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Chapter 1: Reincarnation

Translator: Leo Editor: DarkGem/Frappe

There were no white clouds that could be seen in the endless sky, making it seem like a borderless blue gem.

Several black-colored birds flew across the sky; a large forest underneath them looked verdant and thriving. There were many twisted small paths between the trees. A carriage with golden straws was moving forwards in a slow pace, and you could even hear the rhythmic echoes of the hooves stomping on the ground.

There was a teenager lying over the golden straws on the carriage. Judging by his appearance, he was about thirteen- or fourteen-years old. The teenager had short brown hair, and he had an average-looking appearance.

The teenager's eyes were closed as though he was sleeping. The coachman at the front was driving carefully with his old horse. It seemed that the coachman was trying not to interrupt the teenager's dream as he tried to steer the carriage skillfully.


With a loud noise, the wheels of the carriage toppled over a sharp stone on the road. The whole carriage stopped after the collision.

Ye Song was woken up by the commotion. He opened his eyes slowly, and his scrunched face was of a yellow hue just like wax.

"Where am I?" The teenager asked; his voice was very faint and it sounded weak.

He inhaled once; he could smell the fragrance of lush green grass. The teenager looked at his surroundings in confusion.

"I apologize for disrupting your sweet dream, Second Young Master Angele. The carriage collided on a stone." The coachman turned back and apologized after he saw Ye Song was woken up by the accident. He took out his tools and started to check if the wheels were damaged by the stone.

The coachman was past his prime, yet he still looked strong and full of vigor in his grey linen outfit.

"Second Young Master Angele?" Ye Song was confused; he looked around, thinking the coachman was talking to someone else, but he was the only one there.

"That's me?" He pointed his finger towards his nose.

"Yes, Second Young Master." The coachman nodded while checking the wheels.

"You just fell off the horse and got hurt pretty badly. You need more rest. I was the only one left in the city, and I could not find a decent carriage for you. I am sorry you have to lie on this." The middle-aged man smiled at Ye; his skin looked well-tanned by the sun.

It seemed like Ye Song realized something as his facial expression changed.

"No way…" Ye whispered to himself and looked at his body.

The hunting suit he was wearing fitted him very well, and he also had a red belt around his waist. There was a black leather whip tied to his belt.

His body was weak, and his palm white. He could also feel the pain coming from his knees and the back of his head.

Suddenly, bunch of memories flashed in Ye Song's mind after a strong pain hit his head. Ye Song fell straight down to the straws as he lost his consciousness; he could hear the coachman yelling in panic.

Ye Song finally woke up slowly after some time passed. His brain was filled with memories from someone else's. The second son of some random countryside noble family was named Angele Rio, and apparently the guy was just an average noble child from the family.

Angele was riding on his horse with his gang during his free time before falling off it. Ye Song took over his body at that moment. Ye Song also gained some of Angele's memories, and he had a basic understanding of the current situation.

The world was identical to the Medieval Europe he knew. Right now, he was in a country called the Rudin Empire. It was a huge country, and Rio Family was actually a relatively rich noble family at the countryside, but it still cannot be compared to those in the inner parts of the country.

Rio Family's territory was at the edge of a large forest in the Yala Province. According to Angele's memory, the only thing Ye Song knew was that his father Baron Rio's territory included three knights' lands and five towns. There were about five thousand people living there, and it would take some time to go from one side to the other with a horse, which is about an hour. It was a huge territory.

Angele Rio was the second son of Baron Rio, and his standing was the highest among the younger generation in the Rio Family. The eldest son left the family and joined the army; if he does not come back, it is very likely that Angele would be the one to take over the family after.

"A child from a noble family… I can't believe I reincarnated…" Ye Song scratched his head, and realized he was lying down on a small bed. His clothes had been changed to a white robe, and was covered by a thin layer of white blanket.

The bedroom was bright and spacious. There were two high chairs, one bed, and a writing desk painted white in the room. The window facing the bed was opened, and Ye Song could hear some noise coming from the streets.

The wind brought the aroma of pancakes into the room. Ye Song felt really hungry after getting a whiff of such redolence in.

"Is anyone here?" Ye Song knew this was the family's only house in the town according to Angele's memory.

The door was opened with a squeaky sound. A middle-aged man in a red noble suit with a serious face walked in quickly. He was holding a small silver bowl and there was an appetizing smell of meat coming from it.

"Angele, do you feel better?" The man walked to the bed while knitting his eyebrows. He put the small bowl on the bedside cabinet, and touched Ye Song's forehead with his large palm.

"Not hot anymore. Drink the meat soup, you are way too weak right now." The man said.

Ye Song quickly found out who the man was through Angele's memory.

Karl Rio, the current leader in the Rio Family and the baron of the territory. Though he was just a great father in the memories of Angele.

"I think I told you before," Baron Karl lowered his voice, "stay away from those punks from the city, even if you are classmates in the knight's courses. Don't even play with them." The baron said.

"It is all my fault, father." Ye Song said with a faint voice, and he lowered his head. It was not out of Ye Song's intention to do this. It was more like a reflex from the body's original owner.

"You were lucky you didn't break any bone after falling off from a horse that went berserk." The baron said, and he seemed to have relaxed a bit. He saw his son lowering his own head and could feel his son's sadness.

"Your elder brother left the family and joined the army, I am not even sure if he will come back. You are the hope of Rio family. I can't imagine what will happen if you get hurt again…" The baron sighed, and stopped talking.

Ye Song knew the baron's personality from Angele's memory. He was a strong baron when facing others; he was also cold-blooded and strict. Many people in the family had been ordered to be executed due to some small mistakes they committed. The baron also took many beautiful women into the family from his territory, and he has had many kids.

More importantly, he made a series of plans last year, and he used his army to take over a large land. His territory size now became twice the original.

Outsiders often gossiped about how cruel and strong the baron was. They gossiped about his insidiousness and his cold-blooded heart. However, the baron was treating Angele very well because he loved Angele's mother so much before she passed away. He held special feelings for her. Thus, Angele's standing was the highest among his brothers and sisters. The baron would try to give Angele whatever he wanted.

"Remember, Angele. No matter what, as the future leader of the Rio Family, you should think twice before doing anything." Baron Karl advised Ye Song with a deep voice.

"I will, father." Ye Song nodded seriously.

"Well, not Catherine though, that other girl you wanted before. I have sent her to your room. You can play with her, but you are still very young, if I find out you are addicted to this…" The baron stopped for a second, and Ye Song could see the coldness from his eyes, "you know what's going to happen."

"I understand." Ye Song nodded quickly; he felt scared for a second. Though the baron loved him so much, this time he had done something unacceptable.

"Alright, get some rest after you finish the soup. I still have some things that I have to deal with. Old Wade will send someone to bring you back to the castle. I have to leave now." The baron said as left right away.

Before the door of the bedroom was closed, Ye Song took a peek at the fully armored knight outside. He knew the knight; the best warrior the baron had, Knight Audis. Knight Audis loved to stomp on the enemy's heads and smash them into pulp like watermelons. People in the territory called him "Devil Knight".

The door of the bedroom was forcefully closed. Ye Song could hear the baron and the knight whispering while walking in the yard. The sounds of whispering disappeared after they went farther. Ye Song looked at the meat soup on his bedside cabinet. He knew the soup was special when he saw the baron bringing it in. If it was just some ordinary soup, it would've been brought by someone else.

The meat inside the soup was from a fish called Round Snapper. The legend said, "A wizard turned the children that became lost into this kind of fish", Angele had it even before when he was hurt. Ye Song took the silver bowl and looked at its inside. A finger-long silver fish was floating in the milky soup, and the head of the fish looked exactly like a human's face.

"Fish with a child's face…" Ye Song talked to himself, and he felt nauseated after looking at the pained expression of the face.

"It is not the world I used to know anymore…" Ye Song thought.

Ye Song sat on the bed, and it took him a long time to decide to drink the soup. He held his breath and drank all the soup in one go with the exception of the head of the fish. He took it apart and left it in the bowl; it was way too horrifying for him to eat.

He lied down on the bed for a while after finishing the soup. He decided to organize the memories in his brain. The teenager named Angele was loved by his father. Though he had trouble making decisions and his personality was submissive, he was good at finding ways to entertain himself. He was actually much better than others when it came to playing.

The baron would get him anything he wanted such as gears, pets, money, and even people. It made Angele fearless, and this made him have the desire to take anything he found charming. In other words, he was just a rich playboy.

As a Baron-level territory, the size of the land was about a county-level city at where Ye Song came from. Though the population was much smaller, the baron was the god in the territory and he could do anything he wanted. Angele shared a part of the baron's rights.

In this chaotic age, the Rudin Empire was not stable at all. Nobility had always been the symbol of wealth and power. However, no matter how strong Baron Karl was, his beloved son, Angele, still did something unacceptable. Angele found an attractive noble girl in his knight course class, and the girl was named Catherine Candia. She was the most beloved child of Viscount Candia, and Viscount Candia was of a status higher than Baron Karl.

Angele tried to show off his riding skills and decided to accept the challenge against another male classmate of his. Angele's saddle had been modified by his competitor before the race. As a result, Angele disappeared from this world permanently when he fell off the horse.

