning God armor for a short period of time. Although he had not tried the power of the Lightning God Hammer, he knew that this weapon which used to belong to the main god was far more powerful. As for how much more powerful it was, it was unknown. He wanted to look for a time in order to test out the power of his weapon.

"Eh, is this my granddaughter?" Ximen Kuang looked at Ximen Wuhen who was indifferently standing at one side. That indifferent and above worldly material temperament of Ximen Wuhen rather surprised him.

"Granddaughter Ximen Wuhen greets grandfather." Ximen Wuhen took a step forward and bowed.

"Ximen Wuhen!" Ximen Kuang was shocked. He shot a glance at Ximen Nu before turning to Aunt Ou who had an unnatural expression on her face.

Ximen Wuhen was confused as she didn't understand why her grandfather had such a big reaction after hearing her name.

Aunt Ou walked to the side of Ximen Kuang and said after a sigh, "It has already been more than 20 years. Now, some matters should be clarified."

At this moment, Dongfang Wan thought about Long Yi's words about how Ximen Wuhen might not possess the blood of the Ximen Clan. She started to turn nervous. If this matter was learned by her husband, what would he do? This was related to the dignity of a man.

Dongfang Wan pulled the sleeve of Ximen Nu as she felt ill at ease. However, Ximen Nu tightly held onto her little hand in order to comfort her. Looking at his expression, she seemed to realize something.

"Second brother." Ximen Wuhen panicked a little and she leaned closer to Long Yi. Although she didn't know what it was about, she knew that this matter definitely had something to do with her.

Chapter 557: Predestined love of the pas

Ximen Kuang sighed and he looked at the panicking Ximen Wuhen for a moment. After some time, his shifted his gaze towards his daughter-in-law, Dongfang Wan and he said, "It seems like Nu'er really obeyed the promise he made to me. He didn't tell anyone about this matter. Right now, the issue is already over. It's no big deal for me to speak about it, as a matter of fact..."

"I should be the one to say this. As a matter of fact, Ximen Wuhen is my biological granddaughter." Aunt Ou interrupted Ximen Kuang and she had an agitated look on her face when she faced Ximen Wuhen. For the past several years, she had been quietly taking care of Ximen Wuhen in the Mea Holy Magic Academy. This matter had been completely buried in her heart. However, they were finally able to recognize their relationship with each other openly right now.

Dongfang Wan was startled and Ximen Wuhen was also similarly shocked at the news. As for Ximen Nu, he just smiled bitterly. It was clear that he knew about this matter since a long time ago. Long Yi had his guesses before. However, when he heard that Ximen Wuhen was Aunt Ou's biological granddaughter, he was shocked. This was completely out of his expectations.

"Impossible, how can I..." Ximen Wuhen was unable to accept this new reality. She firmly clung onto Long Yi as he was her only source of ease.

"Little sister, calm down and listen to what Aunt Ou has to say. Hear her out before you do anything, okay?" Long Yi hugged the shoulder of Ximen Wuhen and said softly.

Regarding the grievances of Aunt Ou and Ximen Kuang, it was a story which happened 45 years ago. It was on a cold winter day…

At that time, Ximen Kuang was 20 years old. He was handsome, spirited, and he possessed a natural and unrestrained demeanor. At such a young age, he had already stepped into the peak of the Swords Master realm. He was a well-deserved man of the moment among the younger generation. As the legitimate son and heir of the Violent Dragon Empire's largest clan, Ximen Kuang also inherited the genes of his ancestors. He was romantic and unrestrained. There were three good things in his life which he wanted. Good wine, good swords, and good beauties.

Heroes were naturally made to go with beauties. Of course, Ximen Kuang had done many deeds which were praised far and wide. At that time, he captured the heart of Master Magician Ye Lanqing who was admired by the entire Blue Waves Continent. He married her into his Ximen Clan and she gave birth to Ximen Nu. Later, he went on adventures around the Blue Waves Continent and there were beauties surrounding him all the time.

Once, Ximen Kuang got acquainted with the current Sword God, Murong Bo, and he made a bet with Murong Bo. He left on an adventure to the Origin Ice in order to gather ice silk which was spat out by the Ruyi Ice Silkworm. What kind of place was Origin Ice? It was a place which had frozen over and stretched for more than 10000 li. The temperature was more than a hundred degree below zero. However, as Ximen Kuang was the successor of the Ximen Clan, he had many treasures. He was able to support himself in Origin Ice. Moreover, this lucky b*****d discovered traces of the Ruyi Ice Silkworm before long. After following it for several days, the Ruyi Ice Silkworm spat out some ice silk. As Ximen Kuang was gathering up some of the ice silk, he was attacked by the Ruyi Ice Silkworm. After a single attack by the Ruyi Ice Silkworm, he was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture. If that was the end of the story, Ximen Kuang would still be an ice sculpture living permanently in Origin Ice.

Merely, life was full of miracles. When he was at the end of his life, Aunt Ou descended like a goddess and rescued the dying Ximen Kuang from the gates of hell. At that time, Aunt Ou was called Ou Xinyan. She was only around twenty years old and she was devastatingly beautiful.

Ou Xinyan was a descendant of the Ice Palace and that Ruyi Ice Silkworm was also the holy beast of the Ice Palace. It naturally accepted her request.

One could well imagine the following story. A handsome and unrestrained young master who had a smooth mouth. Coupled with a young girl who was as pure as snow and as beautiful as an angel, the things between them could hardly be controlled.

At that time, the Palace Mistress of the Ice Palace who was Ou Xinyan's master was in seclusion. The two of them played together every day until the Palace Mistress left seclusion and separated the affectionate couple. She directly placed Ou Xinyan under house arrest and she threw Ximen Kuang out of Origin Ice.

She never would have thought that the illicit love between Ou Xinyan and Ximen Kuang was so heated. Ou Xinyan didn't listen to anyone and she thought of a way to persuade two junior fellow apprentices to help her escape from the Ice Palace.

Later, after the reunion with Ximen Kuang, Ou Xinyan was not happy as she discovered that she wasn't the only sweetheart Ximen Kuang had. Being a proud and aloof person, how could she stand that? Especially after seeing her sweetheart make love to other women at night… She felt as though she was about to go mad.

Ou Xinyan repeatedly forced an answer and Ximen Kuang confessed that it was impossible for him to have only her as his woman. It was absolutely impossible for him to abandon the rest of his women. Ou Xinyan was heartbroken and she left his side. At that time, her entire world turned grey and life became meaningless.

A beauty who had lost her soul… How could there be no one who went after her in the Blue Waves Continent? Although she fought back a lot of people, she became weak after not eating or drinking for many days. Finally, one person made a sneak attack on her and she was captured. At that time, she could only watch as someone sullied her. She was completely helpless. However, an ordinary passerby used a stratagem to save her and seeing as she had nowhere to go, he offered her shelter.

After long days and nights, the heart of Ou Xinyan gave birth to some affection towards this kind-hearted man. In addition, she felt some gratefulness to him and in the end, she married him. She gave birth to a son together with that man.

Quietly spending twenty years of her life, her son eventually married a girl. At that time, Ou Xinyan thought that she would be able to pass her days quietly until she died.

However, facts proved that life was ever-changing. She didn't know how, but the Palace Mistress of the Ice Palace found her. She was extremely angry as Ou Xinyan's actions had violated the rules of the Ice Palace. In a fit of anger, she wanted to kill off everyone around Ou Xinyan. How could Ou Xinyan watch on as her relatives were killed by the Palace Mistress? She fought desperately but she wasn't able to save her husband and son. Fortunately for her, her daughter-in-law had returned to visit her parents and managed to escape the calamity.

