657 - 661

Chapter 657: Evil Forbidden Zone; spring scenery throughout the night

Edits by akshaythedon

No one knew what Angela and Siyan discussed in the room. In any case, when they came out, the two had recovered their calmness and concealed their hatred.

Angela told Long Yi that they should set out for Sunset Peak. She had already explained the reason to Siyan and acquired Siyan's willingness to cooperate.

"Aunt Angela, no matter where you are going, I also want to go!" Mixini anxiously stamped her foot and pouted. She decided to follow them no matter what happened.

"Mixini, it's fine if you want to go, but your father has to agree first," Angela replied with a smile.

Once her father Alfate was mentioned, Mixini gave up following them. Although her father Alfate usually doted her very much, if he got angry, even Mixini didn't dare to utter a sound.

Until the figures of Angela, Long Yi, and Siyan disappeared into the horizon, Mixini stood at the same place with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Mixini, don't cry, let's go to play with Duleisi and others," Ryan comforted.

"Not going, go by yourself," Mixini shouted and rushed into Fire God Fortress like a gust of wind, leaving behind Ryan with a bitter smile on his face.

To reach Sunset Peak, one must pass through Earth God Region and Wind God Region, then crash one's way through Evil Forbidden Area, the most dangerous place of Divine World. In Evil Forbidden Area, danger lurks in every corner and one couldn't fly across it. Moreover, the terrain was also complicated and treacherous. Not only there were powerful undead creatures, but there were also very powerful and ferocious ancient beasts that could easily tear several First Tier Gods into pieces. One could well imagine why that place was classified as Evil Forbidden Area.

Both Earth God and Wind God regions were very vast. But in Divine World, the transmission arrays could only be used for transporting the army. If someone wanted to travel, then other than using fixed transmission scrolls, they could only fly.

For Angela, fixed transmission scrolls were just insignificant things. But, since Long Yi wanted to unify the powers of Divine World, he decided to gain a good understanding of Divine World. Hence, the three of them began to fly from Fire God Region to Earth God Region to Wind God Region. It took more than half a month to reach the edge of the Evil Forbidden Area. From far away, Evil Forbidden Area was shrouded with ink-like pitch-black darkness.

Angela looked solemn as she spoke, "After entering Evil Forbidden Area, you two must closely follow me. There are many undead creatures beyond your imagination inside. Most importantly, don't get separated, otherwise, you might run into ancient ferocious beasts and that wouldn't be funny."

"I can use undead magic, it shouldn't be difficult to control some undead creatures," Long Yi responded. He was truly confident in his undead magic.

"The undead creatures inside cannot be controlled, otherwise, why would this place be called forbidden area?" Angela said.

Cannot be controlled? That was troublesome. If Niur was here, then it would've been a lot easier. She just needed to open her mouth and devour all death qi, then they would have an easy time.

Long Yi subconsciously felt that undead creatures couldn't pose any threat to him no matter their number. In the past, in the Extreme Yin Day of Blue Waves Continent, countless undead creatures had appeared, but wasn't he still able to deal with them?

As for Siyan, as the princess of Demon World, undead creatures were unqualified to even enter her eyes. Of course, that speaking skeleton beside Long Yi was an exception. Just looking at that blood-red scythe in his hand, she was alarmed.

After warning them again and again, Angela took the lead to enter Evil Forbidden Area.

Long Yi followed after her and entered. Immediately afterward, darkness shrouded him. Even with his night vision, his sight was blurred.

"Follow me, if we encounter undead creatures, don���t engage in a fight," Angela warned again, and at that time, gloomy death qi shrouded the entire world.

Long Yi frowned, this death qi was so dense, even he felt stifling here.

At that time, tens of skeleton suddenly appeared in the front and rushed over upon seeing strangers.

"Clang!" Long Yi immediately attacked, but his arm was shaken to a certain extent. He was shocked. Now he understood how powerful the undead creatures of this Evil Forbidden Area were. Although his strength had not reached the level of the true Main Gods, in the current Divine World, he could be considered one of the peak experts of Divine World. Even if he had to deal with high-ranked, powerful extra-dimensional undead creatures, it wouldn't be so strenuous.

"The undead creatures of this place are formed from the soldiers of God Race. They are different from ordinary undead creatures. Be careful, don't fight recklessly. Our purpose is to cross this place, not exterminate these undead creatures," Angela said.

Long Yi and Siyan nodded their heads in succession. He then summoned Long Two. He was certain that Long Two was immune to undead creatures. Moreover, Long Two could absorb the death qi here for his use. The more they went forward, the more undead creatures they met, and the more limited their vision was. Long Yi couldn't help recalling those demonic specters and divine zombies he encountered during the convention of Sea Race. However, this Evil Forbidden Area was much more severe than that place.

Long Yi's group of three covered their bodies with an energy barrier. They swept through all the undead creatures blocking their way as they rushed forward. Every second, the attacks of countless specters and zombies landed on the energy barriers around them. The attacks of these undead creatures were powerful. If Long Yi hadn't stepped into peak eighth layer of AoTianJue, then he might not have lasted long.

After a seemingly long duration, the numbers of undead creatures around them slowly reduced, and finally, not a single one remained. The three of them sighed in relief while sweating profusely, but Long Two was still full of energy. Although he was injured, after absorbing the death qi in those undead creatures, he quickly recovered. The more he fought, the stronger he became.

"Let's rest for a while and leave. This place should be safe for the moment," Angela said. Clearly, she had rushed her way through this Evil Forbidden Area many times.

Long Yi sat down and put away Long Two, then asked, "Angela, is it more dangerous ahead?"

"There is a deep pool ahead where an ancient flood dragon lives, I don't know how many millions of years it has lived, but one needs to be at least at the level of ten-winged angels to escape from it. If we encounter it, we can only let it tear us to shreds," Angela said.

Long Yi was speechless. In other words, even if the Heavenly Dragon King were to come here, he could only sneak away.

"Hehe, then you must know a safe way to pass it," Long Yi understood the real meaning of Angela.

"I know a safe path, and after bypassing that pool, there are no other dangerous existences," replied Angela. In the past, when she had hastened her way through this Evil Forbidden Area many times, she had nearly lost her life several times under the fangs of ancient ferocious beasts. Eventually, she found a relatively safe path.

"In other words, we can celebrate our success in advance now," Long Yi smiled and said.

"You can say so." Angela raised her eyebrows and replied. Her shining beautiful pupils had a unique soul-stirring charm in this darkness.

The heart of Long Yi swayed as he inwardly cursed this seductress. Even compared to that natural lascivious hussy Mu Hanyan, she was sexier.

After resting for a short while, the three people returned to their peak state and continued their journey with Angela in the lead.

After passing a segment of the path, Long Yi's eyelids twitched; he felt restless. This was his instinct telling him that there was danger ahead.

"Angela, wait a minute, don't you feel something is wrong?" Long Yi asked. Whenever he felt like this, there would be danger ahead for sure. His instinct had saved him many times.

"Don't be paranoid, I have traveled this path many times, there is no problem," Angela sensed nothing.

"I also don't feel anything," Siyan said.

"We must not go any further; my instinct has never been wrong. There must be danger ahead, otherwise, I wouldn't feel so restless and nervous," Long Yi shook his head and said firmly.

"But, except this path, all other paths are dangerous enough to bury us here. Do you have other routes?" Angela deemed that Long Yi was being paranoid. Besides, even if there was danger ahead, they didn't have any other option.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders. He had no idea about the Evil Forbidden Area, let alone the path to the exit, so he could only grit his teeth and follow this path. He just hoped that there were no ancient ferocious beasts at the level of a ten-winged angel ahead.

After walking through grasses that were a few meters tall for a while, the restlessness Long Yi felt became stronger and stronger. He always felt as if something was peeping on them causing his heart to become cold. At this moment, Angela and Siyan were also feeling similar, but they didn't have a route of retreat, so they decided to rush forward.

At that time, Angela who was rushing in the front suddenly stopped. There was a huge pillar in the front.

Long Yi looked up and saw a huge head with a pair of huge rhombus-shaped eyes emitting pallid light staring at them. Suddenly, the scenery in front of his eyes became dimmer and the wind blew against them.

Long Yi immediately moved sideways and that wind brushed past him. Even like that, his outer energy barrier was torn apart.

"F*ck me, what is this damn thing?" Long Yi cursed. When he had observed it, his vision had gotten blurred, and its attack was able to easily break his energy barrier. Unfortunately, he was very unlucky. They had run into an ancient ferocious beast at the level of a ten-winged angel. This beast could kill them with its fart; they had to flee for their lives.

"This is the ancient flood dragon, we are running!" Angela shouted.

Long Yi turned over and felt a chill on his back. As it turned out, he had unexpectedly ducked into the belly of the flood dragon. He was leaning against its ice-cold scale.

At this moment, this flood dragon easily broke the energy barrier of Siyan with its claw and roared. Thus, Siyan was unable to move as if she was bound. She could only watch the huge mouth of flood dragon approaching to swallow her whole.

"Furious God Sever!" Angela shouted and her golden divine power slashed towards the lower chin of this flood dragon.

"Clang!" The scales on the lower chin of the flood dragon were broken and red blood flowed out.

"Roar…" The ancient flood dragon was thoroughly enraged, and it emitted tyrannical aura. All the plants and animals in the vicinity were turned into fine powder under the tremendous pressure. The protective energy barrier around Angela also deformed.

Just its momentum is already so terrifying. It wouldn't let anyone escape alive. Long Yi wailed in his heart. After coming to Divine World, he finally learned about the existence of such a powerful living being.