"It was just for a girl…" Ye Song felt speechless when he was scrounging the memories in his mind. "This world makes me speechless. A fourteen-year-old teenager would actually fight against others just for a girl…"

Chapter 2: Reorganizing

Translator: Leo Editor: DarkGem/Frappe

After lying on the bed for about half a day, Ye Song decided to get up. He could hear noises from the people outside the wall of their yard. It seemed like someone was gathering the boisterous crowd. Ye Song knew that his father was chasing the wanted criminals with the guards.

A group of criminals that came from nowhere was robbing random people around, and they've already murdered ten whole families. People in the territory were extremely terrified because of this. Knight Audis took the order, and was searching around the city with his guards.

Outside the bedroom, Ye Song saw a small grey yard with a small pond located in the middle. The yard was definitely not well-maintained; there were weeds growing everywhere. Two conversing middle-aged guards were standing by the pond, and they saluted Ye Song right after they saw him. They were under the direct order of the baron, and they looked tall and strong.

"Young Master Angele, how was your rest?" The guard with whisker asked in a light tone. He wore a heavy golden leather armor, and a huge axe was being carried on his back. He looked extremely intimidating with those gear.

The other guard looked thinner, and he only wore a half-length leather armor. There was a crossguard sword hanging from his waist; he did not look very strong but the light gear made him seem agile, and Ye Song could feel the steadiness in his eyes.

Ye Song took a glance at the edge of the crossguard sword that still had dark-colored blood smeared on it. Ye Song decided not to look at it anymore.

"Did Uncle Audis send you here?" Ye asked.

"Yes, we will take you back to the castle, and we still have to go back to our duty after. Let's be on our way, we don't have much spare time." The thinner guard answered with a deep voice.

"It seems that you have already acquired the information about those wanted criminals?" Ye Song nodded and asked.

"Yes, we found their temporary hideout this morning, and leader has brought the army there and surrounded them." The thinner guard answered as he nodded.

"Okay, I am going to change right now." Ye Song said. He went back to the bedroom and took off his robe. He wore an appropriate suit and stepped out of the room. Ye Song looked for the two guards and left the place with them.

The house was just a place for Ye Song's family to stay when they are in the town. The place was not that good for Ye Song to rest and heal. Outside the house was the street, many people were walking around. They were all wearing dull grey linen clothes, and the whole street looked filthy.

Some merchants were selling various things by the streetside, and they were advertising their products with loud voices. There were people selling fruits, wooden toys, and even vegetables. Some women were checking the goods while holding baskets.

Ye Song quickly noticed the differences between him and the people walking by right after he left the house. His clothes had a different color than anyone else on the street. He was wearing black, and the others were wearing grey. The reason was that only nobles were allowed to wear clothes of other colors, and common people were restricted to only grey-colored clothes in this world. It was one of the special rights of nobility; if anyone tried to violate the rule, they might be sentenced to death right away. It was, after all, a serious offense. But even then, there were still color restrictions between the nobles, and the colors they could wear were determined by their status.

Ye Song talked with the two guards along the way. He noticed that people would salute to him every time they saw him, and their faces always showed an expression of fear. He felt like he was a lion walking among a flock of sheeps.

"You are still not used to that, Young Master Angele?" The thinner guard laughed.

From their conversations, Ye Song learnt the two guards' name. The thinner guard was called Carter, and he was an adventurer that lived around here. He was recruited into the army, and he was actually lucky. Adventurers were pretty much just people with no actual jobs. They were very low in terms of social standing, and being a guard in the army was like being a policeman in a police station on Earth. His standing became much higher than common people, and he gained a lot of benefits from his job.

The strong guard was called Miro, and he grew up in the Baron Rio's territory. Miro was talented, and he was immensely powerful.

"Yea… The Candia City is much larger than this little town." Carter said and laughed, he did not even wait for Ye Song to respond. Carter grabbed a tomato from a vendor they passed by and took a large bite off it; the owner did not seem to be happy about it. Ye Song knitted his eyebrows a little bit, but he did not say anything.

Ye Song thought those family guards were used to taking things from the vendors without paying. They probably had an awful reputation in the territory. But it reminded Ye Song of his old self.

Ye Song talked with the guards about random things on their way out, and it did not take an ample amount of time for them to get out of the town. They could see a black carriage waiting outside the fences of the town. The coachman got off the carriage quickly when he saw Ye Song and two guards coming. The coachman greeted them and waited at the side.

The group of three got on the carriage, and they let Carter drive it. The carriage got to the main road at full speed quickly.

It took them about twenty minutes to reach their destination, which was the main base for the Rio Family, the Karl Castle.

Ye Song got out of the carriage carefully, and raised his head to get a view of the castle in front of him. The castle was built within a green forest, and it looked like a manor from ancient times to him.

The whole Karl Castle is surrounded by the moat. It would be more precise to describe it as a city surrounded by high walls than a castle.

The grey castle did not look so former to Ye Song, and it did not fit Ye Song's imagination about castles at all. It was about the height of a five-storey building. There were two guards with iron swords on their back in front the main entrance, the bridge was lowered over the moat, and the guards were staring at the group of three confusedly.

It was right before sunset, and the castle looked red with the huge sun in the back. Ye Song did not know where it came from, but he could smell the scent of flowers.

Ye Song took a deep breath. The sun almost went down, and it was getting cold.

"Is Old Wade here?" Ye Song asked in a faint tone.

"He is here, we brought you here safely, and we need to get back to work now." Carter nodded and said.

Ye Song agreed, and he saw the two guards go back to the carriage. It did not take a long time for them disappear from Ye Song's sight.

Ye Song started walking towards the castle, and there was an old man wearing a black coat walking out of the castle. The old man's hair was completely white, and he was walking towards Ye Song with several female guards following behind him.

"Old Wade, I am back!" Ye Song yelled, and he started to walk faster.

Wade was a butler that works for Baron Karl, he was in charge of general inquires within the territory, and he has been working here for about 30 years. He knew Baron Karl since the baron was very young.

"I told the baron a long time ago, he should've let Audis take care of the Young Master, but he didn't listen. Now, the Young Master is hurt; he should've taken my advice…" The thin old man talked while walking close to Ye Song.

Ye Song had his official smile on his face, and he followed the people welcoming him into the castle.

Wade complained for a while then suddenly stopped.

"Young Master, this time you should just stay in the castle and let Audis teach you all the necessary knowledge." Wade said.

"Did Father say that?" Ye Song asked.

"Yes, the situation outside is not good right now. We don't think letting you live outside alone is a good idea. More importantly, you suffered a lot this time. We will get our revenge for sure, even if the opponent is Viscount Candia." Wade said. Ye Song could feel how serious the old butler was.

"I am fine with Father's decision." Ye Song agreed.

Ye Song followed Wade into the main hall, and there were two maids together with them too.

Two young girls wearing white farthingales were waiting there, and they bowed together when they saw Wade bringing Ye Song in.

"Brother Angele." The girls said together.

"Celia and Maggie!" Ye Song searched through his memory quickly.

Celia was Angele's young sister, and they have the same father. Maggie came from a poor relative, and she came seeking help from the Rio Family; Maggie's family declined a long time ago. They were all younger than Ye Song so they called Angele 'brother'.

Angele had a crucial position in the family, so relatives like Celia and Maggie must be careful when dealing with him. There were many other girls like them in the castle, but they didn't have high status. The baron did not really care about those girls. Celia's life in the castle was actually pretty decent; she could get a certain amount of money to spend every month, and had maids to do the housework for her. She was at the same level as the leader of the maids.

Maggie's life was easy, though. Her parents worked for the baron in the castle, and they could easily get some money to survive. They were just like regular workers in the castle, maybe they were even treated a bit better than the ones at the lowest status. There were many poor relatives trying to seek help from the Rio Family, and Maggie's family was just one of them.

"It has been a long time." Ye Song said, and he smiled. He played well with the two girls because they were relatively good-looking, and they had nice styles. He treated them well whenever he was around, and the two girls had thought they found someone that they could rely on so they were willing to stay with Angele.

"We heard you were injured, and we decided to wait here to welcome you back. Are you feeling better now?" Maggie asked. She was thirteen years old and her voice sounded young, but her body was developed quite well. Maggie had a nice style and a cute face. Her waist was slim, and her breasts were large. Ye Song was attracted to her, and he stared at her for a while.

It seemed like Maggie knew Ye Song was looking at her, and she started to blush. She did not act like she noticed Ye Song's gaze, but she tried to make her breasts become more enticingly apparent to his eyes.

Celia's body was a bit underdeveloped compared to Maggie, and she was very shy. Celia looked at Ye Song like a young deer, having a tinge of fear in her eyes. She put her hands over her stomach, seemingly showing nervousness as well. Ye Song could feel her innocence.

There were actually more people trying to welcome Ye Song back to the castle, but the two girls thought about the situation and decided to come earlier than others. People would think they were close to Ye Song if they were the first ones to welcome him. Maybe their parents asked them to do so.

"I feel much better now, don't worry." Ye Song nodded his head, and talked a bit with the girls.

Wade left quietly to do other jobs, and Ye Song followed the two girls into the inner hall. After many people in the castle sent their greetings there, Ye finally got some time to take a rest.