After narrowly escaping with her life, Ou Xinyan knew that her master was extremely powerful. She would be able to locate Ou Xinyan's daughter-in-law sooner or later… As such, Ou Xinyan went to look for Ximen Kuang with her daughter-in-law. He was the only person she could think of at that moment.

As they were fleeing from the Palace Mistress, they encountered Ximen Kuang. It was as though it was the will of Heaven. Even though they met Ximen Kuang, the Palace Mistress found them as well.

Even with the addition of Ximen Kuang, they were not the opponent of the Palace Mistress. Finally, Ou Xinyan begged bitterly which softened the heart of the Palace Mistress. Even so, no one could violate the rules of the Ice Palace. In the end, the Palace Mistress made Ou Xinyan's pregnant daughter-in-law enter the Ximen Clan. The child had to become a person of the Ximen Clan and Ou Xinyan would never be able to recognize this grandchild of hers. This was the only way for them to live.

Later, for deceiving the public, Ximen Kuang gave Ximan Nu the mother of Ximen Wuhen as a little concubine in name. Although Ximen Nu complied with the promise, he also held some grievances in his heart. He wouldn't take any responsibility as the father of this 'daughter' of his as her father was someone else. For this reason, he was completely indifferent to his only daughter.

Due to the oath with the Palace Mistress, Ou Xinyan had no choice but to quietly take care of her granddaughter in the dark. She didn't dare to openly recognize Ximen Wuhen at all. At this moment, she finally dared to break the oath in order for Ximen Wuhen to find happiness. Whenever she looked at the sad and suffering Ximen Wuhen, she felt as though her heart was stabbed. Borrowing this opportunity of Ximen Kuang's awakening, she explained everything.

Long Yi was startled. He had never expected that this matter would be so complicated. He never would have expected that there would be such a strong emotional entanglement between his grandfather and Aunt Ou.

All of a sudden, Ximen Wuhen's black eyes flickered. Looking at Aunt Ou who had a tear in her eye, Ximen Wuhen gritted her teeth and fled.


At the summit of a tall mountain, a cold breeze was blowing. Ximen Wuhen stood there in a daze from the morning till the night.

All of a sudden, a pair of big hands reached out from behind her and covered her body with a robe. A gentle voice entered her ear, "it is cold tonight, don't think about it anymore. Come, return with me."

"Second brother, can you accompany me for a little while?" Ximen Wuhen grabbed the hand of Long Yi. Turning around, she asked in a weak voice.

Long Yi nodded his head and sat down beside Ximen Wuhen. Then, looking at the somewhat perplexed expression on Ximen Wuhen's face, he sighed and hugged her shoulder. He made her lean on his thick and broad shoulder.

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"Second brother, I truly don't understand why this has to happen to me." Feeling the pleasant aura of Long Yi, Ximen Wuhen said softly. She was both sad and happy in her heart. She had always been the Third Miss of the Ximen Clan for twenty years. However, now, she was told that everything was fake. She found the fact hard to accept.

"Everyone has their own life. Some people have a complicated life and others have a relatively smooth life. There are many things that can't be changed. If one is unable to change, they can only accept everything. At that time, you might discover that your life experiences are different from others. All of those experiences are valuable assets." Long Yi said words full of philosophic theory as he wanted to enlighten Ximen Wuhen. As a matter of a fact, even he was also a little perplexed and distressed in his heart. The story between Aunt Ou and his grandfather gave him a feeling of déjà vu.

"You are mine, you are mine… Your eyes are mine, your nose is also mine. Your happiness is mine, your smile is mine… I will not allow anyone to snatch you away." In a trance, that young girl who was hugging him and stamping her legs appeared in front of him.

"I proved that no matter how hard I try to forget you, even after I willingly let His Majesty the Pope use emoting sealing magic, I still cannot forget you. You said I don't understand love, but I think that this is love. I love you cousin, I love you..." The tear-filled eyes of Dongfang Kexin as well as her affectionate confession once again resounded in the ears of Long Yi.

When he thought about Dongfang Kexin, Long Yi felt a pain in his heart. His chest felt stuffy and it became hard to breathe.

"Second brother, what's wrong with you?" Seeing as the complexion of Long Yi had become pale, she didn't care about herself. She hastily comforted the chest of Long Yi and she asked him with a tense expression on her face.

"Nothing." Long Yi sighed softly. If there was a deep regret between Aunt Ou and his grandfather, then there was a pain without remedy between him and Dongfang Kexin. At least, Aunt Ou and his grandfather were reunited. As for Dongfang Kexin…

At that time, Long Yi suddenly felt that he was again surrounded by that familiar gentle aura like before. A greater part of the sadness in his heart actually dissipated.

Long Yi opened his space ring and was surprised to see a shrunken version of the Light God statue at one corner. At this moment, the body of the statue was emitting a jade-like gentle aura.

Chapter 558: Peak momen

With a thought, that miniature Light God statue appeared in the hand of Long Yi. It was smooth and lustrous and it made him feel extremely comfortable. He didn't know what material was used to make the statue and he also had no idea when the statue entered his space ring.

"Second brother, this is..." Ximen Wuhen hastily got up. She was a priest and she had faith in the Light God. In the Blue Waves Continent, other than the Light Church where the Light God Statue should be enshrined, no one was allowed to privately collect or carve statues of the Light God.

"Don't ask me. I have no idea how this thing appeared in my space ring." Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and said. This statue felt weightless in his hand and the aura it emitted seemed to be somewhat familiar.

When he was thinking about it, the Light God statue in Long Yi's hand flashed and it became covered in white light. In the next moment, it disappeared. When he tried to look for it again, Long Yi discovered that it had automatically entered his space ring.

Long Yi wasn't taken in by fallacies, so he took it out from space ring again. However, one second had not even passed when it returned to his space ring. After a few times, Long Yi no longer had the patience and he didn't bother about the statue any longer.

"Second brother, did this statue really appear by itself?" Ximen Wuhen asked.

"Who knows? Perhaps, there is something in my space ring that attracted it. I will look into it after returning." Long Yi said with a smile. As a matter of a fact, Long Yi had already noticed that this statue was not simple. That was because the comforting aura had originated from the statue thrice. There was a suspicion in his heart that the statue might possess consciousness.

With the appearance of this Light God statue, the depressed mood of Ximen Wuhen diminished a lot and was replaced by faint joy. At this moment, a thought crossed her mind. If she really wasn't a daughter of the Ximen Clan, she and her second brother were not really considered brother and sister. Wasn't it possible for them to…

Thinking to this point, a beautiful smile appeared on the face of Ximen Wuhen. She was elated.

While returning, Ximen Wuhen walked beside Long Yi. Both of them didn't speak much, but Ximen Wuhen felt happy and satisfied walking beside Long Yi. Now, she could boldly think about having a relationship with her second brother. She no longer needed to feel guilty like before.

When they reached Soaring Dragon City, Ximen Wuhen suddenly pulled on Long Yi's arm and she softly asked, "Second brother, you already knew that I wasn't your biological sister?"

"Mmm." Long Yi nodded his head without hiding anything.

"Second brother, you are really a bad person! Since you already knew, why didn't you tell me about it earlier! If you told me… If you told me, I would be able to prepare myself for the news." A hint of redness appeared on the face of Ximen Wuhen.

"Your second brother didn't know how to break the news to you. In any case, your second brother will always be your second brother." Long Yi said with a smile.

When she heard what Long Yi said, Ximen Wuhen stopped walking. She looked straight at Long Yi and she said, "But, I don't want that, I..."