However, this flood dragon seemed to completely ignore the existence of Long Yi. Even though Long Yi was leaning against his belly, it unexpectedly didn't feel anything.

Suddenly, Long Yi whiffed a thick smell of blood that seemed to be coming from the belly of this ancient flood dragon.

At that time, Long Yi noticed that the unusual state of this flood dragon's belly and saw the light. He finally understood why this flood dragon that should be in the pool had appeared here. It turned out that it had come here to lay an egg. In addition, when attacking, it never left the same place, otherwise, Angela couldn't have held on for so long. It was no wonder that this flood dragon didn't notice him even though he was leaning against its belly. Presumably, the pain due to laying an egg might have numbed its belly.

According to the legend, when a dragon was laying an egg, its strength would be greatly reduced. Moreover, it would also have a weakness, i.e. its egg.

When Long Yi saw that Angela wouldn't be able to hold on much longer, he stuck on the belly of that flood dragon like a maggot attached to the bone. Crazily circulating his internal force and spirit power, with the addition of seven spirit tablets, he attacked the abdomen of this flood dragon with earth-shaking might. It was such a close distance that the flood dragon was basically unable to dodge. It wailed as it was sent flying. At that time, Angela and Siyan also noticed that this flood dragon was laying an egg, with one-fifth of the egg already visible. Long Yi didn't need to remind them, and they immediately launched their strongest attacks.

The flood dragon instinctively protected its belly, enduring the attacks of Angela and Siyan. With its defensive powers, Angela and Siyan wouldn't be able to injure it, but the most important thing was, Long Yi was still attached to its belly. He had attacked its unborn child, so it wanted to counterattack, but it feared it might injure its child, so it could only struggle wildly, but it was unable to get rid of Long Yi no matter what it did.

If it let the fellow who had attached to its belly attack again, then its unborn child was bound to die. One should know that this flood dragon had lived for millions of years, but this was the first time it was laying an egg. One could well imagine how hard it was for it to have a descendant. If something happened, then the heaven and earth of this entire Evil Forbidden Area might turn upside down.

Under desperation, the flood dragon opened its mouth and spat out a black crystal that had a diameter of several meters. This crystal was full of violent energy. This fellow unexpectedly wanted to blow up this magic crystal. Like that, it would lose its cultivation of millions of years, and only a few might survive its explosion. It was impossible for Long Yi and others to survive.

Angela reacted first. She rushed towards that huge black crystal, but she was easily repelled. As for the flood dragon, it glared at Long Yi who was the greatest threat to its child with its rhombus-shaped eyes.

Long Yi however just pointed at that huge black crystal and ordered, "You, move that demon crystal over here."

Although the flood dragon was fierce in nature, it already had a certain level of wisdom. After Long Yi made gestures, it understood the meaning of Long Yi. It hesitated for a bit and followed Long Yi's instruction. It pushed that magic crystal it had cultivated for millions of years towards Long Yi.

"Even without the magic crystal, this flood dragon is sufficiently troublesome," Long Yi thought in his heart. After that huge black crystal floated to his front, he reached out to grab it, but who would have thought that, although this magic crystal looked like a crystal, it broke when it grabbed it and a fragrant black juice sprayed into his entire face. Then, that black crystal instantly shrunk by two-thirds.

The black juice that flowed out from this crystal quickly entered the body of Long Yi. Seeing this magic crystal had shrunk so much, it might be assumed that this flood dragon could no longer injure them, so he turned around and jump off its stomach.

A hint of anguish flashed through the eyes of this flood dragon as it absorbed that shrunk black crystal into its body. Immediately afterward, it roared in pain. The trio of Long Yi was so frightened that they jumped.

Siyan reflexively jumped to the side of Long Yi. And as for Long Yi, that juice he had just absorbed churned, and he emitted an unusually fragrant aura which was inhaled by Siyan.

The two people didn't notice this. They just nervously watched at this ancient flood dragon. Only after they saw the egg was slowly coming out of its belly did they relax a little.

The flood dragon roared several times and finally laid a silver-white egg on a thick clump of grass. Then, it weakly collapsed on the ground while breathing heavily. If Long Yi and others attacked it at this moment, then they had a great chance to kill it, but since the danger had already passed and since this ferocious flood dragon had cultivated bitterly for millions of years to reach its previous level, there was no benefit in killing it. Besides, this kind of ferocious beasts was nearly extinct and killing it might push one race to the brink of extinction. Long Yi didn't want that.

The three people no longer paid any attention to this ancient flood dragon and left with Angela leading in the front.

While advancing, Long Yi suddenly felt hot and his forehead was covered with sweat. In addition, his gaze moved towards the towering bosom and plump buttocks of Angela and Siyan. He even had an impulse to pounce on and push them down.

This was truly not his lustful intent, Long Yi understood that. He felt that the internal force of AoTianJue was boiling within his body. Thus, such thoughts subconsciously appeared in his mind.

Meanwhile, the beautiful face of Siyan was also bright red. She felt hot and the place between her legs was also getting wet. She subconsciously looked at Long Yi and imagined his strong body. If only he pushed me down and kissed me … Such thoughts suddenly appeared in the mind of Siyan for a moment. Then, she was shocked and felt ashamed.

"Long Yi, Siyan, what's wrong with you two?" Angela noticed that something was wrong with these two and asked.

"No, nothing." Siyan did her best to calm down. She didn't understand why she was having such thoughts.

Long Yi, however, smiled bitterly, thinking of that liquid of flood dragon's magic crystal that was sprayed on his face. It seemed that after that liquid was absorbed, it would produce a strong aphrodisiac effect. It was so strong that he was almost unable to control himself. Moreover, the more he wanted to control himself, the stronger the effect was.

"There is a problem with that juice of flood dragon's magic crystal," Long Yi looked elsewhere and replied. He feared that if he continued to look at that sexy figure of Angela, then he might not be able to endure and turn into a beast. Having just arrived at this different world, he was already unable to control himself under the effect of an aphrodisiac; he absolutely didn't want to let that kind of matter to happen again.

Angela saw Long Yi was short of breath and his lower part was making a huge tent. Suddenly, her beautiful face became bright red as she understood what was happening. The flood dragon was licentious in nature. Thus, the juice of its magic crystal was sure to have a strong aphrodisiac effect.

At that time, Siyan suddenly screamed and watched Long Yi with her beautiful eyes filled with spring. Finally, she was unable to endure and threw herself into the bosom of Long Yi and tightly hugged his waist. The manly aura of Long Yi made her even more confused. "I want… Give me…" Siyan spoke incoherently. She didn't know what she wanted, she just asked instinctively and knew that Long Yi had the thing she wanted.

Long Yi gritted his teeth and tightly clenched his hands. He spared no effort to control himself. The matter of Long Ling'er had left behind a scar in his heart, so he decided to control himself even if he had to die. He didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to endure the torment of this aphrodisiac.

"Long Yi, you will end up with problems if you endure. I will take responsibility, so you two should get together." Angela walked over and said with a red face.

"I can't do this." Long Yi replied with great difficulty and ran away. Why was this woman approaching him? Didn't she know, compared to Siyan, she was more tempting to him?

"Long Yi!" Angela carried Siyan and chased after Long Yi.

Not long after, Angela found Long Yi in dark woods. He was sitting cross-legged on the ground. His entire body was red and was sweating profusely. All seven spirit tablets were revolving above his head, but his situation seemed to be getting worse.

Angela gritted her teeth and slapped away the little hands of Siyan that was fondling everywhere around her body. She then used her divine power to suppress the effect of aphrodisiac on her body, making her wake up temporarily.

After that, Angela told what was going on to Siyan. Siyan wanted to tell that she would die but wouldn't let Long Yi touch her, but thinking about how Long Yi was enduring the effect that was a thousand times worse than her but still persisted and didn't touch her, moreover, watching that painful appearance of Long Yi, she unexpectedly felt a bit painful in her heart.

The nose of Siyan turned sour; tears flowed down her cheeks. She didn't know whether she was feeling heartache for him or she was feeling sad for herself.

"Aunt, I am willing…" Siyan softly replied.

"Say him in person, otherwise, he will not agree." Angela helped Siyan walk over to the front of Long Yi and used her divine power at Long Yi.

Long Yi opened his eyes that were burning with lust, but he still had a shred of consciousness.

"Go away, quickly go away!!" Long Yi practically howled.

"Long Yi, you b*****d, now I am clear-headed and telling you, this princess is willing." Siyan rushed into the bosom of Long Yi and roared, breaking the suppressing divine power of Angela.

When Long Yi heard her words, his final resistance was destroyed. Then, the two people entangled with each other.

Angela snorted and turned away. However, she could hear the rough panting and moans which caused a hint of ripple appear in her heart that was calm for many years.

Siyan was undoubtedly a beautiful woman. She had a great figure with curves where needed. Anyone would be attracted by her.

Along with the rapid sprint of Long Yi, the two people fused into one.

Angela heard those moans and flesh colliding sounds behind her. She felt like thousands of ants were crawling in her heart. She wanted to walk away, but she was unable to set her mind at ease, so she could only stay nearby to guard them.

For a long time, Angela bit her red lips and used her hands to cover her face to deceive herself while watching the rapidly moving Long Yi as well as the place he and Siyan were fused together from the cracks between her fingers. She subconsciously clamped her legs and felt like her head was exploding.