He went back to his own bedroom, and he took a deep breath.

There was a writing desk inside the room beside the bed. On the desk was a piece of yellow parchment lying there. A feather ink pen was placed beside the ink bottle at the side, with three lighted candles arranged into the shape of a mountain. Ye Song could smell the special fragrance wafting off the candles.

Ye Song pulled the chair out and sat down. He started to read the paper.

Chapter 3: Opening

Translator: Leo Editor: DarkGem/Frappe

The yellow parchment paper was half-full with well-written words on it. Ye Song touched the paper, and he felt it was thin and soft.

"Umm…" Suddenly a soft voice came from the corner of the bedroom. Ye Song finally remembered the girl whom his father mentioned a while ago.

He looked at the dark corner where the sound came from, and a girl with long hair was sitting there while holding her knees. Ye Song was not so sure if he remembered correctly, but he pretty much knew who she was.

"You are Cecilia?" Ye Song stood up, and he walked towards the girl. He remembered her name.

"Yea…Yes." The girl was scared, and she tried to get closer to the corner. Ye Song could see her tumid eyes; she was definitely crying. Ye Song could see the dried tears on her face.

"Young Master Angele, is there anything I could do for you?" She asked in a faint tone.

Ye Song took a glance at her developing body, and he shook his head. He knew this world was close to the medieval age of Europe, and people there were not against having sex from a young age. But there was a twenty-year-old soul inside Ye Song and he was not going to do anything to a girl that was about fifteen years old.

There were still many things he needed to do, and he had no time for this.

"Well, I don't need anything right now." Ye Song said. "Maggie! Maggie!" Ye Song yelled, and he clapped his hands loudly.

The door of the bedroom opened, a lady in grey maid uniform came in politely.

"How may I help you?" The maid asked.

"Get this young girl out of here, and get her a room. I have not…" Ye Song stopped for a second; he was worried that his father would do something to the girl because it might look like he just kicked Cecilia out of the room. The baron was cold-blooded, and he pretty much forced Cecilia's family to send her here. If she just got kicked out by Ye Song, she would not leave the castle alive. She would be sent to the guards as a slave, and that's merely the best scenario.

Ye Song took a glance at the girl in the corner, and her face was full of fear.

"I am not in the mood today; take her out and let her rest. I will deal with her later." Ye Song said.

The maid bowed to Ye Song politely, and she took Cecilia out of the bedroom.

Ye Song could finally get some rest. He did not actually know what to do ever since he reincarnated.

Ye Song sat in front of the writing desk, and he grabbed the white feather pen. The pen had an unseamed texture, and there was a bit of red at the end of the feather. He did not know what bird's feather this was, and it was actually pretty heavy.

The feather reflected some of the candle's light; it had a dark yellow light, and it looked beautiful.

'I thought I was dead for sure, then I ended up in someone else's body in a totally different universe.' Ye Song played with the pen in his hand, and he thought about the experience.

According to Angele's memory, the people in this world still wielded cold weapons, and they were still using bow and arrows as long-range weapons. There was no gunpowder at all, and Angele never heard of it too. If an strong individual joined a battle, he could absolutely turn the tides of the battle just by his own will.

The reason why Angele's father, Baron Karl, could still have a great life while being arrogant and cold-blooded lied in his skill and power in battle. Baron Karl was a hero of the Redbud Battle, and it was one of Rudin Empire's most brutal battles against its enemies. That was a famous battle that damaged Rudin Empire's base. Baron Karl survived that using his own skills.

Baron Karl had a strong body, a special set of fighting skills and smooth crossguard sword skills. He had killed fifteen heavy armored knights consequently during the battle. With Knight Audis, they could easily make Viscount Candia tremble in fear.

Peerage did not represent the power ranking in the current state of Rudin Empire. Instead, one's skills and abilities in battle was something that determined who the superior one would be.

The power of the army! The power of a strong individual!

Those were the things that made people fearless.

In this chaotic age, there were skirmishes and wars happening all the time. Even if Baron Karl was so cruel and arrogant, people still never moved out of his territory. After all, people needed to rely on someone that was strong enough to protect them for their own survival.

Without the protection of a lord, people wouldn't be able to survive outside for a long time because there were bandits everywhere. Some bandits even resorted to cannibalism if they could not find food. Travelling from one territory to another without protection was pretty much looking to die. People would not survive with just having a stout heart.

The situation in Baron Karl's territory was different. The bandit groups around the territory were raided and cleared out by the guards led by the baron. Not only common people were afraid of him, bandits would even run away just after hearing his name. The baron's territory together with half of the Candia City were actually supported by the baron, and bandits were utterly terrified of the baron's power. This was also the reason why Old Wade wasn't so concerned regarding Viscount Candia's title.

People living in the territory did not die randomly; the only thing they had to suffer was living under the dominion of the baron. No matter how cruel the baron was, only a certain amount of people were affected by that. There were countless people in the territory, and people did not think they would be the next one. Ye Song tried guessing the thoughts of the people living in the territory.

Ye Song grabbed the parchment paper on the desk; he had never seen such language. It looked like English, but it also looked like the ancient Chinese Tibetan Language.

'It would be very hard to learn this language if I didn't have Angele's memory.' Ye Song thought, and thanks to Angele, Ye Song could speak and understand this language just fine. The language part in Angele's brain remained there, and it would generate proper words whenever Ye Song tried to express something.

'The structure of the words looks well-developed here…' Ye Song thought while reading the paper Angele had copied down the history of the family on it.

'If only I could get my biological chip to work, it would be much easier for me to learn and comprehend the knowledge here since the language structure is perfect.' Ye Song thought. He touched his left temple; it was where his biological chip used to be at. He had been implanted with the chip when he was still alive on Earth.


The sound of biological activation echoed in Ye Song's ear. He recognized it because he had already heard it for thousands of times.

"Biological chip no.18907 at your service. I am made by Chinese Fei Teng Company, and supervised by the Artificial Intelligence Department." A sweet Chinese female voice was speaking within Ye Song's head.

Ye Song was not surprised by it because he knew it was the advertisement sound of the chip. It was just like the welcome message that would appear whenever you turned the TV screen on. The chip itself, however, did not have any intelligence.

Biological chip was the invention of the 23rd century, and it had two major functions: analysis and storage.

The analysis function was very basic. It used different information to do a logical analysis on the structures of certain things, and the result would be automatically inputted into the storage.

The chip itself had no intelligence because scientists were concerned about the effect it would have on the human brain. The biological function would make the chip become a part of the brain, which meant the chip could not be simply taken out once implanted.

The storage function was separated from the original memory system of the brain. It had a much larger capacity than the human brain, and it could store over one thousand years worth of information in it. The human brain could only store about one hundred fifty years worth of information.

'The chip reincarnated with me?' Ye Song simply could not believe it, and he was breathing heavily. He sat on the chair for a long time to think this over.

'But it could be possible, my chip was the newest version, and it was said to have been integrated into my gene. If it is broken, it will repair itself just like my organs. So… My gene got carried over to this body?' Ye Song guessed.

"Please name the chip." The sweet voice spoke again.

"Zero." Ye Song did not even think; he just used the old name.

"Name confirmed, chip Zero's auto support system will be destroyed now. Enjoy the chip, please call 40355627 if you have any complaints. Thanks for using—" The voice stopped here.

Ye Song knew that this would be the last time he would hear that sweet voice from the chip. There would only be a mechanically-generated voice afterwards, and the sound would be created by his memory function.

Ye Song was excited, and he kept on breathing heavily.

The chip would be a great asset in this era where cold weapons reigned supreme.

The candle's yellow light was reflected on Ye Song's face, and it started to glowing. There was a window over the writing desk, and a thin white paper was stuck at the wooden frame. Most of the windows on the castle were like this.

Ye Song stood up and opened the window.

The wooden frame was pushed outwards with a long "chi" sound.

Ye Song reached his head outside the window. He wanted to cool himself down for a bit.

The wind in the night blew across his own face, and he could smell the scent of grasses.

His bedroom was at the fourth floor, and he could see the large, dark forest outside. The trees were just like shades, and he could hear the sounds the insects were making along with the sound of the tree leaves being blown by the wind.

Two crescent moons hung over the night sky, and the moonlight poured onto the ground.

Suddenly, Ye Song heard the sound of hooves stomping on the ground from the only main road linked to the town outside, and the road was just in between the forest he was looking at.

Ye Song felt much better with the help of the cold breeze. In the moonlight, he saw a group of dark-armored knights heading to the castle from the end of the road.

Some of the knights were holding lit-up torches, and the horses they were riding on neighed, making noises.

Ye Song could see the one leading the group was talking with the others behind him, and he was laughing about something.

With the help of the light of the torches, Ye Song could finally saw what the leader looked like.

The leader had a serious face with some black goat beard on his chin, and his long flaxen hair draped all over his shoulder. He looked very strong in his silver armor. He looked a bit rude, but still noble.

"It is father, Baron Karl." Ye Song immediately recognized him because he just saw him not too long ago. Angele also had deeply-etched memories of him.

The baron wore black leather gloves on his hands that were holding the reins. He looked back at Ye Song, when the latter was still trying to figure out who he was.