At that time, a burst of strong energy fluctuation exploded and filled the skies. Two people were fighting in the air. Because their speed was too fast, only afterimages could be seen. Fortunately, those two still had a little sense of propriety and the energy they released didn't affect the people below.

Since the time the battle started, a large crowd of people had gathered in order to watch the exciting show. Everyone was curious as even the city guards did not appear to stop the fight.

"Those two she-T. Rexes… They can't stay quiet for even a moment." Long Yi helplessly shook his head. Even Elder Pierre restrained himself and didn't cause a disturbance. He would simply drink alcohol all day long as he listened to songs in brothels. He was truly living without any constraint. As for Midi'er and Sharman, these princesses of the Divine Dragon Clan and the Demonic Dragon Clan, they didn't like the sight of each other. They would bicker and fight all day long.

"Second brother, why don't you go and persuade them? They only listen to you." Ximen Wuhen said.

Long Yi nodded his head and flew up. These two little she-dragons actually ignored his advice. Today, Long Yi knew that he had to teach them a lesson. If he allowed them to do whatever they wanted, they would think that Soaring Dragon City was an island of the Dragon Race.

"Both of you, stop fighting! Don't make me raise my hand against you." Long Yi shouted.

Instead of stopping, the two of them moved even faster as if they didn't hear Long Yi.

This truly was preposterous! Long Yi flashed and forcibly inserted himself in the middle of the battle between these two women. He made his move.

The movement of the two women ceased abruptly and the atmosphere became chilly.

Long Yi was proud with the power of his seventh layer AoTianJue. However, he felt that something was wrong as he felt a warm and soft feeling in his hand. Looking over, he discovered that his hands were grabbing at the towering breast of these two women. The two of them glared at Long Yi as if they wanted to eat him alive as they were both enraged and ashamed.

"Accident, this is nothing but an accident. You two can slowly fight, I am leaving first." Long Yi laughed hollowly and retracting his hands, he ran away.

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"Don't run, wait." Two she-T. Rexes shouted and simultaneously chased after their common enemy, Long Yi.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye. The fifteenth day arrived and it was the day Ximen Nu would ascend to the throne.

The imperial palace had been completely restored and every single hall was draped with red cloth. Now, groups after groups of imperial guards were eagerly patrolling all over the imperial palace. However, the people who were the busiest in the imperial palace were the eunuchs and the imperial maids.

The wide entrance gate of the imperial palace which was ten meters long, was wide open. A long colorful carpet led from the entrance to the throne room. Rows of priests who were wearing white priest robes were standing in the front of the hall. They were chanting an unknown incantation. At this moment, the entire imperial palace was filled with a happy and auspicious atmosphere.

Representatives of different races had also taken their respective position in the imperial palace. It was the foreshadowing of the arrival of the great unified era.


The sunlight spilled through the layer of clouds, illuminating the entire imperial palace. Suddenly, from the Light Church of Soaring Dragon City, the loud and clear sound of bells rang out. Everyone stood up in an instant and looked towards the throne room.

The coronation ceremony of the successive emperors had always been carried out in the Light Church. However, the coronation ceremony of Ximen Nu was carried out in the imperial palace. This was unprecedented in the history of the Blue Waves Continent. However, the Light Church didn't oppose the decision at all. Many people speculated whether this action had any special meaning or not.

Indeed, Long Yi was the one who wanted the coronation ceremony to be held in the imperial palace. He wanted to reduce the influence of churches among the common people step by step. He wanted to gradually make imperial power the supreme existence in the Blue Waves Continent.

Two great Holy Priests, Judith and Karen, walked out of the throne room as they wore a spotlessly white robe. Clearly, this coronation ceremony was presided by these two people. As a matter of a fact, a long time ago, only the Pope could preside over the coronation ceremony. As the influence of the Light Church among the common people reached the maximum level, the Pope became a god-like existence. He was shrouded in a layer of mysterious veil and he couldn't appear in front of people as he pleased. As such, the coronation ceremony was presided by a local Light Bishop.

Even if the Light Pope didn't appear in this coronation ceremony, no one had any suspicions. Instead, the appearance of two Great Holy Priests caused many people to realize that the Light Church was supporting the Ximen Clan. It was naturally impossible for them to know that the real Pope had already gone to see the Light God long ago.

When the ringing of the bells ended, Ximen Nu came out as he wore a shiny emperor robe.

"Oh, mighty Light God, your faithful believers..." The two Great Holy Priests began to pray following a fixed pattern. It was tediously long and dull… Many people became drowsy.

Long Yi yawned, after looking all around, he saw his grandfather Ximen Kuang was talking to his old friend, Murong Bo. Taking advantage of the time when no one was paying attention to him, he slipped away to join in the fun.

"I never thought that even after so many years, Judith would change. Her figure is still really good." These were the words of the old vulgar ghost, Ximen Kuang.

"Still, Karen has a bit more charm. Her buttocks are bigger than before… Tsk tsk." These were the words of the old womanizer, Murong Bo.

If Long Yi didn't personally hear the words coming out from their mouth, no one would believe that these two old fellows with huge background were so vulgar. They were actually appraising the figures of the two Great Holy Priests behind their back.

"There is nothing worth seeing since they are wearing their priest robe. How about making them drunk and stripping them at night. We'll compare their figure to find out who is better?" Another voice resounded from behind these two old fellows.

"Good idea." The two old fellows nodded and soon after that, they felt that something was amiss. When they turned around, they saw Long Yi looking at them with a bad smile on his face.

The face of these two old fellows became red and they appeared as though they wanted to teach Long Yi a lesson. However, why would Long Yi be afraid of them?

"Old man, they say Judith and Karen are your women, aren't they? Why aren't you even able to touch them?" Long Yi bumped his shoulder against Murong Bo. In any case, he was used to not showing respect for his elders and he wasn't afraid to make these two old fellows angry.

"Brat, you know nothing…" Murong Bo glared at Long Yi.

"Yu'er, in those years, this old man was watching the master of those two girls..."

"Shut up! I haven't talked about that awkward incident which happened to you. After speaking of it, I want to see how you face your grandson!" Ximen Kuang was interrupted by Murong Bo.

Long Yi just smirked. As it turned out, Murong Bo liked matured women. They were actually kindred spirits.

At that time, the lengthy prayers of Judith and Karen finally ended. They sprinkled holy water on the head of Ximen Nu before placing the imperial crown on his head. This indicated that Ximen Nu had now become the Blue Waves Emperor. This also indicated that the power of the Ximen Clan had reached the peak.

Chapter 559: Love you to the end of life

Chapter 559: Love you to the end of life


Inside the closed secret room, a dim milky white magic lamplight illuminated a pentagon shaped transfer magic array on the ground. That transfer magic array shone with radiance and disappeared in an instant. Then, along with a muffled groaning sound, a person who was completely shrouded in a black robe from head to toe crawled up from the ground. The other devastatingly beautiful woman sneered and she held the energy crystal which was required to activate the magic array.

"Jingjing girl, what are you doing? If you delay the matter of the Miss, you know what the consequences will be." Halei was startled and said angrily. He never thought that Jingjing also knew how to cast dark magic.

"Humph, without this energy crystal that is needed to activate the transfer magic array, she will never be able to return to this place forever. Besides, if you quietly disappear from this world, I can blame anyone I want. I will have the final say and no one will be able to doubt my words." Jingjing coldly snorted, then chuckled.

"Jingjing girl, I advise you to not be too clever. You will definitely regret it in the future." Halei calmly said. Even though he appeared calm, he was thinking about all the countermeasures in his heart. He knew that once a woman went mad, she would become a terrifying existence.