After four hours, Long Yi made a rapid maneuver and the pair screamed, flying into the clouds. Then, both of them weakly collapsed. Listening to their even breathing, it seemed that they had unexpectedly fallen asleep.

Making love in the middle of this Evil Forbidden Area where danger lurked on every side, perhaps, Long Yi and Siyan were the only ones throughout the ages.

Angela took out a robe and covered them. She then sat some distance away lost in thought. Her lower part was wet with spring dew, provoking troubled thoughts.

Chapter 658: Sunset Peak, an Elder of Divine World

Edits by akshaythedon

The Evil Forbidden Area was still shrouded with darkness, but it was somewhat unusual now.

Under a big tree, Long Yi had already opened his eyes and feeling the soft ** in his bosom, he couldn't help making a wry smile. This was also a kind of luck with women. When all was said and done, which man was unwilling was enjoy this kind of luck with women?

The looks of this little demoness were not any inferior to his women. However, there was a problem – she was the daughter of the Heavenly Demon King. The blood of upper-class Demon Race flowed within her body. These were the unchangeable facts. When the Heavenly Demon King leads his thousands of demon soldiers and generals to massacre tens of thousands of people, how should he deal with this little demoness?

Long Yi sighed softly. Turning his head around, he saw Angela hastily turning her head away. It seems Angela was watching the entire spring show from nearby. Long Yi's heart involuntarily heated up, and a thought appeared in his heart, if the person lying on his bosom were this bewitching goddess, then there wouldn't be any problem, but he could only think so now.

Long Yi laid still, and at that time, he sensed a subtle change in the breathing of Siyan who was curled up in his bosom. He realized that she was already awake, but both of them didn't know how to face each other.

"Little demoness, get up. We should leave now." Long Yi temporarily discarded all his worries and slapped Siyan's butt.

Siyan groaned, and opening her eyes, she glared at Long Yi, but soon after that, she hastily jumped away from his bosom. However, her legs were soft, and she nearly fell. Long Yi timely held her slender waist. Since her flower was plucked yesterday for the first time, besides, Long Yi had acted rashly for a long time, she was feeling somewhat uncomfortable, but fortunately, her physique was sturdy. She was fine after resting for a while. After these two people got dressed, Angela walked over and giggled, "Long Yi, should I congratulate you two?"

"Aunt, don't speak nonsense." Siyan rebuked, but a hint of inexplicable happiness appeared in her heart.

"I never refuse gifts." Long Yi said, watching Angela with a heated gaze. It made her unnaturally move her gaze away. After those spring activities, the connection between them had become subtle.

"Let's talk about it after we get to Sunset Peak. If Dibiya truly has left behind the ancient merit law in Creation Shrine, then you can even obtain the entire world. At that time, you will not care about any gifts," Angela retorted.

"If the gift is you, then I will be delighted," Long Yi thought. He would never speak these words out, though.

The trio advanced toward the Floating Sea. All along the way, they no longer encountered any danger and smoothly exited the Evil Forbidden Area.

Floating Sea, as the name suggests, is a sea floating in the air. This sounded very absurd, but now, it was right in front of Long Yi's eyes.

Great waves that were tens of thousands of meters high rose from the ground, but they never fell; they floated in the air. That indeed was very strange. When Long Yi saw this extraordinary sight, he felt like he was gazing at a miracle.

Sunset Peak was at the center of this Floating Sea, thousands of meters tall. It fully deserved the title of the highest location of Divine World. No wonder Dibiya built Creation Shine here. Outside Sunset Peak, there was a barrier personally laid by Dibiya. Only the blood of his directly-related descendants could open it. Now, there was a problem in front of Long Yi's group of three, i.e., whether those three thousand shrine guards would attack them after they opened the barrier of Sunset Peak.If so, then opening the barrier was purely courting death.

"I don't think they will immediately attack since Dibiya has set up such a barrier that could be opened by only his direct descendants. If his direct descendants received attacks after they entered, then wouldn't it be very unreasonable? Dibiya must have considered this point," Angela pondered and spoke her thoughts.

"That is also true," Long Yi agreed.

Long Yi then summoned Baiyu, and after the three people got on its back, it flew straight up. Not long after, it soared above the Floating Sea, and they saw a towering, perfectly straight Sunset Peak far away at the center.

A hundred li away around the Sunset Peak, there was an invisible energy barrier that stopped their advance. Presumably, it was the barrier personally laid out by Dibiya.

Angela condensed divine power in both her hands and placed them on the barrier. The energy barrier immediately shone with seven-colored radiance. This seven-colored radiance formed a magic array. At the center of this magic array, there was a round dot where a drop of blood should be dropped.

Siyan cut open her finger and dripped a drop of blood in that round dot. The magic array instantly shined with greater radiance, and then a small passage just enough for one person to enter appeared on the barrier.

The three people entered in single file, and the barrier instantly reverted to its original state.

The Creation Shine was located at the summit of Sunset Peak that was nearly five thousand meters tall and was shrouded with a gentle, holy light.

The shrine guards had already sensed that someone had entered, and over a hundred shrine guards flew down and surrounded these three people. All of them were six-winged angels.

"Anyone that enters Creation Shrine without authorization will be killed on the spot without any pardon," The leader of this squad coldly mentioned. He then raised his hand, and the remaining shrine guards immediately locked on to Long Yi's group of three. Once this squad leader made an order, they would eliminate all intruders.

"We, however, entered after passing through the barrier set up by the God of Creation," Angela shouted.

However, there was no change in the expression of that squad leader. He just waved his hand, commanding to attack.

Long Yi was prepared for this. After so many years, no one knew what kind of changes had happened here. Once he saw that squad leader wave his hand, he immediately grabbed Siyan and disappeared using Great Cosmos Shift. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Creation Shrine at the summit of Sunset Peak. That place furthermore had more than two thousand shrine guards, but strangely, they didn't attack, they only stared at that head-like boulder which was emitting the aura of their Master, the God of Creation, in the hand of Long Yi.

At that time, Angela flew over in a somewhat awkward state. Furiously glaring at Long Yi, she threw two guards towards Long Yi. This damned fellow was too excessive, he actually abandoned her and only took Siyan away with him. If those over a hundred guards hadn't stopped after sensing the aura of the boulder in the hand of Long Yi, then she would have genuinely eaten a significant loss.

Long Yi just shrugged his shoulders. Angela's strength was comparable to the Main God, so does she still need his protection?

The three slowly walked into the Creation Shrine. On the way, the guards stepped aside in succession, letting them enter. Long Yi couldn't help thinking in his heart that if he could subdue these three thousand shrine guards, then he no longer needed to worry about the Heavenly Demon King. Unfortunately, he couldn't make these shrine guards do anything else other than making them not attack them.

The Creation Shrine was incomparably vast. There was a several hundred meters tall statue of Dibiya at the center of this shrine. That outline greatly resembled the outline of the boulder in Long Yi's hand.

Seeing the items behind the statue of Dibiya, the three people were shocked and immediately afterward, they were wild with joy. They had seen rows after rows of shelves full to the brim. On the left side, there were divine artifact level weapons, and on the right side, there were rows of ancient merit laws.

Angela quickly browsed through those books and frowned, "These are just low-leveled ancient merit laws. There shouldn't be only these."

"Perhaps, there is a secret room in this Creation Shrine," Long Yi replied.

The three people parted to search for the shrine. Long Yi then thought about the golden carved tablet he obtained in the abyss hall. Alexander had said that he could find the things collected and stored by Dibiya with that thing. Therefore, Long Yi looked for a place that might have any connection to this carved plate. Unfortunately, he didn't locate any.

"You two, quickly come and see, this place has a mechanism." Siyan had discovered a magic switch mechanism behind a bookshelf.

Angela and Long Yi immediately rushed over. Sure enough, it was a switch mechanism.

Angela injected her divine power in this mechanism, and the wall instantly slid open. Inside, there were rooms filled with treasures and ancient books of Divine World. The three people cheered, rushed into the separate rooms, and began to rummage.

After a good while, Angela came out of the room and said, "Strange, although the books and treasures here are somewhat higher level than outside, they are definitely not the first-rate. Where did Dibiya hide the good things?"

"I also feel the same; the ancient merit laws here are not very useful to me." Long Yi walked out of a room next door and said.

The two people returned to the hall and looking at each other, they suddenly exclaimed in unison, "What about Siyan?"

The two people turned around and entered the secret room Siyan had entered, but they discovered that Siyan had disappeared into thin air.

"Sh*t, that demoness." Long Yi was startled, and he immediately rushed out of the Creation Shrine. But, he just saw the barrier shining with seven-colored radiance and revert to normal.

"This girl, without her blood, we are trapped here for a lifetime." Angela also had never thought that Siyan would leave when they were not paying attention and trap them here.

Long Yi made a bitter smile and shook his head. At that time, for the sake of the Heavenly Demon King, she was prepared to perish together with him. How could she helplessly watch him acquire the ancient merit laws and treasures of Divine World only to destroy the Demon World? Blood is thicker than water; he had personally experienced this saying. Even though she hated the Heavenly Demon King, when all was said and done, the Heavenly Demon King was her father, this was an unchangeable fact.

"What should we do now?" Angela also was worried.

"Now, we can only dress cold food with sauce. We should find the true collection of Dibiya. Perhaps, there will be other gains," Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and helplessly answered. In his heart, he, however, was cursing those shrine guards for letting Siyan escape freely.

"That is the only way," Angela sighed. But, thinking about how she will be staying together with Long Yi, her heart jumped in joy without any reason.