The baron saw Ye Song looking at him by the window, and he took off one of the gloves and waved towards the latter. Ye Song also smiled in response, and he nodded at him. The baron then shook the reins lightly, urging the horse to move faster.

Chapter 4: Life (Part 1)

Translator: Leo Editor: DarkGem/Frappe

The group of knights arrived at the castle quickly, and they got into the castle after passing through the already-lowered drawbridge.

Ye Song had his sights on them until they completely passed through the gateway, and then he sat on his chair again. Ye Song had already gathered enough information about his father through Angele's memory. Though people considered the baron as a cruel lord, he treated Angele really well. He was strict about the rules, but he had never beaten Angele even once.

'I should go and greet my father.' Ye Song thought. Before he stood up, someone started to knock on his door.

"Young Master Angele, the baron is summoning you." Maid Maggie said outside the door.

"Alright, I am coming." Ye Song yelled.

He stood up quickly, and he opened the door. Maid Maggie was waiting outside while holding a candle on a stand. Ye Song followed Maggie through the hallway, and they went down the spiral stairs. They reached the stairs on the second floor. At the end of the hallway, there was a room with a half-opened door. Ye Song could see the light leaking out of it.

"I will be waiting here, Young Master." Maggie said after bowing to Ye Song politely.

Ye Song nodded and walked into the room.

Baron's deep voice became louder as Ye Song walked closer.

"��In the territory, no one has the balls to ignore my order. Those criminals must be outsiders." The baron said, but Ye Song only caught the second half.

Another deep voice came from the inside of the room, and it was Knight Audis.

"I am not so sure about that. Based on the criminals' appearances, they are definitely from the east, and it must be the Saladin Empire. Their styles of clothes and weapons are all very similar to the east. They were also fighting like a trained army, not some random criminals. I suppose they are taking revenge for the event that occurred four years ago." Audis said.

"It will take the best horses to travel from Saladin Empire to my territory within half a year, and there is a huge forest in between. The possibility of that being them is miniscule. However, I think that it could've been that old punk Candia." Baron Karl said, and his voice sounded cold. "That is the last thing he could do."

"True, and the chances are high here. We were pushing him too hard recently…" Audis said.

Ye Song did not knock on the door, and he only stood outside. He knew that his father and Audis had already heard his footsteps a while ago. The only thing he needed to do was to wait outside.

"However, there is one more possibility – Lasga." Audis guessed.

"Lasga? I've been there about ten years ago, how is the place now? Is the mad woman Sally still there?" Karl asked.

"I think she is still there. Well, let's leave it here. You can come in, Angele." Knight Audis said loudly.

"Coming." Ye Song said, and he opened the door.

It was a study room; there were two shelves full of books by the wall, and Ye Song could see the fire dancing slowly in the wall fireplace.

The baron and Knight Audis were sitting by a table, and they both had white cups in front of them.

Ye Song took a glance at the inside of the cup, and the cup was filled up with black liquid; it had a nice mint smell.

"Father and Uncle Audis, I am here." Ye Song greeted them politely as the memories of the former Angele resurfaced within his mind.

Karl and Audis were two of the four strongest people in the Rio Territory. Baron Karl did not treat Audis as a mere knight, but more like a friend of him. They were two top swordsmen that survived the Redbud Battle.

There were no warrior rankings in this world, and there was only one way for a knight to show how strong he was, which was fighting battles.

"Take a seat." The baron said while pointing at a chair nearby.

Ye Song nodded, and he sat down quietly.

"The situation outside is not going well. The Saladin Empire is very likely to put up a fight with us, the Rudin Empire. Our territory is right between the two country's borders, and this place is going to be the frontline. I asked my guy to contact one of my old gangs at the harbour, and ordered some brand new gears from him. The armors and weapons should be on their way here…" The baron started talking to Audis again.

Ye Song sat by the side and started to examine the two people in front of him.

He was already familiar with the baron, and there was nothing more he could find about him.

But he never actually analyzed Audis before. Audis really looked like a bear, and he was huge even while just sitting there. He was about the height of two adult males. The iron armor worn by him was all black and shiny. He was bald, and his head looked like a lightbulb. He also had a silver earring worn on his left ear, and with all of that combined, it made him look barbaric because of the outfit and the accessories he wore.

'Analyze their fighting skills based on my sensory information.' Ye Song gave an order to Zero with his thoughts.

Suddenly, Ye Song could see information running down in front of his eyes like a waterfall. The words were blue, and they were very intense and complex.

Ye Song knew that an individual's fighting ability was very important in this world. He learnt from Angele's memory that unrivalled power was the only thing that would help him fulfill his desires. Also, becoming powerful would help Ye Song protect himself, so he decided to analyze the fighting skills of the two.

The baron and Audis kept talking about external affairs. But Ye Song noticed that the baron sometimes had his eyes on him, and the baron showed a disappointed expression whenever he saw that Ye Song was not completely listening.

They were trying to get Ye Song involved in the discussion in order to help Ye Song become prepared to be the next leader, but Ye Song's facial expression while analyzing the results made it seem like he was uninterested, and it made the two very disappointed.

Ye Song did not really understand the point, but at least he got the results.

'Karl Rio, results based on sensory information: Strength is higher than 2, Agility is higher than 2, and Stamina is higher than 2. Audis, results based on sensory information: Strength is higher than 3, Agility is about 1, and Stamina is higher than 3.' Zero reported in Ye Song's brain.

Ye Song was surprised…

Having 1 point in an attribute was equivalent to having the ability of a regular male adult, and this was based on the information from Earth.

According to the results, Ye Song's father and Knight Audis were pretty much the Superman he knew from the movie. Their strength points were higher than 2 and 3, which meant that they had the power of two or three ordinary adult males. Stamina referred to the ability of taking hits, poison resistance, recovery and endurance.

'I am sure I am out of Earth right now…' Ye Song was speechless.

'Zero, do the analysis on me.' Ye Song sent the order.

Blue-colored information appeared in front of Ye Song's eyes.

'Angele Rio, ability analysis results: Strength is lower than 0.3, Agility is lower than 0.4, and Stamina is lower than 0.7.' Zero reported.

'…' Ye Song became speechless once again.

Even for a fourteen-year-old body, the data was way too low. A normal teen at this age on Earth would have a strength level at 0.5, and agility level at 1.2. Angele was taking knight's training, yet his data was still below average. How was that even possible?

Maybe Ye Song was still injured, and he should first wait for a full recovery.

The baron stopped talking with Audis about their plan. They turned their sights to Ye Song.

"Starting from tomorrow, Angele, you will be learning the basic fighting skills with Audis. There will be some other boys in the castle training with you. " The baron said.

"Understood, father." Ye Song said.

"You are weak in terms of physical abilities. I want you to at least get to an average level, so I want you to learn the basic fighting skills." Ye Song could see the worry from the baron's eyes.

Ye Song knew that if Angele's body was strong, he would not simply fall off the horse and die.

"I understand." Ye Song nodded.

"How is your recovery? Are you getting better?" Audis asked kindly.

"I would be fine with the basic training." Ye Song answered.

"That's nice." Audis nodded.

"Speak to Annker if you want any specific dish to eat; she is the leader of the maids. We got a horned bull the day before, so you will recover faster if you eat some of it. Well, go and rest for now." The baron said.

Ye Song stood up and saluted before quickly walking out of the room.

Maggie was still waiting by the staircase while holding the candle stand. She stood in the dark alone until Ye Song finished his thing.

Ye Song quickly walked towards her.

"No one is around during this time? Why is there no light?" Ye Song asked.

"It is the living quarters; most of the people in the castle are at the training grounds and the bar. There are not many people here, so we are not wasting candles here." Maggie shook her head and answered.

"Okay." Ye Song nodded.

According to Angele's memory, the castle was divided to several areas.

Living quarters, activity area, and the areas for miscellaneous activities.

The activity area included the training grounds and the arena. The other areas included the bar, blacksmith shop, and the stable, etc.

The castle was about the size of an average university on Earth, but there were only about two hundred people in it. Only strong knights, swordsmen, and lancers were allowed to live in the castle, and there were only about a hundred of them.

"Let's head back." Ye Song stopped thinking.

Maggie led Ye Song back to his bedroom.

Ye Song saw Cecilia hiding in the corner as he opened the door.

"You filthy rat, how did you enter Young Master Angele's room?!" Maggie saw her, and she started yelling.

Cecilia moved closer to the corner, trying to hide.

"It is fine, and you can leave now." Ye Song stopped Maggie from rushing inside his room.

"Yes, Young Master." Maggie immediately stopped her actions, and she left the room.

The door of the bedroom was closed.

Ye Song walked towards the girl at the corner. He looked at her for a while.

She wore a white-greyish dress, and her shoulders were exposed; her skin was white and smooth; also, her hair was long and black. If she was not crying, she would actually be a beautiful young girl.

Ye Song did not really want to do anything. He took the silk sheet on his bed, and threw it over to her. Ye Song decided to just lie down on the bed because he was really tired after all that.

"Ha..." Ye Song breathed deeply.

'Based on the current situation, I am in a good position. As long as the baron is there for me, there is nothing I need to worry about, but I can't predict the future, and I need to prepare for the unexpected things. This world does not seem peaceful at all.' Ye Song thought, and he fell into slumber right after.