"Regret? In my, Mu Jingjing's dictionary, there will never be the word 'regret'. My only regret in life is having such a vicious elder sister." Jingjing roared and her beautiful face twisted in madness.

Without waiting for Halei's reply, Jingjing took a step forward and she squatted down. She quickly took out the confidential letter which was given to Halei by Mu Hanyan from Halei's space ring.

"I want to see what that s*ut wrote in this confidential letter. Is it about executing my entire family after I return?" Jingjing broke the seal and she opened the letter. She quickly read through it and her beautiful face gradually became pale. She didn't dare to believe what she just read.

Crash, the letter slipped out from Jingjing's hand and she collapsed to the ground as though she lost all her strength. Now, her expression was changing unpredictably and no one knew what she was thinking.

Only after a long time, Jingjing returned back to her senses. Standing up, she immediately undid the restrictions on Halei and she said anxiously, "Quickly come with me to Soaring Dragon City, we need to stop that madwoman. She is rushing to her death..."

Jingjing rushed out of the secret room as if a gust of the wind after she spoke. Behind her, Halei was stunned for a moment and he picked up the letter on the ground. After reading it, his complexion gravely changed and he rushed out of the secret room hastily.


At this moment, in Soaring Dragon City, the coronation ceremony had just ended and the atmosphere was very lively. The representatives of the various powers and various races were cheering without any restraint. These powers were basically either affiliated to the Ximen Clan or the neutral factions. All the forces that had stood on the side of the imperial Long Clan had already been wiped out thoroughly. Thus, the superiority of Ximen Clan also meant that their power would rise further.

The next program was the speech from the new emperor, Ximen Nu. As an innate politician, it was very easy for him to make an eloquent and inspiring speech. He explained his beautiful and grandiose plans which stimulated the blood of everyone and every single person present couldn't wait to offer their everything in order to see that the plans of the new king come to fruition in their lifetime. At least, that was what was shown on the surface.

Naturally, there was also a small group of people who remained unmoved whether on the surface or in their heart. Long Yi who was officially promoted to Lord Crown Prince from a Young Master was one of them. He had already made up his mind that he would throw all the politics aside immediately after the war ended. As for the throne, he would make one of his sons inherit it. As for himself, he would just travel around the world with his beauties.

"Lord Crown Prince, are you listening to my plan?" Little Fox Bertha who had come as the leader of all the beastmen clans was unable to listen to the speech of the new emperor any longer. Everything was because of Long Yi's hands. Just when she was about to discuss about the development of beastmen clans with him, she never thought that this fellow would just mumble and not reply her properly. In addition, on the surface, he appeared as if he was listening attentively, but his hands were moving about on her thighs. It was really easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character.

"Of course I am listening to you. Why wouldn't I listen? However, little fox, it's too noisy here. How about waiting for the ceremony to be over before looking for a quiet place without anyone to disturb us? We can discuss everything there. Well, be obedient now, don't clamp your legs too tightly." Long Yi whispered without any change in his expression. The face of this little fox turned bright red.

Around these two people, there were similarly beautiful beauties from the Fox Clan and they had already noticed the movement of these two. They had also heard the conversation between the two of them. They only smiled inwardly.

"Don't, you are tickling me… Ah, other people will see!" The little fox had a face which was completely red and she felt hot all over. She had already wanted to give her body to him for a long time ago. However, she never had a chance in these past few years. Now, she wouldn't allow him to go regardless of anything he said.

"No one will see us… Look at all these girls, they are so sensible. They are standing in a position which completely blocks us from the outside world. Aren't they intentionally doing this for you? You little perverted fox." Long Yi smiled but his devil's claws teased the various sensitive places of this little fox. His movement was so fast that even his shadow wasn't visible. In the aspect of eating tofu and taking cheap advantage, he had already reached the highest level.


The heart and body of this little fox became restless and she no longer cared about making a fool out of herself. Since this bad fellow was truly audacious to the extreme, she didn't think about it any longer. She reached out her hand and caressed the part which was between Long Yi's legs. Just as Long Yi's soul was about to fly away and reach the highest heaven in extreme pleasure, his family jewels, both his bird and his eggs, were tightly grabbed. He felt pain shooting through his body.

"Stop fiddling around, otherwise..." The little fox gasped and her beautiful eyes were alluring. Even though her expression was extremely charming, the action of her hand made Long Yi so afraid that he started to perspire.

When she saw that Long Yi was depressed, the little fox moved closer to Long Yi and whispered, "Lord Crown Prince, don't be angry. Wait until this ceremony is over, then you can do whatever you want."

"Can I truly do whatever I want to do? I want..." Long Yi smirked evilly and whispered in the ear of this little fox. In the blink of an eye, the beautiful face of this little fox became bright red. In addition to her face going red, she rolled her eyes in embarrassment. However, Bertha gritted her teeth and nodded her head in the end.


Seeing as he had achieved his goal, Long Yi no longer teased her. He comfortably leaned on the chair and watched his father shouting with excitement. At this moment, his eyebrows and beard were trembling and he was energetic like never before.

Suddenly, a violent gust of wind rose without warning and the flowers and plants on both sides of the hall were swept away. The clear sky instantly became cloudy and the sun was blocked by the thick layer of cloud.

Long Yi frowned and he stood up. He was extremely alert. Today, the Unparalleled Battalion was responsible for the safety of everyone in the hall. All the soldiers had sensed that there was something wrong and they had gathered in front of the hall. Magicians activated defensive nets in the sky which had been laid down in advance before the ceremony.

Everyone in the hall became alert and they began a spirited discussion. Some people said that the Unparalleled Battalion was too sensitive as this was just a weather change.

At this moment, this hall was filled with experts. There were peerless Unparalleled Battalion, Long Yi, members of the Dragon Race which were also known as the strongest race, two great Swords Gods, and there were even two Great Holy Priests. Who would be stupid enough to create a disturbance?

The wind continued to blow and the weather slowly became cold. The originally white clouds in the sky changed and they became black in color. Shortly afterward, along with a violent gust of wind, snowflakes began to flutter down.

"Snow, how can this be?" Everyone exclaimed loudly in disbelief. Winter had long passed and the weather had already become as warm as spring. New leaves were sprouting from the trees and fresh flowers had already begun to bloom. How could the season change so suddenly?

The weather had changed from spring to winter in an instant. Everyone felt a chill.

Suddenly, a slender figure flew over from the distance. The speed of this figure seemed slow but was very fast in reality. Everyone was dumbfounded as they were able to sense her only after she had already flown over to the imperial palace.

"Hanyan..." Long Yi was startled. He could see that Mu Hanyan wasn't looking at him at all as she raised her had. With a three feet cyan sword in her hand, she rushed towards Ximen Nu who was standing in the hall.

"Protect the emperor." At that moment, Nangong Nu, who was the leader of Unparalleled Battalion that was responsible for security, roared. A layer of strong barrier was activated in the sky and countless magic arrows shot towards Mu Hanyan in the sky.

Swish, swish, swish, arrows pierced through the body of Mu Hanyan. However, in the next instant, everyone discovered that there wasn't even a scratch on Mu Hanyan's body. She was still leisurely flying over as if those arrows of which were shot just a moment ago pierced through her afterimage.

At that time, Ximen Kuang, Murong Bo, Aunt Ou, Judith, and Karen who were having their own small gathering rushed over as they heard the commotion. They just happened to see Mu Hanyan easily passing through the barrier laid down by magicians and her sharp sword stabbing towards Ximen Nu who was standing still. These people were shocked, but they quickly took action. Two Sword Gods released their douqi domains and rushed towards Mu Hanyan. Judith and Karen used their Light Impact Magic to attack Mu Hanyan.