The two people searched inside and outside of Creation Shrine, but they didn't find anything.

The sun gradually sunk in the west. Sunset Peak was the only place in Divine World from where one could see the sunrise and sunset. It was also the only place with the night.

Long Yi and Angela sat side by side on the roof of Creation Shrine, watching the twinkling stars in the sky. The night of Divine World was very enchanting. Unfortunately, since the brilliant sun hung in the sky from dawn to dusk, the people of God Race had no chance to appreciate such a beautiful night.

The sounds of sea waves slamming against the foot of Sunset Peak along with the cool night breeze made Long Yi recall those days of Nalan imperial palace. There, amid such sounds of sea waves, he would either play around with Nalan sisters or ** with little mermaid Liuli on the sea. Long Yi involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of saliva and turned to look at Angela under the starlight. Her beautiful hair was gently swaying under the cool night breeze, and her sharp chin was raised as she watched the starry sky with a blurred gaze. She truly looked very enchanting.

"Why on earth are you looking at me like this? Am I so beautiful?" Angela turned over and giggled. She truly couldn't understand this fellow. At that time, after absorbing the juice of that ferocious flood dragon which unexpectedly had the effect of a strong aphrodisiac, he actually would die but was willing to touch Siyan who was similarly on heat, but now, he was watching her with bear lust.

"Hehe, you are gorgeous. I don't want to let other people see your beauty. Besides, on this Sunset Peak, other than this Young Master, there is no one else to admire your beautiful appearance," Long Yi replied with a smile.

Angela rolled her eyes. This boy truly had a very sweet mouth, mainly speaking the words women loved to hear.

"If Siyan doesn't return, I am afraid we will have to stay here forever," Angela sighed and continued to talk.

"With such a beauty to accompany me, even if I have to stay here forever, I am willing," Long Yi laughed. He was very flexible. At this moment, since he was unable to find a way out, rather than wearing a worried look, wasn't it much better to smile?

Looking at Long Yi, her beautiful pupils suddenly became a lot softer and said, "If we are truly trapped here forever, I will become your wife."

The heart of Long Yi jumped, and he reached out his big hand to grab her little hand, but she slapped his hand away.

"Hehe, I said that only if we are trapped here forever. Perhaps we might find other ways in a few days. If we can leave this place, then don't even think about it." Angela gazed at Long Yi with her bewitching eyes and teased him. She then reached out and caressed Long Yi's lips with her slender jade finger. After that, she flew away with a beautiful smile.

"This seductress." Looking at the amorous back view of Angela, Long Yi muttered to himself.

Time flowed on day by day. Long Yi and Angela spent their days like a pair of little lovers. They played together in the sea, collected shells, guessed riddles, and sometimes, also played some childish games where the loser had to kiss the winner. In this fashion, Long Yi kissed and caressed Angela. But, Angela would die but not take a step further.

Another night, Long Yi and Angela were watching the stars while hugging each other, and the sky was getting brighter.

Long Yi gently caressed the back and buttocks of Angela. Although there was a layer of cloth, he still experienced that elastic and soft feeling.

While he caressed, Angela's breaths suddenly became rapid, and her charming body suddenly swayed in the bosom of Long Yi. Then, her little hand entered the robe of Long Yi and caressed his sturdy back muscles.

Long Yi rained down kisses on the earlobes and face of Angela while his little brother below pressed against the soft place between her legs. His big hands also restlessly felt about her back and entered her clothing into her chest area. This time, he didn't meet her obstruction, allowing his big hand to grab her plump bosom smoothly.

Angela let out a moan while thinking, forget it, today, she will give herself to him, her sweetheart.

After she let go of her thoughts, Angela made Long Yi do whatever he pleased. Soon, her upper clothing was removed entirely, and a pair of towering ** appeared in front of Long Yi without any reservation.

"Wu…" Angela moaned and looked at Long Yi, sucking her pink bud with a blurred gaze. The wolf claw of Long Yi also invaded her private place. She just felt limp and numb, and her soul seemed to be floating in the air.

The clothing of these two people flew everywhere, and Long Yi pushed Angela down. But, when he was prepared to penetrate her, a dazzling radiance suddenly flashed.

Long Yi narrowed his eyes and noticed that the brilliant sun had already risen. Under the illumination of the sunlight, the golden carved tablet he had cast aside was reflecting dazzling sunlight.

Angela���s passion was intense. She didn't care about anything else and directly threw away that golden carved plate.

Long Yi saw that carved plate making an arc in the sky, and his entire body suddenly trembled. He seemed to have recalled something. Then, he waved his hand, and that carved plate automatically flew back to his hand.

Angela also awoke from her ** and seeing Long Yi's excited appearance, she knew that he must have discovered something.

Long Yi raised this carved plate and adjusted it against the sun at an angle. Then, the shadow reflected on the ground formed a familiar pattern. And along with the change in angle, it could change its size at will.

"This is the Sunset Peak!" Angela exclaimed.

"That's right. Take a look at this pattern, which side of Sunset Peak is this?" Long Yi asked with a smile.

"It should be the right side," Angela said.

Long Yi nodded his head and then looking towards the brilliant sun, he pointed towards the west side and said, "After the afternoon, the sun will set in the west side. At that time, the answer will be revealed."

The time passed second by second. Angela had never known that time passed so slowly. One second was like a year for her.

The sun gradually sunk in the west side, and when it reached the point pointed by Long Yi, Long Yi immediately flew towards the right side of Sunset Peak along with Angela. Above the sea surface that was several tens of meters away, he raised that golden carved plate to reflect the sunlight. Then, a pattern was reflected on the right side of Sunset Peak. Long Yi adjusted the angle and distance until that pattern, and the right side of Sunset Peak completely coincided.

At that time, the sunlight suddenly passed through that golden carved plate and focused at one point, and then shot towards a place halfway up the mountain.

"Bang!" A cave suddenly cracked opened there. It was pitch-black like the wide-open mouth of a monster. But, Long Yi and Angela excitedly hugged each other as they believed that the rare collection of Dibiya must be there.

They two flew over to the cave and entered. Sure enough, after walking a section of the path, they suddenly saw a light, and these two people watched countless first-class treasures like ancient divine artifact Heaven Splitting Axe, Heaven Illuminating Rock, and so on in a daze. Those were treasures even the current seven Main Gods did not have in their possession.

The ancient merit laws inside were also first-rate. Among them, there was Chaos Divine Technique cultivated by Dibiya. It was the best merit law for a person with a seven-attributed magic physique. As long as Long Yi cultivated this Chaos Divine Technique, he would be able to completely merge all seven-attributed magic powers, becoming a real God. Thereby, he would be able to use the real might of all seven spirit tablets of Main Gods.

As for the merit laws cultivated by Moyun and other seven Main Gods, among this pile of merit laws here, they could only be regarded as first-class. It might be assumed that Dibiya had intentionally made them learn these slightly lower grade merit laws to maintain the prestige of the God of Creation.

Angela was excited upon seeing this cave full of valuable collections. This, however, was the essence of Divine World's millions upon millions of years. But, it was buried here by Dibiya, never to see the sunlight again, causing Divine World to deteriorate to this state. Long Yi suppressed his excitement. With these treasures, it was only a matter of time before the Divine World re-established its former glory. But the problem was that the Heavenly Demon King would not give him time. Even if he had the best technique, he wouldn't be able to do anything in the short term.

Long Yi hastily browsed through the Chaos Divine Technique and carefully put it away. Then, he began to examine other things. He couldn't tear himself away from these things. One should know that the value of these treasures couldn't be measured by normal means. Any one of these things was enough to make the entire Divine World go insane.

"Long Yi, we are not dreaming, are we?" Angela agitatedly turned around. In front of these treasures, she didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Angela, don't be so excited. We are still trapped here in Sunset Peak. Let's see whether there are any records on how to break the barrier first," Long Yi patted the shoulder of Angela and calmly replied.

Angela instantly calmed down. Yes, they were trapped here in Sunset Peak now. Finding a way to leave this place was the most critical matter.

Therefore, the two people turned this place upside down, looking for any books on breaking the barrier.

While searching, Long Yi suddenly noticed a chest that was buried in a pile of goods. On the chest, there was a groove which resembled a miniature version of the boulder he had. Under curiosity, Long Yi took out that boulder and embedded in.

Long Yi suddenly trembled, and soon after that, he became still like he was petrified. Angela was busy searching and didn't notice the unusualness of Long Yi.

Long Yi felt his hand was numb, and then he couldn't move even his finger. A kind of strange power was firmly bound to him.

Then, a phantom appeared in the sea of consciousness of Long Yi. He saw seven spirit tablets in Long Yi's sea of consciousness and suddenly laughed complacently, "Hahaha, Dibiya, you little b*****d, you seized my Chaos Divine Technique and framed me. Today, your descendant has fallen into my hands."

"Don't form a connection between Dibiya and me, that is an insult to me," Long Yi used his thoughts and said in a weak voice.

That phantom was startled and became silent as if he was carefully observing Long Yi. Suddenly, he exclaimed and said, "You aren't a god, but you have five divine marks and all seven Main Gods' spirit tablets as decorations, truly is a wastrel. Mmm, there furthermore are three weak divine senses with your body, and this light spirit tablet furthermore has several types of soul energies. Strange, oh, that's right, after that b*****d cultivated Chaos Divine Technique, did he die?"

"Eh … I don't know." Long Yi said. Cultivating Chaos Divine Technique would kill the person! Long Yi couldn't help trembling upon hearing this information. Fortunately, he didn't hastily begin to cultivate it.