Chapter 5: Life (Part 2)

Translator: Leo Editor: DarkGem/Frappe

Ye Song was woken up by some noise after sleeping for a long time.

Ye Song got up slowly after opening his eyes. A white silky sheet slid off his body.

'I thought I gave the sheet to someone else?' Ye Song rubbed his eyes. He knew he gave the sheet to Cecilia last night.

Suddenly, Ye Song's shoulder was touched by a small hand.

Ye Song looked at his bed, and he saw Cecilia was sleeping by his side. It looked like she was having a nice dream.

Also, Ye Song noticed that his socks and coat were taken off by someone.

'Well, it looks like she did that for me.' Ye Song guessed it right.

Based on Angele's memory, he met with Cecilia for the first time while hunting outside. Cecilia was a shepherd on that mountain, and Angele became attracted to her appearance. The baron then took her back to the castle, and he sent her to Angele as a gift.

The girl came from a farmer's family, so she actually knew how to help the family out. Her parents would be able to live a much better life if Young Master Angele was attracted to her. Also, she was not the only child in the family, and she also had an elder brother and a younger sister. She was not forced to be sent to Angele, but instead made the decision herself.

Ye Song learnt those things when he was checking out Angele's memory, and he knew it was Cecilia that helped him take off his socks and his coat.

It was early in the morning, and the light went inside the bedroom through the windows. The air was a bit cold actually. The noise Ye Song heard earlier was from the guards' training. Ye Song got off the bed, and he stretched for a bit. Ye Song got a morning wood like any other normal man, making him feel slightly awkward. Also, it showed that he was recovering well, stamina-wise at least.

Ye Song also woke the girl up as he left the bed, and Cecilia's line of sight was right at his morning wood. She started to blush, and she did not know what she should do.

"Young Master Angele… Is there anything I could do for you?" She asked in a light tone.

Ye Song almost lost control when Cecilia asked with such a cute voice.

"Do you know the basics of housework? If you do, get me some water; I need to wash my face." Ye Song tried his best to stay calm.

"Yea… I do…" The girl was a bit scared, and she got off the bed in panic. Cecilia then ran outside the bedroom to get water.

Ye Song finally relaxed for a bit. Though Cecilia was sent as a gift to him, she was too young for him. Ye Song did not want to do anything to the young girl because his sense of morality did not allow it.

More importantly, he was just fourteen years old, and he needed to recover from an injury. Having sex too early could impact the development of his body and make him weaker.

Though he could do anything he wanted to Cecilia, Ye Song successfully controlled himself with his reasoning. He also calmed down a lot after Cecilia left the room.

Ye Song was too tired to wash last night as he did not feel very well. He used to wash his face before going to sleep.

'There is not much water around here, and it seems like people only wash themselves once a day. It is problematic that I cannot waste any water.' Ye Song thought.

Ye Song walked towards the opened window, and he reached out to look down. There was a huge empty ground in front of the forest, and a group of guards in black armor were jogging. They were wearing heavy black full armors, and there were large crossguard blades carried on their backs. Each blade had a palm-sized width. They were doing their morning routine, and Ye Song could see yellow dust being blown behind their jogging paths.

"Eleven!" The guard that was leading the group yelled.

"Eleven!" Everyone else yelled after the leader. They sounded loud, but not perfectly synchronized. Ye Song could also hear the chirps of birds mixed in them.

Ye Song felt refreshed just by looking at them, and he was not sleepy anymore.

'It is time to think of ways that could help build my body a strong foundation.' Ye Song thought while looking at the guards, and then he rubbed his chin.

'My chip has two main functions: one is analysis, and the other is storage. For Zero to do the analysis precisely, it is necessary to gather a huge amount of data. Yesterday's results of my father and Audis were very inaccurate. The data was based on my sensory information. The storage can store a lot of data, and it works like a hard disk. It can't replace my memory, however, so I need to find a way to transfer the data into my brain.' Ye Song thought for a while.

'If I want to strengthen my own body, the best way will be to train more, and the analysis function of my chip can help me find the best way to exercise.' Ye Song kept thinking.

Ye Song waited for a while, and Cecilia brought him water and towel. He washed himself for a while, then afterwards asked Cecilia to stay in his room. Ye Song went down the spiral staircase after leaving the room.

It was still early in the morning, and there was not much light in the castle. It was still pretty dark around the stairs, and Ye Song carefully walked down while holding the wooden handrail.

Starting after going down from the fourth floor, a small window could be found by the stairs around every corner. Ye Song saw maids opening the window to get some fresh air while walking down.

"Good morning, Young Master Angele." A maid greeted politely when she saw Ye Song.

Ye Song could still hear the noise of the guards' training through the window. He looked at the maid, and she looked just like a normal girl under the age of twenty. The maids in the castle were selected by the baron himself. Only the cute and smart ones were permitted to stay and work, so Ye Song actually felt pretty good around those girls.

"Who are those guards training outside?" Ye Song asked.

"It's Knight Anry's cavalry squad." The maid answered respectfully.

"Knight Anry?" Ye Song asked.

"Knight Anry is the adjutant of Knight Audis. It is possible that you don't know him, he was just recruited not so long ago." The maid spoke in a light tone.

"Okay, got it." Ye Song nodded, and he started to walk downstairs again.

Outside the living area was a large, empty ground. The castle was built with a series of buildings, and in the middle of it was the activity area.

The early sunlight went through the small openings between the buildings. The golden lights looked like pillars, which stood on the ground.

The activity ground was a white-greyish playground.

There were boys and girls training there already. Most of them were wearing grey and white clothes; Ye Song could even hear them yelling.

Boys were using wooden swords to train chopping and slashing motions. The girls were training using small wooden short bows, aiming for the target at a thirty-meter range.

A burly man was standing by the edge of the activity ground.

Ye Song looked at the man, and he was wearing grey top with black pants. His body looked weaker than Audis, but he still looked pretty strong. He had his hands over his chest, looking at the children quietly. He was very calm.

The man noticed Ye Song looking at him, and he waved his hands towards Ye Song.

"Hey!" The man yelled. "Stop for a second! Come here everyone!"

The children that were training looked at him, one of the boys did a strong chopping motion before coming over, and it sounded like the blowing wind. Several girls looked at the boy, and the boy smiled happily.

"I said stop! Gelug, are you disobeying my order?" The man had an angry expression on his face.

"Yea, Yea, Yea, my dear Master Alad." The boy answered uncaringly, and he put his wooden sword down. He started to walk towards the man slowly.

When everyone gathered together, Ye Song moved to the front of the group, and he stood aside quietly.

"We are welcoming a new member today." Alad clapped his hands several times; the sound was evanescent but stentorian. "This is Young Master Angele. He just came back from Candia City, and you might have seen his face yesterday on the welcoming party."

No one talked. The boys did not seem to care, but the girls were looking at Ye Song curiously. The situation was a bit awkward.

Ye Song was a bit disappointed. He was not here for the introduction; he just wanted to do the morning training.

"Master Alad…" Ye Song said.

"Just call me Alad." The middle-aged man said politely.

"Okay, Alad, let's not waste everyone's time. I am still recovering from the injury, and I want to start from the basics. Can you show me all the general exercises?" Ye Song asked.

Alad was surprised for a second because he had told Ye Song how the general exercises should be done a while ago. Angele was trained before he went to Candia City, and he wanted to see all the basics again?

"Don't tell me he doesn't even know how to do the basic exercises…" Someone murmured.

"Stop!" Others were trying to stop the kid from being disrespectful.

However, some of the kids were looking down on Ye Song. In the chaotic age, everyone admired and respected the strong ones. People usually looked down on the ones who were weak.

Bunch of kids stared at Ye Song, looking at him like they were seeing a rare animal. Ye Song was trying to control his emotions, so he focused his mind on Alad. Angele himself actually did not remember the general exercises quite well, so Ye Song had no idea how to do those now. Ye Song would not be in such an awkward position if Angele wasn't such a dumb playboy.

"Could you do that for me, Alad?" Ye Song repeated.

"Yea…Sure." Alad nodded after being confused for a second.

"But I only know the basics. If you want advanced skills, it would be better to ask the baron and Knight Audis. They are very skilled with their swords." Alad said.

It was probably true that Ye Song could learn advanced skills from his father and Audis, but Ye Song needed to practice the basics first. It was pretty much impossible to start from the advanced skills for him.

Chapter 6: Life (Part 3)

Translator: Leo Editor: DarkGem/Frappe

An experienced warrior was pretty much just a veteran, but if one wanted to become a knight, he needed much more than just experience. He needed to experience many blood for blood battles, to finish all the impossible trainings, and to develop his own fighting style. After the stimulation of his true potential, he would be able to get the Life Energy Seed, and the seed would help him reach another level. With the help of the seed, he would become a knight after contributing to important tasks.

The Life Energy Seed was the most important thing for a warrior, and one would not become a true legend without the help of the seed.

Ye Song learnt some knowledge about it from Angele's memory.

The Life Energy Seed was actually the Qi a fighter could develop from inside his body by training himself in the most extreme ways. It somewhat worked like a skill on the earth that could help you take hits without getting hurt. The baron once explained the whole process on getting the seed to Angele, so Ye Song was able to get a detailed comparison and reach a conclusion.