The glabella of Long Yi trembled and the Wind God spirit tablet within his sea of consciousness buzzed nonstop. He watched on as Mu Hanyan was besieged by the two great Sword Gods and the two Great Holy Priests. His heart was feeling extreme pain. With this level of attack, even if he was in the place of Mu Hanyan, it would be hard to escape with his life.

Merely, accidents might happen at any time. Under two douqi domains, Mu Hanyan only became slightly sluggish, but she continued forward without any change in her expression. She indifferently held her sword as she ignored the space rendering golden douqi of Murong Bo and Aunt Ou. She also ignored the Light Impact Magic of Judith and Karen.

The heart of Long Yi became cold and suddenly felt as though something was wrong. Although the attack power of Mu Hanyan was mediocre, Long Yi had just seen her speed. Merely, he had thought that she was relying on Bai Yu which resulted in her swift speed. But, her strange appearance at this moment made him realize that the strength of Mu Hanyan was absolutely not ordinary. It was nothing like what he had seen on the surface. She had once said that although she might be unable to defeat other people, no one in this world could take her life as long as she was unwilling to die.

At this moment, two Sword Gods collided with Mu Hanyan but they were bounced back with soft and smooth energy in an instant. At this moment, the sword of Mu Hanyan was less than one meter away from Ximen Nu.

Everyone was shocked and their breathing stopped for a moment. Could it be that Blue Waves Emperor who had just ascended the throne would die on the first day? No one could stand such a big blow.

"Don't hurt my father..." Long Yi roared and he rushed forward like a bolt of lightning. With a layer of thin cyan light, he easily broke through the domains of the two Sword Gods. He absolutely couldn't let Mu Hanyan stab his father who was standing still.

As a matter of fact, it was not like Ximen Nu didn't want to stay still. Instead, he couldn't move at all. His consciousness was very clear, but it appeared as if his body was no longer under his control. He could only watch as Mu Hanyan's indifferent and ice-cold eyes got closer and closer.

"Mu Hanyan..." Long Yi roared and with lightning glimmering around his right hand, the Lightning God Hammer appeared and transformed into a purple sword which stabbed towards the back of Mu Hanyan.

Crackle, Long Yi could clearly feel the sword blade stabbing through a body as lightning wreaked havoc in Mu Hanyan's body. However, the three feet cyan sword in Mu Hanyan's hand had already stabbed through Ximen Nu's heart.

Mu Hanyan slowly turned around and sadly smiled as blood flowed out from the corners of her mouth. Then, the sword in her hand fluctuated and disappeared. And at that moment, Ximen Nu, who had given up all hope, woke up. He discovered that he was able to move and he instantly raised his hand to touch his chest. He discovered that there wasn't even a scratch… Even his clothing was not ripped open.

The handsome face of Long Yi was deathly pale and his eyes became empty. He released the Lightning God sword and staggered two steps back, looking at Mu Hanyan whose chest was stabbed. Now, her clothing was also dyed red with her blood.

"I… Didn't I say… In this world, only you… Only you can kill me..." Looking at Long Yi, the beautiful eyes of Mu Hanyan was filled with deep affection. At this very moment, there was no hypocrisy and no schemes. All the shackles had already been cast aside. Only her true self was left.

"Why… Why, tell me why!" Long Yi rushed forward and supported Mu Hanyan who no longer had any strength. He roared madly. He instantly used his fingers to press her acupoints but he realized that it was already too late. In a last ditch attempt to save her, Long Yi injected his true qi in order to protect her heart veins. Even so, he discovered that she was still slowly losing her vitality and the injected true qi would dissipate instantly.

"Because... Because the rule of this game stated that the loser had to die. Didn't you already know this from the very beginning? Dying... Dying in your hand, I feel very fortunate. I feel very happy as well…" Mu Hanyan smiled as she held onto Long Yi's hand.

"I hate you..." Long Yi softly whispered with tears sliding down his cheeks.

"I hope... I hope that you will hate me till the end of your life. I hope you will hate me because I love you… I will love you to the end of my life…" Mu Hanyan smiled with great difficulty and her beautiful eyes slowly became dimmer. Her beautiful face began to distort and when everything calmed down, Long Yi discovered that the current appearance of Mu Hanyan was similar to Mist Fairy.

Chapter 560: Goodbye, there will inevitably be the time to see you again

Caressing the beautiful face of Mu Hanyan and gently drawing her supple outline, Long Yi felt as if his heart was cut into pieces. He was truly stupid. He should have known that Mu Hanyan was the same person as Mist Fairy. There were too many coincidences between the two people. However, what was the point of knowing that now? He was powerless to prevent her from dying.

The cries of a crane could be heard and Bai Yi appeared out of thin air. It whined plaintively beside Mu Hanyan. All of a sudden, Long Yi discovered that he could clearly feel Bai Yu's heartfelt sadness. There seemed to be some kind of connection between him and Bai Yu.

The little hand of Mu Hanyan that was tightly grabbing Long Yi slowly lost strength and the life in her eyes became even dimmer. It seemed as though it was a stick of incense which was about to burn out.

"Don't, don't leave me." Long Yi mumbled while shaking his head. At this moment, he looked scared and there were tears flowing from his eyes. Moreover, the powerless feeling that appeared at the bottom of his heart nearly drove him crazy.

The consciousness of Mu Hanyan had already started to disappear. Her heart-wrenching sad face started to blur and she appeared as though she was returning to the country where there were blue skies, white clouds, and rippling water. That place had exotic flowers and rare herbs everywhere. It was a brilliant and magnificent civilization with diligent and brave people. There, she held the hand of her sweetheart as they happily knelt in front of her beautiful and dignified mother. They vowed to stick together through thick and thin and they promised to be loyal to each other.

"Big sister..." A mournful scream appeared from the skies and Jingjing flew over as fast as lightning. She was wearing a pure white robe as she forced back the soldiers who were blocking her path. She rushed towards Long Yi as she wailed.

"Save her, Jingjing, quickly save her." Seeing this beautiful face that resembled Mu Hanyan, Long Yi grabbed the wrist of Jingjing as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Let go of me, you ungrateful b*****d!" Jingjing shook off the hand of Long Yi and her hand flashed with black light which enveloped Mu Hanyan's continuously bleeding wound.

After a few minutes, the blood eventually slowed down. However, the blood never stopped.

Jingjing was sweating profusely when she stopped casting her magic. She was clearly exhausted. Looking at Bai Yu who was at the side, she later turned to Long Yi and she said, "Didn't big sister gave you the Wind God Imprint? How else can you injure her? How can Bai Yu, her life god beast, be completely fine?"

"Wind God Imprint?" Long Yi was dumbfounded. Then, he suddenly thought of something and he pulled open his lapel. He looked at that beautiful golden cloud mark on his chest.

"It really happened… Big sister is so stupid." Jingjing softly said. This was also the magic of love. Her cold and merciless big sister actually did such a stupid thing.

At that time, Halei also arrived at the scene and was shocked to see that Mu Hanyan was on the verge of death. He glared at Long Yi with a ferocious expression.

"I want to heal big sister, Ximen Yu, pull out the sword." Jingjing took a deep breath and she looked at her big sister whom she hated in the past. She used to hate Mu Hanyan to the marrow of her bones in the past. However, right now, they only thing she felt was sadness.

Long Yi gritted his teeth and pulled out a purple sword which caused blood to gush out. Immediately after that, Jingjing used her right hand covered with a black light to cover Mu Hanyan's wound. She used her left hand to crush a barrier pearl which isolated Jingjing and Mu Hanyan from the outside world.