"This truly is troublesome; now, this old bones has to personally do the job," That figure shook his head and spoke. Then, he suddenly disappeared in Long Yi's sea of consciousness, and Long Yi instantly felt splitting headache as if the things inside his head were being twisted.

After a short while, that figure appeared again in Long Yi's sea of consciousness and leisurely sighed, "Dibiya, he truly is the sinner of Divine World. Even those trifling demons rode the head of Divine World."

"Who are you?" Long Yi was somewhat dumbstruck as he asked. This fellow was able to read his memories forcibly, then doesn't that mean that he discovered his greatest secret. Merely, this person wasn't showing any unusualness; he was only feeling strong indignance for Demon World trampling Divine World.

"Hehe, who am I? When Divine World still had the Elders Union, I was the oldest elder among them," that phantom replied.

Long Yi inhaled a mouthful of cold air, no wonder he called Dibiya a little b*****d.

"Ai, at that time, I created this Chaos Divine Technique, but I fell in the scheme of that little b*****d Dibiya, and my consciousness was trapped here until now. Humph, it's just that he also didn't have a good death. The Chaos Divine Technique he obtained was the modified version. In the beginning, one would make rapid progress, but later, one's body and soul will be annihilated," the Elder of Divine World sneered.

"Boy, you have a rare seven-attributed magic physique, and your innate talent is also not any inferior to Dibiya. Now, I will teach you the real Chaos Divine Technique, letting you mold seven-attributed Godhead, but don't let anyone know my existence, including the divine consciousness of those three Main Gods in your sea of consciousness," the elder of Divine World added.

Chapter 659: Seven-attributed Godhead

Edits by akshaythedon

"Long Yi, Long Yi, what happened?" Angela finally noticed Long Yi's unusual state and anxiously called out. When she used her divine power to poke Long Yi, there was no reaction. It was as if her divine sense was like a stone tossed into the sea. According to their strength gap, this shouldn't have happened.

Long Yi stood still like a statue. When Angela touched him, a strange power jolted her away. Thus, she could only watch Long Yi in worry.

Only at the dusk of the second day, the stiff Long Yi suddenly quivered and collapsed on the ground. Then, life returned to his black pupils.

"Long Yi, you finally woke up. What happened?" Angela was relieved from a burden, and her eyes unconsciously turned red as she felt like crying. Although only a day had passed, for her, it was like tens of thousands of years. She was restless the entire time. She had never felt like this before.

Long Yi sat up with a strange expression on his face. He was still digesting the things left behind in his mind and body by that elder of Divine World. He didn't notice Angela's weird behavior.

Only after Angela shook him violently did he come back to his senses. At this moment, Angela had already calmed down. Her sad appearance had already disappeared without a trace.

"I think we might have a chance to leave this place," Long Yi smiled, kissed the lips of Angela and happily told her. As the saying went, there was no hopeless situation in the world. He had basically believed that he would be trapped here forever without a glimmer of hope. However, he was able to obtain the orthodox Chaos Divine Technique at this place. Now, condensing seven-attributed Godhead was just around the corner.

"Is that so?" Angela was startled, knowing Long Yi had a clue. Merely, for an unknown reason, her heart was not happy because leaving Sunset Peak represented the end of their romantic couple's world. Afterward, how should they treat each other?

Long Yi was aware of Angela's gloomy mood. After considering her thoughts, he pulled her into his bosom and said, "No matter how the affairs of the world change, I will always remember this Floating Sea, remember this Sunset Peak."

Angela took a deep breath and smiled faintly, "I hope you will remember what you said today."

Long Yi smiled and said nothing. As long as he, Long Yi, made a promise, he would absolutely keep it. Moreover, even if he wanted to forget, it would be impossible to forget this charming goddess unless he died.

"Angela, I want to cultivate for a few days. Can you classify these treasures and ancient manuals? After I achieve success in my cultivation, it will be the time to leave this place," Long Yi said.


In a valley with ancient trees that blotted out the sky, an ice-cold qi that would suppress people rippled. If one carefully sensed it, one would notice that the trees here didn't have any hint of life. Nevertheless, for an unknown reason, even though they had died a long time ago, they hadn't decayed at all.


Doomsday Valley was located in the Massacre Wasteland which was on the western side of Demon World. There were countless terrifying magical beasts here, and there were heaps of corpses and skeletons everywhere. Every day, all had to fight for their survival here. But, on this day, not a single magical beast dared to step into this Doomsday Valley. Even the S-ranked and above magical beasts stayed far away from this place.

Today, a tall and sturdy figure suddenly appeared in this Doomsday Valley. He was several meters tall. His entire body was covered with pitch-black, bloody veins Demon God Armor. He looked ferocious and cruel, and his whole body was shrouded with strong demonic qi. His might was astonishing.

He turned to one towering enormous tree, and a boiling blood pool appeared in front of his eyes. It had a diameter of roughly one kilometer. Blood mist was condensing and circulating above it. In this blood pool, a vague aura, which even made the Heavenly Demon King shudder, could be sensed.

"This Heavenly Demon begs senior for an audience, please show up." The gaze of Heavenly Demon King flickered, and he actually bowed towards the bloody pool and requested.

The bloody pool boiled violently. Suddenly, a blood bubble rose more than ten meters high. The bloody mist also instantly got denser, gradually forming a huge bloody head.

"Jie jie jie, Heavenly Demon King, you came." That voice seemed like metal plates grinding with each other. One could also smell a sour breath.

"Yes, I came, senior, please bestow strength to this Heavenly Demon," Heavenly Demon King respectfully continued.

"I can bestow strength to you, but have you thought of my condition?" That bloody head said with a smile.

"Since I came, I have already considered this situation. As long as senior bestows me strength, after I, Heavenly Demon, achieve the ninth transformation, I will reconstruct the shrine and worship the senior," Heavenly Demon King said.

"Since that is the case … Very good … jie jie jie…" That bloody head opened its big mouth and laughed wildly.


Angela sat on the cliff of the Sunset Peak while dazedly watching Long Yi who was seated cross-legged and cultivating Chaos Divine Technique.

He had been sitting there for a month. He seemed to have become one with this Sunset Peak, becoming an eternal sculpture. On the surface of his body, seven-colored radiance would flicker from time to time. The divine marks on his body also shone. Also, the faint light energy he emitted from his glabella would make even Angela shudder. She clearly understood that great changes were occurring within Long Yi's body.

"This divine power is smooth without any waves. Long Yi seemed to have already refined the Godhead. But why is his aura so strange?" Angela frowned and muttered. The aura leaking out from Long Yi's body seemed unstoppable for a moment yet strangely tender the next moment.

Although Angela had doubts in her heart, she was not worried at all. But as the seven-colored radiance around Long Yi flourished more and more, a hint of inexplicable loss appeared in her heart. She feared that after Long Yi opened his eyes, everyone would be different.

Along with the passage of time, another ten days passed. Now, the seven-colored radiance completely surrounded Long Yi, concealing a surging storm.

Suddenly, seven-colored radiance around Long Yi fluctuated violently, and a clear whistling sound transmitted toward the horizon.

Angela tensely stood up and stared at the figure on the summit. Her tightly clenched hands showed her anxious and restless mood. Now, with Sunset Peak as the center, the energy within the radius of a thousand li suddenly disappeared. Soon after that, Long Yi dazzled like the sun with seven-colored radiance. The clear whistling sounds seemed to be breaking through obstacles, transforming the world.

Angela raised her head and watched Long Yi, who was surrounded by seven-colored divine lights in the sky. At this moment, all the illuminations in the world paled into insignificance in front of him. Even the shining brilliant sun quietly retreated into the clouds.

The whistling sounds gradually disappeared. Long Yi was full of pride, feeling the vast divine power within his body. After breaking through to the first layer of Chaos Divine Technique, seven-attributed Godhead was finally established. Now, his gaze looking at this world was completely different.

With a thought, seven spirit tablets shot out from his glabella and floated in front of him. Compared to the past, they were much brighter. Moreover, each spirit tablet was like a part of his mind. In the past, he only held the spirit tablets, but now, all seven spirit tablets had been deeply branded with his divine power. It also represented that spirit tablets of seven Main Gods had officially changed hands. Now, even Moyun and other Main Gods could no longer command these spirit tablets. These spirit tablets belonged to him.

"Strange, this light spirit tablet contains some spiritual fluctuations," Long Yi muttered to himself. When that Elder of Divine World said that there were several weak consciousnesses in this spirit tablet, he had not taken it seriously. However, right now, Long Yi was able to sense three slumbering consciousnesses within his body as well as a faint spiritual fluctuation within the light spirit tablet. However, when he used his divine sense to probe and understand the circumstances inside, he met a powerful obstruction. Since the light spirit tablet was already under his control, he could forcibly scan it. However, it was very likely that those consciousnesses within it would get wiped out.

Long Yi discarded those thoughts and put away those seven spirit tablets. He then slowly descended, and seeing Angela, this bewitching goddess, watching him in infatuation, he couldn't help feeling proud in his heart.

"Angela," Long Yi smiled and called out.

Angela woke up as if awakening from a dream, and she had an urge to throw herself into his bosom. But, the power of that vague seven-colored divine light circulating on the surface of Long Yi's body was too overpowering. She unexpectedly felt somewhat restrained in front of Long Yi.

Long Yi also noticed this issue and retracted this seven-colored divine light within his body. Then, he smiled and spread open his arms, reverting to the previous hateful and amiable appearance.