Also, not everyone could develop the seed. Only the talented ones could have the potential to do it, but the rate of success was still very low. Some of the strong warriors with the seed tried to help more people to develop it, and they came up with a specific method, which was by channeling their own Qi into others. People who got the Qi would be able to develop their seed slowly.

This method increased the possibilities of the development of the seed, and it also reduced the risks significantly. People could die from trying to do the extreme trainings, and this method helped some people obtain the seed from the beginning.

But still, this method could not help everyone become great warriors. The rate of success was increased, and two-thirds of them could actually benefit from this method, but the remaining one-third was still not able to take the seed in. If people's bodies could not take in the life energy, the energy would just leak out of them, no matter how much was put into them.

Unfortunately, Angele was included in the one-third. He could not take in the seed by this special method, and that was the main reason why he did not train a lot. He became lazy, and he just wanted to be a playboy. Otherwise, the baron would've just pushed his Qi into Angele and helped him become a strong warrior. At least, Angele would have had the ability to protect himself.

Alad stared at Ye Song for a while, and it seemed he remembered Angele's situation. He knew why Angele did not remember the basic training routines; Angele already gave up a long time ago.

"Well, let's start the morning training again. Young Master Angele, please follow me this way." Alad clapped his hands loudly, and Ye Song followed.

The children returned to their positions and started to do the exercises again. The boys started practicing slashing, and the girls started to practice shooting with their short bows. Ye Song followed Alad to a corner.

"Though it will be hard for you to become a knight level warrior, more exercises will still help build your body. Please try to do the routine every day." Alad said while walking.

"I understand. Thank you, Alad." Ye Song nodded, and he smiled. "The second son of Baron Karl isn't talented enough to become a great warrior; I know it is a widely told story."

"Probably." Alad stopped talking.

"Are those children on the grounds gifted?" Ye Song asked.

"Young Master, they got the seeds from the baron and Knight Audis. They are training using the special methods taught by the two." Alad answered.

Ye Song knew it was better for children to get the seeds when they were young. If they obtain the seeds at an early age, the seeds would grow stronger with the children. The stronger their seeds were, the stronger their bodies would be, and when they became adults, they would have well-developed bodies.

The baron and Knight Audis took the seeds when they were very young, too. Ye Song understood this point, but there was nothing he could do about it. Angele was not gifted, so Ye Song could not get the seed from the baron anyways.

At least Ye Song still had the biological chip in him, so he was not totally hopeless.

Alad led Ye Song to an empty ground at the corner. There was a shelf with long wooden swords on it, and most of these had been taken by the boys to practice.

Alad grabbed a sword, and he threw it to Ye Song. Ye Song caught it, but he felt the heavy weight of the sword. The wooden swords were actually heavy, and it was about three kilograms each. The length of the sword was about one meter, and the handguard made a cross with the blade. It looked like the most common crossguard sword.

Ye Song waved the sword several times, and he was able to hear the slashing sound in the air. Alad also grabbed a sword for himself, and he slashed once. A white flash appeared in front of him.

"The basics are simple, but not everyone can finish the whole set easily." Alad said, and he performed a front slash while holding the sword with both his hands.


Ye Song felt the air blow over his face, and his hair got slightly blown to the back. The chip in Ye Song's brain started to analyze the data automatically. A line of blue-colored data was shown in front of his eyes quickly.

'Alad, Strength higher than 1, Agility higher than 2, Stamina higher than 2.' Zero reported.

"This is the front slash. Please focus your strength on the lower edge of the blade. It will help you deal more damage to the opponent, and it will make the blade last longer too." Alad explained, and he started to show different slashing skills.

Front slash, up slash, horizontal slash, point strike, and down slash were the five basic ways of wielding a sword. Alad demonstrated all of those one by one to Ye Song. Every time Alad performed a slash, there would be some air blowing all over the place.

Ye Song watched Alad's actions carefully, and his chip was also recording the data in the meantime.

The chip finished its recording process when Alad finished the demonstrations.

"What do you think? Those skills are very simple, but it is still hard to master them. If you do them incorrectly, it might even hurt your joints. Please make sure you are doing them properly." Alad said in a serious tone.

Ye Song nodded lightly.

'Recording finished.' Zero reported. 'Please name the dataset.'

'Basic sword skills.' Ye Song confirmed the name.

'Name confirmed as basic sword skills.' The mechanical sound stopped after the confirmation.

Ye Song tried to select the data with his mind, and the data was shown within his brain. Alad's demonstration was well-recorded, and he could see the images and hear the sound without any issue.

"I remember those skills, I have learnt them before." Ye Song told Alad after making sure the data was stored properly.

Alad was a bit confused; he stared at Ye Song, and he tried to make sure that Ye Song was serious.

"Since you still remember them, please practice them more. Knight Audis should be teaching you today, but he left for duty. Please try doing the basic routine and get used to it. I have to go to the training grounds, please let me know if you need something else." Alad said, and he left quickly after these words.

Ye Song smiled after Alad left. He waved the wooden sword for a bit. The chip helped him to analyze the process, and all the data was stored on it, but he still needed to do the exercises by himself. The chip was merely a tool for assistance after all.

Ye Song started to exercise following the demonstrations.

'First, front slash.' Ye Song thought.

'Your action had a 31% deviation from the original data.' The chip reported to Ye Song as he was trying to do the slash while holding the sword with both of his hands.

Ye Song was happy about the support function the chip had. It could compare his action with the data and make sure he was doing the slash properly.

Ye Song tried to modify his slash position.

'25% deviation detected.�� The chip reported.

Ye Song modified his position multiple times with the help of the data, and he became close to the original data finally. He held the sword steadily, and he modified his position. He performed the slash when the difference was less than 5%, and he felt his action was very smooth.

'Checking body condition, the action you just performed is enhancing the number 5, number 3, and number 11 groups of the muscle. Repeat the action 10526 times to increase the strength by 1.' The chip reported.

'Great… Only ten thousand times.' Ye Song thought.

He started to practice intensely. The chip helped him to control his body condition well. It was much easier for him to exercise with the help of the data.

Hue! Hue! Hue!

Ye Song repeated the basic routine many times, and he could finally perform the skills smoothly and quickly. He also started to hear the blowing sound of the air, and it meant that he was getting closer to the results he wanted.

Ye Song was totally enjoying the practice, and he was trying his best to improve the basics.

Step forward, front slash, up slash, down slash, and horizontal slash. Ye Song was trying to do them in different directions.

His actions became smoother, and the sound got lighter after a while. Ye Song could feel himself improving. He totally got used to the basic routine of sword, and he could perform the actions precisely even without the help of the data.

Angele probably trained himself without telling others.

Dang Dang Dang! Ye Song heard the sound of the gong.

"Resting time! Dismiss!" Alad's voice was very loud, and Ye Song could easily hear it.

Ye Song stopped his training, and he looked over at the middle of the grounds. He saw Alad hitting a gong with his hand, and the sound was loud and sharp.

The children on the training ground became loud after. They found their friends and started to walk towards the living area, and some of them went to grab a bite. There were also some children by Alad's side, it seemed like they were asking him something.

Ye Song did not move, and the sweat was visible on his forehead. His face was red, and he was sweating everywhere. His vest was completely soaked.

Ye Song was doing the basic routine smoothly, but it was just the basics. Most of the children could do them easily. He didn't get noticed by the others, because they thought that he should be able to the basic routine smoothly.

'Show me my body condition.' Ye Song said in his mind.

'Body condition: Your right hand's muscle group was slightly hurt, and your legs need rest. It would take about 24 hours for you to recover.' The chip reported.

Ye Song was satisfied with the result, and he wiped the sweat with his hands. He was wearing the black suit from yesterday that looked like a hunting suit. There was a red belt around his waist. Ye Song looked nice and clean in the suit but the suit became completely wet after the training.

'I will become a strong warrior without the seed.' Ye Song thought calmly.

He stood alone in the corner, and no one tried to talk to him. Ye Song looked around the training grounds, and everyone was trying to avoid his sight. It was pretty clear that the children were looking down at him, but they could not do anything to him. Ye Song was the son of the baron, so they decided to just avoid him.

Ye Song was not concerned about this at all because he was not interested about the kids anyways. He put the sword back to the shelf, and he went towards the living quarters.

"Brother." Ye Song heard a sweet sound from behind.

Ye Song turned back.

Maggie was there with a smile on her face. The fourteen-year-old girl was wearing a white top and a short skirt. The skirt could barely cover her leg. She looked very sexy with the skirt.

Ye Song thought Maggie's clothes looked like the OL¹ suit on the earth. Though Maggie was not allowed to wear colorful clothes, she still tried her best to make herself look cute.


[1] OL is a slang for office lady.

Chapter 7: Approaching (Part 1)

Translator: Leo Editor: DarkGem/Frappe

Maggie was one of Ye Song's best friends, and Ye Song decided to treat her like how he should.

"Maggie, what's going on? Need any help?" Ye Song greeted.

"Just trying to have a nice, little conversation with you." Maggie said, and she walked towards Ye Song quickly. She grabbed Ye Song's hand, and she pressed her breasts on Ye Song's arm.

"Well, actually I do need some help… Could you do me a favor?" Maggie got closer, and she asked.