Long Yi blankly stared at the purple sword in his hand with chaotic thoughts in his heart.

Not far away, Ximen Nu, Dongfang Wan and others looked at where Mu Hanyan was with a worried gaze. Ximen Wuhen and the other women wanted to rush over and comfort him, but Murong Bo and the other seniors stopped them.

"Don't bother him. Nu'er, arrange another place and take all the people away. Leave this place for them. I hope that girl is fine." Ximen Kuang sighed softly and turned around with a heavy heart. He had never thought that the originally joyous occasion would turn into this.

Soon, there was only Long Yi, Halei, Bai Yu, as well as the sisters who were inside the barrier. They were the only ones left in the throne room.

Long Yi sat on the flight of steps and powerlessly leaned on the stone pillar, lost in thought. It had been so many years since he had arrived in this world. This was the first time he was both mentally and physically exhausted like this. He actually felt as though he was unable to bear the pressure and he was about to collapse. Personally stabbing the women he loved with a sword. Who would be able to endure this?

"From the day she met you, Miss never intended to return alive." Halei sat next to Long Yi. After his anger quelled, he could feel Long Yi's pain.

"I don't understand, why this?" Long Yi muttered with a blank face.

"Since her childhood, her fate was already laid out in front of her. She had to bear the heavy pressure and she had responsibilities others cannot imagine. This time, she not only failed in her task in the Blue Waves Continent. She also fell in love with someone she should not love. That was the root cause of everything." Halei said.

"Didn't the few of you come from Blue Moon Continent which is located at the other side of the Hengduan Mountains? What is your purpose here?" Long Yi asked.

"It seems as though you know a lot about us. However, we can't tell you what our purpose here is. Perhaps you will understand something if you look at this." Halei handed over that letter which was given to him by Mu Hanyan and he explained.

Long Yi quickly opened the letter and saw that it was written in Blue Moon Script. Long Yi scanned through the letter and he became lost in his thoughts.

From the content of this letter, Long Yi managed to deduce something. Originally, the Blue Moon Continent was richly endowed. It was a beautiful land and the human civilization located there was at a much higher level than that of the Blue Waves Continent. The problem which existed was that the Blue Moon Continent was just too small. Moreover, due to the tectonic shift caused by the divine magic war, the space of the Blue Moon Continent seemed to be enveloped by a layer of invisible mysterious energy. The energy caused the Blue Moon Continent to experience a spring-like season all year round. The environment was really elegant and all sorts of treasure, flowers, and animals could be found everywhere. Although they had such a nice place to stay, the Blue Moon Continent was isolated from the outside world.

Later, after several tens of thousands of years, the amazing environment caused the population in the Blue Moon Continent to bloom. The existing races started to fight for natural resources and large-scale wars erupted. Even though there were large wars, the population still continued to increase. In an extremely short period of time, the once beautiful Blue Moon Continent was destroyed beyond recognition. If this continued, all the races in the Blue Moon Continent might go extinct.

But, more than a decade ago, an imperial magician of the Cyan Wind Empire, the largest human nation of the Blue Moon Continent, accidentally discovered a kind of energy stone extracted from a meteorite. The energy stone could cut open the strange invisible energy which surrounded the Blue Moon Continent. After many experiments, they discovered that this kind of energy stone could only allow three people to leave the Blue Moon Continent. In addition, they only had three energy stones. They only had three chances to transfer a person out of Blue Moon Continent.

After careful consideration, the imperial magicians positioned the transmission point at the other side of Hengduan Mountains in order to examine whether there was a world even vaster out there.

When they determined that there was an extremely vast world on the other side of the Hengduan Mountains, the emperor of the Cyan Wind Empire came up with a plan. He secretly transferred three people to the other side in order to develop their power. This emperor was very ambitious. First, he wanted to control one of the empires located in the Blue Waves Continent. After that, he would find a way to cut open this space energy layer before entering the Blue Waves Continent. The moment he appeared, he would become an emperor of an empire of the Blue Waves Continent. At that time, relying on his capabilities as well as the superior magic civilization of the Blue Moon Continent, he would become the overlord of the entire world.

Mu Hanyan, Halei, and that wind magician were the three people who came to this side. At that time, Mu Hanyan was only ten years old and the thought was already deeply rooted in her mind. As for Jingjing, she had just arrived a few years ago.

In this letter, there was not much about Jingjing's life. However, Mu Hanyan had requested for her father emperor to release the younger brother and mother of Jingjing. She also asked for him to forgive Jingjing for failing this mission. It was no wonder that the attitude of Jingjing towards Mu Hanyan had such a drastic change.

The letter also mentioned that the Wind God Imprint within her body had already been transferred to her most beloved person and she apologized humbly to her father emperor. She would atone for the crimes through her death. The Wind God Imprint represented the person favored by the Wind God. In the entire Blue Moon Continent, that person had an aloof position. It could be said that the person with the Wind God Imprint received the recognition and respect of most humans and the other races of the Blue Moon Continent. This honor which belonged to the Cyan Wind Emperor was given to the enemy by Mu Hanyan. If this news were to spread, the standing of the Cyan Wind Empire would suffer a drastic decline.

"Do you understand something now?" Halei asked.

Long Yi nodded his head and a bitter smile appeared on his face. As it turned out, everything was different from what he expected.

"Halei, I still have a question. When I was in Blue Moon City, why was Mist Fairy, i.e. Mu Hanyan, hurt?" Long Yi thought of this problem and asked.

"Because of the Light God… You should be able to guess the reason." Halei faintly said.

Light God? Long Yi mumbled he suddenly thought of something. He said, "Could it be that the Light God that appeared in the Light Church of Blue Moon City was Mu Hanyan? Her spirit was injured heavily because Charles counterattacked when she was controlling him?"

Halei nodded his head.

"Also, the dark soul contract between you and me disappeared. Could it be Mu Hanyan's work?" Long Yi added.

"That's right." Halei answered and a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes. One could say that he had known Long Yi for a long time. At that time, in that mission of Lost City, he was still somewhat young and inexperienced. Now, he had already turned into an unfathomable personage.

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Long Yi sighed and he looked at the barrier which was emitting a dim black light. Now he almost completely figured out the matters which had been troubling him. Now, he only hoped for Mu Hanyan to be safe and sound.

Time passed second after second. It seemed as though the darkness had only set when the sky started to brighten again. Even though so much time had passed, there were no movements inside the barrier. The heart of Long Yi was in a mess as if he was a stick of meat over charcoal. He was feeling uneasy no matter what he did. He begged God to not be so cruel to him. Since he had been given the chance to live once, why didn't God give a woman he deeply loved another chance to live again?

Suddenly, that black barrier fluctuated and twisted. It vanished into thin air. Long Yi and Ha Lei instantly turned around but they simultaneously fell into a daze.

They saw that Mu Hanyan was still lying on the ground, but her wound had already formed a scab and the faint fluctuation of life proved that she was still alive. Naturally, Long Yi and Halei were only pleasantly surprised for a while. Jingjing's appearance shocked them. Her black hair had unexpectedly turned white in a single night. She became a white haired beauty just like Xiao Yi.

"I could just alleviate her wound for the time being. We must return as soon as possible." Jingjing said in a hoarse voice as if she didn't sense her own changes.

The heart of Long Yi shook and he immediately walked over and picked Mu Hanyan up from the ground. She was still unconscious. If she was able to wake up and talk to him, how wonderful would that be? Even a simple word of farewell would be wonderful.

"I will see you all off." Long Yi said.