Angela sighed in relief and rushed into the warm bosom of Long Yi. When her face buried into his chest, a hint of complicated expression flashed through her face. Now that this man was already completely different, she felt happy as well as somewhat indecisive for him.

Hugging Angela, the smile of Long Yi slowly disappeared, and a faint sadness replaced it. When he had just arrived in this Divine World, he had encountered ancient First Tier God Alexander, who had already disappeared now. And here, with great luck, he encountered the Great Elder of Divine World. But, he had also disappeared after leaving behind all his things. Long Yi didn't even get to know his full name. The past glory of Divine World was annihilated in the long river of history. But, the law of the universe will never change. Even though God Race have long lifespans and tyrannical strength, in the end, they still returned to the universe, and their consciousness faded away.

Long Yi took a deep breath and discarded the faint sadness in his heart. Regardless of his connection with this entirely different world or wonderful experiences, this was already a generous treatment of heaven. As long as he lived freely without any restraint, he felt no qualms about this second world.

"I think we should be able to go out now," Long Yi gently pushed Angela away and said with a smile.

The expression of Angela stiffened. She then retracted her bewitching smile and said, "Have you thought of the way out? How about taking a few more days?"

"Ah … I already have a way, I want to give it a try," Long Yi was somewhat surprised and replied.

"That way won't do, think again," Angela turned around and faintly said.


"I said that way won't do, can't you think for a few more days?" Angela suddenly turned around and shouted. Her beautiful eyes were filled with tears.

Long Yi's expression froze. He suddenly understood. She just wanted to spend a few more days with him here at Sunset Peak. He took a step forward. Hugging Angela, he softly said, "I still have to think for a few more days. Perhaps I should also think about how to subdue those three thousand shrine guards."

After a long time, Angela sighed softly, "Let's go, there are too many things waiting for you to deal with outside."

Chapter 660: Wei'er Beila

Edits by akshaythedon

Under the illumination of milky white sunlight, Long Yi flew above the sea. At that time, he suddenly turned around and saw Angela floating midair. She had turned back and was staring at the tall Sunset Peak. Immersing in the sunlight, she emanated a hint of sadness.

The two people had already left the barrier of Sunset Peak. The method was very simple. Long Yi used the chaos divine power he had cultivated to easily open the barrier laid out by Dibiya. This was possible because this barrier was also composed of chaos divine power.

Just when Long Yi thought to go over and console her, Angela turned around and gave a charming smile. That sadness of just a moment ago had completely disappeared.

"Let's go, since you have successfully forged your seven-attributed Godhead and possess all seven spirit tablets, you are supreme in this Divine World. Even if you want to reshape the entire Divine World, it will not be difficult." Angela flew over to Long Yi's side and told with a smile.

Long Yi smiled as he also thought so in his heart. With all seven spirit tablets of Main Gods in his hands, who would dare to defy his orders?

The two people returned the same way they had come and arrived at Wind God Region after crossing the Evil Forbidden Area. Although Wind God Region was located in a remote region, its area was much bigger compared to Fire God Region.

"Long Yi, do you want to go to Wind God Capital to meet First Tier God Wei'er Beila who manages the entire Wind God Region? She is an exceedingly beautiful goddess comparable to the First-tier God Bing Ji who manages the entire Water God Region," Angela said with a smile.

"Is that so? I wonder if they are as enchanting as you," Long Yi asked with a smile. He didn't have much interest in this. The daughter of Alfate, Mixini, and Angela in front of him were already the best beauties of the Divine World. Thus, if he wanted a beauty, why would he go anywhere else?

"Hehe, in front of them, I have to move aside," Angela laughed.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows. From Angela's tone, those two seemed to be great beauties.

"Then, I would like to see them." Long Yi showed a yearning look. Since he was already at the edge of Wind God Region, he would set about from here and explore everything to the bottom in passing. Although he had all seven spirit tablets in his hands, he was not the God of Creation, and it had already been 100,000 years since the war of gods and demons. Power, this was something **, how could the people of Divine World not lust for it? It's hard to say someone would hold it firmly and not let it go, or perhaps, agree overtly but oppose in secret.

Wind God Capital couldn't be considered too far away from Evil Forbidden Area. Long Yi summoned Bai Yi and quickly arrived in the sky above Wind God Region along with Angela.

After Long Yi formed seven-attributed Godhead, the power of spirit tablets had increased far more than ten times. At this moment, he finally understood how vast the power of spirit tablets was. Because of this, Bai Yu's strength also increased vastly. Compared to before, its flying speed was more than ten times faster.

With such speed, before long, Bai Yu appeared in the sky above Wind God Capital, instantly causing a disturbance in the entire Wind God Region. There were angel guards, but no one dared to step forward to interrogate.

Bai Yu was a wind-attributed god beast, and under the effect of wind spirit tablet, it emitted the aura of Wind God. Moreover, under its huge wings, there was a cyan-colored air current. It was caused by the materialization of wind-attributed magic elements without a doubt.

Most of the people of God Race under Wind God inclined to the wind-attributed physique, and they were skilled in wind magic. Furthermore, this was Wind God Capital, there were thousands upon thousands of people with wind-attributed physiques. How could they not see the unusual aspect of Bai Yu? How could they not sense the aura of Wind God?

At that time, the administrator of Wind God Region, First Tier God Wei'er Beila, just heard the secret report. She then pondered with a frown. She had cyan-colored long hair that reached her waist. There were six white wings on her back. Now, she was wearing a white-edged green gown. Her exquisite facial features appeared solemn.

Suddenly, Wei'er Beila looked up in surprise. She could sense a faint aura of Wind God coming from the sky above Wind God Region. She became happy, but immediately after that, doubtful. Then, her figure disappeared from that place.

Long Yi sized up this Wind God Region. Compared to majestic and imposing Fire God Capital, Wind God Capital was refined and beautiful. This big city gave people the feeling of spring. If Fire God Capital was a rough warrior, then Wind God Region was a beautiful woman.

More and more people gathered here, but no one dared to approach. There were lots of people who recognized Angela who was beside Long Yi, and they began to talk in whispers while pointing toward them.

At that time, cyan colored ripples appeared in the air, and Wei'er Beila appeared in front of Long Yi like a celestial ascending from the water.1

What a beautiful angel! Upon first sight of Wei'er Beila, Long Yi exclaimed inwardly in admiration. Even though he was already accustomed to seeing peerless beauties, he had to admit that the graceful bearing of Wei'er Beila was truly extraordinary. Angela was not exaggerating, this woman was not any inferior to her. But, each had her own merits, one was bewitching and the other one was cool and elegant.

"It turned out to be Angela, I wonder what noble cause brings you here?" After taking a glance at Long Yi, Wei'er Beila looked at Angela and asked. One could see a hint of alertness in her eyes, and her tone was also estranged.


Angela nevertheless didn't mind. She tucked her hair behind her ear and said, "Wei'er Beila, it's fine if you don't welcome me, but today, I am accompanying this person. By the way, this huge crane is his divine familiar."

The pupils of Wei'er Beila shrunk. It seemed that this man she overlooked was today's lead. She carefully sized Long Yi up, but she was unable to discern anything from him. It appeared as if she could see through this man, but was that really the case?

"You are…" Wei'er Beila enquired tentatively.

Long Yi faintly smiled and replied, "Aren't you going to ask us to sit down in Wind God Fortress first?"

Wei'er Beila stared at Long Yi and a faint cyan-colored halo suddenly appeared around her body. Then, a huge might rushed towards Long Yi.

Long Yi just raised his eyebrows and stood still. In his heart, he was guessing the relation between Angela and Wei'er Beila. Although it was not obvious, there were some issues between these two. He was certain of it. With the position of Angela in Divine World, Wei'er Beila shouldn't have such a reaction toward Angela. Could it be that it was impossible for beautiful women to coexist peacefully?

Nevertheless, Wei'er Beila was incomparably shocked in her heart upon seeing no action from Long Yi. Her powerful might had disappeared without a trace like a stone dropped into the sea. This man truly was unfathomable. Anyone who was able to stand together with Angela was truly not good to get along.

"Two guests, please," Wei'er Baila suppressed her thoughts and responded with a faint smile.

In the Wind God Fortress, the three people sat in the Hall of Promise.

"There is no one here, directly say your purpose in coming," Wei'er Beila said.

"Kaka, Wei'er Bela, I believe you are very curious about his divine familiar," Angela laughed without a direct reply.

"Yes." Wei'er Bela directly admitted.

Angela opened her mouth to say something, but Wei'er Beila immediately added, "Angela, I want to discuss something with this friend of yours alone. Can you facilitate it?"

Angela was dumbfounded, and she looked towards calmly sitting Long Yi.

"I have no objection," Long Yi smiled.

"Then, honored guest, please come with me," Wei'er Beila stood up and said.

"Where are you taking him?" Angela also stood up and asked with some anger.

"That is the secret of my Wind God Fortress, do you want to know?" Wei'er Beila looked at the tense Angela and couldn't help speaking with a mocking smile.

Angela glared at Wei'er Beila for a few seconds and chuckled, "He is the man I am considering, don't have any thoughts on him, okay?"

Wei'er Beila caressed her beautiful hair and instantly emitted an enchanting vibe and said with a smile, "However, that is uncertain."

The gazes of these two women collided midair, creating sparks. Their expressions were unusually calm.

Long Yi looked at Angela for a while and looked pensive. Just a moment ago, her behavior didn't resemble her usual style.