Ye Song had just finished his training, and he was still pretty excited. He could feel the blood rushing in his veins, and he found Maggie pretty seductive.

"What do you want?" Ye Song asked. He knew Maggie came to the castle not so long ago according to Angele's memory. Angele treated her both as a friend and a cousin, but Maggie wanted more than that. Also, it was actually common for cousins to have a relationship in the noble world, and there was no law restricting it.

Maggie had been trying to make herself look glamorous. She loved beautiful clothes, and she was enjoying her life. She did not want to just be a common person all her life; she wanted to be in a higher position. Maggie could also help her parents get better jobs if she had a relationship with Angele. That was what she was trying to accomplish.

The other young sister Angele had, Celia, was trying to get closer with Angele, too. Though her mother was one of the baron's wives, her mother came from a worker's family. Their rank in the family was much lower than Angele.

The situation in the family was a bit complicated. The eldest son joined the army and never came back after. Though the second son was not allowed to inherit the peerage, the Rudin Empire was in chaos and had no time to enforce the rules. Nobles were trying to make their territory independent, and the baron could even give the name to Angele if he wanted to. It was very likely that Angele would become the next baron, and Celia's family would be under his control. Angele could force them to leave if he wanted to. Celia's family did not want such thing to happen, so Celia decided to become close friends with Angele. They were preparing for the future. Ye Song would probably not choose Celia to be his wife, but if Celia could at least be in a relationship with him, her family would be able to keep their current position in the castle.

Maggie walked with Ye Song towards the living quarters, holding Ye Song's hand the whole time. Some people were looking at them in envy, but some others were staring at them scornfully. Ye Song did not care anyways.

"My mother's legs were hurting recently, and I am wondering if you could give her some easier work to do…" Maggie spoke in a light tone while not looking at Ye Song directly.

Ye Song did not answer her question, but he nodded his head to show that he heard her words. He walked back to his bedroom with Maggie quickly.

Cecilia stayed in the bedroom quietly and did not leave the place at all. It looked like she did what Ye Song asked. Cecilia's face blushed when she saw Ye Song walking in with Maggie. Ye Song opened his closet, and he changed his clothes.

"Maggie, could you take her to the dining room to eat some food, and take her to the bath. Also, tell the leader of the maids to get her an individual room. Just say it was my order if she questions you." Ye Song said.

Maggie thought Ye Song was going to have some fun with her as he brought her back to the bedroom. She did not expect such easy task. She looked at Cecilia and found out she had larger breasts than Cecilia. She was happy about it at least.

Maggie followed Ye Song's order because she did not want to disappoint Ye Song. She grabbed Cecilia's hands, though Cecilia was kind of scared.

"Come find me when you are done. I will tell Wade about your mother's situation." Ye Song said calmly, and he controlled himself very well. He actually wanted to do something to Maggie, but being in this world, Ye Song needed to control his desire.

"Understood." Maggie was happy about Ye Song's words. She bowed and left the room with Cecilia. Ye Song rubbed her breast for a second when they were trying to leave. He could feel the softness of it through his palm. Maggie was scared for a second, but she giggled right after.

'Well, a little touching should be fine.' Ye Song smiled. He did not want to get sick from controlling his desire too hard.

Ye Song went to practice his basic sword skills everyday after. He utilized his chip well and made his actions much more accurate. It did not take him a long time to finish the 10 thousand times of practice. Ye Song checked his body condition, and he did get a 0.1 increase in strength.

He also collected some data from the people that had similar age as him around. However, those teenagers all had the seeds, and their average body data was over 0.8; gender did not matter. He spent all those time to get the 0.1 increase but it did not even help get to the average level.

The baron and Knight Audis were busy dealing with those random criminals, and they had no time to mentor Ye Song. They gave the duty to Alad. Ye Song was actually happy about it because he needed the basics the most at this point.

For Maggie, Ye Song did not do anything to her after the incident of groping her breasts lightly. He wanted to learn to control his desire. Ye Song told Wade about her mother though, and she got a lighter job. Maggie was thankful about it.

Four days later.

It was early in the dining room of the Rio Castle.

The main members of the family were having the breakfast quietly on a long rectangle wooden table. Ye Song sat on the second seat because he was the one with the most power if the baron was not there. There were two other middle-aged women by his side, and they were the 3rd and 4th wives of the baron.

They looked gentle and beautiful. They were still very polite even when the baron was not here. There were also some children on the table, and they were all wearing noble suits with a black-red color. Celia was also there, and also the boy named Glue Ye Song met on the training grounds.

There were about a total of ten boys and girls there, and they all looked pure and pretty. They sat on their seats and were eating quietly. The only sound Ye Song could hear was the sound of the silverwares made.

Ye Song cut his steak into small pieces, and took a glance around the table. Old Wade was standing behind him, and Wade was the one who would enforce the rights of Ye Song when the baron was not here. Wade was a very skilled fighter, and the baron gave him the order of supporting Ye Song. He was here to make sure no one could rebel against Ye Song.

People around the table were the ones with enough power to be allowed to dine with Ye Song. Maggie and her parents were definitely not in the list.

Angele ate a piece of the beef, and had a sip of the soup.

"What is in today's soup? It has a very different fragrance than before." Ye Song asked because he found the taste of the soup a bit interesting.

"The baron caught some red single-eyed snakes the day before, and the chief put them into the soup with some mushrooms." Old Wade answered politely from the back.

"It has an indescribable taste, but I like it. Red single-eyed snakes? We have those in the forest around the castle?" Ye Song nodded, and he asked.

"Yes, and there are many of them. The snake is filled up with its venom, and it would be very hard to find a cure if you get bitten by it. Hunters hate them. We barely have them on the table too." Old Wade answered.

"Understood." Angele grabbed the bowl and took a sip again. His mouth was filled with the soup, and he could taste the umami from it. The soup was creamy and thick, and there were chopped scallions floating on it.

"I want to go out for a while after the breakfast." Ye Song said.

"It is not safe outside right now, it will be better if you can just stay in the castle…" Old Wade said; he did not like Ye Song's decision.

"It's fine, I won't go too far away. I just want to check out the cavalries' training ground." Angele said.

"You can send some people to go with me if you are worried." Ye Song insisted his decision.

"Okay, please just don't stay too long out there." Old Wade nodded his head.

Ye Song nodded his head to show that he understood.

No one talked after their conversation, and the table stayed silent for the rest of the breakfast time.

After having breakfast, Ye Song went straight to the door with two guards following him. Ye Song was considering his plan. He had a crossguard sword on his belt, and a bow with arrows on his back. There were about 50 white-feathered arrows there.

"Are you going to hunt?" A guard asked in a light tone.

"No, just trying to find some small animals to practice my skills." Ye Song shook his head, and he answered. He was actually staring at the blue-colored data in front of his eyes.

'Special food resource detected. Type: Meat, snake, named as red single-eyed snake. If you eat 109 of its eyes, your agility will increase by 1.' Zero reported. This was the reason why Ye Song went out. One agility increase was huge to him. Ye Song would choose this over strength for now. He also wanted to check out his training results after these days, and he wanted to know how much he could do.

It was early in the morning, and there was still fog in the forest. There was an empty ground by the forest, and the cavalry team was already jogging around the ground.

Ye Song went around the ground with the two guards, and they went into the forest. There was only one main road outside the castle, and there were forests on both sides. Ye Song could see mountains far away from here. The cavalry squad did not notice Ye Song and his guards because they were used to it. They had seen Ye Song go out numerous times. However, some of them still saw Ye Song trying to get into the forest.

They were looking at Ye Song curiously. In the castle, many people were unsatisfied with the rules. They did not like Angele because they knew he was very weak. They did not want their castle to be ruined by a playboy like Angele. The cavalrymen that saw Ye Song did not come to greet him, and they would even become happy if Angele died in the forest.

Ye Song did not notice them as he was completely focused on his hunting plans. He did not have great strength, but with the help of the chip, he could perform many actions accurately. Especially his archery skills, he had almost 100% accuracy with the help of the chip. He practiced aiming on the training grounds at night when no one else was around. He could shoot an arrow with absolute precision at a range of 50 metres, and he thought hunting would be no problem to him.

It was about twenty meters in, and one of the guards stopped Ye Song from advancing.

"We should stop here Young Master Angele; we may not be able to protect you if we go in deeper." The guard said.

"Okay, let's stop here." Angele said and smiled. He took his bow out, and grabbed a white-feathered arrow. He then nocked the arrow at the bowstring.

"Stand aside, you two. I am trying to find some targets." Ye Song ordered.

The two guards looked at each other, and they decided to sit down. They did not want to block Angele's vision. It was not a deep forest anyway, and it was not dangerous. They were not too worried about it.

"The only creatures here are the red single-eyed snakes and rabbit-umbrella squirrels. Let's just make sure that no single-eyed snakes will get close." One of the guards whispered to the other.

The other guard nodded his head.

Ye Song stood on the grass, and he surveyed the surroundings.

"I think my father once hunted a mountain black bear in the forest. Though he got injured severely, the skin of the bear is now a symbol of his power in the castle." Ye Song said calmly.