"Just go to the Beauty Shop in this city. The secret room of every branch has a transfer magic array engraved in it." Halei said.

In the secret room of Beauty Shop, Long Yi reluctantly caressed the beautiful hair of Mu Hanyan and he gently kissed her forehead. He passed her over to Halei and Jingjing who were already waiting inside the transfer array.

"When will you return?" Long Yi asked.

Jingjing and Halei looked at each other and they said, "This is the last of the three energy stones and it has already been used twice. It can only cut open the energy layer one last time."

The complexion of Long Yi changed. This meant that they might never return. He sorted out his emotions and calmly said, "Thank you, Jingjing. I also want to thank you, Halei. I know that this will not be our last meeting. Remember to tell Mu Hanyan that I will definitely be looking for her."

Jingjing nodded her head and after shooting Long Yi a deep look. She took out the purple transfer energy stone and she placed it in the groove of the magic array. Along with a flash of purple light, the three people in the magic array instantly disappeared.

"I will definitely come looking for you all, definitely." Long Yi tightly clenched his hands into fists as he vowed inwardly. Looking around this empty room, he walked out with large strides.


Blue Waves Calendar, first day of the sixth month in the year 8790 Blue Waves Emperor Ximen Nu enacted a . He declared that humankind and the beastmen would coexist peacefully from that day on. He abolished the former discriminating laws against beastmen. In addition, with the representatives of all big races present, he signed a treaty which would be known as the in later generations.The relationship between humankind and the various races grew closer like never before.

Blue Waves Calendar, on the twelfth of the seventh month in the year 8790, Blue Wave Emperor Ximen Nu enacted a . He declared the freedom of belief. He deprived many privileges the Light Church used to possess. He also acknowledged the existence of the Dark Church and acknowledged that dark magic was on par with other elemental magic. This caused a widespread panic at that time but in the future, Ximen Nu's farsightedness was proven. People gradually understood that magic elements were not evil. The only evil was the one in the hearts of the user of the magic element. With the declaration of these decrees and a treaty, the Blue Waves Emperor became the emperor who surpassed the ancients and dazzled the contemporaries. He carved his name into the annals of history.

Chapter 561: Re-entering Origin Ice

After Proud Moon Empire was thoroughly destroyed, it was divided into five major states which were ruled by the Violent Dragon Empire. The production and management of the states were quickly resumed and trade flourished. They were like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. As for the homeless and destitute victims, arrangements were made for them and before long, the once destroyed Proud Moon Empire started to flourish again.

Right now, it was the middle of the seventh month. The weather was scorching hot, but Origin Ice which was located in the northern part of the continent was shrouded with cold air. No matter which direction one looked, they would only be able to see ice.

This was a forbidden zone for living beings. Only very few living creatures could be seen thriving here. As the environment was extremely harsh and there were no treasures located on Origin Ice, no adventurer group would run over to suffer in a living hell.

Naturally, according to the laws of nature, the vast Origin Ice had many treasures hidden in it. However, the average person would not be able to find them. For instance, a cold spirit that was millions of years old… There was also the Ice Fruit which was a sacred treasure for any water magician… All these treasures could be found on Origin Ice. There were other treasures which were equally if not more precious hidden in Origin Ice.

As a violent dragon shot through the skies, the wind whistled. Ice particles in the air rolled around and under the ice-cold sunlight, the particles appeared magnificent just like widespread magic fireworks.

"Wow, so beautiful!" Crystal excitedly pulled Sharman and she shouted loudly.

"Yes, this is extremely beautiful. I never thought that there would be such a beautiful place in this world!" Sharman also exclaimed in astonishment.

"Well, don't be so excited. After staying here for ten to fifteen days, I'm afraid that you will be complaining non-stop. Now, let's take a break." Long Yi waved his hand and he proposed for everyone to take a break. Long Yi quickly used a huge ice cube in order to build an ice house in order to block them from the cold wind.

Of course, this was Long Yi's group who had rushed here from Soaring Dragon City. They were looking for Wushuang who had not returned even after a long time.

After they stabilized everything in Soaring Dragon City, Long Yi, along with Yu Feng, Li Qing, Barbarian Bull, Sharman, Crystal, Midi'er, Lugexiya, and the Liuxu sisters rushed over to Origin Ice. For the others, they stayed in Soaring Dragon City. Long Yi didn't bring them along.

It wasn't because Long Yi was playing favorites. Instead, it was because Ximen Nu had just ascended to the throne. He was extremely busy with state affairs and his Dongfang Wan felt extremely lonely. She didn't allow Long Yi to bring away all her daughters-in-law. The reason why he had brought along Yu Feng was because he needed her Snowstorm Divine Marten to lead the way. Otherwise, it would be extremely easy for him to get lost in Origin Ice, this goddamned place.

There were no complaints from these women as their identity was different from before. Some had to stay behind for appearance sake. They didn't complain as several months ago, Long Yi had achieved small success in his research of transfer magic arrays after lots of experiments. Once, Long Yi got lucky and he discovered a multi-transfer magic array. He quickly set up a master transfer magic array in a secret room which was located in a secret room of the imperial palace. Right now, he was able to set up a fixed point for this magic array. As long as Long Yi had enough magic crystals to activate the magic array, he would be able to instantly return to the imperial palace no matter where he was on the Blue Waves Continent.

As of now, Long Yi had already translated all the books related to magic arrays he had obtained in Lost City into the script of Blue Waves Continent. He handed them over to the Magician Guild of the Violent Dragon Empire and he instructed them to research and build a magic array in one first class big city within a year. Long Yi had plans for transfer magic arrays to be built in all of the cities of the Blue Waves Continent within five years. This was a huge project that marked the start of the new epoch. With transfer magic arrays, the distance between the cities would become irrelevant. Regardless of military affairs or lifesaving affairs, this was a huge improvement. Of course, not everyone was able to make use of the transfer magic arrays. Energy crystals were required to activate the magic array and the energy crystals were not free. There was no doubt that the use of the transfer array would be extremely expensive.

Sitting in the ice house, Long Yi and his group began to enjoy their food and wine.

"Father, Niur don't want to eat magic cores. Niur wants to eat roasted pig!" Sitting on the lap of Long Yi, Niur ate her portion of three roasted fire rabbits and she looked at the food in the hands of others. Drool started to leak out from the corners of her mouth. Although she still held some A-ranked magic cores given to her by Long Yi, how could she ignore the temptation of good food? Although magic cores could replenish her energy, they were not as tasty as good food.

"You foodie, there isn't much in my space ring. If you want to eat something, go and look for it by yourself." Long Yi pinched the cheek of the angry Niur. If he really allowed her to eat as much as she wanted, all the food he brought would never be enough.

"Allow Little Three and the others to accompany Niur to look for food!" The eyes of Niur shone. She was intelligent. With the help of Little Three and the others, she would be able to sit idle and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

"Little clever ghost." Long Yi dotingly flicked the forehead of Niur and summoned little tiger, Fire Qilin, and the Violent Lightning Beast from his dark space dimension. Although there were very few living beings in Origin Ice, they were extremely powerful. However, there were only a few beings who were able to match his god beasts. Long Yi wasn't worried at all.

Little Tiger and the others seemed quite excited to come out. They immediately started to play familiarly around the Snowstorm Divine Marten casted by Yu Feng. After they received Long Yi's instructions, Niur rode on Little Tiger they left the ice house together with the others. They disappeared from the sight of everyone in an instant.

"Come come, let's continue to drink and eat to our heart's content. We'll go and sleep after that before continuing our journey." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Strange… We have been walking for such a long time. Why is the sun not setting?" Lugexiya curiously asked.