After Long Yi disappeared from the hall, following Wei'er Beila, the smile of Angela gradually became cold. After snorting, walking to the window, Angela watched the brilliant sun in the sky. No one knew what she was thinking.

Wei'er Beila took Long Yi into a secret room and used energy stone to activate the transmission magic array. Then, the figure of two people disappeared without a trace.

When Long Yi opened his eyes again, he found that he was in the flower garden with unknown cyan-colored flowers. Here, he could sense that there were no other magic elements except wind-attributed magic elements.


"Wind God Space?" Long Yi blurted out.

Wei'er Beila looked at Long Yi in surprise and asked, "How did you know?"

"Guessed it, do you believe me?" Long Yi smiled.

"I don't," Wei'er Beila shook her head. She then squatted down and picked up a cyan flower. When she gently blew it, the flower changed into specks of cyan-colored magic elements and dispersed in the air.

"Speak, what do you want to discuss that you don't want Angela to hear? I don't think it's about passionate love, is it?" Long Yi smiled.

Wei'er Beila, however, paid no attention to Long Yi and faintly said, "I can sense the energy of Wind God within your body."

"Do you mean this?" With a thought, the wind spirit tablet shot out from his glabella, and at the same time, Wind God Mark on his chest also shone. Then, the energy of this entire Wind God Space instantly surged. Countless cyan-colored flowers flew in the sky and continuously revolved around Long Yi.

Wei'er Beila was excited. She immediately knelt down and said, "This subordinate, First Tier God Wei'er Beila, pays respects to Wind God."

The glabella of Long Yi shone with seven-colored radiance, then the remaining six spirit tablets also shot out, and together with the wind spirit tablet, all of them revolved above his head. In addition, he also used his chaos divine power and seven-colored radiance emanated around him, making him look like a person immersed in a rainbow.

"Father … Father god…" Wei'er Beila was shocked. Then, her cyan-colored hair fluttered, and there was no longer six wings on her back, rather eight wings.

Long Yi looked at Wei'er Beila with eight wings for a while and with a thought, he took back all seven spirit tablets into his sea of consciousness. Then, the entire Wind God Space also became calm again. He had not expected that his chaos divine power would forcibly rise six-winged Wei'er Beila to eight wings. There was no doubt that this Wei'er Beila usually hid her true strength. But, when he suddenly showed all seven spirit tablets and chaos divine power, her state of mind was broken, which led her to unconsciously display her true strength. Her strength might not be any inferior to Angela. When he had met Angela for the first time, she was able to see through the secrets of seven spirit tablets within his body because at that time, Long Yi had yet to form his Godhead and the gap between their strength was too big. But now, Long Yi had already formed seven-attributed Godhead, and his strength was far stronger than before. Thus, Wei'er Beila couldn't see anything else but sense the aura of the wind spirit tablet.

When Wei'er Beila came back to her senses from her shock, she saw Long Yi was gazing at her with a strange expression. When Long Yi circulated his chaos divine power, his aura was undoubtedly very similar to Dibiya's. It was no wonder that Wei'er Beila lost control and cried out "father god'.

"You … Are you father god?" Wei'er Beila asked hesitantly.

"No, I am not. But, I am the successor of the God of Creation, Hegemon God Long Yi." Long Yi shrugged his shoulders. He didn't intend to tell her that the so-called God of Creation was just a scum of Divine World who killed his wife and brother to achieve his aim.

The notion of the God of Creation was already deep-rooted in the minds of God Race. They blindly worshipped him and pursued his footsteps. If he exposed the shocking truth, then he believed that most of the people of Divine World wouldn't believe him. Moreover, he would have a hard time to have a foothold in Divine World. Such being the case, it was better to borrow his fame to handle affairs, wouldn't that be much easier?

Indeed, upon hearing Long Yi, Wei'er Beila sighed with emotion. It was like she had guessed. Therefore, she looked at Long Yi in awe and veneration. There was even a hint of hope.

"Respected Hegemon God Long Yi, may I ask what is your relation with Angela?" Wei'er Beila asked an unexpected question.

"Eh … friend, is there a problem?" Long Yi raised his eyebrows. He intuitively knew that the following matters would be related to Angela.

Angela looked at the brilliant sun in the sky for a long time. She couldn't help but feel somewhat fidgety. Wei'er Beila and Angela never had a good relationship. She wondered what Wei'er Beila was discussing with Long Yi.

At that time, a group of guards patrolled past her. A small crystal quietly appeared below Angela.

With a thought of Angela, that crystal automatically flew into her palm. She quietly chanted an incantation. Then, several runes appeared in her sea of consciousness.

A hint of anger flashed through her face for a moment and disappeared. And at that time, Long Yi and Wei'er Beila appeared in the hall. Long Yi still had his signature bad smile on his face, but the expression of Wei'er Beila was somewhat unusual. Unexpectedly, there was a hint of resentment and also inexplicable shyness.

Angela clicked her tongue. This damned fellow didn't take her in using seven spirit tablets and chaos divine power, did he?

"Angela, let's go," Long Yi replied with a bad smile. His tone was filled with success.

The two people rode Bai Yu and flew away from Wind God Capital. Wei'er Beila looked at the distant figure of Bai Yu and called her few trusted subordinates. She then instructed them something and let them go. As for herself, she took out a seven-colored divine mark, and her clear and beautiful eyes shone with killing intent.

"Long Yi, are we returning to Fire God Capital?" Angela asked sometime after they left Wind God Capital. She didn't care about what Long Yi and Wei'er Beila discussed.

"No, we are going to Earth God Capital," Long Yi said.

Angela frowned and replied, "Long Yi, there is something I need to urgently handle, so let's separate our ways here. I will come to find you after I am done with my matter."

"Okay," Long Yi looked unwilling. He hugged Angela and gently kissed her exquisite earlobe.

In return, Angela kissed Long Yi's lips and disappeared from the back of Bai Yu.

Long Yi stood there in a daze and sighed after a long time. "Angela, I hope the person Wei'er Beila mentioned is not you." He had never expected that circumstances of Divine World were so complicated. He had believed that it wouldn't be difficult to reshape Divine World as he pleased relying on seven spirit tablets and his chaos divine power. But, after chatting with Wei'er Beila, he discovered that the facts were far more than simple. Even Angela whom he trusted the most was also involved in it.

"Who is telling the truth? Who is telling the lie?" Long Yi narrowed his eyes. He wished to sort out this complicated knot.

Wei'er Beila had told Long Yi that there was practically no one that could match Angela in terms of strength before his arrival. She suspected that Angela was secretly inciting all forces, preparing to sit on the supreme throne of Divine World. Moreover, Angela and the administrator of Fire God, First Tier God Alfate, had secret dealings. They might be colluding together. When Long Yi heard this from Wei'er Beila, Long Yi was in a daze for a long time. No matter whether it was Alfate or Angela, both of them were major helpers he encountered in Divine World. Although he was unwilling to believe this fact, being a person who had lived two lives, his wisdom had already matured long ago. It was very likely that Wei'er Beila was telling the truth.

Furthermore, there was another matter that greatly worried Long Yi, i.e. Heavenly Fire Secret Organization founded by Chiyan. According to Number 8 of Heavenly Fire, Alfate was absolutely a trustworthy figure. Moreover, he had handed over the task to handle the matters of Fire God Region to him. When he asked should he immediately set about to eradicate these restless forces in Fire God Region, being prudent, Long Yi had instructed him to not make a move so as to not beat the grass and startle the snake.

If Alfate was truly colluding with Angela as Wei'er Beila had mentioned, then does Heavenly Fire truly know nothing? If Heavenly Fire knew this fact, then does that mean that Heavenly Fire was in fact under the control of Alfate? Moreover, the namelist given to him by that Number 8 of Heavenly Fire was, in fact, the name of the forces that were truly loyal to Fire God Chiyan?

After thinking for a bit, Long Yi shook his head. He simply knew nothing about the Divine World. Without foundation, it was absolutely not an easy matter to unify the entire Divine World.

Shortly after Long Yi left, Wei'er Beila used a message magic array of Divine World to send the news of Long Yi along with his seven-colored mark to all other administrators. She told them that the successor of God of Creation, Hegemon God Long Yi, has appeared, and they are to gather to pay respect to him. Instantly, the undercurrents of Divine World surged.

Water God Region, Water God Capital.

Bing Ji received the signal from Wei'er Beila and her frozen eyes lit up with divine radiance. She muttered, "Hegemon God Long Yi, seven-attributed Godhead, it seems Divine World still has hope."

Recalling Water God Xiya's entrustment before the war of gods and demons, Bing Ji looked ashamed. After 100,000 years, Water God Region had become the smallest and weakest region of Divine World. With the appearance of administrators of seven regions and the disappearance of the Main Gods, the Divine world was no longer unified.

"Transmit my orders, all city lords of Water God Region, gather together. We are going to the Holy Land to pay respects to the successor of the God of Creation, Hegemon God Long Yi. All those who disobey this order will be killed!" Bing Ji grabbed the staff bestowed to her by Water God Xiya and ordered.

Chapter 661: Hegemon God Long Yi make an entrance

Edits by akshaythedon

The continuous mountain range was covered in green and interspersed with unusual flowers and plants as decoration. Occasionally, one could see cute animals jumping here and there hunting for food.1

Long Yi sat on a hundred-meter-tall tree, watching this boundless mountain range whose beginning and end couldn't be seen. He was somewhat sad. After Angela had left, he turned southward, not going towards Earth God Region.