"A mountain black bear is one of the strongest animals in the forest, and it is the king of the outer forest. But there is nothing to be worried here, we are two hours away from its activity space. We need to climb over that small hill over there." One of the guards said but they did not know what Ye Song was trying to say.

One day in this world was 25 hours. Other than that, it was pretty much similar to the "time" on Earth.

"That's good to know." Ye Song nodded, and he continued checking his surroundings carefully.

"Though I was not able to take the seed, I am still pretty confident about my archery skills. I think I will get something nice this time." Ye Song said.

He turned back quickly and shot an arrow right after speaking.

The arrow turned into a white flash in the air, and it hit the tree about ten meters away.

A grey small snake was pinned on the tree, which died within seconds.

Chapter 8: Approaching (Part 2)

Translator: Leo Editor: DarkGem/Frappe

Angele ran towards the tree immediately. The two guards did not expect Angele to hit anything, and they were confused for a second before walking towards the tree.

"It's a single-eyed snake, a red one!" Angele checked the information about the snake before.

The small snake on the tree was about the width of a finger, and it had a bloody red eye on its forehead; that was where its name originated. The color of its skin was very similar to the color of the tree. If it was not pinned by the arrow, the guards probably could not find it.

Angele took out his sword and hit the snake's head precisely with the hand guard. The snake fainted right after, and it stopped moving.

"I heard its eye is good for me, I am going to eat it." Angele said in a light tone.

The two guards did not know if they should stop their Young Master or not.

Angele took out a hunting knife from his belt, and he spent some time trying to gouge the snake's eye out. Finally, he had the red bloody eye in his hand, and he threw it into his mouth right away. Angele did not chew it, but only swallowed it.

Though the snake had strong venom in its teeth, its eye had no venom at all. The two guards decided not to stop Angele because they did not want to disappoint the Young Master.

They watched Angele swallow the eye, and they saw a weird expression from his face.

"Let's keep moving." Angele said, and threw the dead snake to one of the guards. The guard took out a linen bag and placed the snake in it.

The guards had no idea what was going on, and they soon heard the sound of an arrow hitting the tree again. Angele smiled, and he quickly ran to the tree that wasn't too far away. The guards saw another single-eyed snake pinned to the body of the tree.

"Young Master, splendid shot!" One of the guards said, "We couldn't even see the snake on the tree from such a distance." He was surprised actually.

Angele heard the praise, but he did not say anything; he just smiled.

He walked to the tree, and retrieved the arrow back into his quiver. This time he hit the snake's eye, and it was a mistake. If the eye was hit, it would not be edible anymore.

Though the chip could help him modify his action after finding the target, he still needed a lot of practice to master it. When he was on Earth, people were competing with their archery skills one kilometer away from their targets. They used mechanical bows, and they could hit targets from a long distance. People all had chips assisting them, so the ones who practiced more had a better chance in winning the competitions.

"Let's move on." Angele said.

The group of three started to look for targets in the forest, and Angele had a hit rate of 60%. The two guards were kind of used to his performance. 60% hit rate was more like an average performance in a forest with so many trees. Angele did not have the seed, and he needed more strength to unleash the full potential of his high quality longbow. He would be no threat to a strong warrior; he was more like a common archer.

Half an hour later, the two guards had their linen bags full. The bags were full of animals Angele hunted, such as squirrels, grey rabbits, and single-eyed snakes. The guards could barely carry anything else.

"Go back and put those down, I will wait for you here." Angele said. "I am just going to take a rest here." He threw the snake he had just gotten to the guards while speaking. Angele stabbed the snake's mouth, and he took the white venom sac out of it before the guards put it away.

The guards grabbed the dead snake, and they looked at each other for a second.

"Hank will take those back; I will stay here with you." One of them said.

"That's fine too." Angele nodded. He was kind of tired, so he sat down by a tree. He had eaten about forty snake's eyes. He could feel there was something warm in his body, and he felt he could perform actions faster now.

One of the guards took the animals back to the castle, and the other one sat on the grass by him.

"Actually, we've already heard about the benefits of the snake's eye. Someone once tried it before, but nothing happened." The guard smiled, and he said.

"Nothing happened?" Angele asked.

"Yes, they had a bad time in the toilet, but nothing else happened." The guard answered.

Angele nodded; he knew that this method would probably not work for everybody. The report from Zero stated that this method was only compatible to certain people. The raw eye balls of the snake had a special element in it, and it could help Angele increase his agility. People had their differences for sure, and the method might only work at a certain age range.

Angele was happy with what he obtained today. He missed several shots on purpose because he did not want to astonish the guards too much. He could easily hit every shot with the help of the chip.

"I am done for today, let's head back." Angele said after resting for awhile.

"Understood." The guard said.

They went back through the route they came.

The next fifteen days, Angele went hunting every day in the forest, and the people in the castle began hearing of his superb archery skills. People weren't surprised anymore about the huge amount of animals he could hunt every time.


It was high noon in the forest, and the shades that was created by the sunlight underneath the trees were sliced into pieces by the leaves.

A white-feathered arrow was shot by a man.

Another single-eyed snake was pinned on a branch.

Following some tense footsteps, a teenager in a green hunting suit appeared, and he held a black short bow in his hand. He came out of the high grass, and two young warriors wearing grey armors were behind him.

"Another one." One of the young warriors said, and he smiled.

The teenager nodded and walked towards the branch. He took the arrow out, and grabbed the snake. He took the snake's eye out quickly with his hunting knife, and he swallowed it right after.

He could feel the warmth coming from his body, and he felt comfortable in his mind.

"Are we done today, Young Master Angele?" One of the guards asked.

Angele closed his eyes, and he smiled.

"I am going to find some more today; you two can go back and put things down first. I can probably find a black deer." He said.

The two guards knew that Angele's ability was enough for the outer forest, and there was barely any animal that could hurt him. They grabbed their bags, and they returned at a slow pace.

'Check my body condition.' Angele said in his mind after the two guards left.

'Angele Rio. Strength 0.8, Agility 2.4, Stamina 1.6.' Zero reported.

Angele was satisfied with the result.

He had already eaten hundreds of bloody red eyes by now. It seemed like he had reached the maximum amount he needed, and eating more wasn't going to be helpful anymore. However, he had improved his agility to a very high level, and he was satisfied. The training also helped him improve his stamina.

Even without the help of the seed, Angele had achieved a lot. However, his explosiveness was still horrendous; he could've done better if he had the seed. The seed probably could've doubled or tripled his fighting power, but there was nothing he could do about it.

'But…' Angele thought.

He smiled, and he drew his sword. He performed a front slash so quick that it was nearly inaudible in the air. The branch in front of him broke into pieces and fell down. His speed was faster than Alad's demonstration at the training grounds.

'And…' He thought.

Angele looked at the broken branch, and there was a fly on it. He was actually aiming at the fly's wings, and its wings were cut off precisely. The fly was still moving on the branch.

"I am not a weak ass playboy anymore." Angele sheathed his sword, and he ecstatically laughed.


A guy in grey was drawing closer to Angele from about one hundred meters away. He tried not to make any noise as he stepped on the grass quietly. There were birds and insects making noises in the forest, so Angele probably did not hear anything at all.

"Right here?" The guy stopped, and he tried to hide himself behind a tree.

The guy was named Dice, and he was a member of the assassin guild called Dark Emblem. He was an extremely careful man, and he would make sure he collected enough information about his target before starting his mission. Though he had the skill of a knight, he was still very careful, and that was the reason why he barely failed any mission.

'Assassination target, Baron Rio. Decapitate his head off as proof. According to the information, Karl Rio has the level of a knight. He took down ten heavy-armored cavalrymen on his own before, and he escaped successfully after.' He went through his mission in his mind one more time, and he was not too concerned about the baron's power.

'Ten heavy-armored cavalry? That means nothing… That's why I hate the countryside. They are like the frogs trapped in a deep well and know nothing about the world. Ha.' Dice thought; he had just killed twenty heavy-armored cavalrymen and a knight consecutively not so long ago.

He was trying to follow the order; otherwise, he would've probably just rushed straight into the castle and left after killing everyone.

'Such an easy mission… Killing a random lord at the countryside, and just a regular knight…' Dice had killed numerous knights in his life, and he really did not think this one would be any different.


Inside the castle, the conference hall.

The baron was sitting on the chair with a disappointed face, but he did not say anything.

Audis and Wade were sitting by his side, and they both had solemn expressions on their faces.

"An assassin from the Dark Emblem, who might be the one behind this? He probably paid them really good." Wade said. "Dark Emblem is a huge organization, and they are all over the country. Their members are all very strong. Big trouble this time." He was really worried.

"They sent me a letter saying they are coming for me." The baron said in a deep tone, "They are telling me when I am going to die. There is one thing I don't understand, though. It takes thousands of gold coins for one to buy a kill from them, yet my whole territory only makes several hundreds of gold coins per year… Am I really worth that much?" The baron wondered.

"There is nothing to fear. We have three knights sitting here waiting for them." Audis said.

The baron was still angry about it. He was playing with the letter he received. The letter was all black, which only had a bloody red spider symbol shining occasionally on it. It made the letter look strange and beautiful at the same time.

[TL Note: Author replaced Ye Song to Angele starting from this chapter for some reason; I am following the original text for now.]