"It is nothing strange. It's summer now. This is the polar day phenomenon of Origin Ice. In other words, daytime will last for several days to several months. In the past, when I came here with Feng'er, it had been winter and night lasted for ten continuous days." Long Yi said as he looked at Yu Feng. He thought about the trials and tribulations he had experienced with her and he smiled at her in tacit understanding.

"This is truly strange. I didn't expect that Origin Ice would be so fun. There is nothing worth seeing in Dragon Island." Lugexiya excitedly said. Coming to Blue Waves Continent this time was truly his best decision. He was finally able to experience such a vast human world and so many interesting things. He felt extremely reluctant to return. However, he knew that he had to return after this trip to Origin Ice.

"Fun… Do you want to have fun with this big sister of yours? Useless fellow." Midi'er angrily smacked Lugexiya's head. It wasn't surprising that she was angry. Last time, in Soaring Dragon City, she made Lugexiya compete with that girl, Crystal. In the end, Crystal simply smiled at him and he was unable to differentiate north, south, east, and west. He was kicked and was sent flying several hundred meters away… It completely embarrassed Midi'er.

"Oh, the younger brother is useless and the big sister isn't much better. It seems as though the Divine Dragon Clan is just so-so." When she saw this, Sharman sneered with biting sarcasm from the side.

"Say that again! Do you want to fight?" Having heard what was said, Midi'er stood up. When had she, the first Tyrant Dragon King of the Divine Dragon Clan, ever been angered like this? Even though they had fought before, both of them were equally matched. No one won and no one lost.

"If you want to fight then let us fight. Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Sharman also stood up.

Long Yi nibbled on a roasted leg of a fire rabbit and drank wine leisurely as he looked at the bosom of those two girls. Not only were these two she-T. Rexes equally matched in strength, their figure was also similarly hot. He could still remember that soft feeling he had felt last time.

"Why are you two quarreling? If the two of you have eaten enough and have nothing to do, go and cultivate." Liuxu rolled her eyes at Long Yi and said. When she saw that this bad fellow was ignoring the both of them as he stared at their chest with a lecherous expression, a feeling of anger appeared in her heart. However, she felt that it was funny as well. She was afraid that this bad fellow would never change throughout his life.

Surprisingly, after Liuxu opened her mouth, both Sharman and Midi'er glared at each other. Sitting down, they obediently kept quiet. It seemed that everything had its nemesis. This she-T. Rex was truly the only one that could control the other she-T. Rexes.

"I wonder if Elder Pierre has returned to Dragon Island. He will not tell on us, will he?" Crystal said as she held her chin.

"You can rest assured. I made an agreement with him. Even though that old man has a bad temperament, he is a dragon who keeps his promises." Long Yi said with a smile.

"That's natural. Elder Pierre is selfless. Otherwise, why will father emperor send him to capture us?" Sharman said.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't think Little Three and the others will be able to find any living being for a long while. You are all free to do whatever you want. If you want to cultivate, then go and cultivate. If you want to go out to take a stroll, go out and walk around. All of you just have to remember not to go too far. It will be very hard to find a way back if you are lost."

After speaking, Long Yi left along with Yu Feng. After arriving at Origin Ice, he thought of many things which happened in the past. He wanted to brush up that feeling with Yu Feng.

Looking at Long Yi and Yu Feng's back view, Liuxu sighed softly in her heart. This man was someone who was constantly appearing in her mind. However, neither Long Yi nor Liuxu seemed to be able to throw themselves into this feeling. Liuxu seemed to know the reason behind their inaction. She wanted to save her father and mother. As for Long Yi, he had many other matters to worry about. In addition, from an unknown time, the relationship between the two of them seemed to be covered with a layer of mist. Sometimes Liuxu would think of his warm bosom and she felt as though she would be able to depend on him. However, when she saw how he enjoyed his life with the women around him, she felt like he was very far away from her.

At that time, Midi'er left with her brother. Sharman and Crystal also followed her. Seeing this, Liuxu just shook her head and she looked for a corner. Sitting down cross-legged, she started to cultivate. As she had been cultivating non-stop for day and night, her strength had been rising rapidly. Compared to Midi'er and Sharman, she was a lot stronger. If she compared herself to the elders of the Dragon Clan, she was a little bit inferior. If she didn't experience a lucky chance, she had to cultivate painstakingly for the next hundred years in order to gain enough strength to match the elders of the Dragon Race.

Now, Long Yi and Yu Feng were cuddling together at the top of an icy mountain not far away from the ice house. Under the illumination of the sunlight, they looked just like a picture from a fairy tale, eternal and beautiful.

Both of them were silent as they enjoyed common memories. Even after several years, Origin Ice was still the same. The people were also the same, but their mental state was completely different.

"I will always remember this place. I will forever remember this world of snow and ice…" Yu Feng muttered. This place was where she endured various tribulations with Long Yi.

"I still remember that in the past, I lost my temper at you because we couldn't find the Ruyi Ice Silkworm even after a long time. Did you feel wronged?" Long Yi asked. At that time, the life of Wushuang was hanging on the line and her health was deteriorating day by day. They had been unable to find the shadow of the Ruyi Ice Silkworm even after walking for more than ten days. Long Yi was agitated and he vented his anger on the innocent Yu Feng.

"Of course I felt wronged… How can I not feel wronged? However, there was a happy feeling as well. I knew that you wouldn't have roared at me like that if I wasn't a person close to you." Yu Feng said with a smile and a hint of warmth flashed through her eyes. If she hadn't risked her life, she might not have received Long Yi's love. Moreover, that experience she had together with Long Yi was unique and was something she would never forget in her life.

Long Yi smiled and stopped speaking. He was lost in thoughts as he looked into the distance.

After an unknown period of time, the sky turned darker but the sun still hung high in the sky. It could be assumed that the time was late at night.

"My husband, let's dig a hole to rest. Just like in the past." Yu Feng looked up suddenly and there was a warm look in her eyes. She pressed her bosom against Long Yi's arm and she said softly.

The heart of Long Yi heated up and he recalled about the time when he had shared a bed with Yu Feng in Origin Ice for the first time. His hand which was originally on Yu Feng's shoulder slid down to her towering breasts.

They immediately got into a good mood. Just as they were about to dig a hole and enter the tent in order to get affectionate with each other, the ground suddenly trembled. Niur's excited scream and the roars of the three god beasts came from a distant place.

Long Yi carried Yu Feng and flew into the air. He saw ten or more snow-white ice bears which were more than ten meters tall chasing Nuir and the others. They were heading towards Long Yi.

These huge bears were A-ranked water attributed magical beasts. They were the legendary species that could fight against standard S-ranked magical beasts in Origin Ice. In the past, when Long Yi was in Origin Ice, he had not seen even a single one of this beast. To his surprise, Niur and the others managed to dig them out. They dug out an entire nest of them which rendered Long Yi speechless.

Under the pressure of the god-beasts' might, the ice bears were vexed. However, they were only able to run. It was too bad they were weaker than the god beasts.

"Father, father, I found a lot of food! Niur is hungry." Niur who was riding on the back of Little Tiger instantly flew into Long Yi's bosom from far away. She excitedly pointed at the ice bears and she said. It seemed as though the ice beats were only meat in Niur's eyes.

At that moment Little Tiger and the others roared. The ice bears stopped in their tracks and they stopped running. They were no longer able to retreat as their retreat route was sealed by the Fire Qilin and the Violent Lightning Beast. They were only able to stand there restlessly as they protected the four young ice bears in the middle.

"Good, they are intelligent magical beasts." Seeing sadness and anger in the eyes of these ice bears, Long Yi was a little surprised.