After the secret discussion with Wei'er Beila, the administrator of Wind God Region, his viewpoint had undergone earth-shaking changes. In the past, his thoughts were too simple. He thought that with all seven spirit tablets in his hands, along with chaos divine power, the unification of Divine World would be very easy. But now, he knew that Divine World was also full of conspiracy and ** for power like the Human World.

"The world is like a chessboard, and all living beings are the chess pieces. Humph, in Blue Waves Continent, I am a chess player, and in Divine World, I am the same," Long Yi stood up and confidently muttered. At this moment, he looked like a celestial being with seven-colored radiance around him.

The goals of Long Yi were very simple, i.e., protecting the people that loved him and he loved and have a leisurely life where he could go anywhere in the world and do whatever he wanted. Indeed, they seemed so simple, but in fact, they were the most difficult goals in the world. Do whatever he liked? If one didn't stand at the pinnacle of the world, then how could one do whatever one likes?

No matter who it was, as long as he/she blocks his steps, he wouldn't hesitate to dye his hands red with blood. No matter Alfate or Angela, no one could stop him.


The Holy Land of Divine World – the only treasured place left behind from the ancient Divine World. From hundreds of millions of years ago, this was the place where ceremonies were held. However, since the war of gods and demons 100,000 years ago when all seven Main Gods went missing, this Holy Land was never opened.

Now, the information Wind God Wei'er Beila transmitted with a seven-colored divine seal made the entire Divine World boil over. In an extremely short period of time, this news of the appearance of the God of Creation's successor was transmitted to every corner of Divine World. The people of God Race were unusually excited. They yearned to break out of their declining state under the leadership of Long Yi.

In that information Wind God Wei'er Beila transmitted, there was also a summon. All administrators of seven main god regions as well as 5,865 city lords under them must gather in the Holy Land and wait for instruction of Hegemon God Long Yi. Those who didn't come will be regarded as a rebel of Divine World and killed on the spot.

The entire Divine World was in turmoil. Not only did city lords hastily rushed over to the Holy Land, but countless people of Divine World also rushed over in twos or threes. They wanted to see the grand appearance of Hegemon God Long Yi.


In a vast empty hall, a mysterious person, completely shrouded in a faint light, sat on a chair. In front of him, there was a crystal ball that showed the image of the troops of Angel Legion.

At that time, the door of this hall was pushed open with a bang and travel-worn and weary Angela rushed in, looking flustered and exasperated.

"Wu Geqi, you are crazy, do you know the consequences of doing this?" Angela shouted.

"Consequences? The consequences naturally will be you and I controlling the entire Divine World. Long Yi, what kind of thing is he? Hehe, you and I are the only survivors of the ancient Divine World. Don't we know who the so-called God of Creation is? If we let this successor of the God of Creation wannabe alone, then the plan we have planned for so many years will go down the drains. Are you willing to do so?" Wu Geqi indifferently replied.

"But, isn't our objective the unification of Divine World and not let it continue to be divided? Since Long Yi can do that in a much better way, how about we give up?" Angela asked.

"Hahaha, Angela, could it be that you fell for that kid? Don't forget, you and I are the same kind of people. In your heart, you have wild ambitions like me. Who would believe your rubbish excuse?" Wu Geqi looked up and laughed. Then, the light around him flashed and dissipated. He unexpectedly was an angel with eight white wings. He looked like a middle-aged human who was roughly 30 years old, and he looked even more handsome than ordinary angels. Merely, his eyes were gloomy with a hint of madness.

Angela tightly clenched her hands and snorted coldly.

Not seeing any movement even after a while, Wu Geqi walked to the front of Angela and leaning closer, he said in a soft voice, "Angela, as long as you marry me, we, husband and wife, will jointly control the entire Divine World, and that would be very marvelous. I heard you entered Creation Shrine. You should have obtained many ancient books and records inside. Now, isn't it easy to rejuvenate the Divine World? Why should we let a foreign brat ride on our head?"

"Don't daydream, Long Yi has all seven spirit tablets as well as chaos divine power and has successfully constructed a seven-attributed Godhead. In addition, he has already made a clarion call, and the entire Divine World has responded. With our Angel Legion just a million strong, how can we contend with him?" Angela stepped back with some disgust and coldly said.

"Hehe, therefore, as long as we exterminate him, everything will return to the original state," Wu Geqi laughed.

"With his current strength, even if join our hands, we cannot kill him," Angela retorted.

"We cannot kill him, but there is someone else who can," Wu Geqi smiled sinisterly.

Angela was startled. Soon after that, her complexion greatly changed and she replied, "You … you want to … No, I will not let you do this," Just after she spoke, she rushed towards the door.

Suddenly, several hundred light beams appeared and trapped Angela within.

"Don't do anything stupid, Angela. You can rest here. After I resolve everything, I will release you." Wu Geqi gently looked at Angela, his figure fading into thin air.


The Holy Land was located at the southernmost part of the Divine World, shrouded with chaos energy. It was the space formed with the most primitive chaos energy of the universe. All through the ages, only seven Main Gods together could open it.

At this moment, outside the Holy Land, it was densely crowded with people of God Race who had rushed over to see the grand appearance of Hegemon God. Many had traveled day and night to rush over here upon hearing the news. Naturally, no one knew how many of them had evil designs.

The administrators of seven main god regions had already arrived. They individually were Fire God Region's Alfate, Water God Region's Bing Ji, Wind God Region's Wei'er Beila, Earth God Region's Rubin, Light God Region's Meisen, Dark God Region's Youming, and Lightning God Region's Leibao. Around them, there were more than 5,000 city lords of large and small cities in seven main regions. In addition, many people with God Title but without duties had also gathered here. Just these people alone were more than 10,000 in number. If one said the administrators of seven main god regions were the main pillars of Divine World, then these people were different veins around them. Now, the backbone of the entire Divine World had gathered here.

Among the administrators of seven main god regions, there were factions. Water God Region's Bing Ji, Wind God Region's Wei'er Beila, and Earth God Region's Rubin were clearly in one faction while Light God Region's Meisen and Lightning God Region's Leibao constituted another faction. As for the remaining Fire God Region's Alfate and Dark God Region's Youming, they seemed to be neutral.

"Wei'er Beila, you say, what kind of person is Hegemon God Long Yi? What about his strength?" Bing Ji looked at Wei'er Beila and enquired impatiently. On the other side, Earth God Region's Rubin was also curious. The Creation God was the common father god of the God Race in the entire Divine World. His status was unparalleled. But now, the successor of the God of Creation had appeared. They were happy but also nervous. They hoped that he was an incomparably fierce personage. Naturally, some people were exceptions.

In the mind of Wei'er Beila, those pitch-black eyes of Long Yi reappeared which accelerated her heartbeat. She also recalled his unfathomable powers as she replied, "He is very young, and like father god, he possesses seven-attribute Godhead and all seven spirit tablets. As for his strength, I was unable to see through him."

"That's good, that's good, His Excellency Hegemon God will unify the Divine World. He has appeared in time to restore our former glory. If father god was there during that war of gods and demons, then would those demons be able to push us to such dire straits?" Bing Ji replied with excitement.

As for Alfate, he was feeling restless. He had originally considered Long Yi as the successor of Fire God Chiyan, but beyond his imagination, he actually was the successor of father god. If the matters he secretly did saw the light, then that would be awful. He didn't care about himself. From the moment he chose to walk this path, he was already aware of the consequences of a defeat. However, he was unable to let go of his beautiful wife and children. If by chance, they were implicated, then he wouldn't be able to close his eyes even in his death.

Alfate looked at Mixini who was excitedly chatting with a few companions nearby and sadly sighed. This silly girl, up until now, she still didn't know that that man who had brought her back was the successor of father god. If she knew it, then he feared she might be even more excited. At that time, if she learned that he, her father, was actually involved in the conspiracy to win control over the entire Divine World, then would she be able to endure? Since things have reached this stage, how could he turn back now?

Suddenly, an incomparably powerful energy fluctuation rippled in the air. This energy was gentle and warm, making all the people here enjoy a spring breeze-like experience. Everyone immediately cheered in excitement.

"His Highness Hegemon God has come, His Highness Hegemon God has arrived…" Those several hundred thousand people muttered and respectfully knelt on the ground. They didn't fear that they would kneel to the wrong person because in the entire Divine World, other than father god as well as his successor, who possessed this kind of gentle and vast energy fluctuation?

A faint seven-colored radiance appeared in the distant sky. It then flourished more and more, and instantly, became dazzling. Even the brilliant sun in the sky became a lot dimmer.

Outside the Holy Land, most of those city lords simultaneously fell to their knees, then as if contagious, the other city lords and different tier gods without any positions also knelt. The administrators of seven main god regions also knelt down. The scene of countless people kneeling on the ground was truly spectacular.

From the midst of seven-colored radiance, a huge figure gradually emerged. He was wearing a suit of armor formed from his chaos divine power, and he was emitting vast energy which was calm but caused people to prostrate themselves in worship.

Long Yi floated midair. Currently, his figure was more than 30 meters tall. His black pupils scanned through those people kneeling on the ground and sighed. He was just a human, and here, these gods who were worshipped by humans for millions of years were actually worshipping him. At this moment, he was full of pride.

"My people, rise." Long Yi ordered in an aged voice, and seven-colored ripples spread all around.1

Everyone raised their head and looked at the successor of the God of Creation, Hegemon God Long Yi, with a gaze filled with respect and fanaticism. They were convinced without the slightest doubt that Long Yi will be the new leader of their Divine World who will lead them on the path of restoring their former glory.